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Cracked Mouth Corners Might Be Annoying: Find Out How To Treat Them

August 29, 2020 0

There are so many skin conditions that you know about. But have you ever thought about the cracks you might get around your lips? Have you ever experienced some pain around your lips and wondered why? Well, it could be the condition of cracked mouth corners. If you are not vigilant about your lips, you might have mouth conditions that make your routine sore and painful. Of course, you are talking, eating, and drinking through your mouth, right? If something is wrong with your mouth or lips, you might experience uneasiness and pain while eating or speaking.

The good news is that if you experience any problems, you can embrace the creams that work for you, like the best and most effective fungal cream for lips. You can check out the options in the realm of Ketomac and find the suitable cream as per your specific needs. The condition of Angular cheilitis is even known as angular stomatitis and that of perlèche. It triggers swollen, red patches in the corners or endings on the outside of your lips. These cracks can occur on one or both sides of your mouth. It’s an inflammatory situation that might either last a couple of days or be a chronic issue. It might impact people of all age groups.

Since you know it knows that it is Medically called angular cheilitis (literally “it is an inflammation of the angles of your lip”), it is even known as perleche, derived from the French lecher that of “to lick.” The point is that sometimes when you experience pain on the corners of your mouth because of cracks, you lick it continuously or repeatedly to feel comfort. But it is something that aggravates your situation.

Possible Reasons for the condition of Perleche

This Perleche owns several possible reasons, mostly from in or around your mouth (although systemic diseases or medications might cause it in rare events). It is mainly found among younger people who drool during sleep or older people with deep wrinkles along the sides of the mouth that augment dryness and cracking. Then you know the long-term wind or cold exposure, ill-fitting dentures, or a lack of back teeth (that help support facial structure) could even contribute to the condition. Patients having perleche might also develop yeast infections from a strain known as candida Albicans, and the infection might spread through the whole mouth, increasing the chances of physical discomfort.

Remember that treating the condition of perleche most of the time involves topical ointments having inflammation-reducing steroids and even zinc oxide, which owns antifungal properties, to cater for an environmental barrier during the healing procedure. If a yeast infection emerges, professionals may treat it with oral or topical antifungal medication, which has antibacterial properties. The point is you can find out the creams and other options once you know that you have a condition around your mouth, and timely actions can ensure that you have healthy and happy lips and mouth.

It even helps to adopt a couple of preventive measures that can minimalize the emergence of perleche. If you wear dentures, for example, cleaning these often (encompassing, if necessary, with chlorhexidine) and leaving them out during the night diminishes bacterial and fungal growth. Professionals can also see if your dentures are fitting correctly. Replacing your missing teeth provides better facial support and might minimize wrinkling around your mouth. And indeed, keeping up regular brushing and flossing assists in ensuring a healthy and ailment-free mouth.

Apparent Signs 

Signs of angular cheilitis will almost appear exclusively at the corners of the mouth. The signs can be piercing. These might differ from mild redness to open, bleeding blisters. In case you are experiencing the condition of angular cheilitis, the corners of your mouth could be:

– Bleeding

– Cracked

– Red

– Swollen

– Blistered

– Scaly

– Crusty

– Itchy

– Painful

Other signs can include:

– You might get a bad taste in your mouth

– Challenges eating as a result of the irritation

– You experience a burning feeling on your lips or mouth

– Lips feeling extremely dry or chapped

What Triggers angular cheilitis?

There are various types different causes of angular cheilitis. The most common is yeast infection as an outcome of saliva. You know what? Saliva might build up and get trapped in the corners of the lips, which causes the lips to crack. A person might lick their lips more to soothe the pain or dryness of their lips. This excessive saliva could sit in the corners, which is the ideal warm environment for fungi such as yeast to grow. Of course, you know very well that these yeast infections occur mainly in the areas that stay wet. Also, viruses and bacteria might trigger it to develop. There are specific types of people who are more at risk for experiencing or developing angular cheilitis, encompassing the ones who:

– Take regular oral thrush

– Often use corticosteroids or antibiotics

– Have an overhang of your upper lip, forming up deeper angles at the corners of the lips

– Wear the braces

– Have a susceptible type of skin

– Have other sorts of inflammatory illnesses, such as Crohn’s ailment

– Making use of oral retinoid medication

– Possess Sjogren’s syndrome

– The habit of smoking

– Possess diabetes, anaemia, or cancer

– Experience deficiencies of vitamins B-9, B-2, B-6, or B-3, or even that the mineral zinc

How Does angular cheilitis Get diagnosed?

Since this angular cheilitis condition could signify a fungal or bacterial infection, you must consult your doctor to find out how to treat it. Your primary care doctor might diagnose angular cheilitis, but dermatologists could be able to cater to the best treatment. Yes, you should consult a good dermatologist, and they will let you know what exactly you are there and how you can get rid of it. After all, these dermatologists are skin specialists. Your doctor will examine your skin and ask about any other skin irritations elsewhere on your body.

Remember, the doctor might ask you about your personal and family history of this oral thrush and even that of yeast infections. These doctors could even ask what other conditions you have and what medications you are already taking. Also, your doctor could probably take culture swabs from the corners of the mouth to send to a lab to get them tested, and such a thing would help them diagnose a reason.


So, you should be careful about your antifungal lips and ensure that you use suitable creams to heal your lips. Your irritating and pesky cracks on the corners of your mouth will take a back seat if you use the suitable creams and talk to the doctor right away. The sooner you take action, the better and speedier outcomes you experience.

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