
We all know that health is our utmost valuable asset which we cannot underestimate in any case. But still, due to our busy schedules, we sometimes miss the chance to take care of our skin. It is also one of the most underrated parts of our body about which we hardly care. We are already busy in our daily routine and taking care of our skin seems a little bit difficult task that we always tried to skip. Even those who care for our skin still face many problems associated with the same. 


There are so many actions of ours that made us suffer from a variety of skin infections. We cannot still avoid the skin issues completely but we can definitely make some efforts to protect our skin from the adverse effects. There are so many things that can affect our skin and can cause skin problems these also include microorganisms, bacteria, and pollution. All these things collectively make us suffer from different fungal infections. We all know that fungal infections happen due to fungus which is one of the microorganisms. The fungus when make a home on our skin starts causing us infections. 


The risk from these infections is not deadly but they are very much discomforting types of infections. Anybody no matter what age, gender, etc you are in you can still suffer from these infections. This means anybody can come under the trap of these fungal infections. One of the best things we can do for these infections relies on antifungals. Both antifungal medicines in the form of tablets and ointment are available by Ketomac that we can easily pick. You can also read about Ketomac tablet uses in Hindi to know more in detail about them. The antifungal tablets by Ketomac are meant for the purpose of reducing the effects of the fungus on our body. 


They are helpful in keeping a check on the fungal growth so that it can be minimized to the maximum extent for the maximum benefit. But still, there are some things that we all consider before we start taking these tablets. Some of them are discussed below for reference:


Why do you need an antifungal tablet?


So, before even looking for the tablets you must know for what purpose you actually need them. Fungal infections can be stopped or prevented by antifungals only. Only they are having necessary elements that can help us treat this infection. So, this means the antifungal tablets are for fungal infections. You may have seen people complaining about various fungal infections and some of the infections about which we must know are-


  1. Jock itch: This fungal infection is common among males. It usually affects the inner groin area or inner thigh area. The jock itch is also a fungal infection caused by fungi. It appears as a rash on our inner thighs or private area. It usually affects people with-
  • A habit of wearing tight-fitted clothes: Those who like to wear fitted clothes are also more likely to face this problem. Tight clothes can make your skin compromise and also make us feel uncomfortable.  
  • Wearing tight undergarments for a longer time: The undergarments should be comfortable on our bodies so that we can wear them. But in case they are not of the right fit then we may face some issues. Especially in the case of tight-fitted undergarments as they can cause rashes on our skin that can take the form of jock itch. 
  • More prone to sweating around the thighs: The inner thigh area is also prone to more sweating because of its physical appearance. The inner thigh area is a warm area where there are more chances of fungus to form and make a home. The sweating in this area may form a rash or jock itch. You can maintain proper hygiene of your body by keeping it clean and also dry. 
  • Common among the ones who come under the obesity condition: Those who are already at risk of obesity are most likely to suffer from this infection. Obesity is a health condition in which one is considered overweight. In case you also come under this category then you need to make some efforts to keep your body weight align. Make sure you eat healthily and keep your lifestyle active so that you can avoid this condition. Obesity can make us suffer from jock itch and skin rashes due to overweight conditions. 
  • Common among the people who are more engaged in sports or athletes: Those who are in sports or athletics wear mostly tight fitted sports dress that can cause rashes. Also, they are more prone to sweating in the inner thighs, groin, and other areas of the body. They need to be extra careful in maintaining hygiene to get rid of this problem.
  • People having weaker immunity, etc: Those who are having weaker immunity face more infections as compared to those one having hard immunity. That is why we always need to work on boosting our immunity so that we can avoid the risk of infections that are making us sick. 


So, these were the people who are at the most risk to suffer from this fungal infection. For the prevention of the same you have to make sure that you wear loose clothes, find the correct and breathable fabric, keep the inner thighs or groin dry, avoid tight fitting, etc. Also, go for antifungal tablets for the best possible treatment. 


  1. The nail fungal infection: The next one of the most common among all infections is nail fungus. Fungus when start loving our feet and moist in them then we are most likely to suffer from this infection. The nail fungal infection is quite stubborn that it will not go away from your skin easily. The nail fungal infection needs proper treatment in which you need to take antifungals and also the ointment for your nails. The nail fungus makes our nails look ill-shaped and discoloured. The nail bed looks bluish in colour and the nails can easily be noticed as ill. There are some people who are at risk of this infection-
  • The people with a habit of wearing closed footwear all the time: If you are also one of those who mostly wear closed footwear no matter what the weather is then you can be the next to catch this infection. Wearing closed footwear all day long does not allow our skin to breathe and sweat to dry. 
  • Repeating on the socks: So, most of us are in the habit of repeating the socks that we wore yesterday. As we think there is nothing wrong with the socks and we can repeat it. But we are unaware of the fact that the socks that you wore yesterday absorb all the sweat and repeating the same will increase the risk of infection. 
  • Those who do not let their shoes dry: Many of us just keep the shoes inside in the rack after we wore them. No matter how much time we wore them we need to keep them in the air or under a fan to let them dry. Otherwise, the sweat in the shoes can increase the risk of fungal infection. It is also advisable to make sure that your shoes are dried up completely before you put them inside the rack. 
  • Using infected nail cutters: In case there is someone in the family who is already suffering from a fungal infection then you need to be a little more careful to use the nail clutters. Avoid making use of the nail cutters that were already used by one with the infected nails. The fungal infection can be caught from infected nail cutters and filers. 
  • Sharing footwear with the infected person: Even if you wear the footwear of the infected person who is already facing the nail fungal problem then you can easily catch this infection. You should not share or wear the same footwear as worn by the infected person. The nail fungal infection can be shared through nail clippers, nail filers, socks, and footwear. So, avoid these things to also avoid the risk of this infection. 


So, these are the most possible reasons that can make you suffer from a nail fungal infection. 


  1. The lip fungus: Many of us have experienced this infection before but we don’t know what to really call it. The lip fungal infection is also very common and it is not specific to any gender or age group. This means anyone can get this infection anytime. Even infants and toddlers are prone to this infection. The lip fungal infection can form blisters on the corners of the mouth. It can cause redness around the corners of the lip areas. Sometimes it affects our tongue as we can see the white layering like a form developing on our tongue. There are many reasons why people get to suffer from this infection. Some of them are-
  • Poor mouth hygiene: Poor mouth hygiene is something that is of utmost importance. Failure to do this will further create so many complications which include difficulty in eating, chewing food, etc. If you did not brush or use mouthwash properly then you may face such problems. 
  • Using unclean dentures: Even if you are using dentures that are not clean or sanitized you can still suffer from this infection. Anything infected with any microorganisms or anything dirty may cause lip fungal infection. Make sure you did not underestimate this thing. 
  • People with the habit of biting lips: So, all those who are having the habit of doing this get the lip fungal infection so quickly. Biting your lips is not a good thing, especially the corners. They are a very sensitive part of your lips and you must avoid doing this. The cracked corners are one of the signs of fungal infection. 


So, the above reasons can make us suffer from lip fungal infection and we need to avoid these things if we don’t want to suffer. Ketomac tablet can be used against the fungal infections that we face.


  1. Ringworm infection: You may have heard of the ring shaped rash that can affect anyone. This rash is not like a normal rash rather it looks more upward on our skin. Ringworm is also a fungal infection caused by the fungi on our skin. It forms a ring-shaped rash on our skin that causes discomfort. Some of the reasons why we suffer from this are-
  • More sweating: If you are facing extra sweating on a particular skin area then you may have to suffer from this rash. The sweating makes your skin a place for the fungi to live and that is why we face such infections. Sweating is totally normal and we cannot avoid this in any case. But we can maintain the right hygiene to save ourselves from these types of infections. 
  • The fungal growth: We never know when the fungus will make a home and causes us a skin infection. We need to make efforts to control the fungus growth on our skin. With the help of antifungal ointment, we can reduce the fungus growth on our skin. 


So, the above-discussed are the most common of the fungal infections about which you may have heard many a time. But it is important to know about them in advance so that if you suffer from these you can easily identify them. After this, the next most important thing is the treatment of the fungal infection. The treatment includes both antifungal medicines and ointment that we need for the cure. Ketomac tablets are the best to deal with skin fungal infections and that is why we must consume them. You can also take advice from the doctor if you want before consuming these tablets. 


Don’t forget to apply the Ketomac antifungal ointment to the infection for quick and permanent relief from the infection. Also, go for the Ketomac tablets to stop the growth of fungus.


We all are tired of tying our hair in a bun or a ponytail as they are not perfect for keeping them open to flaunt. We have seen girls flaunting their good hair days with their selfies, whereas we have just tied our hair in a tight bun. All our hair problems can be kept at bay if you understand what healthy hairs are and how to get them. Most of us just compared going to salons with getting a big hole in our pockets, which is why we skip going there. 

You must know that hairs are beautiful and all we need to do is make an effort to keep them healthy. We should never compare our hair with anyone as every hair type is different yet beautiful. If you also want your hair to be good and healthy during this festive season, go through this article for more details. Our hairs are attached to many hair issues, including dandruff, hair fall, dull hair, grey hairs, etc. All these issues need some hair pampering to get rid of them. You may have heard about so many hair products that claim to be a solution for all these. 

But we cannot rely on them quickly as they may or may not be helpful for us. Ketomac hair shampoo can be the best choice for all your hair problems. You must know about hair spa benefits well before you think of getting the one done for your hair. A hair spa remedy is a rejuvenation treatment for our hair that we must get after regular intervals. 

Hair spa treatment?

You may have heard about the hair spa treatment, but we all think it is unique that we cannot try on our own at home. If we get the hair spa treatment done from the salon, it usually begins with the hair oiling, massaging the cream, and steaming. It is a kind of therapy that refreshes, rejuvenate, and repairs your hair. So often, we realize that our hair is damaged, but worse than everything is, we do not even make a single effort to do something about it. 

But now you can opt for hair spa sessions even at your home. Yes, you heard right hair spa treatments can also be performed at home without sending vast amounts of money outside. Nobody has enough time to find the right salon and wait hours to complete a hair spa session. That is why we can try the best possible hair spa treatments that can be done at home. Take a look at how to do it, what to need, and for what purpose to perform it-

  • For the protection of damaged hair: So, having damaged hair is nothing new as we have seen people complaining about broken hair so often. Avocado is one of the superfoods for not only our health but also our hair. It may seem a little weird to use avocado on our hair. But that’s true and look how to do the hair spa using it. For this purpose, you will need one small ripe avocado that you will further peel, chop, and then mash. You have to mash the avocado right so that we can get a smoother paste of it. Try to mash it properly without leaving the lumps behind. 

After you mash it properly, add the curd to the mixture. Again, mix the mashed avocado and curd well to blend well. Let it aside for some time so that both the ingredients can be mixed well and become active. To start the hair spa, first, we need our hairs to get steam before applying the mixture to them. At our home, for the steam, we can use a hot bowl of water by keeping it within our reach. We can keep our heads towards it in a bending position and use a towel to keep the steam within. In this way, you can take around ten to fifteen-minute steam sessions. 

After this:

  1. Wait for the next ten minutes to apply the prepared paste.
  2. Spread it evenly and keep it in your hair for around 30 to 40 minutes.
  3. Rinse it with shampoo and prefer cold water only while washing. 
  • For the treatment of dull hairs: The way we feel dullness on our skin, we can feel the same on our hairs. The dull hairs look dead and weak and need special care. For this purpose, we will start our hair spa using the most accessible ingredient, banana. 

To begin, start making a paste of banana by mashing it out using a hand blender. Make sure no lumps are left behind when you mash it. After this, add some drops of olive oil to the mashed banana and mix it well. Keep this prepared mixture for some time before applying it. 

Taking steam before the mask will add more value to our hair spa. For this treatment, use the homemade steam method by using a pot, water, and a lid to cover; after that, allow the steam to come in contact with your hairs by removing the lid. Continue the steam session for about ten minutes, and then wait for the next five minutes to apply the mixture. 

Apply the prepared mixture to your hair, including the roots and strands. After that, please keep it on your hair for thirty minutes before wash. Washing your hair after this treatment will be a little clingy as the banana may have stuck to your hair after drying. Removing the banana mixture from your hair may take a while, but it is worth it.

As an outcome, you will see that the natural oils in bananas have nourished your hair and that olive oil helps build their elasticity by adding life to your dull hair. 

  • One more treatment for dull hair- As we all know, dull hair is the most common problem we hear about from people. No matter what the gender is, we still face the dull hair problem so often. One of the best ingredients to deal with the dullness can be fenugreek seeds. They are essential ingredients in kitchens and can serve our purpose as well. Not only this but this ingredient is known for many more benefits for your hair as well. It will control the oil secretion in your hair so that we can avoid the problem of dull hair. 

It helps control the dandruff issue so we can finally get some relief from the white flakes. You can get rid of the dull hairs and can get the shinier hairs, then try this hair pack. To begin with this pack, we need fenugreek seeds, which must be soaked overnight. You can take a bowl, add some fenugreek seeds, and let it soak overnight. Please soak them overnight rather than for just three or four hours. 

The next day, sieve the water from the seeds, and the next task is to put the soaked seeds into the mixer to make the smooth paste. So, when the fenugreek seeds take the form of a paste, the next step is to add some yogurt and honey. Let the ingredients soak well and for this, keep it aside. Before applying this, take the hair steam; for this purpose, you can use boiling water. Use a towel to get the steam in your hair by using a utensil filled with water and a towel. Make sure to do this with full precautions to avoid any burn injury. 

So, after this, evenly apply the paste to your hair, keep it for thirty minutes, and then wash. All the ingredients used in this pack are good for our hair and help us quickly avoid dull hair issues. 

  • To treat weaker hair roots: If you also want your hair roots to be stronger, you must try this hair mask. The weaker hair roots make us suffer from many issues, including hair fall, brittle hairs, and split ends. You can try this hair spa, and then you can use one of the most known oils: olive oil. So, whether it is about your diet, health, body, or hair, olive oil has so many benefits that we can’t deny its use. Olive oil is used to strengthen your hair roots. Olive oil can be used in the place of other oils that you use for hair massage. You need to massage your hair with this oil before taking the steam. Make sure you massage your roots well with the oil and let it absorb in your hair. You can even leave the oil in your hair overnight as there is no loss in doing this. But you can apply it evenly on the tips and roots of the strands for one or two hours. 

Afterward, go for the steaming, using a hot towel and boiling water. Make sure it enters your hair well so that you can get the benefit. You can make a hot towel, dip it in the boiling water and squeeze the extra water from it. Then wrap your hair with the towel and keep it up for about twenty minutes. After that wash, you will notice the change in how better and softer your hair becomes after this. 

  • To boost hair growth: Very few people who do not like long hair are long-length hair lovers. You can also boost your hair length with the help of a simple hair spa remedy at your home. For this purpose, we will make use of coconut. You may have heard about a lot of coconut oil, which does wonders for our hair. By making our hair smoother and stronger, it can also boost hair growth. 

But for this hair pack, we will use a little different ingredient: coconut cream. You only need one component for this purpose which is coconut cream. First, like all other hair spa sessions, you will use a home hair spa remedy for the steaming. Use a towel, a lid, boiling water, etc., for the steam; rest for ten minutes after giving steam to your hair. After this, apply the coconut cream to your hair and keep it in your hair for at least one hour. This hair spa remedy will be beneficial in promoting hair growth. 

  • To improve hair texture: We all want our hair texture to be soft, shinier, and smoother so that we never get tired of touching them. We are having the subsequent hair spa treatment available to get this one. In this, we will use the two most potent ingredients: egg yolk and Aloe Vera. You all better know about the perks of these two ingredients that we can’t miss using on our hair. Both these can do wonders. Egg yolk also works as a natural conditioner for your hair. 

To make this mixture, you need fresh Aloe Vera gel, egg yolk, and olive oil. Combine all these ingredients and make a paste to apply to your hair. Use a shower gel to cover your head after applying this paste, and wash it off. Repeat this once a week for the best results. 

You can try hair spa dandruff treatment to treat dandruff and other hair issues. Ketomac is the best buddy of our hair, and that is why we must add it to our haircare routine. Make use of the antidandruff shampoo on your hair by Ketomac to solve most of your hair problems. 


So if we ask anyone what the most irritating hair issue they think is, the most obvious answer that we will get from most people is dandruff. Those who have never faced the dandruff issue always believe that it is not a big deal, but those suffering from it only know how irritating it is. We want to style our hair perfectly, but many things do not allow us to do so. One such thing is dandruff. 

It is the most common thing we will listen about as so many people around us suffer from it. You’re mistaken if you think you are the only one dealing with it. Dandruff is a scalp condition that makes white flakes appear on our hair, scalp, and also n our shoulders. Finding the perfect product to deal with dandruff is now easy. Now, you have Ketomac to deal with your dandruff issues. Our scalp is also the same as our skin which is prone to many infections, and it is the sensitive part and catches infection so quickly than we can even imagine. 

The dandruff problem is no longer limited to only males; even females, infants, and kids also suffer from the same. The only difference is the severity of dandruff. The best anti-dandruff shampoo in India is available with the Ketomac that we can use. Some of the noticeable prevalent facts about dandruff are-

  • It appears as white flakes: One of the most irritating flakes is white, and they fall off from our hair to our shoulders to irritate us. Dandruff includes flakes attached to our scalp that fall off without doing anything. 
  • The more you rub, the more flakes you will receive: If you want to see the snowflakes coming down from your hair, then all you need is to massage your scalp. While rubbing your scalp, you will see a bunch of flakes like snowfall. This is quite embarrassing and weird at the same time. 
  • You start avoiding dark colors: People suffering from dandruff issues suddenly dislike dark colors. This is because dandruff is more visible in the dark than the pastel colors. Those suffering from dandruff start avoiding black, blue, and red colors due to this hair condition. 
  • It is not reasonable: If you think that dandruff will come in winters only then, you are wrong. The dandruff problem is self-invited and is not specific to the season. Some people suffer from dandruff, even in summer. This means the weather condition is proved to be a myth. You can suffer from dandruff even during the rainy season, summers, and winters. 
  • Everyone is prone to it: Adults and even infants are more prone to dandruff conditions. You may have seen the dandruff problem in kids and infants. This means it is normal to have dandruff, and anyone can face this no matter what. 
  • The wrong product can also make you suffer: If you think dandruff is the only natural thing, then saying this can also be harmful. Dandruff can also be the reaction of a particular hair product used on your hair. This case is even more common among those with sensitive scalp issues. People having sensitive scalp faces the dandruff problem more as no matter what they use on their hair or scalp, they start getting hair issues like dandruff. 
  • It is not a transferable hair issue: If you assume you may get the dandruff issue from someone, you’re mistaken. This hair condition is not contagious and depends on our own. 

So, these are very known facts about dandruff that we usually hear from people. To treat dandruff, you may try a hair spa or choose the right anti-dandruff shampoo. You cannot eliminate dandruff if you do not use the right shampoo. Only a suitable hair shampoo can help you treat this issue. Ketomac’s anti-dandruff shampoo is a perfect choice, and we can’t thank the brand enough. It is primarily meant to deal with the dandruff problem in different hair conditions. It is suitable for sensitive scalp, colored or dyed hairs, thin hairs, etc. You must know the various perks of choosing the anti-dandruff shampoo for your hair. Some of them are-

  1. Maintaining a healthy scalp: One of the best-known benefits that we will get is a healthy scalp. Our scalp should be healthy to avoid hair conditions. If it is not, it will be more prone to infections like eczema or dandruff. The anti-dandruff shampoo keeps our scalp clean by removing dirt and bacteria from our hair. They are meant to keep our scalp healthy and also clean. While we use the anti-dandruff shampoo, we don’t have to worry about our scalp condition. 
  2. Dealing with the dryness: The dandruff problem makes our scalp dry and flaky, and that’s how we need to handle the dryness. But most of the time, we assume that dryness is typical and ignore this issue. But using anti-dandruff shampoo ensures we do not underestimate the dryness issue. It helps tackle the dryness by gradually reducing it to the maximum extent. We feel dryness whenever we touch our scalp or hair, all because of dandruff. Using anti-dandruff shampoo will help. 
  3. Providing the essential nutrients: Our scalp also needs proper nutrients to be healthy as our body demands. Lacking essential vitamins makes us suffer from new hair problems. Anti-dandruff shampoos are made with the vital vitamins and other nutrients that our scalp and hair need. This means they boost the healthy growth in our scalp so that it can keep our scalp nourished and healthy. The essential vitamins are just like energy boosters for our scalp as well. 
  4. Keeping check of oil on the hairs: Some scalps produce excessive oil. No matter when we wash our hair, we will always find our hair greasy all the time. We often blame the washing style, possibly due to the oil spill on our scalp or follicles. But it would help if you blamed the shampoo you are using that does not allow the oil in your hair to wipe off. You need to make sure you are using the best anti-dandruff shampoo, like Ketomac, to remove the excess oil from your scalp. Oily hair problem is also making us suffer with dandruff as the greasy hairs, the higher you will see the flakes. 
  5. Works as a hair cleanser: You may have heard about skin cleansing products. Have you ever heard of hair cleansers? Most of us will say no, as hair cleansers are less in trend because we keep on focusing only on facial cleansers. Anti-dandruff shampoos also work as hair cleansers as they help in taking dirt, pollution, oil, and bacteria and flakes out from our scalp. They deeply cleanse our hair so that we can feel like washing our hair. 
  6. Get better hair with every wash: If you suffer from a dandruff issue, you better know how it feels when you see someone flaunting your beautiful hair. Anti-dandruff shampoos are meant to offer us beautiful hair as they not only focus on making our hair clean but also on keeping it healthy. Only healthy hairs are beautiful hairs. 
  7. Suitable for many hair types: The anti-dandruff shampoo by Ketomac is ideal for almost every hair type. If you have a sensitive scalp, dyed or colored hair, face other hair problems, etc., you can still use this shampoo. Always choose the shampoo which suits the multiple hair issues so that you don’t feel like using something particular to your hair. 

The above-discussed benefits of using the anti-dandruff shampoo that we can never miss. If you have still not used it, start making use of it now. Along with using the anti-dandruff shampoo, you must also focus on caring a little more for your hair. Follow some fundamental tips to keep them healthy and dandruff-free. 

  • Avoid tying too tight: In summer, we like to tie our hair more tightly, so we don’t feel hot. But in reality, doing this can harm our hair. You need to change your old habits if you want healthy hair, which is one of the changes we can happily adopt. Never tie your rubber band or bun so tight, no matter what it is. Doing this can make your hair roots weaker, and you will start experiencing many more hair issues. 
  • Never underestimate hair hygiene: Same as hand, mouth, or body hygiene, hair hygiene is equally important. Every day our hairs also feel the sweating and come in contact with the pollution as our skin does. That is why we wash our face thoroughly to avoid skin issues, the same as in the case of hair. We need to wash our hair if we have a long day of sweat so that we can avoid hair problems to start. Thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo that is gentle to your scalp. Never delay your hair cleaning for more than three days. As it in makes you suffer from the issues associated with poor hygiene. 
  • Value your hair and protect them: Most of the time, we protect our skin when we step out in the sun and forget to cover our hair. They are as sensitive as our skin, and we must protect them. Our hairs are also prone to extremely high temperatures, and the sunlight damages them too. For this, we need to cover our heads to cover our hair. Also, find some hair-friendly products, including hair protection sprays containing sunscreen, etc. 
  • Follow a haircare regime too: We know very well about the skincare regime that is so in trend. Have you ever wondered how essential it is to practice a haircare routine that involves pampering your hair? The haircare regime is not to be missed and should be taken very seriously. If you don’t want to practice it daily, you can go for the weekend haircare routine. In this follow easy steps-
  1. Keep your hair in loose style- Try to tie your hair open when at home so that you can give your hair relax for at least a day. Go for lower buns or loose ponytails for this. 
  2. Go for hair massage- Hair massage is essential for hair nourishment. Whether you face any hair issues or not, you must go for a hair massage. Use hair oil, warm it a little, and massage it properly. Also, cover your hair roots while rubbing. 
  3. Hot towel technique: For hair steaming, use every known hot-towel method. 
  4. Prepare a hair mask- You can buy it readymade or prepare it yourself. Use healthy ingredients for your hair and design a pack or mask. Apply it evenly to your hair, let it dry, and then wash. 
  5. Never skip your conditioner- During the weekend hair wash session, don’t miss the conditioner. It keeps your hair smooth and also tangle-free. 

So, follow these and use anti-dandruff shampoo medicated by Ketomac on your hair for the best possible hair pampering that you can do for your hair. Also, try the available home remedies to help you get rid of hair issues more quickly. 


We all know that health is our utmost valuable asset which we cannot underestimate. But still, due to our busy schedules, we sometimes miss the chance to care for our skin. It is also one of the most underrated parts of our body about which we hardly care. We are already busy in our daily routine, and taking care of our skin seems a difficult task that we always try to skip. Even those who care for our skin still face many problems associated with the same. 

There are so many actions of ours that make us suffer from a variety of skin infections. We cannot still avoid skin issues altogether, but we can make some efforts to protect our skin from the adverse effects. There are so many things that can affect our skin and can cause skin problems. These also include microorganisms, bacteria, and pollution. All these things collectively make us suffer from different fungal infections. We all know that fungal infections happen due to fungus, one of the microorganisms. When it makes a home on our skin, the fungus starts causing infections. 

The risk from these infections is not deadly, but they are very much discomforting types of infections. Anybody, no matter what age, gender, etc., you are in you, can still suffer from these infections. This means anybody can come under the trap of these fungal infections. One of the best things we can do for these infections relies on antifungals. Both antifungal medicines in the form of tablets and ointment are available by Ketomac that we can easily pick. You can also read about Ketomac tablet uses in Hindi to know more about them. The antifungal pills by Ketomac are meant to reduce the effects of the fungus on our bodies. 

They help keep a check on the fungal growth so that it can be minimized to the maximum extent for the maximum benefit. But still, there are some things that we all consider before we start taking these tablets. Some of them are discussed below for reference:

Why do you need an antifungal tablet?

So, before even looking for tablets, you must know for what purpose you need them. Fungal infections can be stopped or prevented by antifungals only. Only they have the necessary elements that can help us treat this infection. So, this means the antifungal tablets are for fungal infections. You may have seen people complaining about various fungal infections, and some of the conditions about which we must know are-

  • Jock itch: This fungal infection is common among males. It usually affects the inner groin area or inner thigh area. The jock itch is also a fungal infection caused by fungi and appears as a rash on our inner thighs or private space. 
  • A habit of wearing tight-fitted clothes: Those who like to wear fitted garments are more likely to face this problem. Tight clothes can make your skin compromise and also make us feel uncomfortable.  
  • Wearing tight undergarments for a longer time: The undergarments should be comfortable on our bodies so we can wear them. But we may face some issues if they are not the right fit. Especially in the case of tight-fitted undergarments, as they can cause rashes on our skin that can take the form of a jock itch. 
  • More prone to sweating around the thighs: The inner thigh area is also prone to more sweating because of its physical appearance. The inner thigh area is a warm area with more chances for fungus to form and make a home. The sweating in this area may create a rash or jock itch. You can maintain proper body hygiene by keeping it clean and dry. 
  • Ones with an obesity condition: Those at risk of obesity are most likely to suffer from this infection. Obesity is a health condition in which one is considered overweight. If you also come under this category, you need to make some efforts to keep your body weight aligned. Ensure you eat healthily and keep your lifestyle active to avoid this condition. Obesity can make us suffer from jock itch and skin rashes due to overweight conditions. 
  • Common among the people who are more engaged in sports or athletes: Those who are in sports or athletics wear mostly tight-fitted sports dresses that can cause rashes. Also, they are more prone to sweating in the inner thighs, groin, and other body areas. They need to be extra careful in maintaining hygiene to eliminate this problem.
  • People with weaker immunity, etc.: Those with weaker immunity face more infections than those with complex immunity. That is why we always need to improve our immunity to avoid the risk of infections that make us sick. 
  • So, these people were most likely to suffer from this fungal infection. To prevent the same, you must make sure that you wear loose clothes, find the correct and breathable fabric, keep the inner thighs or groin dry, avoid tight-fitting, etc. Also, go for antifungal tablets for the best possible treatment. 
  • The nail fungal infection: The next one of the most common among all infections is nail fungus. When we start loving our feet and moist in them, we will most likely suffer from this infection. The nail fungal infection is quite stubborn that it will not go away from your skin quickly. The nail fungal infection needs proper treatment, in which you need to take antifungals and ointment for your nails. The nail fungus makes our nails look ill-shaped and discolored. The nail bed looks blueish, and the nails can easily be noticed as ill. Some people are at risk of this infection-
  • People with a habit of wearing closed footwear all the time: If you are also one of those who mostly wear closed footwear, no matter the weather, you can be the next to catch this infection. Wearing closed footwear all day long does not allow our skin to breathe and sweat to dry. 
  • Repeating the socks: Most of us are in the habit of repeating the socks we wore yesterday. We think there is nothing wrong with the stockings, and we can repeat it. But we are unaware of the fact that the socks that you wore yesterday absorb all the sweat and repeating the same will increase the risk of infection. 
  • Those who do not let their shoes dry: Many of us keep the shoes inside the rack after we wear them. No matter how long we wear them, we need to keep them in the air or under a fan to let them dry. Otherwise, the sweat in the shoes can increase the risk of fungal infection. It is also advisable to ensure that your shoes are dried up completely before putting them inside the rack. 
  • Using infected nail cutters: In case someone in the family is already suffering from a fungal infection, you need to be a little more careful to use the nail cutters. Avoid using the nail cutters already used by one with the infected nails. The fungal infection can be caught from infected nail cutters and filers. 
  • Sharing footwear with the infected person: Even if you wear the footwear of the infected person who is already facing a nail fungal problem, you can easily catch this infection. It would be best if you did not share or wear the same footwear worn by the infected person. The nail fungal infection can be transmitted through nail clippers, nail filers, socks, and footwear. So, avoid these things also to prevent the risk of this infection. 

So, these are the possible reasons that can make you suffer from a nail fungal infection. 

  • The lip fungus: Many of us have experienced this infection before, but we don’t know what to call it. The fungal lip infection is widespread and not specific to any gender or age group. This means anyone can get this infection anytime. Even infants and toddlers are prone to this infection. The fungal lip infection can form blisters on the corners of the mouth and cause redness around the lip areas. Sometimes it affects our tongue as we can see the white layering like a form developing on our tongue. There are many reasons why people get to suffer from this infection. Some of them are-
  • Poor mouth hygiene: Poor mouth hygiene is of utmost importance. Failure to do this will further create many complications, including difficulty eating, chewing food, etc. You may face such problems if you do not brush or use mouthwash properly. 
  • Using unclean dentures: Even if you use dentures that are not clean or sanitized, you can still suffer from this infection. Anything infected with any microorganisms or anything dirty may cause fungal lip infection. Make sure you do not underestimate this thing. 
  • People with the habit of biting lips: So, all those who have the habit of doing this get the fungal lip infection so quickly. Biting your lips is not a good thing, especially the corners. They are a susceptible part of your lips, and you must avoid doing this. The cracked corners are one of the signs of fungal infection. 

So, the above reasons can make us suffer from fungal lip infections, and we need to avoid these things if we don’t want to suffer. Ketomac tablets can be used against the fungal infections that we face.  

  • Ringworm infection: You may have heard of the ring-shaped rash that can affect anyone. This rash is not like a typical rash. Instead, it looks more upward on our skin. Ringworm is also a fungal infection caused by the fungi on our skin. It forms a ring-shaped rash on our skin that causes discomfort. Some of the reasons why we suffer from this are-
  • More sweating: If you face extra sweating on a particular skin area, you may suffer from this rash. The sweating makes your skin a place for the fungi to live, which is why we face such infections. Sweating is normal, and we cannot avoid this in any case. But we can maintain the proper hygiene to save ourselves from these infections. 
  • The fungal growth: We never know when the fungus will make a home and causes us a skin infection. We need to make efforts to control the fungus growth on our skin. With the help of antifungal ointment, we can reduce the fungus growth on our skin. 

So, the above-discussed are the most common of the fungal infections about which you may have heard many a time. But it is essential to know about them in advance so that if you suffer from them, you can quickly identify them. After this, the next most important thing is the fungal infection treatment. The treatment includes antifungal medicines and ointment that we need for the cure. Ketomac tablets are the best for fungal skin infections, so we must consume them. You can also take advice from the doctor before consuming these tablets. 

Don’t forget to apply the Ketomac antifungal ointment to the infection for quick and permanent relief from the condition. Also, go for the Ketomac tablets to stop the growth of fungus. 


It is a fact that these fungal infections can influence any part of the body. Fungi are often present in and on the body alongside different bacteria. Once the fungus starts to overgrow, some sort of infection may be visible.


Onychomycosis, known as tinea unguium, is a fungal infection that impacts the fingernails or even toenails. Fungal infections most of the time grow over time, so any immediate difference in how your nail appears or feels may be too delicate to notice at first. You can even find proper nail fungus medicine in India and ensure that you get the perfect healing.


Why does nail fungus develop?

 A fungal nail infection comes from the overgrowth of fungi in, under, or even on the nail. Fungi flourish in a warm, humid setting, so this kind of environment can trigger them to overpopulate naturally. The same fungi that activate jock itch, ringworm, and even athlete’s foot may trigger nail infections.


Fungi already in or on your body can trigger nail infections, and you may also have contracted if you have come in contact with somebody else with a fungal infection. Fungal infections impact your toenails more commonly than that fingernails, probably because your toes are mostly restricted to shoes, where they remain in a warm, moist setup.


Moreover, suppose you get a manicure or even a pedicure at a nail salon. In that case, you must be sure to ask how the employees or even staff disinfect their tools and how frequently they do it. Tools, such as emery boards and nail clippers, can spread fungal infections from individual to individual in case they are not germ-free.


Who is at risk for nail fungus?

Well, there are diverse causes of fungal nail infections, and each cause has a particular treatment. Although various reasons for any fungal nail infection are avoidable, some dangers and risk factors enhance the probability of developing one. You can be more likely to develop a fungal nail infection if you:


– Own diabetes

– Have an ailment that triggers poor circulation

– Are over the age of sixty-five 

– Wearing artificial nails

– Swim in any shared or public swimming pool

– Having a nail injury or skin injury near your nail

– Wear closed-toe shoes, such as that tennis shoes or boots

– Have moist fingers or even toes for an extended time

– Have a worsened immune system


It might interest you further that these nail infections emerge more often in males than females, and the conditions are undergoing in adults more often than in children. If you have family members who often get these fungal infections, you are more likely to get them. And also, keep in mind that older adults have a great danger of attaining this fungal nail infection because they have bad circulation. The nails even grow more gradually and condense as folks age.


In the typical, healthy type of people, fungal infections of the nails are most generally caused by a fungus wedged in moist, wet areas. Communal showers, like those at a gym or swimming pools, are public sources. Going to nail salons that use inadequate sanitization of instruments (like clippers, filers, and even foot tubs) apart from living with family members who have fungal nails are even risk factors. 


Athletes have been proven to be more vulnerable to nail fungus. This is supposed to be because wearing tight-fitting, sweaty shoes is linked to repetitive trauma to the toenails. Having an athlete’s foot makes it more probable that the fungus will impact your toenails. Repetitive trauma also deteriorates the nail, which makes the nail more susceptible to fungal infection.


Elderly folks and people with specific underlying ailments are also at higher risk. Anything that damages your immune system can make you disposed to getting infected with the fungus. These encompass conditions like aids, cancer, diabetes, psoriasis, or taking any immunosuppressive medications like steroids.


Fungal nail symptoms and signs

Although fungal nails are often cosmetic concerns, some patients experience pain and even discomfort. These signs may be exacerbated by footwear, activity, and even improper trimming of your nails.


Different species of fungi can impact nails. By far, the commonest, however, is called trichophyton rubrum (t. Rubrum). This fungus infects the skin (called a dermatophyte) and manifests in the below-given ways.


Distal subungual onychomycosis

It begins at the ends of your nails and raises the nail, known as distal subungual onychomycosis. It is the most standard type of fungal infection of the nails in adults and even kids. It is more common in the toes than the overall fingers, and the great toe is mostly the first one to be affected. 


Risk factors can include older age, athlete’s foot, swimming, psoriasis, diabetes, family members with the infection, or even a suppressed immune system. It mostly starts as a discolored area at a corner of the big toe and gradually spreads toward the cuticle. Eventually, the toenails are going to become thickened and flaky. At times, you can also witness signs of an athlete’s foot in between your toes or skin peeling on the area of the sole. It is most of the time accompanied by onycholysis. The most typical cause is Rubrum.


Proximal subungual onychomycosis

It starts at the base of the overall nail and raises the nail: this is known as proximal subungual onychomycosis. This is the least available kind of fungal nail. It is similar to the distal sort but begins at the cuticle (base of the nail) and gradually spreads toward the nail tip. This kind almost always emerges in people with a harmed immune system. It is rare to see debris under the end of your nail with this condition, contrary to distal subungual onychomycosis. The most typical cause of this condition is non-dermatophyte melds.


Yeast onychomycosis

This kind is triggered by a yeast called candida and not really by the trichophyton fungus given above. It is more general in fingernails and is a frequent cause of fungal fingernails. Patients may have linked paronychia (cuticle infection), and Candida may trigger yellow, white, brown, or thickened nails. Some folks with this infection also have yeast in their mouth or chronic paronychia infected with yeast.


White superficial onychomycosis

In this type of nail condition, a doctor can mostly scrape off a white powdery substance on the top of the nail plate. This condition is most standard in tropical environments and is triggered by a fungus known as trichophyton mentagrophytes.


Signs of toenail fungus

Toenail fungus signs can develop slowly over time and go unnoticed initially. The signs or symptoms can be:


– Yellowish discoloration right at the top of the nail

– White spots on your nails

– Brittle or even crumbling nails

– Darkening or clouding of your nails

– Thickening of your nails 

– Distorted nail shape

– A lack of brightness or shine 

– Pain in the tips of your toes

– Foul door

– Nail separates from your nail bed


Well, suppose your symptoms are severe or cause pain, or your toenails turn brown or black. In that case, it is best to make a quick appointment with your primary care doctor or podiatrist instead of trying to treat it yourself. Of course, if you have proper medicines for your nail fungus or infection, you can use them.


Toenail fungus treatments

You can always do things to ensure that you get rid of your issue or infection. In the realm of toenail or nail infections, too, you can use ways to help you eliminate the problem. Here are some natural things you can try and experience the best results.


Tea tree oil or eucalyptus oil

Both oils have antifungal properties, and studies have discovered that they performed some over-the-counter and prescription topical antifungal treatments. Of course, you can get a good outcome once you give these oils a chance for some days.


Ozonized sunflower oil

Well, you know, there has been a Brazilian study that found that sunflower oil worked to treat toenail fungus infection that was caused by yeast. So, trying out this oil may not be a bad thing. These are the oils that can help you without any inconvenience. You have to put them in the affected area for a few days, and you will get the results.


Try out the baking soda.

Researchers discovered that baking soda averted fungal growth in seventy-nine percent of the specimens tested. All you have to do is apply a paste of baking soda and water to the affected nail and allow it to sit for a minimum of ten minutes before rinsing. Of course, such a thing will work wonders for you, and even if it fails to work, it will not harm your toes. 


Vicks VapoRub

A tiny study found that this mentholated ointment had a tremendous and effective positive effect on toenail fungus. Trying it out at night can be a great move; it may be miraculous for you. After all, when you do safe experiments, you get results beyond your expectations.


Vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

These things also are popular home remedies for the issue of toenail fungus. However, there has not been any study to support this thing. 


Ointments and creams 

Remember that over-the-counter treatments for the issue of toenail fungus include creams, sprays, ointments, and liquids. You can ask the pharmacist for a recommendation or look for such ingredients, and follow the directions properly:


– Clotrimazole

– Tolnaftate

– Terbinafine (brand name: Lamisil)


If your symptoms improve with home treatment, make an appointment with your primary care physician or a podiatrist. They can recommend a prescription-strength topical medication or even an oral antifungal pill that you take for two or even three months. Oral treatment is often more effective but can interact with other medicines. Similarly, oral treatment can affect the liver, so you might require liver function tests when taking the drug.


What else should you do?

Keeping your nails trimmed and filed can reduce the amount of fungus in the nails and is extensively recommended. This event provides pain relief when thickened nails trigger pressure-related pain.

Creams and other topical medications have been less effective against nail fungus than oral medications. This is why nails are too complex for external applications to penetrate, and it is even cumbersome to adhere to topical medication routines. Frequently, these medications demand daily applications for up to one year to witness results. One of the prime perks of topical treatment is the negligible risk for serious side effects and drug interactions compared to oral therapy.


Should you get treatment for nail fungus?

Medical treatment of onychomycosis is most of the time suggested in patients who are undergoing pain and even discomfort because of nail changes. Patients with higher risk factors for infections like diabetes and a previous history of cellulitis (infection of the overall soft tissue) near the affected nails can also benefit from treatment. Poor cosmetic appearance is another reason for general medical treatment.



To sum up, it is time to check out good quality antifungal nail polish in India and try it too. You have no idea what works wonderfully for you, and sometimes, the remedies or healing are simple!


There is no doubt that dandruff is an embarrassing scalp situation that affects people of all age groups, genders, and hair types. The features of dandruff include a dry, extremely itchy scalp that generates enormous flakes of skin known as dander. Such dander falls from the scalp, coating all things in an awkward layer of dead skin. Treating the condition of dandruff is a fact of life for many individuals. However, removing the flakes in color-treated hair in the absence of stripping the dye is quite a challenge for sure.


Indeed, you can get practical and good-quality dandruff shampoos for color-treated hair and ensure that you have good results. There are always shampoos that are specifically meant for your hair type. Hence, you can be sure that you do not get your hair color harmed and, at the same time, get rid of the hair dandruff.


Unfortunately, many fellows feel that since they have colored hair, they might never experience dandruff. Well, it is simply an illusion. You cannot think that way. What is the significance of your brown hair dotted with white dandruff all over the head? It may look so ugly and funny. Dandruff is an irritating issue that can happen to anyone in any way. No matter whether you are a youngster or an older person, dandruff has the potential to spoil your hair. So, get rid of that assumption that since you have colored hair, dandruff may not emerge. 


Read the product specifications properly.

 If you want products to remove dandruff, choose a dandruff-oriented shampoo. If you own colored hair, you must go through the specific products’ specifications even deeper. You can check out the colored hair products category and start using the right one. This product will be good for you because it has been made for your colored hair type, hair type, and issue. The point is you cannot simply choose any random dandruff shampoo and start using it or your colored hair; it may harm your color and make your hair brittle too. So, be thoughtful about the specific particulars of the product before you use it on your hair.


Things you can do for your colored hair 

 You need to wet your hair with warm water and then apply a generous sum of olive oil to your hair and scalp. You must massage your hair softly and rub the scalp vigorously with your fingertips to loosen the flakes. Cover with a good shower cap, and leave it on throughout the night. You need to rinse your hair with much water next. Be sure to use warm water in the morning, as it opens up the overall pores of your scalp and permits dead skin to get loose as your rinse.

Remember that you can even apply a few drops of tea tree oil to the scalp, massaging it gently to distribute the oil properly. 


Tea tree oil is a natural extract that you can quickly get. All it to rest on your scalp for a couple of minutes, and then rinse with lukewarm water.

You can always lather your hair with an excellent dandruff-control shampoo. Most dandruff shampoos are safe for color-treated hair and will not even strip dye from the follicles. Work the shampoo through your hair and scalp, rinsing and repeating for the most satisfactory results.


Finally, it is a good idea if you towel dries your hair after washing it. Blow-drying may worsen some dandruff instances, as the high heat dries your overall scalp even further, resulting in more scaling. You must wrap your hair tightly in a towel to eradicate most of the water and then unwrap. Permit your hair to air dry.


Wash the hair with a scalp brush

 A scalp brush is a type of chemical-free alternative to conventional types of dandruff treatments. It’s a tiny silicone brush that exfoliates your scalp as you do the shampooing. It simply breaks up the dead skin cells and build-up that fungi require to survive. And as a bonus, they are much easy to use.


It would help if you began by fully saturating the hair with cool water. Apply a blob of your preferred color-safe shampoo to the brush and massage your whole scalp in tiny, circular motions. Your scalp must feel invigorated rather than tender, so try not to use too much pressure. In addition to being an excellent cleanser, scalp brushes may stimulate hair growth, enhance hair thickness, and endorse a healthy scalp.


Prepare a green tea rinse.

 You know green tea is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It smoothly conditions your hair and scalp and endorses a yeast-free environment. It would help if you tried it; it works wonderfully for your colored hair for dandruff problems. Here is what you can do:


– Begin by brewing a strong cup of green tea. 

– Then, pour the tea into a clean spray bottle. 

– Add a couple of drops of peppermint or tea tree oil, and shake properly. 

– Spray the blend or mixture onto your strands and then massage it into your scalp for a minimum of five minutes.

– Shampoo and condition your hair as you usually would. 

You must remember that the caffeine in green tea may have a slightly drying effect, so ensure you follow up with a proper moisturizing conditioner. This tea rinse is nourishing, so you can use it once or twice weekly.


Give vinegar hair rinse a try

 Vinegar is not just safe for dyed locks; it can even aid in preserving and enhancing your color! Vinegar’s low pH seals your cuticle, makes your strands shiny, and traps color inside. Similarly, vinegar is one of the most well-known types of DIY dandruff treatments. It is a natural anti-fungal that aids cut-through oil and even product build-up. To try this method, do the below-given things:


– Blend one to three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a single cup of room temperature water. 

– Add a couple of drops of your preferred essential oil and blend well.

– Spray or even pour the mixture onto your scalp and mildly massage it. 

– Allow it to sit for 5 minutes, then rinse properly with cold water. 

You can use this treatment once every week or so until you see an improvement. 


Wash the headgear regularly

 Once you put on dirty headgear, all the filth, sweat, and oil it absorbs will get on your clean hair and scalp. As the fungus that triggers dandruff feeds on oil, an enhancement in oil from dirty hats and other types of headgear might lead to explosive growth in the fungus populace. It would help if you tried to wash anything that comes into contact with your hair after every fourth or fifth use. It encompasses your hats, pillowcases, brushes, hair accessories, and sleepwear. 


Use moisture-endorsing products

 Is your dandruff problem because of dry skin? Caring for your scalp with proper moisturizing masks, oils, and even creams will diminish your symptoms if that is the case. These would soothe and moisturize your scalp and give it all the proper nourishment required to stay healthy. Your chemically processed strands are also going to benefit from the increased moisture. Hydrated strands hold onto color longer than the dry, brittle type of hair. 


Dodge washing your colored hair every day

 The most effective way to guard your colored hair against dandruff and other issues is to dodge washing it daily. Regular shampooing strips the color from your hair, simply leaving it looking dry and even dull. You know you should limit washing your hair to two to three days a week. The point is simple; you should wash up your hair regularly but not too regularly. It is always better to wash a minimum of two times and a maximum of three times a week for the best outcomes. In this way, you can be sure that your hair is staying fresh and that the color of your hair is wearing the charm it originally had. Moreover, dandruff will be at a bay too! 


Causes of dandruff 

 There are manifold reasons or causes of dandruff. Once you are mindful of them, you can be sure that you keep your hair in the best health. You can always keep dandruff at bay with the right ways and treatments.


Shampooing is not a cause of dandruff. 

 Some people believe that dandruff worsens the more you shampoo your hair, but that is not the case. Not sufficiently doing shampooing can make your dandruff worse, and it triggers more oil and dead skin to rest on top of your scalp, worsening the condition of dandruff. A medicated shampoo can help once you choose the right one.


Over-the-counter shampoos are at most drug stores and grocery stores; you can also find them online. Shampoos containing ketoconazole, selenium sulfide, or zinc are perfect for treating dandruff. You can also use a dandruff conditioner if your hair is more complicated than usual. However, finding out if the shampoo is suitable for your colored hair is always suggested. The shampoos always mention the hair type they are ideal for.


Dry skin

 In case dry skin is causing your dandruff, it may be easy to tell because other parts of your body are likely to be dry as well. Dry skin can worsen throughout the year because of temperature; the same goes for your scalp. However, a dry scalp that triggers dandruff is treatable, similar to dry skin in any other place. It will help if you moisturize, mainly as you are shampooing more often.


Several types of hair products out there cater to dry scalp. A healing hair mask will certainly help add moisture to your scalp. However, it is critical to pick a product free of irritants. Remember, whether you have dry hair, too oily hair, or colored hair, dandruff shampoos are there for all types. So, you must be wise enough to choose one that fits your specific hair needs.


Yeast-like fungus (Malassezia)

 The main culprit of dandruff is a fungus known as Malassezia. This fungus stays on most adults’ scalps. It feeds on the overall oils on your scalp, breaking it down and simply leaving oleic acid in its place. Many folks are sensitive to oleic acid, and the body then merely reacts to this acid by boosting the speed at which skin cells renew. It attempts to rid the scalp of the irritant and can trigger flakes. The flakes are dead skin cells that perceptibly accumulate on your scalp or shoulders.


This is why a good quality dandruff shampoo and conditioner may be so helpful in treating dandruff for your colored hair. Regular shampoos struggle to clean out all the build-up that triggers the condition of dandruff, and medical or colored hair shampoos have the proper ingredients to do the needful.



To summarize, you can check out various products for your colored hair. A good color-protecting dandruff shampoo will make your hair care easy and effective. You can be confident about your shining colored hair without dandruff!


You’re mistaken if you think you are the only one suffering from hair problems. There are a lot many people around us who suffer from hair issues all the time. Having problem-free hair is a blessing; if you have one, you must take proper care of it to keep the blessing alive. We have seen people complaining about thin hair, dandruff in hair, hair fall, etc. All these are prevalent issues that are unavoidable at the same time. 


But a little care for our hair can help eliminate these issues sooner or later. How we care for our skin, we need to care for our hair as well, and our hair demands hair care if you want healthy hair. The dandruff problem is a hair issue that seems the most irritating and embarrassing. Some people face this issue in the winter, and others are prone to it throughout the year. This is not only common in females, but infants, toddlers, and men are also prone to this. 


We all know how it feels when we see the white flakes coming down on our shoulders when we touch or comb. We all feel embarrassed as our shoulders or clothes of the shoulders just got white in no time. We even need to be extra keen on deciding the colors we should wear. For example, we go for skipping dark or bright colors like black and blue to be more embarrassed, etc. Before using it, you must know the best dandruff shampoo for men or women. Multiple brands offer the same, but one of the most admiring ones is Ketomac. 


We find it more trustworthy as it helps avoid hair issues, most notably dandruff. There are numerous reasons why we are more prone to dandruff. Knowing them will allow us to prevent them in the future. So, take a look-


  1. Oily scalp issues: One of the most heard causes of dandruff is the oily scalp problem. We all have different scalp types, and ones who have oily find it more familiar. The oily scalp produces more oil which increases the risk of dandruff. Using oily scalp shampoos will help, and you can try Ketomac antidandruff shampoo. The oily scalp is making us suffer from dandruff and stopping us from styling our hair. We cannot style the greasy hairs, so we ignore our oily scalp issues. 
  2. Sensitive scalp issues: It is not always about the oily scalp. Sometimes having a sensitive scalp can also make us suffer from this. Some people are more susceptible to skin and scalp. This means sensitivity issues may emerge when they use different hair care products on their scalp. Your scalp may be sensitive to the hair products you use, and as a result, you suffer from a dandruff problem. You need to check your hair products so that it can become easier for you to find out which product to choose and which not. 
  3. Poor hygiene level: If you are not maintaining the required hygiene level of your scalp, you can still face dandruff. Our hairs and scalp also demand proper hygiene to avoid hair problems. The hygiene of the scalp can be maintained when you wash your hair correctly. Ensure you rinse the shampoo properly from your hair and wash them when needed. Many of us do not even go to wash our hair after a week. Then, the white dandruff flakes on our scalp will not go away quickly. 
  4. A yeast infection: The formation of yeast growth on your scalp can also make us suffer from the dandruff problem more. Dandruff can result from yeast growth on your scalp, which seems unavoidable. So, it can also be one of the causes behind this problem. 
  5. Hormonal imbalances are not always these above-discussed causes, but sometimes the hormonal fluctuations in our body make us suffer from these problems. The hormonal changes are very regular, and we cannot get rid of them quickly. They are a natural occurrence in our bodies that cannot go away. So, dandruff can result from hormonal changes in our bodies. All we can do for this is to consult a doctor or start relying on a healthy lifestyle. 
  6. Other skin conditions: Your scalp may face other skin conditions, including eczema. This is also one of the skin conditions that can affect your scalp. Eczema is also a situation of skin dryness that can be treated. 


So, these are the causes of the dandruff condition that is becoming so common nowadays. We all are very keen to know the best ways with which we can control the dandruff problem. Most of us want to go with the most straightforward tips or methods so that we can start practicing them now. It is not always about hair care products but the easy remedies that can change our life. 


  • Please start with the exfoliation: We all know about exfoliation, but you might think that exfoliation is only meant for the skin. First, you must understand what it is to make it easier for you to continue. Exfoliation means removing the dead skin cells from our scalp or skin to eliminate the cells that are no longer active. We can also practice this for our scalp. For this purpose, we can use hair oil to massage our scalp. While massaging, you can use your fingers to rub the scalp to remove the white dandruff flakes from your scalp. Make sure you do this softly, as rough hands or techniques can cause skin wounds. So, massage oil and then softly rub the scalp to practice exfoliation. You can replicate this twice a day for your scalp. 
  • Choose the right shampoo: Make sure you choose only the best antidandruff shampoo for your hair. Shampoo plays the most crucial role in keeping your hair healthy or unhealthy. It would help if you searched for shampoos more to choose the most suitable shampoo for your hair. 


Your hair also causes dandruff problems due to the excessive oil secretion in your hair, and you need to take the oil out to avoid severe dandruff. The dandruff problem can also go to severe dandruff. To control this, ensure you wash your hair. You can wash it simply with water or can use shampoo. The first one will be for rinsing as it will only take the dirt way. But to take out the oil, you need to use shampoo. Hydration is essential for our hair and skin.


  • Avoiding some foods: It is not always about hormonal changes, wrong shampoo, or oil secretion, but it can also be because of the foods we eat. This means the dandruff problem can even occur if we do not take our diet correctly. We need to avoid some foods, and consuming such foods can cause hair problems. Foods rich in carbohydrates are used to secrete energy in our bodies. But taking it in excess need can also create dandruff problems. You need to keep a check on your diet so that you can keep these problems at bay with your diet. You can also read more about the foods to avoid if suffering from this. 
  • Keep your body hydrated: You’re mistaken if you think hydration has nothing to take with your hair. The hydration helps in avoiding many skin and hair problems that were unavoidable in either case. It would help if you kept hydrated yourself hydrated for this. The dandruff problem is primarily due to the dryness on your scalp that then turns into flakes. Drinking water will also help you avoid severe dandruff and treat the one you are suffering with. 
  • Taking outdoor precautions: Exposure to sunlight is also one of the risks that can make us suffer from dandruff. The outdoor precautions include keeping your hair protected from the sunlight. The extremely high temperatures can directly impact our scalp, which is why we also experience weaker hair problems. The sunlight can make us suffer from many scalp or hair issues as hair is also susceptible to our skin. We can wear a scarf or hat to cover our hair for protection. There are also many hair protection serums available that can be considered if they suit your hair. Otherwise, protect your hair with any cloth or scarf if you are standing right under the sunlight. 
  • Relying on the good foods: Some superfoods work best for our skin and hair. We must add such foods to our diet to keep our hair healthy. If you face many hair issues, you must rely on good food and add it to your diet. Some well-known foods for our hair are omega 3, green veggies, poultry products, etc. Adding this will help you notice changes in your hair, so never miss it. 
  • Conditioning your hair: The shampoo is not always enough; you need to use conditioner for your hair. Make sure you choose the right hair conditioner for your hair that can keep your hair smooth and dandruff free. After rinsing it with shampoo, go for applying conditioner as well. There is a proper way of using conditioner, and make sure you do it that way only. So, shampoo and conditioner should go side by side for your hair. 
  • Relying on some easy remedies: You can also try the home remedies that you can quickly try. One thing about the home remedies is that they will show you the results after consistent use only. It needs constant and regular help of those remedies for some outcome. You can try various treatments, including baking soda, tea tree oil, etc. You can read more about this on the internet to learn about the remedies you can try. 
  • Visit the dermatologist: Visiting a dermatologist after a regular interval is not bad. As we go for the regular health check, we also need to look for the hair check-up. Consult the right dermatologist for the best advice and routine scalp analysis. They can guide you if anything is wrong with your scalp so go ahead. 
  • Working on hygiene: We need to work on the hygiene level of our scalp and hair to avoid dandruff issues. For this purpose, we can adopt the habit of frequently changing the pillow cover, relying on the soft, satin, or cotton fabric pillow cover, washing hair twice a week, going to the hair spa, doing head massages, etc. 


Doing all these things will surely help you control your dandruff issues. You can use anti-dandruff shampoo for men and women by Ketomac to eliminate this issue. Make sure you also try the above-discussed ways to control dandruff. Ketomac helps keep our hair healthy by avoiding or treating the hair issues we are currently suffering from. So, go ahead and use the shampoo for the best outcome. 


In the last few years, skin issues, infections, and diseases have become very ordinary, and the temperatures rising like they have been recently all over the world is not helping the situation in any way. There are hot summers in most parts of our country as well; primarily, north India has been experiencing hot and dry spells of summer, which are accompanied by warm weather, hot winds, and humidity. This weather is the most extensive open invitation to various fungal skin infections.

It is where antifungal ointment in India comes in handy. When these fungal infections are left unattended, they can cause skin irritation and burning sensations which can irritate the patient. It would be best if you always used antifungal skin ointments per one’s skin type.

The Indian community’s unawareness regarding this product regarding growing fungal infections is a sign of worry. Skin infections are problematic; some can leave severe scars if not treated correctly and on time.

Fungi are one of the largest organisms found on this planet. There are millions of different types of fungal species. You may have heard of mushrooms or mold – they are also a part of some species of fungi.

Some of these microorganisms live inside your body and on your skin. Suppose these microorganisms enter your skin through some opening, such as a cut or abrasion in your skin. They only become powerful when they start multiplying way faster than expected, which can cause a fungal infection (also known as mycosis) called the disease caused by fungi.

Fungi usually grow and multiply in warm and moist places such as shoes, socks, and swimming pools and on body parts such as the groin, feet, folds of skin, etc. These places don’t get much airflow and are often sweaty, which promotes the growth of fungi.

Such skin infections usually appear as a rash or redness of the skin, which may often be itchy and can lead to different symptoms such as:

  • A red rash over your skin
  • An acne-looking rash, which looks like a pimple or small bumps around it
  • Sometimes the spot is accompanied by a yellowish crust on top
  • Redness all over the affected area
  • Cracked, dry skin
  • Pus or fluid that leaks out of a particular cut
  • Soreness that looks like blisters
  • Pain and swelling that keeps getting worse day by day
  • In some cases, a fever is also accompanied by some of the symptoms mentioned earlier.

  The various types of antifungal medicines are the ones that can destroy the walls of the cell where the fungi are present, thereby creating an environment to kill these fungal cells. They can be found in various forms such as creams, spraying solutions, tablets that you can insert through your vagina, antifungal shampoos, medical pills, which you can pop through your mouth, and medicinal drug, which is injected through syringes.

You can cure fungal infections in a very straightforward manner when one has proper knowledge about the same; they can be easily treated when compared to unaware people. To understand more, identifying the type of fungal infection can be determined by the longevity of the treatment. Only after this can it help one gauge the severity of the condition. In the case of some people, the infections take too long to heal. It may indicate that the person may have some underlying health problems which need to be identified and treated so that the immune system becomes more robust. It can be easier for your body to heal effectively.

When we discuss treatment courses or how long one should take the treatment, this varies from infection to infection. You can treat some diseases like vaginal thrush in a few days; on the contrary, there are infections like ringworm infection on the scalp, which can take more than seven weeks to heal.

It is where topical antifungals can help treat infections. These are part of treatments that can be applied directly to the infected body parts rather than popping pills and going in for treatment to a skin specialist. Topical antifungals have been used to heal infections of the skin, nails, or hair; in some cases can also be used through the vagina; or also through one’s mouth.

The various examples of infections that topical antifungals may treat are as follows:

  • Candida infections
  • Nail infections
  • Pityriasis Versicolor (causes the skin to be flaky and patches of discoloration)
  • A fungal infection that can be in the beard or mustache area
  • Fungal infection of the scalp
  • Ringworm
  • Jock itch
  • Fungal infection on the face
  • Fungal infection of the hands
  • Fungal infection of the foot

Some topical antifungals are creams, gels, lotions, nail lacquers, ointments, powders, shampoos, sprays, and tinctures.


We will talk more about antifungal creams and ointments in this article:


Suppose you want to reduce and heal fungal infections. In that case, various products that contain antifungal properties to be applied directly, i.e., topically to the affected skin, are collectively referred to as antifungal creams and ointments.

These creams and ointments are made with a barrier filled with moisture to safeguard and condition the skin thoroughly.

Also, in some cases, antifungal cream is an essential tool in healing the wounds caused due to burning. One of the predominant features of burn wounds is the setting up of fungal organisms, which can be cured effectively using antifungal ointments and other treatment methods.

In cases where the properties of two creams are required to heal the infection completely, a particular antifungal cream is supposed to be used with one or more creams. A prevalent example is that some antifungal creams can be harsh on the skin. It is often combined with a mild steroid cream (hydrocortisone) and helps cure the rashes caused by the treatment or infection.

Here, the antifungal cream has properties that help clear the infection, and the mild steroid cream heals the inflammation that is caused due to the disease.

Antifungal creams are generally great for treating fungal infections affecting skin, scalp, and nails. Some of the antifungal creams are clotrimazole, econazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, tioconazole, terbinafine, and amorolfine.

They are sold under various brand names with additional ingredients to make it easier and quicker for patients to treat fungal skin infections. One of the brands available in India is Ketomac which can treat various diseases including athlete’s foot, jock itch, ringworm of the scalp, and seborrhea (scalp which is dry and has dandruff-related conditions)

Who can use antifungal creams and ointments?

  • In most cases, adult men, women, seniors, and children are all safe enough to use antifungal creams and ointments.
  • Although You may require different dosages for children of varying age groups, discussing the medication with your pharmacologist or healthcare provider before using any antifungal ointments is recommended. Most products come with usage instructions written on them.
  • If one is aware of known reactions to some of the active ingredients in these medications, You should avoid them and seek treatment from your doctor or health provider.


Uses of antifungal creams and ointments to treat skin infections?

  • An antifungal ointment is used to treat skin infections such as athlete’s foot, jock itch, ringworm, and many other skin infections (i.e., candidiasis) which are caused due to growth of fungus.
  • A specific fungal skin condition leads to discoloration of the skin of various body parts such as your neck, arms, legs, or chest. It can either be darkened or lightened; antifungal creams are an effective solution to heal this condition.
  • Before applying antifungal cream, one must clean and meticulously dry the affected area. The antifungal cream should be used on the exterior parts of the skin only and not within.
  • You can then smear the cream or ointment on the affected skin, and it is advised to use this treatment regularly twice a day or per your doctor’s prescription.
  • Apply enough medication so that the affected area is appropriately exposed to the medication and covers the nearby skin in case the fungus grows in those areas. One must not touch any other body part or any other person with the hands after applying the ointment but must first rinse your hands not to promote the growth of the fungus on any other aspect of your body.
  • One must not keep the affected area wrapped or covered in a bandage or any other material without the doctor’s advice to cover it, which is rare.
  • The doctor determines the dosage and longevity of treatment based on the type of infection and the need to recommend medication or treatment accordingly.
  • One must use or apply the medication in the same manner advised by the doctor or on the product label, as applying in more significant quantities will not cure the condition any faster. But on the contrary, it may create other problems due to the higher side effects and disrupt your skin tissues.
  • Use an antifungal cream or ointment regularly to extract the maximum advantage from this medication.
  • It is essential to use it religiously for the same number of intervals every day.
  • You must continue the medication until the total prescribed amount is finished and not discontinue even if symptoms disappear.
  • One should not discontinue the medication; as soon as you find improvement in your condition, the entire course needs to be completed as per the prescription to discourage any new growth or regrowth of fungus.
  • And lastly, even after applying the antifungal cream or ointment, you must immediately inform the doctor if your condition lasts or gets worse.

When one starts using an antifungal cream or ointment following tips should be kept in mind to help with the treatment:

  • After applying the ointment or cream, the affected area will be itchy. Still, one must not scratch over the infection in any case as this may result in increasing the disease to other parts of the body by contact.
  • At all times, the surface area of the affected skin region should be kept clean and dry but should not be excessively rubbed while drying the skin and must only be patted.
  • There should not be any sharing of your used items, such as towels, bath mats, bed spreadsheets, etc., as this can expose them to a skin infection.
  • One must frequently wash their hands during the day, especially after accidentally touching the affected area or applying the ointment or cream to the site.

Now that we have discussed the uses and don’ts of an antifungal cream, there may be people who are wondering, but are these antifungal ointments safe enough to be used? Let’s answer this for you’ll:

  • Antifungal ointments are used as mentioned on their product label or as per the doctor’s instructions; they are safe enough to be used when you follow the instructions.
  • There can be side effects if the medication is not used per the doctor’s prescriptions. Some of the most common ones which are not serious are burning or severe effects, rashes, Peeling of the skin, cracking of the skin, reactions to sensitive skin, skin irritation which causes redness, peeling of the skin, and swelling in some cases.

When does one know that you need to visit the doctor and not rely on the over-the-counter creams and ointments as they’re not healing your skin infection and there may be something which needs to be consulted with a doctor at the earliest are as follows:

  • The skin infections cover a large area of your body and may not be suitable to apply ointment or cream to quite easily.
  • If one suffers from diabetes, it becomes crucial for such people to consult a doctor immediately and not treat any skin-related infections at home.
  • As for diabetes, other severe health conditions cause a weakened immune system, such as HIV/Aids, ongoing cancer treatment, smoking or drinking, etc.
  • These conditions may cause systemic fungal infections, which may show symptoms like tiredness, difficulty breathing, muscle aches, joint pain, night sweats, weight loss, chest pain, and fever.
  • And last but not least, when one’s not sure that your skin condition is due to a skin infection for sure. If one has any doubts, for example, in the case of vaginal yeast infection, it may also be a case of a urinary tract infection, and the treatment highly varies for the two.

Body parts that are very commonly exposed to fungal infection are your foot and the groin region. These places are open to excessive sweating and always covered by shoes or socks and undergarments. Hence, it becomes necessary to regularly clean and keeps these areas fully proof and protected from the accumulation of sweat. Also, after cleaning them, the excess water or moisture should be cleared so that it does not lead to fungal infections.

Even if these cases occur, they can be treated quickly without going to a doctor with the help of an antifungal ointment in India which is rapidly sold in stores and pharmacies. However, if the infection is not healing or getting worse, one must consult with a specialist for further treatment.


One must always consult your healthcare provider to make sure the information in this article applies to your circumstances and will suit your particular skin conditions. It can also vary depending on which part of the country or world you’re from, and the weather conditions may or may not suit some of the above treatment choices.


There are a million species of fungi, but only about 300 of these can cause skin infections in human bodies. Such fungi are found in plants, soil, and some also on your skin. But these microorganisms that stay on the skin are not harmful until they multiply quite faster than normal or get penetration to end your body through a cut or abrasion.

A fungal infection (also called mycosis) is a disease that is caused by a fungus. Fungi usually grow and multiply in warm and moist places such as shoes, swimming pools and on body parts such as the groin, feet, folds of skin, etc. These places don’t get much airflow and are often sweaty, which promotes the growth of fungi.

Such skin infections usually appear as a rash or redness of the skin, which may often be itchy.

Some of the usual or common places that can be infected are your lips. One must not try and cure this fungal infection without a prescription by just applying any lip fungus cream.

Let’s first understand the causes of such infection along with the causes for any fungal skin infection:

  • Wearing tight clothes on your body, tight shoes, or tight face masks over your face
  • Poor hygiene, i.e., failing to keep your skin clean and dry
  • Too hot, humid weather
  • Excessive sweating
  • Use of antibiotics too often, as they kill bacteria that normally live in your body
  • Sharing clothing, shoes, towel
  • Participating often in activities that involve skin-to-skin contact.
  • Use harsh products either for your face or for your body.

Such bacterial infections are quite common among people who have a weak immune system, and the conditions that cause a weakened immune system are as follows:

  • Diseases such as HIV/Aids, Diabetes
  • Undergoing cancer treatment
  • Smoking or excessive drinking
  • Excessive lip licking or thumb sucking causes fungal lip infection

In this article, we’ll talk about lip fungal infection and nail fungal infection in detail:

A fungal infection on your face is a type of skin infection which is known as cutaneous candidiasis, whereby a yeast (type of fungus) called candida causes infection on your face.

Oral candidiasis is a type of yeast infection on your lips. An overgrowing rush of the yeast candidiasis in your mouth can cause this, which also affects the lips. How can one understand when one has caught a yeast infection on their face or lips? Following are the symptoms –

  • A red rash over your lips or a white patch on your lips.
  • An acne-looking rash, which looks like a pimple or small bumps around it
  • Redness on the corners of your mouth, which may cause soreness
  • Cracked, dry skin on the corner of your mouth
  • Foul taste
  • Pain and difficulty swallowing in some severe cases
  • Tingling sensation

How can one prevent lip fungal infection?

As per the saying, prevention is better than cure, and it’s very important to understand how one can avoid such fungal infection over their mouth or lips; and this can be achieved as follows:

  • One must follow a specific care routine that includes brushing your teeth properly.
  • Frequent dental-check ups
  • If one uses dentures or any other dental tool – it should be worn correctly and should be well.
  • Your diet should be well-balanced to achieve all-around nutrition, and the diet should include high-fiber and whole foods, vegetables, and fruits.

Also, lately, the consumption of fermented foods has become quite popular, and it also plays an important role in providing probiotics, i.e., beneficial bacteria, which are good for your body. Such foods are Kimchi, Kombucha, yogurt (labeled as probiotic), etc.

As mentioned earlier as well, fungal infections of the lips should be taken lightly and should only be treated with the help of a prescription by your doctor. The treatment will depend on your age, health conditions, and severity of the infection, along with the length of time that the infection exists. It can be treated with the help of either tablet, liquid medicine, or cream. One of the brands is Ketomac, which is well-known for its creams to heal the effects of fungal skin infection, which can be applied over lips as well. It helps subside the effects of burning sensation, irritation, redness, itching, peeling, or dryness of the skin.

In addition to these, home remedies such as oral rinses can help reduce the tingling sensation and other uncomfortable symptoms like pain, soreness, and burning.

