
Your hair may be a victim of hair fall. If you think that your hair is falling because of general seasonal change, that would be consoling. You are just soothing yourself and nothing else. It is time that you search out the reason for your hair fall. Most folks face the condition of hair fall because of extensive dandruff. You know dandruff does not trigger hair loss, but if your dandruff is supplemented with itching and you always spot yourself scratching, the hair fall is chiefly because of the scratching part. Every time you scratch your scalp, your hair falls.

You can quickly get Medicated shampoo for hair fall in India and ensure that you check your hair correctly. Once you use suitable shampoos, you can ensure that your hair and scalp stay clean and safe. Of course, so many shampoos are specifically formed to protect your hair and scalp and keep you healthy. Here are some points you must consider to ensure that you do not face hair fall.

Alter your lifestyle habits 

You know what, stress is one thing that worsens hair loss, and it leads to scalp problems. Please take at least eight hours of sleep each night and avoid extreme temperatures. Similarly, it would help if you also allowed your hair to air-dry. The less you stretch and pull your hair, the firmer the roots stay. You must use a blow dryer only when necessary to remove heat-related scalp stress. Equally, please stay away from any hairspray and gel that may trigger scalp dryness, irritation, and even much more, and it heads to extensive hair fall.

Remember, the less stress you take. The fewer hair falls you may experience. Once you keep your stress in control, you surely will see a significant difference in your hair fall.

Keep Your Hair Clean 

It is crucial to rinse your hair a minimum of twice a week. If you daily expose your hair to sunlight and dust particles, then three times will be necessary. Remember that a clean and fresh scalp is the foe for any amount of dandruff. You can easily use medicated shampoos of Ketomac that work well with your scalp. But if you are allergic to any shampoos, you can opt for natural ones. These shampoos will keep your hair smooth, scalp clean, and hygienic. If your hair and scalp are not clean, it may accumulate unnecessary dust and oils and result in extreme dandruff and hair fall. Remember that you must continuously wash your hair with the same shampoo for some weeks. The shampoo is not going to show any results overnight.

Coriander juice

Now, you know coriander possesses essential vitamins and protein for your hair that assist your hair in ceasing hair fall and starting the growth of new hair once again. Coriander leaves are good and get used in the Indian kitchens to make curries, cereals, and even a particular garnish over salads. You need to get some elements of coriander branches with leaves lenient in nature. You require to make a paste from it by using some water. Extract the juice and apply the stuff over your scalp where dandruff is absorbed. It would help if you kept coriander juice over the scalp for an hour and then removed it with shampoo. Of course, you can use a good shampoo that works for your hair. In this way, you can ensure that your hair is solid and free of grime and dandruff.

Try not to Keep Your Hair Covered. 

If you are one of those who always keep their hair covered with any cap or scarf or otherwise, you could be damaging your hair. Your hair needs to be safe and effective, and you must ensure that your hair stays clean, safe, and hygienic. Once you keep your hair covered all the time, your hair does not get space to breathe, and no freshness reaches your scalp and hair. In this manner, you find your hair flighty and unhygienic. So, make sure that you let your hair breathe some fresh air.

Don’t comb your wet hair. 

If you want to stop your hair from falling, you need to cease combing when your hair is wet. You have to ensure that you comb them only when they dry up. Many folks comb their hair as soon as they step out of the shower. As an outcome, they lose double and triple locks of hair more than usual. What is the point of combing wet hair and simply losing all your hair? Could you have noticed your combs or brushes full of hair? Hair fall occurs for everybody to some extent, but it expands extensively when you comb your wet hair.

Massage Your Hair with Oils 

If you do scalp massage, you can be confident that your scalp is clean and that your hair is vital. Scalp massage is not simply for pleasure and relaxation but also for strengthening your hair. You can keep your hair quite strong and scalp fresh once you massage your head a minimum weekly. Whenever there is an off from the office or school, you can take that head massage, and you will feel the difference. However, make sure that you use the correct type of oils only.

