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White Hair Causes And Treatment

July 16, 2019 0

You know it is not uncommon for your hair to change as you get older. As a younger person, you might have a full head of black, brown, red, or blonde hair. Now that you are pretty older, you can notice thinning in certain areas of your scalp or head, or your hair can change from its original colour to that grey or white.

Indeed, you might be wondering what white hair causes, right? It is better to know that your body has hair follicles which are tiny sacs that line skin cells. Hair follicles have pigment cells called melanin, and these cells cater to your hair colour. But over time, hair follicles can quickly lose pigment, resulting in white hair.

What causes white hair at a young age?

White hair is much more noticeable in people having darker hair colours. Although white hair is typical of ageing, colourless hair strands can emerge at any age — even when you are still in high school or college. If you are a teenager or in your 20s, you could find one or more strands of white hair. There could be ways to restore pigmentation, but it relies on the reason. The following are a few of the common causes of prematurely white hair.


Yes, it plays a role for sure. Your makeup plays a huge role in when (or in case) you develop white hair. If you notice white hair at an early age, it is off chance that your parents or grandparents even had greying or white hair at an early age. Unfortunately, you cannot simply change genetics. But in case you don’t like the way your grey hair appears, you can always choose to colour your hair.

Extreme Stress

Everyone deals with stress from time to time. The results and outcomes of chronic stress can include

– high blood pressure

– anxiety

– sleep problems

– change in appetite

Stress can even affect your hair. A study has found a connection between stress and depletion of stem cells in the hair follicles of mice. So in case you’ve noticed a rise in your number of white strands, your stress might be the reason. This theory could also explain why some world leaders appear to age or grey quicker while in office.

 Autoimmune disease

An autoimmune disease or ailment can also cause premature white hair. This is a condition when the body’s immune system attacks its cells. In alopecia and vitiligo, the immune system might attack hair and trigger loss of pigment. Indeed, there is a white hair treatment if you look around and pick a suitable one.

Thyroid disorder

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland situated at the base of your neck. It assists control various bodily functions such as metabolism. The health of your thyroid might also influence the colour of your hair. Hormonal changes triggered by a thyroid problem — such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism — may also be the reason for premature white hair. An overactive or underactive thyroid can trigger your body to generate less melanin.

Vitamin B-12 deficiency

Yes, if you have a vitamin B-12 deficiency, you need to work on yourself. It might be the reason for greying hair. You know, white hair at an early age could also indicate a vitamin B-12 deficiency. Vitamin plays a vital role in your body, and it caters to your energy. Moreover, it contributes to healthy hair growth and hair shade.

A vitamin B-12 deficiency is linked with a situation known as pernicious anaemia. It is when your body cannot absorb sufficient of this vitamin. Your body requires vitamin B-12 for healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen to cells in your body, encompassing hair cells. A deficiency can deteriorate hair cells and even affect the production of melanin.


You know there is also a link between premature white hair and smoking. One study found a connection between the “onset of grey hair before your age of 30 and cigarette smoking.” It is well-known and apparent that smoking cigarettes enhance lung cancer and heart disease risk. However, the long-term impacts can go beyond this heart and lungs and affect even your hair. Smoking tightens blood vessels, diminishing blood flow to hair follicles and triggers hair loss. Apart from this, toxins in cigarettes can harm the parts of your body, encompassing your hair follicles and triggering early white hair. The point is that if you smoke, you must stop it right away for your gorgeous hair.

Can white hair get prevented?

Once you read the Ketomac shampoo review, you might have faith in this prevention. The shampoo can help you get rid of your grey hair and give you dark smooth hair. The ability to reverse or prevent white hair relies on the reason. In case the cause is genetics, there is not anything that you can do to avert or permanently reverse the colour change.

If you suspect a health problem, you must consult a doctor to determine if an underlying condition is accountable for white hair. If you treat the underlying health problem, pigmentation can return, but there are no assurances.

As per a study, if a thyroid problem causes white hair, re-pigmentation can occur after hormone therapy treatment. Taking vitamin B-12 shots or going for pills to correct a deficiency may also enhance the health of hair follicles and return your natural colour. In case white hair emerges as an outcome of stress or smoking, there is not enough evidence to support the return of pigmentation after giving up smoking or diminishing stress.

You can also start using shampoos like Keto scalp shampoo and get the experience you seek. The shampoo might help you with greying hair, and your hair might stay black and shiny.


Thus, it is okay to have grey hair because you are not alone. And since you know the reasons and remedies to some extent, make sure you try your best to get rid of them.

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