They can help with the situation and avoid worsening it further. The oral rinses can be repeated twice a day until symptoms resolve completely.

The oral rinses can be either apple cider vinegar, baking soda, or saltwater rinsed.

  • Apple Cider vinegar is more of an antibacterial and antifungal liquid. However, it can’t eliminate the bacteria, and it has been shown that it reduces yeast levels in cases of denture wearers. The trick is to combine equal amounts of water and apple cider vinegar and gargle and squish this mixture for about 15 seconds.
  • Baking soda also contains antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, making it effective for killing bacteria and treating lip fungus. It also works well in restoring the PH Level. For this, mix half a teaspoon of baking soda with 8 ounces of warm water, gargle and squish this mixture for about 15 seconds.
  • Salt has an antiseptic, cleaning, and healing characteristic, which helps kill bacterial, microbial, and yeast infections and reduces pain and irritation. The measurement of salt and water is the same as above for baking soda and water.

Now, let’s move on to nail fungal infection:

A fungal infection on your nails, either fingernails or toenails, is called Onychomycosis, although infection of the toenails is more common. Almost 10% of adults suffer from nail fungus infection and are sometimes unaware. The infection can be diagnosed by examining debris under your nail.

Following are the symptoms of Onychomycosis as follows –

  • Discoloration of nails – usually brownish, yellowish, or white
  • Nails that are quite brittle or break easily
  • More than usual thickened nail bed.
  • Distorted in shape
  • Smelling unusually foul

Generally, when one has to treat such fungal infections, we don’t understand when is the right time to see a doctor, especially in case of a weakened immune system or diabetes or during one’s undergoing cancer treatment. It becomes all the more important to keep track of all that’s happening with your body as any fungal infection for such people can prove fatal.

Hence, you should know when to go and consult a doctor:

  • When a particular bout of skin infection doesn’t improve or returns incessantly after some OTC treatment.
  • When one’s aware of their weakened immune system and suspects some fungal infection
  • If you notice patches of hair loss along with an itchy scalp

Some other conditions that are usually mistaken for nail fungus are as follows:

  • Lines and Ridges
  • Senile nails as you grow old
  • Whitish or yellowish nails
  • Red or black nails due to hematoma or a blood condition
  • Green nails that can be caused by bacteria

In some cases, an athlete’s foot is accompanied by a toenail fungal infection – let’s understand what exactly an athlete’s foot is?

As we are all aware, athletes are generally wearing shoes and socks in all weather conditions and during a major period of the day. This can cause the fungi to grow in warm, moist places, i.e., shoes, socks, swimming pools, locker rooms, and public showers.

The fungi behind athletes’ feet live on dead tissue of their hair, and outer skin layers.

Some of the symptoms are –

  • Peeling, scaling and cracking feet
  • Blisters
  • Itching and burning sensation
  • Skin that often gets red, really soft, or torn off

Older adults are the most at risk for nail fungal infections as they have lower blood circulation and a slower nail growth process, which makes them more susceptible. The preventive measures one can take to avoid such a situation are as follows:

  • Don’t enter places barefooted, and wear sandals while entering the public shower area
  • Wear shoes that help your skin breathe
  • Washing your feet properly with soap and water
  • And after washing, makes sure to dry it thoroughly before wearing socks and shoes, and use foot powder.

One simple way to prevent fungus infections from growing and multiplying under your nails is to keep your nails short and clean.

Other ways to keep up with hand and foot hygiene are as follows:

  • Wearing socks that are breathable, usually synthetic
  • Use antifungal sprays or powders if your use of shoes and socks is more than usual.
  • Wearing rubber gloves when your exposure to water is more
  • Strictly refraining from picking or biting nails.
  • Ensuring your places of salon and spa where you take your manicures and pedicures are hygienic, and the tools are thoroughly washed and used.
  • Washing hand after touching someone’s nails
  • Strictly avoid using others’ shoes or socks.
  • Often use artificial nails or nail polish.

A severe case of nail fungal infection can be too painful and can also cause permanent damage to your foot or your nail. In the case of diabetes or other serious conditions, it can also lead to amputation of a leg if not diagnosed on time and proper treatment is not provided.

What will the diagnosis process look like in case of nail fungal infection?

To examine the infection, the doctor will require to take some part of the debris under your nail and send it for further tests, such as a potassium hydroxide (KOH) smear or fungal culture.

In case you want quicker results, one can opt for a KOH smear as it can give results within a day, and on the other hand, a fungal culture takes weeks.

Now let’s see how one can treat this kind of fungal infection of the nails:

It can be a long and expensive process. Without a prescription, one should strictly not just use any nail fungal infection cream India and go to a doctor preferably, as things can get serious very quickly in case of nail fungal infections.

The various available medications are oral antifungal medications, ointments, and alternative therapies. As mentioned earlier, over-the-counter creams may be effective only till a certain point.

Oral medications that are available:

  • Terbinafine
  • Itraconazole
  • Fluconazole

These medications can take up to 4 months to heal as they remove the infected nail, and only after uninfected nails grow back can we assume that the nail fungus infection has been completed healed.

In addition to the above oral medications, brands like Ketomac have Ketomac cream to heal the effects of nail fungal infection, namely soreness, peeling or drying of the skin, irritation, pain, etc.

In some extreme cases, the doctor can also opt to remove the entire nail. In addition to the above treatments, some home remedies also have the potential to heal nail fungus infections which include:

  • Plant extract: A plant called snakeroot, which is a natural antifungal plant, is proven to be effective as ciclopirox, a prescribed antifungal treatment. This therefore, is an effective home remedy.
  • Oregano Oil: This oil contains thymol, which is said to have antifungal properties. This oil is also used along with tea tree oil which treats many skin conditions, but it can also have potential side effects which can give you an allergic rash or irritation. Hence, it should be used wisely.
  • Ozonized oils: Oils that are infused with the gases present in the ozone layer, i.e., Sunflower oil and olive oil, are really helpful in treating nail fungus infection. In some cases, it has also been proven that these oils have shown better results than prescribed treatments. As these oils are easily available in all households, they can be given a shot for quicker and easier results.

Also, it is important to understand that these home remedies may reduce the symptoms like pain, irritation, and burning but can’t cure the nail. Hence, a doctor’s treatment is necessary in the case of a nail fungal infection to not make the case any worse.


Ketoconazole is a medicinal shampoo that treats fungal infections, especially those affecting the scalp.

In the market today, anti-dandruff shampoo for men India that contains ketoconazole is available both over the counter (OTC) and by prescription from your doctor.

Their primary function is to treat infections caused due to fungal growth, and the shampoos are a reddish-orange liquid comprised of ketoconazole which has the power of being antifungal. Various scalp conditions, such as persistent dandruff and other infections like seborrheic dermatitis and tinea versicolor, have been treated with the application of ketoconazole is supposed to be used in the form of a solution. The concentration of 2% of this medication has been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Association).

The other reason ketoconazole is used as a shampoo for treating fungal infections is that this medication does not get mixed into one’s bloodstream, which is very important as this drug should be entering into our blood vessels. It is how one can make sure that the antifungal properties are just limited to the scalp. Ketoconazole makes it easier for the fungus to break down by weakening the cells they reside in, thereby leading to their collapse.

In an ideal situation, when a person suspects having a fungal infection based on the symptoms, they should initially talk to their regular doctor or healthcare provider. And it would be best if you took this suspicion seriously during the first check itself, and the doctor must advise on effective treatment according to the severity of their condition.

Who’s behind the innovation of this formula?

Janssen Pharmaceuticals in Belgium initially developed the formulation of ketoconazole in the year 1976. It was originally only used as an oral drug during the first ten years after its development, after which its place was taken by its substitutes which had comparatively less toxic and reduced side effects:

  • The absorption varied from individual to individual
  • It wasn’t able to penetrate the brain and enter the bloodstream and prevent more serious infections
  • In some cases, side effects are related to the abdomen, intestines, and liver.

Uses of Ketoconazole shampoos

Ketoconazole shampoo is frequently promoted as a treatment for dandruff, and various over-the-counter brands like Ketomac are available in pharmacies or online websites and apps for purchase. The uses of ketoconazole shampoo are generally for the following conditions of the scalp:

  • Usually, dandruff is a prevalent symptom that cannot be directly related to fungal infection. However, it is called seborrheic dermatitis in cases where the dandruff is persistent and stubborn. In such cases, you can use ketoconazole shampoos.
  • One of the symptoms of fungal infection called seborrheic dermatitis is the excess formation of a yeast fungus named Malassezia, which is supposed to be naturally present on your skin. In this case, using a ketoconazole shampoo helps reduce the fungal growth and thereby the inflammation of the skin hence caused.
  • Symptoms like flaking of the scalp’s skin, skin that plaques, and the skin can turn red. It can indicate a condition of the skin known as Psoriasis. The skin plaques that are formed get contaminated by the fungus, and preferable for this condition, a doctor must necessarily check the skin’s condition and prescribe the treatment in the form of ketoconazole shampoo.
  • Skin condition like tinea capitis, which looks like ringworm, is a fungal infection of the scalp which needs Ketoconazole shampoo to be treated effectively. Also, a condition like Tinea versicolor affects the scalp, and the triggering factor for this condition is an overgrowth of yeast which also is naturally present on the skin.
  • Along with treating infections or conditions mentioned above due to antifungal properties, ketoconazole shampoo has also been proven with some subjective evidence that it can stimulate hair growth and reduce hair loss.

Categories of ketoconazole shampoo

Ketoconazole shampoos can be found in various formulations and bought either over the counter or for some conditions requiring a doctor’s prescription.

There are two basic differentiating categories that one can buy:

o Ketoconazole shampoos available over the counter are made up of 1% or less formulation of the medicine.

o Apart from these, one can also use shampoos containing 2% or more ketoconazole solution in shampoos that have to be sold only by a doctor’s prescription.

The most commonly known OTC brand is Ketomac, available in most supermarkets, pharmacies, and online.

Side effects

Ketoconazole shampoos generally have quite a few limited side effects. Still, in some cases, some informed side effects of using this shampoo that the FDA conveyed are as follows:

  • Discoloration an odd feel to the hair
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Dry Skin
  • Itching
  • Rashes and irritated skin
  • Burning sensation

Also, in addition to the above, in rare cases person may experience an allergic reaction to the shampoo. This condition is termed anaphylaxis, and its symptoms include:

  • Wheezing
  • Tight chest
  • Difficulty in swallowing and breathing
  • severe itching
  • Rash
  • Dizziness
  • Burning sensation

Hence, the patient must always do a patch test first to check for any allergic reactions to the skin. There is a rare possibility of being allergic to ketoconazole shampoo, but if you sense something wrong after using it, it should not be taken lightly. Seek medical attention at the earliest.

When to see a doctor after using the shampoo

After using over-the-counter ketoconazole shampoo, if the person suspects the symptoms to remain or, in some cases, get more intense, they must immediately consult a doctor.

Some of these symptoms can go out of hand and needs a doctor’s guidance; the symptoms are as follows:

  • Emergence of rashes or inflammation
  • Gasping for breath
  • You feel a swelling under the skin, which is a condition called angioedema
  • Irritated skin

Some key facts and figures

  • Shampoos containing ketoconazole usually deliver results within 2 to 3 weeks for most of the conditions caused due to fungal infections.
  • But it may also take up to 6 weeks in some complicated cases.
  • The healing of the fungal infection is due to the properties present in the shampoo helping to kill the yeast or fungi causing the condition.
  • The most common side effect you can treat as normal is irritated or red skin.
  • For most types of infections, you should use the shampoo once or twice a week, but people also use it every 1 to 2 weeks to help them with dandruff and stop it from returning.

Recommended use of ketoconazole shampoo for pregnant ladies and infants

  • It is harmless to use ketoconazole shampoo when breastfeeding, and research shows that it does not pose a risk to the infant. However, breastfeeding women should be careful while applying it to the breasts or the nipples as there may be a chance of the infant ingesting it.
  • In the case of pregnant ladies, however, there does not appear to be much research on the safe use of ketoconazole shampoo during pregnancy. The FDA also recommends a pregnant lady should not use ketoconazole unless the benefit outweighs any probable risks to the fetus.
  • However, more recent research also suggests that ketoconazole is likely safe. Still, if a pregnant woman uses it, she should only do so in limited areas for short periods.
  • Also, there are not enough studies to specify whether the ingredients harm the developing baby.
  • Children under two years must also avoid using shampoo unless their doctor recommends it. The safety of ketoconazole shampoo on children remains uncertain.
  • Don’t forget to wash your hands after your hair is clean, as it can prevent the fungal infection from spreading to other parts of your body.

How can one use ketoconazole shampoo?

  • You can use ketoconazole shampoo by most adults and children aged 12 years and above.
  • A ketoconazole shampoo must be used as instructed by one’s prescription by a doctor or regarding the product’s packaging label and leaflet inside the product for ideal use.
  • First step while initiating the treatment of the scalp, one must wet their hair apply shampoo in the quantity mentioned, and wait for the lather to form, which shows that the scalp is entirely in contact with the shampoo, after which you can rinse away the shampoo. After which, one can follow the usual course that one does after shampooing one’s hair which is conditioning and drying the scalp and hair thoroughly.
  • If you’re using ketoconazole shampoo on other areas except for your scalp, you should keep the affected area with the application for five minutes. Post this, and you can rinse it off carefully with water. And don’t forget to dry your skin – which is the most important to avoid the growth of fungi.
  • If you’re supposed to use the shampoo on a particular day and have forgotten to use it, you can skip the missed dose and continue with the usual treatment course.
  • In case you use too much shampoo, or by chance happen to use it more frequently than prescribed, it can cause your skin to be irritated and make your skin red. If you see this happening while using the shampoo, you must use the shampoo in lesser quantity from the next time.

Now to understand how often you should use the shampoo and the period for it to be used depends on several different factors as follows:

  • The formulation of the shampoo, i.e., either it has 1 percent medication for OTC or 2 percent, which can only be bought by prescription
  • the infection you intend on treating
  • How severe are the symptoms currently

Based on the above factors, the doctor may decide whether to allow you to use it every other using it once a week will be enough for you.

How should one store Ketoconazole shampoo?

  • You should store the shampoo in the same container at room temperature, away from heat, moisture, and direct light. Keep away from freezing the bottle.
  • Keep out of the reach of children at your home.
  • Do not keep or use outdated/expired medicine or medicine no longer required.
  • Preferably, one must ask your healthcare professional how you should dispose of any shampoo that you do not use anymore.

One must strictly abide by the doctor’s direction regarding using ketoconazole shampoo; you should not change the quantity and frequency. Generally, the results should be seen depending on the condition between two to four weeks after one has started to use this treatment unless there’s a supplementary treatment to be followed in two weeks depending on the condition one has. If you don’t see any progress even after a month, you must inform the doctor or health provider for some modification of the treatment.

Suppose an anti dandruff shampoo for men in India containing ketoconazole doesn’t suit your skin or is not benefitting your skin condition. In that case, one can use other substitutes available on the market.

The other shampoos that work as a substitute are as follows and include:

  • salicylic acid shampoos
  • shampoos with coal tar
  • Mixing tea tree oil with any shampoo of your choice
  • Shampoos that contain pyrithione zinc

To conclude, along with every treatment prescribed by the doctor, one is supposed to take care of their daily routines and make changes in their behavior so that the treatment can be more effective:

  •     Effective Stress Management: Stress not only affects your mental well-being but also disturbs your overall health, disrupting mental and physical health. It makes one more prone to several infections and diseases, as the immune system has been weakened due to stress. One such condition is that it causes dry scalp, i.e., dandruff-related issues. If a person has existing symptoms of fungal infections, they may get worse and not be able to heal completely due to the excessive mental and physical stress caused to your mind and your body, respectively.
  •     Consumption of a healthy diet:Believe it or not, your diet plays a crucial role in most things affecting your body. A wholesome, healthy diet that delivers multiple nutrients in the form of food, i.e., zinc, vitamins B12, and necessary fats that help prevent scalp dryness and excessive dandruff.
  •     Religiously follow hair and scalp care routine: One must have a hair and scalp routine according to their hair and scalp type. If one’s scalp tends to get oily quite fast, use shampoo daily to prevent it from dandruff. Mildly massaging your scalp help in loosening the flakes. And for those with dry scalp also leading to your scalp becoming sensitive, this is an indication to use shampoo not that frequently and use products that condition and moisturize your scalp between washing them. Hair-styling products can also build up on your hair and scalp, so one must limit the use of hair-styling products.
  •     Exposing to the sun: To control dandruff, exposing your body to the sun every day for a certain amount of time is beneficial. However, sunbathing should be avoided because ultraviolet rays of light can damage your skin.

Some of the lifestyle changes mentioned above are recommended to heal dandruff and other related conditions permanently.


So, not a single but multiple things together make us look beautiful. If you think only good hair can help you look beautiful then you are wrong. Healthy skin, lips, and hair all together complete a personality of a person and hence make them look pretty. We all know that we all are always concerned with our skin issues like acne, scars, dull skin, and. Sometimes we forget how perfect lips are to be. We want to have soft and moisturized lips but we don’t know how.

The lips complete our personality and we all are blessed with a distinct lip. No two persons can have the same shape, colour, or texture of lips this is all just god gifted. But what is in our hands is to keep them healthy. So, we can say some are really blessed with hydrated and healthy lips but there are certain exceptions to this. Yes, you heard it right certain conditions make people with healthy lips suffer from some problems. Here we will talk about the most common issue with which we all are concerned which is of dry lips. There are probably many reasons behind dry lips and we cannot blame only one for it.

Here we will read about some of the reasons that come above when we talk about the dry or chapped lips problem, here you go:

  • Weather conditions: One of the most known and common reasons of all is the weather. Most of the lips did not suffer from this issue throughout the year. They just get this issue during the humid climate or during the extreme winter weather. These two kinds of weather are most likely to give us dry or chapped lips. This means saying that we get it naturally will not be wrong here.
  • Health conditions: So, it is not always due to the weather there can be other conditions as well that can make us suffer from this. For example, it can be a reaction to a medication that you have taken. This means it can occur because of the medical reaction in our body. Some medications can make our lips and even skin too much dry. Ask from the doctor if you are getting this due to medicinal effects.
  • Direct sun exposure: So, we can cover our skin using sunscreen when we go out at an extremely high temperature. Sunscreen always did a great job in protecting our skin from the harmful rays that can cause us sunburn. But have you wondered what about your lips? Most of us never bother about our lips as we think they are self-protected. But in reality, they are not. The weather or warm sun rays can also cause sunburns. It can make our lips more sensitive. That is why we need to layer it up with a lip balm or a hydrating lipstick for protection purposes. Direct exposure to the sun is even not good for our hair they are also harmed if we did not cover them properly.
  • Bad habit of licking: If we say someone has a habit of licking his or her lips then this thing appears to be very common. As most of us are always seen licking our lips. Those who are in more habit of licking lips are mainly due to the dry lip feeling. We feel like our lips are too much dry and we used to use our tongue to lick them. So, if you are also in the habit of licking lips then you may have to face fungal infections like angular cheilitis due to this. To treat this you have to make use of the fungal cream for lips.
  • The habit of biting lips a lot: Those who lick their lips also used to bite them on their own. If you find it funny then you must know its side effects. Biting lips can make you suffer from cracked lip corners which will further create issues. So, biting lips should be avoided as biting can dry your inner and outer lip skin. Cracked corners are the most obvious sign of lip fungus.
  • Happens due to the use of skin creams: Not all skincare creams are good and we all have learned about this many a time. Most of the creams contain compounds that can further create complications for our skin or lips. So, you may have heard of the retinol creams or creams containing vitamin A. These creams are most likely to cause us to suffer from dry or chapped lips. So, avoid the excessive use of these creams or manage their use. You can use them in the correct way so that they did not touch or intervene with your lips.
  • The dietary reasons: So, those who are not much concerned with their diet also face this issue more. Your diet always has its say in your health and that’s how it bothers it. Those who are fond of salty and spicy food are likely to suffer from this problem more. The extremely spicy or fried food like chips, etc can make your lip skin scaly. Salty food can also trigger lip problems. If you are already suffering from a lip fungal infection then eating too much spicy or salty food will worsen the situation.
  • The growth of yeast: The angular cheilitis happens due to the increased growth of the yeast or also known as candida growth. Yeast infections are most likely to affect the corners of the mouth or even enter our mouth. This will result in cracked lip corners, redness around the lip skin, skin peeling out from the lips, and so on. If the growth of yeast is experienced then you must take some anti-fungal medicines for this saviour. The antifungal cream should also be used for the purpose of quick healing. You can get advice from the doctor before making use of it. Ketomac offers the best antifungal cream that we can use for these types of infections.
  • The dehydrated lips: Dehydration is also one of the reasons if you are suffering from dry skin or lips. Most of the people did not even complete their water intake which makes them suffer from these types of infections. The dehydration can easily be seen on the skin or on every part of your lips whether it is your arms or lips. You will see the white peels or scaly skin on your body. You can also check it with the help of finger scratches on your skin. The same causes dry lips as well.

In order to treat this problem, you have to level up your water intake in the body. Drinking enough water will definitely help in avoiding the problem of dry lips.

  • Exposure to dry air: The weather conditions are also making us suffer from this. Including exposure to the dry air, in dry weather, the air that blows is also dry. This can make your lips chapped and scaly. You need to keep them moisturized. The only difference is that our lips and skin are a way too sensitive and asks for some extra care during this weather. Taking some precautions will help us save ourselves from these types of infections.

The dermatologists are having so much to say about this. This problem can be treated using some simple remedies as well. Make sure you just follow their advice if you want to get rid of this issue. Some of the tips that will be helpful are:

  1. Keeping your body hydrated: By keeping your water levels up in your body it will be helpful for you to avoid many skin-related issues. It will help you solve dry skin, dry lips, eczema, etc type skin conditions in an easier way. All you need is to make a habit of drinking water and keeping a check on your water consumption so just go for it.
  2. Going for the natural lip balms or lipsticks: You must always find herbal or non-irritating kinds of skin or lip products. Being sensitive of all, your lips are also prone to many infections. Many of us just mistake the use of lip balms or lipsticks that are not good for our skin or lips. If they are drying your lips, causing a sensation, or discomfort then you must get rid of them now. There are some ingredients that help us treat chapped lips that are castor oil, shea butter, petroleum jelly, etc. Using these ingredients or products made from these ingredients on your lips will be quite relieving.
  3. Don’t forget to reuse or reapply the balm: Take a lip balm made from the natural ingredients that suit your lips. It must be non-irritating so that even after several uses it does not have any bad impact. If you are getting relief from one then don’t forget to reapply it. Whenever we speak, eat, or drink the balm just flew away and that is why we need to reapply it. You can apply it on cracked, chapped, or dry lips.
  4. Find a lip balm or lip products that contain sunscreen: So, this may sound a little weird that you should find a lip product that contains some SPF content. But when you will aware of its benefits you will never skip it. Using lip products with some SPF content will protect your lips from sun exposure which will further save them from burns, dry lips, or sensitivity issues. So, whenever you step out use lip product with some SPF.
  5. Install a humidifier: If this problem is becoming severe and is also common for everyone in your home then the idea of installing a humidifier at home will not go wrong. You can read more on installing a humidifier at your place to get rid of this problem from its roots. It will purify the air and will be helpful in this humid weather. There are so many brands that deals in this and you can about them on the internet for details.
  6. Quitting your bad habits: So, we all are having some habits that are too bad for us. Once you get to know about them all you should do is to quit them. The following habits should be quitted now:
  • Smoking: Quit this habit as soon as possible as it is so injuries and life-threatening as well. You also face many issues relating to this habit of yours including lip fungus, cracked lips, dark lips, etc.
  • Licking lips: No, no you don’t have to hydrate your lips on your own you can use a lip moisturizer instead. Avoid using your tongue on your lips to avoid these problems to happen.
  • No lip biting as well: So, if you just start biting your lips whenever you think of something or are sitting free. Biting your lips is only making the skin dry and saggy. It can also cause other lip problems. Many of us are even habit of touching their lips with our hands. Using dirty or infected hands increases the risk of lip fungal infection.
  • Using antifungal ointment: So, always pick a cream for lip infection whenever you suffer from this. The antifungal ointment by Ketomac is quite helpful and is preferable. You can use it as prescribed to heal your lip fungal infection more quickly. Without the use of antifungals, it won’t be possible to handle the fungal infection so always get one.

Ketomac is also having anti-dandruff shampoo, Ketomac tablets, and antifungal cream. You can also take some precautions to prevent the starting of the fungal infection. Not only before, but you need to follow some simple protocols even if you are already suffering from them. The only ointment will not work for it you have to take actions like maintaining cleanliness, keeping hands well clean, following the hydration key, quitting bad habits, and so on.


We all think that we know everything about our skin but in reality, we did not know very much about it. There are chances that due to this fact we face a lot of problems relating to it. Most of the time we just skip taking care of it by having an assumption that it will have automatically cared. We do so many actions whose reactions are seen via skin infections. Despite knowing the fact of its sensitivity, we still keep on ignoring it.

If you are not taking care of it then you must be ready to face the skin issues very soon. Not only the issues but also the infections if we will stay ignorant. The diverse skin conditions are caused due to the various microorganisms that stay in or around us. Some of them are bad for our health and if their growth increases, we will face skin issues. We need to focus on cleanliness and hygiene for our skin if we don’t want to face any skin condition or infection. By taking care of it we can keep it smooth and problem-free.

So all of us have heard about the word fungal infection as it is nothing uncommon about it. Most of the people suffer from it and it is not life-threatening. Some are facing mild whereas some are having severe fungal infections. The fungal infections are having some say on our immune system as well. Those who are having a weaker one will face it more quickly and vice versa. Various treatment options are available for us to treat it which include cream and tablets. You can read about the Ketomac tablet uses in Hindi before using it so that you can know more about it. You must be aware of some common infections caused by fungus so that you can quickly be diagnosed and proper treatment can be given beforehand.

Take a quick view of the various fungal infections that we can come across:

  1. Nail fungal infection: So, starting with the most common of all we are here at the nail fungus infection introduction. This infection can be found in every age group of people. Some say it is genetic whereas some say it is not having any genetic reasons, and so on. Nail fungal infection can be easily diagnosed as people suffering from it will feel the following symptoms-
  • Pain in nails especially foot thumbnails.
  • Discoloration caused by the fungi growth.
  • Thickened nails without any reason.
  • Change in the nail shape as they will look more on the skin.
  • Ill-shaped nails with a blue colour lining.

These are the easy to notice symptoms of the nail fungus that can be easily noticed. You can see a skin specialist who deals with nail-associated infections as well. The nail fungus infection needs to be treated using antifungal tablets and ointment.

-Preventive actions to be taken:

You must take every possible action that can prevent this fungal infection. Start by keeping the nail area clean by washing it regularly with soap and water. Also, try to always dry the nail and around the skin with a clean towel to avoid the spread of infection. You must take anti-fungal tablets in order to prevent fungal infection. The antifungal cream should also be used on the affected area for the right treatment.

  1. Athlete’s foot infection: The next fungal infection to know about is the athlete’s foot. This infection looks a little like a nail fungus because it also affects our feet. This infection as suggested by its name is very well common among athletes. So, you might be wondering how the athletes get this infection. They have to wear closed footwear especially shoes most of the time while practicing and playing.

While wearing the shoes most of the time there are chances of extreme sweating on the feet which can lead to fungal infection. Most of the fungi only love the moist area with the sweating and that is why they will also make their home on our feet. The athlete’s feet can affect thumbnails and around the areas. There are some common symptoms that we can easily notice if we are suffering from an athlete foot infection are:

  • Redness on the feet’s skin.
  • Can cause itchiness and discomfort.
  • The skin will look scaly and also looks like breaking out of the skin.
  • The blisters can also be formed in that area.

Common causes why we get this infection are-

  • Catching it from the locker rooms as athletes walk barefoot in the locker rooms while changing footwear or clothes.
  • Over sweating caused by continuous practice and playing can also lead to this fungal infection.
  • The sweating in shoes allows the fungi to make a home in the soggy and moist areas.
  • Not maintaining proper hygiene while playing or wearing shoes. As you may sometimes underestimate the feet hygiene by not changing socks regularly.
  • Wearing the same shoes every day without giving them time for natural drying.

You must use an antifungal cream by Ketomac on the affected area to cure it. Also, avoid all such things that are inviting this infection like maintaining feet hygiene, washing your feet regularly, not repeating the socks, drying your shoes before wearing them, and so on.

  1. Vaginal yeast infection: The yeast infection is also common in ladies in the vaginal areas. It is also known as candida growth. It can cause discomfort and irritation in the vaginal area. It is due to the increased growth of fungi in the vagina area. Some of the symptoms that help you to address this infection are-
  • The continuous irritation- in case you are experiencing some or the other kind of irritation in your vagina then it can be due to the yeast infection.
  • The odd vaginal discharge- The vaginal discharge is very normal but when it is somehow different from the normal then it can be a symptom of yeast infection. Like excess watery discharge or the heavy white or other colour discharge can be suspicious.
  • The bad odour- If you are also experiencing the bad odour from your vagina or from the discharge then it can be a sign of some yeast infection and you cannot ignore it.
  • The burning sensation- Feeling some type of burning sensation in your vaginal area is also not normal. This may cause difficulty in even passing the urine.
  • Painful intercourse: In case you are also facing some pain or difficulty during intercourse then you must see the doctor before this. It can be due to yeast infection as well. It can also make the vaginal area red.
  • Rashes- The rashes are also one of the causes of yeast infection. If the rashes are not normal and are not going away easily then you must consult the doctor.

For all the above symptoms, consult a doctor and also go for the antifungal ointments that are safe to be used. Not ever commit the mistake of ignoring the yeast infection as it can become severe and can cause further complications. There is a need to focus more on vaginal hygiene so that you avoid the problems associated with this. Try to wash it with an intimate wash or clean water to maintain proper hygiene. Wear breathable undergarments and change them regularly to avoid the risk of infections.

  1. Jock itch fungal infection: Jock itch is also one of fungal infection that is common. We all know that the fungi love the soggy and warm environment and whenever it finds one it makes it home. While making home it causes discomfort to us and also causes the fungal infections to become severe. The jock itch fungal infection looks like a rash on the skin. Some of the symptoms to know of this infection are-
  • The rashes formed on the skin are more prone to sweating which includes the groin area, inner thigh area, and buttocks.
  • The rashes look red in colour and looks like severe blister accumulated in a circular shape.
  • The skin affected with the jock itch looks peeling and scaly after the wound become dry.
  • You will feel the dryness in the area affected by the jock itch.
  • A feeling of rubbing the affected area using harsh equipment due to the extreme itching caused by the fungal infection.

All these causes can be easily noticed and should not be ignored in any case. You must take antifungal ointment that is to be applied to the affected area to get some relief. Taking antifungal tablets will also be useful during this.

  1. The lip fungus infection: The fungal infection is not only limited to only inner or moist areas like the groin, inner thighs, vagina, feet, nails, etc. But it is also likely to affect the lip corners or mouth as well. In case your mouth came in contact with the surface owning a fungus you are most likely to get lip fungus. The other name of lip fungus can be angular cheilitis and it is having many symptoms of its own. Some of them are-
  • Cracked lip corners: The lip fungus is likely to affect the corners of the lips. This means you will see the cracks on the corners whenever you get affected by the fungus.
  • Redness on the corners of the lips: The lip fungus also causes extreme redness on the corners of the lips that are easily visible. It will look like a wound.
  • Formation of white lining: Another symptom of lip or mouth fungal infection is the white cotton lining formed on the tongue. It also forms on the inner cheek areas. The white lining on the tongue looks like white humps. These are due to fungal infections.
  • People having the habit of licking lips: Those who are in an extreme habit of biting or licking their lips can also experience this infection. There are many other microorganisms who are around or in the environment that enters our mouth and causes problems like these. You need to quit ding this otherwise this infection will not be cured.

The preventive actions to be taken-

You need to work on its preventive as well as precautionary actions. Maintaining good oral hygiene will help in avoiding this infection. Oral hygiene is of utmost importance you must use mouthwashes for the oral thrush. Also, if you wear any type of dentures then you must take proper care of those dentures before wearing them. They are the first invitees of the fungal infection. So, take care of all these things.

The above-discussed are some of the fungal infections caused by the fungi on our skin. You can consume Ketomac tablet on regular basis to treat these infections. You can also follow some easy preventive actions if you want to avoid various fungal infections. These are-

  1. Giving priority to hygiene: You need to put your personal hygiene as your priority if you don’t want skin infections to bother you. Taking a regular bath can also help in maintaining hygiene.
  2. Changing undergarments daily: You must change your undergarments every day so that you can avoid the risk of infections caused due to this.
  3. Avoid taking stress: Stress can also be one of the reasons why we face problems relating to our skin. That is why we need to keep a check on our hormonal changes so that the stress can be controlled or managed.
  4. Go for the best medication: You need to always pick the best medication possible whenever you suffer from any fungal or skin infection. You need to consume the best antifungal Ketomac tablets for this purpose. You can also try the best antifungal ointment for this purpose.

Ketomac is one of the best brands which we can trust whenever it comes to our skin infections. It helps us treat and heal the fungal infections caused on our skin. So, start using the products by Ketomac on your skin so that you can manage your skin infections quickly.


So, we all know that every day we came across so many skin-related infections. The infections related to skin are not easy to go from our skin as they are a little stubborn. The more we delay the infection’s symptoms, the more severe it will become. In or around us there are microorganisms that are good and bad at the same time. If they will accumulate in abundance then they may cause infections. Fungal infections are also very common of all because they can affect many parts of your body. From your soft lips to your foot nails the fungal infection can be easily found.

The lip fungal infection is also known as angular cheilitis and it affects the lip area, especially the corners of the lips. Many of us face the dry mouth problem and it is very common nowadays. Those who face the problem of continuous dry mouth or problems in forming saliva in the mouth are more likely to face this infection. It is also known as cracked lip corners which are due to the fungal infection. The yeast infection can affect lip corners and have different symptoms as well. You can use an antifungal cream for lip infection to treat this infection. Here are some of the symptoms of this infection that can help you diagnose this infection. These are:

  • Cracked corners: The fungal infection on the lips causes cracked corners. You can clearly see the cuts on the side of the lips. Those cuts cause discomfort in eating and even drinking anything. Many of us also face difficulty in speaking when we are having cracked corners.
  • The swollen lips: The swollen lips are also one of the symptoms of lip fungal infection. It can make your lips swallow and also cause redness on the lips. The swelled lips are clearly not the starting o the infection as it will begin on increasing if you have ignored the infection at first instance.
  • Feeling of crusty lips: Crusty lips are also one of the symptoms of fungal lip infection. You will feel that your lip corners are looking like crusty layers. They have become chapped and crusty without any reason.
  • The itchiness on the lip corners: The lip corners may feel itchier and scalier if the infection becomes severe. You can get rid of the itchiness only if you apply the right ointment to the skin infection.
  • Sore mouth: The sore mouth is also one of the symptoms or we can say you will experience this once the infection starts. There will be a sore taste in your mouth all the time till it heals properly.

So, these symptoms can be noticed easily and cannot be ignored in any case. As soon as you discover any of them occurring just get the right treatment, consult the doctor, and take every possible precaution.

There are so many causes or we can say reasons due to which we can get this infection. There is a need to avoid all such reasons so that we can have a healthy mouth. Some of them are discussed as follows:

  • People with sensitive skin: So, many of us are prone to lots of infections due to just a simple reason that is sensitive skin. The sensitive skin can catch every possible infection because even by doing nothing they are still prone to infections. The sensitive skin issue is common and it is even more in the picture when it is the rainy season. People having sensitive skin will also have sensitive skin around the lips and that is why the problem is more common among them. There is no particular treatment we can do to get rid of sensitive skin rather we just have to be extra precautionary when we use anything on our skin.
  • People with braces: Those who are having braces on their teeth are also at risk to get this infection. It is even more common among them because our skin does not settle easily with the braces and in the meantime, we face cracked lip corners and dry mouth issues more. Even the people with braces also faces problem in eating in their initial days with braces. Braces came in contact with our inner cheek area and cause discomfort in closing the mouth as well.
  • Smoking can also cause this infection: So, those who smoke face a lot of problems and we all know that. It is very injurious to our life and body and also to our skin. That is why we need to quit it now but still, some people are having the habit of smoking even after knowing its ill effects. Smoking can cause fungal lip infection by causing itchiness on the sides of the lips. Also, the lip fungus causes cracked corners and pain around the lips.
  • The deficiency of nutrients: Sometimes the infections are not just because of some actions or reactions but they are due to the deficiency of something in our body. Angular cheilitis can be caused if we are having a deficiency of nutrients like Vitamin B6, B2, B3, etc. Also, the deficiency of zinc in the body can cause this infection. Consult the doctor, and get your all check-ups done to discover more about the deficiencies in your body.
  • Sign of fungal infection: despite the above reasons this infection can also be due to the fungal infection. Even the growth of bacteria in that area can cause this infection. The fungus growth in the mouth can lead to this. If you are observing the white lining type layer on your lips, inner cheeks, and also on your tongue can you are most likely to have a fungal infection. The reason behind this is so many some of them are:
  1. Unclean dentures: Making use of the not clean dentures can cause this fungal infection. Using unclean dentures is so common as most of the time we did not even pay attention to the cleanliness check. We just use the dentures as they are and then face this infection. It is always advisable to clean and clear the dentures before using them. You can sanitize them on regular basis with the specially meant sanitizer wash or mouth wash or as prescribed by the doctor. Don’t use the regular sanitizer for washing your dentures. Most of doctors prescribed a way out to keep the dentures clean all you need to do is to follow.
  2. Common in infants: This problem of fungal infection is also common in infants. Sometimes we forget to keep their feeders clean and that is how they get this infection. Not only this but also from their breastfeeding mothers can catch this infection. When dealing with infants we need to be extra careful so that we can avoid the risk of infections that can cause discomfort to them. It is advisable to boil the feeders of the babies before feeding them.
  3. Increased growth of fungus: The fungus growth in the mouth causes angular cheilitis or lip fungal infection. The fungus enters the mouth from many sources like eating or drinking in the infected feeder, bottle, glass, etc.

So, these above-discussed are some of the reasons how we can get this infection. We must try our best to minimize the reasons for getting this infection in our own possible way. There is a need to take care of this infection in the following ways. We can take preventive actions and some remedies we can try for the treatment of this infection. Following are some of them we can try;

  • Focusing on your diet: Many of us always say that our diet is having no say in the infections that we face and that is why we just ignore what we eat. But our diet plays the most important role in keeping us safe and active and that’s how we can do something good for ourselves. There is a need to add some good things to our diet so that the nutritive values can help. A balanced diet is one of the easiest things we can do for a good diet. We must eat food that is rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and zinc. All these are good for our health and body and will eliminate the risk of getting lip fungus or angular cheilitis.
  • Practicing oral hygiene: Oral hygiene is something that should not be missed in any case. No matter whether we are facing any issue relating to our mouth or not still we need to practice it. Oral hygiene can be maintained by brushing our teeth twice a day that is one in the morning and one before going to sleep. Also, you must try the mouth wash idea by rinsing your mouth after eating especially sweet tooth. By developing the habit of good oral hygiene it will be easier for us to avoid these infections and they will work as a preventive measure as well.
  • Taking the best ointment: With the help of the best possible ointment, it will be easier for us to treat this infection. Antifungal ointment is required to treat the lip fungal infection. There are so many lip fungal creams available and Ketomac offers one of the best antifungal creams for cracked lips that you can use. Read the instructions like how to apply so that it can be used in the right way. You cannot treat this without the right ointment so never miss it.
  • Other home remedies to try: We all know that various easy remedies or hacks are also there that can help us treat this infection naturally. Here we will take a look at those remedies so that we can also try them to treat this infection:
  1. Making use of the honey: We can easily find honey in our home as it is used for multiple purposes. Here you will get to know that you can also use honey for this infection. Honey is known for fighting against the microorganisms causing this infection. All you need is a spoonful of honey that you can apply to the affected areas. Don’t remove the honey just after applying rather keep it for some time so that it can come into action. Try keeping it for about fifteen to twenty minutes.
  2. Using the gel of Aloe Vera leaf: The Aloe Vera is known for helping us in so many ways from keeping our skin clear to treating our infections it is helpful. The gel of aloe Vera can be extracted using a spoon or you can also try it directly on the affected area. It will be more effective if you go for refrigerating it first before use. So, try the chilled gel on the corners of your lips for some relief. It is also having anti-inflammatory properties that will help too.
  3. Using cucumber: This will probably make us laugh that how can cucumber help us treat this. Cucumber is one of the effective and easy remedies that we can try. It is known to eliminate the soreness in your mouth and this is how it is helpful. You can use the slices of the fresh cucumber and rub or dab them on the affected area. It will help you give some relief from the itchiness and scaliness caused there.
  4. Hydration is the key: You can do one of the easiest things which are drinking water. Keeping yourself and your mouth hydrated is also helpful. We all know it is caused due to a dry mouth and by keeping it hydrated we can feel some little relief. So, don’t forget to try an easy water remedy.

So, these remedies are super easy for us to try. Along with these don’t forget to make use of the antifungal cream. As only with this anti-fungal ointment by Ketomac we can treat this infection. It is very gentle on our skin and will reduce the fungus growth on the affected area.


Whenever we see someone has long and shiny hair, we always wish of having them. But we all cannot be blessed with the good things altogether, and that is why God wants us to do some effort to achieve whatever we want. No matter is it about a dream of earning more or a dream of having long and healthy hair, the mantra behind this will be the same. If you see someone flaunting their healthy long hair, then it is because they have made efforts to get their hair like that.

You can also do this with some effort. There are so many hair care product brands available in the market that claims to be the best for our hair, but not all of them are the best. You need to try them carefully before you finally start reliving them. Ketomac is one of the most admiring hair product brands that you can trust for your hair anytime. You can get solutions to your dandruff problem, hair fall, and so other problems with your shampoo. One more thing that can work no less than magic for our hair is a hair spa. It comes as a treatment for our hair which we can easily get from the salons.

You can read more on the hair spa benifit list before you finally make up your mind about it. You can even try the hair spa remedy at your home as well. The salons have started giving various hair spa treatments for the different problems we face relating to our hair. For example, you can get a hair spa treatment if you are facing dandruff, hair loss, hair thinning, rough hairs, damaged hairs, etc. If you are looking to try this treatment at your home, then you can. You can easily find the hair spa creams available in the market.

Those creams can be used for the purpose of a hair spa. But before starting it at your home, you can read more about how to do this treatment at your home. So, the basics of the hair spa treatment are listed below for more reference.

  • Understanding what it is- So, the hair spa treatment is a massaging treatment that makes use of hair spa creams and also hair oil to massage your hair. Massaging is kind of the best thing for our hair that is helpful in multiple ways. You can read how to massage properly at home for your hair so that you can stimulate the benefits of the hair spa at your home as well.
  • Focusing on the relaxing points: Most of us just go for the hair spa treatment when we are feeling tired. It is a kind of relaxing session that helps us in calming our minds. There are some points that are pressed during the hair massage. You can also do it at home.
  • Also, a hair mask: You must also use a hair mask on your hair during this session. You can make one for yourself at home using home ingredients or can buy from the market as well. Various hair masks are available that are meant for the different hair problems we face, so try them too.
  • Hair steam is also essential: So, the hair spa treatment is incomplete without the hair steam and that is why we can’t miss it. The steam helps in promoting hair strengthening, and that is why it is given. After the massaging section, the process of steaming begins. We are not having the steaming instruments at our home that are usually found at the salons. But we can definitely find an alternative to this. You can use a hot towel for steaming purposes.
  • Be slow and don’t rush: Try to be slow and steady when it comes to massaging your hair. Doing it in a hurry will just ruin the whole thing. Hair is very sensitive and should be treated accordingly.

So, keep these points in mind before beginning the hair spa session at home. If you are still thinking about whether to go for the hair spa or not, then here are some of the plus points of this treatment that we all should know. Take a look:

  • Focusing on the hair roots: Whenever we massage or apply oil to our hairs, we just focus on the hair strands or tips. Our focus never goes on the hair roots, which are the most important part of our hair. No matter whether we are talking about plants or hairs, the roots are the most integral part. It is important to build up the roots so that every branch of hair can be healthy. The spa helps in strengthening the roots and the hair follicles from their roots. Taking it after regular intervals will definitely work best for this.
  • Boosting the blood flow on the scalp: We all know that the blood flow continues even on our hair scalp. But the slow blood circulation also makes your hair weak and dull. It is important to focus on the blood circulation in the scalp so that you can have a healthy scalp. The hair massage and spa will help in opening the pores and boosting the blood flow.
  • Soothes damaged hairs: Damaged hairs are so common problem nowadays; have you wondered why? The main reason for this is the excessive use of heating appliances like curlers, hair dryers, blow dryers, straightener, etc on hair. These things have made our hair damaged. Can you bear the heat of a curler on your skin? The answer will be no, as it will burn your skin. The same is how the curler treats our hair; when we use it just burns our hair. All the appliances above mentioned are doing the same thing with our hair. Hairs are very sensitive, but we do not treat them. That is why hair issues are on the rise every day. The hair spa treatment can treat your damaged hair to some extent. But if they are too damaged, then they must need some extra precautions and treatments to be cured quickly.
  • Managing the dry and frizzy hair problem: Most of us find our hair unmanageable most of the time due to fizziness or dryness. The dry hairs are so frizzy that you will not be able to style them. The hair spa treatment help in managing such hairs with the proper nourishment. Managing dry or frizzy hair is a real struggle, and it shows you must get a hair spa treatment for a regular period.
  • Unclogging the scalp pores: As our skin is having pores our scalp is also made of pores. The dust and oil are known to block our skin pores; they do the same thing on our scalp pores as well. We never cover our hair whenever we are in pollution, dust, or under sun rays. That is why we need proper hair spa treatment to help us in unclogging the pores and let our scalp breathe naturally. Unclogging also helps in stimulating the hair growth of new hairs. This means it is very beneficial for our hair.
  • Preventing and treating the dandruff issues: The dandruff problem is one of the biggest problems of all time. We can never avoid this problem to happen; rather, we have to accept it. But with the help of Ketomac’s antidandruff shampoo and hair spa treatment, we can get treatment for dandruff. This problem is quite embarrassing as well as we do not like the white flakes falling on our shoulders when we comb, walk, or even do nothing. They just make a home in our hairs and look like white flakes attached with glue on our scalp. The dandruff problem can be best treated with a hair spa. You must stick to the use of anti-dandruff shampoo so that you can treat it.
  • Boosting the growth of hairs: Most of the time, we just assume that our hairs will not grow more after a point. But the reality is your hair never stops growing their speed just diminished when the hair issues increase. You can still grow your hair if you are ready to do some effort. Stimulating the growth of our hair is such a dream for many people around us. We just want to have long and thick hair so that we flaunt. But unfortunately, the hair issues did not allow us to do so. So, we can take the help of the hair spa treatment to find how our hair grows faster when we start taking it at regular intervals. Promoting blood flow and taking away the impurities from our hair helps in growing new hairs.
  • Keeping a check on oil secretion on the scalp: There are some people who face oily scalp problems. Their hairs look greasy all the time even after the immediate hair wash. All those people, searching for the treatment of oily scalp can now rely on the hair spa. They can take this therapy so that the oil production in their scalp can be managed. It is very important to manage it so that you can have healthy hair as well. It can regulate and lower the oil secretion and helps in getting normal hairs.
  • Making your hair and scalp healthy: We all want to have a hair scalp that is free from hair problems. But very few of us are truly blessed with such. But hair spa therapy makes sure that we can get healthy hair with this. When the right nutrient in the form of hair spa cream or oil reaches our hair, it boosts our health. It works as a medicine for our hair that we should not resist taking. It promotes the overall health of our hair by helping us grow the newer ones and reducing hair fall. Making hair stronger, and so on.
  • Lowering our stress levels as well: If you think the hair spa session is nothing to do with our stress levels then you are wrong. Stress levels can be managed with the help of a hair spa. It works as a rejuvenating session for our minds. You will feel so relaxed and calm after attending this session. Many of us face routine headaches due to personal or professional problems but we can get instant relief from such headaches with the help of a hair spa. A long head massage session will help in lowering our stress levels. It will make us feel refreshed and calmed.
  • Works best for coloured or dyed hairs: For all those who have taken some of the other hair treatments like Keratin, rebounding, hair colouring, dye hairs, etc the hair spa is a kind of life saviour. Whenever we take such treatments on our hairs chemicals are used on our hairs. They can make our hairs weak, brittle, and thin. To protect our hair from these issues we must definitely get a hair spa session. It will keep your hair nourished and healthy as required.

So, the above-discussed points are so helpful in making our decision of taking a hair spa. If you are suffering from dandruff, you can choose hair spa dandruff treatment. A hair spa is not a very costly affair as its costs vary from salons to treatments we choose. But it is affordable and should never be missed if you want healthy hair. You can also try Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo which is good for the oily scalp, colored treated hair, and almost all types of hairs. All your hair problems can be treated if you stick to shampoo for a regular time period.

Ketomac is our hair’s best friend which comes with a shampoo that can treat and solve so many common problems relating to your hair. From hair loss to dandruff problems, it can treat all your issues. Also, try other products by Ketomac like anti-fungal cream, tablets, etc for your other skin problems.


Microorganisms are present everywhere like in the environment, air, at the surface, and even inside our body. But when they make a home in our body or skin then they become harmful to us. Most of the time we just ignore learning about the microorganisms as we are just concerned with the skin issues that we face. But we must know the reasons behind those skin concerns. Our skin is the most delicate part of our body and that is why it asks for more care. But what it gets in return is our non-attentive attitude towards our skin. 


We just dream of healthy skin, hair, and body but we forget that in order to get the one we have to put in some effort. There is a need to take a note on an everyday basis which should motivate all of us to care for our skin and body. The skin infections do not leave our skin easily as they just make their home in our skin and forget to leave. For this, we need to put some efforts in for the treatment. There are so many skin issues that we face and fungal infections are also one of them. The fungi a very well-known microorganism cause this infection and can affect any part of our body. 


The fungal infections can take many forms and are of many types including nail fungal infections, ringworm, jock itch, athlete foot, lip fungus, etc. The warm environment and moist areas are loved by the fungi and that is why it is found there. Any part of the body can be affected by the fungi and most likely to be affected are the foot area, nails, inner thighs, groin, etc. The nail fungus issue is becoming a lot more common nowadays, there are so many people out there who are facing this issue. If you are also one of those suffering from the same issue then this article is a complete guide for you. Have a look to know more about this:


Nail fungal infection what it is?

The nail fungal infection is an infection caused b the fungi on our nails. This means the formation of fungi in abundance has caused this infection. If fungi make their home in our nails, they will take a long time to heal. The best nail fungus medicine in India is available with Ketomac that we can use. You will not be able to see the fungus but you will clearly see what the fungus has done to your nails. The nail fungal infection ruins the whole nail texture and you can clearly notice a person with the nail fungal infection. 


Common symptoms to know- 

So, there are symptoms of this nail fungal infection that can be clearly seen. With the help of reading symptoms, we can easily detect whether we are suffering from a fungal infection or not. The symptoms that are seen when someone is suffering from the nail fungus are discussed below:

  1. Ill-nail texture: So, we all know that healthy nails are having clear and plain texture but in case your nails are not having this then this means something is wrong. The ill-textured nails are easily noticeable as you will see that the texture of the nails is not normal. Either they are thickened or look ill-shaped. This means the thickened humps will be seen on nails that are affected by the nail fungus. 
  2. Changed nail color: The healthy nail color is clear or white but in case you are noticing any change in the color of your nails then you have to take it seriously. This can be due to this fungal infection. The most noticeable nail color in this fungal infection is blue, yellow, or dark brownish. Those who have seen the nail colors this way should have to see a skin specialist for the treatment. If it is the beginning of the fungal infection then you may notice the yellowish layer forming on your nail. 


  1. Pain in nails: If you are facing frequent pain in your nails then this may be due to the fungal infection only. The starting of this infection does not cause any pain in nails but when the time it becomes severe you will feel the pain. The pain is usually experienced when the infected person wears tight shoes, or socks, or whenever the nail touched any hard surface. 


  1. Discomfort in wearing closed footwear: The closed footwear like shoes may cause some extent of discomfort to the infected person. The closed footwear usually makes our feet uncomfortable as they we have to place our feet straight and they cannot move properly in this. Those who are having the issue of nail fungal infection cannot wear closed footwear as they will start experiencing pain in their nails while wearing. 


  1. Smelly nails: The infected nails that are of ill color may also cause the smell or odor. You will experience the smell in your nails and also in the socks due to the infection. 


So, these are some of the very common symptoms that can be noticed by people if they are suffering from this infection. There is a need to look forward to the best treatment in order to treat the nail fungal infection. No treatment can show its result overnight especially when it is nail fungus. You have to wait patiently when you undergo the treatment for the nails. The antifungals can do their magic as taken in the best format. Ask your doctor about the antifungal that your skin needs. As the fungal infection cannot be treated without them. Also, you need an antifungal ointment for your nails. The antifungal cream will work like a magic in controlling the fungus growth on the nails. You have to apply the nail ointment carefully so that no area can be left uncovered. Also, apply it on your nail beds, on the nails, and around the nails. There are so many precautions or preventions that we all should keep in mind if we are suffering or someone in the house is suffering from this infection. Some of them are:


  1. Getting the best antifungal medicine: As we already discussed that you must get an antifungal medicine prescribed by the doctor to heal this infection. Without over-the-counter medicines, it won’t be possible to treat fungal infections. But the dose of the antifungal medicine will purely depend on the kind and level of your fungal infection. In case you are having a severe infection in your nails, you may need a higher dose of antifungal medicine.


  1. Choosing the best antifungal ointment: Our skin needs the best antifungal ointment to treat fungal infections. Ketomac is one of the best antifungal ointment brands on whom we can easily trust. They offer the best ointment that we can use on our nails regularly as a treatment. If you think only consuming antifungal tablets will work then you are wrong. In order to treat it properly, you must use the right ointment for this purpose. 


  1. Maintain nail hygiene: Nail hygiene is something that we should never underestimate. Not keeping or maintaining our nails will make you suffer from this nail fungal infection. Nail hygiene involves proper washing of nails and feet with soap and water. Using only water to wash your nails is not enough. The soap is required to keep the germs at bay from your nails. So, wash it with soap and water. Make sure you choose gentle soap to wash your feet and nails. There are some soaps that make our feet dry. As they take away the essential oil from our skin and cause dryness. 


  1. Keeping the nails dry all the time: There are very few situations in which we are having wet nails. For example, after washing our feet nails also become wet and wet feet can spread the infection. The fungi make their home in a place that is warm and wet. That is how the nail fungus is caused. You can also keep the nails dry by using the hair dryer. After washing your feet, you can use a clean towel to dry your feet and nails. 


  1. Not repeating the socks: So, if you think you can repeat the socks for two or three days without any reason then you are wrong. Repeating socks may even make the situation worse. The socks absorb the sweat from our skin and sweating may lead to bacterial and fungal infection. In case you repeat the same socks then this will make the infection severe. Sweating in the socks can infect our nails and that is why we need to keep check that we should never repeat our socks ever. Even this point is the same in the case of undergarments. We should wear only clean and washed undergarments and not repeated ones. So, keep this thing in mind to avoid the risk of infection. 


  1. Ignoring closed footwear: In case you are already suffering from this infection, you must avoid wearing closed footwear. The closed footwear does not allow our feet to move and let the air gets in. Those who are infected should wear footwear that is open like sandals, flip flops, etc. Avoid wearing bellies, shoes, etc to avoid inconvenience.


  1. Don’t use the same nail cutters: In case there is someone who is having an infection of nail fungus should keep a separate nail cutter. The nail cutters must be well clean and sanitized if in case someone in an emergency may need it. It is advisable to not to share the nail clippers or even the nail fillers with those having infected nails. Sharing nail clippers will also make the other person infected with the same infection as this infection can be easily transferred this way. 


  1. Not sharing the same footwear: In case someone at your home is suffering from this infection already then you must avoid wearing the footwear of that person. If you will wear the footwear of that person then the infection will definitely be transmitted. As our shoes or other footwear holds our sweat and also some particles of the infections that can be transmitted. No matter if you are in hurry or not don’t use the shared footwear in any case. 


  1. Let the sweat dry: Most of the time we just place our footwear inside the rack without giving it time to dry. When we wear footwear for longer, they usually become wet due to the skin sweating. We need to give it some time for the natural air to dry so that the wetness can go away. Failure to do this will also increase the infection risk. So, the next time you wear shoes or bellies doesn’t keep them inside the cupboard immediately let them dry. 


  1. Prefer breathable fabric: While choosing shoes or socks or even undergarments always prefer the fabric that allows your skin to breathe. Wearing the opposite fabric to this will create complications for your skin and should be avoided in every possible case. While purchasing undergarments as well make sure you choose cotton or the other fabric that is breathable and airy. 


  1. Avoid wearing tight things: In case you are still wearing tight socks, shoes, or undergarments then stop doing it. Wearing tighter things just causes discomfort to your skin and causes sweating. Whether it is tight shoes or socks or undergarments wearing any of them will cause you more sweating and also increases the chances of risk of this infection. 

So, all these above-discussed are the best actions that we should follow if we want to avoid this infection or want to treat this. Antifungal nail polish India is also available to treat nail fungal infections. They are made from antifungal compounds that kill fungi and help in healing the skin. Your nails will also be treated with the help of the antifungal cream by Ketomac.


Nail fungus is not uncommon, and it is straightforward to catch a nail infection. The chances of catching a fungus and spreading it from one finger to another are very high. Anyone can grab a fungal infection in a hot and humid environment, and these could be places like gyms or swimming pools. Leaving your feet wet for longer or wearing wet socks could also lead to infection.


The infection travels so fast that if an infected person walks a particular path and another person walks through the same path, the chances of another person getting infected are high. Having been infected by nail fungus, chances are that your nail which has been infected will start to look a little different. It might begin by showing white spots or even a change in nail color from green to yellow to black and brown.


Getting your nail fungus treated at the earliest helps you from preventing any further damage to your nails. It is essential for people who have diabetes or a weak immune system to be extra cautious. The reason for visiting a dermatologist at first sight of the infection in case you have Diabetes is to avoid any development of untreated sores, which can turn into even more significant and more severe health problems.


Even though several companies have launched nail fungus medicine in Indiait is essential first to understand the stage of infection and which sort of treatment would be best to treat it.


Signs of having nail fungus


For someone who has been detected with nail fungus, the chances are high that you may experience or see one of the below-mentioned symptoms:


  1. The nail may start to turn brown and yellow depending upon the condition of the fungal spread, and it may start from the tip and extend to the whole nail.
  2. You may start to see some black debris that has been deposited under the nail.
  3. The infected nail starts to lift off from the nail bed and can even come off if left untreated.
  4. An infected nail turns soft and feels powdery and Dry on the top. This infected mail starts to scrap off its nail bed.
  5. The infected nail would start to crumble.
  6. One of the early signs of nail infection could also be nail thickening.


In the earlier stages of the infection, one may feel that treatment is unnecessary since it’s not painful. If left untreated, the infection grows from one nail to the other, making it extremely difficult to wear shoes. The best way to get rid of nail infection fast is to visit the dermatologist as soon as you have a site of any of the points mentioned above.


When we talk about nail fungus, the sooner it’s detected, the easier the treatment would be. All you must do is apply some good and renowned over-the-counter available medicated cream, which would help eliminate the nail infection.


Chances of getting a nail fungus


As we have already mentioned, even though anybody can get nail fungus, some people may be at a higher risk than others. Several factors like your age, the lifestyle you lead, and your health could also impact you. Let us discuss each of them in a bit of detail below:


  1. Age:The chances of an older person getting infected by nail infection are much higher than a young person. Children under the age of six rarely get detected with any nail infection


  1. Health concerns: In case you are somebody who has any of the health concerns mentioned below, the chances of you developing a nail fungus are very high:

▪ An already infected nail

▪ Cancer

▪ Diabetes

▪ Any other sort of nail infection just like athlete’s foot

▪ You have a family history of nail infections.

▪ Poor circulation

▪ Have gone through an organ transplant surgery

▪ Already weakened immune system due to diseases like HIV.

▪ Psoriasis

▪ A recent nail surgery or an underlying nail infection


  1. Lifestyle: Your lifestyle has a significant role when it comes to an increase in nail fungus. If you are somebody Who relates to 1 of the below-mentioned points, you may be at a higher risk of getting a nail fungus infection:


▪ You need to wear plastic gloves for several hours of the day

▪ You wear tightly fitted shoes

▪ You walk barefooted in the hot, humid areas

▪ Spending too much time in the water

▪ Smoke

▪ Mostly have wet Hands Throughout the day


Causes of having nail fungus


Several tiny, microscopic organisms known as fungi are the main reason for having fungal nail infections. Most people would pick up this infection by having skin-to-skin contact with somebody who already has a fungal infection. Another common way of getting infected is walking barefooted in a moist and warm area such as a locker room or a pool deck.


Something as basic as sharing nail clippers or a tall can also lead to fungal nail infection. Fungal disease can not only be transmitted from somebody else. Still, one could even acquire a fungal infection individually if one frequently walks in a wet or moist area.


The most common ways in which the nail gets infected by fungi are:


  1. A crack or several cracks in your nail
  2. Some separation between the finger and the nail
  3. Minor cut in and around the skin surrounding your nail


Diagnosis for a nail fungus


For a dermatologist to verify the level of nail fungus a patient may have, it is essential to examine the nail and the skin around it. The reason for checking the skin around the nail fungus is that the patient may already have infected the skin. Treatment needs to be taken, keeping in mind the extent of infection.


It may also be essential to collect samples from either beneath the nail by scraping any skin around the nail and trimming some part of your nail. The sample collected from the above would further be examined at a laboratory under a microscope to confirm the cause of the problem.


Treating fungal nail infections


  1. Medicines


One of the most basic faces of treating nail fungus is by use of medicine. If an individual has been detected with a mild infection, they would be prescribed a medicine that could easily be applied to the nail to eliminate any infection. The applied medicine will ensure that your nail continues to grow without any new fungus. In an ideal condition, the fingernails would take around 4 to 6 months to grow, and toenails take a little longer, as much as 12 to 18 months.


The market has some of the most renowned antifungal nail polish in India. All that needs to be done is to pick up a renowned brand that does antifungal nail polishes. The main complexity of this treatment lies in the constant application of medicine. The process is not a one-time job but spread across 4 to 6 months. For best results, individuals dealing with fungal infections should consult a dermatologist to know precisely how and when the medicine needs to be applied.


According to US Food and Drug Association, some of the approved medicines that can be given as a treatment for nail fungus or as follows:

  • Amorolfine
  • Tavaborole
  • Ciclopirox


  1. A combination therapy: In several cases, to treat nail fungus application of medicine is not enough. In such cases, the treatment needs to be made more effective by adding antifungal pills along with the application of medicine to your nail needs to be done.


  1. Nail removal


In the most severe case, when neither the Pills nor the application of medicine work, the dermatologist might have to choose to remove the nail. The procedure can be done to get rid of the infection completely.

This procedure can be done surgically or non-surgically. In a non-surgical procedure, a chemical may be applied to the nail.


Pointers to keep in mind if you deal with nail fungus


As already mentioned, nail fungus is something that can be affected by anybody irrespective of their age. In most cases, even if the infection is cleared out of the nail, it would take time for the fingernail to grow back. To get rid of the fungus, it is essential to take care of specific below-mentioned points:


  1. Regular application of the medicine as prescribed by the dermatologist
  2. Treatment needs to be done just as prescribed by the dermatologist
  3. Regular follow-up appointments with the dermatologist are mandatory


Prevention and treatment of nail fungus


As already mentioned that nail fungal infection is widespread and contagious. Therefore, chances of having an infection more than once are also possible. Certain precautions are taken to reduce the chance of getting infected. These precautions may be as under:


  1. Start wearing slippers, shower sandals, or fit flops when walking in a moist and warm area.
  2. Getting rid of footwear, boots, sandals, slip-on socks, and kids you may be wearing before or while getting nail infected is essential. There may be high chances that fungus will still live inside your footwear or socks, making an individual more susceptible to infection.
  3. Wearing a clean pair of socks each day as soon as your socks start to feel a little sweaty is extremely important to prevent any fungal growth.
  4. Always look for shoes made of either leather mesh or canvas, which fit well rather than just being tight and, most importantly, prevent your seat from overheating and keep them dry.
  5. Always wear your shoes alternatively and never use the same shoes you wear daily.
  6. Sprinkling antifungal powder in your shoes may be another great way of not treating fungal nail infection but at least preventing the growth of any new infection in new shoes.
  7. Trimming your nails short: This prevents debris from collecting under the nail, which could lead to fungal nail infection.
  8. Always ensure that you never share your towels, skates, nail clippers, or other personal items with somebody. Sharing can put you and the other person at high risk of infecting nail fungus.
  9. Most importantly, it would be best if you always kept your feet dry and clean.
  10. As we already know, any crack in or around the infected nail could enter fungus into your skin; therefore, it becomes essential to moisturize the skin around it, forming a barrier to these cracks. One of the most suitable ways to do it is to apply a good moisturizer almost 5 minutes after a bath.


Checking for any early signs of infection


Precaution is always better than cure and is rightly said for even nail infections. Early detection of the infection would save time, money, and effort in getting an extensive treatment.


You can check for these signs of early infection so that immediate treatment can be done:


  1. Dry and itchy skin
  2. Swelling or soreness in or around the nail
  3. Changes in the texture of your skin
  4. Look for changes in the nail, any spot of discoloration in the nail, or a white, brown, or black spot.


Suppose you find any early signs of infection. In that case, it is best to visit a dermatologist and get a treatment done.




Nail infection is widespread, and one should not be afraid of having it. The market is filled with products containing ketoconazole containing products, and you must look for one that is effective and renowned. One of the oldest in the market comes from Ketomac. The cream from the brand is called Ketomac cream and can be applied as a topical treatment for nail fungus. In case the severity of the infection is high, the dermatologist could even prescribe you a Ketomac tablet.


Irrespective of the treatment being used, one should not ignore any signs of nail fungus infection.



Let us first discuss what dandruff is. Remember seeing some white-colored flakes that are dry and mostly seen either on collars or shoulders. You guessed it right, it is dandruff. Even though having dandruff is almost harmless physically, it dramatically impacts your personality and confidence, and it can embarrass you since having dandruff in your hair leads to itching.


Dandruff has nothing to do with how your hair is washed or if it’s of a certain texture, and it all comes down to your scalp and its health. Dandruff has a lot to do with how you feel and how the weather outside it. If you are already dealing with dandruff issues and you fall sick or if you are stressed, chances are dandruff with trigger or worsen. Similarly, cold and dry weather can also worsen a dandruff situation.

Another reason that has recently become a popular reason for having dandruff is colored hair. Coloring hair exposes your hair and scalp to many chemicals and dries them out by sucking out all the moisture. This dry and damaged hair would form an excellent base for fresh dandruff, or it would worsen the already existing. This is why individuals with colored hair and dandruff are constantly looking for good dandruff shampoos for color-treated hair.


For mild dandruff conditions switching to gentler shampoo and trying out a home remedy is a great option that works in case the severity of the problem is beyond control. One can always consult and start with a medicated shampoo.


Symptoms of Dandruff:


  1. Skin flakes that are white to yellowish and could be either of small size or a little larger.
  2. Flakes are not just restricted to your scalp; dandruff could also be seen on eyebrows, nose, hairline, back, and chest. In case of itching in any of these areas is experienced, along with flakes, it is a clear symptom of having dandruff.



Possible Causes of Dandruff: 


 Some common known causes that act as triggers of dandruff are as under:


  1. Chemically exposed hair
  2. Dry textured skin
  3. Malassezia fungus, which is said to live on your scalp and feed on its oils
  4. Hair products that could cause sensitivity to the scale
  5. Oily and irritated skin


Risks associated 


Even though anyone can have dandruff at any particular age, some become susceptible to having dandruff. The factors that make you more susceptible are:


  1. Age: Having dandruff at a young and middle age is more common than having it at a later age. This, however, does not mean that people of the older age group cannot have dandruff; of course, they can. For some, dandruff stays with their life long.
  2. Over-damaged hair: As we have already spoken, color treating your hair often can lead to significant damage to hair, in turn making it super dry and susceptible to dandruff. Coloring hair and being in fashion is in no way wrong. Still, one should never forget that if they have a dandruff condition, they buy good quality color protecting dandruff shampooso that the shampoo doesn’t damage your newly colored hair and maintains the longevity of color and yet deals with the condition of dandruff.
  3. Illness that affects the nervous system in any way increases the chances of having dandruff. Also, when someone has a weak or compromised immune system, their chances of having dandruff become very high.


Treating Dandruff:


There are two broad methods that can treat dandruff:

  1. Home Remedies
  2. Using medicated hair products


Home remedies for treating dandruff are a great way of getting rid of dandruff, especially when the severity is not as much. Specific hair masks that, when applied, can apply to hair work wonders in treating the problem. Let us discuss home remedies here under:


  1. Onion pack: 


One such thing that has excellent anti-microbial properties is an onion. One does not need to go out to buy extraordinary things; it is just an onion readily available in all Indian households. Cut and grate an onion to form a fine paste; apply this paste all over your hair from roots to tip. Keep this paste on for at least an hour. Wash with a gentle hair shampoo after that. Repeating this process once a week can do wonders for your hair dandruff.

  1. Banana and honey mix:


Make a paste with the help of 2 bananas, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp olive oil, and 1 tbsp lemon. One important tip is to ensure that while mashing the banana, there should be no visible lumps because if the paste has any form of lumps, it will become difficult for you to get it off. For someone who has naturally dry and brittle hair, this is a great recipe to apply to your hair since it not only treats dandruff but will also moisturize the dry hair due to the moisturizing properties of the banana. Banana is also said to soothe any itchiness that one may have.

  1. The usual yogurt and egg mask:


One of the oldest and most known remedies to treat dandruff is applying a mixture of some yogurt and an egg. In case you have dry hair, you can add the egg yolks, or else you can skip them. The yogurt powerfully clears dandruff, and the eggs will effectively nourish your itchy scalp.

  1. Methi dana or fenugreek power: Fenugreek seeds are a household staple and have excellent anti-fungal properties. Soaking 1 tbsp at night in water, then making it into a paste, and adding lemon to this makes it an intense hair mask that fights dandruff and completely vanishes the irritation and white flakes.
  2. Honey and yogurt mask:


Honey, lemon, and yogurt mixed to form a paste, applied, left for 30 minutes, and then washed is another unique mask worth trying. Lemon is acidic, naturally balances the scalp, and controls any oiliness. Along with this, honey and yogurt become a powerful combination that moisturizes hair, leaving it soft and shiny.