Moreover, if you are unsure how to do proper massaging or get the utmost outcomes of oil, you must do the following. When you go to bed, ensure that you correctly put oil in your hair. Then with both your hands, run your fingers around your hair. Ensure that the oil touches all the areas of your scalp. When drenching your scalp with oil, wrap your hair around with a towel. You must leave your hair as it is for the rest of the night. Ensure that you give your hair a nice hair wash in the morning. In this way, your hair will get adequately moisturised, and the oil will work throughout the night.

Always keep yourself hydrated.  

If you think that water consumption is only beneficial for your health, skin, and weight loss, the list does not end here. If you take good water every day, you can ensure that your hair stays strong and does not fall off. It would help if you always tried to keep yourself hydrated, and you will feel the perks. Hydration is one crucial thing that you should not miss out on. And of course, sometimes, if you think your hair is getting too sweaty, and you washed up your hair a day before, it is okay to re-wash. Do not take any chance with your hair.


So, you should look out for medicated shampoo for dandruff and ensure that you have a great experience. After all, your hair demands proper care and attention, and you must not miss out on it.


There are always times that you experience hair and scalp issues. Sometimes a prickly, flaky scalp designates merely dry skin. Other times, it could signal an underlying skin matter like psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, or even a fungus known as Malassezia.

If you think that you use the best shampoos, but they are not simply working for you, you need to think beyond general shampoos. It would help if you opted for medicated shampoo in India, working for your specific issues. Indeed, these medicated shampoos ensure that your specific problem gets resolved without any side effects. You use your available shampoo for washing your hair to replace the general shampoo and take a bath.

How does a medicated shampoo work?

Various folks wonder if medicated shampoos actually work or in case such claims are just marketing hype. In most cases, dandruff shampoo, antifungal shampoo, and even prescription shampoos for diverse scalp issues or ailments usually work, so professionals suggest these medicated options. You can check out the medicated products of Ketomac.

Now, different from ordinary shampoos that possess just the cleansing agents, medicated shampoos own drugs that work on your scalp and treat skin conditions. Just as you could apply the cream to a skin rash on your arm, you might apply medicated shampoo to your scalp to reduce inflammation and calm itchiness. Different medicated shampoos are meant for severe dandruff and can be purchased over the counter, and there can also be some shampoos that demand a doctor’s prescription.

Usually, in the beginning, you can start by treating your itchy, flaky scalp with a hugely available medicated shampoo and then follow up with a dermatologist if that treatment does not solve the issue. And remember, different kinds of scalp problems demand different medicated shampoos, and once you use them for some weeks, you will see the results.

Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis

The pittosporum oval yeast usually triggers dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. These are treated with shampoos that possess antifungal agents, such as zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, selenium, and even sulfur. These would work for these conditions, and you would get the relief you seek. You can get different options in medicated shampoos once you look for them.

How do you choose suitable medicated shampoos?

Since people are getting aware, they are replacing their general shampoos with medicated ones to fight off their specific hair conditions. It is a good move because when you know that the shampoo you are currently using will not heal your specific issue, you must replace it. The role of a general shampoo is to ensure that your hair is clean and your scalp is fresh, and it would only ensure the cleanliness of your hair and nothing more or less.

But when you have a medicated shampoo, that will be an issue specific, and it means it would target a specific hair or scalp condition. If you feel that these medicated shampoos would work for the conditions, you are wrong. These medicated shampoos do generally work for the overall welfare of your hair and scalp. You can be sure that you get hair and scalp that is fresh and clean and free of any specific conditions. Since the medicated shampoo would work on your condition, you can ensure that you work towards better results. But then, since the world of shampoos is overcrowded, it gets vital that you know which shampoo to pick and which not. Have a look below to find out how to pick the right medicated shampoo.

Always check the brand.

