
We all want long and shiny hair, but we don’t want hair problems. The hair problems are attached to the hair, and getting rid of them is quite a difficult task. Every day our hair comes in contact with many dust particles, direct sunlight, pollution, and so on, and that is why these things invite many hair issues. Having a hair problem does not mean you cannot get the desired hair back, and this is a sign or an indication that your hair needs care.

Sometimes we forget to take care of our hair as we get so occupied with our work. If you are only concerned with the skincare routine and hair care, it’s time to be extra active to take care of your hair swell. Hair adds so much to our personality, so we cannot underestimate it. One of the commonest of all the problems relating to hair one that always tops the list is the dandruff problem. Having dandruff on hair is as common as having pimples. It would help if you learned how to manage your work with your skin and hair health to strike a balance in both.

Almost everyone around us has a dandruff problem, so we have assumed that it has no solution. But Ketomac proves all of us wrong by coming up with the best-medicated shampoo in India. Ketomac is a brand that we can trust all the time, and they always keep in mind the hair problems that are irritating us. Many brands deal with dandruff products, but they cannot generate the results due to their pitfalls.

They have not generated any results. Instead, they are harming our hair, so you cannot use anything on your hair except Ketomac. The dandruff problem can be diagnosed by straight hair scratching and white flakes. You may also observe the dry white flakes in your hairbrush while combing and even on your shoulders. This can embarrass us, and we must try the Ketomac solution for it.

Dandruff is more annoying than any other hair problem; other hair problems are also due. The severe dandruff problem starts with the minimum dandruff situation that we usually avoid. After avoiding it most of the time, we face severe dandruff that does not go quickly. We cannot just get rid of this problem overnight as we did not even get it overnight. But if you have just started facing this problem, you can get its solution by using the best medicated anti-dandruff shampoo by Ketomac.

There are many causes of the dandruff problem that annoys us. Some of the common are:

  • The problem of dry skin: There is no hard and fast rule that people having dry skin are more prone to dandruff problems. Even the one who does not have it can also have the dandruff issue. The problem of dry skin or scalp is common in winters as our hair becomes dry during it due to the temperature down. Even our skin becomes dry in winters, and dandruff can become more common on that skin type. The Ketomac medicated shampoo can help you restore the natural moisture in your skin that will help not make it dry quickly. This means this can help the dandruff problem.
  • The required hygiene is missing: When the required hair hygiene is missing from your hair, you can be affected by the dandruff problem. It is essential to maintain the proper hygiene level in your hair so that no microbe can make a home in your hair. If you are not washing your hair after enough intervals, you may face this issue. You can use the medicated shampoo by Ketomac to wash your hair regularly or after one or two days. Not washing on time means the dust, dirt, and oil get accumulated in your hair and make a home, and this will cause dandruff problems.

The solution for this cause is to start shampooing your hair with the Ketomac medicated anti-dandruff shampoo to see the best results.

  • Catching an allergy: One of the causes of the dandruff issue is that you may be allergic to a particular product like hair cream, spa, shampoo, or a lotion. Your hair may be sensitive to that product which can cause the problem of dandruff. Allergy can also cause itchiness in the hairs, and scratching them can cause dandruff problems. For this purpose, you have to detect the product causing you the allergy. Once you have detected the product causing allergy, you must stop using it in the future. The medicated shampoo by Ketomac generates the best results as it helps fight hair problems and keep your hair free from dandruff issues.
  • Suffering from the medical situation: The people who complain about the dandruff problem often are the ones who may have the medical condition. You may have heard about Seborrhea Dermatitis, which can be called a medical condition. This can affect our hair glands and can cause the problem of dandruff. It can also make your hair scalp red, and it is also like other skin problems like eczema, etc.

Once you have detected this medical condition, you must stop using any chemical-made hair products. The chemicals can even make the situation worse, and that is why you must stop using them immediately. You can use anti-dandruff-medicated shampoo as offered by Ketomac. You can also visit a doctor if you have this severe medical condition.

  • Yeast infection-causing dandruff: Yeast growth can also be the reason for dandruff, and that is why people who are facing the problem of yeast overgrowth face the dandruff problem. Sensitive skin is more likely to be affected by this medical condition. You can try some natural remedies to reduce the growth of the yeast or can start using the medicated shampoo.

These are some of the causes of the dandruff problems that we all face in common. We can check on these causes to take some steps to avoid or prevent them. Ketomac offers the best-medicated dandruff shampoo in India that we can use daily for the best possible results. The Ketoconazole present in the Ketomac medicated shampoo also fights against the symptoms of dandruff. It can even control the hair fall problem, as once you face the problem of dandruff, you will see that you have started scratching your head for longer.

Scratching can make your hair roots weaker and cause hair loss problems. The Ketomac shampoo keeps this situation in mind and helps us restore our hair instead of losing them due to scratching. You can keep the shampoo away from the sunlight to maintain its effectiveness for longer. You can also try some simple tips to get the best possible results.


It is wrong that only women are hair conscious and love visiting the parlour or using beauty products. Men for ages sported long hair and did appear excellent and healthy when well maintained. But pollution, extreme weather, and stress have resulted in baldness in men. Previously, baldness was limited to those getting aged. But now, even people in their middle ages are experiencing this issue. Go through this blog to learn hair growth tips for men.

These days, several hair care products have emerged exclusively for men of all ages and are promoted by top celebrities across the globe. At the same time, there have opened up many beauty parlours and salons for men that offer hair care and styling. If you are having frizzy hair and experiencing a sharp fall in hair strands, then it is high time that you take proper care of your hair to prevent further loosening and breakage. You can find experts providing tips on hair growth for men through their websites or blogs that can be helpful to enjoy having healthy, full hair on your head.

If you do not take proper care of your hair, even that snazzy haircut from a reputed salon will be useless. Like women, men’s hair requires regular maintenance, and this particular aspect should not be avoided at any point in time. To avoid falling hair and complete baldness, you should go through the tips offered by the experts.

