
Oily hair is a common concern for a lot of people. If you wash your hair daily and by the time the day ends, your hair feels oily and greasy, then probably you have oily hair. It’s not just the grease on your hair that bothers you; even accompanying dandruff, itchiness, and other problems make you feel miserable. Read to find out about oily scalp causes and ways to treat it.

What causes oily hair and scalp?

The leading cause behind an oily scalp is the overproduction of oil by the sebaceous glands. These are responsible for the production of sebum, a waxy and oily substance, and are present beneath the tiny pores of your scalp. Sebum is a natural oil that helps keep the skin moisturized and the skin protected. This oily substance is crucial for maintaining healthy hair and scalp. In some cases, when the sebaceous glands tend to overproduce this oil in your scalp or skin, your hair gets greasy. Below are some factors that contribute to an oily and greasy scalp.

  • Genes:

Genes are a significant determinant of oily hair, and your genes will decide whether you will have an oily or dry or normal scalp. If your parents or other immediate relatives have oily and greasy skin or scalp, you have a high chance of it.

  • If you wash your hair frequently or scrub it hard:

Frequently washing your hair and scrubbing it too hard can remove the protective barrier on your scalp. Consequently, the sebaceous glands underneath start producing excess oil to compensate by attempting to hydrate the scalp.

  • Lack of hygiene:

Suppose you fail at keeping personal hygiene, like not washing hair regularly, sleeping using dirty bedsheets and pillows, and using dirty hair tools. Practising all that, you might face the problem of an oily scalp.

  • Having an unhealthy diet:

If your diet includes high carb foods, extraordinarily oily and spicy food, and lacks nutritional foods, it could cause your scalp to get oily and greasy.

  • Stress:

If you take a lot of stress in your life, then the activity of the sebaceous glands might increase, causing an excess production of sebum. Therefore, high-stress levels can be a contributor to oily scalp.

  • Hair products:

You should always use products that do not contain harsh chemicals. The reason is that harsh hair products tend to damage the protective barrier of your scalp. The absence of this protective barrier may cause a lack of essential oils in your scalp, because of which the sebaceous glands start overproducing sebum.

  • Hormonal fluctuations:

Fluctuations in hormones during menopause, pregnancy, puberty and irregular periods significantly impact the amount of oil on your scalp.

Methods to get rid of greasy hair & oily scalp


An oily scalp can give rise to clogged pores, dandruff, accumulation of dirt, and hair fall. To be able to deal with oily scalp, you must first know the cause behind it. If you always have greasy hair and oily scalp, it is probably related to genetic factors, but if you have developed oily hair over the years, then the cause is related to some external factors. Nonetheless, this issue can be easily managed with the help of a few simple ways.

  • Avoid washing your hair frequently:

The most critical factor determining whether your hair will be oily or not is the frequency you wash it. If you do not wash it for more extended periods, you might have oily hair due to an excess build-up of oil and debris. However, if you wash it too frequently, it might cause oily hair as your scalp will lose all its natural oils, resulting in the overproduction of sebum. Therefore, you must maintain a regular and healthy interval between your washing days.

  • Shampoo properly

Sometimes, we take hair washing for granted, and it’s not enough to rub a few drops of shampoo in your hair. Shampoo cleans your hair of any dirt or debris and removes extra oil from your hair and scalp. And that is why it is essential to shampoo your hair properly.

  • The right way to shampoo:

You should take a small amount of shampoo in your hands and massage it into your hair and scalp. It would help if you did not scrub your scalp with nails, as doing that would rip off the skin barrier, making you lose moisture and essential oil from the scalp. While shampooing, you should try to shampoo your scalp only, as your ends will receive the shampoo when you rinse it.

  • You should rinse your hair properly:

It is not a good idea to allow product build-up to occur. Hair can feel heavier if it isn’t washed thoroughly after shampooing or conditioning. Ensure to rinse your hair thoroughly to prevent unwanted build-up.

  • Be careful while conditioning your hair:

Using an excessive amount of conditioner can cause your hair to become greasy and promote hair fall. In addition to that, it can give rise to bacterial growth. Therefore, you should try to use only the recommended amount of conditioner on your hair. Use it on the ends of your hair and only the areas in need, and make sure to rinse it off properly.

  • Purchase products that are specially designed for oily hair and scalp:

Every individual has a unique hair type, just like everyone’s skin is different. Make sure you invest in hair products available in the market that address your unique concerns. Many products on the market, such as dandruff shampoo for oily hair, mainly target oily hair. Also, it would help if you go for trusted brands like Ketomac.

  • Keep your hair tools clean:

You need to clean brushes, rollers, also curling irons from dirt and grease. You are adding dirt and grease to your scalp by using the same hairbrushes for a long without cleaning them. Use properly cleaned brushes, rollers, and combs to avoid contact with oily substances. Also, make sure to change your pillowcases frequently. Use a cleanser to wash your brushes at least once per week.

  • Avoid scrubbing or brushing your hair too hard:

Over-brushing your scalp can cause damage to the protective layer that is responsible for locking in natural oils and moisture. This activity can rip off your scalp’s natural oils, which can cause your sebaceous glands to produce excess sebum. This can ultimately lead to oily hair as well as a greasy scalp.

  • It is essential to wash your hair after every workout session:

After a hard workout, your scalp might feel sweaty, and excess sweat accumulation on your scalp and hair can make it feel greasy and very annoying. Therefore, after a hard workout, shampooing your hair might prevent greasiness.

  • Try to avoid heat on your hair:

Hair can be damaged by heat using styling products. These products can cause hair breakage and strip your hair of essential oils. This can make your hair feel heavy and greasy because your scalp will produce more oil. Moreover, you should avoid styling products that contain silicone, as it can cause hair to look oily and prevent healthy hair growth.