The foremost thing you should keep in mind is the shampoo’s brand or make. It does play a crucial role. Many people think that any random medicated shampoo is a good option. But that is not the case. Since your hair and scalp are precious, you cannot take a risk with them. What is the point if your hair or scalp gets damaged because of the wrong usage of shampoo? It gets crucial that you pick the shampoos that belong to a brand that has earned a name in the industry. For example, you can check out the variety in the realm of Ketomac medicated shampoos. You can be sure that whichever shampoo you pick this way; works for your condition.

Check the reputation

Then reputation of the make is one thing that does play a role. You cannot simply avoid the reputation because that would open up a lot of information for you. Once you know that the brand you are considering for yourself is good, you can be sure that you will get positive results. The point is simple, a good name or brand would never want that its hard-earned name and good reputation goes for a toss. They would do everything to ensure that their products are good, effective, and safe. They would never want to disappoint their users in any sense. In this way, once you pick a make with a good reputation, you can be sure that you get content results.

But on the other side, if you pick a random brand that does not have a good name or has a random reputation, you might get bad results. Yes, the point is, since the name of the brand is already shallow, it might not put effort to content for its users. So, it depends on you to make a move thoughtfully here. After all, it is about your hair and scalp’s overall health and good condition. Once you take precautions before purchasing the products, you get your desired results.

Check the specification

Just because shampoo is a medicated one, it does not mean it will suit you. Make sure that you check the specifics of the product. Once you check the specifics of the shampoo, you can be sure that you know what exactly it is going to do to your hair and scalp. For example, if you have dehydrated scalp and hair, you can look for a medicated shampoo meant for dry scalp and hair. Then if you have dandruff, you can ensure that you pick a medicated dandruff shampoo that works on your dandruff. In this way, you would get the shampoos for the specific needs and hence, the best outcomes. You can even check the ingredients of the product to be double sure. For example, if you know that you have an allergy to a specific thing often found in shampoos, make sure that you check the ingredients list of the shampoo pack before making a purchase and ensure that the allergic ingredient is not used in the shampoo.


So, you can check out the options, and you will get the right and most effective medicated shampoo in India. These shampoos are more effective and powerful if you use them properly and choose them thoughtfully.


Dandruff is a common hair problem that almost every person has perhaps experienced in his lifetime. It doesn’t depend on ethnicity, age, or gender. This problem isn’t just confined to the scalp; however, it might also affect areas such as the chest, beard, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, etc. So, any area with hair on it can be affected by dandruff. It is also referred to as seborrheic dermatitis and seborrhea. Have you ever looked for medicated shampoo for dandruff? Well, many people experience flare-ups only occasionally, and many others are more prone to this problem.

Effects of Dandruff

Dandruff appears like dry, flaky skin on the scalp, sometimes accompanied by inflamed skin that appears red or pink. When dandruff is more intense, it causes itching or burning, compels the sufferer to keep scratching the scalp. Curing dandruff entirely is not easy, but its management is very much possible. So, with fair hair and skincare and hygiene, you will be able to keep this problem pretty much under control.

When babies develop dandruff, the problem is known as cradle cap, which gets cleared after a few months. Although people don’t seem to be bothered when the problem is mild, it does create frustration when it is severe. Now, wouldn’t you want to know the most common causes of dandruff? Well, if yes, then check them out here-

Causes of Dandruff

  • Although many people believe that dry skin is the main reason people develop dandruff, this isn’t so. In reality, dandruff is often gets caused by a variety of yeast, known as Pittosporum orbicular. This yeast feeds on the oil secreted by the human scalp, and when it overgrows, it causes dandruff. And that is probably the reason why people with oily scalps are more prone to developing this condition. So, if you are someone with a lot of scalp oil, then it’s likely that you are harbouring this organism. If the condition is mild, then it will clear away with a bit of care and attention. You can also use home remedies to treat dandruff. And for fast results, you can wash your hair with some medicated shampoo for dandruff.
  • The second most important reason for dandruff is stress. Dandruff is a sign that you are highly stressed out and need to sit back and relax. Any skin condition can get aggravated because of stress. This happens because stress makes your immune system go out of whack. And that is the reason why experts link dandruff directly with stressful life.