All the above are some of the most influential and standard hair masks made from things that are readily available at home and that work effectively in getting rid of any dandruff. A hair spa is a great way to eliminate dandruff because it will fight dandruff and moisturize your hair. Remember to be consistent when trying out any natural remedy because these may work only when done regularly and not as a one-time job.


How a change in lifestyle can help


 With everyone being busy and stuck up in their work and life, it has become tough to find time for yourself, and several factors have started to directly or indirectly affect our lives. Some of these that we can control which eventually help in clearing dandruff are:

  1. Managing stress:it has now become a part of everyone’s life, whether a small kid worried about his exams or a full-grown adult worried about clearing his monthly dues. Stress has a huge impact on overall health. We cannot tell you to stop taking stress entirely because that would not be possible on today’s date and time, but try to keep it under control as much as possible.
  2. Diet:A healthy diet is essential for good living, and it would be best if you always ate a well-balanced and complete diet. Oily and fried food should only be consumed occasionally or avoided for the betterment of your scalp. Foods rich in zinc, Vitamin B, and good fats are a great way to get rid of dandruff.
  3. Sun: Spending a minimum of time in the sun is excellent for overall well-being and the scalp. Remember not to go overboard and get exposed to ultraviolet rays since they are incredibly harmful and can lead to cancer. Also, remember always to wear sunscreen when you get exposed to sunlight.
  4. Limited hair styling:It is always a good idea to restrict the usage of hair styling products unless necessary. The more products you use, the more they settle on your hair and scalp, making it oily, and this oily base becomes an invitation for dandruff.
  5. Work on maintaining a healthy hair and scalp routine:If you have a dry scalp, it would be a good idea to wash it on and off and if you have an oily scalp, switch to dry shampooing is a good idea.




The treatment you use to get rid of dandruff mostly depends upon what is the intensity of dandruff that you have. If the amount of itchiness and flaking is not as much, you can consider buying an excellent gentle shampoo to get rid of it. If this gentler shampoo does not treat dandruff, it is a good idea to switch to a medicated one.


These hair care solutions are readily available in the market in different forms, be it gels, shampoos, ointments, sprays, and even oils. You can select whatever suits you best according to your hair type. The application of these medicated or non-medicated products also depends upon how much your scalp and hair can tolerate. Some individuals can do the treatment once a week and still feel uncomfortable; others may do it thrice a week and still be comfortable.


It is a good idea to switch to another treatment form if the existing one has stopped working.

Treatments contain robust prescribed formulations like salicylic acid, fluocinolone, Tar-based, pyrithione zinc, and ketoconazole shampoo. The main of all the shampoos is to get rid of dandruff, dried and irritated scalp, and flaking. Each of them is different from one other yet solves the same concern.


Ketoconazole Shampoos


 Ketoconazole shampoo is the most heard of and prescribed solution when it comes to the treatment of dandruff. It works upon killing any fungal infection that has developed on the scalp. The job of a ketoconazole shampoo is not just to get rid of the existing fungal infection but also to prevent it from coming back again.


The dosage of medicine and its reapplication depends majorly on the severity and is usually prescribed by the doctor. What is essential to keep in mind here is that you should ultimately follow the doctor’s plan. Since stopping the treatment in between would lead to incomplete treatment and could be a cause of return for dandruff.


One of the commonly known brands that have helped several individuals dealing with severe dandruff and inflammation is Ketomac. Ketomac shampoo contains 2% of ketoconazole, an anti-fungal agent in a concentrated form.


All the tropical applied shampoos should be well applied, massaged to the scalp, and left for a few minutes for the ingredients to work. Once you have waited 5-10 minutes, you can rinse off the product. Continuation in using this is the key to thoroughly treating the dandruff situation and other scalp-related issues that come with it. For initial times you should be using it twice a week for almost a month and then later once a month to stop its reoccurrence.


Alternative form of medicine


 It is surprising to see how often tea tree oil is used in all the products used for treating dandruff. There is no such proven evidence that tea tree oil can control dandruff. The only thing we know here is that it is naturally antiseptic and has anti-fungal and antibiotic properties.


All the above explains clearly what dandruff is, how one can recognize it, and when is the correct time to switch from home remedies to medicated solutions.


Remember the olden days, when our ladies had lustrous hair even after not appealing to any expensive products. All we did for hair was a weekly massage, followed by a hair wash. This massaging of hair does not only nourish the hair but also takes care of several hair concerns. In today’s time, where all of us are leading a hectic lifestyle, taking time for head massages is a luxury we cannot afford all the time. A hair spa is an excellent option for others who don’t have time.


A hair spa works on solving the same concerns as your hair massage would. One can choose to go for a hair spa dandruff treatment for smoothening, calming an irritated scalp, hair fall, for colored hair, and even for general relaxation. Everyone knows that treatment exists for dealing with issues, and one can get it done, but no one tells you what these treatments result in and how they should be effectively done. This article will help understand what a hair spa is and its benefits.


Let’s start with understanding what a hair spa is? Like several other treatments that have a rejuvenating effect, a hair spa is also a treatment that rejuvenates you and provides several other benefits. The massage immediately relaxes your scalp and hair, making them soft and lustrous. Another essential benefit of getting a hair spa done is it works well in reducing the effects of sun, dirt, and pollution.


Do you need a hair spa?


If you are dealing with some of the below-mentioned concerns, a hair spa is worth trying and could give you effective results in no time. The known concerns on which hair spa works are as under:

  • Hair thinning
  • Breakage of hair
  • Dull and dry hair
  • Receding hairline
  • Itchy scalp
  • Oily scalp
  • dandruff
  • Hair fall
  • Chemically treated damaged hair due to hair coloring, straightening, or any other form involving high heat or chemicals applied to hair.


In all the abovementioned cases, a hair spa can effectively work and nourish your hair.


Types of treatments


If you are unaware of the treatment that would work best for you or someone who has more than one concern to take care of, it’s time you visit a salon. At the salon, a hair spa professional would check the quality of your hair. This examination can either be done with an instrument or with a naked eye. Based on his examination, he would suggest the best-suited hair spa treatment. Going for specialized hair spa treatment is always better since you directly target your concerns. Most importantly, post the treatment, you have a clear comparison of your before and after.


Let us discuss six majorly known types of hair spa treatment:


  • Anti-dandruff treatment: dandruff is a common concern for most people. Dandruff can be a reason for significant discomfort and majorly lowers your self-esteem. Several products from renowned brands have made it to the market and are effectively used in hair spa treatments to solve the concern. From several feedbacks that may have come, Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo has been known to work well in treating and preventing dandruff. The concerns like itching, scaling, flaking, etc., are associated with it. The product contains 2% ketoconazole as its primary ingredient, making it effective against dandruff.
  • Calming treatment: An itching scalp cause a great deal of discomfort, and when you are out and about with people around you, this itching can be a considerable embarrassment too. Several salons have come up with hair spa solutions, which not only calm your itchy scalp but also calm any inflammation that may have come due to excessive scratching.
  • Hairfall treatment: Hair is one such thing that can easily stress out even an average person. When you see your strands falling off your scalp, it stresses you out. Active ingredients are now added to products used while hair spa treatments that strengthen the hair follicle and stop or prevent any further hair fall. One of the known active ingredients added is omega-3 fatty acids. Hair fall in most cases also leads to hair thinning; if you have reached that stage, you could also consider getting a hair thinning treatment. One should not forget that these treatments are not overnight magic and require some time to fetch the best results for you.
  • Hair balancing: When we talk of hair balancing, we mean to effectively clean any residue on your hair, including unwanted oil produced by your scalp. Consider you are someone that has an oily scalp. In most cases, this oily scalp would lead to itching and even dandruff. Getting a hair balancing spa would clear your scalp and refresh it completely. The ingredients used in this would not be extremely harsh on the scalp and would make your hair soft and lustrous.
  • Colored hair treatment: Coloring involves the application of different chemicals to scheme the desired results. Even though collaring your hair gives you a newer and fresher look, it dramatically damages your hair, and even worse damage is done when the individual doing your color is not a professional. As a result of coloring, it becomes scorched and prone to breakage. Now one such treatment that can be done is to treat the effects of coloring on hair. To maintain the shine and the radiance of the color treatment, you could also opt for a hair spa treatment which would protect you from any damage caused by pollution or sun. These treatments add a protective layer to your hair and ensure no fading of your colored hair.
  • Smoothening treatment: For the management of hair, individuals look forward to getting smoothening done. Not only does the treatment make your hair more manageable but also healthy-looking and soft. This treatment is mainly preferred by people with dull and damaged unruly hair.


As home care of all these treatments, you could even ask your salon to suggest some products that help increase the longevity of the treatment.


Hair spa at home


Not always would you have the time and make an effort to go to the salon and spend a fixed amount of money. Hair spas now can also be done at home with the use of good products available in the market. The results and the level of reaction you get sitting in a salon would be different, but if good quality products are used, the overall health improves.


Home hair spa majorly is done in 6 steps, and these steps are as under:

  1. Oil Massage
  2. Steam or hot towel on hair
  3. Using appropriate shampoo to get hair spa benefit
  4. Application of hair mask
  5. Conditioning the hair
  6. Final application of serum


Now that we know the different types of hair spas that can be done, let us discuss some benefits of getting a hair spa done.


Benefits of getting a hair spa


Most of the time, one would assume that since the hair spa treatments are expensive, they should be avoided. People are not fully aware of the benefits of getting a hair spa done. One can always select a hair spa depending upon one’s needs and budget. These treatments do not just improve the well-being of hair, but they also treat individual concerns of the person. If you think you are not ready to shell out such an amount of money, you can always go for cheaper services but more often, go for an advanced service once in a while.


Some known benefits of a hair spa are as under:


  1. Condition of the hair: One of the most common benefits of getting a hair spa done is adding a lot of moisture to the hair, making it soft and nourished. The ingredients added in products used for hair spa are kept in my improvement of hair health.
  2. Balances the scalp: It doesn’t matter if you have an extremely dry or oily scalp, and getting a hair spa treatment once in a while would only balance the number of excretions made by your scalp. If let us suppose you have a dry scalp, the products used will add moisture, and if you have oily, the products will wash away the excess oil, thereby balancing out the scalp.
  3. Improved blood circulation: Getting a head massage, in general, is an excellent way of promoting blood circulation in the scalp. This improved hair circulation, in turn, promotes hair growth. It would help if you considered getting a hair spa done regularly to grow hair faster.
  4. Restores damaged hair: Just because we get several chemical treatments like hair coloring, bleaching, etc., our hair tends to become extremely damaged. Apart from these, several other factors like heat, stress, unhealthy diet can also lead to such conditions. A hair spa helps in restoring your helps condition.
  5. Improved scalp condition: One may deal with several issues related to hair and scalp, and these could be premature greying, breakage, hair fall, and dandruff, to name a few. You can choose a hair spa treatment based on what your concern is.
  6. Relaxation: Several techniques are used when getting a hair spa done, and one of them is getting your scalp massaged. This massage not only improves the scalp, but it promotes blood circulation and, most importantly, relaxes the muscles. A hair spa is said to reduce stress levels in an individual greatly. Hair massage is not restricted to your scalp but also your neck and shoulder, releasing any tension or stiffness.


Myths related to hair spa


  1. Expensive: it is a widespread belief that getting a hair spa done professionally is an expensive job, but on the contrary, when we look at it, the cost mostly depends upon what the length of hair is, what the treatment aims to treat along with where the treatment is being done.


The durability of the spa


In most cases, a good hair spa would easily last you for almost 15 to 20 days, but this also depends on the quality of products used. Also, very importantly, you must follow an excellent after-spa regime. Using quality shampoo and conditions will ensure that the longevity of the hair spa is increased.


Frequency of getting a hair spa done


For someone who travels often, it is ideal that a hair spa is done at least twice or thrice a month. A hair spa treatment, in most cases, would have its full effect for at least 15 days, and if you feel that it’s a task and you are not willing to spend that amount of money, you should try and at least get it done once a month.


Washing your hair after the spa


The most effective way of knowing an answer to this question is to consider talking to your spa specialist, which would be based on the treatment you would have done. Ideally, your first wash after the hair spa would be after 3 to 5 days to improve the results.


There is no specific age limit for getting a hair spa done, and the only thing you should remember is that the treatment should not contain harsh chemicals. The best person to speak to about this is your hair spa professional.


Let’s conclude this post by saying that a hair spa treatment is a great way to keep your hair & scalp healthy and nourished. Whether you get it done at home or go out for it, make it a point to include it in your routine.


Not just a good hair spa but also post-treatments are essential. After consulting a specialist, you should read the ingredients and buy quality shampoos, conditioners, masks, or serum. Taking care of these basics would ensure your hair looks healthy and lustrous.



A hair spa is a type of beauty treatment that uses oils, acids, and other ingredients to cleanse the scalp and provide nourishment for healthier hair. It can also be used on natural or chemically treated hair to control oil production, provide moisture and shine, and prevent dryness and damage. Salons often offer hair spas as part of their services. The treatments are generally short-term treatments that last anywhere from six hours up to two weeks depending on how often they’re applied and how long they’re left in effect. All hair spa treatments are meant for the scalp and do not require the use of any additional products or devices.


If a hair spa is used as part of a comprehensive hair care regimen, it can help to improve the health of your hair and promote growth. There are many different types of hair care products available that can help you achieve the desired results while keeping your hair in top condition. For example, regular shampoo washing will help to cleanse and maintain your scalp. Haircare experts recommend that you wash your scalp at least twice a week with a moisturizing shampoo. Here is a list of hair spa advantages and disadvantages:




  1. Hairspa will make it easier for you to groom your hair and style them the way you want: We have all experienced the frustration of trying to style our hair in a way that it would stay for long, but the time we combed it or just left our hair open and let it dry, the original style was lost. However with a Hairspa, not only will your hair be easier to manage and style after it’s been cut, but there will also be less breakage and split ends because of its increased moisture.
  2. Hair spa can help reduce hair loss: A common sign of poor health is an increase in hair loss. Hair loss can be due to several factors like stress, lack of nutrients or hormonal changes. When you get a Hair Spa treatment done at home, your hair will benefit greatly from the improved circulation. Hair Spa gives it life and makes it healthier and thicker.



  1. Hair spa keeps your skin healthy: Hair Spa also helps in the treatment of hair and scalp-related ailments like dandruff, which is otherwise difficult to treat with over-the-counter or prescription medications. Hair Spa significantly improves the blood circulation in the scalp and makes it healthier by providing its cells the much-needed oxygen and nutrients. This results in less dandruff, less hair fall, thicker hair that grows faster and slow or even reversal of grey hair.



  1. Hair spa reduces pigmentation problems: While dandruff is an irritation that plagues most people at least once in their lifetime, sometimes it can lead to pigmentation issues too. Hair Spa is a great way of dealing with the existing pigmentation problems, as the treatments help replenish the vitamin D levels and increase the blood circulation in the scalp which helps prevent those pigmentation problems.



  1. Hair spa helps avoid hair loss: The loss of hair that comes with age is, unfortunately, an inevitable fact of life for most people and everybody dreads it at some point. A hair spa can help reduce your chances of losing your hair and scalp problems like split ends and also prevent them from happening in the first place.



  1. Hair spa improves circulation in the scalp: Regular use of a Hair Spa gives your scalp better circulation, making it feel smoother, softer and more supple than it would have otherwise.



  1. Hair spa treats scalp-related issues = Hair spa will not only reduce hair loss but also improve blood circulation in the scalp resulting in a healthier increase in hair growth and helping ensure that your hair stays strong.



  1. Hair spa provides oxygen to hair: Oxygen is essential for all of your cells and the more oxygen you give them the healthier they will be, resulting in a healthier increase in hair growth.



  1. Hair spa will help reduce flakiness: Hair Spa will reduce the flakiness of your scalp which is a common problem that affects almost everyone.



  1. Hair spa helps make hair more manageable: The benefits of a Hair Spa do not stop at a reduction in some of the most common hair problems, it also makes your hair more manageable, much stronger and thickens it as well.


The usual hair spa treatment setup is a private room, with a variety of shower heads, and a pretty lady who looks after you while you’re having the treatment. Then there are the massage chairs and of course, the magazines. The hair spa treatment usually takes between 5 and 20 minutes from the start




The disadvantage of hair spa includes:


  1. Hair spa is not a necessity


  1. Hair spa can cause baldness


  1. Too much hair spa can over-exfoliate the scalp to the point of damaging hair follicles and causing hair loss or baldness.
  2. Hair spa needs to be repeated often, which can be time-consuming and expensive.


5. Hair Spa’s high cost may be prohibitive for people who are low-income earners.

6. After a hair spa, it is difficult or impossible to change or improve the effectiveness of the treatment afterwards with the same or a different method.


  1. Applying hair spas on dry hair can cause damage to the hair, especially if not applied properly.


  1. Hair Spa may cause excessive dryness and even burn on scalp skin.


9. Hair Spa may not be effective for people who have very thick and/or curly hair that can easily become tangled during brushing and styling.


  1. Some chemicals used in Hair Spa products may be too harsh for some people’s scalp and skin, causing them to develop headaches, dizziness, nausea and/or vomiting after using Hair Spa products.


Why Ketoconazole is a good hair spa alternative?


One of the most popular shampoos, ketoconazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal. It shuts down cell-reproduction and reproduction of certain fungal strains on contact–including those that cause athlete’s foot and ringworm. The varieties range in strength depending on how far the shampoo will go, but they’re all very effective.


The bottom line: Ketoconazole shampoo is one of the best ways to fight against fungus without taking an oral medication or undergoing any other invasive treatment.


  1. It dries up common skin and scalp problems: Ketoconazole might be a tad drying on the scalp, but stubborn cases can simply be washed off.


Its main purpose is to fight fungal infections of the feet and scalp. This shampoo helps clear up skin infections by killing everything that tries to hide under your nails.


  1. It’s a drug-free alternative:- which means no side effects or changes in your body like weight gain, nausea and liver problems. Ketoconazole shampoo for hair works without any side effects as long as you don’t overdose on it.


  1. You can use it on anyone the vast majority of fungus appears on the scalp and feet, so the shampoo’s effects should be common to everyone. Everyone has a different number of fungi in their body, but ketoconazole shampoo is effective enough that you won’t have to resort to any other treatment than just using the shampoo whenever fungal things pop up.


  1. You won’t have to make an appointment with regular old shampoo there’s always a risk of leaving it on your hair too long, which can lead to dandruff and even scalp burns. If you use ketoconazole shampoo, you can put it on as normal, but keep in mind that it might be harsher than regular shampoos.


  1. It’s very safe Ketoconazole is one of the safest chemicals found in toiletries because it’s got no known side effects (the only issue you should be worried about is the possibility of overdose). If you’re unsure how much shampoo is enough, just use less and test out the effects before using more.


  1. It attacks the fungus in all its stages: From the initial growth to the final stage of reproduction, ketoconazole shampoo can destroy any part of a fungal cell. Some shampoos work in one way or another, but not to this degree.


  1. It’s a great home remedy: If you have a stubborn fungal infection, ketoconazole shampoo is something you can grab and use at your house without having to run off to see a doctor or purchase anything else. Likewise, it’s easy to find the shampoo once you find out what works best for you – online or in your local pharmacy.


  1. It might work for you: The huge range of fungi that this shampoo can fight means it’s worth trying it out. You never know, it might turn out to be the right choice for you. Ketoconazole shampoo is a fantastic product that’s cheap, easy to use and has no side effects. Best of all, there are no other problems with using it aside from the possibility of bad hair days if you use more than recommended.



Why opt for ketomac?



Ketomac shampoo is one of the best and most notable shampoo brands. It has been approved by dermatologists, hair experts, and professional stylists. There are many benefits to using it. Ketomac shampoo is the best for those who suffer from oily, dry, and itchy scalp. It helps to control the oil production, has a rich lather, and provides daily conditioning care and shines that lasts.

Ketomac is an amazing option that provides hair health benefits and beauty treatments.


Benefits of Ketomac Shampoo Brand:


-Cleanses scalp effectively with every wash: Kills harmful bacteria and helps reduce dandruff.


-Increases volume: It comes with moisturizing ingredients like jojoba oil and shea butter. The natural formula stimulates hair follicles that help in producing new hair.

Ketomac shampoo will generate more hair growth in just a few weeks.


-The shampoo is formulated with Vitamin B3 which can help reduce dandruff and dry scalp problems. Ketomac Shampoo brand has been proven to be a great solution for both men and women who suffer from itching, scaling, flaking, and patchy hair loss or scalp issues.


-Controls oil production: If you want to control the production of your sebaceous glands then keto mac shampoo is the perfect option for you. Ketomac shampoo has been proven to help reduce the amount of oil on your scalp. It helps to hydrate and nourish hair follicles, and thinning and breakage are less.


-Provides softness and shine: Ketomac shampoo brand is an excellent choice for those who want to feel soft and healthy hair. The shampoo has a rich formula that is full of natural ingredients that are effective in restoring damaged hair follicles, reducing hair loss, thickening, preventing the appearance of split ends, strengthening strands and increasing shine.


-Moisturizes: Ketomac shampoo protects against dryness, damage, and split ends. The natural formula has been proven to prevent dryness while nourishing hair that helps in preventing ageing effects.


-Provides a long-lasting clean: Ketomac shampoo helps to keep hair clean and odourless. The shampoo’s natural formula is excellent in removing dirt and grime. It keeps your hair healthy and clean for days without having to worry about bad smells or oily hair.

The shampoo also has a pleasant scent that lasts all day long


-Lathers up very well: Ketomac shampoo brand has a rich formula that produces the best lather that you can get from any shampoo brand.

-Conditions well: Provides daily conditioning care and shine that lasts. Ketomac shampoo has a natural formula that doesn’t contain sodium lauryl sulfate and harsh chemicals that can lead to damaging effects.


Ketomac shampoo brand is a great choice for people who suffer from mild to moderate dandruff and dry and itchy scalp.


-Boosts the immune system: Ketomac shampoo is an excellent treatment for people who are suffering from dry skin, itchy scalp and hair loss. It helps in boosting the health of the scalp and healing wounds. Ketomac helps in establishing a strong immune system that gives better results in fighting infections and diseases. Shampoos can be used by people with sensitive skin.



If you’re struggling with lip cracking, don’t feel alone — it can affect a lot of people, especially if they suffer from cold sores. And while it’s tempting to just ignore the problem and hope that it goes away, lip crack is one of those pests that requires active extermination.


So what is lip crack anyway? It’s actually not a medical condition like cold sores; it’s simply a symptom. This means that the cold sore virus, which is the primary cause of lip crack, is just one of several factors that can lead to this uncomfortable condition.


There are four main causes behind lip crack:

  • cold sores
  • wearing lipstick and/or lip balm in a dehydrated state
  • chewing your lips or licking them too much
  • eating funky food products like mustard and mayonnaise

So how do these four causes work together to cause lip crack? Here’s an explanation of each factor followed by some tips on what you can do about them:


  1. Cold Sores

Cold sores are caused by a strain of the herpes simplex virus that’s been dubbed HSV-1. This virus exists in the body of any person who ever had chickenpox or has been kissed by someone with cold sores. After lying dormant in the back of our mouth (or sometimes in the throat), this virus can become active and cause cold sores. However, only certain people will develop green-tinged cold sores when HSV-1 is activated. There are several reasons why some people develop cold sores while others don’t, but a major factor is dehydration.

The cold sore virus thrives in an environment that’s high in sugar and low in moisture –i.e., your mouth. This creates a perfect environment for the virus to multiply and cause cold sores, which is why cold sores are much more contagious when you’re already dehydrated or have recently had a cold or flu.

Cold sores can also be triggered by pollutants like cigarette smoke, second-hand smoke, air pollution, car fumes and fireplaces. So if you’ve been around these things lately, it’s possible that you’re having more frequent outbreaks of lip crack than usual.


  1. Lipstick and/or Lip Balm

For most of us, lipstick solves a lot of beauty problems. It can hide a bad hair day and make our lips look fuller. However, using lipstick or lip balm can also make our lips drier than they normally are, which is the second cause of lip crack.


  1. Chewing Your Lips or Licking Them Too Much

The third cause of lip crack is chewing your lips or licking them too much to compensate for the dryness caused by cold sores and/or lipstick/lip balm. This kind of excessive use of your lips can cause sores called angular cheilitis or perleche.


  1. Fungal Infections

The last major cause of lip crack is the fungal infections. As mentioned earlier, many people have HSV-1 dormant in their mouths and sometimes this virus activates and causes cold sores in these people. If a person with cold sores also has a yeast infection or another fungal infection, the two types of infection can “team up” to cause lip crack.

According to a study published in the Journal of Oral Pathology, over 90% of people with lip crack have some kind of fungal infection. The good news is that fungal infections are relatively easy to cure, but they must be treated as soon as they’re discovered.




How does Ketoconazole help?


Ketoconazole is a type of cream that comes in a variety of forms, depending on your needs. They are often used by dermatologists to treat moderate skin conditions like acne and rosacea. The lip cream is an effective way to relieve cracked, sore lips caused by a dry winter or windy days in the wintertime. It can also relieve symptoms of chapped lips caused by conditioning or solar radiation in the summer months.


Ketoconazole cream for lips is a cream made of an anti-fungal agent called ketoconazole. Lip balm with ketoconazole works by stopping the growth of bacteria and yeast in the skin. This helps to prevent infections, which can lead to pain when the cold and dry winter weather makes your lips vulnerable. The warmer the weather gets, you will definitely need to make it a habit of using this lip cream often.


There are a lot of benefits that you can receive from using ketoconazole for lips, including the following:


  1. Resolves the symptoms of cracked and dry lips.


Ketoconazole lip cream has the ability to heal and nourish the skin, which protects it from infection and other harmful diseases. It is a great way to get rid of chapped lips or dry, cracked lips caused by cold or windy weather conditions.


2 . Works quickly.


Using ketoconazole for lips is easy and convenient. You can apply it anytime, anywhere, whether you’re at home or traveling and you don’t have to visit the doctor or buy expensive lip balm. It works immediately after applying so that extra waiting time is eliminated.


3 . No side effects and chemicals.


Most people are conscious about using chemicals in their skin care products, especially those with sensitive skin like lips. However, with ketoconazole lip cream, you don’t need to worry. This is because the product is completely free of any chemicals or side effects.


  1. No preparation required.


Ensuring that your lips are in good condition is not only a matter of convenience; it also keeps your lips healthy and able to resist bacteria, which can cause infections and irritation. Having to prepare what medicines you should and should not use can be very difficult for people who suffer from severe skin conditions like rosacea and acne. It is best to avoid unnecessary irritation and just keep using the simple lip balm while you wait for the condition to heal.


  1. Considered by dermatologists.


The effectiveness of antifungal cream for cracked lips is a result of years of research and studies done by dermatologist experts who recommend it to their patients with skin conditions such as acne and rosacea. They have all approved its effectiveness in treating chapped, cracked lips, especially in cold weather conditions when the skin is more prone to cracking and drying out.


  1. Highly trusted and effective.


The use of ketoconazole for lips is a highly-trusted and effective way to treat chapped, dry lips. It is one of the best products that dermatologists recommend to their patients who suffer from dry and cracked lips because of dry weather conditions. Its high effectiveness has made it one of the most popular skin care products used by dermatologists across the world. This means that it should also be used by ordinary users like you and me.


7 . Preserved its effectiveness even when reusing it continuously.


Ketoconazole antifungal cream for cracked lips is one of the most effective and safest skin care products. This means that it will continue its effectiveness even if you keep re-using it. The product is usually sold in tubes that allow the user to apply the product more than once before having to throw it away. Because of this, you won’t have to worry about running out of your product too soon because you only need to use a few drops at a time.


8 . Free from any kind of side effects or unneeded chemicals


There are many skin care products on the market today that contain harsh chemical ingredients that can cause irritation and other skin problems for users. This is why it is best to avoid using these products on your skin; some of them can even cause blindness. This is why using ketoconazole for lips is the best choice. It is completely free of any kind of side effects or chemicals that can cause such damage to the skin.


  1. Available at a reasonable price.


Ketoconazole lip cream is normally sold in tubes with a small amount of product (2-3 drops) inside each tube. This means that you don’t need to buy a large amount of the product because you only need very little every time you apply it, which results in significant savings over time.


  1. Quickly relieves the symptoms of cracked lips


Ketoconazole lip cream is non-greasy and can easily be absorbed by the skin and is perfect for people who want to quickly relieve the symptoms of chapped lips. It can deliver fast relief, so you won’t have to struggle anymore with dry and cracked lips. For best results, use it on a regular basis.


That’s why this product has proven to be effective in treating your chapped or cracking lips caused by dry and cold weather conditions, as well as sunlight exposure during the summertime months. The restorative process will take several weeks, but in the meantime, you can use this lip cream as often as you need to.


The benefits of using ketoconazole for lips are numerous. If chapped and dry lips cause you discomfort in the midst of wintertime weather conditions, then it is time to turn to this lip cream! Try its benefits today! You will definitely be happy that you did!



Why use ketomac?

Are you in a search to find the perfect antifungal cream for lip infection?  Ketomac’s biggest difference lies in its ketoconazole applicator that provides 20% more medication than other brands. Ketomac has been a brand to look up to because of its high quality ingredients and it’s proven results. If you are looking for an effective yet natural lip cream, the Ketomac formula may just be your ideal choice.  For ketoconazole antifungal lip cream:


  1. Top Quality Ingredients – While Ketomac’s formula may seem like the same old with its over-the-counter variety, it is definitely anything but that! The formula is packed with active ingredients such as zinc oxide which benefit from higher concentration levels than other brands. These ingredients have been proven to be effective, especially when combined with the high concentration of ketoconazole.


  1. Long-Lasting Results – The active ingredients in Ketomac’s lip cream will last longer than other drugstore brands. While at first it may be difficult to tell, your skin will start to feel and look smoother within a few weeks after you apply it. The long-lasting results are what make Ketomac’s formula so much more effective than its competitors’ lip creams!


  1. Great for Dry Skin – One of the most common issues that acne-prone skin can go through is dryness. Ketomac’s lip cream contains ceramides and natural extracts like licorice root extract to help boost hydration levels in the skin. High quality ingredients like these can also help make your battle against acne more bearable because they give you a less sensitive lip treatment.


  1. Effective – Ketomac’s lip cream is a great option for anyone who wants to fight acne with a gentle solution. Its applicator provides 20% more medication than other brands, making it more effective than its competitors.


  1. Variety of Flavors and Colors – Other brands only offer the same old colors and flavors, but Ketomac offers an array of colors and flavor combinations that would suit anyone’s preference! If you’re looking for something with a different taste or want a lip cream that will give your lips the boost of color they need, Ketomac has got you covered!


  1. Great Quality – One thing that differentiates Ketomac from other brands is its tube packaging. All of the lip cream is packed in a tube, which means there is less chance of the product leaking. This further ensures that your lips will get the full benefit of its ingredients.


  1. Affordable – A small tube of Ketomac’s lip cream costs low That makes it an affordable formstore choice for anyone who wants to apply a good quality skin treatment for their lips and acne-prone skin.


  1. Great Reviews – Ketomac’s customers have praised the brand for its ability to work quickly for them. It doesn’t take long for the lip cream to begin working its magic, which is why there are so many satisfied customers who have raved about the lip cream online.


  1. Does not Irritate Skin – Some brands of acne-fighting lip products can be irritating at times, but Ketomac’s formula is gentle enough that it does not cause any kind of side effects! That means you won’t experience redness or a burning sensation on your lips after using this product, making it great even if you have really sensitive skin.


Dandruff is a common scalp disorder that occurs when skin cells get too old, die, and build up on the scalp. The main cause of dandruff is Malassezia yeast, which thrives in warm and moist environments. The yeast can overgrow due to various factors such as an unbalanced diet or gut bacteria. In cases of excess yeast, the immune system may react by triggering inflammation in hair follicles that surrounds the skin cell debris on the scalp.

Dandruff is a condition which causes the scalp to flake, itch and look greasy. It often results in people feeling embarrassed or tense.


Your scalp is made up of dead skin and oil glands, if the skin and oil glands do not work in unison they will produce excess oil leaving the hair and scalp saturated and greasy. Also, dead skin cells accumulate on your scalp because they are not being washed away. Washing your hair with harsh chemicals or shampoos can cause more damage to your scalp causing it to dry out or become very flaky.


Dandruff is not a serious condition but it can be annoying, many people have dandruff but do not realize it because they are not aware that there is something wrong with them.


Here’s how Dandruff can be classified


Dandruff can be classified by how severe the condition is; this is called a grade. There are four different grades of dandruff:


Grade I – This is the mildest form of dandruff and can be easily controlled by shampooing every two to three days. If not, it will become worse as time goes on.


Grade II – This form of dandruff requires more attention and care than grade I. It is a result of a yeast infection in the scalp itself so special shampoos have to be used in order to control it. People who have grade II dandruff should wash their hair every day or every other day.


Grade III – This form of dandruff will cause the hair and scalp to become very dry, the skin on the scalp can start flaking and it will be sensitive to touch. Special shampoos that have a moisturizing component should be used when taking care of grade III dandruff.


Grade IV – Grade IV is the most severe form of dandruff which results from fungal infections in the scalp. This can cause serious damage to your hair follicles which will damage your hair permanently.


What are the causes of dandruff?


Lack of sebum

Lack of sebum, an oil produced by glands in the skin and hair that lubricates hair and skin causes dandruff . Sebum is essential for protecting the skin from bacteria and other microorganisms. In cases where sebum production is low, follicles are particularly vulnerable to infection due to the absence of natural oils.


Low levels of certain minerals

Low levels of zinc and vitamin A in diet can lead to folliculitis (inflammation) through lack of protection resulting from deficient sebum secretion by the glands. Nutritional deficiencies may cause hair loss due to damage to scalp follicles leading to patchy baldness on the head, face or scalp area causing dandruff problems.


Cushing’s syndrome

Cushing’s syndrome due to excessive production of adrenal corticosteroids or Cushing’s syndrome causing dandruff may be due to a low level of sebum secretion.


Seborrheic dermatitis is an overgrowth of the skin cells that produce excess oils in the scalp, therefore causing dandruff problems.


Thus dandruff is not an uncommon condition as many people suffer from it at some point in their lives. According to a study conducted in 1994 by Kuznetsov, et al. in Moscow, about 70% of the population worldwide suffers from dandruff. While dandruff is a cosmetic condition, it may be a symptom of other skin diseases such as psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis.


The features of seborrheic dermatitis are:

Red evenly distributed areas on the scalp and other areas such as elbows and knees.

Inflammatory redness on head and face caused by broken capillaries.



Hereditary factors also can play a role in dandruff. For example, genetics is believed to be the most important factor that makes some people more susceptible to developing dandruff than others.



The fungus “Malassezia” is a type of yeast that naturally lives on the skin, hair and scalp. Some factors such as low humidity, stress, poor diet and some skin products may cause an overgrowth of this fungus resulting in dandruff. Malassezia globosa is a lipophilic yeast species. In the normal flora of human skin, it is present in up to 90% of individuals. It is one of the most common causes of dandruff in non-Caucasians and can be found on the scalps of up to 96% of African children younger than 2 years old.


The number of oleic acids present in an individual’s sebum can determine their susceptibility to developing dandruff. For those with greater amounts of sebum and triglycerides, the Malassezia yeast population tends to be less aggressive.


A dry scalp may be due to some condition that reduces or blocked oil gland activity.

The exact mechanism through which these factors lead to dandruff is unknown.


Diet – A high intake of saturated fats and low dietary fibres may contribute to the development of dandruff.


Stress – Severe stress can result in the production of excess cortisol, a hormone released by the adrenal cortex, which is then converted to cortisone by enzymes in the adrenal medulla. Corticosteroid hormones are released into the bloodstream and travel to target tissues where they regulate carbohydrate metabolism, suppress inflammation, participate in immune reactions and influence certain endocrine activities such as vascular regulation and growth processes. The scalp softens easily under pressure resulting in frequent shampooing leading to dandruff.


Smoking – Smoking damages hair follicles and cause dandruff.


Drugs – Chronic use of such drugs as steroids, acne antibiotics and other drugs may result in dandruff.


Fungus – Infection with “Candida” can be a cause of dandruff (yeast infection). When accompanied by poor hygiene, it may lead to an overgrowth of “Malassezia”.



Menopause – The hormone estrogen levels start to drop during menopause, leading to increased sebum production by sebaceous glands on the scalp and face. This can result in mild-to-moderate dandruff that typically disappears after menopause is over.


Ingrown hair – Every time hair is pulled back from the scalp, it could damage follicles which leads to the formation of a plug (“folliculitis”). This plug can become infected through poor hygiene. If severe, the infection may spread to surrounding hairs and cause an inflamed area known as a “pimple”, leaving the person with dandruff.


Scalp injury – Scalp injury from various causes including the dry and hot scalp, prolonged use of hair-dryer, chemical/dyeing treatments, tight hairstyles etc. can be a cause of dandruff.


Psoriasis – In Psoriasis, the skin cells (keratinocytes) proliferate rapidly leading to an overgrowth in the epidermis (overlap of two skin layers). This condition is associated with inflammation that results in scaling and silvery-looking patches on the skin surface. If severe, it may result in dandruff.


Seborrheic dermatitis – Seborrheic dermatitis is the most common cause of dandruff in adults. The condition occurs when an overgrowth of cells on the skin’s surface (keratinocytes) leads to flaky white or yellowish scales on the scalp, eyebrows, and face. Over time, it can also affect other areas such as ears, chest, neck, upper back, anus and skin folds.



Treatment of dandruff


The good news is that ketoconazole shampoo price India are cheap.


  1. Shampooing with ketoconazole shampoo will reduce your risk of developing skin conditions such as dandruff, eczema and psoriasis.

Ketoconazole is an antifungal that prevents your scalp from becoming infected with fungi, which can result in a condition called dandruff. Regular use of ketoconazole shampoo will make sure that you can keep this disease at bay while keeping your scalp healthy on the whole.


  1. Ketoconazole has a proven track record when it comes to preventing hair loss and regrowing hair in bald areas of the head.


Ketoconazole is a proven hair loss drug that has been used for many years to treat the symptoms of men and women suffering from baldness. The drug works by regulating the production of a protein called lanostan, which is related to hair growth. If you suffer from thinning or bald hair on your scalp, you should use ketoconazole shampoo regularly to prevent further loss.


  1. Ketoconazole can help you get rid of dandruff by reducing the fungus that causes it.

Ketoconazole is an antifungal that eliminates dandruff through the removal of a certain type of fungus called Malassezia. This fungus reduces hair strength, which can often lead to the loss of some strands during daily activities. It’s much more effective to prevent this from occurring than trying to treat it once you’ve already lost hair. If you want to restore the natural look of your locks and avoid future issues with dandruff, make sure you use ketoconazole shampoo regularly.


  1. Ketoconazole has been proven to strengthen your immune system against fungal infections, which can also contribute to dandruff.

To prevent dandruff from occurring, you must maintain your immune system at the level it should be. When you use ketoconazole shampoo, certain components of the medicine will work to strengthen the chemicals in your body that fight off harmful microbes. Your immune system will be able to kill off fungal spores before they can cause any damage.


  1. Ketoconazole shampoo is effective in removing several different types of fungi, which makes it ideal for tackling dandruff and many other conditions related to fungus infections.

Ketoconazole is a highly effective antifungal that can work well even against the most difficult fungi for your immune system to fight off. This is why it’s so effective in preventing both dandruff and other fungal infections, including athlete’s foot and ringworm.


  1. 6. Ketoconazole shampoo can prevent your scalp from becoming oily, which also helps reduce the appearance of dandruff.

Oily hair is unattractive on anyone, and when you’ve got dandruff throughout your scalp, it can make things even worse. The best way to ensure that your scalp doesn’t become excessively oily is to use ketoconazole shampoo regularly. This can prevent dandruff from occurring, and it will also keep you from appearing greasy.


  1. Ketoconazole shampoo can help restore the natural pH balance in your scalp, which may reduce how often you suffer from dandruff.

Maintaining your current pH balance in your scalp is not only important for maintaining healthy hair, but it’s also essential for preventing dandruff to occur. When your hair has too much of an alkaline pH and not enough of a neutral one, the results can be disastrous. Using ketoconazole shampoo will restore the perfect balance that your body needs to fight off both existing fungus and any new ones that have appeared recently.



Why use Ketomac ?

Ketomac  is an anti dandruff shampoo ketoconazole india that has been given the green light by doctors to be used as a dandruff treatment. It’s even been approved by the FDA in some instances, which means it can be bought over-the-counter without a prescription! You should look for ketoconazole shampoo to treat either yourself or your loved ones if you or they have any issues with fungal infections.




Did you know that dandruff can be caused by serious health conditions such as diabetes?


While dandruff has many different causes and is often a symptom of other problems, one of the most common underlying causes should also be some of the last to go undiagnosed: diabetes. If you notice that your condition is worsening or that you’re suddenly suffering from a lot more dandruff than usual, it could mean that your blood sugar levels are too high. Consult with your doctor or even get a simple blood test in order to make sure your health is not the cause and this issue isn’t getting worse.

Those who suffer from dandruff are more likely to develop seborrheic dermatitis in the future.

Since both dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis are caused by excessive amounts of fungus on your scalp, it should come as no surprise that the two conditions share more than one thing in common. Those who use a ketoconazole shampoo to treat their dandruff are much less likely to develop severe rashes elsewhere on their scalp within a year of treatment.

While you may be interested to know how using ketoconazole shampoo can help improve your hair, it’s important that you be aware of some tips for using this drug correctly.



Several changes in the nails or toenails might lead individuals to believe they have tinea unguium, formally referred is onychomycosis, a fungal nail infection. Sometimes a fungal disease of the fingernails makes an illness seem infectious or connected to lousy hygiene. In reality, 10 percent of all individuals in Western nations develop fungal nail infections, and adults 60 and older represent a 20% rise in this proportion. Compared to fingernails, talon fungus is far more prevalent. In truth, various illnesses, including, yet not restricted to, a fungal infection, may cause unusual-appearing nails. Your nails may have a varied appearance for a variety of additional reasons.


How can you remove talon fungus?


Maintaining well-groomed and filed nails are strongly advised as this might lessen the number of fungi in the nails. When thicker nails produce pressure-related pain, this also relieves the discomfort. Oral drugs have been more successful in treating nail fungus than creams and other topical therapies, and this is because external applications cannot penetrate the hardness of nails. Maintaining a schedule for topical medications is also tricky. These drugs often need to be taken daily for up to a year to show effectiveness. Compared to oral treatment, the lower likelihood of significant side effects and medication interactions is one of the topical therapy’s main benefits.


The following are topical prescription drugs for fungal nails:


Lacquer ciclopirox: In persons with healthy immune systems, the medical nail lacquer ciclopirox (Penlac) external solution 8% has been authorized to treat toenail or finger fungus that does not affect the white part of the nail (lunula). In one research, ciclopirox was 22% effective in eliminating the fungus. Once every day for up to a year, the drug is given to the damaged nails. Once a week, the lacquer has to be cleaned with alcohol.


Amorolfine external solution 5%: There’s some proof that applying an antimicrobial nail lacquer with amorolfine helps stop reinfection after a cure, with an effectiveness rate of roughly 70%. The U.S., however, does not presently have access to this medication.


Efinaconazole (Jublia): In 2014 saw the approval of the drug efinaconazole (Jublia). Because the two most prevalent fungal species that affect nails are topically (applied to the skin), it is an antifungal used locally for treatment. For 48 weeks, you must apply once per day. Ingrown toenails, dermatitis at the application site, and discomfort are the most frequent adverse effects of Jublia.


Tavaborole (Kerydin): Another brand-new drug treating onychomycosis of the toes is tavaborole (Kerydin). This drug treats the same medical condition as efinaconazole. Additionally, 48 weeks of daily application are necessary. Similar to Jublia’s common side effects, Kerydin has them as well.


What other diseases or illnesses resemble fungal nails?


In place of fungal nails, you can also have one of the following conditions:


Ridges and lines are common and could even be regarded as usual, and they might worsen during pregnancy. A deep groove down the center of the nail may develop due to nail biting. After chemotherapy, some people could experience these alterations.


Senile fingernails: Your nails become more fragile with age, develop ridges, and the sections at the tip begin to separate. To avoid this, use clean solutions, and stay away from soaking the nails in water.


Yellowish or white nails may occur from onycholysis. This defines the separation of the nails from the toenail. You can make out the color of the air beneath the nail. The suggested treatment is trimming the nail without sanitizing underneath, adding polish unless you want to hide the coloration, and waiting two to three months. The risk of fungal infection may increase after onycholysis.


Trauma often leads to hematomas or blood under the nail, which causes black or red nails. As the fingernail grows, the discolored area will appear alongside it and be trimmed away when you trim your nails. If you notice a black spot under your nails that wasn’t caused by trauma or if it involves a toenail, you might need to visit a dermatologist or get a pedicure to be sure it’s not melanoma. Fast biopsies may detect cancer (cancer).


Pseudomonas bacteria that develop beneath a telcon that is only partly detached from the telcon bed might result in green nails, and the infection might make the nails smell bad. The recommended course of action is to clip your nails short regular four weeks, avoid cleaning them, and only polish them if you wish to cover up the color and see for three months. Additionally, it is advisable to dry the fingernail after a bath fully and to prevent immersing it in any liquid (even if it is done while wearing gloves). Your doctor could attempt several pharmaceutical remedies if the issue persists.


Psoriasis and other skin conditions that impact the telcon matrix, the area right beneath the epidermis beyond the nail, may be indicated by pitted telcos. This is where the nail starts to grow. Tan nails may also be a side effect of psoriasis-related nail discoloration.

The swelling and inflammation of the epidermis around the nail are referred to in medicine as paronychia. This is an epidermal infection near the bottom of the telcon (cuticle). Bacteria often cause acute disorders that appear fast. Warm baths could be helpful, but the fluid will need to be routinely drained by a doctor. Chronic paronychia develops when a cuticle becomes inflamed or disturbed over time. Occasionally, yeast may spread infection on the weaker skin by taking full advantage of it. The initial stage of treatment is to maintain the skin’s dryness and keep it out of water. Contacting a doctor is advised if the problem continues. Despite their rarity, antibiotics could be necessary for situations of serious illness.

Chronic telcon stress from starting and often stopping, kicking, and other athletic activities may damage the nails and cause them to resemble fungus. A recurrent injury might also be brought on by specific vocations or leather footwear. Some events may leave you with long-lasting alterations that mimic fungal telcon.



Reason for the are the risk factors for fungal telcon and their cause?


The most frequent cause of fungal diseases of the nails in healthy, average persons is a fungus that thrives in damp, wet environments. Communal showers in gyms and swimming pools are typical sources. Other risk factors include living near relatives with fungal nails and frequent nail salons that do not adequately sanitize tools. There is evidence that athletes are more prone to nail fungus. This is thought to be caused by the frequent stress on the toenails caused by wearing sweaty, tight-fitting shoes—the fungus’s likelihood of infecting your toenails increases if you have an athlete’s foot. Repetitive damage weakens the nails, which increases their susceptibility to a fungus infection.


Additionally, more vulnerable are the elderly and those with certain underlying diseases. Your susceptibility to contracting the fungus may be increased by anything compromising your immune system. AIDS, cancer, diabetes, psoriasis, and any immunosuppressive drugs like steroids are a few examples of these.


Are nail fungi contagious?


Even though the fungus should be acquired from somewhere, it is not very infectious. Since it is so widespread, it is seldom a chance to discover more than one individual in a family suffering from nail fungus. It can only be passed from one person to another through ongoing close contact.



What is the remedy for fungus-ridden nails?


The survival of patients for orally antifungal therapy varies depending on the medication. Treatment might take nine to twelve months before you tell if it was effective because of how long the fingernail takes to grow out. Even with successful therapy, the fungus may come back. Oral antifungal medicine is the best treatment for nail fungus since it has a higher-excellent cure rate and a short processing period than topical therapy.


The following oral prescription medicines are effective against telcon fungi:


Grifofulvin has long been the mainstay of oral antifungal therapy (Fulvicin, Grifulvin, Gris-Peg). This medicine is secure, and it is ineffective for treating toenail fungus. Lengthy results have reportedly proven underwhelming, and newer medications have substantially taken their place.


Terbinafine (Lamisil) is used daily for twelve weeks for nails and six weeks for fingernails. The drug is safe and effective with a low incidence of side effects, and it should be used with caution in patients with liver disease. This medication is very reasonably priced.


Pulse dosages of the drug itraconazole (Sporanox) are often administered. It could interact with several widely used medications, such as antibacterial erythromycin and asthma medications. This treatment is believed to be effective for onychomycosis caused by the Candida fungus, plus no dermatophytes mould.


For a few months, fluconazole (Diflucan) may be used weekly. The dose of this medicine may have to be adjusted if the individual has a weak renal function or is taking it at the same time as a few other medications. Because it isn’t as effective as Sporanox or Lamisil, individuals with liver disease should use it cautiously.

A specialist will decide if a quick blood test is necessary to screen for liver illness.


Many novel therapies are even being used for testing, including:


A light-activated substance is applied to the nail during laser treatment or photo-dynamic then the nail is exposed to the light of the appropriate wavelength.


Iontophoresis uses an electrical charge to facilitate the nail’s absorb properties of topical nail fungal infection cream India.


Use a specialized nail that modifies the nail’s microclimate to make it unfavorable for the fungi to develop: If this succeeds, it might be a low-cost solution to handle this issue in the time ahead.


Surgery is one method of permanently eliminating toenail fungus. Nail removal is a surgical procedure for onychomycosis. Without concurrent use of additional antifungal medicine (oral or topical), this at times only offers temporary relief, and repetition is frequent. The afflicted nail may need to be surgically removed if additional causes like infection or trauma are present.


For talon fungus, are there OTC remedies?


OTC goods may be purchased at a regular retail store without a doctor’s prescription or license. Even though there aren’t many over-the-counter drugs (OTC) available to treat fungus nails, many lack U.S. approval due to a lack of testing. Onychomycosis therapy is regulated by the Drug and Food Agency (FDA). Most over-the-counter medications treat fungal infections that affect the skin, not the talons. Few drugs feature propylene glycol and undecylenic acid as their primary component. These chemicals prevent fungal development, but they might not sufficiently enter the fingernail to be helpful in the treatment of fungal nails.



Suggestions for preventing fungal nails


Only 50% of abnormally looking nails are caused by nail fungus. It might be challenging to distinguish between the several reasons for discolored fingernails. The disease Onychomycosis is rarely treated. Indications for therapy include


  • Obesity,
  • Prior infection in the legs,
  • If you experience any problem or feel discomfort because of your nails,
  • You want them to have treatment for good reasons.


Recurrences and failures of treatment are frequent.


The key lies in prevention. The following precautionary steps might be beneficial:


  • Try Keeping your fingernails short, and avoid going too far into the sub corner while trimming them.
  • Keep the feets hygenic and completely dry them.
  • Wear loose-fitting shoes and dry socks.
  • Switch up your athletic footwear.
  • Refrain from using solid cleansers or soaking your hands in water.
  • Address the athlete’s foot as soon as it appears.


Is it feasible to halt fungal nail growth?


The fungus is everywhere, so no one can pinpoint where a special individual contracts it. However, there are several spots one should avoid or utilize cautiously since the fungi grow in warm, damp regions. No research supports the theory that the fungus may be found on shower floors, lockers, and swimming pools. Additionally, nail paint and artificial nails reduce the nail’s ability to breathe, increasing the risk of a fungus infection. There are fungi in the earth, the air, and on everything. Spraying socks and other footgear as part of hygienic procedures seems reasonable and could be helpful. However, the most significant possible protection may be to refrain from wearing tight, non-breathing shoes or to avoid walking on the floors of sporting facilities. Nail fungus may be avoided by daily foot washing and between-toe drying. Nail fungus is not often brought on by the fungi that live on the hairs of pets like cats and dogs. White socks are not helpful.




In conclusion, now is the time to research high-quality antifungal nail polish in India and try it. You never know what will cure you the best; sometimes, the solutions are elementary! One of the companies is Ketomac, renowned for its antifungal cream for nails in India that treat the side effects of fungus nail infections and may be used on lips as well. It aids in reducing the adverse effects of burning, itchiness, redness, peeling, and drying of the nail.


Rushing to join your Zoom conference, you settle down and turn on the camera, only to discover that your hair appears as if someone dumped a bucket of oil over it. Almost everyone has had that sense of dread at some time. Even though you can cover greasy hair by tying it up, nobody loves it. Do not be alarmed; there are answers. However, it would be best to comprehend greasy hair.


What Causes an Oily Head of Hair?

Your body is lined with sebaceous glands, which release sebum, a waxy oil-like material. This sebum covers your hair and scalp with an oily coating designed to shield you from the weather. It nourishes and stops moisture loss from the skin, regulating the body’s functions. It covers your skin from germs, pathogens, and infections, which is one of its main advantages.


The body’s largest concentration of sebaceous glands is on your scalp and face since these areas are delicate and need additional defense. As a result, these two locations tend to have the most oil. Your hair strands are meant to get a sebum coating from the scalp to the tips. Sebum buildup on the scalp and hair strands may occur when your scalp begins to generate too much of it. Your hair may seem weighed down and oily due to these additional oil layers.


Why Do I Have Oily Hair and Scalp?

Your sebaceous glands create too much oil for a variety of reasons:


  • The main issue is poor hair care. A significant oil build-up on your scalp might result from not often washing or caring for your hair adequately.
  • Hormonal changes may tell our scalp to generate extra oil, even though they may not always be within our control.
  • Weather variations and seasonal changes may confuse your hair and increase oil production.
  • Ironically, one of the leading causes is overwashing. Your scalp may get dry, and this might lead to more oil being produced.
  • A poor diet and several drugs might give your scalp the incorrect signals.
  • An oily scalp may also result from harsh hair care products and overusing styling tools.


Sebum, the natural oil secreted by the scalp that keeps the skin hydrated and the hair elastic, causes oily hair when the body generates excessive amounts of it. Your hair looks limp and greasy when sebum production is excessive. As a result of:


  • Use styling aids and sprays daily.
  • too infrequent washing
  • often brushing the scalp
  • pollutants and smog
  • humid conditions
  • alterations in hormones


The reason behind your summertime greasy scalp.

This situation might be caused by a variety of factors, including:

  • Your body temperature drastically increases in the summer. Your sebaceous glands become hyperactive as a result, which causes them to start generating more sebum.
  • Summertime sweating is a by-product that might exacerbate the greasiness. As a result, the scalp is forced to create even more oil since it can carry more oil directly to the hair strands.
  • In the summer, washing one’s hair more regularly is expected, which unintentionally dries your scalp. To make up for it, your body produces too much oil.
  • The body may sometimes suffer disastrous effects from even dampness. It may stop your body from cooling down due to sweat evaporating. As a result, your sebaceous glands continue to produce sebum.
  • Your scalp and hair may dry when your perspiration eventually dissipates. Your sebum production may also rise as a result of this.
  • Your hormone secretions may be hampered by heat stress. These changes may increase your oil production, resulting in an oily scalp.


How is an oily forehead in the summer connected to dandruff in the hair?

An excessive amount of oil on the scalp often causes the scalp problem known as dandruff. Malassezia Globosa, a naturally occurring fungus, is the root of dandruff. This fungus also produces oleic acid and breaks your scalp’s surplus oil. The reaction of 1 in 2 persons worldwide who are allergic to this acid is intense scalp itching, red, flaky skin, and pale dead skin flakes.


How does dandruff respond to oily scalp?

The Malassezia Globosa fungus, which typically lives on your scalp, causes dandruff. The compounds this fungus produces from the oil it consumes might react with the scalp. This is entirely typical right now. However, this fungus may flourish when there is too much oil on your scalp. As a result, there will be red patches on the skin, intense itching, and dead skin flakes. This is referred to as dandruff. Dandruff with an oily scalp is often present when your scalp and hair are very oily and greasy. The two go hand in hand, so if you take better care of the oily scalp anti-dandruff shampoo, you’ll also take outstanding care of your oil dandruff. And therein is the solution for how to get rid of dandruff.


How Can I Prevent Oily Hair and Scalp?

Since sebum will always be produced, there is no “cure” for oily hair. Nevertheless, there are treatments for an oily head that might help keep it under control.


Shampoo your hair –

It may seem too effortless to be accurate, but routinely washing your hair helps remove impurities and excess oil from your scalp, restoring its health and making it an excellent oily treatment.


Apple Cider Vinegar

This has a reputation for lifting all the extra gunk in your hair, especially your dandruff from an oily scalp, and washing it away. Make careful to dilute it before using, and then rinse well.


A nutritious diet

Incorporate veggies, vitamin B, and enough fluids into your diet while avoiding fatty meals.


Cleansing Shampoo

Using a clarifying cleanser for an oily scalp may be advantageous for you. These effective shampoos eliminate all extra oil and grime, serving as a dandruff remedy. Use caution, however, since they may dry out the scalp.


Oil of tea tree

Many say that its antifungal characteristics may treat oily dandruff and excess oil. However, be cautious about diluting it since it is intense and might trigger an allergic response.


A Dry Shampoo

To reduce the extra oil in your hair, use a hair conditioner sometimes instead of regular shampoo.


Avoid using hair products.

Give your hair and scalp some time to breathe naturally by taking a vacation from style and cosmetic items for your hair.


Aloe Vera:

Your scalp may be quickly soothed and can also get rid of any extra oil it discovers. Even better, you may create a DIY mask out of aloe vera gel and utilize it immediately. An excellent home remedy for greasy dandruff is this.



What dietary changes are necessary for an oily scalp?

It’s crucial to understand that eating can’t treat dandruff, and don’t expect it will all your troubles. The primary cause of dandruff is excessive bodily oil, which may be controlled by altering your diet. If you want to prevent having an oily scalp, you might consider making the dietary modifications listed below.



You can struggle to control your sweet craving, but consuming sugar-rich foods might raise your insulin levels. A spike in certain hormones is always the result, which may cause your scalp to produce more oil. Sugar consumption may be controlled, and inflammation can be less frequent.


Requisite fats

Increase your intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. These are anti-inflammatory and help control sebum production while also hydrating the skin. The effects of dermatitis may also be lessened. These may be found in foods like avocado, walnuts, chia seeds, tuna, flaxseeds, salmon, peanut butter, olive oil, and other fortified eggs.



Consume foods high in the allicin component, such as garlic and onions. Allicin, which has potent antifungal qualities, is activated by crushing or chopping garlic. Eating garlic might assist increase blood flow and collagen formation; however, applying it straight to your scalp may make more sense. Your skin’s health may benefit from having a healthy digestive system.


Dairy items such as milk

Even though you may have grown up drinking milk, it may be time to cut out on all dairy products. Dairy products include hormones that help calves generally develop as they get older. These may decompose inside your body, causing an increase in sebum excretion.


Vitamins, zinc, and biotin

A mineral called zinc has antioxidant characteristics that might strengthen your immune system. It may help control the quantity of oil on your skin and is beneficial in treating skin conditions. The correct absorption of zinc depends on the B vitamin biotin, and make a diet that contains both in a balanced ratio. A lack of vitamin B6 may make dandruff worse, and vitamin B6 supplementation might also aid in controlling sebum production on the skin.


Added sugars and fatty foods

Most dieticians advise you to reduce your intake of fats and dense carbohydrates to be healthier. But it’s also possible that this is a factor in your greasy scalp. These foods are harder for the body to digest and may cause your insulin levels to rise. This affects your oil production, which may result in hyperactive oil glands on the scalp.


Hydration and alcohol

Reduce your alcohol consumption since it might cause your body to get dehydrated. It has a propensity to lower your zinc and B Vitamins levels, which may interfere with oil production on your scalp. As an alternative, you should consume enough water and hydrating drinks to keep your body down from the temperature. Your scalp may produce more sebum at higher body temperatures, adding discomfort.


What is the best shampoo to use for oily hair?

Always choose a shampoo based on the state of your scalp while making your choice. Look for those that target the extra oil on the head and the dirt that becomes trapped with it. For example, a cleanser with an oily scalp is pH balanced and does not dry your head. Avoid using shampoos that might dry your hair out excessively since this increases the development of too much sebum, exacerbating the issue. Because your hair is getting moisture, but the appropriate amount of moisture, avoid shampoos that include a lot of conditioning. Overall, discover a cleanser for the oily scalp that nourishes your hair rather than harming it.


The primary component of dandruff shampoo for the oily scalp is Ketomac shampoo, which treats dandruff, is ketoconazole. Doctors advise using shampoos containing the antifungal ketoconazole to treat individuals with acute dandruff. Dandruff is the primary cause of hair loss in addition to causing humiliation owing to the buildup of flakes of white color all over. This is because dandruff itches the scalp, and scratching the scalp to relieve the itching loosens the roots of the hair and causes hair to come out. In summary, treating dermatitis is the first step in curing hair loss and other hair problems.


You may generally prevent extra oil from forming on your head by employing a balanced hair care regimen and a decent scalp wash. Try the Ketomac cleanser to give your scalp the menthol-induced cooling sensation while removing any extra filth and oil. Your hair may be made more open and restored to its former health by using Ketomac products. These shampoos are designed to remove excess oil from your scalp to stop oily dandruff from developing.


You will often encounter people with greasy scalps. After all, you can’t entirely remove the oil from your skull. However, you may feel more at ease knowing that you always have a remedy available.


We all want our hair to look good all the time, but it is not possible. Not only this, but without trying hard, we imagine having longer and stronger hair. It seems impossible to get anything; you have to work for it. There are so many hair-related issues that keep us bothered, and we are not able to sort them out. But every hair problem has a solution when relying on the Ketomac hair product. 


You may hear about the dandruff problem often around you because one of the most common hair issues is this. The dandruff problem never comes alone; it brings further hair issues, including hair fall, dry hair, etc. Those suffering from it scratch their head like a kid as it makes our scalp itchy. This problem is quite common in men as well. Anybody can have this issue, even if we can also see the dandruff issue in infants. You can use anti-dandruff shampoo for men in India to treat the dandruff problem. The number of causes is too many, but some of them we should know about are-


  • Due to the skin condition: You may also face dandruff problems if you suffer from a skin condition like Seborrheic dermatitis. This skin condition may make your scalp itchy and cause redness. This condition may occur where the oil glands are present in our body. The symptoms can be different, but they symbolize the problem you are suffering. You must see or consult the doctor to get better advice. 
  • Caused due to an allergy: You may also face this hair problem if you have a sensitive scalp or skin. Sometimes we get impressed with the advertisements that we see on the internet. After watching those advertisements, we try to follow them immediately. When we see hair range products on television in advertisements that models or actresses perform, we assume them to be perfect. We try to use them on our hair, which can cause some allergies to our scalp. Not all hair products are good or healthy for our skin. Many of them contain chemicals that can further create problems. 

So, dandruff can be the cause of using such hair products. 

  • The problem of dry skin: The dry scalp or skin condition also comes under this. If you have dehydrated skin, ensure you are using hydrating or moisturizing shampoo or oil for your hair. The dry scalp problem can cause dandruff, which is so common nowadays. People with dry scalp also have a dry skin problems, most commonly visible through the dryness on their face, arms, hands, etc. In this, the dandruff problem is very obvious. 
  • Shampooing in the wrong way: We are still shampooing in the wrong way if we are not getting clean hair. There are many ways to shampoo our hair, but not all of us follow them. We go with our flow, which is insufficient for our hair. If you are not shampooing your hair correctly, you may suffer from this issue. 
  • Not use the right shampoo: It is not always about the technique, but it can also be due to the shampoo you use for your hair. The shampoo must be good enough to clean and solve your hair issues. For example, if you have a dandruff problem, you must use an anti-dandruff shampoo. Your shampoo must be specific to the hair problems you face so that it will be easier for you to get them treated. 
  • Excessive yeast growth: If the yeast growth is more in your scalp, there are more chances of dandruff problems. It is mainly due to yeast growth or fungus-like Malassezia. If your scalp is sensitive to this, the result can be a dandruff problem. So, keep a check on the infection to prevent this problem from growing bigger. 


So, these causes are unavoidable, but we can make some difference by using anti-dandruff products, especially shampoo. 


Why try anti-dandruff shampoo?

If you have questions about the use of anti-dandruff shampoo on your hair, then the points below will make it clear to you. Take a look:


  • Gives the required moisture to your hair: We have already discussed that the dry scalp is the primary reason for this, and we cannot run away from this. This means the lack of moisturizing element in your hair makes your scalp dry. It would help if you corrected the dryness so that it can be handled with the best. 
  1. Gives you moisturized hair: The anti-dandruff shampoo helps in keeping your scalp moisturized so that we can avoid this situation from happening. Not only this, it keeps your hair hydrated as we need to correct the dryness if we want to get rid of dandruff. 
  2. Making hair healthy: As our skin needs moisturization to avoid dryness, our hairs too need them. The hydrating shampoos keep our hair moisturized and make them healthy. 
  • Relieving us from the itchiness: We all know that whenever there will be dryness at any part of our body, say skin or scalp, we feel like scratching it all day, every day. The dry flakes make us scratch our heads until we feel satisfied, which looks so embarrassing. 
  1. Anti-dandruff shampoos help in making you feel relaxed from the itchiness that it causes. It helps relieve us from scratching our scalp so that we don’t feel embarrassed more. 
  2. Minimizing the dandruff flakes: The dandruff flakes are attached to our scalp, and when we scratch it more, it just gets filled in our whole hair. To avoid this situation from happening, we must start making use of this shampoo. We can keep our hair free from this with the help of the anti-dandruff by Ketomac. 
  • Reduces the redness on the scalp: The scalp also becomes itchy and red when we scratch it due to the dandruff problem. The redness on the scalp is widespread when your scalp is itchy. It would help if you made some efforts to reduce the redness. For this, you must try-
  1. Only trust anti-dandruff shampoo: You must only rely on anti-dandruff shampoo when it comes to the dandruff problem. If the problem is severe, you may have to see the doctor. But never miss washing your hair with that shampoo. 
  2. Reducing the redness: The redness on the scalp can be managed when we start using the anti-dandruff shampoo. If you did not use this shampoo, you would not get any relief from the itchiness or redness. But shampoo can make it more relaxing for you. 
  • Managing the oil production: The oil production is natural in the scalp, but if it goes high, you have to look for it. The excess oil secretion can also make the dandruff situation worsen, and you need to keep a check on it. 
  1. Control the oil secretion: The oil secretion in the scalp cannot be controlled without using the best anti-dandruff shampoo like Ketomac. The natural oil secretion in the scalp is maintained, and the excess of it is controlled with the use of shampoo. 
  2. Not taking the natural oils: The natural oil in the scalp should never be washed away. But using shampoos with chemicals in them can even take away the required oil from the scalp. But the anti-dandruff shampoo is the best option to manage the oil secretion. 


Can it be treated naturally?

Many of us constantly search for natural ways with which we can treat this problem. The natural solutions will take some more time to treat your hair but will treat it. But it would help if you never stopped using Ketomac’s anti-dandruff shampoo alone in these natural ways. Take a look at more accessible ways to treat dandruff-


  • Trying the coconut oil hack: We all have heard about coconut oil’s advantages and magical benefits for our skin, hair, and health. You can also try this hack for your dandruff issue. The dandruff problem is mainly due to the dryness on the scalp, and this oil helps take away the dryness. It will hydrate and moisturize your scalp and prevent those white flakes from accumulating. Massage your hair with this oil and also keep it in your hair for some hours before rinsing your hair. 
  • Trying the easy Aloe Vera hack: Aloe Vera is a widespread remedy we usually miss. We should never skip the use of this remedy as no other treatment is as easy as this hack is. This natural herb is used for numerous purposes and in many creams and lotions. In case of fungal infections, scalp infections, or other skin conditions, this hack works the best. You can start applying the gel to your scalp and hair roots to see some results. It also holds antibacterial components that can reduce dandruff severity. 
  • Giving a try apple cider vinegar: So, the ACV or apple cider vinegar is also used for many hair problems and can help us in many ways. Vinegar can help us control the dandruff issue by managing the oil secretion on the scalp. This vinegar can also help remove dead skin from the scalp, which will make your scalp healthy. Apple cider vinegar can also control the fungus growth on the scalp, causing the dandruff problem. 
  • Intake of omega-3 fatty acids: Omega-3 acids can also help us treat the various deficiencies in our bodies. Many hair problems are due to the deficiency of this fatty acid in your body. The Omega-3 acids also help keep your hair moisturized, dandruff-free, and stronger. This acid reduces the inflammation in the skin caused due to dandruff. You can take supplements of this, or you can start consuming the food with this acid. 
  • Managing the stress levels: The stress levels in our body can affect our health, skin, and hair conditions. We need to check our mental health so that nothing can take our mental peace. Taking too much stress is not good, so we need to manage it. Stress can even cause us mental trauma as well as can cause hair issues like dandruff. Even the dandruff issue can worsen if we take the stress. 
  • Use anti-dandruff shampoo: We all know numerous varieties of shampoos are available all around us, but we need to find the one that is healthy for our hair. We must use anti-dandruff shampoo for our hair to keep the dandruff problem at bay. This is only possible with the Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo for men in India.  


With the help of these, we can make our dandruff problem minimized. Also, try the best shampoo by Ketomac for the dandruff issue. It will manage the oil and dryness of the hair. Not only for the people suffering from dandruff, but it is also suitable for those who are not even suffering from it. This means it can also prevent the dandruff problem from happening also. So, don’t forget to try the best anti-dandruff shampoo also with other natural remedies. Make sure not to lose patience as every good thing take time to process. So, make use of other products offered by Ketomac like antifungal cream and tablets for other issues. Use your internet to find product variety, range, uses, and other related things. 


Lip fungus or even oral thrush, even called oral candidiasis, is a general condition in which the fungus Candida albicans gathers on the lining of your mouth. Candida is a standard organism in your mouth, but it can overgrow and trigger symptoms at times. Oral thrush or lip fungus causes creamy white lesions, mostly on your tongue or inner cheeks. At times oral thrush might spread to the roof of your mouth, gums, or even tonsils, and the back of your throat.


Although oral thrush is one condition that can affect anyone, it’s more likely to emerge in babies and older adults as they have reduced immunity. In other people, it takes place who have suppressed immune systems or certain types of health conditions, or even people who take specific types of medications. Lip fungus is a minor issue if you are healthy, but symptoms could be more severe and challenging to control if you have a weakened immune system. Of course, if you suspect that you have this issue, you can use Ketomac’s lip fungus cream, and you will find a heal soon. Ketomac products are specifically made to heal your fungus condition.


For example, this is the most common oral infection discovered in people infected with HIV, those with an underlying disease like diabetes, or situations that inspire proliferation, such as long hospital stays. 