Helpful hair growth tips for men

  • Avoid rubbing your hair excessively, but dry it gently: Wet hair is vulnerable to damage as it is weaker. Hence, after washing, hair should not be rubbed hair since it will cause excessive breakage. Pat dry the hair to prevent causing stress on the scalp.
  • Avoid over-washing the hair: This is a common mistake that almost every man commits. Instead, washing the hair should be limited to just twice or thrice a week. Also, it should be conditioned regularly, and it will ensure good hair health and prevent the loss of essential natural oils from the scalp.
  • Use egg conditioner: There are essential minerals in egg-like sulfur and proteins required in reasonable amounts in the hair. Egg yolk is a beautiful ingredient to condition the hair, and it should be allowed to penetrate in-depth within the scalp to strengthen from within the hair follicles.
  • Avoid excess combing: Probably, your hair is thinning. If so, then avail a haircut to suit this thinning look. Over-combing should be avoided under all circumstances.
  • Fewer products to be used for the hair: Excessive spray, hair wax, hair gel, or other hair products will only make your hair look heavy and unnatural. Otherwise, it will result in bleaching or breakage of your hair strands. These products are to be used in minimal avoidance when trying to style your hair.
  • Safeguard hair from chlorine: Swimming pools have excess chlorine, which can be disastrous for the scalp since the hair becomes brittle and dry. To safeguard your hair from chlorine’s harmful effects, you should first apply clean, normal water to your hair and apply some mild conditioner before entering the pool. Otherwise, swimming can be your saviour.
  • Wash, but do not repeat: There is a myth among men to use shampoo twice. Television ads mostly misguide people to rinse, wash, and repeat the process. According to hair experts, the hair should be washed just once. Ensure using the best conditioner and shampoo like Ketomac shampoo.
  • Use clarifying shampoo: With time, the product applied to the hair is likely to build up only to make your hair appear lifeless and dull. Clarifying shampoo should be used to eliminate unwanted build-up and to retain shiny hair. White vinegar can also be used to rinse hair since it helps to balance the pH levels.
  • Trim it: You need to get a haircut every four to 6 weeks to maintain well-kept and neat hair. Go during the early hours to get the service of a fresh and energetic hairdresser who can provide you with better results.
  • Stay natural: Straightening, perming, and colouring should be kept to the minimum, similar to availing chemical treatments, as they will only damage the hair beyond repair.
  • Take a cold shower: Actually, blood capillaries in the scalp get blocked with cold showers. They carry with them essential nutrients which are essential to enjoy optimum effects. Hence, constricting them suddenly will only prove troublesome for hair health. Piping hot water should not be used for a shower as it will only mess with your hair and eliminate all-natural oils present on the scalp. Rinse hair using only lukewarm water.
  • Avoid tight hats: Tight ponytails or tight hats are better avoided and may only cause ‘traction alopecia’, considered a hair condition causing hair loss, which can be permanent at times.
  • Use appropriate tools: You need to use the most appropriate tools available in the market, but not the cheap ones. Your hair is very delicate, so it should be taken proper care of. Avoid brushing your hair immediately after your bath. Instead, use a wide-toothed comb or fingers.
  • Stay healthy: This is an absolute must. Your focus to be healthy should not be limited to your hair but also your overall body, inside out. It is only a healthy lifestyle combined with well-balanced and nutritious food, full of proteins, vitamins, and minerals of different types that will protect your body from diseases and keep your hair lush, smooth, shiny, and beautiful. Also, do get lots of exercise and sufficient sleep. Be positive always.

Growing hair faster for guys is no more a dream. The formulated branded shampoos and conditioners with natural ingredients can make your hair complete on your head and ensure that it does not loosen or break anymore.


Dandruff is one such issue that can be really humiliating, irritating, and sometimes painful. If you think that dandruff is not doing anything to your personality and only you can make out that you have dandruff, you’re mistaken. Dandruff is something that can take no time to separate you from your friends and loved ones. Of course, nobody would like to sit next to a person who has a lot of dandruff on their hair. To avoid these, you can try anti-dandruff shampoo.

Looks get tarnished 

If you have an intelligent face and a unique personality, but your hair is always cloaked with dandruff, don’t be surprised to witness your charm fading out. Of course, your face and hair would look dull and unattractive in the presence of dandruff. You might even start hating yourself because of dandruff. You might be thinking that it is too exciting, right? Well, the point is that dandruff can hamper the goodness of your hair in no time. No one anti-dandruff shampoo can help you fight dandruff in no time. You know what you have gained once you start using a good shampoo to kick away your dandruff issue.

High self-esteem 

If you want to have high self-esteem, make sure that you are working for it. You have to make sure that you use the shampoos that help your dandruff issue evaporate. Dandruff is a problem that can snatch your social circle from you. The problem is that people think that they would look gorgeous, stylish, and hypnotic after wearing those branded clothes and carrying exotic gadgets. But they fail to realize that their hair makes a significant impact. If they wear exotic stuff with them, but their hair looks dirty, that would not be good.

Are you Fearful about shampoos?

Okay, if you are one of those who fears shampoos and their usage, then you need to think again. There are good options too in shampoos. It is not that all the shampoos have something terrible in them. If you choose correctly, you can come across safe, sound, and effective shampoos. You can use Ketomac shampoo, and these are safe, effective, and good. These shampoos have no side effects. Many people complain that they don’t want to risk their skin or overall health by using shampoos. They fear that shampoos will trigger some other problems in their health. Well, that is not the case. If you choose the right option for shampoos, that would be okay. You can start using shampoo for a week or so, finding good results. If you start using a specific shampoo and face some roughness in your skin within a few days or any other health problem, you can easily switch to another shampoo. You have to try shampoos to find out if they work for your dandruff or not.

So, keep your hair in the best shampoo with suitable shampoos!


Hair is what makes you different, stylish, and happening. You can make sure that you look stunning, gorgeous, and intelligent once you have healthy and smooth hair. Do you feel that your hair is effective and safe? How healthy is your hair? Do you take proper care? Do you use proper dandruff shampoo?

Well, dandruff is one thing that you have to be careful about. You cannot take any risk with your hair care. Even if you have to use special shampoo for dandruff, make sure you have one in your wardrobe. After all, dandruff is one thing that can affect your hair and scalp adversely and trigger health problems. You might end up losing hair because of dandruff. Moreover, at times dandruff gets itchy and irritating too.

And if you think that irritation and itchiness are something you would take care of, don’t forget about staking your reputation. Since you have dandruff in your hair, you might get insulted because of dandruff all over your shoulders and head. You might look filthy and untidy. You would never want to be in that awkward situation when you are sitting with your friends, and your hair is filled with dandruff and the moment your friend hugged, you could see that dandruff on their shoulder too? Well, it is disheartening and disappointing.

Start paying attention to shampoos. 

