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How To Determine Your Hair Type

July 23, 2019 0

Like many fellows, do you constantly find yourself in trouble finding out what to use and what not for your beloved Hair? Do you think you lack somewhere? Before you land on any specific product, you have to be sure about what type of Hair you own. If you don’t know what you have, how can you determine what you want for what you have?

It is time that you figure out and know your hair type. Once you know which type of locks you have, you can resort to the best solutions. Indeed, it would not be a trouble for you to find out the best products for you once you have determined the Hair you have. There are so many kinds of hair products; there are endless solutions; myriad Hair types too. The type of Hair determines the solution that goes well with it.

What exactly determines the hair type?

There are diverse factors that determine the hair type you have, and these encompass hair density, Porosity, diameter, greasiness, curl pattern, and elasticity. Before you get anxious about knowing what type of hair you have, the following are a few interesting methods that you can employ to determine your specific hair type. Don’t waste your seconds and dive into the knowledge right away.

The density of Hair

Have you ever considered the density of Hair you have? Your Hair’s density relates to how much Hair you have on the scalp. The thickness does differ from its diameter. A person can own a thin hair diameter but have a thick hair density. It can be wise versa too. Based on several individual hair strands on your scalp, the concept can be divided into three density levels. To discover which category the Hair falls under, you can practice the mirror test. Knowing hair type would help you identify what would suit you the best for you. Indeed, once you know the hair type, it will become easier for you to tackle your hair issues to get the exact and accurate solutions. Here, you can embrace a big chunk of your hair and pull it to one side. The extent to which you can witness your scalp would tell volumes about the density of your Hair.

  • What is Thin Density?

If your scalp is easily visible, you own a thin density of Hair, and it would simply mean your Hair is placed in a scant manner.

  • What do you mean by Medium Density?

If you can witness the scalp partially from beneath your Hair, you fall in the category of medium hair density.

  • Thick density 

If you can barely see your scalp, your thick hair density.

Hair Diameter

The diameter of the Hair talks about the width of the hair strand of an individual. It is the most fitting way to find out your hair type. You can execute the strand test to determine if your hair is fine, thick, or medium.

Just grip a single strand of the Hair between the index finger and middle finger.

  • Thin Hair

If you hardly feel the existence of a strand between the fingers, then you own thin Hair. In some instances, the hair strand could be so thin that it would not be visible only.

  • Medium Hair

Talking about medium Hair, if you can slightly feel the existence of hair strands between the fingers, you own medium Hair.

  • Thick Hair

Speaking about thick Hair, you fall in this category if you can feel the hair strand between the fingers.

Again if you are not sure about these ways, then there is another way to test the hair type, and it is by comparing it to a sewing thread. It would help if you kept a hair strand side to side the length of a thread. If it is only as thick or thicker than that of thread, you encompass coarse or thick hair. If the Hair is more or less the same depth as the thread, you own medium Hair. And finally, in case the hair strand is considerably thinner than thread, then thin or limp Hair is what you possess.


Have you ever considered the Porosity of your Hair? It is somewhat referred to as the Hair’s capability to absorb and preserve moisture. It also spreads to its ability to absorb the products. If you have higher Porosity, you will absorb more moisture and product. Once you figure out the Hair’s Porosity, it could help you pick the right products. If you want to know about the degree of Porosity of your Hair, plunge a single hair strand into the glass of water.

High Porosity

If your hair strand sinks to the bottom fully, you own high hair porosity. You know, Hair having high Porosity is more disposed to damage as it might readily absorb chemicals from different products. The Hair also gets rough and frizzy quickly. Another hint of this condition is that the Hair dries up right after washing it. Remember, even if you are using the best products like Ketomac products to help fight dandruff, you can kill your dandruff issue for sure, but once knowing the type of strands you have, you can work on your Hair more confidently.

Low porosity 

In this case, hair strands float on the surface. The Hair takes a long time to dry. The individual has fewer pores in the hair cuticle, diminishing the capacity to absorb water.

Normal or medium Porosity

The Hair takes in the correct sum of moisture in this case. After washing it, the Hair experiences wet, but it would not be gluey. The strand would float in between and be properly balanced if a person has average Porosity. Such Hair wears any hairstyle naturally and is always a breeze. And yes, this type of Hair is less predisposed to damage.


Thus, maybe you use your hair products after reading great reviews like the Ketomac shampoo review, but that would not serve the purpose for you unless you know what your hair kind is.

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