Have you ever thought about what if you get a fungal infection on your beloved lips? Even the thought of it gives an annoying feel. When the lips are affected by Candida, the corners of your mouth could be cracked and red. This cracking is even called cheilosis or even cheilitis. This condition of lip fungus could also cause an infection within the mouth. One can experience white patches formation on the insides of the cheeks or even on the tongue. You could even notice such white patches around the insides of the lips.  


Symptoms and diagnosis

Lip fungus gets diagnosed simply through a visible inspection; it presents with that the following symptoms:


– Cracks at the corners of your mouth

– Foul taste

– White to a yellow type of lesions with a cottage-cheese like look on the tongue and that of even inner cheeks; at times even on the roof or top of the mouth and gums

– You may also experience some pain and challenges swallowing in severe cases

– Redness, that of burning or soreness; at times even severe

– Too much of Tingling 


 Causes of lip fungus 

Usually, your immune system acts to deter harmful invading organisms, such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi, while balancing good and bad microbes that usually inhabit your body. But at times, these protective mechanisms fail, increasing the number of candida fungus and even permitting an oral thrush infection to take proper hold. You know the most typical type of candida fungus is known as Candida albicans. Various factors like a weakened immune system may boost your risk of oral thrush.


You know what? Your mouth is home to an overabundance of organisms, including fungi, protozoa, and viruses that comprise a normal flora. Saliva, too, plays a role in maintaining a stable environment. In addition, there are even various types of yeasts that are usually present, mainly C. Albicans, that have been recognized in forty to sixty percent of healthy adults. 


One such type of ecosystem turns out to be unbalanced; an overgrowth of yeast grows, resulting in lip fungus. Of course, if you find it happening to you, you can use excellent and effective lip fungus products like creams by Ketomac.  


Some other causes can be like:

– Antibiotic and corticosteroid use

– Deficient diet

– Badly-fitting oral appliances

– Endocrine disorder

– Insufficient oral hygiene

Of course, since you know the causes that trigger this situation, you should be mindful of them. Ensure that you do not let it happen to you by taking care of such things.


The prevention of Lip Fungus  

The way to prevent lip fungus infection is to follow a specific care routine that encompasses appropriately brushing your teeth, getting yearly dental check-ups, and wearing properly fitted and cleansed dentures, in case applicable. It would be nice to eat a well-balanced diet to improve overall health and maintain symmetry in the oral microsome, and this is going to include high-fiber and whole foods and a good quantity of fruits and vegetables.


You should, however, avoid a high carbohydrate diet and, especially, refined sugar. A study found that higher glucose consumption increased Candida growth while sugar in the shape of fructose discovered in fruits and vegetables might effectively inhibit growth. You should know that fermented foods and beverages get produced through controlled microbial growth. Consuming these kinds of foods has become popular of late; it is supposed that following a diet rich in fermented foods. It will provide beneficial bacteria in the shape of probiotics to your overall body. 


These can include:

– Tempeh

– Kimchi

– Kombucha

– Sauerkraut 

– Yogurt 


However, there is little scientific research to support such a thing; the exception is somewhat kefir, which is effective against that microbes, encompassing C. Albicans. 


Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is crucial to all aspects of health. Once it comes to oral thrush, it can significantly aid in averting the condition from developing. When practicing good oral hygiene to avert and heal thrush, you must choose the right type of toothbrush. A soft-bristle toothbrush is the finest choice. Plaque that constructs between teeth might also drive an infection, so it is vitally important to eradicate it using floss. Rinsing with a good quality antiseptic mouthwash and keeping up with regular dental appointments might also help in averting oral thrush.


Remember that wearing dentures could increase your chances of experiencing oral thrush due to poor fitting/trapped leftover food, dental plaque, or rough surfaces on teeth. It’s assistive to clean the dentures daily with a toothbrush and a cleaning solution.[remember that if you are disposed to oral thrush, changing your toothbrush more often than the recommended three months may help prevent the infection from recurring.]


Home remedies to get rid of your lip fungus 

Typical treatments for your lip fungus or oral thrush include antifungal medications like creams and ointments with specific ingredients to fight off your condition. You can find a good range of creams in the realm of Ketomac. There are many home remedies too that could be of help for you. Have a look below:


Use Saltwater

Research shows that salt is an effective instrument in oral hygiene because it can enhance healing in the mouth and soothe discomfort.[to help relieve the signs of oral thrush and endorse quicker healing of the lesions, rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution]. To prepare one, dissolve nearly a half teaspoon of salt in one cup of warm water. Then swish the solution in your mouth and then spit it out.


Apple cider vinegar rinse

Apple cider vinegar is a good antibacterial and antifungal agent. Though it can’t altogether remove the bacteria, it has been displayed to decrease levels of C. Albicans in denture wearers. You need to combine equal sums of water and apple cider vinegar and then gargle and swish such mixture for nearly fifteen seconds at a time. Once you do it regularly, you will see considerable improvements in your mouth.


Use Baking Soda

Baking soda, or even sodium bicarbonate, has different uses. One study published in 2009 discovered that baking soda could act as a disinfectant against Candida, and the study tested the fungus on different dentures and not directly in the mouth. Still, the outcomes discovered that baking soda effectively cleared up the overgrowth of any infected dentures.[ remember to use baking soda against oral thrush at home, you want to use a half-teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water ]. The swish solution in your mouth as you would mouthwash and spit it out.


You should know that baking soda has been considered to have antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. It is a good and effective solution to eradicate bacteria and treat lip fungus. It has even been found to restore and balance the oral microflora by enhancing saliva to upkeep a balanced ph. Vital to a healthy and safe mouth.  


Lemon Juice or Lemongrass

Lemon juice/lemongrass, a lemony-scented plant in the grass family, own antifungal properties. When it comes to their capability to fight against oral thrush, more studies are needed. However, one study found that the two ingredients might be effective home remedies against oral thrush. Both lemon juice and lemongrass helped treat the condition of oral thrush in study participants who were HIV positive. Use lemon juice or lemongrass infusion (prepared from steeping dried lemongrass in water) as a mouth rinse.


Garlic and onion can help. 

The natural antifungal properties of both garlic and onion help eradicate the infection by killing yeast cells. These are effective against Candida, and that averts its growth. Regularly consume simply 1-2 cloves of garlic with water or include garlic and onion in a regular diet to keep off the condition of oral thrush.


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil owns antiseptic properties making it apt to treat oral thrush. Swab the oral cavity with a pure type of virgin coconut oil two to three times a day to decrease infection. Caprylic acid in coconut oil works as an antifungal agent averting yeast growth, and it aids soothe pain and soreness in the mouth. Moreover, remember applying coconut oil to the nipples of breastfeeding mothers can prevent infection.


Other points for prevention

The following measures might help reduce your danger of developing candida infections:


– Rinse your mouth. If you need to use a corticosteroid-inhaler, rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth after consuming your medication.

– Make sure that you brush your teeth at least two times a day and floss regularly / as often as the dentist recommends you.

– It would be good if you checked your dentures. Remove your dentures at night. Make sure dentures fit you properly and don’t cause irritation. Clean your dentures regularly. Please ask your dentist for the most acceptable way to clean your type of dentures.

– It would be wise to see your dentist regularly, mainly if you experience diabetes or wear dentures.  

– Try to watch what you consume or eat. Try restricting the number of sugar-containing foods you consume. These could encourage the growth of Candida.

– Maintain reasonable blood sugar control in case you have diabetes. Well-controlled blood sugar can reduce the amount of sugar in saliva, disheartening the growth of Candida.

– It would be good if you treated a vaginal yeast infection right away.

– Treat your dry mouth, and ask a doctor about the different ways to dodge or treat your dry mouth.



Since you know much about lip fungus and what you can do to eliminate it, make sure that you be more prudent about your oral health. It would help get yourself a good quality Ketomac cream for lips infection to ensure that you do not experience it. Timely measures will ensure absolute relief.


The sensitive part of our body is our skin, as we cannot protect our skin from every possible thing. It is prone to environmental conditions, medical conditions, and microorganisms present in the environment. They are almost everywhere. The point is we cannot see them with our naked eyes. But the microorganisms are even present inside our body, but they are not harmful. In case harmful microorganisms accumulate, it can cause infection. The excess of everything is bad, which is why the excess fungi growth can also cause fungal infections. 

The skin is not only prone to bacterial infections, but it can also have fungal infections. The number of fungal infections is too many, and we all should be aware of that. If we are not even aware of how they look, what they can cause, or other things, we cannot diagnose them correctly. Antifungal ointment in India is the best solution for these infections, and Ketomac offers it, and we can easily use them. Fungal infections are too easy to diagnose as we can easily see the inconvenience it causes to our skin.

The antifungal ointment can be used for various purposes, and here are some of them-

  1. For yeast infections: The antifungal cream can also treat yeast infections. Vaginal yeast infections are more common than any other yeast infection. The increase in the growth of yeast causes this infection. It can be in vaginal yeast infection, mouth thrush infection, nail bed infection, etc. Some of the symptoms of the yeast infection are-
  • Rashes on the skin: Your skin may look like having rashes due to this infection. It can affect any part of our body with those rashes. 
  • The itchiness on the skin: If your skin is infected with the yeast infection, then having itchiness is so common. Itchiness can make you scratch the infected area with harsh hands to get some relief. 
  • Discharge from the vagina: If you are suffering from a vaginal yeast infection, it can cause the discharge from the vagina like white or yellow. It can even make intercourse painful due to this infection. 
  1. For the fungal infections: The word fungus is very broad in itself as so many infections come under this. All those infections are caused due to the growth of fungi microorganisms. If the growth of fungi increases every day, then the fungal infection can become worsen. If you can manage or control its growth, it will be helpful. The fungi love the moist areas, which is why there will be fungi where there is moisture or sweating. The fungal infections are-
  • Athlete foot- The athlete’s foot is so common among athletes or sports practitioners. This means those more prone to sweating are most likely to get this infection. Footwear is the leading cause of this infection as the sports person has to wear the footwear to practice or play well. They have to be in their shoes most of the time, which is why this infects them. The athlete’s foot infection is caused near the foot area or between the toe fingers. Some of the more things you should know about this are-
  1. The reason is over sweating- Sports or footwear is not only the reason but over sweating is also one of it. If you have a nature of sweating too much, you cannot run from this infection. When the sweat stays for longer in our shoes or any other footwear, it may cause an athlete’s foot. 
  2. Skin looks cracked- The skin infected with the athlete’s foot looks cracked. It becomes flaky and starts looking different from far. It causes skin cracking and peeling as well. 
  3. The inflamed skin: The skin infected with this infection looks paled or different in color. This is mainly due to inflammation. The inflammation makes it look different in color, like reddish or purple. 
  4. Difficult to wear closed footwear: Due to this infection, you will not be able to wear your footwear comfortably. It will not allow you to wear footwear, especially the closed ones like shoes, belly, etc. 
  1. The ringworm fungal infection: The ringworm is a widespread infection caused by fungi. It can be anywhere on your body, and we have no control over this. Ringworm, as the name suggests, is a circle in shape. This infection is even common in animals. The most likely affected areas with this infection are the beard area, scalp, groin, feet, neck, hands, etc. Some of the symptoms to identify this infection are:
  • Itchiness on particular body areas: If you feel itchiness on the area and want to scratch it, there are chances of ringworm. 
  • A round patch: you will notice the round patches on the skin if it is infected with the ringworm. The overlapping round patches will be very easy to identify. 
  • The raised outer area: The ringworm infection can be most easily identified due to its appearance. You cannot identify it as when it begins; it begins with the round red patches on the skin. One more thing to identify concerning this is the raised outer area. The skin infected with the ringworm will be like round, raised edges. This means the edges of the round patches are raised and broader. 
  • Different causes: The causes behind the fungal infection are very different. This can be transmitted from person to person, animal to person, or from any object to the person, and from mud. If anything is affected by the ringworm, you can easily catch this infection. 
  1. Jock itch fungal infection: The jock itch fungal infection is most likely to affect the body areas, which are prone to more sweating. The areas like the inner thighs are mostly affected by this. It can also be due to tight undergarments. Easy ways to treat jock itch are-
  • Use antifungal ointment: Make sure you apply Ketomac’s antifungal cream to the areas infected with this. Cover it well and let it absorb into the skin for better results. 
  • Improve hygiene: You have to work on the hygiene levels around your inner thighs or other areas infected with this. Hygiene can be improved if you use water and soap to wash the inner areas. Most of the time, while bathing, we skip paying attention to the inner thighs, which is why we face this infection due to poor hygiene. 
  • Avoid tight underwear: If you like to wear the tightest garments, you have to skip this idea now. The tight undergarments cause many infections and itchiness around that area. I prefer wearing loose undergarments or proper fitting but say no to the tight ones. 
  • Change it frequently: If you skip changing your undergarments on some days, you are making the biggest mistake. It is an invitation to the fungal or other bacterial infections around that area. The skin around the inner thighs or groin is susceptible, so they get infected so easily. It would help if you made this rule, you will never forget to change your undergarments every day.
  • Keep the area clean & dry: When it is said that you have to keep the area clean, the next thing that comes with this is to keep it dry. Only the clean or wet area is insufficient; you must make sure that the inner area after you wash is dry now. Use a clean and soft cloth or towel to make it dry. 

The easy remedies that we all can try-

 Some of the other more accessible ways to treat the fungal infections more efficiently are:

  1. Use of oregano oil: You may have heard about it but may not have heard about its relevance. It possesses many antifungal agents that make it super beneficial for us to use. We can apply it to fungal infections but only after the doctor’s consultation. As it may cause some burning sensation or allergies to the one having sensitive skin, so don’t take a risk. 
  2. Adding vitamin c to your routine: You must start the direct intake of vitamin c in your diet. You can also go for vitamin c tablets. They will also be helpful. It will boost your immunity to fight against those infections efficiently.
  3. The garlic remedy: You may not believe that garlic can also help us treat our fungal infections. It possesses many antibacterial or fungal agents, which makes it suitable for this. Garlic is no less than a herb and can be used to treat this infection. Read some more ways to use garlic on the infection. 
  4. The coconut oil: The coconut oil never goes out of style as this oil is helpful for us in multiple ways. This oil can also work as a topical medicine to treat fungal infections. It can also be used later for the scar of the infection as it possesses properties that can lighten the scar of the infection. 
  5. Keeping proper hygiene: You must improve your hygiene levels by opting for water and soap every time. Make sure you use the proper method to wash to take away the germs from the area.
  6. Adding probiotics to your diet: The probiotics can be obtained directly from the curd, so there are no more excuses to eat curd. You can prefer eating homemade curd for a more probiotic diet. Don’t forget to eat one bowl of curd every day. 
  7. Lemongrass oil use: As oregano oil is effective, lemongrass oil is famous for treating fungal infections. The lemon grass oil can be found on online platforms to buy. Add any carrier oil to this oil and apply it to the infected area. You can get advice from your doctor before you use such products for the infection. 
  8. Use of honey: This remedy looks like a joke, but it can work best for our skin infections. The honey can be used on the infected area as it has properties to kill the fungus growth. It can even heal the infection quickly to get some relief. But it is for temporary relief only as you have to rely on antifungal ointments for this. 
  9. Antifungal medications: We all know several ways to treat fungal infections as it is now so common among the people around us. We can use medications, ointments, and easy home remedies to treat this. We can also try all these together to see the results quickly. For example, along with using the above-discussed remedies, you must keep on applying the antifungal cream by Ketomac. 

These are the easiest ways to treat fungi, but they alone will not be sufficient. We need to speed up the healing process if we start using everything together. Antifungal medicines or tablets are also essential if the infection is severe. Ketomac offers the best antifungal ointment in India on which we can easily rely. We can use the cream for the numerous fungal infections we are facing, and it can reduce the growth of fungi and treat the inconvenience caused by those infections. 

The fungal infections also make us embarrassed as infections like nail fungus, angular cheilitis, etc., do not look good. We need to treat them at the earliest so that we don’t have to face the inconvenience and discomfort. Make sure you follow every tip or the hacks discussed above for the best possible treatment, so go for it. 



We all know that whenever we face any skin-related issue, we have to suffer a lot of inconveniences. Our skin is the sensitive part of our body, and we all know about it. But it is challenging to save our skin from every possible infection or exposure. Fungal infection is also one of those infections that we cannot prevent but can take a step to minimize and slowly treat. When we discover that we are suffering from a fungal infection, we may feel depressed. 


But one thing not to worry about is that it can be treated with the help of over-the-counter medicines. It is not dangerous to our health, and instead, we can get it treated. The fungal infection is due to the fungus that makes it home on our skin. We all should know about fungi growth because it is mainly found in the areas with the highest moisture levels. This means where there will be moisture; there will be fungi. We need to keep the body part area clean to prevent fungi growth from increasing. 


Fungal infections can be treated using antifungals, and Ketomac offers the best antifungal foot cream. It can also be used for foot infections, lip fungal, nail fungal, etc. Nail fungal or toenail fungal infection is becoming common nowadays as we are not taking care of the proper hygiene in our feet or our shoes. 


About antifungal- 

The antifungal cream is meant to reduce or treat the growth of fungi in the infected area. The antifungal compounds present in the antifungal ointment can kill the fungi. The growth of the fungus cells needs to be minimized, and this is possible with the help of antifungal creams. Antifungal creams are used for various infections caused by the fungi, most commonly athlete foot, nail fungus, ringworm, and jock itch. 


The antifungal cream works by focusing on the growth of the cell membranes that are infected with the fungi. 


We all know that fungal infection takes a lot of time to treat, and it can never be treated overnight or on some days in any case. You need to hold on to your patience level to avoid the further severity of the fungal infection. The consistent use of antifungal ointments is required to get it treated. You have to wait for a long, and during this period, you must see the doctor regularly to ask about your anti-fungus status.


Application of the antifungal cream- 

The antifungal cream is to be applied carefully to the affected area so that we can cure it quickly. Here are some of the tips before and after you apply the cream. 


  • Apply cream as prescribed: As per the doctor’s prescription, you must apply the antifungal cream. Most of the time, the doctor prescribed applying the antifungal cream twice a day for the minimum. If you are directed to apply more or less than once, make sure you do it in the same way possible. 
  • Let the cream dry: You must let the antifungal cream you have applied dry out entirely before it comes into contact with anything. Make sure you apply it well, and it is absorbed in the skin well. 
  • Don’t forget to wash your hands after applying the antifungal cream. Make sure you wash your hands properly. Because there are chances that some part of the cream may leave on our skin and thus you must wash your hands. 
  • Be consistent in applying: One thing that you must note forever if you are dealing with a fungal infection is the word consistent. If you are consistent in your efforts, the infection can be treated. If you are not well determined to solve the problem of fungal infection, it will not go away quickly. You have to follow one rule of consistency, and only this is the key to a solution for this problem. Make sure you are well-consistent in taking medicines, applying ointments, etc. Try Ketomac antifungal cream for the best possible results, but you must remember the word consistent. 


Get the antifungal cream this way-

You can get antifungal creams in many ways. Make sure you have researched it well to find the right one. Here are some ways to get it:


  • From the chemist shop: You can get the best antifungal cream by Ketomac from the local chemist shop near you. IT is the easiest way to get the cream as we all can seek the shop quickly and conveniently. Most drug stores have antifungal ointments and medications available to them. So, you can buy them anytime. 
  • Consult a doctor: If you suffer from a severe fungal infection, you must see the doctor. Consulting a doctor well before you take any step while suffering from this infection will be helpful. You can seek the doctor’s advice before applying or taking any antifungal medication. Everyone has different levels and types of fungal infections, so consulting a skin specialist will help. 
  • You can also buy it online: You can also search for antifungal ointments online. They are also readily available on the internet. Online shopping websites or applications are now also selling creams or ointments. You can search where you can buy them as different platforms offer them. 
  • Search on the internet: The internet has helped us a lot, and we cannot run away from this fact. It has changed our lives as we can easily find everything, literally everything, on it. We can search for the content, find where to shop, etc. Searching for it will help us to know the easiest way to buy the one for ourselves. Also, we will get to know about many other facts, symptoms, and treatments of fungal infection. 


Antifungals are a necessity when you are facing this infection. They are meant to treat the following- 


*For ringworm– The ringworm infection also comes under the fungal infection. This is also a common skin infection that infects your skin and makes a ring shape infection on your skin, making the infected area red and swollen. Antifungal cream can be used to treat this infection, and you can apply it to the infected area as prescribed by the doctor or twice a day. 

We can also get infected with this in case of-


  1. Contact with the pets: The pets may also have some infections that our skin can catch quickly if we do not care. We need to wash our hands carefully after contacting the pets, especially cows. 
  2. From the infected things: If you are touching the surfaces or the things that are already infected or the fungi are present, you can get this infection. 
  3. Skin to skin infection: The ringworm infection can also be caught if another person having the problem comes into contact with our skin. This can be due to using the same clothes or other items.  


*For athlete’s foot– Athlete’s foot is very common among athletes, as its name suggests. This infection infects the area around our toe fingers. We all know that athletes have to wear shoes most of the time, so they are more at risk of this infection. Some of the reasons for this infection are- 


1) Wearing shoes for a long- One of the reasons behind this is the long wear of shoes or footwear.

For the practice sessions as well the players have to wear the shoes. Wearing closed footwear is also why it won’t allow the skin to breathe as air does not circulate in such footwear. 

2) Over sweating- We all know this will cause sweating shoes when we wear closed footwear. The sweat in shoes is transferred to our skin, and when we wear them for longer, it stays in. This is where the infection starts. Even the fabric of the shoes does not allow the sweat to absorb when we wear them for long. 

3) Walking barefoot: You can catch this infection if you do not wear any footwear while walking in public places or even in locker rooms. While practice sessions or during the match, we may need to visit the locker rooms. During this, if we walk barefoot, then we are at risk.

4) Wearing tight footwear: Wearing tight footwear while playing is also one of the typical reasons. Try wearing the perfect size footwear.


Jock itch: Jock itch is familiar among people facing eczema or obesity issues. The jock itch is very similar to the ringworm infection. It is caused by the fungus, makes the infected area red, causes burning, feels like skin cracking, etc. Some tips for this infection are:

  1. Keep the body area clean: You must make some efforts to clean your body area. Hygiene is the key, and with it, we can avoid many skin infections. You must use your body clean by bathing every day. 
  2. Keeping the body areas dry: You must make sure that after washing every body part, use a clean towel to dry your body. Avoid using used towels, infected towels, or harsh towels to clean. If you do this, you are more at risk of this infection. 
  3. Use antifungal creams: You must use the antifungal cream on the infected area so that it can be treated at the earliest. The more we ignore the infection, the worse it will become. Once you have seen the beginning of the infection, you must use an ointment for the infection. 
  4. Read who is at risk: Some people who are at more risk of getting this infection are-

* Who prefers tight clothes: Those who prefer tight clothes are at risk of getting this infection. Wearing this type of clothes does not allow your skin to breathe, so we face such infections. They also irritate our skin and take the form of infection. 

* More sweating in private areas: We all know that we face more sweating when wearing tight clothes. In the summers, sweating is so common, and we cannot avoid it. We can take steps to minimize the chances of infection by keeping a check on hygiene. Make sure you wash that area with water to avoid sweat, smell, or infection. 

* Sharing clothes which are already suffering: In case you are exchanging clothes, towels, or other things with the ones who are already suffering from this infection, then you are also at risk. Make sure you use your towel or clothes to avoid such issues. People who sweat more should say no when someone asks them to share their things. So, with this, we can take a step forward to minimize the chances of this infection.

All these were details about the fungal infections we may get due to various reasons. We must take some steps to avoid or solve this issue, and this can be done with the help of Ketomac. It also offers the best fungi toe foot cream for these types of infections on the skin. This means with the regular or prescribed use of the ointment by Ketomac, we can treat it. Ketomac also offers other products, including the anti-dandruff shampoo for our hair. Along with the cream application, you need to check on your routine so that no wrong action can be taken. 


Ensure you maintain the proper hygiene in your body areas to avoid this infection. Try over-the-counter medications for this only after consulting the doctor. 


We all want to look flawless to have a unique personality from all. For this purpose, we must make our hair look good, have clear skin, and be well dressed. All these things can be done, but we need to put some effort into this. Haircare is mostly underestimated as none of us take it way too seriously. We all try to skip this part as we directly jump on washing our hair, and we think that is enough hair care.


But as our skin needs pampering, our hair too needs it. They are also very sensitive to direct sun rays, dust, pollution, etc. Many hair issues are emerging nowadays, and the reason behind this is the underrated hair care routine. We did not follow any hair-related routine, and that is why we are suffering from hair fall, thin hair, grey hairs, dandruff hair, etc. But now, we can make efforts to treat our hair with the help of Ketomac hair shampoo. You may have heard about the hair spa treatment as many of us want it done.


We are not aware of hair spa advantages and disadvantages, so we ignore them. There are so many benefits of this treatment that we must not miss in any case. A hair spa is just like a treatment that can nourish your hair and help you avoid some hair-related issues you are facing. This treatment involves some easy steps that are followed when done. These steps are as follows:


  1. Shampoo your hair: When you go to a hair spa salon, they start with shampooing your hair. Shampooing your hair is something significant before starting with any other step. The salon uses hair shampoo that suits your hair to wash your hair. It will take away the sweat, dust, and oil from your hair to begin the subsequent treatment.
  2. Applying a hair mask: Your hair also needs a hair mask as your skin needs. Applying a hair mask can be of many types as we can also prepare a hair mask at our home. But for the spa treatment, they use a hair mask that has a texture like a serum. This hair mask can help in nourishing and strengthen your hair.
  3. Massaging your hair: Massage is something that we all love. Massaging helps give us relief and some peace, which is why we feel ready to sleep when someone massages our hair. As much as we all love massages, our hair also loves massage. The massage is good for your hair as it can promote blood circulation. The hair massage also helps in boosting your hair growth.
  4. Steam for your hairs: A hair steam helps multiply the benefits of hair massage. It helps open the scalp pores as it will boost your scalp’s health. It helps in better absorbing the products applied to your scalp.
  5. Rinsing your hair: Now, rinse the hair properly after all the above steps. After rinsing, you will see how smooth your hair looks.


So, these above are the following steps of the hair spa treatment that makes your hair look perfect. Some of the known benefits of this treatment are:


  • Taking out the impurities: You can eliminate the impurities that are struck at your scalp. This means the impurities on the skin are making our hair look dull and lost. They can even create hair-related issues if they are not cleaned on time. The hair spa treatment helps wash off those impurities from the root so that they cannot affect your hair or scalp.
  • Promoting the blood flow: It is essential to promote the blood circulation of our scalp so that we don’t face any scalp-related issues. Massaging your hair and getting hair spa treatment will surely help n boosting the blood circulation level. That is why we all love to get that, as it provides instant relief.
  • For the hair moisturization: You must know that the hair spa treatment is known for offering the proper moisturization to your hair but also o your scalp. It helps avoid the problem of dry scalp that is causing white flakes on your scalp. It keeps your hair moisturized so as not to feel the roughness when you touch your hair. This means it has hydrating properties that hydrate your scalp and hair.
  • Solving the other hair-related issues: The hair spa treatment benefits are not only limited to moisturizing your hair, but it is also beneficial in solving many other hair issues. Some of them are:
  1. Solving the dandruff problem: Dandruff is one of the most irritating hair problems we all face. It makes us suffer from the white flakes that fall off our shoulders and is just equivalent to the embarrassment. But we need to solve this issue as soon as we face it so that it won’t become severe. You can try antidandruff shampoo for the dandruff problem as it is the best solution for your dandruff. The hair spa treatment can also help in treating your dandruff problem gradually.
  2. Reduces hair fall: The hair spa benefits also include the reduced hair fall problem that is irritating you forever. The problem of hair fall is common nowadays both males and females of all age groups suffer from it. The hair spa treatment provides strength to your hair and stops them from falling, and that is why they are best for the hair fall problem.
  3. Stronger and longer hairs: You must know one thing stronger hairs are a way for longer hairs. If your hairs are more robust, you will get longer hair soon. The stronger hair did not break too quickly, so we need spa treatment for the same. It avoids the breakage of hair.
  4. Reduces hair split ends: The split ends problem is also one of the most irritating hair issues. It makes your hair look rough.


So, all these are the benefits of the hair spa treatment, and you can’t miss it. You can also try doing this treatment at your home with the readily available ingredients. Starting with shampooing hairs, make a hair mask using egg, curd, olive oil, etc., ingredients, and then massage your hair using your favorite oil. Don’t forget to try desi-style steam using a hot water towel.


Try antidandruff shampoo by Ketomac and use it as a shampoo for smoothened hair. It can make your hair smooth, more robust, longer, and thicker. It includes Ketoconazole agents that will help in preventing the dandruff problem. You can use it in many ways as it is suitable for all hair types. You can even use it if you have oily hair, dandruff problem, rough hair, colored hair, etc. This means you need to pamper your hair with the best shampoo that can provide the correct nourishment and spa-like smoothness to your hair every time you wash your hair with it.




Our skin is exposed to so many pollutants and microorganisms every day. It’s the outer layer of our body that acts as a shield to our body organs, and that is why we can’t miss caring about it. The sensitive part of the body is also the skin which is prone to many infections when it comes in contact with various microorganisms or allergies. If we do not care about our skin, then we may face many concerns relating to it. Lip infection is one common skin infection that people around us face nowadays.


The fungal lip infection is caused by the fungi present on almost every surface that can make our skin infected. But some fungi can cause severe infections on our skin, and they must be treated correctly. There are fungal creams available, and you can try Ketomac’s cream for lip infection to treat it properly. You may have seen someone having cracks on the corners of their lips or mouth, which is known as fungal lip infection. The fungal infection on lips can also cause white patches or swelling on the skin area.


Those facing fungal lip infection also suffer from burning in the lip area or on the corner of the mouth. There can be many causes behind the lip fungal or oral thrush, and some of them are discussed as follows:


  • Using unclean dentures: If you are using any dentures, you need to make sure they are well clean. This problem is common in people of middle or old age or those having braces on their teeth. We may suffer from a fungal lip infection when we fail to keep the dentures clean. The most important thing is to maintain personal hygiene regardless of your body or mouth. This is even possible in the case of people visiting dentists so often as due to poor hygiene maintained at dentists, people may face this problem. This can even happen in the case when the dentures are poorly fitted, and it can cause discomfort in your mouth.
  • People having the habit of licking corners: Those who are in the habit of cracking the corners of their mouth using their teeth usually face a fungal lip infection. Many of us also lick our lips so often, which can be one of the reasons behind the lip fungal. Cracking corners can cause infection, so we need to quit our habit of licking or cracking our lip corners now.
  • Excessive smoking habit: The smoking habit is hazardous to our health, and still, many people are doing it. Smoking is only bad for our bodies but also our health. It can cause many health-related issues, including oral thrush or lip fungal. Smoking can ruin the condition of your lungs and cause further lip infections. It can make the lip area red, and you may feel difficulty eating anything. You need to quit this habit if you want to control your oral thrush infections.
  • A dry mouth issue: A problem of dry mouth is also one of the causes of this infection. Some people are having problems with chronic dry mouth in which their mouth does not produce adequate saliva, thus resulting in dry mouth. The dry mouth problem can cause an oral thrush infection. It can cause white patches on the corner of your lips, and these patches are also seen on the tongue.
  • Not using sterilized feeders: The problem of oral thrush is also common among infants or toddlers. There are more chances of oral thrush or fungal lip among them due to non-sterilized feeders. If the feeders of the infants are not sterilized well, then they may also suffer from this infection. It is essential to keep the feeders of kids appropriately sterilized to avoid any discomfort to them.
  • Common among people with diabetes: The problem of oral thrush or lip fungal infection is also common among people with diabetes. They are at risk of facing this problem more. They need to check their blood sugar level so that they don’t face this issue often.
  • Eating a high sugary diet: One of the causes of facing this infection is consuming a high sugary diet. You need to check your diet so that you don’t face this. Ensure you do not consume more sugar as too much sugar is bad for our health.


So, all these are some of the causes of the fungal lip infection you are facing. The symptoms of this infection can be different for all. Some experience the white patches, whereas some face the cracking corners of the mouth, and so on. Easy steps to avoid this infection are:


  1. Proper hygiene: Make sure you maintain the proper hygiene level of your mouth as required. Don’t forget to clean your mouth, outer lip area, and tongue. If you fail to do this, you will probably face this issue.
  2. Cleaning dentures well: If you are using any dentures, you have to make sure that they are clean before use. The unclean dentures can also worsen the lip infection, and that is why you need to clean them before adequately putting them in your mouth.
  3. Keeping feeders of babies sterilized: If you have infants or toddlers at your home, you must sterilize their feeders or milk bottles well. Failing to do this can also cause oral thrush problems in them. If you notice the white patches that look like humps on the tongue of your babies, then you must see the doctor well before.
  4. Using the best antifungal lip cream: You can try many solutions available, but don’t forget to use the best antifungal cream for this.


Keeping all these things will surely help prevent or avoid the fungal lip infection, so you can’t ignore them. Ketomac is offering antifungal lip ointment for fungal infections. It has antifungal agents that can stop the growth of the fungus so that it won’t scatter more on your skin. It is also used for yeast infections on your skin. The ketoconazole component in the cream helps minimize the infection growth and kill the fungi that are causing this infection. You must consult a doctor before using this to use it in the best way possible.


Ketomac also offers other products like antidandruff shampoo, cream for fungal, and Ketoconazole tablets. You can also try other products as they are problem-specific and help treat stubborn issues. So, use Ketomac’s fungal cream for lips as prescribed by the doctor for a consistent time to see the results. Also, try the easy remedies to get temporary relief from this problem.


Custom Software Development Company: What Does It Do And What Are The Benefits?


A lot of established businesses and organizations find hiring a custom application development company very beneficial for multiple reasons. Businesses try to achieve their objectives while working under strict financial constraints. Moreover, businesses cannot take chances to sacrifice quality for the sake of efficiency. This is the reason businesses seek the outsourcing of customized app development.


Working with a custom software development company from outside your company can provide several advantages. Outsourcing your complex app development to a multidisciplinary custom software development company can help you complete the development work on time, reduce the cost of the development and provide with you another set of wheels in your speed and execution.


When a business decides to outsource a custom application development project to a third party, they have to worry about the quality of the project, budget, and deadlines as the business owner. Several software development companies provide custom software solutions for businesses, but only some can provide them with the desired results.


We will explain why businesses should consider hiring a custom application development company and how they can help your business in multiple ways.


Recruitment models for a custom application development company


Hiring a custom application development company can be very simple or complex, but several hiring models are contemplated. You’ll need to figure out which model fulfills your app development requirements.


The following are some of the most popular models that businesses choose while hiring an external software development company for their project.


On land


When a business chooses a custom application development in the same country or region like theirs, they are establishing an Onshore model or strategy. Such a thing allows them to visit the outsourced development company and talk to them in person.


In such a type of custom application development company, the advantages of quality assurance and control are significant, but there are also some disadvantages. There may be a small stack of technology and few resources or experience; however, they can visit the development company and see how things are progressing by themselves.


In high sea


When you select an offshore-based custom application development company, it is known as onshore outsourcing. In such cases, you outsource custom software development to a company based in another country.


One of the significant advantages of using an offshore software development company is that it is much cheaper than hiring an onshore company. In addition, the time difference allows you to work 24 hours a day. Also, you are free to choose to hire in any country based on your location.


However, distance can be a significant barrier to communication and collaboration, but it can be overcome with remote work technologies.


Why businesses should hire a custom application development company


Outsourcing custom application development to a well-established company is a wise choice for businesses for a few critical reasons. Businesses can use it to achieve their digital transformation goals while minimizing risks and maintaining a cost-saving mindset, which is great news for organizations based in the USA.


Albeit businesses are well aware of the significance of considering all scenarios, working with software developers outside of your company can bring several advantages.


Contract-based custom application development and working with competent multi-disciplined developers can help you complete projects on short notice, reduce labor costs and enhance the speed of development execution. The following are the top five reasons why you should consider hiring a custom application development company:


  1. Cost-effectiveness h


It’s not a good idea to squander money on things that have less expensive alternatives. Hiring an in-house team for your custom application development isn’t cheap. You must pay your employees’ wages at the market level in your place of work, as well as various other labor-related expenses, such as taxes and insurance. As of April 2022, the median annual developer salary in the United States is $80,018 ( Glassdoor).


  1. Hiring stress


Hiring app developers can be complicated, especially if you are doing it for the first time. You will need to find people with a suitable skill set. Still, you need to provide adequate working conditions to prevent your in-house developers from leaving before a custom application development project is complete.


If you’ve discovered the business challenges of integrating new team associates into the continued project, you have to decide to pursue a different career path. As a result, lack of hiring stress is among the most common reasons businesses outsource their Custom application development requirements.


  1. Agile project management


The agile development methodology is undoubtedly the most significant benefit for businesses to consider while collaborating with an external app development company for their project. Such a thing allows them to assess and modify the progress of their project, which is ideal for adaptive projects.


  1. Maintenance and support


Have you ever been part of a project that was only halfway through when you noticed you had left out something very essential in the job description? It can be annoying, but you will also need to pay a hefty sum of money to the internal team to change it.


At the same time, working with a custom application development ensures continuous software development service and service even after project completion.


  1. Access experienced developers


Custom application development businesses are here to provide high-quality custom development services. To do so, they require professional software developers. The best app development companies have years of combined experience collaborating with startups on successful projects.


Wrapping up 


Having an organized, custom application development team, with initiative and ideas that contribute is the best thing that can happen to you. If you want custom application development for your company at Trigent, we can help you! You will save a considerable amount of money and time if you trust our IT company. What are you waiting for?



The microorganisms are present almost everywhere, and we can’t stop being where they are. They are present in abundance, and not all of them are dangerous for our skin or body. But some can affect our skin and can cause many infections. It is necessary to check our skin so that we don’t face many skin-related issues. But the thing is, we usually ignore our skin’s health and do not find a solution for our problems. The skin is sensitive is exposed to those microorganisms.


The infections can be bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. But one which is more likely to affect your skin is fungal infections. They can affect any part of your body, but most importantly, the one with the high moist. One bad thing about the fungi is that it starts making their home in one place and do not leave quickly. You need to take oral medication and require fungal ointment for this purpose. The fungal infections are jock itch, nail fungus, lip fungus, athlete foot, etc.


Nail fungus is a common infection that many of us face but are unaware of it. The nail fungus can be caused due to the fungi making a home on your nails and giving you many symptoms. Some of the symptoms that can be visible of the toenail fungus are:


  1. Thickened nails: You may notice your nails’ thickness makes them look weird. The nail fungal infection can make your nails thick than the usual nails, and this is the first symptom that you may notice in your toenails if you are nail fungus.
  2. Change in the color of nails: The next thing is the changed nail color due to the severe nail fungus. It can make your nail color yellow or blue.
  3. The crumbly nail edges: You may also notice the crumbliness on your nail edges that makes them ill-shaped.
  4. A bad odor: The severe nail fungus also makes your nail smell foul.
  5. Pain in nails: The following common symptoms are the pain in nails. Even when your nail touches any surface or even your bottom wear, you may face the pain.


All these are the symptoms that you may notice, and you must ignore them in any case as they are the initial starting of the toenail fungus. One more fungal infection in your feet, known as athlete’s foot, will affect the skin. We need to follow many preventive steps to get rid of this infection quickly. Here is what you must try for sure:


  • Washing feet correctly: One thing that we all should do is to wash our feet regularly without missing any day. Washing your feet using soap and wear will help maintain the proper hygiene that may help prevent the nail fungal infection. Whenever you come back home, you must wash your feet as your feet’ skin may contact the dust or dirt that can affect the nails.
  • Keep hands clean after touching toenails: You must wash your hands or sanitize them properly when you touch the infected nails. Moreover, you must avoid touching the nails so often that the infection does not scatter and become adverse. If you are touching your nails to apply ointment or anything, keep your hands clean.
  • Keeping the nails intact: You must keep your toenails in the right shape by trimming them with a nail cutter. If you stop doing this, then they will even become more ill-shaped. Not only this, but also use a nail filer to trim or shape the edges of the nails as well. You may need a large nail cutter for infected fungal nails as the nail becomes thicker when infected with the fungus.
  • Use a disinfectant on the nail trimmer: We all know that the fungal infection may spread if the others also use the infected nail trimmer on their nails. This means you need to disinfect it after every use. Or you can also keep a separate nail cutter if you are suffering from a nail fungal infection. So, if anyone at your home already has nail fungal, you must stop sharing the nail trimmers, footwear, etc., with them.
  • Use disinfectant in your footwear: Repeatedly, it can worsen the infection when you wear the infected footwear. You must wash your old shoes or use a disinfectant on your shoes. Wearing the same old infected shoes will not help as the fungus may be present in them, and it can again transfer to your nails. So, take care of these small things if you want to get rid of the toenail fungus quickly.
  • The oral medications or antifungal: If you have severe or even mild nail fungal infection, you need oral medication to treat it. You must see a doctor get the medications referred to take them. Avoid taking any oral medication without the doctor’s reference. As the fungal medications should be taken only according to the severity of the infection, always consult a doctor before.
  • Using antifungal ointments: You need to use the best antifungal cream for toenails to treat the nail fungus. The nail fungus needs antifungal agents that can kill the fungi residing on the nails and cause nail infection. The fungi can also affect the skin between the nail and the foot. That fungal infection is known as an athlete’s foot. Apply a layer of antifungal cream on the infected nail and nearby skin so that it can heal and kill the fungi.
  • Please consult a doctor: One thing that we should not ignore in any case is to consult a skin specialist who also looks out for nail infections. Consulting a doctor can guide you on which medications to take, how to use an ointment, and other prescriptions. So, don’t forget to consult a doctor first before taking any step further on your own.


All these above-discussed points will be beneficial in quickly treating the toenail fungus which you are suffering. Many ointments are also available in the market, but Ketomac offers the best antifungal cream for nails and our skin. The antifungal cream by Ketomac can also be used to treat ringworm, jock itch, yeast infections, and many other fungal infections. It can stop the fungi growth that is making the infection severe. After stopping its growth, it will slowly kill the fungi causing the infection.


You need to check on your nails that either there is any difference on not. You will not be able to see the results in a shorter time; instead, it will take a long to cure the fungal infection. The fungi did not leave their home sooner, and that is why it will take time to cure. So, keep using the antifungal ointment with patience, and you will see the results.



If you are also experiencing problems relating to your hair, this is quite normal. We often become hyper just because we face dandruff or hair loss problem. But instead of being hyper, we need to know the different specific causes behind those problems. Everyone around faces hair-related problems, but the thing is, some suffer the severe hair loss issue, whereas some are facing the light hair fall. But the hair issues list does not end with just hair fall problems. Instead, it goes a little longer, including hair loss, grey hair, dandruff, psoriasis, etc.


All these are somehow attached to our hair, so we can’t neglect these issues. If you face these hair issues, you should consider ketoconazole tablets for hair loss problems. It is never so easy to take care of your hair as we all are not having enough time to do that. But if we have some excellent hair care products available to us, we can do that. Try Ketomac antidandruff shampoo or Ketaconazole tablets for this. You did not face the hair loss problem overnight. And instead, it keeps on frustrating you many times.


Here are some of the reasons why you may experience the problem of hair loss more as compared to the others. Take a look:


  • The hormonal imbalances: The hair loss problem can be due to hormonal imbalances or changes. Our body experiences hormonal changes, and this is so common. But not all face the same consequences of the hormonal changes as the symptoms of this can be different in different bodies. The hormonal changes may include the growth of facial hairs, acne, heavier voice, hair loss problem, etc. So, we can say this is one of the reasons for this problem.
  • Result of a surgery or other ailment: If you have gone through any surgery in your past or face a severe ailment, then you may also experience a hair loss problem. We cannot say it particularly, but the studies say that people who have undergone surgery or are suffering from some health ailments may also suffer from hair loss. This can result from anything that has been used under the procedure.
  • Effect of the particular medications: If you are taking medications, you must know that the hair loss problem can be one of the causes or the effects of those medications. Some medications may have an adverse effect on your body or hair and may cause hair loss or hair fall problems. Medications like anti-depressants may also cause the same problem.
  • The lazy lifestyle: We may also face hair-related concerns if we do not maintain a healthy lifestyle. An active lifestyle is a key to a healthy and happy life and vice versa. You need to keep yourself active throughout the day to make the best use of your body. Eat healthily, exercise every day, and go for a walk. Eat your greens, and so on. The absence of all this may invite many health and hair-related issues.
  • Too much-stressing environment: If you live in a too stressful environment, you may face hair-related and skin-related issues as well. A stressful lifestyle can have an adverse impact on our skin, health, and hair. It counts the physical and mental stress that you are suffering from.
  • Unfilled nutritive requirements: Our body needs nutrients and minerals to keep itself working. It helps our immune system work properly so that it can fight against common infections or other concerns. If you face continuous hair fall or hair loss, it can be due to the lack of nutritional values in your body. Lack of vitamin d, iron, zinc, etc., in your body may also make you face hair issues. You can consult a doctor and start taking supplements or tablets like Ketoconazole tablets by Ketomac.
  • Using rugged products on your hair: If you use hair styling products on your hair more often, you can’t complain about your falling hair. Hair loss is a problem that can be due to harsh products on your hair. It can make hair weak & it may start falling. It includes hair gels, sprays, heating appliances, and many other tools that are making your hair weak. The hairstyling products include toxins that can affect your hair and its growth. So, Ensure you do not use them regularly.
  • Dandruff problems: If you have dandruff problems, you may also suffer from hair loss. Severe dandruff can make your face hair fall. So, treat I suing antidandruff shampoo by Ketomac.


So, all these are some reasons for facing the hair loss problem more often. These reasons collectively contribute to the hair issues like hair fall or hair loss. But our concern is not limited to only knowing the reasons. But it is also attached to finding solutions for the same. So, here are some ways to treat the problem of hair loss.


  • Taking a balanced diet: You need to consume nutrient-rich food so that your body’s nutritional requirements can be fulfilled. Add greens, fruits, pulses, milk, cheese, yogurt, etc., to your diet. All these foods are good for your hair.
  • Not ignoring the hair issues: You don’t have to ignore the hair concerns as and when they happen initially. Ignoring the hair issues initially will make them severe at later stages. Try to treat them when they happen.
  • Don’t do over brushing: The brushing technique also contributes to hair problems. If you use uneven and harsh combing techniques, you may face the hair concerns more. There is a need to do soft combing of your hair so that it won’t fall. Hurting your hair by doing harsh combing will result in hair fall, weak hair, and thin hair, so avoid doing this.
  • Try Ketoconazole tablets: One thing that can help contribute to your hair’s health is Ketoconazole tablets. They are keeping your hair strong and stopping them from falling.


You must try these tablets by Ketomac for your hair. They not only prevent the hair loss problem but also help solve other scalp-related issues. They are suitable for seborrhea dermatitis, tinea infections, psoriasis, etc. Now, even the Ketoconazole is used for making shampoos so that they can keep the hair issues away. They have multiple uses, which is why they are used in shampoos and other hair products. People facing extreme baldness can also use these tablets for their hair loss. Hair strengthening should be one of the concerns that we should not ignore. We need to make sure that we keep our hair nourished and strong.


We all know how sensitive our skin is, which is why it is exposed to many infections and all. After skin, our lips are the next most sensitive part of our body, and they, too, are exposed to infections that may include fungal infections. So, now you might say that fungal infections are only specific to the skin or nails like ringworm, athlete’s foot, etc., then you are wrong. The lip area is also prone to fungal infection, especially the corners of the lips.


You might have seen the cracked lips or corners of the mouth that may be very painful. There can be many different symptoms that showcase the fungal lip infection we face. It includes cracked lip corners, swelled sides of lips, and white patches on lips or tongue. It can be termed oral thrush, fungal lip infection, or angular cheilitis. There are so many reasons why we face this issue, and nothing happens overnight. It is our actions that make us suffer these infections.


Earlier it was challenging to find a suitable antifungal cream that you can use for yeast or fungal infection, but you can use antifungal lip ointment by Ketomac. Some of the reasons why we face this problem are:


  1. Lack of oral hygiene: We all know it is essential to maintain oral hygiene in the same way as we keep our body hygiene. Failure to do this will make us suffer from such infections.
  2. Smoking habit: Having the habit of smoking itself invites so many health-related problems that we can’t miss in any case. Excessive smoking also causes fungal lip infection due to the ill effects of the smoke near the sensitive lip area.
  3. Cracking corners of the lip using teeth: Many of us are in the habit of doing this, which can be one of the causes of this problem. Avoid licking or biting your lip corners.


So, the causes can be so many, but we need to take a step forward to prevent this infection or try some helpful ways by which we can get some relief. Here is a guide on its treatment and prevention:


  • Make changes in your diet- We all know how important it is to make changes in your diet and lifestyle if you want to live a healthy life. It is applicable here. Also, you must add nutritious food to your diet to avoid this infection. Try the vitamin supplements or go for the natural consumption of the food rich in these vitamins to help fulfill the nutritional requirement in your body. People with a deficiency of nutritional requirements face this problem more than others.
  • Go for the oral treatments: You need to go for the oral treatments to get your problem solved. You must visit a doctor if the infection seems to be severe. There is a need to use antifungals and antibiotics to cure this infection. It would help if you used Ketomac’s antifungal ointment for lips to cure this infection. You may also need some oral medications for severe infection, so consult a doctor for that.
  • Maintaining proper hygiene: The hygiene part is essential to take care of your health. Once you stop maintaining your hygiene, you will start facing many skin-related infections. Avoid biting or licking your lips more often, as it will surely help. Make sure you do not have dry mouth or lips and keep yourself hydrated.
  • Try some natural remedies for this purpose: You can also try the natural remedies or use kitchen ingredients that can help you get relief from this infection. Try these-
  1. Using Aloe Vera: Yes, you heard it right. Aloe Vera can also help cure this infection and make the corners softer. You can try a fresh gel of Aloe Vera plant on the corners of your lips. Let it sit for some minutes, and then use a wipe to clear it off.
  2. Using honey: Honey is the next helping ingredient that we can easily find in our kitchen. Honey has properties that can kill the microorganisms that are causing infections. It will also help moisturize the infected part rather than making it complicated. So, gently apply honey to the corners of your lips and wait for the magic.
  3. Use coconut oil: The coconut oil, especially virgin one, has many benefits for our skin and health. The coconut oil is good for wounds, and it soothes the infection. Try virgin or edible coconut oil on the infected area of your lips.
  4. Use cocoa butter: You may have heard about cocoa butter which has properties to moisturize and repair skin cells. You can use cocoa butter or moisturizer and apply it to the infected part.
  5. Drink water: Drink enough tons of water to be hydrated. This infection is mainly due to the dryness of the mouth or lips and can be cured by staying hydrated. So, keep yourself hydrated all the time.
  • Use antifungal cream: You need to use the best antifungal ointment to curb the yeast or fungal infection. You can trust one to use antifungal lip treatment by Ketomac. It has all the antifungal compounds required to kill the fungus and the other bacteria causing infections. So, use the antifungal cream on your skin to curb this infection.
  • Quit smoking now: If you are suffering from this infection, you need to quit smoking now. You are unaware of how smoking kills you from the inside and ruins your body organs. You must stop this now and quit smoking; otherwise, this infection will not be cured easily.


So, all these above-discussed points are so helpful in curing the fungal lip infection, and that is why you need to try all these ways in some or other ways so that you can get relief quickly. Ketomac offers the best antifungal treatments that we all need to cure our fungal infections. The antifungal ointment by the Ketomac can be used for curing fungal infections like yeast infections, ringworm, athlete’s foot, jock itch, nail fungus, etc.


It has the best antifungal agents that are meant for this purpose. You can use the antifungal ointment by Ketomac as prescribed by the doctor or on the cream. It is for external use only, so use accordingly. It will help repair the cell membranes affected by the fungal infection. Ketomac also offers other products like Ketoconazole tablets, antidandruff shampoo, etc., that you need to solve your hair-related issues. So, apply antifungal cream for lip fungal on the affected area to treat the infection quickly. So, buy it now.


Any type of imperfection on the skin is unwanted. Especially when it comes to the unsightly blemishes, they can be emotionally upsetting. Blemish is a loose or broad term used for any skin mark, and it can even be a whitehead, blackhead, a pustule, age spots, or even a post-acne mark.


Most of the blemishes on your skin are non-threatening, yet some could signal some underlying medical problem. Almost everyone will experience a blemish in their overall lifetime.


Indeed, once you know about the blemish you have, you can check out ketomac cream in Hindi to ensure you use it and get rid of your marks. Also, there are natural ways that help you remove your skin blemishes. The point is simple; if you are experiencing or suffering from odd blemishes and wish a problem-free skin, then this post will be helpful for you.


Talking about blemishes, they refer to any spot, that of the mark, flaw or skin discolouration left behind because of acne, whiteheads, blackheads or even pimples. They can grow or develop anywhere on the skin but mostly on your face, back, upper arms, chest, or any body part with hair follicles or open pores. Face blemishes are somewhat a common occurrence in most individuals.


How should you know if you have Blemish-Prone Skin?

Below are the common signs of blemish-prone skin:

– Rough skin tone

– Itching or skin irritation

– Skin discolouration

– Appearance of pimples that are inflamed and painful

– Brown or even reddish patches on the skin

– Inflammation of your skin

– Alteration in skin texture from soft to rough

– Dryness of your skin

– Outbreak of pus from the bumps on your face


Types of blemishes you should know about 

Blemish is an inclusive term and can have numerous types, as you know. Generally, scars left behind by acne lesions are somewhat one of the most common facial blemishes. A few of the other blemishes that occur on skin areas:


– Acne Marks – Scars emerge as an outcome of damage caused to the dermis layer of your skin. Anything that triggers the skin to open, such as a pimple or an injury, can lead to scarring.

Blackhead is an open area that occurs when the plug (formed up of sebum and dead skin cells) enlarges and expands the pore.

Whitehead: Whiteheads are somewhat closed comedowns as they are covered with skin different from blackheads. They mostly appear red and tender, with their tips packed with pus.

Papules are somewhat small to medium-sized bumps on the skin that are dome-shaped. Bumps can be purple, brown, pink or red in the shade and cluster into a popular type of rash.

Nodular Acne Nodules are vast and painful bumps extending somewhat more profound into the skin. The nodules are somewhat more solid and massive than papules in size. They, most of the time, leave scars on the skin. Some examples of nodules are somewhat skin tags and warts.

– Melasma Spots – Melasma is somewhat an ordinary emergence during pregnancy. They look brownish and occur because of hormonal changes and sun exposure.

– Acne Pustules – Pustules are somewhat lesions with a white or yellow base because of the accumulation of pus. They are developed when oil, bacteria, and even dirt get trapped inside the pores of the skin, fascinating blood cells to combat the infection.

– Sebaceous Cysts – these cysts are sac-like structures made up of oil, bacteria, white blood cells, and red blood cells. These could last for months and need advanced treatment. Different kinds of cysts include – epidermoid cysts, ganglion cysts, and even sebaceous cysts.

– Pigmented Blemishes – now Hyperpigmentation is a condition that is characterized by the appearance of dark patches or uneven skin tone because of overproduction of melanin.

– Age Spots or Liver Spots – Age spots are somewhat usually small, dark spots that can come up anywhere on the body that has been exposed to somewhat the sun. They are a standard sort of Hyperpigmentation and mainly occur in people over 50 but may also occur in younger age groups.



Not just is honey used to make dull skin radiant, but it is even known to bleach skin, hence reducing the appearance of dull spots. Antibacterial in nature keeps overall acne-causing bacteria at a distance while locking in the skin’s moisture. Honey can even be used in several face masks to make your skin glow. Adding a spritz of lemon to the honey mixture works wonders for your tired, dull skin while diminishing blemishes and pigmentation.


Lemon Juice 

Popularly used for its overall natural bleaching properties, lemon juice is used far and wide in face scrubs and overall masks to brighten skin. Sun damage mostly leads to pigmentation and blemishes; Vitamin C-rich lemon juice gets rid of the dead type of skin cells, and its antiseptic type of properties work to keep bacteria and infections at a distance. Of course, some amount of lemon juice daily, and you will get the best results in the form of removal of your blemishes. However, remember that you don’t forget to dilute lemon juice as it could be pretty harsh on your skin if used as-is.


Cocoa Butter

Apart from being a fragrant moisturizer, cocoa butter even helps lighten dark blemishes slowly. The creamy formula hydrates your skin, and it’s common knowledge that a healthy dose of that of moisturizing works towards repairing skin and even, in turn, lightening it.


Baking Soda

Though baking soda directly on the skin is somewhat not recommended, blending the same with water and applying it on blemishes aids in removing the appearance of the same. Baking soda has bleaching properties that work actively to diminish pigmentation. Apart from tackling pigmentation, it even fights acne and blackheads and removes dead skin cells.


Egg white can help 

A rich source of protein & amino acids, egg whites flush out bacteria while fending off the overall formation of bacteria. Egg whites absorb excess oil to dry up pimples and work towards diminishing pigmentation in the shape of blemishes. Beaten egg whites reduce discolouration, even out the overall skin tone, and make the absolute skin firm.



Being a bleaching agent & rich in starch, potatoes, or potato juice diminishes skin discolouration and blemishes. This root includes an enzyme called catecholate that accelerates healthy skin growth. In this way, potatoes can work wonders for you. Make sure that you use potato juice directly on the blemish to lighten it.



To sum up, you can try out even a ketomac tube to ensure that you get rid of your blemishes, and it is going to work effectively and in a safe manner. Once you stay consistent with your skincare, you will see no marks or blemishes on your skin anymore.






Most individuals do face or experience diverse types of skin conditions. Do you feel you should do anything about the skin issues you encounter? If you are not taking care of your skin, it might be a problem. Take proper measures to ensure your skin stays healthy, clean, safe, and even most importantly, smooth.


Have you ever heard about the situations of fungal infections? Well, these are somewhat common across much of the natural world. This infection comes up when incursive fungus takes over an area or a specific part of the body and is much or extreme for the overall immune system to deal with. Of course, you can quickly identify fungal infection if it takes place with you. And the great news is that you can consume medicines and apply them to your problem. You can try out the ketomac tablet, and it will help you with your skin or fungus infection for sure.


You must understand that fungi can breed in air, soil, water, and plants. Even a couple of fungi live naturally in the overall body of human beings. Such diverse kinds of microbes, there are assistive fungi and even harmful fungi. Once harmful fungi attack your overall body, they become challenging to kill, as they could actually live in the environment and even re-infect the victim who could be trying to turn out to be better.


Quick symptoms everyone must know. 

It would get convenient for you to discover fungal skin infections. The signs of a fungal infection are just going to depend on the kind, but common symptoms can be like:


– Skin alters, encompassing red and possibly cracking or that of even peeling skin

– Extreme or severe itching


Kinds of conditions you should know 

The following are the conditions you can take as general fungal infections.


Athlete’s foot

Tinea pedis, also called athlete’s foot, is a general type of fungal infection that influences the foot. Athletes’ foot is usually linked to sports and athletes because the fungus grows perfectly in warm, moist, or soggy environments, like sports equipment, stockings and shoes, and locker rooms. In truth, any person can get affected by an athlete’s foot. It is even most common in warmer climates and during the summer times, and it is the time when it gets the chance to multiply.


Symptoms you should know about 

The symptoms of this fungus condition on an athlete’s foot might differ slightly from person to person. A few of the most specific symptoms are like:


– The squeezed skin might be soft, or layers may start breaking down.

– Redness or blisters on the impacted area

– Cracking or even that of peeling skin

– The skin could scale and peel away

– Stinging, itching, or even burning sensations in the affected area


Athletes’ foot is mainly treated with topical antifungal ointments or tablets that are available too; purchase over-the-counter or online.

You can also come across the tablets that are particularly for this type of fungal infection. Severe infections can ask for additional oral medications as well. The feet are even going to require being cared for and kept dry to help kill the fungus. Prevention techniques may enable the feet plenty of air to breathe and keep them unblemished and dry. It would be good to wear sandals when in public rooms or shower areas.


Yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infections are a simple kind of Candida overgrowth in females; mainly, it is activated by Candida albicans. An overgrowth of Candida interrupts the expected balance of the bacteria and yeast in the zone of the vagina. This is the imbalance of bacteria that might even be because of antibiotics, stress, and even hormones imbalances, or bad eating habits, in the centre of other types of things. Candida infections may even commonly trigger fungal toenail infections and diaper rash.


Quick things to know 

These are such as:

– Burning feelings or extreme pain during the time of urination or even that of intercourse

– Itching and swelling near your vagina

– Redness and soreness on and rotating the overall vagina

– Unusual type of discharge from the vagina, like that of gravy clumps that look like cottage cheese or extremely watery discharge

A rash might grow gradually in some cases. Yeast infections should get treated rapidly, as the signs can even prove to be severe in case left unnoticed. You should dodge yeast infections if you begin a balanced diet and a good level of hygiene. If you choose to wear natural fibre dresses or clothes, that would be much helpful for you.


 Jock itch

Tinea cruris, even called jock itch, is one type of general fungal skin infection. These fungi love warm and humid environments and thrive in moist areas of the body, like the buttocks, groin, and even inner thighs. Jock itch might even be quite common in summer or in that warm, moist areas of the world. Jock itch is contagious and is even most of the time spread through direct contact with an infected person or even an object that owns the fungus.


Signs you should know. 

Jock itch grows on your body as a red, itchy rash that most of the time includes a circular type of shape to it. The signs are:

– Redness in your buttocks, groin, or even that of your thighs

– Rubbing, much itching, irritation, or burning sensation in infected zones

– A red rash in a circle shape and having raised edges

– Cracking, flaking, or even dry peeling of the skin in an infected area


Treating jock itch most of the time involves topical antifungal ointments and even tablets like Ketomac. You should ensure proper hygiene to make sure that you experience healing. This type of medication is an antifungal agent that is specifically prescribed for athletes’ feet, jock itch, and even other infections. It interferes with the overall establishment or formation of the fungal cell membrane and entirely kills the fungal.


These tablets mostly have Ketoconazole that works to remove the yeast and fight the fungus infection. It could even lessen testosterone levels. It comes as a tablet to take via the mouth, and you can take it with or without meals. It even comes as a cream to apply topically. The oral dose range is somewhat 200-400 mg regularly. Topical formulations must be administered over affected areas once or even twice daily.




Check out the tab ketomac and ensure that you consume it regularly to eliminate any fungus infection. If any medication does not work, it could be because you may be taking some other medicines, and talking to a professional health expert could be helpful.


Times are no longer there when you used to worry and tense about dandruff in your hair or overall hair loss. It is the right time to grow above your hair issues and grip the hair quality with both your hands. There must be no reason for you to panic about your hair issues shortly. You can confidently count on Ketoconazole products, and they are going to get your hair the smoothness, safety, and appeal they desire.


Even if you are experiencing dandruff issues, you can embrace the suitable shampoos for healing. Check out the ketoconazole shampoo price in India, and you will find a perfect remedy for sure. It is time to be confident that your hair is in safe hands. Remember, nobody will like to avoid their youth, but if you are not taking care of your hair, you might be overlooking your youth. Are you going to relish that you have dandruff filled hair extensively? Come on; you need to pick the finest possible shampoos for your hair care and get rid of the problems troubling you.


You know what; most the individuals in the present time are losing their youth because of their hair problems. Come on; you cannot simply permit it to happen to you. Nobody looks forward to losing the charm and quality of their hair. If you want to save the charm, productivity, and even the glamour of your hair throughout your life, you must glue to a qualitative shampoo.


What to know about ketoconazole, and how does it aid in treating hair loss?

Ketoconazole in shampoos, most of the time used to remove or eliminate scalp conditions such as dandruff and hair fall. It does such by simply removing fungi and yeasts that accumulate on the scalp by interfering with their cell membranes. Ketomac is somewhat a development of ketoconazole that gets used for hair care, and it eradicates fungi and yeasts by prying with their cell crusts. If you think that you need to embrace such a shampoo as soon as possible, then go for simply Ketoconazole shampoo for your dandruff. It is a robust Ketomac shampoo with all the ingredients blended with ketoconazole that keep your hair in good shape.


You know what; it is not simply about your dandruff issue but about other things too. Now, ketoconazole is considered helpful as an anti-fungal type of medication. It can here be effective in stimulating new hair growth in case you suffer from the condition of androgenetic alopecia. You know, androgenetic alopecia is even called male and female pattern baldness, and it is the main reason for hair loss in both men and women. It should be noted that it is much more usual in men. And yes, remember that presently, there is data to say that ketoconazole averts baldness or certainly regrows hair decisively. However, the scientific indication that is currently available does show quantifiable improvements in hair growth when people make use of ketoconazole shampoo. But the good news is it is offering much help to people, and the users are satisfied with it.


Experts have found and thoroughly experienced that shampoos or hair loss things that possess ketoconazole are good quality products.


You can easily make use of the Ketoconazole shampoo for your hair issues. In case you have been unfulfilled because every time you comb your hair, the hair cracks and falls, no more tears then. Such shampoos possess an innate talent of giving you instant relief from any unwelcome bulk of hair locks that wither untimely. Many individuals feel that they will go bald anytime soon, and if they are not doing anything, the hair certainly will. But the excellent news is that in the presence of Ketomac shampoos, one can easily escape any such issue without a single wrinkle on their broad forehead.


Keeps Dandruff at a Bay 

As ketoconazole treats the issue of seborrheic dermatitis, it has much been used as an anti-dandruff shampoo ingredient. You could probably wish to consider adding a ketoconazole shampoo to your hair care stock if you have spotted even a smidgen of dandruff developing on your neck and shoulders. After all, it is always better to be good, healthy, and safe than to be sorry. You can find a good experience level when you have the finest solutions. Also, remember that ketoconazole is effective only if you are using it regularly. It is not that you make use see it once in a while, and search for outcomes. You require using it at least two times a week for a satisfying outcome.


There is a tendency for people that they use shampoos only once a month, and they then expect the things to go wonderful. You need to understand that your intake so many things in your day-to-day life and there is much pollution in the surroundings that your hair will get affected heavily. If you are not washing your hair frequently, you might be hitting your head with an axe. When you keep your hair in the best shape with the right products of Ketomac, you can be definite that your hair and scalp are safe and clean.


Robust influences of ketoconazole

Apart from removing fungi, ketoconazole is even assistive in countering the influence of dihydrotestosterone in people who have androgenetic alopecia. It turns out to be helpful for your hair care and gives you a cosy experience. You can conveniently use ketoconazole shampoo at the dosage prescribed by the doctor or even that of a hair specialist. Indeed, if you are using Ketomac shampoos, you can easily use them without any special permission.


The brand offers contentment. When you use shampoos like Ketoconazole shampoo for your hair loss, ensure it stays on your head for five to six minutes before rinsing it. If you want quality outcomes, then you should use shampoo regularly. But yes, remember, it nowhere means that you start giving yourself a head wash every day. Remember to wash your hair with any good quality shampoo minimum once and maximum of three times a week.


Quite a dry scalp 

If you think that your scalp gets dried up so soon and some dots start to wither from there, you must take a step. Such dryness enhances extensive dandruff, and if you are not taking a good step, it will not be suitable for your overall hair care. A dry scalp will harm your hair in the gravest ways. Just do proper oiling of your hair from time to time and apply quality shampoo to wash the hair. Hence, your hair would be healthy and safe.



So, check out the keto shampoo for the dandruff price and ensure that you have a perfect hair experience.


Like your body, even your hair goes through a lot and requires. It can lead to hair fall, dryness, extensive dandruff, dullness, and split ends. One of the manners to shower some love on your hair is by simply opting for a hair spa. If you are also planning to give it a try spa but are not sure, this blog will help you make up your decision.


Once you walk through some of the benefits of a hair spa, you can be sure that you make the most of your hair care. However, if you are wondering about what a hair spa is, then it is a rejuvenating therapy that makes hair lustrous and smooth, and it instantly de-stresses and calms your mind. The general steps of a hair spa encompass an oil massage, hair mask, shampoo, and conditioning.


Conditioning of hair 

One of the prime benefits of hair spa treatments is that they simply deep condition the hair. The products that get used for hair spas at the salon or even at home are meant to add a good level of hydration to the hair to turn out to be smooth and shiny.


It aids in Repair Hair Damage.

Your hair can become damaged because of colouring, heat styling, the wrong type of diet, stress, pollution etc. Regular hair spa treatments aid in moisturizing and strengthening hair, making your hair appear shiny and healthy.


Enhance Blood Circulation in the Scalp

Head massage, a crucial part of a hair spa procedure, stimulates overall blood circulation in your scalp, making it easier for hair follicles to get nutrients and oxygen. It leads to a healthy scalp, enhancement in hair texture, and overall growth.


Relieves Stress & Relaxes the Mind

Unfortunately, most of you deal with stress in some form, such as work, relationships, home, and more. Various methods used in hair spas to massage the scalp can help you relax and calm down. The acupressure massage on your overall relaxation points even relieves pain from the shoulder and neck zones.


Normalises Oil Secretion

Regular hair spa treatments can help you normalize oil secretion in your scalp. If you have an oily type of scalp, the salon professionals will use a product that eradicates excess oil from the scalp and refreshes it. However, if you have a dry scalp, they will use a nourishing product that endorses oil secretion in your scalp.


It Makes your Hair Roots Strong

Healthy hair isn’t possible in the absence of solid hair roots. Oil massage, hair masks, and other hair spa steps nourish and strengthen the hair follicles, leading to a drop in hair fall. Once your hair roots are strong, you will experience effectiveness and absolute hair strength.


Reduced hair and scalp issues 

People suffer from many hair problems, including hair fall, premature greying, hair breakage, dandruff, and more. Different types of hair spa treatments are out there to deal with these problems. The point is simple if you think that your hair is constantly experiencing this or that issue, you should rely on the excellent quality products of ketomac and get spa treatments.


Who requires a Hair Spa?

Do you have any idea that you could get rid of most hair and scalp issues by treating your hair to hair spa-type sessions? Hair spa treatments are a highly and powerfully effective solution for the following common hair problems:

– Thinning hair

– Rough hair

– Hair breakage

– Dandruff

– Dry and dull hair

– Hair fall

– Dry and itchy scalp

– Slow hair growth

– Oily scalp


If you have any chemical hair treatments, like colouring, rebounding, bleaching, smoothening, perming or even curling, you could experience one more of these hair issues. A nourishing hair spa is undoubtedly a great way to remove the damage triggered by chemical hair treatments.


Quick Types of Hair Spa Treatments

When you have a hair spa treatment, the professionals will first check your hair type and the hair or scalp issues you are experiencing. Based on the evaluation, they will suggest a suitable hair spa treatment. Though some types of hair spa treatments will cement your hair, others will aid in combating hair thinning, dandruff, and even itchy scalp. A few of the most popular types of hair spa treatments are like:


Anti-Dandruff Hair Spa Treatment

This treatment deals with unsightly dandruff that may impact your self-confidence. The products in this procedure add lustre to the hair and make the scalp fresh and clear.