If you use good shampoos like Ketomac shampoo for your hair care, you can deal with these issues quickly. There are exclusive shampoos that will wipe away dandruff from your hair, and you can stay happy, healthy, and wonderful. Suitable shampoos would preserve the charm of your hair and, at the same time, ensure that your hair is clean, safe, and dandruff free.

General shampoos

Then there is a category of people who feel that their general shampoos will be effective. Of course, these general shampoos will keep your hair clean and fresh. But since they are not specifically made to deal with a hair issue, they might not justify it. Shampoos are exciting and effective if you have one. It would help if you looked into the available options in dandruff shampoos. Once you look around, you will find them in variety.

How many times do you apply shampoos?

Well, yes, how many times do you apply shampoos? Do you do that quite often? Do you wash your hair every day, every alternate day, once a week, or once a month? You have to be a little more careful about the times you wash your hair. Dandruff shampoo will not work if you wash your hair only once a month. Even if you are using the most vital dandruff shampoo, you have to make sure that you use it at least twice a week or thrice. Moreover, even the best shampoo would take at least two weeks to show its outcomes to be a bit patient.

Thus, go ahead and pick the shampoos to fight your dandruff issue, and it is not at all good for your health.


You may be worried about the tiny white flakes that emerge from the scalp and are accompanied by an itchy sensation. This may be a dandruff condition, but there is no need to fret. Half the human population suffers from this, so you are not alone. It would help if you had proper dandruff treatment shampoo to overcome this.

What Is Dandruff?

It is an annoying but harmless skin condition that impacts your scalp, and it causes flaking and mild itching. It is an embarrassing condition; no one wants to be seen scratching their heads and displaying white flakes on their clothing.

Dandruff can be dealt with in two ways: short term and long term. The best way is the long term.

You may be trying to handle dandruff by brushing your hair or blowing them out with a hairdryer, but this has minimal impact, and dandruff will return very soon. Though they are easy to dislodge, dandruff flakes are persistent if not treated properly. The ways to go are long-term treatments like dandruff treatment shampoo.


No one has been able to pinpoint the exact cause of dandruff, and it is a mix of factors that can turn into complex conditions to diagnose and treat for some. Dandruff is caused by the overproduction of sebum and oils on the scalp that causes the clogging of pores and skin irritation.

The main culprit behind this condition is the fungus Malassezia Globosa, which feeds on the scalp’s natural oils. To get rid of this fungus, the scalp will enhance the rate of renewing skin cells, resulting in more than dead skin cells that will clump together and form dandruff flakes.

Based on the severity of the condition, the scalp may produce little or excessive skin flakes. Both ways, you will desire to get rid of the problem as fast as possible.

Some other factors contributing to dandruff:

  • Excessive conditioning and shampooing
  • Dry skin/ oily skin
  • Overgrowth of yeast on the scalp
  • Hormones
  • Stress
  • Excess fats in a diet
  • Lack of brushing of hair
  • Age ( teenage to middle age)

If you are unsure about the cause of your dandruff, it is good to consult a dermatologist and get her diagnosis.

Treatment Options

Dandruff may not be preventable, but it can be managed. Concerning long treatment, there are two options: Dandruff shampoos and Natural Remedies.

The choice of treatment depends on the suitability of your lifestyle and skin. It is also good to experiment with both types of treatment.


Ketomac shampoo is an excellent remedy for dandruff. It contains Ketoconazole, a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. This agent works by compromising the cell walls of fungi, causing the leaking of cell contents and their death.

Natural Treatments 

Mother Nature offers many natural remedies for treating dandruff. Most of them are gentle on your skin and not practical for severe dandruff. They are:

  • Water: Drink at least 8 cups of water daily to keep your scalp moisturized
  • Apple cider vinegar: It is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.
  • Tea Tree Oil: has antifungal qualities
  • Coconut oil: rich in minerals and antioxidants
  • Raw honey: is an excellent dandruff deterrent because of its antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

These are all some crucial facts about combating dandruff. For best results, use Ketomac dandruff shampoo to handle severe cases of dandruff.


When you know that you are pregnant, you can expect many changes in your body and hair. You can expect some good hair days during the nine months, and they will be lush and voluminous as they may have never been. Go through these hair care tips during pregnancy for good hair.

What to expect?

Usually, your hair grows in three stages- active, resting, and shredding. You can expect to lose 100 hairs each day during all three phases. However, there is a shift in the hair’s growth cycle during pregnancy because of the hormones. The hair will grow but won’t shed from the head, making your hair long, thick, and lush. It has been observed that the hair strands become thick, and the diameter of your hair also increases.

Here’s a look at the tips for natural hair care during pregnancy:

  • Avoid chemical treatments

It is advised to avoid colouring your hair during pregnancy as the colours can get absorbed by your scalp and even pass on to the baby in the womb. Further, colouring can also lead to allergic reactions. Thus, experts believe that pregnant women must avoid bleaching, colouring, and perming their hair.

  • Go for regular trimmings.

It is advised that you should go to trim your hair every few months, even during pregnancy. You will experience good hair growth during the phase doesn’t mean there will be no rough edges or split ends. To promote healthy hair growth, it is a must to trim your hair at least twice or thrice a year.

  • Choosing a good shampoo

Use a good shampoo such as Ketomac Shampoo to promote your hair and scalp health. Not just that, it also maintains a healthy scalp and helps in keeping dandruff away. Even Doctors recommend Ketomac shampoo for healthy and lustrous hair.

It has all the ingredients that promote hair growth and help fight dandruff. Dandruff can cause hair fall, so make sure you choose a gentle shampoo like Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo for taking good care of your hair.

  • Invest in a conditioner

Apart from shampoo, you also need to invest in a good conditioner as it makes a protective layer over the hair and makes them soft and manageable. You can also buy a hair serum left on damp hair for added shine and protection, apart from the conditioner. You can find a variety of serums in the market; choose the one with natural ingredients and is chemical-free.

  • Oil massage

It is a must to massage your scalp and hair with oil. Use warm oil for massage as it penetrates the roots and offers excellent results. You can either choose coconut oil or olive oil for massaging. Some people also like to mix two to three types of oil and apply them to the scalp to benefit them simultaneously. You can also apply amla oil on hair for shine and growth. On the other hand, castor oil can help fight frizz and dry hair problems. However, castor oil is thick in consistency, so make sure you warm it and apply it in small quantities or mix it with other oils.