Even if you have mild dandruff, then a phase of stress in your life can cause it to get flared up. The problem gets worse when itching is one of the symptoms. Itching causes an itch-scratch cycle that is hard to address. So, dandruff causes you to itch your scalp, and when you do so, new flakes from the skin of the scalp come off, resulting in more dandruff. So, the best way out would be to take measures to feel relaxed. There are many ways to relax your body and mind, one of which is a regular practice of yoga.

Good Habits for Dandruff Free Hair

  • Many people say it is essential to keep your scalp moisturized with the natural oil it secretes to keep the hair thriving. The people who say so definitely don’t consider those who are having the problem of dandruff. People having dandruff cannot stay for long without washing their hair. When they do so, their condition gets aggravated. Hence, if you have dandruff in your hair, you must shampoo your hair regularly with a good medicated shampoo as frequently as possible. Don’t worry; there is available medicated anti-dandruff shampoo in India. Keep in mind that dandruff develops when there is a build-up of sweat and oil on the scalp. So, washing off the excess oil is of high importance. You must never forget that not rinsing the shampoo off properly often causes more complex problems. Any shampoo residue on your scalp can act as a breeding ground for the microorganism that causes dandruff.
  • Whether it is your hair or your skin, if you want to keep it healthy, you must take care of your body from within. You might not develop dandruff by eating food, but certain food items can cause flare-ups if you have got dandruff. Any food item rich in trans fats and saturated fats could make your sebaceous glands secrete more oil, which might cause your problem to reach a more severe level. Try to have a diet that includes food items having healthy mono-saturated fatty acids. Some of the best sources of these fatty acids include safflower oil, olives, nuts, avocados, etc. If your body is deficient in Vitamin B complex, then you could be prone to this problem. Vitamin B complex, after all, forms the basis of hair cells. So, try to eat as much food rich in vitamin B complex as possible. Familiar sources include bananas, eggs, rice, and oatmeal.

Effects of Styling Your Hair

Another common cause of dandruff is over-styling your hair. There are many hair products available in the market, which do not create a conducive environment for your hair to stay and thrive. Since the residues of these products on the scalp create problems like dandruff, try to stay away from mousses, styling gels, hair sprays, etc. Do so, especially if you think hair styling products are the prime reason behind your growing dandruff.

Now, let’s have a look at some solutions for treating dandruff. Check them out-

Give Your Scalp a Good Massage with Lemon and Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is highly nourishing for your hair and scalp, and when you mix it with lemon juice, it becomes an excellent medication. Lemon juice can treat dandruff effectively, so mixing it with coconut oil will help you ward off this problem. To go about this solution, you will first have to heat coconut oil in a pan. Make sure you take only two tablespoons of it. Then add an equal amount of lemon juice to the pan. When the mixture cools down, use it to massage your scalp gently. After you are done, leave the oil for 20 minutes, and then rinse your hair off with some good shampoo.

Try Out a Fenugreek Pack

Fenugreek is not just good for your hair but also your scalp. To prepare a fenugreek pack, you will have to soak a couple of tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Grind the seeds into a fine paste. Apply the paste to your scalp and leave it on for an hour. Rinse it off with a mild shampoo. Doing this regularly will yield great results.

Apply Curd

Applying curd on your scalp sounds a little messy, but it is a highly effective remedy. Take some cards in a bowl; apply them evenly on your scalp and hair. Let the curd sit on your scalp for an hour, and then wash it off with a good mild shampoo.

Have You Tried Out Baking Soda Yet?

You can quickly treat the problem of dandruff with baking soda. To apply baking soda to your scalp, you will first have to make your hair and scalp a little wet. While it’s wet, rub a little baking soda onto the scalp, preferably a spoonful. Wash it off after you have left it on for about 60 to 90 seconds.