Calming Hair Spa Treatment

Then dry and itchy scalp could be a cause of discomfort and embarrassment for various people, which is why most salons offer a calming type of hair spa treatment. The products used in spa treatment soothe the scalp and diminish the itchy sensation.


Anti-Hair Fall Treatment

Hair fall can trigger stress and anxiety amidst the best of you. Different hair products include Omega-3 fatty acids and other ingredients that help stimulate hair follicles and endorse hair growth. If excessive hair fall, go to a hair spa for thinning hair. Undergoing this type of hair spa treatment for a few months may help deal with hair fall properly.


Balancing Hair Spa Treatment

An oily type of scalp can lead to a lack of volume in hair and dandruff. A specialized hair spa treatment assists in balancing the oily scalp & refresh it completely. It is not harsh on the hair & helps keep it smooth and even lustrous.


Hair Spa Treatment for your Coloured Hair

Coloured hair requires extra protection and care since they are fragile and prone to breaking because of the colouring treatments. Salons offer a proper colour radiance hair spa treatment that guards the colour against sun and pollution damage and even adds potent filters to aid in maintaining your hair colour with no fading.


Smoothing Hair Spa Treatment

A hair spa treatment can help manage and upkeep your hair correctly regardless of your hair type. Infused with rich oils and even antioxidants, the products used in this spa treatment smooth out unruly hair and make it more manageable. Once you do it, you will find managing your hair cakewalks.



If you are still wondering if does hair spa cause hair fall, then the answer is no. Once the spa treatments are done correctly and with good quality products, your hair experiences utmost goodness and no side effects. After all, it is all about your hair care, and these spa treatments can benefit your hair for sure.


You would always find a manifold of health conditions that come into light only when they are in the advanced stage. Your nails make a crucial part of your body, and if you are not taking good care of your nails, you could be harming yourself. Often you dodge your nails because you are concentrated on your overall health, body, head, internal and external organs, etc. But do you know that your nails can become a source of pain and uneasiness if you ignore them?


There are numerous types of changes in fingernails or toenails that might cause folks to think they are experiencing a sort of fungal infection of the nails. It is medically known as onychomycosis or even tinea unguium. Fungal infection of the nails makes the entire situation sound contagious or associated with absolutely poor hygiene. Up to ten percent of nearly all adults in Western countries go through massive fungal infections of the nails, and such a number grows to twenty percent of adults age sixty or older.


It could be helpful for you to understand that toenail fungus is more common than that fingernail fungus. Indeed, there are treatments and even quality ketomac antifungal cream for nails in India to get relief. In the true sense, abnormal-looking nails could even be triggered by several situations encompassing, but not restricted to, a fungal infection. However, there are diverse other reasons too that your nails look unusual.


Know about the treatments for nail fungus 

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection triggered by a particular fungus known as a dermatophyte. As most such infections are comparatively superficial, it might seem that topical treatments must work well, and it is not the case because the nail area is comparatively impenetrable.


Moreover, you must know that fungal nail infections might be challenging. Talk with your doctor if self-care plans and over-the-counter products have not helped. You know the treatment does rely on the harshness of your condition and the type of fungus triggering it, and it might even take a few months to see outcomes. And even if your nail situation enhances, repeated infections are somewhat common.


The proper diagnoses 

Well, your doctor or medical professional will examine your nails. They could also take some nail clippings or even scrape debris from under your nail. After taking it, medical experts send the sample to a laboratory to recognize the kind of fungus activating the infection. Different other conditions, such as psoriasis, can imitate a fungal infection of the nail. Microorganisms such as bacteria and even yeast also can contaminate nails. Having a clue about the cause of your infection is assistive in determining the finest possible course of treatment.


Overall Medications 

Your doctor or even medical expert may prescribe antifungal drugs that you take up or consume orally or apply to simply your nail. In some instances, it even helps associate oral and topical antifungal types of therapies.


Oral antifungal drugs

These drugs are mostly the first choice because they clean up the infection more efficiently than topical drugs.


These drugs are even helpful in a new nail growth free of any infection, gradually replacing the overall infected part. You characteristically consume this kind of drug for six to even twelve weeks. But you will not see the result of treatment until your overall nail grows back ultimately. You need to know that it can take four months to eradicate infection. Treatment success rates with such types of drugs look to be lower in that of adults over the age group of sixty-five.


Also, some oral antifungal drugs might even trigger or cause side effects ranging from skin rash to liver harm. You might require occasional blood tests to check on how you are doing with these drugs, and doctors may not recommend them for people with liver disease, congestive heart failure, or even certain medications.


Medicated nail polish

Of course, you have no idea that a doctor or medical expert may also prescribe an antifungal type of nail polish. Apply it on infected nails & even on the surrounding skin once a day. After even seven or eight days, you wipe the heaped-on layers clean with alcohol and begin new applications. You should make sure that you use such nail polish for a year, and it will make your nails safe and protected against any fungal infections in the future.


Medicated nail cream

Your doctor could even prescribe an antifungal cream that you may rub into your infected nails after being drenched. Such are the creams that might work better if you first thin your nails. It is a thing that is helpful for the medication to get through or absorb into the hard nail surface to the primary fungus. You should apply a non-prescription lotion containing urea if you have thin nails. Or your medical expert can even thin the surface of your nail with the assistance of a file or other tool.


Go for a surgery 

Your doctor might even suggest the temporary removal of the nail. It is to make sure that they can apply the antifungal drug right away to your infection under the nail. However, you must keep in mind and understand some fungal nail infections do not respond to medicines. Your doctor might suggest permanent nail removal if the fungal infection is extreme or painful.


You can take care of your nail fungal at home:

– You can try over-the-counter antifungal nail products as well as ointments. Various products are out there for you to choose from. If you find white markings on the surfaces of your nails, file these off, soak your nails in clean water, dry them thoroughly, and apply the medicated lotion or even cream.

– You can even choose to trim and thin the nails. It is a thing that helps reduce pain by removing the overall pressure on the nails. Also, in case you do this before applying any good Ketomac antifungal, the drug may easily reach deeper layers of your nail.

Before you use a nail file to thin or thick your beloved nails, you must soften them with urea-containing creams. If you have a situation that triggers poor blood flow to your feet and you cannot trim your nails, it is significant to see a health care provider routine to get your nails properly trimmed.



So, check out a good quality Ketomac nail fungal infection cream in India and ensure that you start healing your nails right away. Since you have a good idea about different treatments that you can undergo, choose wisely. After all, your nails are a part of your body, and you cannot simply let them rotten by not giving them any attention.



There is every possibility that you have noticed cracking and redness at the corners of the mouth that are not going away or white patches within your mouth. These are clear signs and symptoms of fungal infection, even known as oral thrush on the lips or mouth. It is even Angular cheilitis which is a situation that triggers red, swollen patches in the corners of the mouth.

Also, fungal infection is triggered by an overgrowth of yeast, known as candida in the mouth. But it is not as scary as it may sound! At times all you need is to figure out or identify what is triggering it and get a prescription for an antifungal type of medication. Of course, you can get fungal cream for lips and ensure that you get relief from your lip fungus.

Remember that mostly it is the fungus Candida albicans that activates the condition of the problem; bacteria could trigger angular cheilitis. In case bacteria get the possibility to hide in a moist crack in your lip, they might also multiply and activate the infection. The regular use of lip balm will help avert your lips from getting cracked. Please don’t keep your lips moist by licking them; that worsens the problem. Also, keep in mind that angular cheilitis looks the same visually no matter if bacteria or fungi trigger it; however, the difference is significant when choosing the treatment.

Some studies have associated angular cheilitis with a vitamin B deficiency, so taking a vitamin B supplement or eating meals or foods rich in vitamin B may prevent reinfection. But again, if you are witnessing a fungus issue, make sure that you are using a good fungus medicine or cream.

Quick Symptoms of Lip Fungus

Any area of the mouth can develop an infection. The most familiar infection spots are the tongue, the within of the cheeks, and even the mouth’s roof. As per the reports, once you have an overgrowth of candida on the corners of your mouth, it can lead to infection in several areas. Lip fungus can quickly look like this:

– Itchiness or burning and cracking in the corners of your mouth

– White patches on the inside or within of the lips or across the mouth

– The cracking, as well as redness, are medically known as cheilosis or cheilitis. You could feel burning or itching because of the infection or of white patches around the within of your lips.

If the white patches extend to the throat, you could even experience difficulty swallowing. If your kid has thrush, be aware that your infant might become fussy, irritable, or have trouble feeding. No matter who experiences it, it isn’t very pleasant and not a good thing. You may find yourself fussy all the time. So, before it gets too much, you must do something about your lip fungus.

Clear Causes of Lip Fungus

Yeast is not a bad thing. Candida might be found on the skin or in the digestive system in nearly forty-five per cent of healthy people. It does not really or typically cause any problems. This usually inoffensive fungus likes to grow in that moist, wet zones, including the mouth. Some people could even be more vulnerable to developing a fungal infection in the mouth. Simple risks for developing an oral fungal infection are like:

– Poorly fitting or dirty dentures

– A high-sugar type of diet

– Massive licking or rubbing the corners of your mouth

– Extensive Smoking

– Making use of a corticosteroid inhaler to treat asthma

– Chronic dry mouth

– Other health conditions influencing the immune system like diabetes

– Individuals who are presently using or who have recently taken any antibiotics

– Fungal infections are most often experienced in individuals having weakened immune systems. Like that of:

    • Folks with poor nutrition
    • Infants
    • People with compromised immune systems like leukaemia, diabetes, or even HIV

– So, since you have a proper idea about the causes of this condition, you must not take a chance.

Are you at a higher risk?

Angular cheilitis could affect people of all age groups. Chronic pooling of saliva boosts fungal and bacterial growth. Patients who are immunocompromised, have undergone head and neck radiation, or have the condition diabetes mellitus are also disposed to this condition. Patients who are predisposed to this type of condition of lip fungus also may have issues with:

– Folate deficiency

– Iron deficiency

– Vitamin B12 deficiency

– Loose corners of the mouth are triggered by dentures that do not sufficiently support the facial musculature.

Of course, if you think that you fall in the category that you just read above, you must be extra careful about it.

What is the treatment?

Angular cheilitis treatment is primarily undertaken with topical antifungals like nystatin, clotrimazole, or even econazole. The point is that you can even use the creams that are meant for lip fungus. And if you are wondering if you should meet a doctor, that is okay. But you should do that only if you feel severe. In case of persistent lip irritation, painful cracking, or even fissuring at the corners of the mouth is there; you must seek evaluation from your primary care provider or even a dermatologist. Of course, seeking guidance is helpful.

Use a good cream

You can look for a good and effective cream for lip infection like that Ketomac. The point is that once you have a good and effective cream, it will slowly work on your lip fungus and soften the area and clean it up. You will get rid of your fungus infection sooner than you think. Here, there are a few things that you should have in mind when applying the cream. Have a look at some points below:


– You must understand that it is not a one-time thing. You need to consistently put the cream on your lips and around the mouth every day, and you must put it once or, even better, twice a day. In this way, you can ensure that the cream is working on your skin.


– Make sure that you clean up your skin and the surroundings of your mouth before you apply the cream. Once you do that, you can ensure that you are not mixing up the cream with germs. Of course, cleaning the skin is necessary, or the cream may not work.

– Make sure that you keep the cream on your affected area for a minimum of fifteen to twenty minutes. Even better, let it absorb itself, and there is no need to rush and clean it off soon.


Of course, once you do this way, you surely would get rid of your lip infections without even any severe treatments. Make sure that you use the quality cream only. Choose Ketomac, and you will find good results.



To sum up, you can be sure that you make the most of the suitable creams to ensure your lip infection does not irritate you and ruin your routine.



Most people do face or experience different types of skin conditions. Do you feel that you should do anything about the skin problems? Come on, if you are not taking good care of your skin. It could turn out to be an issue for you. It would help if you took proper measures to ensure that your skin remains healthy, clean, safe, and most importantly, smooth.


Have you ever heard about the conditions of fungal infections? Well, these are pretty common across much of the natural world. This infection comes up when invading fungus takes over an area or a part of the body and is much or extreme for the immune system to deal with. Of course, you can conveniently identify fungal infection if it takes place with you. And the great news is that you can take up a ketomac tablet that might help you get rid of your skin fungus infections.


You must understand that fungi can breed in air, soil, water, and plants. Even a few fungi live naturally in human beings’ bodies. Such as different kinds of microbes, there are assistive fungi and harmful fungi. Once harmful fungi attack your body, they prove to be challenging to kill, as they may live in the environment and even re-infect the victim who might be trying to become better.


Quick signs you must know.

Once you have a good idea about the symptoms, it will be easy to discover fungal skin infections. The signs of a fungal infection are simply going to rely on the kind, but common symptoms can be such as:


– Skin alters, including red and possibly cracking or that peeling skin

– Much or severe itching


Types of the condition you should know 

The below-given conditions are all available kinds of fungal infections.


Athlete’s foot

Tinea pedis, an athlete’s foot, is a widespread fungal infection that impacts the foot. Athletes’ foot is generally linked to sports and athletes because the fungus augments perfectly in warm, moist, or soggy environments, like sports equipment, stockings and shoes, and even locker rooms. In reality, any person can get influenced by an athlete’s foot. It is even most general in warmer climates and the summer months, and it is the right time when it can quickly multiply.


Quick Symptoms

The symptoms of this condition of athlete’s foot might differ slightly from person to person. Common symptoms are like:


– The squeezed skin could be soft, or layers may start breaking down.

– Redness or blisters on the affected area

– Cracking or even peeling skin

– The skin might scale and peel away

– Stinging, itching, or even burning sensations in the affected area


It would help if you kept in mind that an athlete’s foot is often treated with topical antifungal ointments or tablets available to purchase over-the-counter or even online.

You can also find tablets specifically for this type of fungal infection. Severe infections can ask for extraoral medications as well. The feet are even going to need to be cared for and kept dry to assist in killing the fungus. Prevention methods may be permitting the feet plenty of air to breathe and keeping them unblemished and dry. It is a beautiful idea to wear sandals in public showers or even if you are using locker rooms.


Yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infections are a typical kind of Candida overgrowth in females. Mainly it is triggered by Candida albicans. An overgrowth of Candida interrupts the typical balance of the bacteria and yeast in the area of the vagina. This is the imbalance of bacteria that could be because by antibiotics, stress, and even hormones imbalances, or bad eating habits, in the centre of other things. Candida infections could even commonly trigger fungal toenail infections and even diaper rash.


Quick symptoms 

These are like:

– Burning sensations or extreme pain during the time of urination or intercourse

– Itching and swelling close to your vagina

– Redness and soreness on and rotating your vagina

– Strange type of discharge from your vagina, such as gravy clumps that appear like cottage cheese or much watery discharge


A rash may grow gradually in some cases. Yeast infections should be treated rapidly, as the signs can even become severe if they are left unnoticed. It would help if you avoided yeast infections in case you begin a balanced diet and proper hygiene. It would also be helpful for you if you start wearing loose-fitting outfits made up of natural fibres.


 Jock itch

Tinea cruris which is most of the time known as jock itch is a different type of widespread fungal skin infection. These fungi love warm and humid environments and thrive in moist zones of the body, like the groin, buttocks, and even inner thighs. Jock itch could be pretty familiar in summer or the world’s warm, moist zones. Jock itch is contagious and is mainly spread through direct contact with an infected person or an object that owns the fungus.


Symptoms you should know.

Jock itch emerges on your body as a red, itchy rash that usually owns a circular type of shape to it.


The symptoms are:

– Redness in your buttocks, groin, or your thighs

– Rubbing, severe itching, irritation, or burning in infected zones

– A red rash in a round shape and has raised edges

– Cracking, flaking, or dry peeling of your skin in an infected area


Treating jock itch mostly involves topical antifungal ointments and even tablets like that Ketomac. You should also ensure proper hygiene to ensure healing. This medication is an antifungal agent specifically prescribed for athletes’ feet, jock itch, and other infections. It interferes with the formation of the fungal cell membrane and ultimately kills the fungal.


These tablets usually have Ketoconazole that works to harm the yeast and fight the infection. It could even lower testosterone levels. It comes as a tablet to take through the mouth; you can take it with or without food. It even comes as a cream to apply topically. The oral dose range is quite 200-400 mg regularly. Topical formulations should be administered over affected areas once or even twice daily.


Many instances of jock itch are improved by over-the-counter medications, though some do ask for prescription medications. Cleaning the influenced area and keeping it dry could even help kill fungus. Similarly, jock itch can even be averted by wearing loose-fitting natural fibres, like that available cotton underwear. Avoiding anyone having the infection is also much more significant. Evading shared items, such as towels and sporting equipment, could also help.



To sum up, you can check out the ketomac tablet used in Hindi and use it accordingly. Of course, once you use the proper medications, you can be sure that you get rid of any of the skin infections that you may experience.



Fungal infections can impact any part of the body. Fungi are primarily present in and on the body together with various bacteria. But once a fungus starts to overgrow, you can experience an infection. Onychomycosis, even known as tinea unicum, is a fungal infection that impacts either the fingernails or toenails.


Moreover, fungal infections mainly develop over time, so any immediate difference in how your nail looks or feels could be too delicate to notice at first. You can always know more about different things like keto toenail fungus and even solutions. After all, the more informed you are, the better you can take care of yourself. You can check out the fungus products of Ketomac to get rid of your fungus infections.


A fungal nail infection emerges from the overgrowth of fungi in, under, or even on the nail. Fungi grow in warm, moist environments, so this environment can trigger them to overpopulate naturally. The same fungi that activate jock itch, athlete’s foot, and even ringworm may trigger the condition of nail infections.


Fungi already therein or on your body may cause nail infections. If you have contacted someone else who has a fungal infection, you could have contracted it. Fungal infections impact toenails more commonly than fingernails, likely because your toes are mostly confined to shoes, which get in a warm, moist setting.


If you get a manicure or pedicure at a nail salon, ask how the staff sterilizes their tools and how often they do it. Tools, such as emery boards and nail clippers, may spread the condition of fungal infections from person to person in case they’re not sanitized.


Are you at higher risk for this infection?

Well, there are numerous types of different causes of fungal nail infections. Each cause owns a treatment of its own. Although many of the reasons for a fungal nail infection are avoidable, some risk factors enhance the likelihood of developing one. You may be more likely to develop a fungal nail infection in case you:


– Have diabetes

– Have an ailment that triggers poor circulation

– Are more than age sixty-five

– Wear artificial nails

– Swim in any public swimming pool

– Have a nail wound

– Have a skin injury around the nail

– Have moist fingers or even toes for a stretched time

– Have a weakened type of immune system

– Wear closed-toe shoes, like tennis shoes or even boots


Nail infections come up more often in males than in females, and the infections are discovered in adults more often than in kids. If you have family members who often experience these types of fungal infections, you may be more likely to get them. You should know that older adults have a high risk of experiencing fungal nail infections because they have inferior circulation. The nails even grow more gradually and thicken as you do age.


What does the infection look like?

A fungal infection of the nail could affect part of the nail, the whole nail, or different nails. Common signs of the condition of fungal nail infection are like:


– A distorted nail that could lift off from the nail bed

– An odour emitting from the infected nail

– A brittle or even thickened nail


Kinds of toe fungal infections 

There are different, and a few are:


Distal subungual infection

These infections are the most common type of fungal nail infection and may grow in both fingernails and toenails. Once infected, the outer edge or area of the nail has a sharp appearance with white and yellow streaks throughout the nail. The infection attacks the nail bed and the base of the nail.


White superficial infection

White superficial infections mainly affect toenails. A specific type of fungus attacks the topmost layers of the nail and forms well-defined white spots on the nail. Finally, these white patches cover the whole nail, which turns out to be rough, soft, and even prone to crumbling. Spots on nails could become rutted and flaky.


Proximal subungual infection

Proximal subungual infections are rare but can affect both fingernails and toenails. Yellow spots come up at the nail base as the infection spreads upward. This infection can commonly occur in folks with compromised immune systems, and it can even result from minor injury to that the nail.


Candida infection

Candida yeasts cause such types of infection. It may invade nails previously damaged by prior infection or wound. More commonly, Candida impacts fingernails. It often emerges in people who mainly soak their hands in water.


These infections usually start with the cuticle around the nail that turns out to be swollen, red, and even tender to the touch. The nail itself could partially lift off the nail bed or fall off entirely.


How do you know if you experience a fungal nail infection?

Ahh, since other types of infections can affect the nail and mimic symptoms of fungal nail infection, the one way to confirm a diagnosis is to see a doctor. They would take a scraping of the nail and even look under a microscope for fungus symptoms. In some instances, your doctor may send the sample to a lab for examination and even identification.


Prevention of toenail fungus 

Since fungi are everywhere (including your skin), they can be present months ago and find chances to strike before signs of infection come up. By following certain precautions, encompassing proper hygiene and regular review of the feet and toes, the chances of the issues occurring can be massively reduced.


– Regularly clean as well as dry feet to fight disease. Follow a rigid regimen of washing the feet with soap and water.

– Alter socks and hosiery regularly and change out shoes too regularly.


– Make sure that you clip toenails straight across so the nail does not extend beyond the tip of the finger or toenails.


– Wear good quality socks formed up of synthetic fibre to taper away moisture, and cotton and wool socks don’t taper away moisture as quickly as synthetic fibre does. This might help repudiate a hospitable environment for the fungi to grow in.


Treatment of toe fungus 

Based on the nature and severity of your infection, treatments could differ. Most over-the-counter treatments are slightly effective at best, but nearly none of them have generated a permanent treatment. The prime reason for these poor outcomes is that the fungal infection stays deep within the nail or even the nail bed. Even the topical medications have a good amount of difficulty penetrating to such a depth. A fungus might work its way through the whole nail, all-pervading both the nail plate and the nail bed. Of course, you can check out toenail fungus cream India by Ketomac and ensure that it works for you. The cream heals the toes and gets you relief sooner than you may think. But make sure that you regularly put the cream to your affected area without a miss and a few times a day.



So, since you know so much about toenail fungus and how it may enter your life.



Getting a good hair spa’ is the most recommended solution for many hair-related problems, specifically for hair fall and even hair dandruff. Like any other spa treatment, a hair spa is a rejuvenating hair treatment with its distinct benefits. It relaxes you nearly immediately and leaves your hair looking shiny and soft. Hair spa treatments even help reduce the effects of pollution, dirt, and even the sun while strengthening your overall hair.


Different types of hair spas 


Hair spa for dandruff

Have you ever heard about hair spa dandruff treatment? Well, it is one treatment that many people go for. Hair spa treatment for dandruff cares for fundamental dandruff that triggers tingling and results in so much hair fall. The hair spa steam and hair spa machine helps dispose of them via back rub and steam shower, whereas the use of different related items gets your scalp help keep it new and clean. Of course, it helps keep your hair fresh and safe against dandruff.


Actually, in other words, the treatment is meant to tackle unsightly dandruff that may influence a person’s self-confidence. The products are used to add up lustre to that of the hair and even make the scalp clean and fresh.


Hair spa treatment for coloured treatments 

Well, if you have shaded hair. Indeed, hued hair is inclined to break. Because of the shading treatments and synthetic mixtures. Be that as it might, stress not. The point is hair spa treatments for your shaded hair offer excellence to the hair and end up in assurance from the daylight. Moreover, this is one promising treatment that shields your hair against harm because of contamination and promises that it doesn’t blur away. You will not find the troubles again with your coloured hair once you try a spa treatment for you that is specifically made for you.


Treatment for hair fall 

Hair fall can trigger stress and anxiety among the finest of you. Different hair products include omega-3 fatty acids, and different other ingredients help stimulate hair follicles and even endorse hair growth. If much hair fall has left you with thin hair, go to a hair spa for your thinning hair. Undergoing this type of hair spa treatment for a few months can help deal with hair fall safely and adequately. To ensure safety, you can even use the right products for you, like that Ketomac.


Hair spa for your oily hair and scalp

Have you experienced even a limited quantity of hair fall, dandruff, or even late? It is seemingly a result of your greasy scalp, and a sleek scalp is equipped for triggering hair fall. A hair spa for slick hair controls the oil release and keeps up the well-being and sparkle of your mane.


The equivalence raised by a particular hair spa treatment revives the scalp and reduces the abundance of oil that advantaged insights from the equivalent. In this manner, keep up the shine and the volume of your hair. You must check out the spa solutions for you, and you will find them helpful.


Hair smoothening

Straight, smooth hair is much popular nowadays. Right? A decent hair spa keratin treatment can give you the perk of claiming only that. Would you be in a position to trust it? Express bye to your irrepressible hair and make a good level of acquaintance with your new hair rich with cancer prevention agents and oils.


Remember that your protein-rich hair will be downright enchanting while you influence and flip them over. And think about what! It does not make a difference what hair type you own, and all you need is that your hair is smooth.


Hair spa for your itchy scalp

Ah, in case you are burnt out on scratching your entire scalp? Does it feel bothersome and aggravating? Make proper arrangements, and you’ll be astounded at what spa treatments can do for you. These treatments for an irritated scalp will quiet your nerves and drop the sensation. Be it a troublesome scalp, a dry scalp, or even a slippery one, so far as that is concerned, a hair spa is a clear answer for every one of your hair issues.


A dry and itchy scalp can cause discomfort and embarrassment for various people, so most people take up calming hair spa treatments. The products used in this spa treatment completely soothe the scalp and even lessen the itchy sensation.


Clean up your hair from the inside 

A hair spa does proper and safe conditions for your scalp and leaves it free from any pollutants or chemicals that ooze deep into the hair from using chemical hair products and even pollution in the environment. In this way, the hair stays clean, safe, and even robust.


Conditioning your overall hair 

These are the precise spa treatments that condition the hair sufficiently to leave your beloved hair without any kind of split ends or even dry hair. The spa treatments slowly settle matters, strip hair loss, baldness, dandruff, etc.


Scalp blood flow 

The hair endeavours of massaging in that hair spa treatment represent stimulating the entire flow of your blood and, therefore, strengthening the nerves in the scalp zone. A hair spa does stir the circulation of blood in the scalp and enhances the metabolism of cells.


Regulation of oil in your hair 

Indeed, this hair spa does normalize the ooze of oil; and it aids in keeping the level of oil in hair controlled. In case you feel that if oil is too much in your hair and scalp, you must experience this.


You know your oily scalp can lead to a lack of volume in that hair and dandruff. A specialized hair spa treatment aids balance the oily scalp and fully refreshes it, and it is not at all harsh on the hair and even helps keep it smooth and lustrous.


Clean off impurities 

A hair spa removes all the impurities that soak into the pores and even repairs damaged or harmed hair. In this way, your hair gets treated efficiently and adequately.


Hair spas are good for you.

Some individuals do not know how good a hair spa can be for their hair and even assume that hair spa treatments are pretty expensive. This is just not true since there are diverse types of hair spa treatments for different hair types and budgets. You can go for a common type of treatment regularly and choose an advanced treatment for particular occasions or even if you are dealing with hair issues.



Since you know how hair spa benefits can be a great plus for you, don’t miss out on it. Keep your hair healthy and in the best shape with suitable spa provisions.




You look forward to being sure that you get the best possible solution for your needs. Getting clean is crucial to control the overall chemicals and other products that you put on sensitive skin. The point is that you cannot simply be harsh with yourself. Now, talking of your hair and scalp, how many times do you think about the products that you put there? Come on; you need to consider what you put and why. And if you are avoiding anything and everything, it is a problem too. You must invest in a good shampoo for your hair and scalp conditions like dandruff.


If you choose the best-medicated shampoo for dandruff in India, you can be sure that it works gently and effectively for you.


You can go for ketoconazole shampoos as they do treat fungal infections that emerge on or around your scalp. In some instances, you would see that a healthcare professional might even recommend using ketoconazole for other types of off-label purposes as well. Anyhow, you can check out a variety of natural and good quality ketoconazole shampoos in the realm of Ketomac. The brand gets you the perfect products for your particular needs.


What is it?

Ketoconazole shampoo is a red or orange liquid that you can easily use to treat fungal infections on your scalp. It contains ketoconazole, which is quite a synthetic antifungal agent. Since it is around 2 per cent in the product, it would not trigger any harm. You can find it in both over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription strengths.


Choosing organic or natural products 

Going for natural and organic products such as products by Ketomac, you would know you get only quality ingredients. You formulated to evade any harmful ingredients, which can irritate delicate skin or even lead to future skin problems. You must know that natural and organic products can even help with your dry scalp skin, dandruff, and other common issues. The harshness of chemicals would not even come closer to your head, scalp, or skin!


What triggers dandruff?

Before you take up your path to choose the right and effective Ketomac shampoo for your hair problem of dandruff, it would be nice if you know about the things that do trigger the condition of dandruff in your hair.


Have a look at some of them right below:


Genetic predisposition 

This is not entirely true, but yes, different aspects are hereditary and might lead to dandruff, such as sensitivity to your oleic acid.


Hormones issues 

This is true that oil is a must to keep the scalp moisturized. Still, massive production of oil is also dangerous as it may trigger the development of the fungus Malassezia globosa and might even activate dandruff. One of the main reasons behind this upsurge in oil secretion is simply hormonal (oestrogen or even progesterone) imbalance.


Diet can cause dandruff. 

The huge high sugar content could lead to it because sugary items boost the overgrowth of yeast linked to it. Also, sugar is inclined to diminish vitamin B, which is an anti-dandruff component. So, at times, your food might add up to the reasons to fetch dandruff in your overall hair.


Keep a check on your stress.

Stress emerging and coming up from long working hours, personal crisis, or other personal or professional reasons might aggravate hormonal imbalance or stimulate inflammatory chemicals. It seriously impacts your scalp’s barrier functionality. Once you reduce your stress levels, you will heal your scalp and hair!


Hair colour 

Are you one of those who apply a lot of hair colour? Well, in case that is the case, then you might experience dandruff in your hair. The thing is that some of the harsh chemicals in the dye itself might head to the annoying scalp and further might trigger dandruff. Also, such chemicals incline to draw out moisture from your scalp and even make your hair and skin too vulnerable to it.


Pathetic hygiene 

In a few days, your hair could be the home of sweat, oil, filth, and dead cells that can only get washed away with a proper and even effective hair wash. But, in failure to do so, dandruff could stem, which may also grow to extreme problems such as Tinea capitis. So, be careful about this thing.


Is your shampoo Dermatologically Checked?

You must check in case the shampoo you are thinking of using is dermatologically tested or not. It is simply for the reason that this is a thing that one of the crucial things that every skincare or haircare product should go through. Moreover, the dermatologically tested label ensures the efficacy and safety of dandruff medicine. When you are confident that the shampoo you use is rightly tested, you can be definite that the shampoo will not impact your hair badly. The test could ensure that:


  • The product is quite -tolerated by individuals who tested it
  • The product is safe
  • The product has been rightly tested on human skin

So, be thoughtful about these aspects.


Check the shampoo ingredients.

Once you search for a medicate or any shampoo or any other type of hair product, make sure that you go through its extensive ingredients. Different factors get used in shampoo, and you need to make sure that the ingredients are safe for you. If you have any allergies, ensure that you check the ingredients before you even make a preference. Furthermore, the ingredients of shampoo will inform you a lot about the product.


As an example, in case you examine the ingredients, you instantly are going to know in case there is any chemical in the shampoo or not. Hence, you can so make your shampoo choice. It would be beyond the captivation of the shampoo packaging or design, and you will make a proper choice once you explore the ingredients rightly. If you check out Ketomac shampoos for your dandruff issue, you will find the ingredients it has qualitative.


Choose only Mild Shampoo.

A good and effective medicated dandruff shampoo must have the quality to work for every type of hair. A product that is supplemented with the perfect choice of natural oils and scalp-friendly ingredients has been witnessed to be suitable for both dry and oily scalp. So, you can easily select a shampoo that is not just good for dandruff but even ensure that it acts for all types of hair types and that too mildly. After all, the shampoo you choose should be as per your scalp’s requirements.




To sum up, you can choose to use medicated anti-dandruff shampoo in India and ensure that your hair and scalp are clean and safe. Of course, once the suitable shampoos become a part of your routine, your dandruff will clean up soon. Just make sure that you constantly use the shampoo for washing your hair a minimum of twice and a maximum of thrice a week!


Your beloved hair is indeed an essential part of your overall appearance. When experimenting with various hair treatments such as hair smoothening, keratin treatment, hair straightening, and more, make sure that your hair is in brilliant condition. In this post, you will learn how you can take good care of your hair after smoothening.


There is no doubt that hair smoothing gives you a beautiful look that you have always desired. On the other hand, chemically treated hair turns out to be more prone to frizz, dryness & damage because of the wrong or incorrect products used in the process, like harsh shampoos and conditioners having sulphate, pollution, and other factors. Come on; when you have options like shampoo for smoothened hair and more in the realm of Ketomac, you would not need to worry about anything. These products would take good care of your hair.


You must know what helps repair damaged hair after smoothening and what type of hair products or shampoo must be used for your smoothened hair. Keep on going through the points to know more.


What do you know about Hair Smoothening?

Smoothing your hair is a temporary treatment known as the Brazilian, Keratin, and even protein. It is a chemical process involving soaking the hair in a formaldehyde solution. Then dry it, and then straighten it. It refills lost protein in your tresses, making them stronger and more lustrous. Of course, this treatment of Smoothening leads to frizz-free, straight hair that can last for up to six months or even longer.


How can you Take Care of Your Hair after Smoothening?

Smoothing your hair for that of straight as well as silky hair sounds too alluring. However, this treatment involves chemicals that can damage your hair. It might look like an easy task but hair care after your hair smoothening and keeping the same for a long time is not that easy.


It is essential to offer special hair care after smoothing. If not done rightly, it turns out to be more prone to frizz, dryness, and even damage. So, you should know how to take good care of your hair after smoothening.


What to avoid 

– For a minimum of 48 hours, it is essential that you avoid getting your hair wet. A tiny amount of water can trigger a crinkle in your freshly entirely done treatment. So, keeping your hair away from water is a must right away from your smoothening treatment.

– It is essential that you work on your sleeping posture too. You should compromise your sleeping posture for nearly three days because you should ensure that your hair is straight all through the night while you are lying in bed. Similarly, for better hair health, try to switch out your pillowcase.

– Avoid tying the hair or tucking it behind your ear with simply a hairpin because such a thing will bend your hair and leave a wrong spot on it.


Is there any Side effect of Hair Smoothening?

Well, everything has some or other side effects if it has chemicals. And since you know that this smoothening treatment has chemicals involved, they have some side effects that you should know about.


Smoothing your hair indeed makes you look all clean and neat. However, you must be aware that it has many consequences. Hair smoothing might generate satisfactory results, but it also has adverse side effects.


Hair loss 

The most common type of side effect of hair smoothing is hair loss. Too much usage of different chemicals and heat weakens your hair follicles, and it causes them to detach at the roots and then fall out. It ends up in hair loss. Your hair strands’ amino acids and disulphide bonds are damaged and rebonded, giving them a provisional new texture. As an outcome, hair strands lose their natural strength and texture and start to break.


In other words, did you have any idea that chronic hair fall is the most common type of side-effect of hair smoothening? The heat and different harmful chemicals used during the treatment trigger your hair follicles to turn out to be weak and detach right at the roots. This, in order, leads to excess hair fall. Also, remember that a couple of months into the treatment, your hair strands incline to lose their natural strength and begin to break.


Scalp Dryness and dehydration 

Similarly, the chemicals used in hair smoothing can trigger scalp dryness, leading to dandruff and dehydrating hair. Similarly, split ends can also be triggered by exposing your hair to high temperatures during a hair smoothening treatment. In other words, hair smoothening can give you utmost relief from unmanageable curls and frizz, no doubt. However, it may strip the moisture out of your beloved hair, leaving it dry. Firstly, the chemicals used during the treatment leak into the scalp, flaky its surface. And secondly, the remainder of the toxins used to change the structure of your hair make your hair brittle. It is, therefore, perfect to oil your hair before you go for every wash. Oiling regularly will make your hair soft and smooth and guard it against being utmost dry.


Loss of your natural hair texture

Hair smoothening or even rebounding seems the most acceptable option, especially when you wish to keep it fuss-free and easy to style. To make your tresses look parlour-ready at all given times, you put them through harmful procedures, and it is when your natural hair texture goes for a toss. The disulphide bonds and amino acids in your hair strands get broken and rebonded to get them a new structure. In this process, your hair’s natural type of texture gets lost!


Experience Split ends

Dry, brittle, and frayed ends are probable to cause split ends. And once you notice one split end, you should be prepared for a group of split ends to follow. And do you know what’s to be responsible for? Your hair smoothening treatment! Yes, you gulped that right. During a smoothening treatment, your hair is simply getting exposed to high-temperature heat, and it is something that triggers split ends. Split ends, in turn, not just harm the hair strands but even incline to weaken the hair follicles. People often do not realize that they have split ends, and hence, they find it hard to get rid of them. But since you know now how you may have developed it after your smoothening procedure.



To sum up, whether dandruff treatment for smoothened hair or anything else, you do the right things once you are informed. And if you want, you can even try out some after smoothening shampoos by Ketomac.



There are many relaxing treatments in the present-day stressed world. And one of these is the spa. But have you ever taken a hair spa? It is a relaxing treatment for repairing and rejuvenating the hair care process for your boring, dull, or lifeless hair. The steps included in a hair spa are deep cleansing, masking, steaming, and massaging. It aids in making your hair strong, shiny, and healthy.


However, everyone should know about the advantages and disadvantages of hair spas. Of course, you can decide once you know both sides. But before you dig into the advantages or disadvantages of a hair spa, it would be nice to know a little more.


Types of Hair Spa:

The preference for hair spa treatment depends upon your hair type and hair concerns. Depending on diverse types, here are a couple of types for you to explore:


Hair Spa Treatment for your Itchy Scalp.

It is a treatment that relieves you from constant dry, itchy, and irritating feelings by immensely nourishing the scalp with the right amount of moisture content.


Hair Spa Treatment for your hair fall.

It is a treatment that includes hair products augmented in Omega-3 fatty acids. As per research, it assists in stimulating hair follicles to enhance hair growth and treat hair thinning.


Hair Spa Treatment for your Dandruff

This anti-dandruff treatment nourishes and hydrates your scalp to unblock the pores and eradicate dandruff from the dry scalp.


Hair Spa Treatment for your Coloured Hair

It is a kind of colour radiant hair treatment that guards your coloured hair against pollution by simply adding strong filters to maintain your hair colour without fading. This treatment offers an additional level of protection and care to coloured hair as they turn out to be fragile and prone to breaking.


Hair Spa Treatment for your oily hair type 

This is a rejuvenating and restoring type of hair treatment for reducing greasiness and keeping it fresh.


Hair Spa Treatment for your Dry Scalp

It is a kind of calming hair treatment that lessens dryness and flakes of your scalp by simply hydrating it with ingredients such as hyaluronic acid. As per studies, hyaluronic acid aids in improving scalp barrier functions.


Hair Spa Treatment for your Hair Smoothening.

It is a hair treatment for more manageable, smooth, silky, and frizz-free hair. To address such a hair concern, Ketomac products enriched with hair oils and antioxidants get used as per the experts.


Who needs a Hair Spa?

Hair Spa treatment has been getting used as an effective and powerful treatment for different hair concerns like that:


– Extreme hair falls and split ends

– Thin and frizzy hair

– Dry and itchy scalp

– Dry and dull hair

– Extreme Oily Scalp

– Sluggish hair growth

– Dandruff

– Harmed hair


Quick perks of Hair Spa 

There are many perks of a hair spa, and a few of them are like:


– It helps eradicate impurities such as dirt, pollutants, and contaminants from the pores, and it does so by cleansing your overall scalp.

– It is assistive in unclogging pores for the effective type of regeneration of your hair and making hair roots even much more robust.

– If the studies are to be followed, hair Spa treatment encompasses head massages that enhance blood flow to your scalp. This helps make hair follicles stronger by providing them with essential nutrients and oxygen.

– Averts overproduction of natural oil sebum to evade dry and unhealthy scalp coupled with oily and greasy hair. It revitalizes and nourishes hair follicles, hair roots, and your scalp.

– The usage of essential oils during hair spa offers complete moisturization and hydration to your scalp to prevent dryness and frizz.

– Hair spa treatment helps balance the overall ph. Levels of your scalp are something that lessens dandruff-causing microbes and endorses healthy hair and scalp.

– As per research, hair fall is linked to stress. Therefore, an excellent acupressure head massage can be advantageous to combat stress and pain.

Regular hair spa treatment will help strengthen your hair, improve hair texture, and make it even shinier.


Quick Disadvantages of Hair Spa 

There are many perks of hair spas, but there are some disadvantages. And once you know about them, you can better decide for yourself.

– Relying only on the hair spa treatment for excellent quality hair is insufficient, and one also requires following a healthy lifestyle and a good hair care routine.

– Individuals having scalp-related issues such as scalp psoriasis or any other must discuss with their dermatologists as sometimes it might even deteriorate their scalp condition.

If one has coloured hair and opts for a regular hair spa treatment, it could hamper their hair colour, fading your hair colour.

– The day-to-day routine and intervals of hair spa treatment may be an expensive affair.


What should you avoid after your hair spa treatment?

There’re a few things you should avoid after getting your hair spa:

– Evade using styling heat with extreme heat.

– Try to guard your hair against Ultraviolet rays and other environmental factors.

– Cover up your hair with some cloth, preferably cotton.

– Tie the hair only loosely. If you tie your hair tightly, it might be harmful to your hair.

– Make sure that you are using suitable products for your hair type and hair concerns.

– Evade washing your hair immediately or even 2-3 days after your hair spa treatment. Please don’t wash a minimum of four or five days after your hair spa.

– Go for a healthy diet with protein, iron, and other essential nutrients. Of course, what is the point if your diet is poor? It might harm your hair for sure. So, it would help if you watched this.


Why Should You Take Hair Spa?

If you constantly feel too much pressure and stress, you should try out a hair spa. Of course, since the spa is performed intensely into your hair and massages your scalp, it works effectively as a stress reliever. This way, you can ensure that your stress is dropped down instantly. Also, if you feel that your hair is getting too brittle and not cool, then giving a nourishing spa treatment to your hair would be a good idea.



So, since you have a good idea about the hair spa benefits and disadvantages, you should make a sensible move, considering your hair type and requirements. After all, it is all about your hair needs at the end of the day.




Are you considerate about your foot care? Do you feel you take reasonable precautions to ensure that your skin health is good and effective? You know there are various kinds of health problems that you must consider. If you have a fungal infection in your feet, you must ensure that you begin to use the right things to get rid of it.


You can use the best antifungal lotion in India for your fungus infection. Of course, these fungus infections are not just had to do with your feet, but they can be on different areas of your body. But the most remarkable thing is that brands like Ketomac have brilliant lotions and medicines for your fungus issues. It will not make sense if your fungus infection is all over your body because of your negligence. Moreover, you should know that it is pretty common to experience a fungal infection on the toes or feet. Most fungal infections are activated by dermatophytes, an ailment-triggering fungus that emerges and grows on body surfaces like hair, skin, and even your nails.


Talking about the athlete’s foot, the most prevalent foot fungus grows in sweaty, damp places such as the insides of athletic shoes; that is how it gets its name. However, foot fungus may even develop in various environments, both natural and manufactured, as long as there is ample moisture where fungi can enhance. Such include shared areas at the swimming pools or even yoga clubs or gyms, soil and grass, or even shared things such as shoes, stockings, or towels from household members who are going through infection.


Moreover, an athlete’s foot looks like a flaking red rash on the sides or bottoms of the feet, accompanied mainly by dry, itching, cracked skin, stinging, and even odour. You may even experience moist, raw skin between your toes. Though athlete’s foot is somewhat easy to treat with antifungal creams or sprays, this foot fungus is quite transmissible and might conveniently spread to your toenails. You need to begin using the correct cream or spray when you feel that your foot will experience a fungal infection.


It is contagious.

Unfortunately, an athlete’s foot is contagious, and the fungus can effortlessly spread to your toenails and toes, activating diverse types of infections. There are more than three million moments of toenail fungus every year. Not all toenail infections stem from an athlete’s foot or even from a fungus; a couple is activated by mould or yeast. These are pretty hard to cure than fungal infections. But you do not require to worry if you are using the cream or doing any home remedies.


You can be the next victim of toenail fungus if you:

  • Sweat massively from your feet
  • Your immune system is weak
  • Have athlete’s foot
  • Experiencing diabetes
  • I got a nail injury
  • Your immune system is weak
  • Walk naked foot in communal showers or areas of swimming pools
  • Possess a skin injury near your nails
  • Have poor blood circulation

Toenail fungus could start as a case on an athlete’s foot, and then it can even spread to the nails. Pretty older people are at greater risk. As you age, the circulation turns out to be worse, leading to more brittle toenails, and these may crack, permitting the fungus to expand. You must know that your nails have even had more fungus exposure as you age, growing somewhat slowly.


Trim, and Thin your Affected Nail

Keeping all your nails trim, polished, and properly clean assists in preventing the spread of the fungus to your other nails. Other than this, buffing your nail can permit topical antifungals to penetrate more intensely. Ensure to wash your hands right away after touching the affected nail, primarily before touching other nails.


Keep the nails clean. 

First, you should prepare your nails for treatment by trimming and filing them once one week. Clipping toenails is one powerful thing that relieves pressure on the nails and helps antifungal solutions penetrate the nail. Use conventional toenail clippers and an Emory board to keep your nails short and thin. Ensure to disinfect utensils after each time use. Once you keep up trimmed, clean, and dry nails, it would be essential to treat toenail fungus and prevent this condition.


Tea Tree Oil

You know this tea tree oil stems from the Australian tea tree. It is necessary to oil that has always been conventionally used as an antibacterial and antifungal treatment. Early research displays that it can help with nail fungus when used topically. However, some more research is required. Ensure that you use it topically using tea tree oil for your toenail fungus.


Clean and hygienic socks 

Regularly changing your pair of stockings and shoes can even cut down on the development of unwanted foot fungus. Both socks and athletic shoes may also get washed in warm water to rid the growth of yeasts and fungi growing on the fabric. Some shoes could even be machine dried. Drying shoes and stockings in the sun is another option when you clean up your footwear. The point is always to ensure you wear clean and hygienic stockings and shoes.


Also, when you allow your feet to breathe by taking off your shoes and your socks, it can avert fungal growth when possible. Guard your feet by simply wearing only breathable footwear and neat socks. Antimicrobial socks, as well as shoes that are formed up of copper, bamboo, or even speciality fabrics, are also there. These could help you lessen unwanted bacteria and yeast from growing in the footwear. Hence, you can be definite that your feet are clean.


Apple cider vinegar

One powerful home remedy that can help you clear your toenail fungus is the usage of apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is an antifungal ingredient that can easily be blended with water to form up a foot’s soak. The acetic acid component assists in whitening discoloured toenails and stopping the spread of the infection to your other toes.


Apply Black Tea 

Soaking feet in plain tea may also be beneficial in treating your toenail or foot fungus. Black tea has tannic acid that dries out your feet, eradicates bacteria, and even helps to shut the pores of your feet to reduce sweating.


Hydrogen peroxide 

Hydrogen peroxide is also something that can uproot and eradicate fungus that emerges on toenails. You can conveniently and directly wipe hydrogen peroxide on the infected toes or toenails with a clean cloth or even a cotton pad. Hydrogen peroxide can even be used in a foot’s soak. You require mixing ⅛ cup of this hydrogen peroxide (or diverse capfuls) with four or five cups of cool water and soak your feet for just 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse the feet with warm water, and then pat dry. Ensure that your feet do not stay wet.



To sum up, check out the best antifungal creams in India in the realm of Ketomac. The home remedies and the suitable lotions can help you for sure!



Different types of skin conditions hardly get addressed by people. If something is not okay with your skin, you should take action. Never leave your skin avoided. You must ensure that your skin is safe, smooth, effective, and gorgeous.


You must know that the cold, dry weather removes the moisture from your skin, which may result in chapped and cracked lips. Cracks that emerge in the corner of your mouth turn out to be excellent breeding areas for either bacteria or even fungus. You don’t need to worry because you have good options like antifungal cream lips by Ketomac. You can get a cream that acts appropriately for your lip area. In a visual sense, angular cheilitis looks the same whether bacteria or fungi activate it; however, the difference is significant when selecting the treatment.


Remember, you need to know that bacteria and fungi are as different as you can take cats and dogs. Though diverse strains of bacteria shall live together and even aid each other, bacteria and fungi do not get along. The small amounts of fungus (even known as yeast) primarily present in the mouth and on the skin are maintained from multiplying by the presence of bacteria. If the fungus gets a moist crack in the corner of the mouth, it could even multiply and trigger angular cheilitis. When the fungus sets up residence, it eradicates the bacteria keeping it simply under the regulator.


Most of the time, the fungus Candida albicans activates the problem. Bacteria could trigger angular cheilitis. If bacteria get a chance to conceal in a moist crack in the lip, they might even multiply and trigger the infection. Of course, the regular use of lip balm will help prevent your lips from getting cracked. Please don’t keep your lips moist by simply licking them; that worsens the issue. Some studies have even linked angular cheilitis with vitamin B deficiency, so taking a vitamin B supplement or eating meals or foods rich in vitamin B could prevent reinfection. But again, if you see a fungus issue, make sure that you are using a good fungus medicine or cream.


Diverse causes trigger it. 

Again, there can be endless different causes of angular cheilitis. The commonest is yeast infection as a result of saliva. Saliva can construct up and be trapped in the corners of lips, triggering lips to crack. A person could lick their lips more in a move to soothe the pain or simply dryness of their lips. This excess saliva will sit in the corners, which is the perfect warm environment for fungus-like yeast to develop. Also, viruses and bacteria can activate it to develop. Sure, folks are more in danger of developing angular cheilitis. But again, as said before, there are good options in creams and ointments and medicines like Ketomac that can help you get relief from your condition.


This condition owns a variety of possible reasons, mostly from in or around the mouth (although systemic ailments or medications could even cause it in rare events). It is most of the time discovered among younger people who drool at the time of sleep, or older people have deep wrinkles right along the sides of the mouth that boost the chances of dryness and cracking. Then you know the long-term wind or extremely cold exposure, ill-fitting dentures, or any lack of back teeth (that aid facial support structure) could even play a role in forming this condition. Patients with this lip condition might also develop yeast infections from the Candida Albicans strain. The infection could even spread through the whole mouth, massively increasing the possibilities of physical discomfort.


Never forget that treating the condition of perleche or lip infection most of the time involves topical ointments with inflammation-reducing steroids and even zinc oxide, which possesses antifungal properties, to cater to an environmental fence during the healing procedure. If a yeast infection comes up, professionals may treat it with oral or even a topical type of antifungal medication that has antibacterial properties. You can find creams and other options when you know you have a situation around your mouth, and timely actions can prevent your lip infection from getting out of your hands.


It even assists you in adopting a couple of preventive measures that may minimalize the emergence of perleche. If you wear dentures, for example, cleaning such things often (encompassing, if necessary, with chlorhexidine) and leaving them out during the night would remove bacterial and fungal growth. Professionals can even see if your dentures are fitting correctly. Replacing your missing teeth offers you better facial support and may help you avert wrinkling around your mouth. And indeed, keeping up regular brushing and flossing helps ensure a healthy and ailment-free mouth.


Clear Signs

Signs of angular cheilitis will nearly appear exclusively at the corners of the mouth. The signs may be piercing, and these might differ from mild redness to even open bleeding blisters. In case you are undergoing the condition of angular cheilitis, the corners of your mouth may be:


– Cracked

– Blistered

– Red

– Bleeding

– Crusty

– Painful

– Swollen

– Itchy

– Scaly


There can also be other signs like:


– You could get a bad taste in your mouth

– Difficulties eating as a result of the irritation

– You undergo a burning feeling on your lips or even that of your mouth

– Lips feeling massively dry or chapped


Of course, if you feel that you are experiencing any of these signs, you must start working on your remedy. Try to get a proper ointment cream of Ketomac and start applying it a few times daily. If you use the right and qualitative antifungal ointments, creams, and medicines, you will feel that you are getting relief within a week or soon. The more constant you are with your medicine routine, the better outcomes you get.


Who are is at more significant risk?

There are different types of people who are more in danger of experiencing or developing angular cheilitis, including the ones who:

– Take daily oral thrush

– Mostly use corticosteroids or antibiotics

– Have a type of overhang of your upper lip, developing deeper angles at the corners of the lips

– Wear braces

– Have quite a susceptible type of skin

– Have different sorts of inflammatory illnesses, such as Crohn’s illness

– Making use of that of oral retinoid medication

– Has Sjogren’s syndrome

– The extreme habit of smoking

– Having diabetes, anaemia, or cancer

– Experiences lack of vitamins B-9, B-2, B-6, or B-3, or even mineral zinc



It would help if you used lip infection cream for your lips regularly to avoid this fungus or infection. After all, the more you take care of your lips, the better they stay.



You undergo so many different types of health conditions. Have you ever experienced an infection or allergy? There are skin infections that can quickly become highly pesky and exasperating. You should always take proper measures to ensure that your skin is safe and protected. If you are experiencing some uneasiness in your toe, you might be having a toenail infection.


Of course, the good part is that you can use an antifungal and antibacterial ointment to ensure relief for your toenails. To search out if a person has nail fungus, a dermatologist or skin specialist examines the nails and nearby skin, and it is crucial to check the skin because the fungus can spread.


You might already have a skin infection triggered by fungus-like that of an athlete’s foot. If you want to ensure that it remains away from you, you might require to treat all your infected areas. Of course, you can use Ketomac antifungal ointments or creams or check out other home remedies.


Also, remember that before you even make the diagnosis, your dermatologist could even take a few samples. Gather some of the debris from underneath your nail. Trimming off the part nail or even rasping off a bit of skin might be completely helpful. Such samples can be examined under a lab microscope to determine what is activating the problem. You know you do not need to worry because you can apply the cream specifically meant for your infection.


What to know about this fungus?

This nail fungus is a common health condition that begins as a white or yellow spot under the tip of the fingernail or toenail. As the fungal infection turns deeper, nail fungus might trigger your nail to discolour, condense, and even smash at the edge. It could even affect diverse nails. If your condition is somewhat mild and not disturbing, you might not need treatment. If your nail fungus is piercing and has activated thickened nails, self-care steps and different medications may be of great assistance. But even if treatment turns out to be successful, nail fungus most of the time emerges back. For your understanding, nail fungus is even called onychomycosis. Once fungus attacks the areas between your toes and skin of the feet, it is even called athlete’s foot (tinea pedis).


Is toenail fungus common?

Toenail fungus is prevalent, mainly as people get older. Medical experts estimate that onychomycosis impacts one in ten people overall, and it is a number that jumps to one in two (50%) for folks older than seventy.


A contagious condition 

Yes, many different types of toenail fungi are somewhat contagious. An infected person can spread the fungus to someone else via direct contact. You can even attain toenail fungus by simply touching an infected surface.


Common ways you may get toenail fungus 

Many people get toenail fungus by:

– Simply walking around the borders of swimming pools.

– Making use of a public locker room or the shower.

– Walking barefoot in the public area.




Is the spread of toenails on other body areas possible?

Yes. But toenail fungus primarily doesn’t spread beyond your toe, and some dermatophyte fungi spread conveniently to the skin. (Your skin, as well as scalp, also contains keratin.) Once dermatophyte fungi affect the skin, it is known as ringworm.


Toenail fungus may spread to:

– Your other toenails.

– Skin between the toes (it is called athlete’s foot).

– Your Groin area (known as jock itch).

– Scalp (skin on the top of the head).

Of course, you keep your body clean, hygienic, and fresh; you will avoid spreading this infection. It would help if you were sure that you do not use the same cloth you put nearer to your toes on your other body parts.


How do dermatologists or skin specialists help you treat the fungus?  

Treatment mostly begins with your dermatologist trimming your infected nail(s), cutting back every infected nail to a place that associates up to your finger or a toe. The dermatologist might even scrape the rubble under the nail, which helps get rid of some fungus. To fully get rid of the infection, most individuals even need one or more of the following treatments:


Medicine to apply to the affected nail. 

If you have a mild infection, a Ketomac medicine that you could apply to your nails may remove the infection. This treatment helps keep any new fungus out while the nails grow. Fingernails mostly grow out in nearly four to six months, and Toenails do take a little longer, usually taking twelve to eighteen months. Of course, a good Ketomac cream or medicine can be a game-changing treatment for your mild toenail fungus.


The most challenging part of this treatment is primarily to use it as often as prescribed. Some treatments must even be applied every day at a different time, and others you might apply once a week. To get the proper outcomes, you must apply such creams precisely as directed.


Indeed, some fungus types of medicines can trigger some side effects. But you know, side effects from most of the medicines are mild. Possible side effects may be redness and swelling, even ingrown toenails, and upsetting or burning once you apply for medicine. In the clinical type of trials, none of these side effects triggers patients to stop using the treatment.


Who has a higher chance of getting toenail fungus?

You must understand that anyone can experience toenail fungus, which primarily affects older adults, mainly people over sixty. You could have a higher risk of experiencing toenail fungus case you have:


– Diabetes.

– Poor blood circulation could be a result of peripheral vascular disease.

– Athlete’s foot.

– Hyperhidrosis (disorder or condition that makes you sweat a lot).

– Nail injury.

– Psoriasis.

– Weakened immune system, like that of from an autoimmune disorder or even HIV.


What would your toenail fungus look like?

Toenail fungus may change your toenails’ appearance in more than one way. Your toenail could:

– Alter colour, looking white, yellow, or even brown.

– Separate from that of your nail bed (leaving space between your nail and the skin beneath).

– Crack or even that of a break in one or more spots.

– Look pale or cloudy in some spots.

– Thicken and even perhaps look misshapen.


Of course, if you see any of these things happening to your toes, you may already be having this toenail infection. But don’t worry, if you use Ketomac cream and ointment meant for your fungus infections, you will get rid of this infection soon and ensure that your toes look the way they were before the infection.



So, check out a good quality antifungal cream for toenails like that of a brand like Ketomac. Such a cream would not disappoint you.



Haircare is one crucial thing that everybody should be careful about. It is much better to be cautious about it now than sorry down the lane. Speaking of dandruff, it is one of the most annoying hair conditions that various folks face. Some amount of dandruff at some moment of your age is average. But in case you see an extensive amount of dandruff on your hair, you need to do something about such thing. After all, it would help if you did not neglect your hair care.

In India, you can check out safe and effective medicated dandruff shampoo and ensure your hair is getting healthier and dandruff is taking a back seat. These are the shampoos manufactured particularly for fighting the issue of dandruff. But if you feel that it is okay and dandruff will not do anything to your overall lifestyle or health, you need to be cautious. Here are some points that would ensure that you do something about your dandruff issue.

You may get cornered. 

If you have massive dandruff, you might get cornered in social life, personal life, or even professional life. People are pretty particular about their health and hair that they may begin avoiding your company. It does not matter how great you are at your skills, work, or tasks; dandruff can surpass your personality and existence. Would you prefer to remain cornered, or are you up to doing something important about your hair issue? Whatever the instance, make sure that you do something about it.

Now, what is the point if you are a good person at heart, have a lot of knowledge, and love interacting with people. But people are making distance from you because they are not liking dandruff on your hair and dotting on your shoulders. Come on; you need to work on your dandruff thing right away to stay connected with people. After all, nobody would want to catch dandruff from their fellow people. And believe it or not, people firmly believe that dandruff is contagious.

Don’t be a laughingstock. 

Have you ever really thought, why are people always laughing when you are around them? It could not be because of your humorous nature or of witty dialogues but rather because of your filthy dandruff. Come on; you must not take dandruff lightly. What if you always become the source of laughter, and people are always making fun of you? Even if you were on the other side, you would also end up laughing at a person who might be drenched in dandruff. So, it is better to do something about it or continue to become a joke in your social circle and life.

Embarrassing meets 

Do you like to get embarrassed because of anything? What is the significance of being out with your beloved ones or friends and colleagues, and then you find those white dandruff dots all over your shoulder? Would it be quite irritating, right? You might feel embarrassed about yourself, and things can get to the next level when someone points out your dandruff white dots on your shoulders or shirt. This is something that would make you feel sad and disappointed. Why become embarrassed when you can do something about the condition?

Drop-in your self-esteem 

You may not be digging deeper into such a thing, but professionals are. If you speak with a psychologist, they might inform you that these things target your self-esteem. You could even start feeling low and down all the time. You would have no clue, but you form an impression about yourself that is somewhat sad and disgusting. You cannot just surrender before your dandruff issue, and don’t permit it to ruin your life by hampering your overall love for yourself. You have to go for an excellent solution to ensure you heal and get rid of your dandruff condition.

What is the point if you are a strong person, but your self-esteem is down? Remember, once your self-dandruff becomes hampered, you begin to stay sad, disappointed, and depressed. Even if you deserve everything in your life, you don’t think that way. You start seeing yourself as less than everyone else, and you become lonely and sad.

Your relationship may end. 

These days, people are so much into their looks, hygiene and overall personality that nobody wants to take a chance. Here, if you have a partner, they might not like that your head and shoulder are full of dandruff. They might not feel comfortable when you hug them or sit next to them. Of course, you people may have a good bond, but they impact the bond when such instances repeatedly come up. Your partner would slowly start looking at you with some lowness in mind. They would take you as an unhygienic person. And who knows, your partner begins to maintain distance with you? Would you not like it, right? Why ruin your beautiful relationship with your partner when you can do something about your hair condition with dandruff?

Come on, once, keep yourself on the other side of the rope. If you have been in a relationship with a man and see that his shoulders are always dotted with dandruff and he is taking it lightly, you may begin to maintain some distance. You may not like the reality that he does nothing about his dandruff. So, whoever it may be, if you want your relationship with them to stay cordial and reasonable, make sure that you do something about dandruff.

Professional life 

It is not just about your personal life or social gatherings; it is about your professional life too. What is the point if you are cable, you have the experience and knowledge but because of your unkempt dandruff hair, your boss or seniors at the last moment give a chance to someone else to present the presentation on your behalf? What if you are not given opportunities because your seniors are ashamed of your too much dandruff? Nobody would want to present the presentation through an employee who is not looking up to the mark because of dandruff issues. Your knowledge, skills, and designation; everything would stand useless. After all, everyone would want to present the best to the table for presentations, right? So, why not think positively and understand that you need to work on your ways?


To sum up, it is a chance to change for your good. Make sure that you do something about your dandruff problem or lose your personality and impressions in the social circle. You should check out something like medicated shampoo in India and use it regularly. These Ketomac shampoos would turn your life for good.


There are different types of reasons that people do face hair fall, and it is okay. Some folks face slight hair fall, and some experience extensive. If you fall in the area of the latter, then you should take proper precautions. You cannot just let your hair fall steadily and go bald. If you would not take any precautions, you could have no hair on your head.

You can always check out and count on products like ketomac tablets for your hair loss. This way, you can ensure that your hair is safe, protected, and more assertive. You know mild hair fall can happen to anyone, but there are some reasons as well for extensive hair fall, and such are like:

Your Hormonal Imbalances 

Hormones have always been an active player in most of the problems you encounter in your life, and these impact you in a manner you do not expect. Testosterone is a hormone that every person might have come across or have heard of. It is a thing that is the cause for deeper voices, muscular growth, and even sex drive, along with various diverse other things. When your body turns into testosterone to the less efficient dihydrotestosterone (DHT), you might experience the condition of hair loss. Remember that DHT outbreaks and even shrivelling hair follicles result in hair thinning or even hair loss. Of course, males in a considerable number experience hair loss because of hormonal imbalances.

Ailment or any surgery 

Hair loss could be taken as usual if you have recently undergone significant surgery or are recovering from a grave ailment. Some individuals experience and see a surprising degree of hair loss right after a couple of weeks of significant surgery / or after a severe illness. Perhaps the degree of hair loss might seem excessive. It is nothing more than a response to a particular event, and hair shall get back to normal after a short while. Of course, you would not need to panic in this instance because you get to know your operation or injury has dropped you in such a condition, and this condition will not be permanent.

You would be sure that sooner or later, your hair would be steady and okay.

Taking any Medications 

There are different anticoagulants & many chemotherapy medicines that treat diseases such as cancer. Such is famous for activating the problem of hair loss, and your hair generally gets back once the medication comes to an end. Moreover, there can even be anti-depressants that may result in hair loss, and even extensive vitamin A may get the same influence.

The stressful lifestyle 

Stress has turned out to be the main issue in our lives at the current time. If you are a person who has been under massive amounts of pressure at work or home, you might be in a position to blame your hair loss problem on stress. Of course, you might not take it seriously, but substantial physical or emotional stress can activate far-reaching hair to stop growing in a usual manner. But you are privileged enough if you are a victim of hair fall because of any stress, and pressure does not activate hair fall permanently. It is just a temporary phase & you may get over it.

Nutritional shortages

It could be possible that essential nutrients might simply be missing from your day today diets, such as iron, copper, zinc, and proteins. Lack of vitamin D is another crucial reason for hair loss. To avoid this, ensure getting out and absorbing some sun rays. It would help you for sure, and you would be confident that your hair would be healthier.

Hairstyling products

Remember that an over-treated hair type can lead to hair loss because of the toxic chemicals found in dyes and styling products. Similarly, closely all shampoos have Sodium lauryl sulphate (SLS), which has a toxic impact on your immune system and has been seen or believed to rust hair follicles and hamper hair growth. It is thoughtful to glue to natural shampoos and that dyes.

Do you have dandruff?

Well, you may be thinking if dandruff can cause hair loss? Well, the answer to this is yes, it can. It does differ from individual to individual. There are instances when people lose their hair because of dandruff and end up bald or even with thinned hair.

Look at some other causes of hair breakage and fall.

– Wrong or much teasing, brushing, uneven combing of wet hair

– Heat such a through direct sunlight. It is even through styling tools like that a curling iron, hairdryer, or also straightening iron

– Recurrent colouring or dying because, during this time, your hair cuticle becomes opened

– Too much pressure, for example, through hair elastics or even through hair clips

– Chemical treatments like that of a permanent wave

– Friction like knitted scarves and sweaters mainly can coarsen the hair fibres

Avoid head wash extensively. 

If your skin is oily, you have considerably natural oil (sebum) production in your scalp. It is something that might head to the craving to wash your hair a lot more often than you require to. You mustn’t wash your hair every single day. If you have a lot of natural oil, you must wash your hair thrice a week or all-out four. But a layperson must do their head wash just three times a week. Overhead wash could lead to extensive dryness, resulting in hair breakages. Remember, at times, less is more for you. And when you wash within limits, you will see better outcomes. It is not that you wash your hair every day, and your hair will stay better. Of course not. So, make sure that you possess the proper hair wash regime.

Why should you bother?

If your hair is thinning or you are losing your hair, make sure you do something about it. What is the point if your baldness triggers issues in your life? What if your self-esteem drops heavily? What if your confidence dips too? What if you start to feel depressed in your life because of your hair loss? These things can dominate your life if you do not work on the primary cause. Once you work on the root of hair loss, you can be sure that you do not let these situations come into your life.


To sum up, you should check out the ketomac tablet used in Hindi and accordingly use this tablet to ensure that you are not losing your hair. Come on; these would work effectively for your hair loss.


Your hair is a gorgeous and charming possession that cannot be replaced. When you have lost the hair or the charm of your beloved hair, you may end up in a long-lasting regret. It would help if you worked on your hair so that your hair does keep you in perfect condition. Do you feel that you are suffering from any kinds of hair issues? Are you doing anything about this type of thing? It would help if you didn’t give yourself a chance to neglect your hair.

Now, if you look for ways to deal with your dandruff, you may think if a specific product is suitable for you or not. You may ask things like, is Ketomac shampoo sulphate free? Well, the point is there are good shampoos like Ketomac shampoos that are specifically manufactured red to deal with dandruff issues. In this way, you can be confident that the correct type of product promises you relief and keeps your hair safe. There are plenty of things that you lose once you have dandruff. The point is that dandruff is something everyone experiences in bits and pieces in their lifetime. But if you are one such fellow experiencing dense and constant dandruff, then it is a problem, and you must come up with a solution.

Important points you should know about dandruff. 

Dandruff is a thing that emerges when any fungal infection like that of yeast emerges or takes place on your scalp. When it grows on the scalp, it will get addressed as Malassezia. This is a condition that triggers itching and hair fall other than the shedding of the overall scalp.

There are mainly two types of dandruff, the foremost one is for dryness of your scalp, and the other is the simple one that comes through the ailments. The former one takes place as an outcome of the dryness of the skin. Talking of the latter one, it is the actual illness of the scalp. The 2nd one occurs primarily because of improper care of the scalp, rough hair brushing, rare sort of shampoo, and even inadequate diet.

Dandruff slays your confidence.  

Dandruff is a usual complaint wherein your scalp becomes too dry & peeling. It’s better that you wash away your dandruff issues now. You cannot simply allow dandruff to hit your confidence hard. You have no idea how this problem could hamper your confidence. You could naively check your head repeatedly during a meeting. Maybe you are giving a quick presentation, and then you recall dandruff that does shed on your shoulder; this type of thing leaves you wobbly. All your confidence goes when you feel or think about dandruff that you could be carrying on your head. This is a serious issue that must be dealt with soon. If you have never really been so particular about the dandruff thing, it is time that you considerately think about it.

What is the base of dandruff?

Like those on the rest of the body, the skin cells on the scalp get unceasingly replaced and shunned. If your skin cells begin to rift too swiftly, that is quicker than a shed. It is a thing that triggers flakes. The overgrowth of such cells might be the reason for build-up on your scalp that invites dandruff. Various people are sensitive to Malassezia furfur’s yeast naturally stays on the scalp, and this sensitivity could lead to the growth of other skin cells that gather and flake off. At times there is even a genetic reason as well.

Talking about dandruff, it is triggered by a natural presence of a microbe on the scalp known as Malassezia globosa. The microbe gathers the scalp oils into substances that might irritate the scalp. Though everyone possesses Malassezia globosa on their scalp, nearly fifty per cent of scalps get bothered by its overall presence.

If you feel flakes are the prime and only signs of dandruff, you require reconsideration. Some things come even before flakes & indicate dandruff. Itchiness is the most common symptom of heads flakes. The sensation of itchiness grows when receptors on the skin’s surface get activated by some nuisance. In such an instance, nerves signal the brain through the spinal cord. It is what triggers you to act (scratch). Irritation from that Malassezia can become a cause that a scalp turns out to be so itchy that you are forced to scratch. The point is that the itchiness you are experiencing is a clear sign that you will encounter dandruff. Similarly, with itching, there are other types of signs, too, like signs of skin harm on the scalp: redness, tightness, dryness, and even irritation.