  • Avoid combing wet hair.

Many women have a habit of combing wet hair to detangle them. But your hair is weakest when wet. Combining wet hair can make them appear rough and frizzy and lead to hair breakage. When your hair gets dried, you can use a comb with wide teeth for detangling it.

  • Avoid rubbing wet hair with a towel.

Most women habit rubbing their wet hair with a towel, but it can damage your hair. Instead of using rough material such as a towel for drying your hair, use soft cotton clothes or t-shirts for soaking the extra water from your hair.

  • Air dry

If you are not running out of time, attending a party, or hanging out with friends, try to avoid using blow dryers and flat irons. The excessive heat from these styling items will rip off the moisture from your hair and leave them dull and frizzy. Use such styling equipment occasionally.

  • Deep conditioning

It is essential to deep condition your hair every once in a while. You can either go to a salon for the conditioning treatment or hair spas or apply DIY masks at home. It is said that applying honey, raw milk, egg, avocados, apple cider vinegar, curd, etc., can condition your hair and leave them silky smooth. You can apply these masks once a week for great results.

  • Avoid hairstyles that pull your hair.

It is good to experiment with new hairstyles during pregnancy to make yourself feel better. But avoid styles that pull your hair too tight, such as tight braids, ponytails, or buns.

  • Focus on diet

Apart from external hair care, you also need to provide the proper nutrition to your body for healthy hair. You must include nuts, fruits, veggies, omega-3, vitamins, and proteins in your diet for healthy hair. Since you are pregnant, ask your doctor about the type of diet and potions you can have.

  • Get rid of stress

Relieving stress during pregnancy is not just crucial for your hair growth but also for your overall health. You can take a gentle walk in the park or do some yoga if your doctor permits. If not, you can meditate and focus on breathing deep, which will relax your mind and help you get rid of stress.

These are some of the essential tips that are easy to follow and won’t hassle you during pregnancy. Following these tips during pregnancy will help you take proper care of your hair. It is one of the best phases of life, so why not look good with beautiful hair. You can try beautiful hairstyles and make yourself feel better, and it will also boost your confidence.


Itchy scalp is a common problem for most people. Certain itchy scalp conditions impact those with oily scalp, while others affect dry scalps.

It is vital to identify the cause of your itchy scalp to go in for the best proven and effective treatment. To understand your problem, know your scalp type, recognize secondary symptoms, and identify wrong points in your routine for scalp care. If you suffer from flaking and itching of the scalp caused by dandruff, it is time to switch to scalp shampoo.

Following are the leading causes of the itchy scalp:

  • Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis

The most common cause of flaky, itchy, and irritated scalp is dandruff, and it is the much-discussed cause of dandruff with the most readily available treatment products.

There are many products for treating dandruff, but the best shampoo has been proven to be Ketomac Shampoo. An overgrowth of the microbe Malassezia causes dandruff which can worsen Seborrheic Dermatitis. This microbe exists naturally on all scalps, but it goes out of control on scalps with dandruff.

Dandruff exists mainly in oily scalps. Oily scalps are prone to dandruff because Malassezia fungi thrive in oil. As such, dandruff can manifest in eyebrows, beards, etc. Your oily scalp will become red and itchy. If you have dandruff, your itchy scalp will host big creamy flakes and clusters of dead skin.

  • Contact dermatitis

Your itching scalp may be caused by contact dermatitis. This is the case if you have sensitive skin, reacted to skincare products in the past, and have food allergies or asthma.

Some scalp types are generally more sensitive compared to others. Haircare products like shampoos contain elements like allergens, sensitizers, and irritants. Several shampoos contain perfumes that may cause allergies.

The skin can easily absorb these elements. The skin usually filters out undesirable elements, but sometimes they may slip through the skin, triggering an immune response of inflammation to isolate and kill them. An itchy, red scalp also accompanies such inflammation.

You may still suffer from contact dermatitis even if you don’t change your scalp care routine. Sensitizers do not cause symptoms the first time but may develop reactions after some time. For instance, your scalp will itch even when you use a shampoo that you have used for many years.

  • Ringworm

Also called as TineaCapitis, these are not worms. Ringworms are so-called because of the patterns they make on the skin. But, likely, you will not be able to spot such red, itchy sores on your scalp by yourself.

Ringworm is similar to dandruff as a fungus also causes it. The bad news is that it is highly contagious. In this case, it is left untreated; it can lead to severe hair loss. The fungus is active on the scalp and deep inside hair follicles. If ringworm has been diagnosed, you will need oral medication apart from a topical cream.

  • Product build-up

The leading causes of product build-up are hair styling products, particularly those containing silicones. At the start, they will leave your hair shiny and smooth. But after some time, if not washed away, your hair will become lifeless, limp, and dull. Product build-up can leave your scalp red and itchy.

These are some of the facts associated with itchy scalps.


Dandruff is a skin problem that impacts the human scalp—symptoms of the disease range from flaking to the sensation of itching.

Dandruff is not related to the hygiene of the head, but it can manifest as self-esteem or social problems. An extreme version of the problem causing skin inflammation is called seborrhoeic dermatitis.

Dandruff is diagnosed based on the symptoms. The condition’s cause is attributed to both genetic and environmental problems, and the fundamental issue is the excess production of skin cells.

Dandruff impacts 50% of adults in the world. Its onset is usually from puberty. As such, it is connected to hormonal issues. Men are more affected than women, and the symptoms wear off after 50.

Symptoms of dandruff are itchy scalp and flaking of the scalp. Other symptoms include tingling skin sensation and greasy and red patches on the skin. In the case of those suffering from dandruff, cell turnover in the scalp is in excess, often taking only 2 to 7 days, while in the ordinary course, it takes a month. Because of this, there is shedding of dead skin cells in big, oily clumps, which appear in greyish or white flakes on clothes, skin, and scalp.

There is no cure for this condition, but symptoms may be controlled by using antifungal cream or shampoo. The leading shampoo for treating dandruff is Ketomac, which contains the antifungal compound Ketoconazole in a 2% aqueous solution, and Ketomac is considered the most effective anti-dandruff shampoo.

Ketoconazole helps destroy the fungus Malassezia, which is the leading cause of dandruff. Malassezia is found naturally on the body but might be in excess on the scalp of those with dandruff. Ketomac stops the production of ergosterol, a vital component of the cell walls of fungi. Holes appear in the cell wall, which results in leaking out of cell contents and the death of the cells.

