
If you are also experiencing problems relating to your hair, this is quite normal. We often become hyper just because we face dandruff or hair loss problem. But instead of being hyper, we need to know the different specific causes behind those problems. Everyone around faces hair-related problems, but the thing is, some suffer the severe hair loss issue, whereas some are facing the light hair fall. But the hair issues list does not end with just hair fall problems. Instead, it goes a little longer, including hair loss, grey hair, dandruff, psoriasis, etc.


All these are somehow attached to our hair, so we can’t neglect these issues. If you face these hair issues, you should consider ketoconazole tablets for hair loss problems. It is never so easy to take care of your hair as we all are not having enough time to do that. But if we have some excellent hair care products available to us, we can do that. Try Ketomac antidandruff shampoo or Ketaconazole tablets for this. You did not face the hair loss problem overnight. And instead, it keeps on frustrating you many times.


Here are some of the reasons why you may experience the problem of hair loss more as compared to the others. Take a look:


  • The hormonal imbalances: The hair loss problem can be due to hormonal imbalances or changes. Our body experiences hormonal changes, and this is so common. But not all face the same consequences of the hormonal changes as the symptoms of this can be different in different bodies. The hormonal changes may include the growth of facial hairs, acne, heavier voice, hair loss problem, etc. So, we can say this is one of the reasons for this problem.
  • Result of a surgery or other ailment: If you have gone through any surgery in your past or face a severe ailment, then you may also experience a hair loss problem. We cannot say it particularly, but the studies say that people who have undergone surgery or are suffering from some health ailments may also suffer from hair loss. This can result from anything that has been used under the procedure.
  • Effect of the particular medications: If you are taking medications, you must know that the hair loss problem can be one of the causes or the effects of those medications. Some medications may have an adverse effect on your body or hair and may cause hair loss or hair fall problems. Medications like anti-depressants may also cause the same problem.
  • The lazy lifestyle: We may also face hair-related concerns if we do not maintain a healthy lifestyle. An active lifestyle is a key to a healthy and happy life and vice versa. You need to keep yourself active throughout the day to make the best use of your body. Eat healthily, exercise every day, and go for a walk. Eat your greens, and so on. The absence of all this may invite many health and hair-related issues.
  • Too much-stressing environment: If you live in a too stressful environment, you may face hair-related and skin-related issues as well. A stressful lifestyle can have an adverse impact on our skin, health, and hair. It counts the physical and mental stress that you are suffering from.
  • Unfilled nutritive requirements: Our body needs nutrients and minerals to keep itself working. It helps our immune system work properly so that it can fight against common infections or other concerns. If you face continuous hair fall or hair loss, it can be due to the lack of nutritional values in your body. Lack of vitamin d, iron, zinc, etc., in your body may also make you face hair issues. You can consult a doctor and start taking supplements or tablets like Ketoconazole tablets by Ketomac.
  • Using rugged products on your hair: If you use hair styling products on your hair more often, you can’t complain about your falling hair. Hair loss is a problem that can be due to harsh products on your hair. It can make hair weak & it may start falling. It includes hair gels, sprays, heating appliances, and many other tools that are making your hair weak. The hairstyling products include toxins that can affect your hair and its growth. So, Ensure you do not use them regularly.
  • Dandruff problems: If you have dandruff problems, you may also suffer from hair loss. Severe dandruff can make your face hair fall. So, treat I suing antidandruff shampoo by Ketomac.


So, all these are some reasons for facing the hair loss problem more often. These reasons collectively contribute to the hair issues like hair fall or hair loss. But our concern is not limited to only knowing the reasons. But it is also attached to finding solutions for the same. So, here are some ways to treat the problem of hair loss.


