
People of all ages experience different types of ailments, both small and big, at some point. Fungal infections in the skin are quite common and occur if fungus occurs on a particular part of the body. The body’s immune system also is not able to resist its occurrence. The fungus is known to live in plants, water, soil, and the air around us. Also, are few fungi that exist naturally within the human body.

Similar to many microbes, you can come across harmful and helpful fungi. When invades the body. The latter can make it difficult to destroy and eliminate them since they adapt to their surrounding environment and then re-infect the person managing to get better.


Fungal infection symptoms depend upon the type. A few common symptoms are given below:

  • Itching
  • Skin changes, becoming red and peeling or cracking.

Types of fungi

Fungal infections that commonly affect are:

  • Athlete’s Foot: It is also referred to as Tinea pedis and is regarded as one that commonly affects the food region. It is mainly associated with athletes and sports since the fungus grows in moist, warm environments, like shoes and socks, locker rooms, and sports equipment. But any person can be affected by these fungi, and it is expected during the summer and winter months. It can multiply quickly.

Symptoms: It may vary from one person to the other. Few symptoms include:

  • Infected skin gets soft, or the layers begin to break down.
  • Blisters or redness on the affected region.
  • Skin scales and then peel away.
  • Cracking or peeling skin.
  • Burning, stinging, or itching sensation within the affected region.

Prevention, diagnosis & treatment: Not every itchy foot can be an occurrence of an athlete’s foot. Usually, infection is diagnosed with a scraping of scaling skin and thorough inspection under a microscope to find evidence of fungus. Topical antifungal ointments are often prescribed to treat this fungal issue, purchased online or over the counter. Also, you need to take proper care of your feet and keep it dry as it will quickly destroy the fungus. Prevention techniques include providing the feet with plenty of breathing air and keeping it dry and clean. Sandals should be worn in locker rooms and public showers.

  • Yeast infection might occur in the vaginal area and is considered a common type of Candida overgrowth occurring in women due to Candida albicans. Yeast and bacteria in the vagina in average balance get disturbed by Candida overgrowth. This bacteria imbalance could be because of hormone imbalances, poor eating habits, stress, and antibiotics. Also, diaper rash and fungal toenail infections may be caused.

Symptoms: It includes:

  • Soreness and redness around the vagina.
  • Pain or burning sensation during intercourse or urination.
  • Swelling and itching around the vagina.
  • Development of rash over time, as noticed in a few cases.
  • Unusual vaginal discharge like watery discharge or grey clumps resembling cottage cheese.

Prevention, diagnosis & treatment: If left untreated on time, its symptoms only become more severe and painful. The symptoms of this fungal infection are easy to diagnose. Past medical history like STIs (sexually transmitted infections) or yeast infections is considered. It also is known if antibiotics are being taken. To check infection signs, the cervix and vaginal walls are examined thoroughly. To avail of proper diagnosis, cells are taken from the vagina. It is based upon the severity of the infection that treatment is provided. Some common treatments include suppositories, tablets or creams, available over the counter or online. But complex treatments will be necessary to treat complicated infections. Prevention of skin fungal infection causes is better done by maintaining proper hygiene and having a well-balanced diet. Loose-fitting clothes to be worn are created from natural fibres to prevent infection. Hot water needs to be used to wash underwear, and feminine products must be changed frequently to avoid fungal growth or further spread to the other body parts.

  • Ringworm: Also referred to as Tinea corporis, is caused by fungus surviving on dead tissues like the nails, hair, and skin. It causes both athletes’ feet and jock itch. When it occurs on any part of the body, it is referred to as ringworm.

Symptoms: It is easy to notice due to its unique shape. There occurs a red patch which can be scaly or itchy and often, with time, turns into a ring-shaped, raised patch on the skin. If not treated on time, it can spread into numerous rings. The ring’s outer part is red and can appear bumpy or raised. The ring interior portion becomes scaly or remains clear. However, this fungal infection is highly contagious, as it may affect another person through skin to skin contact, including contact with pets like dogs. The fungus can survive on objects like brushes, clothes, and towels. It also affects the mud and soil. Hence, children and adults working or playing in the infected place are likely to contract this fungal infection.

Prevention, diagnosis & treatment: Many skin conditions are often mistaken for ringworm. Usually, for diagnosing purposes, the skin sample is taken. Once confirmed, treatment is prescribed depending upon the severity of the symptoms. Medicated ointments and creams will often suffice to remedy such fungal infection and are available online or over the counter. But severe ringworm occurring in the scalp region will need a proper prescription from a well-established physician. Prevention includes maintaining basic hygiene and keeping the skin dry and clean. Sandals are recommended when using locker rooms or public showers to avoid sharing towels and items.

It is necessary to understand that fungal infections affect humans and are typical. Therefore, not being serious, it can be treated quickly. The best way to treat it is to use Ketomac antifungal cream.


There are various reasons responsible for fungal infection. Just like adults, even children are prone to fungal infections. These infections can reappear from time to time, especially when kids share toys and play with other kids in school or playground. It has been observed that during summers, it is easy for fungal infections to spread. The hot and humid climate offers them an ideal breeding environment, so it becomes necessary to try some antifungal cream for babies’ faces.

There are several medicines and home remedies for preventing and curing fungal infections, but one of the most effective solutions for combating fungal infection is using a Ketomac antifungal cream. It is considered the best antifungal cream for babies, killing fungi and yeast by attacking their cell membranes.

You can clean the area properly, apply a thin layer of the cream, and leave it for at least 2-3 hours. You can use the cream once or twice a day and ask your doctor for further suggestions.

Here’s a look at some tips to protect the kids from fungal infection:

  • Keep the play areas clean

Kids spend a lot of time playing on the grounds and in play areas. There are sandpits in the play areas which should be kept clean. It has been observed that pets leave their faeces and urine in the sand, which can cause ringworms in kids. If you can’t keep the public sandpit clean, it is a good idea to buy a portable sandpit that can be covered, and the pets can be kept away from it. It will also be relatively easier to clean.

  • I am not sharing personal belongings.

It is essential to teach your kids the value of sharing with others. But should also be taught that personal belongings should not be used. Fungal infections such as ringworms can spread when personal items such as hats and combs are shared while sharing towels and shoes can lead to athlete’s foot.

  • Clean and dry towels after swimming

Kids love to play in the pool, and they love going in and out of the pool. They are tempted to play in their swimming costumes all day which should be avoided because wet clothes create an ideal environment for infection and irritation. Give them dry towels and ask them to change once they are out of the pool.

  • Wear flip-flops

When not required to dress in shoes, inculcate a habit of wearing flip-flops in kids. It is essential when they are at public swimming pools or for sports matches and school trips.

  • Ask them to dry the feet. 

It is essential to dry the feet after taking a bath, especially between the toes, to prevent the athlete’s foot.

  • Check for symptoms

Keep an eye out if your children develop rashes or itchiness. If you figure them out to be a fungal infection, prevent it from spreading further to other siblings and immediately begin the treatment.

When you find a fungal infection in any part of your kid’s body, you can apply Ketomac as it is the best antifungal cream for the child.