Ketomac shampoo is highly effective at alleviating symptoms of dandruff. Because of its success, this shampoo is one of the skin products in high demand. It may also be used to treat other conditions like ringworm and TineaVersicolor.


The winter season is almost here, and your hair must already be experiencing its side effects. The Winter season is when our hair needs maximum attention and care. So are you looking for tips for healthy hair in the winter season? You can’t let your hair look unkempt just because of the change in the weather. The cold weather outside shouldn’t affect the way your hair looks. Messy hair can also make your entire appearance look dull. The cold and dry weather affects the skin and causes a lot of hair problems. It would help if you took extraordinary measures to keep your hair looking healthy on the outside and stay healthy on the inside.

Tips for Keeping Hair Healthy in Winter

In winter, you can quickly moisturize your skin, but what can you do for your hair and scalp? Most people generally look for the best shampoo for dandruff and itchy scalp to help nourish and moisturize their hair and scalp. There are many dos and don’ts that you should follow to keep your hair nourished and healthy in winter. Below are a few tips that can help you keep your hair in good condition throughout the season.

1. If you live in a very cold region, you probably have a radiator or room heater in place to keep the inside of your house or room warm. While staying in a very hot room can be pretty comfortable, you should always maintain a moderate temperature inside your house. Instead of making your room too hot, you should keep it sufficiently warm. Otherwise, you will get a temperature shock when you step outside your house or return from work, which can irritate your skin and cause hair problems.

  1. The same rule applies to hot showers. While it is pretty obvious that a nice hot shower feels fantastic on a cold winter day, hot water is neither good for your hair nor your skin, and it dehydrates your hair and skin, which has terrible consequences. So, it would help if you did not take too hot showers, and instead, it would help keep the water as cold as possible to take a shower.
  2. Shampooing your hair regularly is essential for storekeeping your hair and scalp healthy. But how often should you do it? If you shampoo your hair at least twice or thrice a week, it will keep your hair from becoming dehydrated or drying out too much. While showering, you can use the best scalp shampoos available in India to help nourish your scalp.
  3. It is pretty evident that the winter season is dry, and thus your hair will get quite dry during this season. This will eventually lead to scalp irritation and dandruff. If proper care isn’t taken, it can also cause hair to fall. Your hair and scalp need nourishment to stay healthy, so you should remember to provide the oils that it needs regularly. You might lead a hectic lifestyle, but still, you have to take some time out to keep your scalp moisturized. If you can’t keep your hair oiled overnight, you should at least keep it on for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off with a shampoo and conditioner. You can use olive oil or even coconut oil for this purpose.
  4. The conditioner is a must in the winter season. It is necessary for your regular hair care routine, but it is especially needed in the winter season. The dry weather can leave your hair damaged and rough, and using a deep conditioner can help smoothen them up. Regular use of a deep conditioner and a leave-in treatment is highly recommended for people living in the northern areas where the temperature is freezing. Pair it with the best dandruff shampoo for oily scalpand you have a proper system to keep your hair healthy.
  5. Drying your hair correctly is another thing that you should keep in mind. You need to keep your hair dry before you step outside, as the excess moisture can freeze in the cold weather outside and harm your hair. Blow dryers are an excellent tool to dry and style your hair to perfection. But they are also quite damaging as the heat dries out your scalp and hair. Drying your hair naturally is recommended, but you should never forget to use a heat protection serum or spray before blow-drying your hair if you are in a hurry.
  6. Air drying your hair is the best way to dry it, and it applies to all seasons. The less you use tools like flat irons and dryers, the better condition your hair will be in. Having said so, you should remember that going out with wet hair is highly damaging, and it causes your hair to freeze and break. So in case you don’t have the time to allow your hair to dry out naturally, you should use the blow dryer in the most relaxed setting possible. And always put the heat protection spray beforehand.
  7. No matter how much care you take for your hair, the ends of the hair eventually do become brittle and dry. So, it would help if you had them trimmed quite regularly. It doesn’t matter whether you have long or short hair; regular trims are necessary. They keep the hair in good condition and don’t allow the ends to develop into split ends. Ketomac shampoo is also great for reducing the risk of developing split ends and other hair issues in winters.
  8. Hats are needed in the winter season to keep you warm and protect your hair from the cold winds. You wouldn’t have to spend an enormous amount of time styling your hair, yet the hats can add a different edge to your whole look.
  9. The last tip is to eat a healthy and balanced diet to keep your body healthy. Also, it would help if you drank a lot of water to keep yourself well hydrated.


Dandruff is a common scalp problem, and it is a condition where the scalp tends to dry up fast, and dry skin cells fall off as white flakes on your shoulders. Many of us wonder how to cure dandruff permanently, and sometimes we end up doing something odd, which worsens the situation.

Dandruff is a chronic condition and can be embarrassing. Dandruff is usually associated with flaking, itchiness, redness, and hair fall. Scratching and picking on your scalp and dry flakes can cause more itchiness and further hair fall. Read this post to learn more about dandruff, hair fall, and how to cure them?

Causes of dandruff

Dandruff may be caused by various reasons, such as an individual’s lifestyle, genetics, etc. When you wash your hair excessively, you strip your hair of its natural oils, which can make hair very dry and thus lead to more flaking. Sometimes dandruff may be due to an underlying problem such as contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and eczema. The first step to curing your dandruff is to get a diagnosis done. The hair specialist will help you determine the cause of dandruff and how to fight with dandruff.

General methods to cure dandruff

Sometimes, our products contain fragrances, preservatives, parabens, sulfates, etc. This can irritate your scalp and cause dandruff. This is called contact dermatitis, and it would help if you used a mild and natural shampoo.

Always condition your hair from the middle length of your hair. As the hair on the top of your scalp tends to be more nourished, the added product can cause product build-up, leading to dandruff and hair fall.

Oiling your hair two times a week with coconut oil will keep your hair nourished. Dry hair and scalp can also cause dandruff.

Try out different home remedies to help keep your dandruff in control. If none of them works out, opt for a medicated shampoo that suits your condition. Read the following secret strategies for dealing with hair problems.

Home remedies for dry and rough hair to avoid dandruff

1. Mix one tablespoon of honey with one tablespoon of olive oil with one egg. Apply this mixture to your scalp and hair from root to ends. Leave this mask on for two to three hours for the best effect. The egg is rich in protein and helps strengthen your hair. Honey and olive oil are rich in moisture, and this will nourish and moisturize your hair. This mask is also very enriching to hair, making hair grow faster and thicker fast.