  • Taking a balanced diet: You need to consume nutrient-rich food so that your body’s nutritional requirements can be fulfilled. Add greens, fruits, pulses, milk, cheese, yogurt, etc., to your diet. All these foods are good for your hair.
  • Not ignoring the hair issues: You don’t have to ignore the hair concerns as and when they happen initially. Ignoring the hair issues initially will make them severe at later stages. Try to treat them when they happen.
  • Don’t do over brushing: The brushing technique also contributes to hair problems. If you use uneven and harsh combing techniques, you may face the hair concerns more. There is a need to do soft combing of your hair so that it won’t fall. Hurting your hair by doing harsh combing will result in hair fall, weak hair, and thin hair, so avoid doing this.
  • Try Ketoconazole tablets: One thing that can help contribute to your hair’s health is Ketoconazole tablets. They are keeping your hair strong and stopping them from falling.


You must try these tablets by Ketomac for your hair. They not only prevent the hair loss problem but also help solve other scalp-related issues. They are suitable for seborrhea dermatitis, tinea infections, psoriasis, etc. Now, even the Ketoconazole is used for making shampoos so that they can keep the hair issues away. They have multiple uses, which is why they are used in shampoos and other hair products. People facing extreme baldness can also use these tablets for their hair loss. Hair strengthening should be one of the concerns that we should not ignore. We need to make sure that we keep our hair nourished and strong.


We all want to have a perfect body, hair, and skin. But none of us even make any effort to get any of it. We all follow our lifestyle without considering its benefits or consequences, and we keep moving. But changes are part of our life, and we too need to adapt them to our lifestyle. Adding a little bit of change every week or month will help you have better health, mind, and body. There are so many ways in which we can improve our health status.

We are also concerned with other things, not only the health status. We are afraid of hair problems, dandruff issues, and so on. Our hair is the most loved part of our appearance, without which we will always pretend that something is missing. We want our hair to look perfect and problem-free every day, but this is not that easy. Our hairs are the part of our body that is in contact with pollution, air, harsh products, etc. That is why having a hair loss problem does not amaze us now.

The hair loss problem is so severe that it can even make you bald if not appropriately treated. So many brands and products relating to it are available in the market, but we cannot trust all of them. Most of them include chemicals that can temporarily cure the problem but badly affect it. But one best thing that we all can use is Ketomac products. It offers the best shampoo that can help us to treat our various hair issues. From curing the problem of hair loss to treating your dandruff problem, Ketomac shampoo is the best thing.

Not only this, but Ketomac also offers the Ketoconazole tablets for hair loss that we must try. The hair loss or thinning hair problem is so common that we ignore the issue even when it becomes worse due to its commonness. There are so many reasons why the problem of hair loss is so common, and some of the common reasons that we all should know about are:

  • Not taking care of hair: Our hairs are the most underestimated part of our body that requires extreme care. We can follow a skincare routine, but we are not ready to follow a hair care routine. We think that hairs are god-gifted and there is no need to take care of them, which is a myth. Our hair can look good and be healthy only if we contribute something to it. We skip washing our hair on time, do not apply oil, do not go to a hair spa, do not cover them, try harsh products, etc., on them.
  • Extreme contact with the sunlight: Many of us know that sunlight too can harm our hair if stayed more than the average time. The harmful sun rays are too harsh for our hairs to start falling or becoming dull. You need to cover your hair or head if you stay for too long in the extreme sunlight. So, this is one of the reasons for experiencing such hair problems.
  • Not using the right shampoo: As we all know, there is an endless variety of shampoos available on the market & choosing one from them is too difficult. That is why we try to pick two or three as per the colours of the bottle or the flavours mentioned therein. But in reality, we must use a medicated shampoo like Ketomac that can help us treat our hair problems and prevent the hair problems from happening. So, never forget to choose only Ketomac shampoo for your hair next time you buy a shampoo.
  • Over-brushing: The next common mistake is over brushing your hair to make them look perfect or straight. It would help if you avoided over brushing as it can make you bald. Try to brush twice or thrice a day and never more than this as it can make your hair fall.