Things you should note 

If you find any of these hints, you should begin the treatment at the earliest possible time. There is no need to procrastinate. Once dandruff gets out of your hand, it becomes quite complicated to handle. Dandruff might be embarrassing many times and hard to treat, but the nice thing is that help is available. There are only types of shampoos and medicines out there that can be chosen for your hair cleanliness & washes. Once you check out the options in the domain of Ketomac, you can get the products that help you heal your head and keep your hair dandruff-free. The suitable dandruff shampoos and products are the finest treatments for your beautiful hair.

Similarly, you require to keep in mind that the condition of dandruff sometimes does emerge because of the use of wrong or incorrect products. If you are using a couple of products that are not friendly to your skin or hair, it is crucial time you throw them out of your house. You must use the products that hamper your hair’s hygiene, overall cleanliness, and wellness. In case you get too confused, you can speak with professionals too, and they will hand you the products that suit well your hair and scalp and, at the same time, remove dandruff.

Your Itchy Scalp

This is one of the chief reasons you need to know how to get rid of this dandruff. Itchy scalp is a situation that results in irritated and oily skin. Such an exact situation is pathologically recognized as seborrheic dermatitis. It is quite that equal to an extreme dandruff form. It grows because of improper shampooing or not doing shampooing adequately. It results in skin cell build-up, leading to flakes and awful itching. Some personal care items or those used on your scalp can lead to dermatitis. It might also make your head sore and red.


So, it is time that you check out ketomac dandruff shampoo and ensure that you have a good experience. Once you have a perfect shampoo, you can be sure that you get rid of your dandruff issues.


To experience continually chapped lips is one of those annoying side effects of extreme winter weather or dry heat that you mostly have to learn to beam and bear. But if you allow the things to go untreated for too long, the dryness scatters to the lip corners and then even smiling and even bearing it hurts.

The condition of cracked lip corners may indeed occur for a few diverse reasons, the clearest being that your lips are too chapped, and the dryness has begun to spread to the outermost edges of your mouth because of a lack of moisture. But, in case you find it happens to you on repeat, you must take note there can be some other things at play, as well, that you may get checked out by your skin specialist, professional doctor, or health care expert. You can certainly check out antifungal ointment for lips to ensure that you start healing your cracks.

Remember that an allergy might trigger the chapped lip corners to something you are consuming that may be triggering over dryness in the corners of your lips or even that of your mouth, so some folks need to figure out what that allergy is. Sometimes, even acidic foods such as oranges and grapefruits are purported culprits. Another situation, known as angular cheilitis, could even be at play. It happens mostly because people breathe with their mouth while sleeping at night, mainly when their nose is simply stuffy during allergy times or seasons. The point is that tiny bits of saliva get gathered in this area and damage and, as saliva is a digestive enzyme, dissolves the tissue. It might cause secondary yeast to attack the area and form inflammation.

What is angular cheilitis?

Though the cracks on the sides of the mouth could look like the dry, flaky patches you get on the lips during the winter, angular cheilitis is a kind of inflammation triggered by the collection of saliva around the mouth that can lead to an overgrowth of yeast. It is why lip balms are not entirely going to make it disappear.

Professionals feel that moistening your area (like licking it or simply applying a balm) can worsen the issue. You should know that the vast moisture may lead to secondary infection with microorganisms, like Candida yeast or Staphylococcus bacteria.

Folks sensitive to yeast or fungal ailments may have more issues than immunosuppressed patients. These individuals are prone to angular cheilitis. However, wearing braces or a mouth guard may make you drool at night, and then such mouth cracks can be an issue.

Signs of this condition 

The signs of angular cheilitis condition are likely obvious to anyone who had them. In general, these can include:

– A whitening or that of thickening of the skin nearly the corners of your mouth

– Redness as well as swelling in the area

– Cracking or that of crusting at the corners of the mouth

– Pain or even soreness

– Burning

You should know that you may experience only these symptoms on one side of the mouth, and it can also be possible that these might appear on both sides of your mouth. Though these are the symptoms that are usually only noticeable in the area around the mouth, they may extend to the cheek in extreme or severe cases.

What is causing you this condition?

Angular cheilitis does not have one specific cause, but a couple of things can make you more susceptible. A diversity of factors can impact someone’s odds of having or experiencing angular cheilitis.

Dry mouth

Yes, folks having a dry mouth, aka xerostomia, have a higher likelihood of developing these mouth cracks. So, if you have it, make sure that you are doing something about it. Start using Ketomac creams right away.


Now, dehydration is one of the primary and essential causes of xerostomia. Individuals with certain types of health conditions, like uncontrolled diabetes, are specifically vulnerable to increased urination and even dehydration and, hence, are more likely to develop the situation of angular cheilitis.

Different Medications

Of course, different medications could irritate the skin, such as the acne drug isotretinoin, or even treatments like chemotherapy may cause irritation and dryness that leads to angular cheilitis.

Autoimmune conditions

Xerostomia is even a seal of the autoimmune condition Sjogren’s syndrome. Other autoimmune disorders such as Crohn’s disease, lupus & ulcerative colitis can trigger autoimmune alterations that lead to a higher incidence of angular cheilitis.

Nutritional deficiencies

A lack of adequate iron can lead to anaemia, which researchers have connected with angular cheilitis. One leading hypothesis is that an iron deficiency may drop a person’s immunity, though that is not set in stone. Insufficient intake of some B vitamins and even zinc has been linked to angular cheilitis, possibly because of their vital contributions to keeping the immune system.

Down syndrome

This link here could be due partly to what’s known as that muscular hypotonia or even that of a lower-than-normal muscle tone. It may prompt individuals with Down syndrome to keep their mouths simply open and allow their tongues to jut, exasperating the corners of their mouths.

Age factor 

Such risk factors translate into older people being most likely to develop angular cheilitis. Older people are more likely to experience dry mouth, for example. They often have compromised immune systems, making it difficult to fight off infections. Another type of risk lies in age-related alterations around their mouths. Once older individuals lose the structural support around their mouth, the corners turn downward, and it develops folds in such types of mouth corners, where saliva inclines to pool.


Indeed, winter is the time that gives your lips a hard time, and it will trigger roughness and cracks in your mouth because of dryness. No matter how moisturizing you do, you will experience some dryness and cracks on and around your lip area. Hence, it would help if you gave an extra level of attention to your lips in times of winter. After all, Ketomac creams would not just prevent your crack mouth corner conditions but also ensure that the winters do not get you a hard time.

Getting rid of cracked mouth corners 

Professionals feel that this condition takes nearly two to four weeks to resolve with the help of treatment; angular cheilitis mostly gets worse and sorer if you leave it to its own devices. Once you have an excellent ointment or cream of Ketomac for your lips, you can get relief from your cracked mouth cracks.


So, check out an excellent antifungal lip treatment by talking about it with your doctors. And before that, you can start using a cream that might be working for you. Who knows, with a good Ketomac cream, you experience a healthier mouth!


There are so many diverse types of lip conditions that you know about. But have you ever wondered about the irritating cracks that you might get around the lips? Have you ever undergone some pain around your lips, and you thought, why? Well, it might be the condition of cracked mouth corners. If you are not vigilant about your lips, you may end up experiencing mouth conditions that would make your day-to-day life sore and painful.


You talk, eat, and even drink through your mouth. If something is wrong with your mouth or lips, you could experience uneasiness and pain when eating or speaking. If you experience any such issues, you can embrace the ointments or a cream that works for you, such as the Antifungal cream for lips, and ensure it heals. The point is that you can easily walk through the options in the domain of Ketomac and find the correct cream as per your particular needs. Angular cheilitis is even called angular stomatitis and even that of perlèche. It activates swollen, red patches in the corners or even endings on the outside of your lips.


These cracks can emerge on one or both sides of your mouth. It is an inflammatory situation that could either last a couple of days or be a chronic problem. It might influence people of all age groups.


It is medically known as angular cheilitis (literally “it is a kind of inflammation of the angles of your lip, it is also known as perleche, resulting from the French lecher that of to lick. Sometimes, when you experience pain on the corners of the mouth because of cracks, you go ahead and lick the area continuously or repeatedly to experience comfort. But maybe you feel comfortable, but it instead worsens your condition.


Thinkable Reasons for the condition of Perleche

The condition of Perleche includes several possible reasons, mostly from in or around your mouth (though systemic diseases or medications could trigger it in rare events). It is most of the time discovered that younger people who drool during the time of sleep or older people have deep wrinkles along the sides of the mouth that boost the chances of dryness and cracking. Then you may know the long-term wind or too much cold exposure, ill-fitting dentures, or even a shortage of back teeth (that help support facial structure) might even contribute to the condition. Patients with perleche might also develop yeast infections from any strain known as candida Albicans. The infection could spread through the whole mouth, massively increasing the chances of physical discomfort.


Keep in mind that treating the condition of perleche most of the time includes topical ointments with inflammation-plummeting steroids and even zinc oxide, which includes antifungal properties, to cater for an environmental fence during the healing procedure. If a yeast infection grows, professionals could even treat it with oral or topical antifungal medication, which has antibacterial properties. You can easily explore the creams and other options when you know that you have a situation or condition around your mouth. Timely moves can ensure that you have fit, healthy, and happy lips and mouth.


This even helps to adopt a couple of defensive measures that can minimalize the growth or presence of perleche. In case you wear dentures, as an example, cleaning these mainly (encompassing, if necessary, with that of chlorhexidine) and leaving these out during the night lessens bacterial and fungal growth. Experts can see if your dentures are fitting reasonably. Replacing your missing teeth offers better facial support and could even minimize wrinkling around the mouth. And indeed, keeping up the regular type of brushing and flossing assists in ensuring a healthy as well as ailment-free mouth.


Clear Signs 

Signs of angular cheilitis will nearly appear exclusively at the corners of your mouth. The signs may even be piercing. These could differ from mild redness to even open, bleeding blisters. In case you are having the condition of angular cheilitis, the corners of your mouth might be:

– Cracked

– Bleeding

– Blistered

– Red

– Crusty

– Crusty

– Swollen

– Scaly

– Itchy

– Painful


More signs can include:

– You could experience a bad taste in your mouth

– Challenges and trouble eating as a result of the irritation

– You get a burning feeling on your lips or mouth

– Lips feeling much dry or chapped


What activates angular cheilitis?

There are different types of different causes of angular cheilitis. The most common is that of yeast infection as an outcome of saliva. You know what? Saliva could build up and get trapped in the corners of your lips, and it is something that causes lips to crack. A person could lick their lips more to appease the pain or dryness of their lips. This much saliva could sit in the corners, and that is the perfect warm environment for fungus like that yeast to grow. Of course, you know very well that these yeast infections occur mainly in the areas that stay wet. Also, viruses and bacteria could trigger it to develop. There are specific types of folks who are more at risk for undergoing or developing angular cheilitis, encompassing the ones who:


– Go for regular oral thrush

– Often make use of corticosteroids or antibiotics

– Have an overhang of the upper lip, creating deeper angles at the corners of the lips

– Wearing braces

– Have much sensitive type of skin

– Have other different types of inflammatory illnesses, like Crohn’s ailment

– Using oral retinoid medication

– Having Sjogren’s syndrome

– The constant habit of smoking

– Having diabetes, anaemia, or cancer

– Experience the deficiencies of vitamins B-9, B-6, B-2, or B-3, or even mineral zinc


The diagnosis of angular cheilitis 

As this angular cheilitis condition might signify a fungal or even bacterial infection, you must consult or talk to your doctor to find out how to treat it. Your primary care doctor might diagnose angular cheilitis, but dermatologists might be able to cater the most delicate possible treatment. Yes, it would help if you talked to or consulted with a good dermatologist, and they would allow you to know what exactly there is and how you may get rid of it. After all, these dermatologists are the kind of skin specialists. Your doctor will evaluate your skin and ask about any other types of skin irritations elsewhere on the body.



You can check out antifungal lip cream by Ketomac and ensure that you have a healing option in hand. Once you apply it regularly, you will get rid of your lip condition sooner than you may think.



Almost every part of our body is sensitive and needs care so that you can avoid the different problems associated with them. To enjoy life, you should have a healthy mind and body. We all want to be healthy, but very few of us even make any effort to be healthy and happy, which we lack. One of the biggest mistakes we all commit is ignoring every condition at its initial stages.

Most of us don’t take things seriously unless they become something too big. The same is the case for skin problems as well. We all face many skin infections and issues; they can be solved if identified and diagnosed on time. But we all like to ignore them first and then complain about it. The fungal infection is one of the common skin issues you will see nowadays. There is no specific reason why this infection is becoming so common as it depends on many factors.

Anyone can suffer from fungal infections, which can occur on anybody where moisture is exceptionally high. The fungus causes fungal infections. The fungus is present in almost every place, but some people are more allergic to it than others. These can be the various risk factors that make them face this. But mainly it is due to our efforts and gestures. Lip fungal is also so common, and even kids are suffering from this issue. The lip fungus can give different symptoms, and it will be better if we diagnose them at the earliest.

The lip fungus can be in the form of corner cuts, also known as angular cheilitis. Some of the symptoms that will help you to identify this issue are:

  • Cracks on the angle: You will experience cracks on the corner of your lips, and it feels like a wound. The cracks on that angle are very painful and will not allow you to eat and drink comfortably. It is known as lip fungus or angular cheilitis.
  • A feeling of burning: The feeling of burning sensation in the corner of your mouth is also one of the symptoms of this problem. You will feel a burning sensation in that area. It can also cause itchiness and feels like the most dried area. It also causes difficulty opening the mouth, difficulty eating, etc.
  • The white patches: You will also see the white patches on your lips or inside your mouth. This is one of the common symptoms of this problem. The white patches start the lip fungus, and with a suitable antifungal cream like Ketomac antifungal for lips, we can indeed treat this issue.
  • Redness on or at the corners of the lips: The easiest way to diagnose this problem is the redness on your lips and the corners. It makes your sensitive lip area red, and it is the beginning.

Keep these symptoms in mind so that you can quickly diagnose this issue. There are many creams available but trust only antifungal ointment for lips by Ketomac in this. You can also give some easy remedies a try to get some relief. Some of the remedies to try for this are:

  • Easy saltwater remedy: The warm salt water can give you temporary relief, so you must try this. Use only warm water and not the normal or colder one. Warm the water and then add salt to the water. You can rinse your mouth with that water. The salt has cleansing as well as soothing elements that will surely help. Instead of drinking this, you can rinse and spit.
  • Using baking soda remedy: Baking soda helps treat many types of fungal infections, including lip fungus. You can add baking soda instead of salt also. Baking soda has antifungal properties that make it suitable for antifungal treatment. You can take warm water and add baking soda to it. Try to rinse it properly and then spit the water.
  • Yoghurt remedy: The yoghurt includes the probiotic in higher quantities, which is why it is the best remedy for lip fungus. The yoghurt contains good bacteria, which kill the harmful bacteria causing infection. You can add yoghurt to your diet or can increase its quantity. You can prefer eating unsweetened yoghurt instead of flavoured one. So, add yoghurt to your diet for temporary relief from the problem. For the permanent solution, you must use the antifungal cream by Ketomac.
  • The lemon juice remedy: The lemons also include antifungal properties that help relieve this issue. They are antiseptic as well, so you must try them. You can add a juice of a half lemon to any water, cold or warm, as you want. You can also drink this water or can use it to rinse your mouth. It will be helpful, but it can also cause a slight burning sensation in the affected area.
  • Turmeric remedy: Turmeric is antiseptic and has properties that can reduce inflammation. In this case, the inflammation is too high, and we must try anti-inflammatory elements. Turmeric milk is also known as golden milk, and that is why you must try it. You can add turmeric to the warm milk and add a pinch of black pepper. This remedy can offer you relief from this problem. Try to drink the milk by swishing it in your whole mouth for better results.
  • The apple cider vinegar: The following most used remedy for fungal infection is apple cider vinegar. You can add apple cider vinegar to the cup of water and use this to rinse your mouth. And it possesses antifungal properties and can help you in this. Try to add unfiltered or raw apple cider vinegar to the water for better results.

So, these are some of the easy remedies for lip fungus or angular cheilitis that we must try. But don’t forget to use the antifungal lip treatment by Ketomac. It is specially designed to treat fungal infections like jock itch, nail fungus, ringworm, athlete foot, lip fungus, etc. It includes Ketoconazole which is the best medication for fungal infections. This element kills the fungus and helps reduce its growth, hence treating this fungal infection at the earliest.

It starts with the cell membranes and keeps the unwanted substance away. It impairs the elements that help the fungi to live in our cell membranes. It is one of the best treatments for fungal infections that we should prefer. Curing it properly will take time, and we must hold on to our patients to remove this fungal infection altogether.


Everyone knows how important it is to have the healthiest hair to create a perfect match with our personality. Often, we skip taking care of our hair as we think it is not required. But in reality, it is required to keep our hair safe and healthy. Our hair faces a lot of things every day as we don’t cover our hair in dust, pollution, smoke, sunlight, and so on. That is why they are more prone to various skin issues. Our small mistakes have made us face and suffer from different hair issues.

Like keeping our hairs in a tight rubber band, not washing them, using the wrong shampoo, brushing too often, and so on, all these mistakes can contribute to inviting the hair problems like hair loss, dandruff, and hair thinning. The dandruff problem is so common that it can affect an infant also. From infants to senior-aged people, anyone can face the dandruff problem. The reasons behind the commonness of this issue can be so many. But dehydrated scalp, oily or dry scalp, and weather conditions are common reasons. But you don’t have to worry as the best-medicated shampoo for dandruff in India is available with Ketomac that we can use.

Some of the more causes that contribute to dandruff are:

  • The different scalp problems: You have an oily or dry scalp, but you can still face dandruff problems. This means people with oily skin are also likely to have dandruff issues due to severe dermatitis. This scalp condition can irritate your skin and can cause dandruff. Not only this, but the dry skin problem too is causing the dandruff problem so common. The dry skin can be flaky, and having white flakes is common.
  • Less shampooing in hair: If you think you can wash your hair just once a week, you should not be surprised by the dandruff flakes coming out from your hair. Not washing hair means not maintaining the proper cleanliness of your hair, and that is why there are chances that you will suffer from a dandruff problem. All those who are not shampooing should start shampooing their hair to avoid this issue.
  • Microorganism growth: The dandruff problem can be due to the increasing growth of the microorganisms like Seborrhoea and yeast. So in case they are living on your scalp, you will face this issue so commonly.

So, these are so common reasons behind the dandruff problem that we have to skip or quit in case you want to get rid of dandruff. It would help if you started using the antidandruff shampoo by Ketomac now to treat this issue. There are many perks of using this shampoo or the way this shampoo work. Take a look at:

  • Reducing the cells that are causing dandruff: So as well all know, the dandruff issue is due to the increased growth cell of the microorganism. The Ketomac antidandruff shampoo will help reduce the cell growth of those cells so that they can cause the dandruff problem. The dandruff problem becomes worse when the growth of such microorganisms keeps on increasing instead of going down.
  • Yeast growth prevention: The growth of yeast causes many other scalps-related and other skin issues. They even cause the dandruff problem. It is essential to prevent yeast growth to not harming us. So, the antidandruff shampoo by Ketomac will help minimise its growth, and your hair will feel healthier after this.
  • Controlling the production of oil: The excessive production of oil in the scalp or hair is also one reason for getting dandruff. Many people doubt that they can use antidandruff shampoo if they have oily hair or scalp problems. But the antidandruff shampoo by Ketomac is also made for oily scalp people. It can be helpful enough to have regulated oil production and not excessive. So, this means the antidandruff shampoos help manage this and solve other concerns.

So, these are some of the best advantages that an antidandruff shampoo by Ketomac can offer us. You can also try some natural remedies that can be helpful enough to treat the dandruff problem, but you must keep on using the shampoo. Some of them are:

  • Try neem and basil paste: These ingredients, like basil and neem, are suitable for the dandruff problem as they possess antidandruff properties. You can try this paste to use natural ways to treat it. You can make a paste of both these ingredients and carefully apply it to your head and scalp. After keeping it for some time, you can wash it. They also possess antibacterial elements to stop their growth and help you get rid of dandruff.
  • Use of lavender: You may have heard of this ingredient many a time. You can try the lavender extracts or even the flowers of the lavender as per the availability. These hair packs are difficult to make, so you cannot entirely rely on them. You must use the best antidandruff shampoo by Ketomac. Lavender oil is also available in the market that you can use to massage your hair.
  • Using the simplest ingredient, lemon and coconut: These ingredients are easily found at your home, so they are easy to try. You can use warm coconut oil to heat it for two or three minutes and add lemon to it. You can use your fingers to make it absorb your scalp fully after applying this, massage it and then wash it off. The coconut will help keep the moisture level right in your hair, and lemon is good as it possesses antidandruff properties.
  • Using tea tree oil: You may have heard about tea tree oil as it is used for many purposes, even for our skin. You can use tea tree oil on your hair, massage it properly, and wash your hair with the medicated antidandruff shampoo in India. This oil is readily available in the market, and you are making it home will seem impossible.

So, try all these most accessible remedies like hair packs on your hair for the dandruff problem. Ketomac offers the medicated shampoo, the perfect solution and treatment for the dandruff problem. It is also suitable for treating other scalp-related issues as well. This shampoo possesses ketoconazole that will reduce the growth of the bacteria causing dandruff and even kill it. It will reduce the dandruff problem and the other associated problems, like itchy scalp, flakes, and scaling. All your dandruff and hair problems will go away with this shampoo.

This means Ketomac is the one you can always trust whenever you face dandruff or other scalp issues, and you can even use it to prevent dandruff.


We all want to have the perfect body, skin, and hair so that we can flaunt our style everywhere. But in reality, none of us even make any effort in getting things done right to get all this. That is why we need to check our lifestyle habits to have better hair, skin, and health. Our hair adds a lot to our personality, so we all focus on them.

Have you wondered how it will feel when you see the white flakes scattered around your shoulders? Well, we all know that nothing could be more embarrassing than this. The hairs are also attached to so many issues that people experience in their routine life. From thinning of hair to dandruff problems, we face many things. But one thing that we must focus on is making some efforts to get rid of such problems. So many brands, products, creams, etc., are available in the market that claims to be perfect for your hair. But we cannot trust them so quickly as we cannot put our hair at risk.

Ketomac is one of the best brands to trust regarding our hair. Their products are specially designed in a way that they can solve all our hair issues in one go. This means many problems but one solution that is Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo. There are so many reasons why we all experience so many hair problems, and some of the causes of experiencing different hair problems are:

  • Not taking care of your hair: Most of the time, we skip taking care of our hair as we only think our skin needs care. But in reality, our hair needs care as well. They are also so sensitive that they will fall if you do not care for them. So, one of the major causes of facing hair problems is underestimating the hair care routine.
  • Skipping the hair oiling: Most of us constantly run away from the oiling part as sticky is not in trend. We don’t want our hair to look oily, so we like to skip the oiling part. But the reality is oiling is the best part of our hair care routine. It can nourish our hair and provide them with nutrients and care. But it is only best if you have done it with the best oil. You can try massaging your hair to strengthen it and oiling it once or twice a week for better results.
  • Brushing too often: If you think your hair looks good, you will keep brushing to make it look better. But brushing your hair too often means indulging them with tangles and resulting in hair fall. Using a hard hairbrush can also make your hair fall and weak. Many people try to remove Dandruff from their hair by combing them too often. But this can even make the dandruff situation worsen. You must avoid brushing too often so that you can keep them healthy.
  • Not using the right shampoo: Many shampoos are available in the market, but choosing the right one is essential. If you think you can only use Ketomac shampoo if you have a dandruff problem, you are wrong. You can use this shampoo to prevent the dandruff problem from happening. You can try the best shampoo by Ketomac for your hair. It includes Ketoconazole which can keep the dandruff problem away from your hair. It is the best ingredient to save your hair from Dandruff.

So, these are some of the causes of the hair problem that we need to keep in mind to get rid of these issues. Trying the best antidandruff shampoo by Ketomac is the best thing that we all can do. So, if you are wondering how the Ketoconazole dandruff shampoo can help you, then here are some of the benefits of it then you must know:

  • Solving your hair problems: We face so many hair problems relating to our hair. These are grey hair, oily scalp, dandruff, hair loss, etc. Using the Ketoconazole shampoo means you are stepping ahead to eliminate all these issues. One shampoo is the solution for your many skin issues in one go. One of the best benefits of dandruff shampoo is that it takes care of our hair and protects us from various hair issues.
  • Better for your hair health: Doing nothing but washing your hair with dandruff shampoo means doing so much for your hair’s health. This shampoo is the best treatment for your hair and the health of your hair. It promotes your hair growth and makes your hair healthy. Healthy hair means happy hair, and we can keep our hair happy and healthy with the Ketomac antidandruff shampoo. It can keep the hair bouncy and robust.
  • Maintaining the proper moisture: Your hair also requires moisture to be healthy. The proper moisture is the way to healthy hair, and Ketomac dandruff shampoo helps retain the proper moisture level in your hair and promotes its growth and follicles health.
  • Softer hair than ever: You will see how softer your hair becomes when using the right antidandruff shampoo. Using Ketomac antidandruff shampoo can make your hair stronger and super softer. You will love to touch your hair as it will feel so soft and bouncy.
  • Unbeatable changes in your hair: Once you start using the Ketomac antidandruff shampoo, you will notice the changes in your hair. It can reduce the hair fall problem to the minimum to save your hair from falling. Not only this, but it is also suitable for the oily scalp problem. You will see how the dandruff problem is treated automatically when using this shampoo. It can prevent and even cure the dandruff problem so that you don’t have to look at your shoulders next time you go somewhere. Bouncy, softer, firmer, and healthier hair than ever are the changes that you can’t miss noticing.
  • Reduce itching due to Dandruff: The dandruff problem does not come alone; instead, it also causes the itchiness in your scalp that makes you scratch your scalp continuously. The antidandruff shampoo by Ketomac can reduce that itching so that you can stop scratching your head.

So, this means the Ketomac shampoo benefits are so many that help us to get the best of our hair. Ketomac keeps the needs and problems of the people in mind before they design their products, and it is the best brand to rely on for your hair. Now you can use this shampoo undoubtedly anytime, anywhere to say goodbye to Dandruff.

Even those not suffering from Dandruff can use this shampoo to prevent the dandruff problem, keep their hair softer, promote growth, and promote scalp health.


We all want to have a perfect body, hair, and skin. But none of us even make any effort to get any of it. We all follow our lifestyle without considering its benefits or consequences, and we keep moving. But changes are part of our life, and we too need to adapt them to our lifestyle. Adding a little bit of change every week or month will help you have better health, mind, and body. There are so many ways in which we can improve our health status.

We are also concerned with other things, not only the health status. We are afraid of hair problems, dandruff issues, and so on. Our hair is the most loved part of our appearance, without which we will always pretend that something is missing. We want our hair to look perfect and problem-free every day, but this is not that easy. Our hairs are the part of our body that is in contact with pollution, air, harsh products, etc. That is why having a hair loss problem does not amaze us now.

The hair loss problem is so severe that it can even make you bald if not appropriately treated. So many brands and products relating to it are available in the market, but we cannot trust all of them. Most of them include chemicals that can temporarily cure the problem but badly affect it. But one best thing that we all can use is Ketomac products. It offers the best shampoo that can help us to treat our various hair issues. From curing the problem of hair loss to treating your dandruff problem, Ketomac shampoo is the best thing.

Not only this, but Ketomac also offers the Ketoconazole tablets for hair loss that we must try. The hair loss or thinning hair problem is so common that we ignore the issue even when it becomes worse due to its commonness. There are so many reasons why the problem of hair loss is so common, and some of the common reasons that we all should know about are:

  • Not taking care of hair: Our hairs are the most underestimated part of our body that requires extreme care. We can follow a skincare routine, but we are not ready to follow a hair care routine. We think that hairs are god-gifted and there is no need to take care of them, which is a myth. Our hair can look good and be healthy only if we contribute something to it. We skip washing our hair on time, do not apply oil, do not go to a hair spa, do not cover them, try harsh products, etc., on them.
  • Extreme contact with the sunlight: Many of us know that sunlight too can harm our hair if stayed more than the average time. The harmful sun rays are too harsh for our hairs to start falling or becoming dull. You need to cover your hair or head if you stay for too long in the extreme sunlight. So, this is one of the reasons for experiencing such hair problems.
  • Not using the right shampoo: As we all know, there is an endless variety of shampoos available on the market & choosing one from them is too difficult. That is why we try to pick two or three as per the colours of the bottle or the flavours mentioned therein. But in reality, we must use a medicated shampoo like Ketomac that can help us treat our hair problems and prevent the hair problems from happening. So, never forget to choose only Ketomac shampoo for your hair next time you buy a shampoo.
  • Over-brushing: The next common mistake is over brushing your hair to make them look perfect or straight. It would help if you avoided over brushing as it can make you bald. Try to brush twice or thrice a day and never more than this as it can make your hair fall.

So, these are why people face hair loss problems so often. There are many valuable tips available that can be helpful enough for this problem. Some of them to try now are:

  • Take a proper diet: You must eat a good diet that is good for your hair and health. Add a high protein diet and vitamin A to your diet to maintain your hair and promote hair growth. Go for greens, carrots, spinach, sweet potato, etc.
  • Try Ketoconazole tablets: You can try the best Ketoconazole tablets by Ketomac for your hair loss problem. They are easy to consume and are a handy treatment for hair loss, so try them now.
  • Limit the use of heat appliances: Every day, we use a straightener, curlers, dryers, etc., on our hair that exhales lots of heat on our hair. They are also one of the reasons why you face the hair problems like hair loss, thinning, and rough hair. You must limit their use to protect your hair from falling and becoming dull and rough. If used daily, the heating products harm your hair, so avoid and quit this habit for healthy hair.
  • Avoiding chemical treatments: Many hair treatments that contain chemicals are available on the market. They claim to treat your hair thinning, dull hairs, and split ends problems. But they end up harming your hair, and that is why avoid using too many chemicals on your hair.
  • Oiling your hair: You must start applying oil to your hair once a week. The oiling treatment is essential for your hair as oiling strengthens your hair and helps in moisturizing them. So, don’t forget the oiling champi every week for your hair.
  • Choosing the best shampoo: You must choose the best shampoo by Ketomac. Instead of choosing shampoos by looking at the colour of the bottle, you must always pick Ketomac shampoo.
  • Washing your hair correctly: If you don’t wash your hair so often, you must know that you must wash them once or twice a week. It would help if you took care of the hair hygiene as well. So, use Ketomac shampoo to wash your hair correctly to say goodbye to the hair problems.

These easy tips will be helpful for people who are facing hair baldness, thinning of hairs, and hair fall problems. So, if you were searching for the best hair products, your search ends at Ketomac. Once you start using the Ketomac shampoo and Ketoconazole tables by Ketomac, you will start noticing the changes in your hair.

Your hairs also need a diet, and Ketoconazole will act as a diet for your hair to make them healthy and problem-free. The hair loss problem will be solved by consuming the Ketoconazole tablets. You can keep these tips in mind, start using the Ketomac shampoo, take Ketoconazole tablets, and this three-step process will not be less than a miracle for your hair. Forget underestimating your hair and start taking care of it by following this above-discussed routine.


Our skin is sensitive, and we all agree on this, but we don’t want to agree on some points and ignore things that usually make us suffer from various skin-related problems. The microorganisms like fungus are almost everywhere, but their frequency varies. Our skin is the sensitive part that catches infection so fast that it becomes difficult to resist such infections. But there are so many life saviours that continually help us put ourselves out of such infections.

We all must be aware of some of the common skin infections that most people around us catch so fast. It can be a bacterial and fungal infection. These infections can be cured and are not dangerous to our health. But they can be harmful to our health if not taken care of in the initial stages. They have different symptoms and solutions as every skin infection is different. If we talk about the commonest of all the skin infections people usually face, the fungal infection always comes at the top. There’re so many types of fungal infections caused by fungus. Some of them are jock itch, nail fungus, lip fungus, ringworm, athlete foot, etc.

The fungal infection can be diagnosed quickly. If you are suffering from this type of infection, you will get to see it. It shows some simple symptoms that make it easy to be diagnosed. One of the best brands that offer the best solution for fungal infection is Ketomac. It isn’t easy to believe in any other brand as the Ketomac antifungal cream is the best. It also can be used as an antifungal cream for lips fungus. Nystatin is used to cure fungal infections due to its antifungal properties.

They can decrease the fungus growth, which will help get rid of the fungal infection. Different brands offer Nystatin, an antifungal medication, as it is also an active ingredient in many antifungal creams. It is easier to be applied to your skin and shows better results. So, if you also have a question about what and what purposes you can use this antifungal medication, then here is a guide on this. Use this medication for the below discussed skin issues:

  • Best for fungal infections: As we have already discussed, this topical medication is best for antifungal problems. You can prefer using this medication to solve your fungal infection problems. When the fungi growth increases day by day, the fungal infection worsens. Many remedies, lotions, creams, etc., are available to treat this, but the antifungal cream by Ketomac is the best option to choose every time you face a fungal infection. It can also happen due to the extreme moisture present in the body parts like inner thighs, feet, etc. So, use this to get a solution for fungal infections.
  • Yeast infections: Yeast infection is also one of the skin infections that we cannot avoid. Nystatin can be used as a treatment for yeast infections. The yeast infection is a vaginal infection that may have different symptoms. You can also consult a doctor before taking any medication for the yeast infection. Due to its antifungal properties, Nystatin is also used to treat this infection. The yeast infection can have the symptoms like pimples, rashes, burning, etc.; they can occur in different parts of the body, including the vagina, mouth, and nail beds.
  • Curing the diaper rashes: Diaper rash is the most common problem in infants, and it almost happens to every infant. Due to the continuous use of diapers for infants, diaper rashes are common. They can be cured using Nystatin so that you can give your infants relief from the redness and itchiness with this medication.

Many people have questions about how one person catches a fungal infection and the other does not. So, many things are required to answer this question. Some people are more at risk for fungal infections due to various reasons. Fungus is everywhere, but it usually catches people having:

  • Weak immunity: People who are not having strong immunity are most likely to face the problem of fungal infection. The fungus is everywhere, but the people with the weakest immunity catch this infection faster than those with complex immunity. So if you are a weak immune system and have a fungal infection problem, everything is cleared. You must increase your immunity and apply Ketomac antifungal cream for the treatment.
  • The obesity patients: If we talk about obesity, it never comes alone as there are so many other problems attached to this word. People facing obesity also face many other diseases and are at risk for other infections. It is also seen that people with obesity also face fungal infections more compared to fit people. There is a need to check your weight to stay healthy.
  • People being hospitalized: Those people who are being hospitalized currently or a few days or weeks back are also at the risk of catching this fungal infection. This is common to see people hospitalized and having fungal infections, but this can be wrong in some cases.
  • People with HIV or AIDS: Patients with HIV or AIDS can also suffer and risk having a fungal infection.

So this means fungal infections can affect anyone, but the people discussed above are at more risk than anyone else. People with this infection can differently face the symptoms or the problems. The Ketomac offers antifungal lip cream for lip fungus, nail fungus, jock itch, etc. Ringworm is another common fungal infection that can quickly diagnose and affect any part of your body. It makes the red circle wound that looks bumped and makes your skin itchy. You do not need to worry; you can use the antifungal cream by Ketomac.

This means the treatment for the fungal infection is easier if you are using the antifungal cream from Ketomac. You can try some easy home remedies and this cream to increase your recovery phase. The best remedies to try for the fungal infection are:

  1. Garlic: Garlic is the most accessible ingredient in every kitchen, and it can help us treat our fungal infections especially nail fungus. You can try a garlic clove remedy for this.
  2. Baking soda: The next easiest one to try is the baking soda remedy, and it can be used by soaking nails in baking soda water or applying it to the affected area by adding some water.
  3. The antifungal cream: Always choose the best antifungal cream by Ketomac, as it can help you get rid of irritating fungal infections quickly.


How many of you experience different types of hair or scalp issues? Do you understand that these conditions can be avoided or lessened to a great level? There is a myriad of things that you can do with your head, hair, and even the scalp for a better experience. What is the significance if your scalp turns out to be the most significant interruption in your day-to-day life? Might it be unfair, right? You must ensure that your head stays clean, dandruff-free, and even absolutely fresh. It would help if you never allowed any health or hair issues to dominate your life.

Suppose you have hair issues like dandruff that too on your oily hair. If your scalp is oily and you are doing nothing about it, it can become smelly, dirty, and ugly. You can pick oily scalp dandruff shampoo and ensure that you get relief from your issue. Once you constantly use the right shampoo, you get rid of your condition sooner than you feel.

You need to understand that these Human hairs get extremely greasy when it is not washed adequately. However, it is even true that some individuals naturally possess oily scalps, even if they shampoo their heads often. It might lead to a condition known as seborrheic dermatitis, which is more commonly known as dandruff. Of course, various factors result in dandruff, but an oily scalp is a primary and common reason. Ensure that you have a scalp that compliments your life and makes you look fresh and hygienic.

How do you know it is dandruff?

It might interest you that dandruff is underlined by redness, oily skin patches, itching, skin lesions, hair scales, and even hair loss. The most identifiable signs of dandruff are itchiness and white skin flakes that get stuck in your hair strings and fall off onto your shoulders. Also, the other signs even take place in severe instances. It is usually limited to the scalp but may blow out to the lips, eyelids, eyebrows, nose creases, ears, and even skin folds. So, the thing is, you have to be much careful with dandruff. If you avoid it, it could make you feel overlooked in the crowd. After all, it is true that people hesitate to roam around with individuals who have dandruff all over their hair and shoulders.

It has been witnessed that various dandruff sufferers produce an excess amount of skin oil and yeast, mostly discovered on the scalp and irritates the skin. Folks who do not wash their hair regularly may also develop dandruff because filthy hair becomes oily and greasy. If you are a man, you could have to be extra careful here. Yes, some research shows that men are more prone to dandruff because they possess much more oil glands on the scalps. Some other contributing aspects like heredity, fatigue, stress, obesity, and other skin issues like acne. Folks who have had strokes or even head wounds and those who have Parkinson’s ailment or even HIV are also more likely to get dandruff. You need to be careful about your scalp and take proper precautions to ensure that you don’t become a victim of dandruff. After all, it is all about how you handle your dandruff.

Work on your Habits & Techniques too 

However, hair and skin habits and ingredients also worsen dryness and flaking. So, the point is how do you figure out which kind of techniques stop dandruff, and yes, which type of hair-washing error makes dandruff worse? Indeed, you can always use proper shampoo to lessen and remove the presence of dandruff and oily scalp, but there are important factors to avoid.

You must ensure that you are not keeping a long break between two washing times. It could mean you must wash your hair regularly. If you cannot simply wash often, you can ensure that you wash your hair at least twice a week or sometimes even once a week. Different people wash their hair three times a week to promise strong, safe, and clean hair and scalp. Ensure that you are not evading any itchiness or redness. If you experience any itchiness or redness on your scalp or skin, address it immediately.

Rinse your hair with cold water.

It could be painful in winter, but this is somewhat a tried-and-true manner of experiencing smooth hair. The cold does not just make you want to shrink up — it does the same thing to your overall hair. Warmth assists in making the hair cuticle (the outer layer of every person’s hair) open, while cold makes it entirely close up. Rinse your hair with somewhat cold water to keep your strands flat. Hence, you can be more confident that your hair stays smooth and robust. It might keep your hair fresh and sometimes even protects against dandruff.

What activates dandruff?

Before you go further and pick dandruff shampoo for your beautiful oily hair, you should know about the different factors that trigger dandruff in your hair. Different things can turn out to be the cause of dandruff in your hair, like:

Genetic Pre-Deposition

This is not entirely true, but hereditary aspects might lead to dandruff, for instance, sensitivity to simply oleic acid.

Your Hormones 

One of the prime causes of this upsurge in oil secretion is hormonal (estrogen or even progesterone) imbalance. This is because oil is essential to keep the scalp moisturized. Still, huge oil production is also dangerous as it could trigger the growth of the fungus Malasseziaglobosa and could trigger dandruff.

Keep stress in check. 

Stress growing or produced from long working hours, personal crisis, or even other emotional or personal or professional reasons could aggravate hormonal imbalance or even rouse inflammatory chemicals. It badly influences your scalp’s barrier functionality.

Any hair colour 

Do you use extensive hair colour? Well, in case that is the case, then you might experience dandruff in your hair. The thing is that some of the coarse chemicals in the dye itself might lead to an annoying scalp that further might trigger dandruff. Also, such chemicals incline to draw out moisture from your scalp and might even make your hair and skin susceptible.

The Poor Hygiene 

In a few days, your hair turns out to be the home of sweat, filth, oil, and even dead cells, which just can get washed away with a proper and effective hair wash. But, in failure to do such a thing, dandruff could stem, which might also grow to extreme problems like Tinea capitis.


So, keep all these things and points related to dandruff and your hair care in mind for the perfect hair care regime. You can introduce an excellent oily scalp and dandruff shampoo to your routine for the best results.


Fungal infections on one area of the body might trigger rashes on other areas of the body that are not at all ill. For example, a fungal infection on the area of your foot might easily trigger an itchy, rough rash on your fingers. These outbreaks (dermatophytids, identity, or id reactions) are allergic reactions to the fungus, and these do not appear from touching the infected area.

You must understand that fungal skin infection is gross and itchy, but these are not primarily serious. Fungal infections like athlete’s foot, ringworm, and even jock itch are easy to pick up and transfer to others. Healthy people do not mainly experience a spread of fungus beyond the surface of their skin, so they are easy to get treated. Even if you experience skin fungus infection in any of the parts of your body, you can check out creams like the best antifungal cream for nails or that specific area. You have no idea how the correct type of cream can help you deal with your infection well. Most of the time, folks who spend some time in gyms and swimming pools get these infections repeatedly. But it does not mean a general person cannot experience these infections.

The area commonly gets affected by fungal infections can be like:

– Scalp

– Skin

– Feet

– Fingernails and toenails

– Mouth and vagina

Fungi search for a warm, wet place to grow, and they thrive on hot, perspiring skin, mainly between your toes, in the zone of the groin, and under the armpits.


Even known as ringworm, Tinea is an organism that might activate fungal infections on the scalp, fungal infections on your face, or even infections on other parts of your body. Ringworm creates characteristic fungal infection skin rash that gets raised, circular, somewhat red, and itchy. Folks generally pick up ringworm from other folks, pets, or even dirty items that grip or carry the organism. You must keep your skin clean and dry to aid prevent ringworm. It might also be helpful to evade sharing any personal items, encompassing towels, hairbrushes, and even some combs, to evade spreading the infection. Always keep in mind that ringworm is one easily transmissible condition.

Athlete’s foot 

This fungal infection is on the feet, and it ends up extensively cracked, itching, burning, and even peeling between the toes. The infection gets triggered by ringworm found in locker rooms, gym, pool areas, towels & shoes. Always wear shower shoes in places like communal showers or pool areas. It is equally crucial that you wash and dry your feet completely every day. It would be better to air out your shoes and allow them dry before you again wear them.

Similarly, develop a habit of wearing hygienic and clean socks every day. Do you wear the used socks for long? Various people tend to wear the same socks for weeks, which is somewhat gross.

Jock itch 

A type of ringworm fungus activates jock itch. It is a fungal infection that emerges on the groin. This red, prickly raised rash can affect both men and women. You know what? You would be more likely to get it once you are sweating and in humid weather. Then you know, exercising in fitness or workout clothes triggers the hot, humid situation where jock itch succeeds. You can eradicate or reduce the risk of jock itch by keeping your groin zone dry and clean. You must wear clean and fresh clothes and inners regularly. Also, develop a habit of wearing loose underwear to dry the area.

Nail Fungus 

You might have heard of nail type of fungus, right? Well, toenail fungal infection is somewhat common. It appears dense, brittle, yellowish toenails, though this fingernail might also be affected. Take the same precautions to avoid the condition of toenail fungus as you do to avoid other kinds of fungal infections. It would help if you kept your hands and feet neat and dry. Develop a habit of wearing clean socks and change these regularly. Wear flip-flops in locker rooms, pool, and communal shower areas. It might be better if you choose wide-toed shoes. Do not share personal things such as towels, grooming tools, razors, and nail clippers.

Wear Proper clothes to Stay Safe 

You can reduce the danger of fungal infections by taking great care of your workout wear. Those sweaty gym clothes are the perfect breeding ground for developing fungi and bacteria. Wash workout wear right after you do any workout. If you do not get to the laundry immediately, as a minimum, hang wet clothes up to the air out. Similarly, turn clothes inside out before loading them into the washing machine to ensure that the dirtiest portions of garments are easier to clean. It might be good to add baking soda to your washer to help deodorize clothes. You can even use vinegar to further abridge on doors in the rinse cycle. Ensure that you wear clean and refreshing workout or fitness clothes before any workout session.

Some Quick Tips

– Wash your socks as well as towels in hot water

– Wear just thongs in changing communal areas to prevent spreading the infection

– If you experience sweaty feet, make sure you use an antiperspirant or foot powders and sprays.

– Keep your affected zone of skin dry

– Ensure that you never share towels, bedding, and even clothing and wash them often

– If you get ringworm, have any pets, search for signs of infection

You can consult a professional  

Some skin conditions look like fungal infections, but these have different underlying reasons and require different treatments. Mild fungal infections might be treated easily with topical medication. If you experience severe or tenacious infection, you might require prescription antifungals. If you need fungal infection treatment, you can even talk to your professional doctor.

Indeed, you can get rid of your fungus infections with available home remedies, but that would work for you simply if it is a fungus infection. Sometimes, the condition can be more than this. If nothing is working for you, ensure that you visit your doctor or speak with a dermatologist.

Can these Fungus Infections be Serious?

Many of you could be thinking if the condition of fungus infection is serious? Fungal skin infections are irritating for sure, but these are infrequently serious, and these generally trigger itching and irritation. If fungal skin infections are extreme or troublesome to you, you must speak with a doctor, or it might make your daily routine annoying.


You can always invest in the right and the best antifungal cream for toenails and other body parts. After all, it is about you using the right products for your skin and overall body care.


There are people out there who are suffering from dandruff problems. You may feel the thickness of dandruff only if you know how precisely it feels to be one of the victims. Dandruff not just gives you an ugly look, but it even makes you feel filthy. No matter how stunning or smart you look or how fascinating your features are, everything else will not matter if your dandruff is overpowering your personality.

There is no sense in losing heart; it is not the world’s end. You can conveniently use anti-dandruff shampoo for oily hair or even dry hair. These are the hair products that may act as your weapons against dandruff. Perhaps you don’t get the outcomes in a single day or a week, but in two weeks or so, the outcomes will be there for you to witness. You are going to find a massive amount of deduction in your dandruff. After all, it is all about your overall hair care, and it does take some time. No matter how vivid and compelling every shampoo may be, take some time to clear out dandruff from your head.

What is getting you irritating dandruff?

You may easily blame heredities for different things like a receding hairline, a curved nose, crippling anxiety, and more. But the condition of dandruff is not at all one amidst these. So, what activates dandruff? The truth is that you do.

Of course, all the peeling, embarrassing white flecks are there because of your bad grooming habits, not any tending genetic order. So, if you thought that you might blame your parents for this dandruff problem, you were pretty wrong. Dandruff is entirely preventable, and you can get rid of it without any regrets. It would help if you thought a little more careful about what you do about your hair care, and you will see the results.

A few habits you should avoid 

– It is crucial for you to know that shampoo should not be used regularly. It would help if you accepted the fact, and you will resolve different types of hair care and scalp matters. The task of your shampoo is to clean up the excess oil, filth, and product build-up. A simple rinse will remove most of such things, and the additional build-up has to be rubbed out with proper shampoo every second or third day. Otherwise, you might dry out your hair and scalp by simply stripping away necessary oils that keep everything nurtured and robust. In such an instance, your skin flakes and hair sags. It is not at all good.

If your dandruff is resolute, it could hint at a more significant problem like a fungal infection or even seborrheic dermatitis, a scaly, itchy skin condition. There is no type of need to allow these things to persist. If the shampoo mentioned above treatments are not solving the issue, you must visit a dermatologist right away to get a proper and high-grade prescription medication.

– Do you wash your hair very rarely? You cannot get your hair a wash after long intervals, and your hair demands nurturing and proper care. Simply because you are occupied, it does not mean your hair should be neglected.

Of course, once you check on these things, you can be more confident that your hair is taken care of. You can better deal with your dandruff or any other hair issue—it is all about your efforts for your hair care.

What to see in a proper shampoo?

Okay, so you are one of such people who are frightened of using the wrong shampoo or hair product, right? Well, you must be thoughtful about everything you use. You cannot just pick anything that turns out to be an issue for you. There are different types of products that look ideal, but they prove unhealthy for you.

You can always choose a proper shampoo that works wonderfully for you. Once you have the correct dandruff shampoo for your oily hair, your scalp stays clean, safe, hygienic, and effective. What is the significance of your hair becoming a victim of your negligence? Everyone should know a few crucial things before choosing shampoo for their hair care. Have a look below:

Never go by advertisement. 

Indeed, this is the foremost thing that everyone should be bearing of. Different celebs do exciting as well as happening advertisements for shampoos. But do you know what the type of shampoo they endorse during the advertisement is the one they may themselves don’t use? The thing is that you must not choose shampoo on the grounds of who is advertising it. You are wise enough to understand that such celebrities do advertisements because they are lucratively paid for it.

What is the point if you hear or see the advertisement and quickly get the shampoo for your dandruff hair? After a few days or weeks, you experience that your hair is getting worse or not improving. Here, the shampoo fails to work for you.

You must consider the hair and scalp. 

Once you select a shampoo, you need to hunt a perfect kind for your hair, but your scalp is something to be thoughtful about. For example, a person with an oily scalp could wish to consider a shampoo with sulphates that scrape impurities from the hair and take the oil out of your scalp. The crucial thing to do is clear: you read the label. The point is that most shampoos would mention clearly what they are for and are excellent for.

Remember, since you know that you have oily hair and want a dandruff shampoo; go for a dandruff shampoo for an oily scalp and hair.

Sulphates are not an enemy. 

You know sulphate could strip the hair a bit, but at the end of the day, if shampoos don’t have sulphate, it might not lather up. Indeed, people do think that their hair is still muddy. It should not be avoided that the sulphates permit people to undergo a deep clean. However, it should also be considered that people with highly colour-treated, curly, or frizzy hair should look for sulphate-free shampoos that could not be as harsh. But yes, one thing is for sure. With the absence of sulphate in any shampoo, you need to be extra careful about your hair care and scalp when you use sulphate free shampoo. You may have to do a better massage and clean it up intensely. However, sulphate shampoo does everything for you for better cleanliness.


You can check out the best anti-dandruff shampoo for oily hair and ensure that you have healthy and clean hair and scalp. After all, your hair matter, and you should take them seriously.


We all want long and shiny hair, but we don’t want hair problems. The hair problems are attached to the hair, and getting rid of them is quite a difficult task. Every day our hair comes in contact with many dust particles, direct sunlight, pollution, and so on, and that is why these things invite many hair issues. Having a hair problem does not mean you cannot get the desired hair back, and this is a sign or an indication that your hair needs care.

Sometimes we forget to take care of our hair as we get so occupied with our work. If you are only concerned with the skincare routine and hair care, it’s time to be extra active to take care of your hair swell. Hair adds so much to our personality, so we cannot underestimate it. One of the commonest of all the problems relating to hair one that always tops the list is the dandruff problem. Having dandruff on hair is as common as having pimples. It would help if you learned how to manage your work with your skin and hair health to strike a balance in both.

Almost everyone around us has a dandruff problem, so we have assumed that it has no solution. But Ketomac proves all of us wrong by coming up with the best-medicated shampoo in India. Ketomac is a brand that we can trust all the time, and they always keep in mind the hair problems that are irritating us. Many brands deal with dandruff products, but they cannot generate the results due to their pitfalls.

They have not generated any results. Instead, they are harming our hair, so you cannot use anything on your hair except Ketomac. The dandruff problem can be diagnosed by straight hair scratching and white flakes. You may also observe the dry white flakes in your hairbrush while combing and even on your shoulders. This can embarrass us, and we must try the Ketomac solution for it.

Dandruff is more annoying than any other hair problem; other hair problems are also due. The severe dandruff problem starts with the minimum dandruff situation that we usually avoid. After avoiding it most of the time, we face severe dandruff that does not go quickly. We cannot just get rid of this problem overnight as we did not even get it overnight. But if you have just started facing this problem, you can get its solution by using the best medicated anti-dandruff shampoo by Ketomac.

There are many causes of the dandruff problem that annoys us. Some of the common are:

  • The problem of dry skin: There is no hard and fast rule that people having dry skin are more prone to dandruff problems. Even the one who does not have it can also have the dandruff issue. The problem of dry skin or scalp is common in winters as our hair becomes dry during it due to the temperature down. Even our skin becomes dry in winters, and dandruff can become more common on that skin type. The Ketomac medicated shampoo can help you restore the natural moisture in your skin that will help not make it dry quickly. This means this can help the dandruff problem.
  • The required hygiene is missing: When the required hair hygiene is missing from your hair, you can be affected by the dandruff problem. It is essential to maintain the proper hygiene level in your hair so that no microbe can make a home in your hair. If you are not washing your hair after enough intervals, you may face this issue. You can use the medicated shampoo by Ketomac to wash your hair regularly or after one or two days. Not washing on time means the dust, dirt, and oil get accumulated in your hair and make a home, and this will cause dandruff problems.

The solution for this cause is to start shampooing your hair with the Ketomac medicated anti-dandruff shampoo to see the best results.

  • Catching an allergy: One of the causes of the dandruff issue is that you may be allergic to a particular product like hair cream, spa, shampoo, or a lotion. Your hair may be sensitive to that product which can cause the problem of dandruff. Allergy can also cause itchiness in the hairs, and scratching them can cause dandruff problems. For this purpose, you have to detect the product causing you the allergy. Once you have detected the product causing allergy, you must stop using it in the future. The medicated shampoo by Ketomac generates the best results as it helps fight hair problems and keep your hair free from dandruff issues.
  • Suffering from the medical situation: The people who complain about the dandruff problem often are the ones who may have the medical condition. You may have heard about Seborrhea Dermatitis, which can be called a medical condition. This can affect our hair glands and can cause the problem of dandruff. It can also make your hair scalp red, and it is also like other skin problems like eczema, etc.

Once you have detected this medical condition, you must stop using any chemical-made hair products. The chemicals can even make the situation worse, and that is why you must stop using them immediately. You can use anti-dandruff-medicated shampoo as offered by Ketomac. You can also visit a doctor if you have this severe medical condition.

  • Yeast infection-causing dandruff: Yeast growth can also be the reason for dandruff, and that is why people who are facing the problem of yeast overgrowth face the dandruff problem. Sensitive skin is more likely to be affected by this medical condition. You can try some natural remedies to reduce the growth of the yeast or can start using the medicated shampoo.

These are some of the causes of the dandruff problems that we all face in common. We can check on these causes to take some steps to avoid or prevent them. Ketomac offers the best-medicated dandruff shampoo in India that we can use daily for the best possible results. The Ketoconazole present in the Ketomac medicated shampoo also fights against the symptoms of dandruff. It can even control the hair fall problem, as once you face the problem of dandruff, you will see that you have started scratching your head for longer.

Scratching can make your hair roots weaker and cause hair loss problems. The Ketomac shampoo keeps this situation in mind and helps us restore our hair instead of losing them due to scratching. You can keep the shampoo away from the sunlight to maintain its effectiveness for longer. You can also try some simple tips to get the best possible results.


No matter how many precautions we take, we can still suffer from various infections or diseases. Some are unavoidable that we get affected by it quickly no matter how much we try. But not always there is uncertainty, but some of our actions also make us do this thing. If you are suffering from any issue, this is probably due to the actions that made us suffer. Our skin is susceptible, so we are prone to many infections attached to it.

Many factors decide about our health, and the most important of them all is our lifestyle. How we live our lives and contribute to our health will decide what health problems we can face. If you are an active lifestyle, there are very few chances of getting affected easily. It would help if you were extra careful about your health and should take every preventive measure. We come in contact with many microbes, dust, or dirt particles that, when coming in contact with our skin, cause allergies or infections. One of the widely discussed skin infections is a fungal infection.

The fungal infection can be caused by fungi and found in any part of our body. Some of the common types of this infection are toenail fungus, jock itch, athlete foot, etc. If you are also suffering from these fungal infections, you must know that Ketomac is the brand we can trust the most. You can try Ketomac antifungal cream and Ketoconazole tablets. You can read the Ketoconazole tablet used to know more in detail. Taking this tablet can speed up the fungal infection recovery in your body.

Every kind of fungal infection can be treated using this tablet as it is an oral treatment. You cannot apply skin cream to every body part, like the throat, mouth, etc. You can get rid of fungal mouth infection, genital tract fungal infection, toenail fungus, nail fungus, ringworm, etc. Even the dandruff problem is caused by fungi microbe, and we can take this tablet for better results. Ketoconazole is the most influential branch of azole used to treat fungal infections.

You must take the Ketoconazole as instructed by the doctor and avoid taking the overdose of it. Avoid chewing the tablet as it is meant for swallowing and not chewing. You must not be empty stomach when you swallow this medicine, as you must take meals before having it. They are known to act faster in your body so that they can cure fungal infections.

Some points to keep in mind relating to the Ketoconazole tablets. These are:

  • The dose depends on the status: The dosage of this tablet will depend on the patient’s status and who will have it. Sometimes the situation can be difficult, so the dosage needs to be a bit more, but it will depend.
  • The patients’ symptoms: We all may have different types of symptoms of fungal infections. Everybody is different, and even the situation is also different. If the symptoms are severe, the dose shall be according to the symptoms only.
  • Consult a doctor: You must never feel shy to consult a doctor if you suffer from fungal infections. Please consult in advance, then wait for the situation to become worse or more severe. You can also consult a doctor for dose reference as per your health condition.
  • Know how to take it: You must know how to take this medicine to maximise its benefits. The right time to take this tablet will be two hours before the dose of antacids if you take it, and you can also take this medicine one hour after you take antacids. So, manage wisely to get the maximum benefit of this tablet.
  • Avoiding the medicine: If you have any allergy to this primary content or suffer from some significant disease, you must consult a doctor before taking this medicine.
  • Know the history of the allergy: You can also know your allergy history to understand the dose recommendation better. You should know from where you have got this allergy, its reasons, and the past duration you are suffering from it.

So, these are some of the points that relate to the Ketoconazole tablet, and we should know about them before taking this medicine. If you need to speed up your recovery, you must consume or try some anti-fungal agents. Some things that you should try for your fungal infection are:

  • Consume probiotics: You must start eating probiotics in your routine as probiotics are suitable for your fungal infection. Yoghurt is the richest source of probiotics that act as an anti-fungal agent. You must add it to your diet. You can make the body stronger to fight against microbial or fungal infections. This is the most straightforward remedy that we can try.
  • Maintaining the proper hygiene: You should maintain the proper level of hygiene of your body parts to avoid such infections from happening. For this purpose, you must wash your hands with soap to take away all the dirt attached to your hands. It’d help if you focused not only on the hygiene of your hands but also on your feet. When we wear shoes and socks for a long time, our feet fill with sweating that can cause athlete foot fungal infection.
  • The apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar, also known as ACV, is the perfect anti-fungal agent that we all must try if we suffer from any fungal infection. You can mix the apple cider vinegar in water for better results, and never apply it directly. Instead, add some water to the mixture and apply it to the affected area.
  • The coconut oil remedy: You must try the coconut oil remedy for your fungal infections. Coconut oil is the king of oils with many benefits for our hair and skin. You can apply this oil to the area infected with a fungal infection, and you can also treat your fungal infection, especially ringworm.
  • Use of the neem leaves: We all know that neem leaves have anti-fungal properties that can fight against fungal infection. You can try the neem tree oil or can use the neem leaves remedy. The neem leaves remedy can be prepared by boiling the leaves and pasting them. You can also take a spray bottle to add the neem spray to the fungal-infected area.
  • Garlic remedy: Garlic has the most anti-fungal properties that are beneficial to fight against this infection. You can keep the garlic clove on your nails in socks or crush the garlic to make a smooth paste applied to your nails.

So, these are some of the remedies that you must try along with the Ketoconazole treatment.


Oily hair is a common concern for a lot of people. If you wash your hair daily and by the time the day ends, your hair feels oily and greasy, then probably you have oily hair. It’s not just the grease on your hair that bothers you; even accompanying dandruff, itchiness, and other problems make you feel miserable. Read to find out about oily scalp causes and ways to treat it.

What causes oily hair and scalp?

The leading cause behind an oily scalp is the overproduction of oil by the sebaceous glands. These are responsible for the production of sebum, a waxy and oily substance, and are present beneath the tiny pores of your scalp. Sebum is a natural oil that helps keep the skin moisturized and the skin protected. This oily substance is crucial for maintaining healthy hair and scalp. In some cases, when the sebaceous glands tend to overproduce this oil in your scalp or skin, your hair gets greasy. Below are some factors that contribute to an oily and greasy scalp.

  • Genes:

Genes are a significant determinant of oily hair, and your genes will decide whether you will have an oily or dry or normal scalp. If your parents or other immediate relatives have oily and greasy skin or scalp, you have a high chance of it.

  • If you wash your hair frequently or scrub it hard:

Frequently washing your hair and scrubbing it too hard can remove the protective barrier on your scalp. Consequently, the sebaceous glands underneath start producing excess oil to compensate by attempting to hydrate the scalp.

  • Lack of hygiene:

Suppose you fail at keeping personal hygiene, like not washing hair regularly, sleeping using dirty bedsheets and pillows, and using dirty hair tools. Practising all that, you might face the problem of an oily scalp.

  • Having an unhealthy diet:

If your diet includes high carb foods, extraordinarily oily and spicy food, and lacks nutritional foods, it could cause your scalp to get oily and greasy.

  • Stress:

If you take a lot of stress in your life, then the activity of the sebaceous glands might increase, causing an excess production of sebum. Therefore, high-stress levels can be a contributor to oily scalp.

  • Hair products:

You should always use products that do not contain harsh chemicals. The reason is that harsh hair products tend to damage the protective barrier of your scalp. The absence of this protective barrier may cause a lack of essential oils in your scalp, because of which the sebaceous glands start overproducing sebum.

  • Hormonal fluctuations:

Fluctuations in hormones during menopause, pregnancy, puberty and irregular periods significantly impact the amount of oil on your scalp.

Methods to get rid of greasy hair & oily scalp


An oily scalp can give rise to clogged pores, dandruff, accumulation of dirt, and hair fall. To be able to deal with oily scalp, you must first know the cause behind it. If you always have greasy hair and oily scalp, it is probably related to genetic factors, but if you have developed oily hair over the years, then the cause is related to some external factors. Nonetheless, this issue can be easily managed with the help of a few simple ways.

  • Avoid washing your hair frequently:

The most critical factor determining whether your hair will be oily or not is the frequency you wash it. If you do not wash it for more extended periods, you might have oily hair due to an excess build-up of oil and debris. However, if you wash it too frequently, it might cause oily hair as your scalp will lose all its natural oils, resulting in the overproduction of sebum. Therefore, you must maintain a regular and healthy interval between your washing days.

  • Shampoo properly

Sometimes, we take hair washing for granted, and it’s not enough to rub a few drops of shampoo in your hair. Shampoo cleans your hair of any dirt or debris and removes extra oil from your hair and scalp. And that is why it is essential to shampoo your hair properly.

  • The right way to shampoo:

You should take a small amount of shampoo in your hands and massage it into your hair and scalp. It would help if you did not scrub your scalp with nails, as doing that would rip off the skin barrier, making you lose moisture and essential oil from the scalp. While shampooing, you should try to shampoo your scalp only, as your ends will receive the shampoo when you rinse it.

  • You should rinse your hair properly:

It is not a good idea to allow product build-up to occur. Hair can feel heavier if it isn’t washed thoroughly after shampooing or conditioning. Ensure to rinse your hair thoroughly to prevent unwanted build-up.

  • Be careful while conditioning your hair:

Using an excessive amount of conditioner can cause your hair to become greasy and promote hair fall. In addition to that, it can give rise to bacterial growth. Therefore, you should try to use only the recommended amount of conditioner on your hair. Use it on the ends of your hair and only the areas in need, and make sure to rinse it off properly.

  • Purchase products that are specially designed for oily hair and scalp:

Every individual has a unique hair type, just like everyone’s skin is different. Make sure you invest in hair products available in the market that address your unique concerns. Many products on the market, such as dandruff shampoo for oily hair, mainly target oily hair. Also, it would help if you go for trusted brands like Ketomac.

  • Keep your hair tools clean:

You need to clean brushes, rollers, also curling irons from dirt and grease. You are adding dirt and grease to your scalp by using the same hairbrushes for a long without cleaning them. Use properly cleaned brushes, rollers, and combs to avoid contact with oily substances. Also, make sure to change your pillowcases frequently. Use a cleanser to wash your brushes at least once per week.

  • Avoid scrubbing or brushing your hair too hard:

Over-brushing your scalp can cause damage to the protective layer that is responsible for locking in natural oils and moisture. This activity can rip off your scalp’s natural oils, which can cause your sebaceous glands to produce excess sebum. This can ultimately lead to oily hair as well as a greasy scalp.

  • It is essential to wash your hair after every workout session:

After a hard workout, your scalp might feel sweaty, and excess sweat accumulation on your scalp and hair can make it feel greasy and very annoying. Therefore, after a hard workout, shampooing your hair might prevent greasiness.

  • Try to avoid heat on your hair:

Hair can be damaged by heat using styling products. These products can cause hair breakage and strip your hair of essential oils. This can make your hair feel heavy and greasy because your scalp will produce more oil. Moreover, you should avoid styling products that contain silicone, as it can cause hair to look oily and prevent healthy hair growth.

Some simple changes in your routine can help you deal with oily and greasy hair. But the first step is still buying an anti-dandruff shampoo for oily hair that would help you deal with dandruff and oiliness in the hair and scalp.


In recent times, hair fall has become one of many people’s significant problems. It is not that people did not face hair fall earlier, but it is more prevalent in the younger generation. As a result, most of them seek refuge in hair fall products as they deem them the only way to deal with this problem. Some also go for medicated shampoo for hair fallHere, you will learn about hair fall, its causes, and tips for finding the right hair fall shampoo for yourself.

What is hair fall?

The term hair loss, also referred to as baldness or alopecia, defines the process of losing hair either from your head or another part of the body. Usually, this term is related to hair loss from the scalp. The severity of hair fall varies from person to person; it can range from hair loss from a small area on the body to hair loss from the entire body. Usually, there is no scarring or inflammation. In some cases, hair falls can lead to psychological distress.

It is pretty standard for people to lose some hair every day, and various research has found that an individual can lose up to 100 strands daily. They are losing more hair which results in bald spots in males. In females, shedding more than 100 strands per day might cause hair thinning on top of their heads.

Although hair fall can significantly impact a person’s mental health, it is not a life-threatening problem. Hair fall can be experienced by women, men as well as children. This condition can occur due to various reasons, including medical conditions, hereditary issues, and hormonal changes, and it can also result from the side effects of certain medications.

What are the different types of hair fall?

The rate of hair growth depends on the age of a person. With an increase in age, the hair growth rate deteriorates, and this, as mentioned above, is referred to as alopecia. There are various other types of hair loss. Read on to find out more about them—

  • Involutional Alopecia:

This type of hair fall is natural, and it is caused due to age. As people age, the amount of hair in the resting phase of the hair growth cycle increases. As a result, the remaining hair on the scalp becomes short and more petite.

  • Androgenic Alopecia:

This is a genetic condition that can affect both men and women. Those men who suffer from this condition may start losing their hair in their teenage years. This type of hair fall is termed male pattern baldness. Male pattern baldness is identified by gradual loss of hair from the crown area of the head and the front part of the scalp. A receding hairline also characterizes it. In the case of women, there is thinning of hair after and during their forties. This type of hair fall is termed female pattern baldness. In female pattern baldness, the maximum hair is lost from the crown area of the head.

  • Alopecia Areata:

This type of hair loss has a sudden onset. Here, hair is lost in patches. Children and young adults mainly face this condition. In some cases, this hair loss may result in total balding in an individual, known as alopecia totalis. In most cases, the people who have this condition regrow their hair within a few years.

  • Trichotillomania:

This type of hair loss is most common in children. It is related to a psychological disorder where individuals tear out their hair.

  • Telogen Effluvium:

Temporary thinning of the hair can be caused by changes in the hair growth cycle. This happens when there is much more hair than usual in the resting phase, which causes hair shedding and consequently thinning.

  • Scarring Alopecia:

This type of hair fall can cause irreversible loss of hair. Scarring that can result from inflammatory skin conditions like cellulitis, folliculitis, and acne can reduce the ability of hair to regenerate. Hot combs and tight hair can also lead to irreversible hair loss.

How to choose the right hair fall shampoo for your hair?

 There are numerous types of hair fall shampoos available on the market. Your job is to choose the best-medicated shampoo for hair loss that suits your hair type and scalp. Below are some tips that would help you choose the right shampoo.

  • Understand your scalp:

The most important thing to note is that different shampoos are designed for scalp requirements. If you are unaware of the requirements of your scalp, then you won’t be able to choose the right shampoo for your hair.

—For oily scalp:

If you have an oily scalp, you must look for moisturizing shampoos, but at the same time, you have to make sure that they do not provide your scalp with excess moisture. You can also go for clarifying shampoos as they can help remove excess oil from your hair. But it would help if you were careful while using these kinds of shampoos.

—For dry scalp:

A dry scalp indicates that your scalp doesn’t have the required amount of oil or moisture. Therefore, you must look for shampoos that have moisturizing effects. Also, shampoos with aloe vera, glycerin, and eggs as ingredients might be helpful for your scalp, and these ingredients are also helpful in preventing hair loss. Moreover, it would help if you tried to avoid shampoos that contain sulphates as they tend to make your scalp even drier.

  • Hair types:

Every individual has a different hair type. Therefore, while choosing the right shampoo, a person should consider their hair type, which will help them choose the shampoo that will effectively help prevent hair fall.

— You have dry hair, then you must go for moisturizing shampoos. These shampoos will help you add extra moisture to your dry hair and give them a nice smooth texture. Moisturizing shampoos will also prevent your hair from getting frizzy and damaged. Apart from the shampoo, you can also go for nourishing conditioners.

Moreover, to make the best choice, you should avoid shampoos that consist of harsh ingredients.—In the case of oily hair, you have to look for shampoos that have moisturizing and balancing and strengthening properties. Such shampoos will make your hair healthy and provide them with shine.