  1. Blend a ripe avocado, a tablespoon of honey two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this paste to your scalp and hair. Doing this can make your hair very nourished and healthy. Avocado is loaded with fatty amino acids, which help coat the hair shaft and maintain moisture. Avocado is rich in vitamins like A, B6, D, and E and minerals like iron and copper that help nurture both your hair and scalp. The presence of natural oils provides lasting and deep hydration.
  2. An age-old remedy is to heat two tablespoons of coconut oil and mix it with equal lemon juice. Apply this mixture to your scalp and leave it on for about twenty minutes. Rinse it off and shampoo as usual. Coconut oil has been known through the ages as very moisturizing hair oil. It also has natural antibacterial properties, which help ease dandruff itchiness. The lemon juice in this mixture works well to remove dandruff from your hair. Lemon juice can also make your hair shiny and beautiful.

Remedies for hair fall due to dandruff

  1. Using neem paste

Mix 2 tablespoons of neem juice, two tablespoons of beetroot juice, two tablespoons of coconut milk, and one teaspoon of coconut oil. Make sure you mix these ingredients thoroughly. Apply the paste to your scalp and let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with a mild shampoo. Neem has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Coconut milk nourishes the hair from root to tip. Using this remedy makes your hair strong and helps protect hair from damage.

  1. Using Fenugreek seeds

Let fenugreek or methi seeds be soaked overnight in water. The next day filters the seeds and makes a fine paste. Blend apple cider vinegar into this paste. Apply this mixture to your hair and scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing it off with a mild shampoo. It is advised to repeat this process once every week to eliminate dandruff. Fenugreek seeds are one of the most accessible spices in all our kitchens; using this with apple cider vinegar can help fight off dandruff and promote healthy hair growth.

What next?

When the home remedies do not work well enough, you can try using a medicated antidandruff shampoo. When you choose a medicated shampoo, opt for the shampoos that contain coal tar, zinc pyrithione, Ketoconazole, or selenium sulfide. These ingredients are active in fighting dandruff. Coal tar is a temporary solution as it helps by slowing the pace of cells on the scalp die. This does not help fight the underlying cause of it. Zinc pyrithione has been used in antidandruff shampoos ever since the 1930s. It is used so due to its reliability. Ketoconazole is a slightly stronger option. It gives relief rather quickly. Shampoos containing salicylic acid are also good options to help keep dandruff away. You can purchase medicated shampoos online or at any drugstore or pharmacy.

Ketomac shampoo is a well-known shampoo used to cure dandruff and prevent hair fall. Ketomac shampoo is a natural-based shampoo that contains Ketoconazole. Ketoconazole is an active ingredient that helps fight dandruff and helps keep the scalp healthy and clean. Ketoconazole is pretty strong, and hence, you can see the difference faster than any other shampoo. Shampoos containing Ketoconazole are usually the last option if all other remedies fail.


Most women must have experienced rough and split ends that hamper the appearance of their beautiful locks and make it longer to grow hair after a certain length. Your ends may need help which you might not be ignoring. The ends of our hair are the oldest part of our hair, making it evident that they need extra care and love. Retaining the length of your hair depends on the health of your tips. Thus, if you want to grow your hair long, you need to focus on hair care tips for growing long hair.

To maintain the texture and quality of your hair, from roots to tips, you also need to choose an appropriate shampoo. Ketomac shampoo is considered one of the ideal shampoos for long and healthy hair.

Essential Hair Care Tips for Growing Long Hair:

Moisturizing and sealing

Dry hair can cause breakage, which can further lead to split ends. It would help if you found a water-based moisturizer with natural oil to protect your ends from breaking and splitting, which will allow your ends to remain hydrated and grow fast.


Many hair experts have said that trimming is essential for growing your hair fast and keeping them healthy. Split ends make the hair dull and lead to tangles. Every girl loves long hair, but there is no point in holding onto the length just to have long hair if you have damaged ends. Having healthy hair should be a priority. You must trim your hair every 3 to 4 months for getting rid of the dull and rough ends.


For getting healthy ends, protection is the key! Before using any styling products such as curlers, flat iron, and blow drier, you must apply a quality heat protector to prevent damage to your hair.

Conditioning treatments

It is mandatory to indulge your hair in some deep conditioning treatments. You can make masks at home and apply them at least once a week. The egg is also considered beneficial for your hair. Since the tips are the oldest part of your hair, they have experienced the most wear and tear and need extra care for combating wear and tear. You can also apply a deep conditioner to the ends first and then work your way up to the roots. There are special shampoos and conditioners for colour-treated hair; make sure you invest in one.


For keeping your strands and scalp healthy, you need to cleanse them thoroughly. Ketomac is one of the best scalp shampoos available in India, which takes care of your scalp and keeps your hair healthy.


Apart from what you do externally, it is also essential to consume a wholesome diet to keep your hair healthy. You must make many fruits, vegetables, nuts, eggs, and beans a part of your diet.

Keeping your hair dandruff free is essential as part of your complete hair care routine. Use Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo as it is gentle on hair and effective for getting rid of dandruff and other scalp conditions.


While most experts talk about hair care routines and tips, there is hardly any information about scalp care. Even when you visit saloons, anyone rarely talks about the scalp condition and its significance in getting good hair. No one takes the scalp seriously, and it remains ignored more often than not.

Sometimes, the hair follicles get clogged with sebum, and some of them die, so there is no hair growth from them. That pretty much explains the reason for thinning hair. Then there are sensitive, itchy, and dry scalps, which explains why some people often have the urge to itch. It’s ironic that people take so much care of their face and skin but ignore the skin on their scalp. All these issues can be managed with the help of a good scalp care regimen.

Here’s a look:

  1. Select a shampoo based on your hair type

The actual purpose of washing your hair is not cleaning your hair but cleansing your scalp. If you have an oily scalp but dry or damaged hair, buying a shampoo will worsen your scalp condition. Instead, you should choose a shampoo that helps in clarifying the scalp and control sebum production. You can then apply a conditioner that nourishes your dry locks.