So, these are why people face hair loss problems so often. There are many valuable tips available that can be helpful enough for this problem. Some of them to try now are:

  • Take a proper diet: You must eat a good diet that is good for your hair and health. Add a high protein diet and vitamin A to your diet to maintain your hair and promote hair growth. Go for greens, carrots, spinach, sweet potato, etc.
  • Try Ketoconazole tablets: You can try the best Ketoconazole tablets by Ketomac for your hair loss problem. They are easy to consume and are a handy treatment for hair loss, so try them now.
  • Limit the use of heat appliances: Every day, we use a straightener, curlers, dryers, etc., on our hair that exhales lots of heat on our hair. They are also one of the reasons why you face the hair problems like hair loss, thinning, and rough hair. You must limit their use to protect your hair from falling and becoming dull and rough. If used daily, the heating products harm your hair, so avoid and quit this habit for healthy hair.
  • Avoiding chemical treatments: Many hair treatments that contain chemicals are available on the market. They claim to treat your hair thinning, dull hairs, and split ends problems. But they end up harming your hair, and that is why avoid using too many chemicals on your hair.
  • Oiling your hair: You must start applying oil to your hair once a week. The oiling treatment is essential for your hair as oiling strengthens your hair and helps in moisturizing them. So, don’t forget the oiling champi every week for your hair.
  • Choosing the best shampoo: You must choose the best shampoo by Ketomac. Instead of choosing shampoos by looking at the colour of the bottle, you must always pick Ketomac shampoo.
  • Washing your hair correctly: If you don’t wash your hair so often, you must know that you must wash them once or twice a week. It would help if you took care of the hair hygiene as well. So, use Ketomac shampoo to wash your hair correctly to say goodbye to the hair problems.

These easy tips will be helpful for people who are facing hair baldness, thinning of hairs, and hair fall problems. So, if you were searching for the best hair products, your search ends at Ketomac. Once you start using the Ketomac shampoo and Ketoconazole tables by Ketomac, you will start noticing the changes in your hair.

Your hairs also need a diet, and Ketoconazole will act as a diet for your hair to make them healthy and problem-free. The hair loss problem will be solved by consuming the Ketoconazole tablets. You can keep these tips in mind, start using the Ketomac shampoo, take Ketoconazole tablets, and this three-step process will not be less than a miracle for your hair. Forget underestimating your hair and start taking care of it by following this above-discussed routine.


Hair is an integral part of our overall appearance. Even on a typical day when your hair doesn’t look the best, it affects your mood. A good hair day improves a person’s mood. It is very heart-breaking to deal with hair fall in such a case. The problem of hair fall has become widespread in recent times. There can be various factors responsible for hair loss. But the treatment depends only on the unique reason behind your hair fall. In cases such as post-pregnancy hair fall, your hair will likely come back after a few months. The problem arises when your hair fall is more persistent.

If you are losing a lot of hair daily, you should consider contacting your doctor. The doctor will be able to tell you the actual reason behind the hair loss. There can be several reasons for hair fall. If your body is losing hair due to genes, then there is nothing that can be done. But in most cases, hair loss is related to the amount of damage we inflict on our hair, knowingly or unknowingly. If you take care of your hair correctly, there are chances that you will be able to prevent hair loss. Read on to know various ways of preventing hair loss.

Why does hair fall out? 

Your hair goes through a cycle of growth, resting, and shedding. People lose about 100 hair strands per day. You may need to consult your doctor if you are experiencing sudden hair loss, hair loss in patches, or general thinning of your hair. Some temporary shedding can be treated with diet, treatment, and lifestyle changes. Some types of hair loss are more stubborn and may not stop until the underlying condition has been treated. About half of men will lose their hair due to androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, by 40. More than half of all women will experience hair loss due to genetic conditions (female-pattern baldness) by 70. Certain studies suggest that ketoconazole tablets can stimulate hair growth in cases of androgenic alopecia, but they should be consumed only under the guidance of your doctor.

