
You would always find a manifold of health conditions that come into light only when they are in the advanced stage. Your nails make a crucial part of your body, and if you are not taking good care of your nails, you could be harming yourself. Often you dodge your nails because you are concentrated on your overall health, body, head, internal and external organs, etc. But do you know that your nails can become a source of pain and uneasiness if you ignore them?


There are numerous types of changes in fingernails or toenails that might cause folks to think they are experiencing a sort of fungal infection of the nails. It is medically known as onychomycosis or even tinea unguium. Fungal infection of the nails makes the entire situation sound contagious or associated with absolutely poor hygiene. Up to ten percent of nearly all adults in Western countries go through massive fungal infections of the nails, and such a number grows to twenty percent of adults age sixty or older.


It could be helpful for you to understand that toenail fungus is more common than that fingernail fungus. Indeed, there are treatments and even quality ketomac antifungal cream for nails in India to get relief. In the true sense, abnormal-looking nails could even be triggered by several situations encompassing, but not restricted to, a fungal infection. However, there are diverse other reasons too that your nails look unusual.


Know about the treatments for nail fungus 

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection triggered by a particular fungus known as a dermatophyte. As most such infections are comparatively superficial, it might seem that topical treatments must work well, and it is not the case because the nail area is comparatively impenetrable.


Moreover, you must know that fungal nail infections might be challenging. Talk with your doctor if self-care plans and over-the-counter products have not helped. You know the treatment does rely on the harshness of your condition and the type of fungus triggering it, and it might even take a few months to see outcomes. And even if your nail situation enhances, repeated infections are somewhat common.


The proper diagnoses 

Well, your doctor or medical professional will examine your nails. They could also take some nail clippings or even scrape debris from under your nail. After taking it, medical experts send the sample to a laboratory to recognize the kind of fungus activating the infection. Different other conditions, such as psoriasis, can imitate a fungal infection of the nail. Microorganisms such as bacteria and even yeast also can contaminate nails. Having a clue about the cause of your infection is assistive in determining the finest possible course of treatment.


Overall Medications 

Your doctor or even medical expert may prescribe antifungal drugs that you take up or consume orally or apply to simply your nail. In some instances, it even helps associate oral and topical antifungal types of therapies.


Oral antifungal drugs

These drugs are mostly the first choice because they clean up the infection more efficiently than topical drugs.


These drugs are even helpful in a new nail growth free of any infection, gradually replacing the overall infected part. You characteristically consume this kind of drug for six to even twelve weeks. But you will not see the result of treatment until your overall nail grows back ultimately. You need to know that it can take four months to eradicate infection. Treatment success rates with such types of drugs look to be lower in that of adults over the age group of sixty-five.


Also, some oral antifungal drugs might even trigger or cause side effects ranging from skin rash to liver harm. You might require occasional blood tests to check on how you are doing with these drugs, and doctors may not recommend them for people with liver disease, congestive heart failure, or even certain medications.


Medicated nail polish

Of course, you have no idea that a doctor or medical expert may also prescribe an antifungal type of nail polish. Apply it on infected nails & even on the surrounding skin once a day. After even seven or eight days, you wipe the heaped-on layers clean with alcohol and begin new applications. You should make sure that you use such nail polish for a year, and it will make your nails safe and protected against any fungal infections in the future.


Medicated nail cream

Your doctor could even prescribe an antifungal cream that you may rub into your infected nails after being drenched. Such are the creams that might work better if you first thin your nails. It is a thing that is helpful for the medication to get through or absorb into the hard nail surface to the primary fungus. You should apply a non-prescription lotion containing urea if you have thin nails. Or your medical expert can even thin the surface of your nail with the assistance of a file or other tool.


Go for a surgery 

Your doctor might even suggest the temporary removal of the nail. It is to make sure that they can apply the antifungal drug right away to your infection under the nail. However, you must keep in mind and understand some fungal nail infections do not respond to medicines. Your doctor might suggest permanent nail removal if the fungal infection is extreme or painful.


You can take care of your nail fungal at home:

– You can try over-the-counter antifungal nail products as well as ointments. Various products are out there for you to choose from. If you find white markings on the surfaces of your nails, file these off, soak your nails in clean water, dry them thoroughly, and apply the medicated lotion or even cream.

– You can even choose to trim and thin the nails. It is a thing that helps reduce pain by removing the overall pressure on the nails. Also, in case you do this before applying any good Ketomac antifungal, the drug may easily reach deeper layers of your nail.

Before you use a nail file to thin or thick your beloved nails, you must soften them with urea-containing creams. If you have a situation that triggers poor blood flow to your feet and you cannot trim your nails, it is significant to see a health care provider routine to get your nails properly trimmed.



So, check out a good quality Ketomac nail fungal infection cream in India and ensure that you start healing your nails right away. Since you have a good idea about different treatments that you can undergo, choose wisely. After all, your nails are a part of your body, and you cannot simply let them rotten by not giving them any attention.