    • Get rid of dandruff.
  1. Dandruff is not suitable for the scalp as it leads to hair fall, and it is advisable to get rid of dandruff as soon as possible. You can choose anti-dandruff shampoos such as Ketomac shampoo, as it helps combat the issue by keeping your scalp clean and hair strong.
    • Hydrate your scalp
  1. Hydration is essential for skincare, but we ignore it to hydrate our scalp. You don’t need creams and serums but an oil-free mist for hydrating the scalp.
    • Exfoliate regularly for removing sebum
  1. Your scalp is an extension of your facial skin, so your scalp needs exfoliation, too, just like your facial skin. Oily scalp and humid weather require you to exfoliate once a week, while a dry scalp can be exfoliated every two weeks.
    • Treat the scalp before shampooing.
  1. Oils and serums are good for managing the hair, but they can also flatten and make your roots oily. Thus, applying these treatments at night or before you shower is recommended, and you can leave them for 30 minutes before taking a shower.
    • Massage
  1. Massage is the key to a healthy scalp. Massage helps in improving the blood circulation on your scalp, which helps the nutrients in reaching the follicles and helps healthy hair grow out of them. Before brushing your hair, for 5 minutes, massage your scalp. You can also massage while applying oil or shampooing. But, never use your nails for massaging as you may scratch the scalp and irritate it.
  2. These scalp care tips will help provide you with the answer to how to care for hair and scalp. And, for shampoo, trust Ketomac as it is the best scalp care shampoo in India for treating your scalp and promoting healthy hair growth.


Shiny, strong, and long hair is everyone’s dream, but not everyone is naturally blessed with healthy hair. It is essential to take care of your hair externally, but what you eat is also essential. Just like your diet affects your health, it also impacts the health of your hair, and you need to eat good foods for healthy hair. When you start making small yet significant changes in your diet, your hair quality also improves.

Dry and frizzy or smooth and silky, it reflects your inside health. Our hair stands are made of cells that contain a protein known as keratin. Keratin needs to be constantly nourished, which is only possible when you consume a diet rich in minerals and vitamins. It will undoubtedly help in making your hair longer and more robust. It is crucial to imbibe healthy eating for healthy hair to see results in the long run.

Here’s a list of foods that can help in achieving healthy hair:

  1. Spinach and green vegetables

The cells in your hair require iron, and a deficiency of iron in your body can lead to hair loss. When you have an iron deficiency in your body, the nutrients and oxygen are not transported to the follicles and roots of your hair, which can inhibit the growth of hair and make your hair strands weak. Spinach is one such green veggie that is rich in iron.

  1. Citrus fruits

Your body needs Vitamin C for absorbing iron which means it is essential to imbibe citrus fruits in your diet. One lime per day is sufficient for fulfilling your needs for Vitamin C. You can also consume other citrus fruits like oranges.

  1. Eggs

Protein is an essential element that promotes healthy hair. Thus, it would help if you consumed enough protein in your daily diet. Protein is known as the building block of hair, and eggs are the richest source of proteins.

  1. Seeds and nuts

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for thickening and nourishing the hair. Your body can’t produce these fats, and you need to get them from nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and flax seeds.

  1. Carrots

It is recommended to drink carrot juice daily for growing your hair fast. Vitamin A is required for the growth of hair cells, and it also helps the scalp produce natural sebum, which keeps your roots healthy and boosts hair growth.

  1. Whole grains

Make whole grains a part of the daily diet as they are rich in Zinc, Vitamin B, and Biotin, which are essential for cell proliferation and play a role in producing amino acids that help hair growth.

  1. Avocado

Vitamin E present in avocado helps in improving blood circulation helping the follicles work more efficiently in promoting hair growth.

You can also consume berries, beans, meat, and fish for making your hair healthy.

Once you have made the dietary changes in your lifestyle, it is time to pick the right shampoo for healthy hair. Ketomac Shampoo is the most recommended shampoo for healthy hair by the experts.



Hair plays a vital role in defining beauty. Who does not love a healthy, voluminous, and lustrous mane? However, stress, poor diet, and exposure to heat and chemicals have become a part of our lives because of our lifestyle. All of these affect the quality and texture of hair. Hair fall has also become a common issue in both men and women. You might need to look for the best ways to promote hair growth as this concern has been growing among all in recent times.

To combat these issues, one needs to follow certain habits that will promote hair growth and maintain the health of your hair. Here’s a look:

Eat right and exercise.

Though external remedies are essential, what you eat also contributes to hair health. You need to include many fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, and dairy products in your diet. You must also consume nuts and drink a lot of water for keeping your hair hydrated. Beauty reflects what you eat, so stick to a healthy diet and maintain a fitness regimen to keep diseases at bay, as certain health conditions can cause hair fall.


Biotin and vitamin E are considered the best for healthy hair, and vitamin A and B best promote hair growth. You also need Iron, Zinc, and protein to maintain healthy and lustrous hair. It is also said that lower levels of Vitamin D can lead to thinning hair in women. So don’t forget to take a mild dose of Vitamin D once in a while by soaking in the sunlight. However, remember that excess sunlight and heat can cause damage to the hair in the long run. So, moderation is the key. Also, try to choose fruits and vegetables for vitamin intake instead of medicines and supplements.

Right shampoo and conditioner

Because of the exposure to heat, sweat, and dirt, it is essential to wash our hair every 2-3 days. Washing your hair every day can rip off the scalp oil leaving your hair dry and dull. You can use Ketomac shampoo as it is one of the best shampoos to grow hair and fight dandruff. It is also advised to use a gentle conditioner as it creates a protective layer on your hair and makes them soft and tangle-free.

Use hair masks

Though plush saloons offer spa services, it is always better to go natural and apply various masks to promote hair growth and help keep frizz at bay. You can mix olive oil with an egg white and keep it for 30-45 minutes. A honey, banana, and olive oil mask works wonders for your hair.

Hot oil massage

Now, we all know the benefits of oil massage for our hair. But for better results, it is advised to heat the oil and when it turns lukewarm, apply it gently to the roots and massage for 10-15 minutes. This improves blood circulation and makes your roots stronger. Read hair care tips for oily hair.

Apart from these tips, it would help trim every few months to eliminate the split ends, and it helps in promoting hair growth.


When you travel, you have to be watchful about your hair, and you cannot spend half of your trip fixing your hair. No matter how stylish clothes you are wearing or how fancy your footwear is, you might struggle to rule your trip and travel if your hair is messy and unkempt! So, are you looking for methods to keep your hair in shape while travelling?

You can use the best shampoo for hair fall and dandruff or other shampoos to make sure that your hair gets vulnerable to any such hair condition. Similarly, to make the most of your hair during the travelling time, have a look below at the following points.