Coloured hair needs extra hydration.—If you have coloured hair, you will have to take extra care of it, as colouring can cause considerable damage to your hair and make it prone to hair fall. Therefore, shampoos with low pH levels and can maintain your hair colour would be your best choice. It would also help if you went for a sulphate-free shampoo.

—If you have curly hair, you should look for protein-rich shampoos as these shampoos will provide deep conditioning to your hair. After shampooing, you can use a leave-in conditioner to prevent hair loss.

Hair fall can be overwhelming and somewhat depressing, but you should know that numerous brands are available in the market that can help solve your problem by providing you with the best anti-hair fall shampoos. One such brand is Ketomac which will effectively help you deal with hair fall caused by dandruff.


Suffering from any fungal infection is not a good experience. But the good news is that most such fungal infections, including skin fungus, can be treated easily either with the help of an antifungal cream or a quick visit to your nearest chemist’s store. If you are dealing with toenails or fingernails, you might need to go a little far for the treatment. Nail fungal infections or onychomycosis might need extra care and more intense medications prescribed to you by your doctor. These medications can be in the form of oral medications or topical antifungal creams. Here you will get some helpful information about antifungal creams and how to use them.


What is a fungal infection?

A fungus refers to a type of organism that is primitive and can survive anywhere, including air, soil, plants, and water. While some fungi are helpful for you, a few can be very harmful. Harmful fungi are the leading cause of fungal infections, and these infections are widespread and primarily not severe if diagnosed and treated correctly and quickly. Although fungal infections can be treated easily, there are chances of them coming back as fungi are difficult to kill.


What causes fungal infections?

As already mentioned, fungi can survive everywhere. Fungal spores in soil and air make it easily transferrable to people. People tend to inhale these spores, or they can land on them. Thus, in most cases, the starting point of these infections is in the skin or lungs. Moreover, people with weaker immune systems are more vulnerable to fungal infections.


What is an antifungal cream?

Antifungal cream is a term used to describe various chemicals, especially designed and developed to kill or restrain the development of fungal cells in different parts of your body. The most common types of antifungal creams are readily available in various shops. They don’t need a prescription, but some creams of higher strength or some combination medications can be purchased on prescription only. For instance, in cases of toenail fungus, the doctor will prescribe you more potent medications such as nail fungal infection treatment cream. Such medications are effective and can offer a great deal of relief.

You must be careful in dealing with a fungal infection. If you have a fungal infection, you must avoid treating it by yourself with the help of anti-biotics that you already own. It is important to note that fungus and bacteria are not similar, and therefore, a fungus will not respond to antibiotics. By taking such impulsive decisions, you will only endanger your health due to the consumption of unnecessary medications.

How does antifungal cream work?

Based on the exact chemical used in the antifungal cream, these creams usually function by blocking certain integral parts of the cell growth of the fungus or its reproduction. Most antifungal creams block a specific cell membrane component known as ergosterol or block cell division or DNA synthesis. These creams have specific targets, which means they target the fungal cells only and not the host you are.

How much time do antifungal creams need to work correctly?

If you are looking to treat fungal infections on the skin, such as ringworm, the antifungal treatment might take around 2 to 4 weeks to show results and the fungus to get cleared. Suppose you have opted for some over-the-counter treatment and have not seen any results. In that case, you should consider getting your infection checked by a doctor who prescribes the most appropriate medications. If you are dealing with severe infections like toenail infections, you should first consult the doctor and avoid using over-the-counter solutions. Toenail fungus may take a lot longer to heal than other types of fungus, which is around 12 to 18 months.

How is an antifungal cream applied?

If the antifungal cream is used to treat topical skin infections, you have to apply the cream on clean and dry skin at least once or twice every day. Try to follow this simultaneously each day until the infection is healed and cleared, or you can follow your doctor’s instructions for applying the cream. But if the cream is used to treat toenail or fingernail fungus, you must soak your nails in warm and soapy water, which will help your nails loosen and open up. After soaking, apply the nail softening cream for the fungal infection to the infected area once or twice daily and let it dry. When it comes to antifungal creams, results can be acquired only through consistent use.

Where can you find antifungal creams?

There are numerous over-the-counter products available. Among the options available, Ketomac is one of the best. It’s a reliable and trusted brand. However, suppose you are unsure which antifungal cream would suit you and your condition. In that case, you should consult a pharmacist or visit your nearest pharmacy for recommendations before purchasing any cream. In severe fungal infections, however, you must consult a doctor.

How are antibacterial and antifungal creams different?

  • Target:

The target of both these creams is the primary difference between them. As the name suggests, the main target of antibacterial cream is bacteria. On the other hand, antifungal cream mainly targets fungi. These microorganisms can cause serious harm to human beings and any other type of living organism. Getting rid of these microorganisms requires different approaches. Antibacterial creams work toward eliminating bacterial causes in a specific spot, but these creams do not work against fungus. Similarly, antifungal cream is designed to kill fungus and is ineffective against bacteria.

  • The course of action:

Some of the most effective antibacterial medications include antibiotics. These kill the bacteria by hindering the ability of the bacterial strain to reproduce itself, after which it breaks down the walls of the cell, as a result of which the organism collapses. Antibiotics are usually very effective for the majority of infections. Hand washes and antibacterial soaps are some of the products that contain harsh astringents that help destroy different bacterial cells when it comes in contact with them.

The primary function of the antifungal creams is to kill the fungal cells by destroying the cell’s walls, and as a result, the contents of the fungal cells get leaked, causing the cell’s death. Such creams also prevent the reproduction and growth of these fungal cells.

  • Conditions they treat:

The conditions treated by antibacterial creams are boils, carbuncles, MRSA infections, impetigo, folliculitis, etc. At the same time, the conditions treated by antifungal creams include vaginal thrush, jock itch, ringworm, athlete’s foot, fungal nail infections, cutaneous candidiasis, and various kinds of dandruff.

The above information must have helped you learn about antibacterial creams and their uses. Now, you know what you need to do in case of a fungal infection. For easy relief, go for Ketomac antifungal cream, which is highly effective against fungi.


Do you notice small cracks in the skin at the corners of your mouth? If yes, you may be suffering from an infection known as angular cheilitis or perleche. This is a common type of infection. And based on its cause, there are numerous ways of treating it.

What is Perleche?

Perleche is a term with a French origin, and it is derived from the French word “lecher,” which means to lick. This term describes cracks at the corner of your mouth once the skin in that area breaks open. That spot usually infected by yeast is known as Candida Albicans.

There may be a cause behind angular cheilitis; usually, the cause is either internal or is present around the mouth. It can also get triggered by diseases like cancer or diabetes, a general body infection, or iron or vitamin deficiencies. Suppose the infection is from inside the mouth. In that case, the cause can be reduced flow of saliva, inflammation of tissue under an unhygienic denture, excess pressure on the corners of the mouth caused by either bite collapse or other conditions that can increase the risks of an infection. Apart from that, wrinkling around the mouth, marionette lines or environmental conditions are common causes of crack formation.

The treatment of perleche or angular cheilitis mainly focuses on controlling the infection. The infection can be brought under control either with antifungal cream for corners of the mouth or oral antifungal or yeast attacking medicine. If the infection has spread itself into the throat or mouth, you will be prescribed other medicines. If the cause of the infection is related to dental problems such as missing teeth or ill-fitted dentures, then it is essential to get these treated as soon as possible.

Home remedies for cracked corners of the mouth

Various medicines are available to help treat this condition, and it is always beneficial to try out natural, effective remedies. Below is a list of remedies that help you treat this infection at home.

  • Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil possesses excellent anti-microbial properties. If the cause behind the crack formation at the corners of your mouth is a microbial infection, then tea tree oil can be helpful in the treatment. The anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties of the oil together will help you get rid of the infection and reduce the potential risks of inflammation.

For using it, you need to take a bowl and add 2 to 3 tablespoons of coconut oil to it. You have to add at least 3 to 4 drops of tea tree oil and mix it thoroughly. After that, apply the mixture to the affected areas of your mouth using a cotton bud. Do not rinse it. Let it sit and seep into your skin while healing your infection. You have to do this once or twice every day until it has healed.

  • Castor oil:

Castor oil can speed up the process of recovery of angular cheilitis. Like tea tree oil, castor oil is also very rich in antibacterial properties. These properties are beneficial in promoting fast recovery if the infection is causing you constant discomfort and pain. In addition to that, castor oil can help prevent the risks of having dry skin, which also contributes to a faster recovery.

You can use this home remedy by pouring a few drops on a cotton pad. Apply that pad to the infected area, gently dab it and let the oil soak into your skin. Do these 2 to 3 times per day.

  • Baking soda:

It is yet another effective way of treating angular cheilitis, and it will help you get rid of the painful cracked corners of your mouth. Baking soda contains antiseptic properties, which are very beneficial for getting rid of fungal infections, including the one we are talking about.

All you need to do is, add one tablespoon of this ingredient to a bowl. Add water and make a thick paste. Apply this to the infected corners of your mouth. Let it sit until completely dry. After it has dried completely, rinse it off with water. Dry it using a towel and apply moisturizer on the area to prevent it from getting more cracked.

  • Aloe vera:

This ingredient doesn’t need any introduction. Its healing properties are known to all. Aloe vera is a versatile ingredient when it comes to healing skin issues. Aloe vera possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, soothing, and moisturizing properties. It can deal with dryness and prevent the spread of the infection to other parts of the mouth. You can use this ingredient either in its raw form or go for aloe vera gels.

It is straightforward to use this product; you need to apply it to the affected area. You have to apply it once or twice daily. In case of irritation, rinse the product immediately.

  • Garlic:

If the condition you are suffering from, i.e., angular cheilitis, is due to bacterial or fungal infection, then garlic can be used for its treatment. It can also help in improving the overall immunity of your body. Apart from that, it consists of anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, which are essential to manage and prevent the infection from spreading. The most notable benefit of garlic is because of one of its active compounds, named allicin. This compound helps in coping with any fungal infection responsible for causing cracks.

You have to mince a few garlic cloves and then extract the juice from it to use it. Apply this freshly extracted juice to the affected area using a cotton bud. Let it stay for a few minutes. Once it dries, rinse it off. After that, you can apply a moisturizer to keep the area from getting dry. Do this 1 to 2 times every day.

Coconut oil:

This particular element is believed to have outstanding benefits in healing and promoting faster recovery of the sore. It is done with the help of the anti-microbial properties of coconut that contribute to getting rid of the bacteria. In addition, coconut oil also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which help keep the inflammation under control. This ingredient can also be used as a moisturizer that can be applied to the sore to prevent dryness and reduce the chances of bleeding.

Using a cotton pad, you need to dab some virgin coconut oil on the area affected by the infection. Leave the oil on and let it seep into the skin, and apply it to your skin multiple times per day.

Although all these remedies are highly effective, you should still get your infection checked by a doctor. If your infection is severe, the doctor will give you an antifungal cream for the mouth, which will help treat the problem. One such cream is the Ketomac cream, which possesses antifungal properties and can be a handy yet highly effective treatment.



If you have been researching effective hair fall treatments, you must have heard the term ketoconazole. Ketoconazole is an antifungal medicine that is mainly used to treat skin infections. Apart from treating different types of fungal infections, a few researchers have found that ketoconazole might be helpful in the treatment of hair loss that is caused by androgenetic alopecia, which also can be referred to as male pattern baldness. Various researchers believe that ketoconazole helps treat hair fall by affecting DHT, the hormone responsible for losing hair in men.

Although ketoconazole is a valuable and safe addition to your hair care routine that will help you to a certain extent, it is not a miracle product that will completely cure your hair loss. Like any other type of non-prescription treatment for hair fall, there are numerous rumours and myths about its effectiveness and usefulness. As you read on, you will learn about various myths about ketoconazole as a non-prescription hair loss treatment. You will also come across some scientific evidence that will help you understand precisely what ketoconazole can do for your hair and how you can include it into your hair care routine.

What is meant by ketoconazole?

Ketoconazole is an antifungal medicine, and it can be found on the market either in the form of ketoconazole tablets or cream. It is mainly used to treat various common fungal infections, including tinea pedis or athlete’s foot, tinea corporis, which is also known as ringworm, and tinea cruris or jock itch.

Currently, this medicine is not used as a standard way of treating fungal infections. This medicine is mainly used when the most common fungal infections are either unavailable in the market or cannot be used due to side effects.

Certain shampoos designed to treat fungal scalp infections like scalp ringworm can also consist of ketoconazole in the form of an active ingredient. Ketoconazole shampoos are claimed to be a treatment for dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. One common and reliable brand for ketoconazole shampoos is Ketomac.

Is ketoconazole helpful in hair loss?

Suppose you have ever spent hours on blogs or discussion boards that mainly deal with men’s hair loss. In that case, you must have come across the recommendation of ketoconazole shampoo as one of the best treatments for hair loss and certain other medications. Supporters of ketoconazole shampoo believe that this particular component is capable of disrupting the effects of DHT. DHT / dihydrotestosterone is a hormone produced as a by-product of testosterone and is mainly responsible for male pattern baldness.

Suppose you are genetically more inclined towards androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. In that case, the DHT in your body can attach itself to the receptors present in your scalp and eventually damage your hair follicles.

Research on the relationship between male pattern baldness and ketoconazole has mixed assessments. Some studies have observed that ketoconazole might help prevent hair loss.

Which is more effective, Ketoconazole or Minoxidil?

Commonly heard myths are that ketoconazole’s effectiveness in treating and preventing hair loss is higher than medications for hair loss.

First, even though ketoconazole does have some positive effects on the growth of hair but the amount of research to prove the effectiveness of ketoconazole is minimal. Hence, better research studies with a broader scope on this are essential.

In a particular study that the journal Dermatology published in the 1990s, the researchers compared the effectiveness of minoxidil, a popular medicine for hair loss, and shampoo that contained two per cent of ketoconazole. This study found that both the types of treatment resulted in the improvement in the size of the hair and the proportion of hair in the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle by a similar percentage or amount. Although the observation of this study is interesting, it is essential to keep in mind that the researchers believed that more research is necessary before making any rigid conclusions regarding the effectiveness of these ingredients. Irrespective of the size of this study, it is interesting to see the significant impact of ketoconazole on the cycle of hair growth.

If you want to improve the growth rate of your hair, then including ketoconazole in your hair care regime can be a good idea.

Is ketoconazole capable of blocking DHT?

Another myth relating to ketoconazole, as already mentioned, is that it can block the transformation of testosterone to DHT or dihydrotestosterone. This male hormone causes damage to hair follicles and hence is responsible for male pattern baldness.

The amount of scientific research regarding the link between DHT levels in the body and ketoconazole is minimal. A paper published in the journal named Medical Hypotheses found that ketoconazole might help disrupt or block the pathway of DHT in the scalp, which might affect hair loss related to DHT levels. No studies were conducted to show the apparent use of ketoconazole in reducing DHT levels in your body or scalp.

Therefore, you should not rely entirely upon shampoos containing ketoconazole as a treatment for hair loss. Instead, if your hairline is receding and you want to lower DHT levels in your body, then you should see your doctor.

Can shampoo containing ketoconazole help in the regrowth of lost hair?

Yet another myth about ketoconazole is that its usage will help in the regrowth of hair that has been lost due to androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness.

Ketoconazole cannot help you grow hair that you have lost to male pattern baldness, but it may help you grow back the hair that has been temporarily lost due to seborrheic dermatitis. It is a type of scalp condition responsible for temporary loss of hair. Sure, researchers have found that a fungus named Malassezia is related to hair shedding in case of seborrheic dermatitis. The hair loss that is caused by seborrheic dermatitis is neither genetic nor is it caused due to DHT. Hence it is not related to male pattern baldness. Since ketoconazole effectively treats seborrheic dermatitis, people may mistake the hair growth after successful treatment of seborrheic dermatitis as regrowth of the hair loss due to male pattern baldness.

But the truth is that the hair loss due to male pattern baldness is more or less permanent until and unless you go for treatment in the initial phase itself. Apart from this, hair regrowth is possible only through hair transplant surgery.

Ketoconazole shampoo is safe and effective; however, it should not substitute for hair treatment prescribed by your doctor. Moreover, since everyone is different, it’s essential that before using ketoconazole medications, you consider the potential ketoconazole tablets’ side effects that you might have to go through.


Hair fall is one of the major problems faced by many people. Poor hair care or environmental pollutants can cause this issue in men and women. Sometimes, the cause could be an underlying medical condition. Each of your hair follicles goes through three stages or phases. The Anagen phase lasts for about two to six years. This stage is considered the most active stage of hair growth. 85-90% of the hair on the scalp at any given point in time is in this phase. The Catagen phase lasts a few weeks, about 2-3 weeks. This stage consists of only 1% of hair. The end phase, called the Telogen phase, is considered the resting phase. This stage contains about 13% of your hair. The telogen phase ends with hair follicles being shed. New hair is then added to continue the cycle. The hair growth cycle of each individual depends on the diet followed, the age of the person, hair care, and diseases, if any. Read on to know more about the causes of hair fall and what ingredients can help reduce it.

Causes of hair fall:

  • Age: As we age, hair loss increases, and hair growth slows down. This could be caused by changes in hormones or a weaker immune system. Hair follicles begin to die as we age, leading to permanent hair loss.
  • Genetic: Hair loss is also a result of genes. Female-pattern baldness and male-pattern baldness are hereditary hair fall that both men and women face. This condition is mainly seen in aged people, and the pattern of hair loss is predictable. Hereditary hair loss can cause bald spots and receding hairlines in men, while it can lead to hair thinning in women starting at the parting.
  • Weight loss: Another cause of hair fall can be sudden weight loss. American Academy of Dermatology suggests that after approximately 3 to 4 months of losing around 7 kg or 15 pounds of weight, the person in question might face hair loss. Although the exact reason for this kind of hair fall is unknown, it can be because of the lack of essential nutrients in the body that are required for proper hair growth. Weight loss can result from various health issues, explaining why hair loss follows weight loss.
  • Eating disorders: Although following crash diets and lacking nutrients are significant causes of hair fall, eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia can also cause this problem. Anorexia refers to an eating disorder where people are not eating sufficiently, and bulimia is where people vomit after eating. In these cases, hair fall is primarily due to improper intake of nutrients.

These are some of the common causes of hair fall faced by most people. There are various ways of treating hair fall. One of them is using the right anti-hair fall shampoo or medicated shampoo for hair fall. The market is flooded with different shampoos, anti-hair fall or anti-frizz. But if you are facing the issue of hair fall, then you will have to go for an anti-hair fall shampoo. Given the number of anti-hair fall shampoos available in the market, you can get confused about the right one for yourself. Most of these shampoos also make tall promises. Here you will learn the technique to choose the right shampoo for your hair.

How does shampoo help in controlling hair fall?

The majority of shampoos on the market have not gone through clinical trials. These shampoos cannot be considered the only defence against hair loss.

These shampoos, however, are capable of increasing blood flow to the scalp with the help of their ingredients. This helps to prevent hair fall. However, the ingredients are not in sufficient concentration and are often diluted. These shampoos’ effectiveness will depend on how often and when they are applied.

How to choose the right shampoo for your hair? The considerations to keep in mind

While buying a shampoo, look beyond the product’s labelling. Though most of these shampoos claim to be anti-hair fall, only some of them will serve you right. Therefore, make sure to research any product before buying it. You need to consider the hair type, ingredients, pH level, and many other aspects before choosing the perfect shampoo for your hair.

  • Hair type: The essential point to consider while choosing a shampoo is your hair type. For that, you have to know what type of hair you have. On top of that, you must know about your scalp. If you have an oily scalp and use a shampoo made for dry scalp, it will not be helpful to you. There are different hair types based on the following—

Hair density is divided into three types: thick hair, medium hair, and thin hair.

—Based on the amount of sebum, there are four types, i.e., normal hair, oily hair, dry hair, and combination hair.

—Based on porosity, the hair types are low, medium, and high porosity.

—Based on elasticity, hair is classified into low, medium, and high elasticity.

Hair is classified into curly, wavy, and straight based on the pattern.

Before you visit the shop to buy a product, it is essential to know the reason behind your hair loss. · Figure out your concern: Hair fall could be caused by dandruff, hair colouring, weak roots, or other scalp issues because a problem or issue cannot be solved without addressing its root cause. Average hair loss is around 100 strands a day. Anything beyond this level is concerning, and you should seek treatment. Some ingredients to help hair fall include pumpkin seed oil, green tea extract, and rosemary oil. Also, wintergreen-derived salicylic acid and activated charcoal encourage healthy hair growth.

  • pH level: The sweat from your scalp mixes with the oil to form an acid mantle. This mantle has a pH range of 4.5 to 5.5. Hair’s acidic nature prevents bacteria and fungi from growing on it. This pH helps to keep the hair’s cuticle healthy and intact. It is good to look for shampoos with a pH close to your scalp to prevent scalp damage.

Tips to keep in mind—

  • Try to use sulphate-free shampoos; these shampoos are safe for your scalp. However, sulphate-free shampoos do not lather much.
  • Try to buy shampoos that have natural ingredients.
  • Look for anti-hair fall shampoos that can also tame your curly or frizzy hair.
  • If your hair is skinny, use clear shampoos as they are mild.
  • If you have dry hair, use shampoos that contain moisturizing ingredients and anti-hair fall properties.

Try to keep the points mentioned above in mind before buying shampoo. They will help you choose the right product to solve hair fall as early as possible. While shampooing, it is natural to lose a few hair strands, which are the strands in the resting or telogen phase. But then, if you find clumps of fallen hair while showering, it’s best to consult a doctor— you could have a medical condition. You can also use medicated shampoo for hair loss by Ketomac as it contains effective ingredients which efficiently check hair fall.


The fingernail is made of several parts, including the visible part called the nail plate. The skin beneath the nail plate is referred to as the nail bed, and the part of the nail that encloses the plate and rims the base is the cuticle. The lunula is the white part at the base of the nail in the shape of a half-moon, and the part of the nail hidden inside the cuticle is known as a matrix. Matrix is where fingernails start growing.

With the growth of new skin cells in the matrix, the old cells are pushed out. The cells that are pushed out take a flattened and hardened appearance of a fingernail. The nail’s growth rate depends on various factors such as age, time of the year, and sex of the person. A higher growth rate of fingernails is seen in males, young people, and during the summer season. As compared to toenails, the fingernails have a faster rate of growth. To ensure hygiene, it is essential to keep our nails clean.

Nails are exceptionally delicate, and there are high chances of them getting damaged. This damage can be caused due to a lousy manicure or the wear and tear it faces daily. Such damage can be prevented by following certain simple habits that will help you ensure that your nails stay well maintained, solid and healthy.

Why is nail care critical?

Taking time out of your busy routine to take care of your nails will make you feel good about yourself, and you will also look more groomed and put together. No matter how long it takes to get your nails done, no matter if you do it in the comfort of your home or a salon, there is something about well-cared-for nails that makes you feel more confident. Taking care of your nails improves your confidence and your overall health. You use your hands for literally everything daily, and hence, it becomes your responsibility to take care of your hands.

Moreover, if you don’t show love and care towards your nails, your nails will risk developing a bacterial or fungal infection. These types of infections can, later on, cause more severe health issues. Therefore, it is better to be on the safer side by keeping your nails clean and hygienic.

Your fingernails are like little shields that protect your fingers and toes. If your nails become unhealthy, the tissue underneath them is more susceptible to infection from daily items you touch. Dermatologists say that healthy nails have consistent colour and a smooth texture. Adults should try to trim their nails every week to prevent germs from getting trapped under their nails. Germs like fungi cause nail infection, which is very hard to get rid of unless you use a nail cream for fungal infection. Fingernails shouldn’t be ripped but clipped using good-quality nail clippers. Remember to moisturize your nails often and wash them whenever possible. To prevent nails from becoming soft, wear gloves as a protection layer while working with harmful chemicals.

How to take care of your nails?

Incorporating certain simple habits into your daily lifestyle will enable you to take better care of your nails.

  • Regularly trim your nails: As straightforward as it might sound, regularly trimming your nails is the fundamental step towards having healthy nails. Always trim your nails properly to avoid the problem of ingrown nails. It is easier to cut your nails right after showering or bathing because that is the time your nails are the softest. If you want to soften the corners or edges of your nails, then you could use a nail filer. You should file your nails in only a specific direction because doing it in a back and forth motion may cause severe damage to your nails. Make sure to disinfect all your tools of nail care before using them.
  • Apply a base coat and a top coat and use a gentle nail polish remover: Everyone loves painting their nails. But to prevent any damage, you should avoid using harsh nail polish. Besides, you must apply a base coat on your nails before painting them to prevent your nails from getting stained. It would help if you used an acetone-free remover to remove the nail paint, as these are mild and will not make your nails dry. Also, you can apply a top coat to avoid the chipping of your nail paint.
  • Maintain your diet: Try to include omega-three fatty acids and protein in your diet. To promote keratin, a type of protein that the nail is made of, you must include foods like nuts, beans, and fish. Some other vitamins that improve nail health are Vitamin B, which helps strengthen your nails; zinc, which helps eliminate the white spots on your nails; and iron which stops the formation of nail ridges. Moreover, Vitamin A and C will help keep your nails hydrated.
  • Avoid keeping your nails in dirty and wet environments: Moisture and dirt promote the growth of fungus and bacteria in your nails. These accumulations of germs can be very difficult to remove afterwards. On top of that, if you keep your nails in touch with water for more extended periods, there are chances of you developing split fingernails. If a significant amount of your time is spent washing dishes, watering plants, or using harsh chemicals for cleaning, you must wear gloves to protect your nails and your skin from getting affected.

Vertical ridges on your nails are regular and white spots can be caused due to an injury that will eventually heal, and your nail will grow out. · Consult a doctor if something is wrong with your nails: They are excellent if your nails are smooth and don’t have any discolouration. But in case you notice discolouration in your nails, they get curled and separated from the nail bed, then you should be concerned as these can be signs of fungal infection. It is essential to consult a doctor if you notice any abnormalities in your nails. If your nails stop growing or become suddenly thin or thick, you should consider getting them checked by a doctor.

  • Stop biting your nails: Biting your nails will make your nails look unsightly and hamper your health as your nails contain germs that could enter your system if you bite them. Hence, it would help if you did not indulge in that practice. One way of preventing this habit is applying nail polish. Since it has a bitter taste, it might help you quit this habit.

Nail fungus is one of the most common nail problems faced by people. This problem is a result of negligence. Try to prevent it as much as possible. You can use nail fungal infection cream in India to eliminate the problem if you get it. Ketomac brand is highly reliable when it comes to anti-fungal creams.


Just thinking about nail fungus can make anyone cringe. Many people try to avoid this condition because it is so undesirable. Although most people know about nail fungus, they don’t know how to treat it. Read on to know everything about nail fungus.

What is nail fungus?

Nail fungus, a common condition, begins under your toenail or fingernail tip as a yellow or white spot. Over time, the nail fungus will go deeper into your nail, which can cause thickening, discolouration, and crumbling at the nail edges. Treatment may not be required if it is not a severe case of nail fungus or is not bothering you much. Medication and self-care will help you if your nails have become thick and painful due to the fungus. There are chances of nail fungus returning even after being treated successfully. Onychomycosis is another name for nail fungus. It is also known as athlete’s foot when a fungus infects the skin between the toes.

What are the causes of nail fungus?

There are various causes of nail fungus. Some of the common causes are stated below.

  • Injury: Injuries like blunt force trauma to the nail can damage. This damage can lift the nail, making the nail bed more vulnerable to bacteria attack, entry by dermatophytes, and many other germs. Nail trauma can result from dropping something heavy on your foot or stubbing your toe. Something as simple as this can cause nail fungus; therefore, it is better to be careful.
  • Moisture: Bacteria and Dermatophytes often thrive and live in moist and warm environments. This type of environment is ideally created inside closed shoes, especially in the summer season. This is why toenails are more likely to get nail fungus than fingernails.
  • Shoes and socks: It is essential always to wear fresh and clean socks made of a breathable material to prevent the growth of bacteria. Moreover, try not to wear old shoes for a very long time. If you are looking for breathable shoes, mesh shoes will be a great option. During the summer season, try to wear open-toed shoes and sandals so that your feet get sufficient air.
  • Manicures and Pedicures: Avoid salons that do not follow the standard sanitation process. Instruments and equipment such as clippers, nail files, cuticle cutters etc. that are used during manicure and pedicure should be thoroughly washed and cleaned by the professional. They should wash these tools with the help of antibacterial soap and then soak them in a fungicidal solution to properly disinfect them before they can be used on another customer. This disinfecting procedure should be carried on for the recommended time to ensure that all types of bacteria or fungi are killed. Many reputable salons and spas use disposable instruments discarded after using them on one customer. This is done to prevent the spread of nail fungus from one client to another. To be on the safer side, you can look for a health inspection certificate before going in with the process.

What are the signs and symptoms of nail fungus? 

  • The primary symptom of nail fungus is a part of your infected nail turning yellow, white, brown, or any other colour. At the initial stage of the infection, all you will see is a spot of discolouration in your nail. But if this is left unattended, the discolouration will spread to the entire nail and eventually to other nails.
  • Another sign of nail fungus is debris building up under your nails.
  • The nail will turn white, and the nail surface may feel dry, soft, or powdery. There are chances that your nail might become thinner than before.
  • The nail might become thick and turn brown or yellow in some cases.
  • Lastly, if your nail is infected, it will easily split and crumble.


How can nail fungus be treated?

After noticing signs of fungus, it is essential to get treatment from a certified dermatologist. The condition can become more severe and potentially painful if not treated promptly. You can trim the infected nail and send it for histologic examination to treat the infection. Mild infections can be treated with topical medication, and these medications keep the fungus under control until the nail heals. Although these topicals are very safe, they have lower efficacy than oral medications. Antifungal pills may be required for more severe cases. Side effects are rare for most medications. The typical treatment could last anywhere from one to three months. If your nail fungus is still in the initial stages and you want to treat it at home, you can go for the following home remedies for your fingernail fungus treatment.

  • Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil, also known as melaleuca, is an essential oil that possesses antiseptic and antifungal properties. This ingredient is considered to be an effective treatment against toenail fungus. It can be used with the help of a cotton swab. Dip a cotton ball in tea tree oil and apply it to the affected area twice daily.

  • Apple cider vinegar:

Since apple cider vinegar is acidic, it can most likely prevent the spread of nail fungus. You can use it by mixing ACV with water in equal measurement and soaking your nails in that solution for at least 30 minutes. Try to do this every day. After soaking your nails, dry them thoroughly. If you do this regularly, you will surely see a difference. Another way of using ACV is making it into an antifungal scrub. You have to take coarsely ground rice flour and add a few spoons of ACV to it until you get a scrub-like consistency. Use this scrub on the infected nail.

  • Olive leaf extract:

Olive leaf extract is effective against nail fungus and its symptoms. It is, therefore, a natural antibiotic that can fight almost all types of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungus. Olive leaf extract can also treat fungus issues such as Candida and tinea. Because of its antifungal properties, it is an excellent choice for treating fungus on fingernails and toenails. It will remove the fungus from your nails, detoxify your body, and make you less likely to get common illnesses like flu or colds. You can apply olive leaf extract directly to infected areas, or some even consume it orally in the form of capsules.

  • Hydrogen peroxide:

This treatment for fungal infection is very effective. You have to use 3% hydrogen peroxide for this treatment as stronger ones can irritate your skin. All you need to do is wash your nails properly. Apply a few drops of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton pad and hold it on the infected nail. After around 5 minutes, dry your nails using another cotton pad. Do this process at least 3 to 4 times per day.

Apart from these home remedies, several nail cream fungal infection options are available on the market that can be used. But you must consult your doctor before using a prescription-strength product.

Ketomac cream is a highly effective product and can be used for nail fungus treatment as it contains Ketoconazole which kills yeasts and fungi.


Hair is an integral part of our overall appearance. Even on a typical day when your hair doesn’t look the best, it affects your mood. A good hair day improves a person’s mood. It is very heart-breaking to deal with hair fall in such a case. The problem of hair fall has become widespread in recent times. There can be various factors responsible for hair loss. But the treatment depends only on the unique reason behind your hair fall. In cases such as post-pregnancy hair fall, your hair will likely come back after a few months. The problem arises when your hair fall is more persistent.

If you are losing a lot of hair daily, you should consider contacting your doctor. The doctor will be able to tell you the actual reason behind the hair loss. There can be several reasons for hair fall. If your body is losing hair due to genes, then there is nothing that can be done. But in most cases, hair loss is related to the amount of damage we inflict on our hair, knowingly or unknowingly. If you take care of your hair correctly, there are chances that you will be able to prevent hair loss. Read on to know various ways of preventing hair loss.

Why does hair fall out? 

Your hair goes through a cycle of growth, resting, and shedding. People lose about 100 hair strands per day. You may need to consult your doctor if you are experiencing sudden hair loss, hair loss in patches, or general thinning of your hair. Some temporary shedding can be treated with diet, treatment, and lifestyle changes. Some types of hair loss are more stubborn and may not stop until the underlying condition has been treated. About half of men will lose their hair due to androgenic alopecia, or male pattern baldness, by 40. More than half of all women will experience hair loss due to genetic conditions (female-pattern baldness) by 70. Certain studies suggest that ketoconazole tablets can stimulate hair growth in cases of androgenic alopecia, but they should be consumed only under the guidance of your doctor.

Tips to prevent hair loss:


If your diet includes sufficient amounts of fresh herbs and raw vegetables, then there are chances that you will prevent yourself from getting male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. You will have to consume basil, salad greens, parsley, etc., more frequently, at least thrice every week.

  • Protein: The hair follicles are mostly made of keratin, a protein type. A study conducted on 100 people facing severe hair loss suggested that they suffered from the deficiency of various nutrients, amino acids being one of them. Amino acids are considered to be the building blocks of protein. Although, much more research is required to prove this point. It is still believed that eating a diet rich in protein will help prevent hair fall. Protein can be included in your diet in eggs, peas and beans, nuts, turkey, fish, low-fat dairy, and chicken.
  • Vitamin A: Vitamin A has proved to be effective in increasing the rate of hair growth. This is because Vitamin A consists of retinoids, the main ingredient that encourages hair growth. This vitamin also promotes sebum production in the scalp, which helps keep the scalp healthy and capable enough to retain more hair. You can include Vitamin A in your diet by having sweet peppers, sweet potato, spinach, pumpkin, carrot, etc.

Now, let’s discuss some other handy tips to prevent hair fall—

  • Try to avoid keeping your hair tied at all times:

All types of tight hairstyles put a lot of stress on the hair and scalp, resulting in it falling out. If you sometimes tie your hair, that should not cause any problem, but keeping your hair in a tight ponytail for prolonged hours can lead to hair fall. Try to go for loose hairstyles whenever you need to tie your hair. Although you might not see a drastic result, you will be saved from future hair loss. If your hair is falling out from the front, it is most probably due to the braiding and tying of your hair tightly.

  • Minimize the use of heat products:

One of the primary reasons for your hair falling out is the excessive use of heat products. These products make your hair weak, which results in your hair falling out. Excess heat strips your hair of all the goodness, including essential protein for solid hair. If you use heat on your hair for longer, your hair will turn brittle and break easily. Try to limit straighteners and set your hairdryer in the most relaxed setting available before use. If you have thin hair, avoid going to the sauna. If your hairdryer doesn’t have a relaxed air setting, then make it a point to keep it at least 8 inches away from your hair while blow-drying. Also, keep moving the dryer to prevent heat build-up in one specific region. Using hot rollers or getting a perm done can harm your already thin hair because it combines heat with hair-pulling.

  • Avoid using hair colours and chemical treatments:

Hair dyes and chemical treatments put a vast amount of stress on your scalp and hair. Certain dyes contain some kinds of bizarre ingredients that can cause damage to your hair, as you never know how your hair will react to them. In some cases, people face a sudden loss of hair after colouring their hair because of an allergic reaction to an ingredient in the hair dye. If you get your hair coloured only once a year by an experienced stylist, there is no big deal. But frequent colouring can cause hair loss due to damage. If you want to have the best hair without any damage and hair fall, try to keep your hair in its natural state.

Additionally, avoid bleaching your hair at any cost. Bleach rips off all the nutrients from your hair and your scalp. If you want to colour your hair, skip the bleaching part, or choose a colour that does not need bleaching. Also, some shampoos contain many chemicals that can inflict harm on your hair. Try to use shampoos that do not contain harmful chemicals. One such product is the Ketomac shampoo which can prevent hair fall caused by excessive itching due to dandruff.

  • Relax whenever possible:

Stress has become a part of everyone’s life in this fast world. But stress can harm your hair health. If you are under a lot of stress and haven’t managed it, your hair will start falling out. Suppose you have stress almost every day, and the risk of losing your hair increases. Even if you are busy with your work, always try to set aside a little time. During this break, all you need to do is relax. You can take a bath, do something you love, watch a movie—try to relax.

Hair loss can be alarming, so it is better to avoid it as much as possible. But then, it is somewhat unpredictable when you will start getting hair fall. So, it would help if you also had some treatment options handy. One medicine that can help with hair fall is ketoconazole tablets for hair loss which can be used as per the direction of your physician. These are some pretty simple ways of preventing hair fall.


Dandruff can make you feel awkward and out of place. The itchy fits, embarrassing flakes on your shoulders, and the general discomfort can be quite annoying. You try countless anti-dandruff remedies and dandruff shampoos to avoid all of this. But to find a perfect dandruff remedy that works for your scalp, you need to understand the meaning and causes of dandruff. This will make the treatment much easier as you know the root cause and start the treatment accordingly. Millions of people across the globe face the issue of dandruff. Although dandruff is highly annoying, the good news is that it can be effectively treated. It is better to treat it when the first signs start because if they are left unattended, there are chances of developing a scalp infection. Therefore, please continue reading to know all about dandruff and the treatments that will help you cope with it.

What is dandruff?

When the skin cells of your scalp grow and die in a short period, it gives rise to dandruff. These dead skin cells can cause white and greyish flakes or oily clumps on your scalp to appear. Malassezia is a common type of fungus that may be one of the causes of dandruff. Flaking along with mild itching are the most common signs of dandruff. Dandruff can also manifest as red and greasy patches on your skin and a tingling sensation on the scalp. It can worsen in the winter season due to the dry atmosphere. Dandruff can be caused by several factors, including genetics and environmental factors. It can affect everyone in all parts of the world. If you have mild dandruff, then using a gentle shampoo can help with the treatment, but if that doesn’t help, then you could go for a medicated shampoo.

What are the symptoms of dandruff?

Dandruff can be identified in several ways. The most common symptoms of dandruff are stated below.

  • Flakes: Visible flakes on your scalp or shoulders are one of the most common signs of dandruff. As a result of your allergy to oleic acid, the excessive skin cells of your scalp are shed in the form of visible flakes.
  • Itching: If you see someone in the street scratching their heads, it could be one of two things. Either they are in deep thought, or they are suffering from dandruff. Usually, this scratching results from dandruff because dandruff can cause irritation and itching to the scalp.
  • Redness: Excessive scratching due to irritation can result in redness on your scalp. This means that if you have redness on your scalp, it might be because of dandruff.
  • Dryness: The skin on your scalp is just like the skin on the rest of your body— it can get dry at times. The presence of dandruff on your scalp is responsible for breaking down the moisture-holding barrier on your scalp; this makes the scalp skin dry out quickly.

Tips for treating dandruff:

Look for products that will help you maintain your hair’s condition and manage your hair better. · Right hair products: Your body is well aware of its requirements. It is straightforward to treat dryness, itching, and dandruff. Shampoos that have anti-dandruff properties and can provide your hair with some nutrition could be used to treat dandruff. There are many shampoos to choose from, depending on what your hair is like. You need to know about your hair and make a decision accordingly.

  • Regular hair washing: If you have successfully chosen the right shampoo for your hair. The next step that would help you get rid of dandruff is regularly shampooing your hair. It has been medically recommended that washing your hair twice or thrice a week with cold water is essential.
  • Diet: Every solution for a skin problem always comes down to diet. A healthy diet is essential for your skin and hair health. A balanced and healthy diet where you control your sugar, dairy, and carbs intake will help you improve your skin’s overall quality and texture.
  • Haircare routine: A good and effective hair care routine can only happen if you have successfully identified your scalp and hair type. This will allow you to choose products that will help you solve your problem. In case you have dry hair, you have to choose an anti-dandruff shampoo that will get rid of dandruff and, at the same time, nourish your hair. Similarly, if you have an oily scalp, you will have to choose the best dandruff shampoo for oily hair that will help you solve your problem and strengthen your hair.
  • Hygiene: Keep your scalp and hair healthy and clean. Ensure to clean up any excess sweat from your hair, resulting in the build-up of dirt on your scalp. Dandruff can grow if unwanted material remains on the scalp for too long.
  • Reduce stress: Internal factors are the main trigger for the allergy to oleic acid. A sedentary lifestyle and stress can increase dandruff which, in turn, will cause sores, itchiness, and redness on your scalp.

Ingredients that will help you treat dandruff:

Apple cider vinegar: ACV helps to restore the scalp’s pH balance. It prevents the growth of yeast on your scalp. Moreover, it acts as a natural hair cleanser that helps clean hair follicles and clogged pores. To use it, you have to take 3 cups of cold water and mix two cups of ACV with it. Then use this mixture to rinse your hair after shampooing. Use this mixture at least once a week for the best results.

Garlic: One of the richest sources of salicylic acid is garlic. This is an ingredient that is commonly used in the treatment of dandruff. You can use this effective ingredient by creating a hair mask with garlic and honey. This can be done by crushing garlic cloves and adding honey. Use this mask on your hair and scalp and leave it in for 5 to 10 minutes. After that, wash your hair with a gentle shampoo.

Coconut oil: One of the longest used remedies for dandruff treatment is coconut oil. It is an effective medicine as it consists of anti-fungal properties. Heat this oil to a temperature you can comfortably tolerate, use a cotton ball to massage it onto your scalp, and then apply the remaining oil to your hair. Keep it on for about 30 minutes before shampooing your hair.

Onion: Thanks to the anti-microbial properties, onion is a great ingredient to get rid of dandruff. In addition to that, it eliminates toxins and improves blood circulation. Using this ingredient is by blending it into a smooth paste and applying it to your hair’s roots and ends. Keep it on for almost 1 hour, and then shampoo your hair with a gentle cleanser.

You must be clear about dandruff and how to treat it. You need to know your hair and scalp type, and you will treat your dandruff effectively. For instance, if you have thin, oily hair, go for the best dandruff shampoo for thin oily hair. An effective product for dandruff is the Ketomac shampoo, which has excellent anti-fungal properties, thanks to ketoconazole, an active ingredient used worldwide for treating hair problems.


It could be that you have oily hair. If so, you need to know how to take proper care of it to enjoy having different types of hairstyles. The hair experts consider oily hair to be a nemesis for hair gaols. Your appearance can become ugly with greasy hair. Even freshly washed hair might make you feel droopy and sad without leaving the bathroom.

Moreover, if not treated on time, greasy hair will only appear a real eyesore and make you feel embarrassed when in a crowd. But with experts’ tips and guidance, you may use the best anti-dandruff shampoo for oily hair like Ketomac Shampoo. This way, you can protect your precious from a mess, impressing everyone around.

Reasons for oily hair

There are cited two primary reasons for hair to develop excess oil. It could be due to poor beauty habits or issues with the scalp. You need to find out the root issues and the science behind hair development. Each pore on the skin tends to have a sebaceous gland and the scalp. These glands are known to secrete an oily substance referred to as sebum. It is this sebum that provides the hair with its natural silky shine. It also helps the hair to remain smooth and healthy while preventing it from getting dry, brittle and breaking. But some sebaceous glands produce oil in excess amounts, causing greasy hair and oily skin. This could be for numerous reasons like hormonal changes (pregnancy or puberty), hereditary or changes in climate, lifestyle, or seasons. Certain medicines, improper hair care and poor diet are also cited for hair to become oily excessively.

Tips to avoid developing oily hair

It is your responsibility to ensure that you control oily hair development. Could you keep your hands away from it? This should also be practised when brushing your hair since it distributes grease all over your strands.

Hair experts state greasy hair to be a cyclical problem. Excess scrubbing or over-washing during shampooing will only irritate the scalp, causing more oil production. If natural oil is stripped from your hair, the scalp starts to overproduce oil. Hence, wash your hair only once a day and not more than that. Moreover, use cold water to rinse your hair for at least thirty seconds. This helps remove the conditioner and shampoo applied to your hair. Coldwater helps shut down the sebaceous glands, while hot water stimulates them. Cool water is noticed to close the cuticle, thereby reducing hair damage. Allow your hair to dry naturally, and try to heat at a bare minimum as hot air might stimulate faster oil production.

Excess product usage is also cited for causing scalp build-up, resulting in excessive grease development. You don’t need to stop immediately using all styling products if you notice that your hair starts developing oil in excess amounts. But you should consult a good hair specialist to know which styling product will be appropriate for your hair type. Otherwise, selecting any product you come across might mean only doing more harm than good.

Tips for managing excessive oily hair

It is possible to make your hair appear less greasy and train your hair accordingly. For this, you need to follow a well-crafted hair regimen meant exclusively for oily hair. Use a mild shampoo like Ketomac while adopting a careful cleansing routine. Also, include a lightweight conditioner as it can balance and replenish moisture present on your scalp. It will not cause any overproduction. Perceived oil accumulation in hair is often the result of poor rinsing. If the conditioner is a bit excess for your hair, you should condition it first. Then go ahead with using a good shampoo to eliminate extra residue. The other option will be to nix the traditional conditioner while choosing leave-in conditioning spray only for the ends.

The next task will be to space out washes. Try to understand that an oily scalp only means the vicious cycle will worsen due to attempts to reverse the issue. To control excess oil production, you need to shampoo after every 2-3 days. Remember, getting the desired results takes time, and overnight results are impossible. You may also experiment using hair powders and dry shampoo available, and these are created to soak up extra oil in your scalp without actually stripping essential natural oil.

Clarifying treatment or shampoo should be availed twice a month. Oily hair may also be due to heavy conditioners or build-up, although you may follow the best possible rinsing methods. Whatever be the product amount used, the hair is likely to retain some oil traces. Moreover, you need to be aware that whatever you consume, vitamin B intake is likely to correlate directly with your production of sebum level. Do get lots of B Vitamins like B6 & B2 in your food, and they are essential to combat greasy hair.

If you feel that your oily locks do not get any better even after taking the above measures, then it is high time to consult a good doctor. There can be other possible causes that the doctor may diagnose. The problem could be due to dandruff flakes, and Psoriasis or Seborrheic dermatitis might appear similar to dandruff. However, it might persist even after repeated shampooing and conditioning your hair.

Some commonly noticed oily-hair concerns.

Having oily hair will mean only sporting lifeless hair that can be tough to style. Sebum glands clog hair roots, causing dandruff and excess hair loss. But by following some expert tips, you can address such issues and ensure deriving healthy, shiny hair.


Most people suffering from dandruff problems tend to produce excess oil on their skin. Excess oil build-up on the scalp will only cause dandruff, and it only mixes with commonly found yeast on the scalp region, referred to as Malassezia. This is likely to irritate the skin.

  • Use anti-dandruff shampoo like Ketomac Shampoo, having salicylic acid at least two times a week. It ensures clean hair, reducing significantly scalp oil while yeast fighting ingredients attacks like Malassezia.
  • Regularly wash your hair.
  • Do not use sticky or greasy products like hairspray, mousse or styling gels.
  • You may avail of home remedies. Certain products like coconut oil, tea tee oil, apple cider vinegar, etc., have natural antifungal, vitamins and anti-bacterial properties. They can deal with dry skin arising in the scalp region while combating Malassezia build-up.

Treating hair loss

Oil scalp over time leads to hair loss, and excess oil production can be an inflammation sign. As hair follicles get inflamed, hair growth is slowed down due to weaker structured hair being produced. Some severe cases, if not treated, are likely to block hair follicles, thereby inhibiting the natural growth cycle. The remedy for it will be:

  • Examine the present diet. Hair loss could be due to a lack of good fats, zinc and B Vitamins.
  • Restore your scalp’s normal biome. Inflammation will gradually subside by replenishing your scalp’s proteins, antimicrobial peptides, and waterproofing lipids. Moreover, you will witness reduced sebum production and prevent excessive hair loss.

Therefore, using oily scalp dandruff shampoo like Ketomac can help you eliminate the issues arising from oily hair.


Nowadays, many people are facing the problem of nail fungal infection. The changes in the surrounding have led to an increase in many health issues the people. Some people might ignore such problems in the initial stages, but with the passage of each day, the problem will worsen and become hard to cure. This happens because of the fungus on the skin membrane around the nail. A nail fungal infection cream is available on the market to cure this problem. It has all the active ingredients that will eliminate the fungus’s growth and help heal the problem. Though there are many nail infection ointments available on the market, Ketomac cream is the one that is considered the best cream to cure such infections.

Nail fungal infection is widespread among people. Here are some facts that the person needs to know about it.

Let’s have a look at them.

  • These infections mostly grow in the toenails or fingernails, and it is the infection that will cause damage to the nail bed.
  • It is also known as Tinea Unguium or Onychomycosis.
  • The nail infection will cause thickening and discolouration in the finger or the toenails. If not taken seriously, this problem will worsen, and a foul smell will also start coming out of the infected areas.
  • In the initial stage, nail infection is only a cosmetic concern, but untreated areas will cause pain, irritation, and even pressure on affected areas.
  • Different ways outs include oral and topical medications, laser therapy, and even surgery to cure this problem.
  • Mostly this problem is found in adults’ especially people who have diabetes, as they have a weaker immune system.

Nail fungal infections are caused by the fungi that start to grow on the nail area. This infection starts from the athlete’s foot and can spread from one nail to another, worsening the situation. It will also cause cracks in the nail bed and enter the body. Here are some of the factors that increase nail fungus. Let’s have a look at them.

  • If you sweat heavily, there might be chances that the person might increase the exposure of the nail infection in the body.
  • With the increase in age, the risk of such problems also starts to increase as nail growth is likely to decrease.
  • People with a history of athlete’s foot risk getting this nail infection.
  • People with diabetes, weak immune system, and circulation problems are also at risk of developing this problem.

If the nail infection worsens, it causes permanent damage to your nail infection. Not only this, but it might also enter the body and start creating the problem of preventing nail fungus infections. The person can consider some of the natural ways that will help in reducing the overall effect of infection and heal it properly, and let’s have a look at them.

  • Ozonized oil: It is oil that is very similar to sunflower oil which is injected with ozone gas. According to trusted studies, ozone exposure will make the micro-organism inactive, and their growth will decrease. Even it is the main ingredients in the Ketomac cream that helps it to provide the best results. The person can apply this oil twice a day to the infected area to see the results.
  • Vinegar: From ancient times, vinegar has been the best treatment for fungal infections. It is one of the safest and most effective remedies to cure such problems. The person needs to soap the infected feet in warm water and add one vinegar part. The person can soak the foot for 20 minutes. Doing this process in routine will surely provide the best results.
  • Listerine mouthwash: Yes, even Listerine mouthwash is an excellent remedy to cure such problems. This product is rich in menthol, eucalyptus, and thymol with excellent antibacterial and antifungal properties. The person can soak the foot in warm water and the Listerine mouthwash to see results. This step can be done at least 30 minutes that too in routine.
  • Garlic: According to trusted studies, it was concluded that garlic has the highest amount of antibacterial and antifungal properties. To apply this, the person can peel the garlic and crush it. Now the crushed portion of the garlic can be placed on the infected area. Though it might have a pungent smell, it will surely provide the best results. Even garlic capsules are available in the market; the person can go for them if he can’t tolerate the smell.
  • Adjust diet: The most important step is to cure the fungal problem is to control the diet. Go for cleaner food options. Have a good diet that includes good probiotics, proteins, iron, suitable fatty acid, calcium, and vitamin D. These can be easily grabbed from food items like milk, curd, fresh fruits, green vegetables, and nuts and cereals. Also, include the water content in your daily routine, making your skin glowing and healthy inside out.

Along with the natural remedies, the person can also help the doctors who prescribe medicines. Ketomac has come up with tablets that can be taken according to the prescription to see better results shortly. It will help in curing the nail problem of its roots.

Sometimes, if the situation gets worse, doctors recommend getting the nail removed from the nail bed so that the infection can be stopped there and not enter the internal body. The dermatologist uses two techniques, i.e., Nonsurgical nail removal and surgical nail removal. In both these procedures, the person needs to follow the experts’ guidelines strictly.

If people see anything unusual near their nail area, getting it treated on time is highly recommended. For this, the person can take the help of the best nail infection cream, i.e., Ketomac cream. The cream rich in active ingredients will help fight against the problem. The ketoconazole present in the cream will kill all the fungi and yeasts that cause infection. The regular application of this cream will prevent the growth of this infection on the skin and will treat almost all types of fungal infections like ringworm, jock itch, athlete’s foot, etc.

The person needs to apply this ointment to the clean and dry infected areas. Apply a skinny layer of the cream and let it get absorbed in the skin properly. Better not to wrap the infected area with any bandage. The person needs to apply this cream every 3-4 hours to see good results. The person will see better results in just 2 to 4 weeks of application of the medicine in routine. Ketomac has other outstanding product ranges like Ketomac Tablets and Ketomac Shampoo, which help heal fungal infections more effectively. Many experts recommend these products to their clients facing any fungal-related problems.


With time, there has been an immense rise in the skincare range in the market. There are so many products like Face wash, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, body lotions, hand cream, etc., which are used to maintain the proper hygiene of the person. Nowadays, all people undergo different treatments, mainly the colouring of hair. If you want to maintain their hair colour and even hair health, it will be great to use colour-safe dandruff shampoo, and it has the ingredients that will provide proper nourishment to hair.

With the changing lifestyle, many people face different hair and skin issues. Many people are commonly facing the issue of dandruff which, if not considered on time, can get worse and lead to abnormal hair fall. To get rid of such problems, it is highly recommended to choose natural-based shampoo. The formulation of such shampoo is very gentle on the scalp, hair, and even the skin. They have all the natural ingredients that are great for health and heal the problem. One of the leading shampoos is Ketomac Shampoo. Not only this, but many experts also recommend using this shampoo because of its excellent results.

Here are the benefits of using this shampoo. Let’s have a look at them.

  • Improves the look of the scalp: The regular shampoo washes off the dust and dirt from the hair scalp and washes off the natural oil that might lead to the dryness of the scalp. But shampoo like Ketomac will help lock all the natural oils, which is excellent for improving the look of the scalp. It will make your hair look soft and smooth. It might not react well initially when the hair is introduced to such shampoos, but it will surely see good results with time.
  • See the noticeable difference when you switch shampoo: Ketomac shampoo does not produce much lather as the other chemical-based shampoos do. Once you start applying it in routine, you will surely notice a change in the health condition of your hair. Your hair will feel more cleansed and soft. It has some active ingredients to help the scalp fight against the itchy dryad scalp.
  • Helps in balancing pH value: The person needs to maintain a proper pH value of the scalp, and this means the scalp should not be exposed to highly acidic products and not too highly alkaline products. Choose a shampoo like Ketomac that is neither acidic nor alkaline. The regular use of this shampoo will help marinate the pH balance, which will range between 4.5-and 5.5.
  • Have proper extracts ingredients: This shampoo is formulated to extract many natural ingredients like essential oils that help cure hair issues. The ingredients will help lock the natural moisture and enhance the hair’s overall texture. Along with this, it will also help in soothing the hair scalp and stimulate hair growth.
  • Naturally, moisturize: The best part about natural shampoos like Ketomac is that they are enriched with pure nourishments, which are great for the hair in the long run. These have an adequate amount of oils, butter, and other natural ingredients, which act very well for the overall nourishment of the oil. Some of the great ingredients are only available in such shampoo.
  • Prevent the loss of dyed hair: Nowadays, it is seen that almost every person has coloured hair. So keto mac shampoo will act as a great shampoo that will help dyed or permed hair stay healthy for a long time. It will not just strip off the texture and the style of the hair.
  • Suitable for all specific conditions: Many people might face the problem of dandruff or dryness on the hair scalp. Choosing ketomac shampoo will help reduce such problems and suit the people’s hair facing any fungal infection on the scalp. It has some active ingredients that will help cure the widespread problems related to hair and make them look healthier.

The best part about using these shampoos is that it helps maintain the hair in the most desirable condition. It will cleanse off all the dust and dirt from the scalp and make it look cleaner. There is no such dandruff issue or hair fall issue. However, there might be many options related to shampoo in the market. But the person needs to opt for the one that matches the requirement of the hair. Here is the list of tips that needs to be considered. Let’s have a look at them.

  • Ingredients: The most important thing to consider while purchasing the shampoo is to carefully check the ingredients list on the shampoo. There might be chances that some of the ingredients in the shampoo might not suit the person. It is better to be aware of such things in advance and, before purchasing it, given a patch test. So that after the use of the shampoo there is no as such problem.
  • Price: Many shampoos are available at different prices ranges. The person needs to get the shampoo that fits the requirement and the budget. For this, the person needs to do a lot of research to put everything together without any problem.
  • According to hair textures: There is a wide variety of shampoos available in the market; it is better to choose the shampoo that matches the requirement of the hair textures. Some people might have a dry scalp, some will have an oily scalp, and some might have the problem of dandruff. So, according to your scalp type, the person needs to select the best shampoo.

Considering all the benefits and tips, one of the best anti-dandruff shampoos for coloured hair is Ketomac which contains Ketoconazole as its main ingredient. This shampoo is used by many people suffering from the problem of dandruff or scalp conditions. Even experts recommend this shampoo because of its fantastic results on the scalp. Scratching the scalp will result in the roots loosening, resulting in intense hair fall.

This shampoo will help in preventing curing the problems related to dandruff. It will treat scaling, dandruff, and flaking of the scalp and relieve the inflammation caused by dandruff. To use this shampoo, the person can apply this in small amounts and massage this into a lather. Leave this shampoo for 5 to 10 minutes on the scalp, and after that, rinse it off thoroughly. This shampoo can be used at least twice a week for four weeks continuously to see the results. Use this shampoo until all the problem properly disappears.

Ketomac also has other products like Ketomac Cream and Ketomac tablets that help cure fungal infection problems. Many experts highly recommend these products because of their excellent results. If you want to heal the problem of the infections caused by a fungus, without any doubt, do consider these products.


Nowadays it is seen that there are many changes in the lifestyle of the people. This changing lifestyle brings up many health-related issues that need to be sorted off on time before worsening. One of the common problems people face these days is fungal nail infection. It is a problem where discolouration of the nail with brittle. This mostly happens on the toes. The scientific name of this problem is onychomycosis; some people might think an athlete’s foot and fungal infection are the same problems. But actually, they are not. For such infections, the person can take the help of the best nail cream for the fungal infection to cure the problem.

Though fungi are the tiniest organism that can only be seen under the microscope, if it starts living on the body of any living thing, it will start causing damage to it. Most of the trouble is faced by the living person’s skin, and it can be easily transmitted to other people around your contact. It is a widespread problem for people; don’t get embarrassed; instead, look for the best solutions to heal it.

Here is the list of different types of fungal infections. Let’s have a look at them.

  •    Distal lateral subungual onychomycosis is a common problem due to a fungus known as a dermatophyte. It is a problem that the person gets on their fingernails or toenails. This problem started arising from the nail bed and grew, and the nail became yellowish.
  •    Proximal subungual onychomycosis: It is the white spots that come on the centre of the nail bed at the cuticle of the bail. This problem will move outwards as the nails will grow. This problem is not very common among people. Most people with HIV infection suffer from this type of nail infection.
  •    White superficial onychomycosis: This is the problem that affects the nail surface. It will start as a white spot and, if not treated on time, will cause the nail to become powdery and crumble.
  •    Candida onychomycosis is a nail infection caused by yeast that affects fingernails. It will cause swelling and inflammation around the nails. This problem mostly happens because of any injury around the nail.

Here is the list of common symptoms of nail fungal infection. Let’s have a look at them.

  • If the person finds a white or yellow spot under the nail and it is spreading with time.
  • If the nail starts becoming very thick and becomes tough to trim.
  • If the nail starts to curl up or down or the person feels that the nail is losing the nail bed grip.
  • If the person notices any bad smell from the nails.
  • If the nail meets any of the mishappenings.

These are some common symptoms that should not be ignored at any cost. If the person ignores them at the initial time, the problem gets worse and becomes very hard to cure. However, there are many ways to cure nail fungal infections. Some of them are listed below:

  •    Vicks VapoRub: Yes, you heard it right; Vicks can be used as a topical ointment that will help cure cough and cold and nail fungal infections. This has some active ingredients like eucalyptus oil and camphor that will help treat almost all fungal problems. According to a trusted study of 2011, Vicks VapoRub shows a positive effect on the treatment of toe fungus. The person applies a generous amount of this ointment around the infected areas, and this can be easily applied at least two times after cleaning and drying the infected area.
  •    Snakeroot Extract: A plant from the Sunflower family is known for its extract. According to a study conducted in 2008, it has been concluded that snakeroot extract is an effective remedy that works well against the fungal infection around the nails. Initially, the person needs to apply this extract every third day to the affected areas for one month. When the infection starts healing, the person can start applying it twice a week. To maintain the long-term effect of this extract, the person can apply it once a month. Just keep in mind that the area should be clean and keep dry.
  •    Tea tree oil: You might have seen many people talking about effective essential oil, i.e., tea tree oil. It has all the antifungal abilities to treat many human problems, especially fungal infections. The person can apply this oil by putting some drops on the cotton pad, and this can be easily applied twice a day until the problems get cured completely.
  •    Oregano oil: This oil contains thymol content with antifungal and antibacterial properties. This is the reason this oil will work best for curing the problem of nail fungal infection. Apply this oil twice a day to the infected areas to treat the problem. Some people mix this oil with tea tree oil to increase the effect on the area. Both these products have the potential to reduce the allergy and irritation around the infected areas.
  •    Olive leaf extract: This is the substance with an active ingredient, known as oleuropein, which will act as an antifungal, and has immune-boosting capabilities. It is available in both capsule and oil form. According to the person’s preference, they can get the oil to treat their problem.

All these natural ingredients are very effective in taking care of nail infections and curing them. Apart from all this, the person needs to maintain proper hygiene so that no fungus or bacteria can live in the body. Along with this, have a clean diet and include plenty of water. So that all the toxins from the body are flushed out, and you feel fresh and light.

To boost the healing process, the person can opt for the best antifungal cream for fingernails, i.e., Ketomac cream. It contains broad-spectrum synthetic antifungal agents that will help kill all the fungi or yeast interfering with the cell membranes. The fungi attack the cell membrane when it breaks down; it enters the body and starts causing disturbances. If the person starts to apply this cream on time, it will help prevent all the fungus growing on the skin, which might cause infection.

People are facing the problem of ringworm. Ketomac cream can be applied to any fungal infection; it will help heal all the infections because it has some active ingredients that boost the healing process. Jock itch, athlete’s foot, dry and flaky skin, should apply this cream at least two times a day or according to a physician’s recommendation.

Not only this, but Ketomac also has some other range of products like shampoo and tablet that helps fight against all the problems related to fungus or infection on the scalp or any other part of the body. It is one of the trusted products recommended by many experts. So, if you are facing any problems, give these products a shot.


Ringworm refers to an infectious fungal infection that damages the skin’s top layer, the nails and the scalp.

This infection is called Ringworm due to its itchy, red, and round appearance.

Ringworms can surface on any part of the body. However, folds are where the chances of their occurrence are higher.

Here we will discuss various aspects of this infection to take proper treatment and take the path of recovery.

Here are a few facts about Ringworm—

  1. Ringworm is in no way linked to worms.
  2. This infection occurs when a fungus consumes the keratin present in hair and skin. Keratin is a protein.
  3. This is a typical skin infection children suffer from.
  4. The treatment of this infection is usually based on the nature and severity.

Types of Ringworm: What you need to know—

  1. Scalp ringworm—
  • The most popular treatment for this type of Ringworm is an oral medication. What medication is needed is determined by the type of fungus.
  • Antifungal shampoos are used to check the spread and trigger faster recovery of Ringworm. However, they don’t cure it.
  • You can shave the head of the patient. This does not reduce Ringworm or increase the pace of recovery. But it’s a way to give children some relief.
  1. Body skin ringworm—
  • Antifungal creams are the most effective treatment for body skin ringworm. You can buy these creams over the counter and online, and these creams come with different instructions that you can follow for good results. Although many brands are available, Ketomac is the best cream for fungal infections in India.

In case of severe symptoms, or when the infection has spread unusually, your body might not respond to over-the-counter medications; your doctor may prescribe a prescription-strength topical medication.

  • You can also take oral medicines. But there might be side effects. Side effects include skin rash, abnormal liver function etc.

How should you take care of your skin when you Have Ringworm?

  • If you have Ringworm, you should wash the infected area exceptionally gently.
  • If you are applying cream or washing the area, take extra care not to hurt it.
  • While wiping off water from the body, do it with light hands. Don’t press too hard on tender areas.
  • If you expose your toes to water, don’t forget to dry the skin between your fingers properly. Also, it would help if you kept other folds in your body dry.
  • Socks and undergarments should be changed more frequently than you usually do. It’s best to treat all infected areas simultaneously to prevent the infection from spreading from one place to another.
  • Wear clothes that are not snugly fitted.

What are the kinds of Ringworm?

Different types of Ringworm can affect different parts of your body.

  • Scalp ringworm is a condition that affects children as well as adults. This is more common in urban areas where people live close together, which gives the fungus more chances to spread.
  • Skin ringworm can be dangerous for both children and adults, affecting babies.
  • Ringworm can also infect the area of the beard. This is a common problem for men who grow facial hair and can often be caused by contact with an animal with Ringworm.

Different kinds of ringworms will generally have different symptoms—

  1. Scalp—

The affected areas may feel tender, painful, or inflamed on the scalp. Hair falls out of the patches or around them. Kerion, which is significant, inflamed sores on the scalp may appear. They can also ooze pus. Although a person might have a fever and the lymph nodes or glands might swell, this is not common.

  1. Body skin—

The rash looks like a ring. The skin around the ring may appear reddish and inflamed on the outside, but it will look normal in the middle. The ring part is slightly raised, and itching happens, especially under the skin rash.

  1. Beard area—

Redness, swelling, and pus-filled bumps appear. Hair loss occurs, which is usually cured by treatment. Swelling of glands might also occur—raw, open skin with raised, soft patches.

Are there complications?

The risk of fungal infections extending below the skin’s surface is rare, and there is little chance of developing any severe illness. However, Ringworm can spread to other parts of the body if not treated.

But infections do sometimes occur when the skin is damaged. Ringworm is more common in people with HIV or other immune-system conditions. If the immune system is weak, it is harder to eradicate the infection.

Who can get Ringworm?

  • You have a higher chance of getting ringwork if you haven’t attained 15 years.
  • You are at high risk if you have a weak immune response.
  • If you use medicines that suppress your immune system.
  • If you live somewhere warm and humid.
  • If you come in contact with infected people or animals.
  • Share towels and clothing with someone suffering from the infection.
  • Hyperhidrosis can cause excessive sweating. Hyperhidrosis patients are also susceptible to Ringworm.
  • If you wear tight clothing.

How is Ringworm diagnosed?

A visual examination can often help diagnose Ringworm. A doctor will typically diagnose Ringworm after examining the affected area and asking questions about the patient’s medical history.

The doctor may remove a small amount of skin, but this will not cause any damage. They then examine the area with a microscope to look for signs of fungi.

The doctor will examine the skin to determine if it is caused by psoriasis or another disorder. Further testing is not required if symptoms are confirmed.

If the symptoms don’t improve, the doctor may recommend removing a tiny part of the skin and sending it to the laboratory for testing.

How to Prevent Ringworm?

If Ringworm is a problem in your household, the following tips can help you—

  • If your pet has Ringworm, a vet should take care of it. The chances of contracting this infection from an animal are high.
  • Everyone should wash their hands with soap frequently. Ringworm can be a severe problem affecting all household members, and prevention is the best way to keep Ringworm away.
  • It is not a good idea for people to share hairbrushes or combs.
  • Ringworm sufferers are advised to avoid touching the affected areas, increasing the risk of spreading the disease.
  • It is better not to walk barefoot when you are in your home. This applies to you if you have a foot infection or someone else in the family has it.
  • Wash your clothes with hot water and use fungicidal detergents.
  • You can reduce your risk by wearing loose and relaxed clothes. Avoid synthetic materials if possible. Cotton clothes are best when you have Ringworm, and they are highly comfortable and don’t aggravate this problem.

So, now you know everything about Ringworm and how Ketomac can help you recover from this problem. But then it’s essential to remember that Ketomac doesn’t only treat Ringworm; it is the best antifungal cream in India for all kinds of fungal infections. It’s a fantastic product and can offer relief no matter how nasty your infection is.


There are so many types of health conditions that you undergo. Have you ever experienced or undergone an infection or allergy? There are skin infections that may turn out to be pesky and annoying, and you should ensure that your skin is protected and guarded. If you have some uneasiness in your toe, you could have a toenail fungus infection.

A dermatologist or skin specialist goes through your nails and nearby skin to determine if a patient has nail fungus. It is imperative to check the skin because the fungus could spread. You could already have a skin infection triggered by a fungus-like athlete’s foot. To get rid of the condition, you could need to treat all infected areas. Before you even get the diagnosis, your dermatologist may even take some samples. Here, gathering a bit of debris from beneath a nail, trimming off the part nail, or even scraping off a pinch of skin might be assistive. These samples can be examined under a microscope to determine what’s triggering the problem in a lab. You know you do not need to worry because you can even use antifungal cream for nails in India by Ketomac or try out home remedies for your health.

What to know about Toenail fungus? 

You know, nail fungus is a common type of health condition that begins as a white/yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the fungal infection becomes deeper, nail fungus could even trigger your nail to discolour, condense, and even crumble at the edge. It could even impact various pins. If your condition is mild and not tensing, you might not require any treatment. Self-care steps and medications might greatly assist if your nail fungus is piercing and has triggered thickened nails. But even if treatment becomes successful, nail fungus mostly returns. Well, nail fungus is also known as onychomycosis. Once fungus influences the areas between your toes and the skin of your feet, it is called athlete’s foot (tinea pedis).

Signs that you have Nail fungus

You might have nail fungus in case one or more of your nails get

– Thickened

– Whitish to yellow-brown discolouration

– Brittle, Brittle or ragged

– Distorted in shape

– A darkened shade, activated by debris constructed under your nail

– Smelling quite foul

Now, here are a few of the natural remedies for your toenail fungus that you might want to know about:


Vinegar is a standard household product that you can find in cooking and some home cleaning solutions. Though no clinical evidence exists, there is anecdotal proof to show that vinegar is a powerful and effective tool to treat toenail fungus. So, if you are interested in vinegar, vinegar can apply vinegar directly to the affected nails by simply soaking your toes in a bowl of warm water blended with vinegar. You must use a 2–1 blend of water to vinegar.