Tea Tree Oil is Also Extremely Effective-

Tea tree oil is a fantastic way to bid adieu to dandruff. Now, the question that arises here is- how to apply it? Well, applying it is extremely easy- all you have to do is pour a little tea tree oil onto your scalp and massage gently. Make sure you don’t take more than a few drops of this oil. Let the oil sit on your scalp for 5 minutes so that it gets soaked. Follow it up with a good wash with some mild shampoo.

Use a Good Anti Dandruff Shampoo-

Although many anti-dandruff shampoo brands are available in the market, you should only trust a medicated brand that vouches for its quality. And when it comes to quality, Ketomac shampoo stands uncontested. Ketomac, the best-medicated dandruff shampoo in India, is available and has ketoconazole in it. Ketoconazole is a synthetic broad-spectrum antifungal agent that helps remove dandruff from your scalp. This element is present in a concentration of 2% in an aqueous suspension of the shampoo.

For proper application of the shampoo, you will first have to make your hair and scalp wet. Add a tiny amount of the shampoo onto your scalp and massage thoroughly to form good leather. Before rinsing the shampoo off, you will have to let it sit on the scalp for around 5 to 10 minutes.

By using this shampoo twice a week for around a month, you will get good results. After seeing improvement in your condition, you can use the shampoo once a week so that your dandruff doesn’t come back. Don’t stop using the shampoo entirely, as that could cause your symptoms to reappear.

Now that you know the causes of dandruff and various solutions to treat it, there is no reason why you should continue to suffer from this problem.

A Few Important Things to Know

Some clinical researches have been there that have shown that making use of a good and effective anti-dandruff shampoo in India exclusively three times a week is powerful to battle mild to extreme dandruff. Most of the dandruff-battle actions do take place after you exit from the shower. Once you have washed away the loose hair flecks from your head in the shower, the scalp even demands attention to stay healthy. You cannot have to do with anything once you are out of your shower. The shampoo you have used is going to do the proper consequent things for you. It is going to make sure that your head is guarded and the dandruff is vanishing.

However, you have to ensure that the shampoo you have applied to your hair is adequately rinsed. If the shampoo stays in the scalp and hair, it can trigger severe issues. It might instead make your dandruff issue aggressive. You have to be careful about this. Run your fingers through your hair and ensure that you are properly cleaning up your scalp. If there remain any fragments of the shampoo in the scalp, it might turn out to be harmful to you.

Never Mix Up Anything

If you take a proper shower thrice a week and that too with three or two various shampoos, you keep the feet on two different boats. It would not be effective for you. You have to glue to a single shampoo and make use of it for a minimum of two weeks. If you want your shampoo to show results, you should use it for weeks and only then you will get a proper outcome. If you are switching shampoos in between then, you must expect any result too. It is ideal to use the anti-dandruff shampoo for two weeks, three times a week, and you would experience effective results. After all, dandruff is a deep-rooted issue, and it cannot be eradicated overnight.

Wash It Frequently

Don’t even be highly active if you use the shampoo every single day. If you are using dandruff shampoo in India every day and washing the hair, it would rather rip off the glow of your hair. You cannot simply take a head bath every single day. It is going to be ineffective for your hair. It might damage your hair. The perfect thing is to wash your hair with shampoo two or three times a week and no less or more. If you belong to an athletic field, you must wash it four or even five times to clean up the oiliness that emerges because of heavy sweat after your workouts. Otherwise, if you are washing your hair and head two times a week, it will be perfect.


So, you can look for the best mild shampoo in India and start using it. It would get you relief in two weeks for sure. Make sure that you stay consistent.


Well, is brushing and combing your natural hair a great idea? Yes, it is a good idea when done correctly and with the right Comb. Often, you put a lot of pressure on the hair care products you use, but you hardly pay attention to the Comb you use and how. You have no idea how the right Comb or hairbrush can make your hair healthier, smooth, strong, and shiny.

What is the most delicate Detangling Comb or Brush for Natural Hair?

There are different types of combs that work well with hair. But if you are using any and every Comb that comes your way, you need to drop that habit.