Tips to prevent hair loss:


If your diet includes sufficient amounts of fresh herbs and raw vegetables, then there are chances that you will prevent yourself from getting male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. You will have to consume basil, salad greens, parsley, etc., more frequently, at least thrice every week.

  • Protein: The hair follicles are mostly made of keratin, a protein type. A study conducted on 100 people facing severe hair loss suggested that they suffered from the deficiency of various nutrients, amino acids being one of them. Amino acids are considered to be the building blocks of protein. Although, much more research is required to prove this point. It is still believed that eating a diet rich in protein will help prevent hair fall. Protein can be included in your diet in eggs, peas and beans, nuts, turkey, fish, low-fat dairy, and chicken.
  • Vitamin A: Vitamin A has proved to be effective in increasing the rate of hair growth. This is because Vitamin A consists of retinoids, the main ingredient that encourages hair growth. This vitamin also promotes sebum production in the scalp, which helps keep the scalp healthy and capable enough to retain more hair. You can include Vitamin A in your diet by having sweet peppers, sweet potato, spinach, pumpkin, carrot, etc.

Now, let’s discuss some other handy tips to prevent hair fall—

  • Try to avoid keeping your hair tied at all times:

All types of tight hairstyles put a lot of stress on the hair and scalp, resulting in it falling out. If you sometimes tie your hair, that should not cause any problem, but keeping your hair in a tight ponytail for prolonged hours can lead to hair fall. Try to go for loose hairstyles whenever you need to tie your hair. Although you might not see a drastic result, you will be saved from future hair loss. If your hair is falling out from the front, it is most probably due to the braiding and tying of your hair tightly.

  • Minimize the use of heat products:

One of the primary reasons for your hair falling out is the excessive use of heat products. These products make your hair weak, which results in your hair falling out. Excess heat strips your hair of all the goodness, including essential protein for solid hair. If you use heat on your hair for longer, your hair will turn brittle and break easily. Try to limit straighteners and set your hairdryer in the most relaxed setting available before use. If you have thin hair, avoid going to the sauna. If your hairdryer doesn’t have a relaxed air setting, then make it a point to keep it at least 8 inches away from your hair while blow-drying. Also, keep moving the dryer to prevent heat build-up in one specific region. Using hot rollers or getting a perm done can harm your already thin hair because it combines heat with hair-pulling.

  • Avoid using hair colours and chemical treatments:

Hair dyes and chemical treatments put a vast amount of stress on your scalp and hair. Certain dyes contain some kinds of bizarre ingredients that can cause damage to your hair, as you never know how your hair will react to them. In some cases, people face a sudden loss of hair after colouring their hair because of an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the hair dye. If you get your hair coloured only once a year by an experienced stylist, there is no big deal. But frequent colouring can cause hair loss due to damage. If you want to have the best hair without any damage and hair fall, try to keep your hair in its natural state.

Additionally, avoid bleaching your hair at any cost. Bleach rips off all the nutrients from your hair and your scalp. If you want to colour your hair, skip the bleaching part, or choose a colour that does not need bleaching. Also, some shampoos contain many chemicals that can inflict harm on your hair. Try to use shampoos that do not contain harmful chemicals. One such product is the Ketomac shampoo which can prevent hair fall caused by excessive itching due to dandruff.

  • Relax whenever possible:

Stress has become a part of everyone’s life in this fast world. But stress can harm your hair health. If you are under a lot of stress and haven’t managed it, your hair will start falling out. Suppose you have stress almost every day, and the risk of losing your hair increases. Even if you are busy with your work, always try to set aside a little time. During this break, all you need to do is relax. You can take a bath, do something you love, watch a movie—try to relax.

Hair loss can be alarming, so it is better to avoid it as much as possible. But then, it is somewhat unpredictable when you will start getting hair fall. So, it would help if you also had some treatment options handy. One medicine that can help with hair fall is ketoconazole tablets for hair loss which can be used as per the direction of your physician. These are some pretty simple ways of preventing hair fall.