Wear a specific hair look 

You can make sure that your hair looks stylish and clean during travelling. You can follow these simple tips:

  • Ponytail: Whether you tie the ponytail low or high, your ponytail can create a clean, chic, and stylish look on a scorching, oily, and sweaty day.
  • Bun –: It is easy to hide dull or messy hair.
  • Dry Shampoos: It would be good to wash your hair with dry shampoos when travelling. It will keep your hair dry and won’t add up unnecessary oils.
  • Hats: It would be another trick to keep your hair kempt and clean. If it is too hot or windy, wear a hat to guard your silky and beautiful hair locks.

Coat your beautiful hair with moisturizer or oil 

Any good moisturizer that will do it for you, like hair conditioner, olive oil, coconut oil, body moisturizer, and so on, would work wonders for your hair. It would be lovely to use natural oils or hair products while travelling. Once you have applied the oil when you are in beach areas or similar areas, it will permit your hair to absorb the conditioner to engross the salt water that will dry it out. Once you are done with your outside activities, rinse it out!

Do proper brushing during travel.

Brushing does not seem vital to hair health, but it can cause so much damage if forgotten about. You know twisted hair is more disposed to breakage, and if it gets terrible, it becomes a reason for more damage when you try to brush it out. Do it whenever you get a chance to brush your hair during the trip. You must brush your hair right deep to the scalp. When you brush your hair even a couple of times during your entire trip, you avoid dust or oil.

So, please carry and use the best dandruff control shampoo for your hair during travelling. You can opt for Ketomac shampoo for the best experience. Once you brush up your hair and cloak it during travelling, you will keep it in the most effective shape.


Your hair is always giving you hints. If you take your hair into proper consideration, you will never encounter any issues with your scalp or hair. You can keep your hair smooth and firm with proper hair care. So, It gets essential to know the symptoms of dandruff?

To escape unnecessary issues, it is essential to keep yourself aware of the symptoms of different problems and conditions. How many people are struggling with dandruff? If you, too, are afraid of dandruff, keep yourself informed about the signs. You may feel flakes are the only signals of dandruff, but a couple of other symptoms also lead to dandruff, such as itchiness and dryness. Wash your hair regularly with Ketomac, as it is the best shampoo for dandruff and itchy scalp.

Signs and Symptoms Of Dandruff

Dandruff is caused by a natural presence of microbes on the scalp known as Malasseziaglobosa. The microbe converts the scalp oils into substances that might irritate the scalp. Though everybody has Malasseziaglobosa on the scalp, only around fifty percent of scalps are bothered by its presence.

If your dandruff, an ink that flakes, are the prime and only sign, you need to rethink. Some things come even before flakes and indicate dandruff. Itchiness is the most typical symptom that leads to flakes. The sensation of itchiness occurs when some irritants activate receptors on the skin’s surface. In such an instance, nerves signal your brain through the spinal cord. It is what causes you to act (scratch). Annoyance from Malassezia can become why a scalp becomes so itchy that you are forced to scratch. The point is that the itchiness you are experiencing is the first sign that you will encounter dandruff. Similarly, with itching, there are other signs of skin damage on the scalp: tightness, dryness, redness, and even irritation.

Things to Note

Please note that if you find any of these hints, you should start the treatment at the earliest possible. There is no need to procrastinate. Once dandruff gets out of hand, it gets tricky to handle this. Dandruff can be embarrassing many times and hard to treat, but the good news is that help is available. There are exclusive shampoos like Ketomac anti-dandruff Shampoo that can be picked for your hair washes. You use different shampoos for your hair care; adding a dandruff shampoo to your list won’t hamper your hair charm or pocket. These anti-dandruff shampoos are exclusively made to clean the hair and keep them away from any dandruff.

Similarly, sometimes dandruff does come because of the usage of the wrong products. If you are using some products that are not friendly to your skin or hair, it is time to throw them out of your house. Don’t use the products that hamper the cleanliness and wellness of your hair. Would you please talk to hair experts before you pick a shampoo? Some people have sensitive hair and scalp; professional guidance would be apt.

Thus, the moment you find any hints of dandruff comes into action.


Your hair enhances your beauty and gives you the glow that keeps you fresh. You can do many things with your hair by styling them once you know how to wash and style your hair. It might interest you that washing has a significant role in helping you make different hairstyles.

 Give your hair a Proper Wash

Before you go any further:

  1. Give your hair a proper wash.
  2. Ensure that the hair is appropriately wet, and then apply the right shampoo like Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo for women/ladies with your fingers.
  3. Make foam and ensure that the shampoo reaches the roots.

You have to clean your hair to get rid of any dust or grease. If you use suitable shampoos, you will get soft and smooth hair after your wash. These shampoos contain conditioning and moisturizing ingredients that battle curl and leave your hair looking silky and soft. The type of shampoo you use makes a significant difference. For example, if you have greasy hair, you require a shampoo having more concentration on the cleansers than moisturizers. It will help in the deep cleaning of hairs.

What is your hair routine?

Washing is not all about soaking in the water and applying the shampoo; there is more to this. You have to make sure that the shampoo enters your hair correctly and touches the scalp. And when you talk about conditioners, it is a whole new story; you have to concentrate on applying them to the tips rather than allowing them to touch the scalp. Apart from this, even leave-in treatments can help keep your hair healthy and firm. You can know about different treatments and go for the one that suits your needs and hair type. Suppose you have an oily scalp, then you can go for Ketomac shampoo for oily scalp.

What should be your hairstyle this summer?

  • Once the humidity arises, every day seems like a bad hair day. On dull and draining days, all you have to do is add one braid on one side of your head and top it off with a cap of your choice. It would keep you cool and intelligent.
  • Next, make sure that you keep your back free from hair locks. Just keep hair off your back and shoulder both. What you can do is you can tie the hair in a high ponytail, ponytail straight back, and secure. You can give your hair a fresh spray to keep them clean and fresh.
  • You can go to a chignon too. It conventionally includes a sleek twist with inserts at the ends. Talking about the summer version, it is way less severe. You have to twist tinier sections of hair at the back of the head and pin them up with the correct pins. This way, you would get rid of all those lurking hair on your neck.

Thus, there is a myriad of things that you can do with your hair and keep them stylish and clear of dust, grease, and oiliness with the help of Ketomac shampoo.