Wide-Toothed Comb

The finest combs for natural hair are the ones that are known as wide-toothed. There is sufficient space between the rows to permit movement through the hair without tearing up your ends. Once you have the right Comb for hair, you will experience a change in your hair growth and smoothness.

In simple words, a ‘wide-tooth comb’ characteristically refers to the large spacing between the teeth of a comb. Some folks mistake the term for the teeth of the Comb is specifically wide, but that’s not the case though many wide tooth combs do have huger teeth. Even though wide tooth combs are mainly great for people having long hair, they also have advantages for short hair.

Benefits of wide tooth comb

It- Easier to detangle

This is mainly for people having long hair – always try to use a wide-tooth comb to detangle. Don’t use a regular comb as you might cry tears of obstruction and wish you could cut off the hair.

– Less hair fall

Many folks gathered a bunch of hair in the Comb after detangling because of more friction and effort to separate the tangles when using a regular comb. A wide-tooth comb is helpful to detangle the hair more effectively without triggering a lot of hair fall. Indeed, a wide-tooth comb is considered a good comb for hair.

While detangling your hair, first, you have to ensure it is dry. Another rule of thumb is never to detangle or comb the hair when it is wet because it leads to breakage, damage, and hair fall. If you suffer from so much hair fall during detangling, you should use a wide-tooth comb only.

– Avert hair breakages

Since there are wide spaces between the teeth, it’s convenient to detangle; hence there is no hair breakage. When you use a wide-tooth comb, there is less resistance than a medium/fine-tooth comb making it gentle on the hair strands, averting breakage & split ends.

– Diminishes Frayed & Split Ends

Mainly if you have curly/wavy hair, combing with a wide-tooth comb would be helpful to prevent or reduce frayed ends. If you suffer from many split ends, perhaps it is time you started using a wide-tooth comb instead, at least when talking about detangling.

– Gentle on the head

If you’ve ever used a wide-tooth comb before, you should have noticed how wonderful it feels on your scalp. When combing your hair using the wide-tooth Comb, your scalp always will feel soothed and massaged rather than getting scratched painfully; that is the case when using a regular comb.

A wide-toothed comb can be helpful to massage your scalp, enhance circulation, and relax an exhausted scalp. For those of you who frequently suffer from scalp inflammation & pimples, a wide-tooth comb is a path to go! Never make use of regular combs, mainly plastic ones, when you have scalp pimples, injuries, or inflammation, as these are tough on the scalp and shall exacerbate the issue and even head to infection. Of course, if you are using Ketomac shampoo, you might not face any scalp issues or hair problems, but again, it is a good practice to use a wide-tooth comb.

Bone Combs

Another good comb for natural hair is a bone comb. Bone combs are somewhat unique, and they are formed up of organic resins instead of cheap plastic. Bone combs are unified, anti-static, and heat resistant. They get better over time with proper usage and last for quite some time. The edges of such combs, surprisingly, get better with time. You can also get a medium bone comb with wide teeth, which you can take to the salon whenever you want to braid your hair.

Quick tips for combing your hair

Below are a few quick and practical tips for combing your hair. Have a look:

– Run your Comb through damp hair. Yes, your natural hair is easier to comb when they are damp.

– You should do a finger detangle first before you comb.

– It would be good if you did it in sections. Relying on the length of your hair, four to eight parts is a great idea. You can make use of butterfly clamps like these to save each section.

– Comb it through whenever you have the time and patience.

After combing each section, twist and pin before you get ahead to the next section, do not try to comb a bulk amount of hair at once. You shall lose a lot of hair this way, and trigger split ends.

And of course, even if you have hair issues like dandruff, then too right kind of combs will help you. You can also use medicated shampoo for dandruff in India and get rid of your problem. But till the issue persists, make sure you use only the suitable combs and run them properly through your hair.


Thus, having all these things in mind, you should not take a risk with your hair care. Change your Comb, and you will change your hair.