Some simple changes in your routine can help you deal with oily and greasy hair. But the first step is still buying an anti-dandruff shampoo for oily hair that would help you deal with dandruff and oiliness in the hair and scalp.


Out of the many hair concerns women have, having oily hair frustrates them the most. Although the markets are flooded with hair products that promise to give you shiny, lustrous, anti-dandruff hair, very few products help us fight greasy hair. However, this in no way should lower the self-esteem of the girls who have oily hair. We mention below eight hair care habits that every oily-haired girl must follow to have healthy hair.

What causes oily hair? – Before we start finding solutions for oily hair, we must understand what causes oily air. Sebum is the oil produced by the oil glands in the body. When sebum is produced in excess, and when it is accumulated, it results in oily hair. Body oil, to some extent, is necessary to keep our skin hydrated and healthy, but overproduction of it becomes a cause to worry. Excessive oil production can happen due to hormonal imbalance or your daily beauty regime. The frequency of hair wash, the products you use, and the hairstyles you use contribute to oily hair.

Apply conditioner the right way-it is necessary to use a conditioner for oily hair. A conditioner not only hydrates the hair but also provides protection, which shampoos cannot do alone. The vital thing to consider is to find a hair conditioner that suits your hairstyle and needs. It is suggested to apply conditioner only at the ends of the hair strands instead of applying it all over the hair. Avoid the scalp from getting in contact with the conditioner. You must rinse your hair thoroughly afterwards. Sometimes the leftover shampoo or conditioner on the hair is mistaken to be oil.

Do not wash hair too frequently– do not wash your hair daily as it may result in greasy hair roots. Washing it every day means that the hair is deprived of the natural oil necessary to provide the hair with shine. When the sebum is washed away, the body produces more of it to combat the dryness, leading to the overproduction of sebum. This goes on like a never-ending process, which leaves you with nothing but greasy hair. Therefore, you must shampoo your hair every alternate day or once in 3 days.

Switch up your brush-it is a myth that brushing oily hair can only worsen it. If you choose the right brush, you can clear the hair of the oil. The oil may also get distributed, making the hair appear less oily. Bristle brushes work well for greasy roots as the fibres gather oil and distribute it throughout the hair. However, don’t brush it too vigorously as that can only boost oil production.

Choose your products wisely– not all products are suitable for all hair types. Some products can worsen your oily hair problem when you choose hairstyle products to refrain from buying products labelled as shine-enhancing or anti-frizz as these products contain oil, which can make your hair look oilier. Search for products with volumizing properties which will uplift your hair and prevent it from coming in contact with greasy roots.

It can affect the appearance and feel of the hair. This is because, just like your air, oil is also produced in your fingertips and face. This oil can be transferred to your hair, making the problem of oily hair all the worse. So keep your hands away from your hair! Do not touch your hair- do not fiddle with your hair all the time, as twirling and raking can only worsen your oily hair.

Avoid straightening your hair– to all those who love using flat irons to give a straightened look to their hair; this may come as bad news. However, straightened hair can only worsen the oiliness problem in your hair. Straight hair makes it easy for the oil to travel down to the hair shaft, making it more prominent. Straight hair makes the hair attach too closely to the scalp, thereby contacting the oil of the scalp and face. Instead, go for a curly hairstyle, which will give your hair volume so that it does not become greasy too soon.

Go easy on the dry shampoo- do not use dry shampoo in excess as it can result in product build-up, making your scalp go dry and produce more oil in return.

Use a scalp scrub– you can include a hair exfoliator or scalp scrub into your hair care routine once a week to reduce the build-up of oil. Apply the scrub on a wet scalp, as the water will help carry the product well. Gently massage the scalp with the exfoliator in small circular motions with the help of your fingertips, just the way you exfoliate your face. To prepare a homemade scrub, you need to mix two tablespoons of sea salt, two tablespoons of lemon juice, and two tablespoons of olive oil. The salt helps remove the dead skin, dirt and grime, and excess oil accumulation. The olive oil keeps your hair hydrated. With this homemade scrub, you can also say goodbye to oily air.

Are you all prepared to bid farewell to your oily air finally? You must find the perfect shampoo and conditioner for your oily hair. Ketomac shampoo is the best that one can use. Ketomac shampoo contains ketoconazole that interferes with fungi and yeast cell membranes to kill them. Ketomac shampoo is best for the prevention and treatment of dandruff.

Dandruff is a common problem faced by a majority of the population. Although generally harmless, dandruff can be very annoying. Ketoconazole is most effective in treating dandruff. Ketomac shampoo treats itching, flaking, scaling, and dandruff. Ketomac provides the most effective and best dandruff treatment for oily scalp. Avoid contact with Ketomac shampoo with your eyes and mouth. If it has been contacted by chance, rinse it off thoroughly with water. Store it in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight. Keep it out of reach of small children.

How to use Ketomac shampoo-Wet your scalp and hair with water. Take a small quantity of Ketomac shampoo, apply it to your scalp, and massage it well to form a lather. Let the shampoo remain for five to 10 minutes, and then wash it with water thoroughly. Initially, it would help if you used Ketomac shampoo twice a week for a month. After that, once the dandruff has cleared, use it once a week to prevent dandruff from recurring and to keep the scalp clean.

If you have not already brought a Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo, you must buy one without further delay. Ketomac is the best anti-dandruff shampoo for the oily scalp available on the market today. You will no longer have to feel embarrassed to comb your hair in front of others or fear white flakes falling from your hair into your shoulder. All you will have is healthy and shiny hair!