There are so many health conditions that you undergo. Have you ever undergone an infection or allergy? Well, there are skin infections that can be highly pesky and irritating. You should always take proper measures to ensure that your skin is safe and protected. If you have some uneasiness in your toe, you could have a toenail fungus infection.

Here, a dermatologist or skin specialist evaluates the nails and nearby skin to determine if a person has nail fungus. It is entirely crucial to check the skin because the fungus can spread. You could already have a skin infection triggered by a fungus-like an athlete’s foot. If you want to ensure that it stays away from you, you could need to treat all your infected areas.

 You can quickly get antifungal cream for nails in India and ensure your infection takes a back seat.

Also, remember that your dermatologist could even take some samples before you get the diagnosis. Gathering a bit of debris from underneath your nail, trimming off the part nail, or even scraping off a bit of skin could be helpful. Such samples can be examined under a lab microscope to determine what’s activating the problem. You know you do not need to worry because you can apply the cream meant for your infection.

What is this fungus all about?

You know, nail fungus is a common health condition that starts as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the fungal infection becomes deeper, nail fungus could trigger your nail to discolour, condense and even smash at the edge. It might affect diverse nails. If your condition is mild and not disturbing, you might not need treatment. If your nail fungus is piercing and has triggered thickened nails, self-care steps and medications may help. But even if the treatment gets successful, nail fungus mainly emerges back. For your information, nail fungus is even known as onychomycosis. When fungus attacks the areas between your toes and the skin of the feet, it is even known as the athlete’s foot (tinea pedis).

How do dermatologists or skin specialists treat the condition of fungal nail infection?

Treatment generally begins with your dermatologist trimming the infected nail(s), cutting back each infected nail to a place where it links up to your finger or toe. The dermatologist could even scrape away rubble under the nail, and it aids in getting rid of some fungus. To completely get rid of the infection, most people even need one or more of the below-given treatments:

Medicine to apply to your nail. 

If you have a mild type of infection, a medicine that you could apply to your nails may get rid of the infection. This treatment is assistive in keeping new fungus out while the nails grow. Fingernails typically grow out in around four to six months, and Toenails do take longer, usually takes twelve to eighteen months. Of course, a great Ketomac medicine cream can be a powerful treatment for your infection.

The most challenging part of this treatment is remembering to use it as often as prescribed. Some treatments should be applied every day, too, multiple times, and others you can apply once a week. To get the proper results, you must apply these creams precisely as directed.

Of course, some fungus medicines can trigger some side effects. But you know side effects from most of the medicines are usually mild. Possible side effects can be redness and swelling, ingrown toenails, and hurt or burning when applying for medicine. In clinical trials, none of these side effects activates patients to stop using the treatment.

Patients can take medicines. 

If you need more aggressive treatment, your dermatologist or skin specialist could prescribe you antifungal pills. These have a higher cure rate than the medicine you apply to the nails. Similarly, antifungal pills work more quickly than medicine applied to your nails. Taking antifungal pills for nearly months might help you cure an infection under the fingernails. Usually, three months of treatment treat a toenail fungal infection.

There is even combination therapy!

At times, nail fungus might be hard to clear. Research has shown that taking antifungal pills and applying medicine to your nails could be more effective than using either treatment alone.

Nail removal

If you have a severe or extreme infection or other treatments don’t work, your dermatologist or skin specialist may recommend removing the nail(s) to get rid of the tedious infection. Your dermatologist might use one of the below-given methods to remove your nail:

– Nonsurgical nail removal (a chemical is applied to your nail)

– Then surgical nail removal

The dermatologist may carry out nail removal in a medical office or even a clinic. With either procedure, the nail could grow back. However, if the infection fails to clear, your skin specialist may treat the nail so that it does not grow back.

What is the outcome for someone who has nail fungus?

With treatment, many people can get rid of nail fungus. Even when the fungus is cleared up, your nail(s) could look unhealthy till the infected nail grows out. A fingernail grows out in nearly four to six months, and a toenail in around twelve to eighteen months.

To clear the fungus, it is crucial to:

– Use the treatment exactly as prescribed

– Apply (or consume) the medicine for as long as prescribed.

– Keep all the follow-up appointments with the doctor or dermatologist

Nail fungus might be stubborn. If you have a severe infection, it is possible to clear the infection. However, a healthy-looking nail could be unrealistic, but you can quickly expect the nail to look better and feel a lot more contented.

What are the signs of nail fungus?

A person could have nail fungus in case one or more of the nails are:

– Whitish to yellow-brown staining

– Thickened

– Crumbly, brittle, or ragged

– A dark shade, triggered by debris building up under your nail

– Distorted in shape

– Smelling somewhat foul

If you find that you have any of these signs, you must not avoid them. Make sure that you take swift action and get rid of your condition. Timely action can ensure that the infection does not get severe, and you get rid of it sooner than you even imagine. The sooner you start any remedy for it, the better it will be for you.


No matter what you think about your nails, you cannot just let them rotten because of the infection. You must make the right move at the right time and rescue your nails. You should start applying it right away when you can get good toenail fungus cream in India. The cream would show you results within a week and so. But you must be constant and punctual with applying the cream.