Use Baking soda

Baking soda helps soak up the overall moisture that could cause toenail fungus. Even the studies second the thing that baking soda helps in removing toenail fungus. Moreover, researchers have discovered that baking soda helped prevent fungal growth in more than eighty per cent of the specimens tested. In the remaining per cent, baking soda helped reduce fungal growth, but it did not remove it.

It would help to put baking soda inside your socks and shoes to absorb moisture. You can even apply a paste of baking soda and water right away to your affected nail and let it sit for a minimum of 10 minutes before you do the rinsing. Repeat this various times a day until the fungus clears.


It has characteristically been used for seasoning food; garlic could also help treat toenail fungus. Though there is limited proof still, there is to support such a claim. A study stated that a garlic extract displayed solid antifungal properties against fungi that triggered fungal infections in laboratory samples. Similarly, another story reported promising results for garlic oil against specific strains of fungus, again in the lab-based samples.

Many people use cloves of garlic to assist treat their toenail fungus. To use garlic, chop up a clove, apply it to the impacted nails, and leave it on for about thirty minutes. However, make sure that you are careful when using garlic to treat any toenail fungus, as raw garlic may at times cause a chemical burn on your skin.

Essential oil blends

When applied to fungus, mixtures of specific essential oils could have an antifungal effect. These blends encompassed:

  • Jasmine oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Clary sage oil
  • Petitgrain oil
  • Ylang oil

A study showed that blends of these oils have a potent antifungal and antimicrobial effect in laboratory samples. However, the efficacy relies on the mix of the oils and the sum of the chemical’s linalool and even that of linalyl acetate that the oils contain.

If you use these essential oils, you need to get a blend of essential oils. Then mix up the oil with a carrier oil before applying the mixture to the affected nails. After all, it would help if you were careful when you do it because the effectiveness depends mostly on how you put it to your toenails.

Olive leaf extract

Some researchers have identified olive leaf extract as a possible home remedy for your toenail fungus. Folks have used olive leaf extract for centuries, though not various people use it today. This oil is a safe way to get rid of your toenail fungus infection. But make sure that you go for this option only if you are okay with it. Because there are some side effects that you may experience:

  • Head and muscle aches
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea

It is a good remedy for your toenail fungus but ensures that it does not trigger any side effects.

Remember that the home remedies for toenail fungus could be a safe alternative to conventional types of medications. In most instances, the treatments are believed to be safe and straightforward to apply. It will help if you are sure that you get the best experience from your remedies. You surely can get rid of your issues once you use the correct remedies in the right way and at the right time.


To sum up, you can even lookout for a good quality toenail fungus cream India by Ketomac to ensure that you get the best outcomes. After all, if remedies and creams can do wonders for you, you must not miss out on them. There’s no need to go to the doctor when things can work for you otherwise.


People nowadays do many things to keep their skin and body healthy as it has become an essential part of human life. People like to buy many cosmetics and creams to keep their skin healthy. Some people may have sensitive skin, which can cause an allergy to some food items. People face many common fungal infections if they are not following the proper hygiene routine. For curing these infections, many companies have come up with different products like creams for lips infections.

People need to be aware of the different skin infections that commonly appear. If the yeast starts to live in the person’s body, it will weaken the body. Usually, the yeast infection happens when the area is moist, like the skin folds are between the two. The condition will live on the topmost layer of the skin and cause allergy and redness around the area.

The examination of the fungal infection is straightforward; the expert will scrap a small amount of the skin and examine that skin under the microscope. According to it, the intensity of the infection can also be analysed, and only the treatment is provided to the person. There are usually fungal treatments that are given according to the common infections. There are different common fungal skin infections listed below:

  • Athlete’s foot: It is a widespread fungal infection that arises on the feet of the person. In this infection, the person will feel very itchy, stinging, and the sensation of burning between two toes. Even the soles of the feet can also get blisters and cracked, peeling skin, making it difficult for people to walk.

If any persons suffer from this problem, it is all because their feet are moist for long periods or they frequently move barefoot in public. Not wearing footwear can be a significant cause of skin infection on the feet. It is better to keep your feet completely dry and wear flip flops or other breathable shoes to prevent the athlete’s foot, especially in public areas. Using cotton socks and dusting off antifungal powder is best to prevent the athlete’s foot. Mainly all these precautions can help heal the pain. If the infection gets worse, better to see a doctor and get proper treatment.

  • Ringworm: It is a circular, red-coloured infection that usually appears on the skin in patches. Sometimes the patches can be defined and have a red edge. If you have them on your nails, they might be discoloured and very thick. The sign of ringworm getting worse is when one patch overlaps another one. This is a fungal infection that spreads with a touch from one person to another person.

Whether home remedies or medication physicians prescribe, providing the proper treatment can help heal this problem. Even the infected person needs to maintain his hygiene at the level best so that the infection doesn’t pass on to any other person. Wear loose clothes, wash hands more frequently and never share the towel with others. Keeping yourself dry and clean will also be a great way to cure this problem.

  • Jock Itch: This is the problem that is caused by tinea fungus. It’s a fungus that grows in warm and moist areas like the buttocks, inner thighs, and even genitals. It usually looks like a red and itchy rash shaped like a ring with raised edges. Even if this problem is not considered, it can flake, peel, and crack the skin. These problems arise in the summer and spread from one person to another.

The treatment includes keeping the skin very clean and dry. The person can get the medicines prescribed by the doctor if the severity is high. Apply the medications according to the guidance of the experts, and even the person can follow some of the home remedies to fasten up the process of healing. Do change your clothes every day and wear clean and dry ones to stop the spreading of the infection.

  • Yeast infections: A noncontagious infection caused by the Fungi known as Candida. The infected area appears as red, scaly, pimples like tiny bumps, where the person will feel itching and sensation of burning. Even this infection grows in warm and moist weather and on the body areas like armpits and groin. Even this infection can cause diaper rash and even vaginal yeast infection.

The treatment of the fungal infection depends upon the location of the infected areas. Sometimes the person is prescribed to apply the ointment on the concerned areas, and sometimes the person is suggested to eat the medicines to treat the infection.

  • Tinea Versicolor: This is also known as pityriasis Versicolor. It is a common fungal infection that is found mainly in tropical climates. The fungus will grow on the body in hot and humid weather if certain parts are kept very moist. The infection begins as a spot of infection, but the colour of the concerned area will either get dark or light according to the intensity of the infection.

The treatment of this fungal infection requires a combination of medicinal tablets and ointments. Better to take them according to the guidance of the expert.

If any people face any fungal infection, it will be better to consult the doctor and take precautions if the infection is very high. Different medicines are available for other problems, like antifungal cream for the mouth From Ketomac.

Ketomac is one of the trusted experts with a good range of products that help treat different skin and hair infections. It has Ketomac shampoo that helps cure problems like dandruff, itchy scalp, and even hair fall. It also had ketoconazole cream and tablets that are very effective in treating fungal infections. It will be great to take them according to the doctors’ prescription.

Though the products of Ketomac are excellent in providing benefits to the human body, the person needs to follow good personal hygiene habits. All these habits, once adopted, will provide good long-term results to the overall body. Along with all these, home remedies are excellent for healing the infection. Do take curd, turmeric, and garlic in your daily diet so that body can adopt good anti-bacterial properties that are great to fight against such problems causing infection. Moreover, at the time of such a pandemic, proper hygiene of the person is the only way to prevent yourself and the people around from the deadly virus. Good health will only come to those that are following a good routine. Maintain proper health and stay away from all these harmful infections for the body, both inside-out.


Everyone likes to have soft and red-coloured lips. If proper hygiene is not maintained in any part of the body, even on the lips, fungal infection can attack the lips also. Usually, people face two types of fungal infections on the lips, i.e., Candida yeast and Angular cheilitis. According to the symptoms on the lips, the doctors detect which kind of infection the person is facing. Though there are many effective treatments, one of the most popular ones is the Ketomac antifungal lip ointment, which quickly cures the lip infection problem.

The primary reason for the lip infection of the Candida Yeast arises in the people that wear dentures. Most people who have diabetes are more inclined to have this fungal infection. Even people who frequently consume tobacco and alcohol products are more vulnerable to this type of infection. Even this infection might rise among the people who live in chilling weather, and their lips feel parched and repeat licking the lips. Even some lip products contain a toxic substance that causes different fungal infections to the person.

Having this problem can be very irritating and painful at the same time. The people suffering from this problem might feel the burning sensation, itching, and dryness on the lips. Even they will also experience sores, blisters, and white plaques on the corners of the lips. If this infection is not taken seriously, it can make people very weak from the inside. Such people start craving food more frequently and eat more sweet food that is not good for their health. So, it is better not to take these things lightly at any cost.

Take proper steps to heal this problem in no time. Here is the list of things that will help maintain good hygiene of the lips, and let’s take a look at them.

  • Clean lips properly: It is better to always rinse the lips with cold water and check where the person has cut. Don’t wash it with any soap, especially if the cut is deep. Clean your mouth from the outside with a soap block and gently use water to clean your lip.
  • Use salt water for rinsing: Saltwater is an excellent and effective solution to treat infected lips. Avoid swallowing the saltwater inside the body. Instead, apply it all over the concerned area and get it dried off completely. Apply it more frequently if the person wants to see more effective results.
  • Apply moistened tea bag: Tea contains certain compounds. According to trusted research, it has been concluded that these compounds, if applied to the concerned areas, will help stop the blood and promote blood clotting in the concerned area. It is a small yet effective thing that the person can easily do.
  • Apply clean and cool compress: If the person gets an injury on the lip or nearby it, there are many chances of getting a lip infection. So, it is essential to apply the cold and wet washcloth to the lip. It will help stop bleeding, and even it will soothe out the irritated tissues near the lips. Apply this compress gently on the lip and keep it for 5- 10 minutes. Even after this cleaning and let the area dry off completely. This procedure can be repeated at least two times a day.
  • Apply petroleum jelly: It is one of the best things available in the market that helps prevent moisture loss and helps to heal dry and chapped lips. Apply the petroleum jelly to the lips with dry and clean hands. It will surely soothe the lips and recover all types of lip infections.
  • Apply castor oil: Castor oil has many anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that will help heal lip infections. Gently massage the castor oil on the lips without putting a lot of pressure. You can also apply this oil directly or mix it with a few drops of warm milk to give the lips extra nourishment.
  • Milk: Do have milk in your diet as it is rich in lactic acid that will help deal with the inflammation and swelling of the lips. Even the milk will help in quick healing the pain. Even the person can apply some cold milk on the lips to soothe it.
  • Turmeric paste: Whenever we talk about a skin infection, turmeric always comes to the rescue for it. Even the person can apply the turmeric paste on the lips to prevent the growth of the fungus and hinder cell adhesion. It will quickly heal the lip infection in just no time. Though it will leave its stain, it will be fine in front of the healing that it does.
  • Epsom salt: Even it is an excellent remedy that will heal the lip infection. The Epsom salt contains all the properties that will help reduce the fungus’ growth on the lips. The person can add this salt to the lukewarm water and gargle that solution. It will not only heal the infection but will also maintain oral hygiene. A person can even apply the paste on the lips with baking soda and let it dry off for 15 minutes. It will be great for healing the infection.

Taking care of the body is the person’s duty, and it’s better to take all precautionary methods to heal them on time. Ketomac has come up with antifungal cream lips that are an effective remedy for the lips. The person needs to clean the affected area for its application and apply a skinny layer of cream. Do not apply any cotton or bandage over the concerned area. Wait for at least 20 minutes before applying any cosmetic sunscreen over the lips. The regular application of the cream will show results in 2 to 4 weeks. If the situation gets worse, immediately get in touch with the expert.

Every person has an infection condition, so it is better to start the treatment once full-fledged knowledge about the infection. Any wrong step in the treatment leads to a worsening of the situation. Though the lifestyle of the people has changed a lot, many things around humans are also evolving. So it is better to either have a good routine to maintain good health or include different products that will help maintain good health. Ketomac is an ayurvedic company with specific products great for skin and hair use. In case of any problem, always contact the doctor and take the necessary precaution on time. Never wait for any situation to worsen; instead, make efforts to keep things in the best conditions. If you have some dandruff-related problems, try Ketomac shampoo, a great product to treat the infection. 


Many people face different health-related problems which might arise in other parts of the body. Nowadays, there are many lifestyle changes, resulting in many fungal infections. Mainly these infections occur because of poor hygiene, humidity, and warm climate that might cause diaper rash, athlete’s foot, oral thrush, and jock itch. To this, there is a requirement of the medicine that will help in healing this problem. The person can get their hands on the ketoconazole tablet.

Ketoconazole is an antifungal medicine that helps treat various fungal infections. The experts know the ketoconazole tablet used as they are very effective in their work. It stops various types of fungus growth in the body. Here is the correct way to take this Ketoconazole. Let’s have a look at them.

  • It is available in different forms, i.e., tablets, oral suspensions, and topical cream.
  • The medicine Dose should be taken according to the advice of the doctor.
  • It will be better to take this tablet with a proper meal to avoid stomach infection.
  • This medicine should be taken two hours before or one hour after antacids as these may hinder the absorption of Ketoconazole.
  • Ketoconazole cream thin layer should be applied to the skin evenly as prescribed by the physician. It should only be used in the concerned area two times a day.
  • Always clean and dry the area on which the ketoconazole cream is used. Even wash your hands properly before applying the ketoconazole cream.
  • Never wash the concerned area after applying the cream; instead, let the cream absorb into the skin.
  • The use of Ketoconazole should only be continued till the doctor recommends it.
  • The dose of this medicine usually depends upon different factors like severity of the symptoms, reaction to the first dose, history of the allergy, etc.

This is a great way to get the fungal infection healed appropriately. If the person combines some natural remedies, that will fasten up the fungal infection. Let’s have a look at them.

  • Eat yoghurt and probiotics: Both yoghurt and the other probiotics have ample good bacteria that help fight against fungal infections. These infections fight off different microbes, causing infections. So, it will be great for the person to eat the fermented good as it is an excellent source of probiotics. If you cannot get access to any fermented food, it will be better to get hands-on supplements that will provide beneficial bacteria in the body.
  • Please wash your hands with soap & water: Our hands are parts of the body that frequently touch different surfaces that might have other bacteria on them. If the hands are not appropriately washed, all the bacteria will go inside the person’s body and create an infection. So, it is better to wash the hands more frequently to control the infection-causing germs.
  • Use apple cider vinegar: This vinegar has specific antifungal properties that are great for the human body. A person can mix two tablespoons in warm water and apply it directly to the concerned area with the help of a cotton ball. Repeat this remedy thrice a day to see better results in the concerned areas, as it will stop the growth of the infection there.
  • Use tea tree oil: A tree with specific antifungal and antibacterial properties will help heal the fungal infection. The person can mix these oil drops in coconut or olive oil and dab them over infected areas at least 3 to 4 times a day. It is one of the most effective home remedies that will show you results in a few days.
  • Use coconut oil: The application of coconut oil over the concerned area will become a layer over the skin that will stop the contact of the infection with the external environment. It is effortless to apply to the skin, and even it is very effective for fungal infections like ringworm. Apply it to the infected area at least three times a day.
  • Apply turmeric: Since ancient times, turmeric can be used as the essential ingredient to treat different skin-related problems. It will be better to mix a tiny amount of turmeric in water over the concerned area to apply to the skin. Even a person can drink turmeric milk or turmeric in hot water to stop bacteria in the body.
  • Use aloe vera: Another tested home remedy for treating the skin problem at home. Aloe vera is known for curing skin infections, and the person can directly apply it to the skin and soothe and repair the skin damage.
  • Garlic: The most potent antifungal/antimicrobial herb that is great for fungal infections. It can be applied to the infected area. The person can have them in the food or crush the garlic and mix it with olive oil. Keep the oil for thirty minutes and after that, rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Neem leaves: We all are aware of the fact that neem is excellent for the skin. The person can directly consume these leaves or paste these leaves applied to the concerned areas. If the water in which the neem leaves are boiled can be used as the spray to keep away all the infection.
  • Baking soda: People suffering from athlete’s foot are recommended to get their hands on the baking soda. They can apply a paste on the concerned area if they don’t need to wear shoes. If they have to wear it, they can put the powder soda on the feet as it will absorb a lot of moisture & sweat, which is how infection can be stopped from spreading.

Along with all these remedies, the person can even take the ketoconazole treatment. The ketoconazole tablets block oestrogen synthesis and are also a vital component of the fungal cell membrane. It is one of the effective therapies that can lower the risk of potential problems. Ketomac is the company that has come up with these great tablets for treating fungal infections.

These tablets should only be taken under the guidance of physicians. Some people might see mild side effects like mild nausea, stomach pain, headache, dizziness, etc., so it better be under expert guidance. Ketomac is a company that is coming up with ayurvedic products that are great for humans. Even it has many other very compelling products for dealing with different problems related to skin and hair. So, buy these products from the market or online, which will help deal with the familiar but stubborn problems. Being human beings, we must take proper care of the body, and for it, every person needs to make a lot of effort to maintain it in the best condition.


Your hair may be a victim of hair fall. If you think that your hair is falling because of general seasonal change, that would be consoling. You are just soothing yourself and nothing else. It is time that you search out the reason for your hair fall. Most folks face the condition of hair fall because of extensive dandruff. You know dandruff does not trigger hair loss, but if your dandruff is supplemented with itching and you always spot yourself scratching, the hair fall is chiefly because of the scratching part. Every time you scratch your scalp, your hair falls.

You can quickly get Medicated shampoo for hair fall in India and ensure that you check your hair correctly. Once you use suitable shampoos, you can ensure that your hair and scalp stay clean and safe. Of course, so many shampoos are specifically formed to protect your hair and scalp and keep you healthy. Here are some points you must consider to ensure that you do not face hair fall.

Alter your lifestyle habits 

You know what, stress is one thing that worsens hair loss, and it leads to scalp problems. Please take at least eight hours of sleep each night and avoid extreme temperatures. Similarly, it would help if you also allowed your hair to air-dry. The less you stretch and pull your hair, the firmer the roots stay. You must use a blow dryer only when necessary to remove heat-related scalp stress. Equally, please stay away from any hairspray and gel that may trigger scalp dryness, irritation, and even much more, and it heads to extensive hair fall.

Remember, the less stress you take. The fewer hair falls you may experience. Once you keep your stress in control, you surely will see a significant difference in your hair fall.

Keep Your Hair Clean 

It is crucial to rinse your hair a minimum of twice a week. If you daily expose your hair to sunlight and dust particles, then three times will be necessary. Remember that a clean and fresh scalp is the foe for any amount of dandruff. You can easily use medicated shampoos of Ketomac that work well with your scalp. But if you are allergic to any shampoos, you can opt for natural ones. These shampoos will keep your hair smooth, scalp clean, and hygienic. If your hair and scalp are not clean, it may accumulate unnecessary dust and oils and result in extreme dandruff and hair fall. Remember that you must continuously wash your hair with the same shampoo for some weeks. The shampoo is not going to show any results overnight.

Coriander juice

Now, you know coriander possesses essential vitamins and protein for your hair that assist your hair in ceasing hair fall and starting the growth of new hair once again. Coriander leaves are good and get used in the Indian kitchens to make curries, cereals, and even a particular garnish over salads. You need to get some elements of coriander branches with leaves lenient in nature. You require to make a paste from it by using some water. Extract the juice and apply the stuff over your scalp where dandruff is absorbed. It would help if you kept coriander juice over the scalp for an hour and then removed it with shampoo. Of course, you can use a good shampoo that works for your hair. In this way, you can ensure that your hair is solid and free of grime and dandruff.

Try not to Keep Your Hair Covered. 

If you are one of those who always keep their hair covered with any cap or scarf or otherwise, you could be damaging your hair. Your hair needs to be safe and effective, and you must ensure that your hair stays clean, safe, and hygienic. Once you keep your hair covered all the time, your hair does not get space to breathe, and no freshness reaches your scalp and hair. In this manner, you find your hair flighty and unhygienic. So, make sure that you let your hair breathe some fresh air.

Don’t comb your wet hair. 

If you want to stop your hair from falling, you need to cease combing when your hair is wet. You have to ensure that you comb them only when they dry up. Many folks comb their hair as soon as they step out of the shower. As an outcome, they lose double and triple locks of hair more than usual. What is the point of combing wet hair and simply losing all your hair? Could you have noticed your combs or brushes full of hair? Hair fall occurs for everybody to some extent, but it expands extensively when you comb your wet hair.

Massage Your Hair with Oils 

If you do scalp massage, you can be confident that your scalp is clean and that your hair is vital. Scalp massage is not simply for pleasure and relaxation but also for strengthening your hair. You can keep your hair quite strong and scalp fresh once you massage your head a minimum weekly. Whenever there is an off from the office or school, you can take that head massage, and you will feel the difference. However, make sure that you use the correct type of oils only.

Moreover, if you are unsure how to do proper massaging or get the utmost outcomes of oil, you must do the following. When you go to bed, ensure that you correctly put oil in your hair. Then with both your hands, run your fingers around your hair. Ensure that the oil touches all the areas of your scalp. When drenching your scalp with oil, wrap your hair around with a towel. You must leave your hair as it is for the rest of the night. Ensure that you give your hair a nice hair wash in the morning. In this way, your hair will get adequately moisturised, and the oil will work throughout the night.

Always keep yourself hydrated.  

If you think that water consumption is only beneficial for your health, skin, and weight loss, the list does not end here. If you take good water every day, you can ensure that your hair stays strong and does not fall off. It would help if you always tried to keep yourself hydrated, and you will feel the perks. Hydration is one crucial thing that you should not miss out on. And of course, sometimes, if you think your hair is getting too sweaty, and you washed up your hair a day before, it is okay to re-wash. Do not take any chance with your hair.


So, you should look out for medicated shampoo for dandruff and ensure that you have a great experience. After all, your hair demands proper care and attention, and you must not miss out on it.


Your hair adds up to your looks and personality. You can always be sure that you look great with the right hair type. Of course, you must pay attention to your hair; only then can you ensure that they are clean and safe. What is the point if your negligence costs you your hair? What if you are left with no hair? Come on; you need to be sure about the cleanliness and care of your hair.

Of course, you can do different things for your hair growth, like taking ketoconazole tablets for hair loss or taking proper care of your hair. Many people pay much attention to their hair locks and ensure that their hair does not get harmed or compromised.

A quick look at causes of hair breakage and fall 

– Incorrect or much teasing, brushing, rough combing of wet hair

– Firm pressure, for example, through hair elastics or even through hair clips

– Frequent colouring or dying because during this time, the hair cuticle gets opened

– Chemical treatments such as a permanent wave

– Heat like via direct sunlight. It is also via styling tools such as a curling iron, hairdryer, or even straightening iron

– Friction such as knitted scarves and sweaters especially can coarsen the hair fibres

Hormonal imbalances 

Hormones have always been active players in the utmost of issues that you encounter in your life, and these things influence you in a manner that you do not even expect. You know, testosterone is a hormone that each male has heard of, and it is a thing that is the cause of deeper voices, muscular growth, and sex drive during various other things. Once your body converts testosterone to the less speedy dihydrotestosterone (DHT), it is possible that you could experience hair loss. DHT outbreaks and shrinks hair follicles and results from hair thinning or hair loss.

Ailment or surgery 

If you have undergone any significant surgery recently or are recovering from any grave ailment, hair loss might be taken as usual. Some folks experience and witness the dramatic level of hair loss right after a few weeks of their major surgery or after a severe illness. Perhaps the level of hair loss could appear to be excessive, it is nothing more than a response to a particular event, and hair shall get back to normal after some time. Sooner or later, you will get your bright and stunning hair back! Indeed, you would not need to panic in this instance because you know your operation or injury has dropped you in such a condition, and it will not be permanent.

Any medications 

There are diverse anticoagulants and many chemotherapy medicines used to treat diseases like cancer. These are popular for activating the problem of hair loss. You know what? The good news here is that your hair generally gets back once the medication ends. Moreover, there may also be anti-depressants resulting in hair loss, and extensive vitamin a may get the same influence.

When you pay attention to these things, you might avert the root of your hair breakages.

Extensive stress 

Many pieces of evidence depict relations between hair loss and stress, but it is even found that stress may lead to hair breakage. A type of stress known as telogen effluvium is probably associated with hair damage. Such stress makes the hair follicles inactive, so hair that could be in the middle of a progress cycle may come off. You may also notice old hair fall out.

The thing is, if you manage your stress, you can maintain healthy hair. Make sure that you pay much attention to your hair and work on them. Try not to take much stress because it is terrible for your hair and overall health.

Diet factor 

It would not be incorrect to say that there is everything to do with the proper diet for your skin and hair. Particular nutrients help your hair grow and fend off breakage from harm. You need to make sure that you consume enough iron, zinc, and even folic acid in your regular diet. Sufficient protein and antioxidants found in plant food may also keep the hair safe. You can work on your hair with a proper diet regime. So, make sure that you take a proper diet and ensure that your hair is clean, safe, and strong. And once you are eating a proper diet, you will find that your hair is more robust and won’t fall.

Much processing 

After a session or two, relaxation, perms, professional straightening, and even dyeing can make your hair appear healthier. But in case you perform such things quite often, then the cuticle can collapse and head to hair damage. Please keep eight to ten weeks between your two service sessions. In this manner, you can guard your hair more powerfully from hair breakage.

Stay away from dry hair. 

Dehydrated hair is one of the families with damage and breakage. It is even triggered by low humidity, dry weather, and heat. Ensure that you use warm and not hot water when you wash your head because the latter leads to further drying. You can go through proper shampoos that work as per your hair care for proper head wash. Once you know how often you should wash your hair, what shampoo must be used, and what should be avoided while washing. And yes, a quick tip; if the ends of your hair are pretty dry, you must consider concentrating shampoo just on your scalp. If you skip conditioner, you may not be doing the right thing.

Don’t head wash extensively. 

If you have oily skin, you are also more likely to have excess natural oil (sebum) production on the scalp. It may lead to the craving to wash your hair much more often than you need to. You mustn’t wash your hair every day. If you have a lot of natural oil, you can wash your hair thrice a week or a maximum of four. But a layperson must do head wash just three times a week. Over-washing would lead to extensive dryness, resulting in hair breakages. Remember, sometimes, less is more for you. And once you wash within limits, you will see better results. It is not that you wash your hair every day, and your hair will be better. Of course not. So, make sure that you have the proper hair wash regime that you follow.


So, whether you choose to take ketoconazole tablets or start following all the discussed points, you must be careful about your hair care. You cannot just lose your hair like that.


There are so many different yeast infections, which can irritate, annoying, and even painful if you are not attentive to them. It would help if you made sure that the area gets treated soon. You cannot just leave it unattended, or your skin condition will worsen.

In the usual sense, the more concentrated the drug, the shorter you have to consume it. You can make the most of ketoconazole tablet use and ensure that you get rid of your infection. Talking about yeast, it is a fungus that usually lives in the vagina in tiny numbers. Vaginal yeast infection means that too many yeast cells grow in the vagina. These infections are pretty standard. Although these infections may bother you greatly, they are not usually severe.

What triggers yeast infection?

Most yeast infections are activated by a kind of yeast known as candida Albicans. You know what? A healthy vagina has so many bacteria and a small number of yeast cells. Most everyday bacteria, lactobacillus acidophilus, are assistive to keep other organisms-like the yeast-under proper control. Once anything happens to change the balance of these organisms, yeast can augment or grow too much and trigger the symptoms. Taking various antibiotics sometimes triggers such an imbalance. The high estrogenic levels activated by pregnancy or hormone therapy can trigger it. So can particular health issues such as diabetes or HIV infection. It would help if you were careful about all these things.

What are the simple symptoms?

 A yeast infection activates itching or soreness in your vagina and sometimes even triggers pain or burning when you urinate or have sex. Even females experience a thick, awkward, white discharge with no smell and look like cottage cheese. Such signs are more likely to occur during the week before your menstrual period.

Moreover, remember that itchiness and discomfort are the two prominent symptoms of a yeast infection, but there are also others. You could even experience any or all of the following:

– A thick, white, odourless discharge, quite similar to cottage cheese

– Burning, redness, and even swelling of your vagina and the vulva (outer part of the female genitals)

– Much pain, discomfort, or burning when you pee

– Sexual pains (especially when your intercourse)

If you think you have a yeast infection, you must see your doctor before treating yourself. The signs of yeast infections are similar to other, more severe conditions, encompassing sexually transmitted infections and bacterial vaginosis (bacterial overgrowth in the vagina). An accurate diagnosis is essential so you can get the most acceptable treatment. You can quickly check out topical ketoconazole because it is extensively used to treat ringworm, athlete’s foot, dandruff, jock itch, and even tinea versicolor. No matter what kind of yeast infection you are suffering from, it could help you get relief. Also, keep in mind that yeast infections are common and occur in three out of four women at least once in their lives.

What are the causes of yeast infection?

There are diverse types of causes of vaginal yeast infections, and a few are:

– Hormones: alterations during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or even the time of menopause (or if you are consuming birth control pills) may change the balance in your vagina.

– Antibiotics: These drugs could kill off many of the good bacteria that live in the vagina.

– Diabetes: if your diabetes is not well-controlled, the enhancement in sugar in your mucus membranes (moist linings) of the vagina may create a place for yeast to grow.

– Different types of vaginal sprays: the use of these products could even change the balance in your vagina.

– Finally, the problem of sex: though a yeast infection is not considered a sexually transmitted infection, it could be passed from individual to person via sexual contact.

Remember that treating your yeast infections usually demands antifungal medications. In most cases, treatment is simple, and the yeast infection clears up right away. In some instances, you may require to complete multiple courses of treatment or use more potent prescription medications to resolve your symptoms entirely.

Other types of yeast infections 

  • Cutaneous candidiasis takes place when the skin on the body gets infected. The most typical places the candida will grow are skin between the fingers or toes, armpits, nails, under the breasts, or even around the groin. The chief symptom is a red, itchy rash.
  • Diaper rash in babies can sometimes be triggered by a candida overgrowth, which happens when a humid environment from wet diapers is helping candida to flourish. A red rash appears between the creases or wrinkles of the skin, and tiny red dots represent the infected area.
  • Oral thrush happens when candidiasis impacts the lining of the mouth or throat. Oral thrush stays as white lesions on the insides of the cheeks or the tongue. Signs may also include bad breath, pain while swallowing, irregularities in taste, and even mouth dryness.

Home remedies for yeast 

There are so many different things that you can do to get rid of your yeast infection. And here are some home remedies too that you should keep in mind.

Use tea tree oil

Different studies suggest that tea tree oil is specifically effective against yeast while not seriously affecting the bacteria that naturally live on the surface of your body. Though more research requires to be done, tea tree oil could be a helpful treatment. You can apply it, and if you want, you can talk to your doctor regarding this.

Also, remember that you can easily spot tea tree oil in suppositories, creams, and different ointments, but it must not be applied while undiluted. Frequent tea tree oil application may lead to skin irritation and rashes, so use it in moderation.

Can your yeast infection go away on its own?

Well, light or mild versions of yeast infections have the possibility of going away on their own. However, it is not suggested to ignore a yeast infection because it will most probably return if not medically treated or adequately treated. So, make sure that you do not overlook it.

Though some individuals may decide to try home remedies for yeast infection or over-the-counter treatments, many people should visit the doctor when they have any yeast infection symptoms. These patients include:

  • The ones who have recurring yeast infections (four or even more times in a year)
  • Any pregnant woman
  • People who were possibly exposed to a sexually transmitted ailment
  • Women who are unsure if their signs are from a yeast infection
  • Individuals who do not experience success with home remedies or over-the-counter medicines
  • Patients with uncontrolled diabetes or a weakened immune system because of certain medications or conditions like HIV


So, whether you take up ketoconazole treatment or any home remedies, ensure that you do not avoid your yeast infection.

What do you think about your foot care? Do you think you take proper precautions to ensure that your health is good and effective? You know there are diverse kinds of health problems that you should consider. If you have fungal in your foot, you must ensure that you start using something that works for it.

It does not make sense if fungal is getting all over the place? It is pretty common to get a fungal infection on your toes or feet. Most fungal infections are activated by dermatophytes, an ailment-causing fungus that emerges on body surfaces like hair, skin, and nails. You can quickly come across the best antifungal creams in India and ensure that you keep your feet clean and safe.

Speaking of athlete’s foot, the most prevalent foot fungus flourishes in sweaty, damp places like the insides of athletic shoes, that are how it receives its name. However, foot fungus can develop in natural and manufactured environments as long as there is so much moisture that fungi can enhance. These include shared areas at the pools or even gyms, soil and grass, or shared items such as shoes, socks, or towels from household members experiencing an infection.

Moreover, the athlete’s foot appears like a flaking red rash on the sides or bottoms of the feet, escorted mainly by dry, itching, cracked skin, stinging, and even odour. You can even experience moist, raw skin between the toes. Though athlete’s foot is relatively easy to treat with antifungal creams or sprays, this foot fungus is somewhat transmissible and might conveniently spread to the toenails. You have to start using the correct cream or spray the moment you feel that your foot will have a fungal infection.

It is contagious

Unfortunately, an athlete’s foot is quite contagious, and the fungus can effortlessly spread to the toenails and toes, activating different infections. There are more than three million instances of toenail fungus every year. Not all toenail infections emerge from an athlete’s foot or even from a fungus; a few are activated by mould or yeast. These are much tougher to cure than fungal infections. But you don’t need to worry if you are using the cream or doing some home remedies.

You can be at higher risk for toenail fungus in case you:

  • Sweat a lot from your feet
  • Have athlete’s foot
  • Have diabetes
  • Have a nail injury
  • Walk barefoot in communal showers or swimming pools
  • Have a skin injury near your nails
  • Have poor circulation
  • Have a weakened immune system

Toenail fungus may begin as a case of the athlete’s foot, spreading to the nails. Older people are at greater risk. As you age, the circulation worsens, leading to more brittle toenails, which can crack, permitting the fungus to grow. Your nails have also had more fungus exposure as you age, growing pretty slowly.

Trim and Thin the Affected Nail

Keeping all your nails trim, buffed, and adequately clean helps prevent the fungus from spreading to your other nails. Additionally, buffing your nail can permit topical antifungals to penetrate more deeply. Ensure to wash your hands right away after touching the affected nail, mainly before touching other nails.

Maintain Your Feet Cleanliness 

First, you must prepare your nails for treatment by trimming and filing them once a week. Clipping toenails is one thing that relieves pressure on the nails and assists antifungal solutions in penetrating the nail. Use conventional toenail clippers and an Emory board to keep your nails short and thin. Make sure to disinfect utensils after every time use. Maintaining trimmed, clean, and dry nails will be necessary for treating toenail fungus and averting it in the future.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil emerges from the Australian tea tree. It is an essential oil that has always been traditionally used as an antibacterial and antifungal treatment. Early research showed that it could assist with nail fungus when used topically. However, some more research is needed. If you use tea tree oil for toenail fungus, use it topically.

Clean and Safe socks 

Regularly changing your pair of socks and shoes can even cut down on the growth of unwanted foot fungus. Both socks and athletic shoes can also get washed in hot water to rid the development of yeasts and fungi growing on the fabric. Some shoes may even be machine dried. Drying shoes and socks in the sun is another option when cleaning your footwear. Make sure that you wear only clean and safe socks and shoes.

Also, when you permit your feet to breathe by taking off shoes and socks when possible, it can avert fungal growth. Protect your feet by wearing only breathable footwear and clean socks. Antimicrobial socks and shoes are formed of bamboo, copper, or even speciality fabrics, and they may help you reduce unwanted bacteria and yeast from growing in the footwear. Hence, you can be sure that your feet stay clean and safe.

Apple cider vinegar

Another home remedy that can help you treat your toenail fungus is the proper use of apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is an antifungal ingredient that can easily be mixed with water to form a foot soak. The acetic acid component that is found in it helps whiten discoloured toenails and cease the infection of other toes. Try two parts vinegar to a single part warm water and soak feet for around twenty minutes daily. The ratio may even be one part vinegar to one part water for a more potent foot soak. If the smell is too overwhelming, essential oils can also make the experience quite pleasant. Also, if you want, you can even use White vinegar

as both are equally workable.

Use Black Tea 

Soaking feet in your plain tea can also be beneficial in treating toenail or foot fungus. Black tea possesses tannic acid that dries out the feet, eradicates bacteria, and helps to shut the foot’s pores to reduce sweating. Boil two quarts of water, then add five to six tea bags. Permit the tea to cool and soak feet for around thirty minutes. Use this foot soak regularly if the need be.

You indeed find that your feet are cleaner and safer.

Hydrogen peroxide 

Hydrogen peroxide is something that can kill the fungus that emerges on toenails. You can quickly and directly wipe hydrogen peroxide on your infected toes or toenails with a proper clean cloth or cotton swab. Hydrogen peroxide may even be used in a foot soak. It would help if you mixed ⅛ cups of hydrogen peroxide (or various capfuls) with four cups of cool water and soaked your feet for simply 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse your feet with warm water, and then pat dry. Make sure that you dry your feet properly, and they should not stay wet.


So, you can always go for an excellent antifungal nail cream, or you can always use the home remedies discussed in this post for your toenail infection.

Do you care for your hair? What do you do to ensure that your hair is clean, safe, and smooth? Whether you are a man or a woman, you may always want your hair to look great. Now, if you are not taking good care of your hair, it is time that you pay attention to it. After all, your hair may make you look dull and unattractive. Of course, after all, it is about your overall looks and personality.

Whether you have dry hair, oily hair, or any other hair type, you can always use a safe product. You can quickly look for the best anti-dandruff shampoo for oily scalp or dry hair and ensure that you keep your hair guarded. After all, dandruff is one thing that can ruin your hair in no time. Of course, everyone has some dandruff, but you may find it hard to clean up your hair or keep it in good shape if you have extensive dandruff. Also, if you think that your hair is too coarse or rough, you should try to keep it silky. Here are some points that will help you keep your hair silky and smooth.

You can Rinse your hair with cold water.

It could be painful in winter, but this is a tried-and-true manner to get smooth hair. The cold does not simply make you want to shrink up — it does the same thing to your hair. Warmth helps open the hair cuticle (the outer layer of each person’s hair), while coldness makes it entirely close up. If you rinse your hair with cold water, it encourages your strands to stay flat. Hence, you can be sure that your hair stays smooth and silky.

Use a Protective and Good quality serum. 

If you look for shiny locks, chances are you may blow dry your hair — and if it’s a straight style you are looking for, a flat iron’s probable involved. Though these do form up a shiny appearance right away, over time, harm from regular heat styling will reduce the lustre and damage the smooth texture of your hair. Once you can, step away from the heat stylers and get your hair a day off. And when you do turn up the heat, first guard your hair with a serum-like Ketomac and ensure smoothness. Of course, the right product does all the magic and ensures that your hair stays safe and smooth. You can always be sure that your hair has smoothness and strength.

Blot, don’t rub

Once you step out of the shower, it is tempting to wrap your hair in your towel and give your head a smooth rub to remove excess water. Well, you must not do it. Rubbing roughs up your hair, and it may even trigger breakage, and it also encourages frizz. Instead, it would help if you used your towel to blot away on top of your head. Give the longer sections of your hair a smooth and gentle squeeze with the towel to get rid of additional H2O. Once you do not rub your hair, you will find smoothness and silkiness in your hair.

Get Trims Regularly 

Even if you grow your hair, regular trims are the main ingredient for smooth strands. Even if your roots appear excellent and polished, harmed and split ends will ruin that illusion. So, make sure that you are taking regular trims. After all, trims will ensure that your hair stays smooth and the damaged, dead ends get removed. After all, it is about your hair growth and hair smoothness.

Massage Your Hair with Banana 

For a truly unique, indulgent mask that is unbelievably softening, you need to mash together one ripe banana with two teaspoons of simple yoghurt until you have an excellent smooth paste. This combo is amazingly moisturizing and a treat for your scalp and tresses. You need to rub it all through your hair, and you are going to put on a shower cap (or something else to keep the banana from getting all over the head place!). After forty-five minutes, make sure that you rinse and shampoo. Once you massage your hair twice a week or even once a week, you will see the difference within a week or so. Hence, you can be confident that your hair has gotten better and softened up. Of course, such an enriching massage will get your hair a quick treat and refreshment.

Form Up a clarifying rinse

To get softness and shine — you need to remove accumulated product built-up (yuck!) with something like that, an apple cider vinegar rinse. It assists in restoring your tresses’ pH balance, gets rid of grease, and shuts up the cuticle. Best of all, it is super simple. Dilute a quarter cup of cider vinegar in a single cup of water. After your regular shower routine, you need to pour it through your mane. Work it through from roots to ends; then you need to rinse out (and yes, if you want even better and more effective outcomes, rinse it out with cold water!).

Combing should be proper. 

Taking your brush straight to your wet hair is a quick way for frizz and breakage. For smooth strands, you must use a wide-toothed comb on damp hair. Working in different sections, begin to detangle at the ends and work vertically. Make sure that you mildly run the comb through your hair. Some people are always in a hurry, and they quickly run combs or brushes through their hair and end up with so many hair locks hanging to the comb later on. Come on; you cannot be that careless or cruel.

Don’t Over Wash Your Hair. 

You must be careful about what you put onto your hair and how you clean up your hair. You should maintain a proper cleaning regime. You should ensure that your hair and scalp are clean and proper. But it does not mean that you will overwash your hair. You cannot simply wash your hair every day or other day. You must ensure that you wash your hair and scalp as needed. For example, if you are an average person, you must wash your hair twice a minimum and thrice maximum in a week. This way, you can ensure that your hair is clean and safe. But if you are into physical activities and do a lot of sports and all, you should then wash your hair more often. For example, you can wash your hair thrice or even four times a week. You do physical activities, which leads to so much grime and sweat in your hair.


You should get the best dandruff treatment for oily scalp and ensure that you do not take your hair lightly. Since you know how you can keep your hair healthy and in the best shape, don’t miss out on it.


Many men in the world are suffering from dandruff problems. You can only feel the thickness of dandruff if you know how exactly it feels to be one of the sufferers. Dandruff not only gets you an ugly look but even makes you feel dirty. No matter how amazing you look or how fascinating your features are, if your dandruff dominates your personality, everything else won’t matter.

There is no requirement to lose your heart. You can always get rid of your dandruff issue. And, dear men, you’re mistaken if you feel that shampoos are only for women. You have no clue how effective and productive shampoos ensure that your hair stays safe, healthy, and even clean. You can find different types of shampoos that are effective for users. Whether Dandruff shampoo for coloured hair or shampoos for men with dandruff, the brands like Ketomac have shampoos for everyone. Shampoos are hygienic, safe, and refreshing. After all, your hair asks you for your attention, and you must not skip it. A good shampoo would always ensure that your hair is safe and has no dandruff.

What is attracting dandruff to you? 

So, what triggers dandruff? You can easily blame genetics for crippling anxiety, receding hairline, a bent nose, etc. But dandruff is not at all one of them. The reality is that you do. All those awkward white flecks and peeling are there because of your grooming habits, not any ready genetic order. So, if you thought you would blame your parents for this dandruff, you were so wrong. Dandruff is entirely preventable, and you can get rid of it without any regrets.

A few essential habits you must avoid:

– It is crucial to know that shampoo should not be used regularly. Accept the fact, and you will solve many of your hair care and scalp problems. The function of your shampoo is to clean excess oil, filth, and product build-up. A simple rinse will eradicate most of these things, and the additional build-up needs to be rubbed out with shampoo every second or third day. Otherwise, you could dry out the hair and scalp by removing natural oils that keep everything nurtured and firm. At such a stage, your skin flakes and of hair sags, and it is no benefit for you.

If your dandruff is persistent, it could hint at a more significant problem like a fungal infection, seborrheic dermatitis, or a scaly, itchy skin situation. There is no need to permit these things to persist. If any general shampoo treatment is not working on the issue, you must see a dermatologist right away to get a high-grade prescription medication.

Just because you are busy, it does not mean your hair should go for a toss.- Do you wash your hair infrequently? You cannot offer your hair a wash after long intervals, and your hair needs nurturing and proper care.

How can men get rid of dandruff?

If you are undergoing a dandruff condition, you should pay attention to your head. You need to understand your hair and scalp. If dryness is your problem, you must concentrate on hydrating your hair and scalp and averting dehydration throughout the day. It even helps to identify the finest – and worst – ingredients in the most common dandruff shampoos. In this way, you can easily make an intelligent choice about which hair products you choose.

Massage Your Hair 

For the best results with your dandruff shampoo, massage your scalp as you work the shampoo throughout your hair. You need to wait 2-3 minutes before you do rinse thoroughly – leaving residue in your hair will not help your dandruff problem. Ensure that you clean up your hair properly when you step out of the bathroom. Of course, putting your shampoo in every head area is a must.

It would help if you shampooed Less Often.

If you wash your hair daily, you should try switching to every other or alternative day or even less. Shampoos – even a gentle formula – eradicate some of the natural oils on your hair and scalp that aid seal in moisture. In case of dryness is your main concern, over-washing will worsen things. Please use an anti-dandruff shampoo by Ketomac twice or thrice a week. Indeed, washing your hair more than three times and less than two times a week would be wrong. So, make sure that you stay between these two categories and wash your hair accordingly with the right dandruff shampoo.

Use a Good Conditioner

You use a hydrating conditioner with nutrients that calm the scalp and endorse healthy hair growth. It will avert the excessive dryness and irritation that places you at risk for out-of-control dandruff.

If you possess severely dry skin, you could use conditioner daily but shampoo only every few days.

You need to find out what works for you and stick to that specific hair care routine.

Also, if you think that conditioners are for people who have long hair, you are sorely mistaken. Even if you possess short hair, you will have healthier, better-looking hair if you use conditioner. It keeps your scalp healthy and even diminishes the chance of flakes appearing. Make sure you choose a conditioner with ingredients that promote scalp moisture, lock in hydration, and even rebalance your skin after using good hair products.

Don’t stress too much. 

Yes, it may sound odd to you, but you need to be thoughtful here. You have no idea how stress can become be a significant problem for you. Dandruff belongs to a long list of problems brought about or accentuated by stress. The contemporary era has a lot of stress to throw at you. Your office and personal relations can be stressful. When there is a great deal of stress in your life, it would naturally result in a higher incidence of dandruff in men. Steps to combat stress will go a long way in averting dandruff. Devoting adequate time for relaxation, doing yoga, having a regular workout, and similar activities would help keep your scalp free from dandruff. Once you de-stress yourself, you will feel that notable difference. Your dandruff is going to wither for sure. Slowly, you would find your life healthier, not just in terms of your dandruff but otherwise too.


To sum up, it is time that you purchase the best dandruff shampoo for coloured hair, for your dark hair, or any hair type. There are anti-dandruff shampoos by Ketomac that can help you in this fight against dandruff. In this way, you can ensure smooth, shining, strong, and dandruff-free hair.


There are so many health conditions that you undergo. Have you ever undergone an infection or allergy? Well, there are skin infections that can be highly pesky and irritating. You should always take proper measures to ensure that your skin is safe and protected. If you have some uneasiness in your toe, you could have a toenail fungus infection.

Here, a dermatologist or skin specialist evaluates the nails and nearby skin to determine if a person has nail fungus. It is entirely crucial to check the skin because the fungus can spread. You could already have a skin infection triggered by a fungus-like an athlete’s foot. If you want to ensure that it stays away from you, you could need to treat all your infected areas.

 You can quickly get antifungal cream for nails in India and ensure your infection takes a back seat.

Also, remember that your dermatologist could even take some samples before you get the diagnosis. Gathering a bit of debris from underneath your nail, trimming off the part nail, or even scraping off a bit of skin could be helpful. Such samples can be examined under a lab microscope to determine what’s activating the problem. You know you do not need to worry because you can apply the cream meant for your infection.

What is this fungus all about?

You know, nail fungus is a common health condition that starts as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the fungal infection becomes deeper, nail fungus could trigger your nail to discolour, condense and even smash at the edge. It might affect diverse nails. If your condition is mild and not disturbing, you might not need treatment. If your nail fungus is piercing and has triggered thickened nails, self-care steps and medications may help. But even if the treatment gets successful, nail fungus mainly emerges back. For your information, nail fungus is even known as onychomycosis. When fungus attacks the areas between your toes and the skin of the feet, it is even known as the athlete’s foot (tinea pedis).

How do dermatologists or skin specialists treat the condition of fungal nail infection?

Treatment generally begins with your dermatologist trimming the infected nail(s), cutting back each infected nail to a place where it links up to your finger or toe. The dermatologist could even scrape away rubble under the nail, and it aids in getting rid of some fungus. To completely get rid of the infection, most people even need one or more of the below-given treatments:

Medicine to apply to your nail. 

If you have a mild type of infection, a medicine that you could apply to your nails may get rid of the infection. This treatment is assistive in keeping new fungus out while the nails grow. Fingernails typically grow out in around four to six months, and Toenails do take longer, usually takes twelve to eighteen months. Of course, a great Ketomac medicine cream can be a powerful treatment for your infection.

The most challenging part of this treatment is remembering to use it as often as prescribed. Some treatments should be applied every day, too, multiple times, and others you can apply once a week. To get the proper results, you must apply these creams precisely as directed.

Of course, some fungus medicines can trigger some side effects. But you know side effects from most of the medicines are usually mild. Possible side effects can be redness and swelling, ingrown toenails, and hurt or burning when applying for medicine. In clinical trials, none of these side effects activates patients to stop using the treatment.

Patients can take medicines. 

If you need more aggressive treatment, your dermatologist or skin specialist could prescribe you antifungal pills. These have a higher cure rate than the medicine you apply to the nails. Similarly, antifungal pills work more quickly than medicine applied to your nails. Taking antifungal pills for nearly months might help you cure an infection under the fingernails. Usually, three months of treatment treat a toenail fungal infection.

There is even combination therapy!

At times, nail fungus might be hard to clear. Research has shown that taking antifungal pills and applying medicine to your nails could be more effective than using either treatment alone.

Nail removal

If you have a severe or extreme infection or other treatments don’t work, your dermatologist or skin specialist may recommend removing the nail(s) to get rid of the tedious infection. Your dermatologist might use one of the below-given methods to remove your nail:

– Nonsurgical nail removal (a chemical is applied to your nail)

– Then surgical nail removal

The dermatologist may carry out nail removal in a medical office or even a clinic. With either procedure, the nail could grow back. However, if the infection fails to clear, your skin specialist may treat the nail so that it does not grow back.

What is the outcome for someone who has nail fungus?

With treatment, many people can get rid of nail fungus. Even when the fungus is cleared up, your nail(s) could look unhealthy till the infected nail grows out. A fingernail grows out in nearly four to six months, and a toenail in around twelve to eighteen months.

To clear the fungus, it is crucial to:

– Use the treatment exactly as prescribed

– Apply (or consume) the medicine for as long as prescribed.

– Keep all the follow-up appointments with the doctor or dermatologist

Nail fungus might be stubborn. If you have a severe infection, it is possible to clear the infection. However, a healthy-looking nail could be unrealistic, but you can quickly expect the nail to look better and feel a lot more contented.

What are the signs of nail fungus?

A person could have nail fungus in case one or more of the nails are:

– Whitish to yellow-brown staining

– Thickened

– Crumbly, brittle, or ragged

– A dark shade, triggered by debris building up under your nail

– Distorted in shape

– Smelling somewhat foul

If you find that you have any of these signs, you must not avoid them. Make sure that you take swift action and get rid of your condition. Timely action can ensure that the infection does not get severe, and you get rid of it sooner than you even imagine. The sooner you start any remedy for it, the better it will be for you.


No matter what you think about your nails, you cannot just let them rotten because of the infection. You must make the right move at the right time and rescue your nails. You should start applying it right away when you can get good toenail fungus cream in India. The cream would show you results within a week and so. But you must be constant and punctual with applying the cream.


Many men, women, and even children suffer from Dandruff emerging on their hair. Although not considered a severe or life-threatening disease, Dandruff can be an eyesore and confidence breaker. It can result from improper and wrong usage of hair care products or poor hygiene. Whatever be it, once Dandruff occurs, it starts to spread across your hair on the head and, with time, will become visible. Some people also experience Dandruff on their shoulders and shirt collars that are pretty embarrassing, especially when in a crowd. Others generally avoid such people as it is very much an ugly situation.

Using shampoos to treat dandruff problems

There are readily available plenty of shampoos in the market. Many claims to remove Dandruff on application. However, it is noticed that with regular application, these shampoos only cause side effects like damaging the root hairs and baldness. Things only get worse with time. Hence, using top-quality medicated anti-dandruff shampoo in India becomes essential from the best brands like Ketomac. This can help you to eliminate the growing concern.

Dandruff problem arises due to wrong food habits and not taking proper care of your hair. If you experience severe dandruff issues, it is essential to visit a qualified trichologist immediately. The professional will try to identify the main issue behind your problem and suggest medicated shampoos that will work effectively on your Dandruff and remove it.

You can use products of Ketomac as they are completely safe and do not come with any side effects. A good anti-dandruff shampoo comes with Ph5.5, and this is considered a great option when medicated anti-dandruff shampoo is concerned. When used in the proper dosage, correctly, and for the prescribed duration, it helps your hair structure stabilize. It also improves your hair strength and health. It also balances the scalp’s pH level, empowering it to combat Dandruff.

Which shampoo to use to remove Dandruff?

With lots of shampoos available in the market, it can be unclear whether to choose the right one. Moreover, not every shampoo is suitable or can serve the needs of different people with different hair structures. It would help if you chose Ketomac anti-dandruff and medicated shampoo. Being medicated, it is 100% alkali and soap-free. It also contains several active ingredients such as piroctone olamine to clean Dandruff. The mild-wash active substance does help cleanse the scalp region and eliminate dandruff irritation.

Choosing the best anti-dandruff shampoo is vital for your hair’s overall health. Besides controlling and preventing dandruff formation, it also helps eliminate flaking and itching issues. The shampoo is made from organic, cruelty-free, preservative-free ingredients. It is also dermatological tested to ensure it is safe for the hair, scalp, and skin.

What are the reasons for Dandruff to develop on your head?

Dandruff does appear ugly and sure to make you feel embarrassed when among the crowd, family members, colleagues, relatives, or friends. You are likely to become the talk of the town, something you will not appreciate. Hence, you require an excellent remedy to provide you with ample respite. Some of the reasons for Dandruff to appear on your head are as follows:

  • Eczema or psoriasis
  • Irritated oily scalp
  • Not washing hair quite often
  • Dry scalp

Although several brands available in the market claim to fix the issue, you should always stick to reputed companies like Ketomac. With time and by providing quality remedies, this company has managed to earn a name for itself in the domain. The medicated shampoos offered by this company are sure to provide the very best results in a brief period.

What active ingredients should you be wary about?

You need to check out for some active ingredients in the medicated shampoo like:

  • Coal tar
  • Salicylic acid
  • Ketoconazole
  • Selenium sulfide
  • Pyrithione zinc

These ingredients in shampoo can help reduce Dandruff and prevent it from further forming on your head. You need to check out other ingredients in the shampoo, like moisturizing ingredients, and the latter will help nourish your hair strands and scalp. These ingredients are aloe vera, glycerine, and shea butter, and they are helpful to moisturize your hair and keep it shiny.

To derive the best results, you need to apply the shampoo to your head and rub it smoothly using your fingertips over your scalp for about five minutes. Then rinse with normal water. Some dandruff-fighting ingredients will remain behind that you can use to work on your scalp region. Using regular conditioners might dilute the active ingredient’s effects present in the shampoo.

How do medicated shampoos function?

Many doubt the effectiveness of medicated shampoos, and some consider it just a marketing hype by the companies to sell their products. But the truth is that prescription shampoos, antifungal shampoos, and dandruff shampoos meant for different scalp ailments do work fabulously. For this reason, dermatologists recommend such shampoos to their patients as initial treatment.

Ordinary shampoos tend to contain just cleansing agents. On the other hand, medicated shampoos comprise drugs to treat skin conditions. Such shampoos can be applied on the scalp to calm itchiness and reduce inflammation. You can easily purchase Ketomac antifungal medicated shampoo from the nearby medical store or online without requiring any doctor’s prescription. This shampoo treats first your flaky and itchy scalp. If this problem persists, you should visit the dermatologist to derive further treatment.

When to consult the doctor to avail of scalp shampoo?

You should immediately start using this medicated shampoo as you notice Dandruff on your head. If you do not see any positive results after regularly using it for a couple of months, you should immediately visit the dermatologist to get a proper and thorough diagnosis. It could be that you suffer from a health condition such as scalp psoriasis, which might require a remedy, something more potent than a mere medicated shampoo.

The best anti-dandruff medicated shampoo in India will provide you with an attractive solution to your dandruff problems.


Many people give more attention to their clothing and accessories than their hair. In which category do you think of yourself? Do you have a clue about what your preferences are? Ah, you may always ensure that you stay up and intelligent with a new type of hairstyle or look throughout the week.

If you think it is all about clothes or dresses, you are mistaken. It is about your looks and hairstyles too. You can always ensure that you outshine everyone else in the room with your looks. And no matter how you were created initially, you can always bring some variations in your looks to give yourself that panache and spark. Being a woman, you cannot simply overlook your hair. After all, your hair will do an excellent job for your personality.


If you have an excuse that you have dandruff and you always feel indifferent to doing experiments with your hair, you need to fix your hair first. You can use medicated anti-dandruff Shampoo in India and make sure that dandruff, if not completely vanished, is too much extent dim. Once you have a way to keep your hair safe, clean, and dandruff-free, you must not overlook it. A few changes in your routine, and you are good to enhance your hair’s overall beauty, strength, and charm.

Try out different Dedicated shampoos. 

Maybe a particular dandruff shampoo is excellent for someone else, but what is the point if it is not adequate for you? The way two individuals with dandruff issues are not the same; in the same way, the dandruff shampoo does not act the same on two persons. You need to own the Shampoo that is right for you, and you need to have one that is effective and safe for your hair.

Once you try out different shampoos, you learn about the workability of different shampoos.

If you cannot find the right Shampoo for your dandruff issue, you can speak with a professional hair specialist and dermatologist. You can undoubtedly look for Ketomac shampoos to get a quality product for your hair.

Moreover, once you speak with a hair specialist, they may tell you something about your hair that isn’t known to you. However, there may not be needed to visit a specialist because good shampoos are there that can not disappoint you. It would help if you grabbed a shampoo specifically for your dandruff issue. Once you use that medicated dandruff shampoo a couple of times for two weeks, you will see the difference. Remember that any shampoo will show its true colours only after two weeks, no matter how good it is. It is not just that you apply the Shampoo today, and you seek results the following noon.

Massage Your Hair before you Shampoo  

Massaging your scalp in the shower will boost your blood flow to the scalp. It means a better environment for your hair development, but it also helps penetration any treatment shampoos. If you do the massage right, you benefit from hair fall and experience ease, effectivity, and overall relaxation. Massaging will ensure that your hair gets activated and the freshness reaches your hair roots. Your scalp should get the water and goodness of the massage. Once you do the massage and then apply the Shampoo and wash your hair, you feel the best experience and get the most of your Shampoo.

Don’t Overdo or Underdo Your Hair. 

Indeed, it is one thing that everyone needs to understand to the core. Many of you think you do it whenever you want to wash your hair. Well, that is not the case. You need to ensure that you have a pattern for your hair wash. Your dandruff will deteriorate, and your hair will stay healthy only when you start keeping your hair in proper check.

But again, if you feel that you would endlessly wash your hair now and then, and it would get you better outcomes, you are mistaken. Overdo will harm your hair differently. If you wash your hair now and then, you may strip off the natural oil from your hair. Hence, you would end up spoiling your hair. On the contrary, if you wash your hair once in a blue moon, you may again spoil your hair because you may not give it the attention it needs.

There is so much pollution that your hair gets damaged sooner than you think in the present time. Your hair gets filthy and itchy. The sweat, dirt, and pollution make your hair rough and trigger dandruff. Sometimes, sweat makes your hair too oily, resulting in too much dandruff. Here, you get the best outcomes if you consider your hair wash after a specific time.

The question stands straight here: when should you wash your hair? The answer is clear: if you get too much into physical activity, you must wash your hair thrice a week. And if you are a regular person and do not do much physical activity, you should wash your hair twice a week. Here, the point is that the fluctuation of your hair wash should be neither less than two times a week nor more than three times a week. And here, remember that every time you wash your hair, you use a good and quality Ketomac shampoo. Hence, once you follow this thing, you will ensure that you fight dandruff and all other hair threats in the best manner.

Are You Rinsing your hair correctly?

You love to create that magical foam when you apply Shampoo to your hair, right? That is wonderful. But do you clean the Shampoo from your hair correctly? Putting on a couple of water mugs is not sufficient. You need to make sure that you run your fingers in the hair and that the shampoos you have applied to your hair get cleaned up properly. It would help if you were sure that no shampoo particles remained in the hair or scalp. Often, folks leave some sum of Shampoo glued to the hair, which leads to dirt and effectivity. Even if you are in a hurry, ensure that you have washed off the Shampoo properly.

Sometimes, people think that they are using suitable shampoos, they are washing their hair from time to time and taking all the precautions, but even then, their hair is filthy and full of dandruff. If you are one such individual, make sure that you are not missing out on your hair rinsing part.


To sum up, you can get the best-medicated Shampoo for dandruff in India and ensure that you make the most of your hair. After all, you have the right to look stunning and sexy with different hairstyles.


Healthy hair does not just get you unique looks but also a confident you. Of course, how many times do you feel grateful for your hair? If you do not take good care of your hair, you cannot expect your hair to treat you well. There are so many things that you can do for your beloved hair to keep them in the best shape and health.

Even if you have Dandruff and feel that your coloured hair will get damaged, you are mistaken if you try anything to get rid of your Dandruff. You can check out safe products like colour-safe dandruff shampoo and ensure that you keep your colour intact and, at the same time, ensure that your hair is healthy. Moreover, you know what? Your hair deserves health and smoothness.

The most pathetic and awful thing about Dandruff is that others do, even if you overlook Dandruff. People hesitate to hang around or sit with you because of Dandruff, and they fear that they might get dandruff issues. Indeed, it is something alarming. You don’t know how it feels to avoid people in office and social circles because of a dandruff issue. If you want to stay aloof from such disheartening experiences, you need to take great care of your hair. Do not worry, as you can do many things that will work for your hair and, at the same time, ensure that you do not need to put in extensive effort. Here are some home remedies that you can try out to ensure that your hair is healthy and away from Dandruff.


Ah, you may love this dairy product and consume it every day. But have you ever considered it for your hair? A fresh bowl or yoghurt container can also help calm down your itchy scalp. You need to shampoo your hair, apply the yoghurt, and allow it to rest for fifteen minutes or so. Then rinse with water and rewash your hair with some of your regular Ketomac or other shampoos. This yoghurt is a trove of friendly bacteria and helps to avert the scalp area’s flaking. You can even add black pepper to the yoghurt as it also has antifungal ingredients. If you do not believe it, you must give it a try to yoghurt, and you may love it for your hair. Your hair will not just get rid of Dandruff but also get itchy-free and stay smooth.

Tea Tree 

This is an effective oil that reduces inflammation, itchiness, and greasiness. It thus turns out to be effective in decreasing Dandruff. It is both antifungal and antimicrobial. Add nearly five to ten drops of this oil to your regular shampoo bottle and make sure that you shake it well. Rinse your hair well after shampooing. And you will feel the difference right from the time you do it for the first time. No matter what type of hair you have, you will surely get some relief from your Dandruff and ensure that you have smooth and strong hair.


This is readily available, and it can play a huge role in keeping Dandruff at bay. You need to crush two aspirins into a fine powder and then add it to your regular shampoo. Then you need to shampoo your hair with this mixture and rinse after two to three minutes. Here, the Salicylic Acid that is there in Aspirin will help to treat Dandruff efficiently. There is no harm in trying it out because many users have found excellent results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is an effective and easy-to-use natural remedy to eliminate Dandruff. It is acidic and helps remove dead skin cells on the scalp, and it even averts the growth of fungus. Make a solution by using two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup of water. Wash your hair as usual with shampoo. Finally, pour this solution into your hair as the last rinse. Slowly, you will feel the transformation in your hair.

Baking Soda 

The straightforward baking soda may work as an effective remedy to combat Dandruff. Of course, you have used it in different food items, but how about your hair? All you require is to dampen your hair and sprinkle a trickle of baking soda on your scalp and rub vigorously. Then post your exercise, go for a quick rinse, but avoid shampooing. In the beginning, after a few sessions, you would feel your hair dry. But eventually, your scalp is going to start producing natural oils and making your hair look softer and barren of dry flakes.

Aloe Vera

You might already be waiting for this one. Well, aloe Vera lessens skin irritation and has a moisturizing impact. It diminishes flakiness and itchiness and gives proper respite from Dandruff. It is antibacterial and antifungal that further guards from Dandruff. Apply aloe vera gel directly on your scalp, and you need to leave it for around half an hour. Later make sure that you wash your hair with a mild shampoo.


You may find Lemon at your home, and you can use it easily. It would help if you squeezed a whole lemon and patiently and properly massaged the juice into your scalp. Allow the lemon juice to rest for 2 to 3 minutes, and then rinse off with a regular shampoo. Similarly, you can even add lemon juice to a mug of water, and you can use it as the last rinse post the hair wash session. It would help if you repeated it till Dandruff disappears regularly. The acid character of the Lemon will aid you to balance the PH of your hair. Hence, you can ensure that your hair stays clean, smooth, and, most importantly, free of Dandruff.

Coconut Oil 

Now, this organic coconut oil is mainly used to avert Dandruff. It hydrates your scalp and prevents dryness and flakiness, which can surely boost Dandruff. It is even antimicrobial and antifungal. You need to do massage gently with organic coconut oil on the scalp. And then, you leave it for a few hours and then rinse with a mild shampoo. You will feel that abrupt smoothness in your hair, and Dandruff will wither over time.

Some people even apply this oil before they go to bed. It is also good to apply this oil to your hair and leave it there overnight. Hence, you can wash your hair in the morning, and the oil will have worked on your hair by then. Of course, oil is always good for your hair if you keep it for longer and then bathe it. Let your hair absorb the oil, and then wash your hair with a good shampoo like Ketomac dandruff shampoo.


So, implement the discussed tips for hair care since you have already purchased or plan to buy the best anti-dandruff shampoo for coloured hair. These home remedies are going to transform your hair and life.

Healthy hair does not just get you unique looks but also a confident you. Of course, how many times do you feel grateful for your hair? If you do not take good care of your hair, you cannot expect your hair to treat you well. There are so many things that you can do for your beloved hair to keep them in the best shape and health.

Even if you have Dandruff and feel that your coloured hair will get damaged, you are mistaken if you try anything to get rid of your Dandruff. You can check out safe products like colour-safe dandruff shampoo and ensure that you keep your colour intact and, at the same time, ensure that your hair is healthy. Moreover, you know what? Your hair deserves health and smoothness.

The most pathetic and awful thing about Dandruff is that others do, even if you overlook Dandruff. People hesitate to hang around or sit with you because of Dandruff, and they fear that they might get dandruff issues. Indeed, it is something alarming. You don’t know how it feels to avoid people in office and social circles because of a dandruff issue. If you want to stay aloof from such disheartening experiences, you need to take great care of your hair. Do not worry, as you can do many things that will work for your hair and, at the same time, ensure that you do not need to put in extensive effort. Here are some home remedies that you can try out to ensure that your hair is healthy and away from Dandruff.


Ah, you may love this dairy product and consume it every day. But have you ever considered it for your hair? A fresh bowl or yoghurt container can also help calm down your itchy scalp. You need to shampoo your hair, apply the yoghurt, and allow it to rest for fifteen minutes or so. Then rinse with water and rewash your hair with some of your regular Ketomac or other shampoos. This yoghurt is a trove of friendly bacteria and helps to avert the scalp area’s flaking. You can even add black pepper to the yoghurt as it also has antifungal ingredients. If you do not believe it, you must give it a try to yoghurt, and you may love it for your hair. Your hair will not just get rid of Dandruff but also get itchy-free and stay smooth.

Tea Tree 

This is an effective oil that reduces inflammation, itchiness, and greasiness. It thus turns out to be effective in decreasing Dandruff. It is both antifungal and antimicrobial. Add nearly five to ten drops of this oil to your regular shampoo bottle and make sure that you shake it well. Rinse your hair well after shampooing. And you will feel the difference right from the time you do it for the first time. No matter what type of hair you have, you will surely get some relief from your Dandruff and ensure that you have smooth and strong hair.


This is readily available, and it can play a huge role in keeping Dandruff at bay. You need to crush two aspirins into a fine powder and then add it to your regular shampoo. Then you need to shampoo your hair with this mixture and rinse after two to three minutes. Here, the Salicylic Acid that is there in Aspirin will help to treat Dandruff efficiently. There is no harm in trying it out because many users have found excellent results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is an effective and easy-to-use natural remedy to eliminate Dandruff. It is acidic and helps remove dead skin cells on the scalp, and it even averts the growth of fungus. Make a solution by using two tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a cup of water. Wash your hair as usual with shampoo. Finally, pour this solution into your hair as the last rinse. Slowly, you will feel the transformation in your hair.

Baking Soda 

The straightforward baking soda may work as an effective remedy to combat Dandruff. Of course, you have used it in different food items, but how about your hair? All you require is to dampen your hair and sprinkle a trickle of baking soda on your scalp. Rub vigorously. Then post your exercise, go for a quick rinse, but avoid shampooing. In the beginning, after a few sessions, you would feel your hair dry. But eventually, your scalp is going to start producing natural oils and making your hair look softer and barren of dry flakes.

Aloe Vera

You might already be waiting for this one. Well, aloe Vera lessens skin irritation and has a moisturizing impact. It diminishes flakiness and itchiness and gives proper respite from Dandruff. It is antibacterial and antifungal that further guards from Dandruff. Apply aloe vera gel directly on your scalp, and you need to leave it for around half an hour. Later make sure that you wash your hair with a mild shampoo.


You may find Lemon at your home, and you can use it easily. It would help if you squeezed a whole lemon and patiently and properly massaged the juice into your scalp. Allow the lemon juice to rest for 2 to 3 minutes, and then rinse off with a regular shampoo. Similarly, you can even add lemon juice to a mug of water, and you can use it as the last rinse post the hair wash session. It would help if you repeated it till Dandruff disappears regularly. The acid character of the Lemon will aid you to balance the PH of your hair. Hence, you can ensure that your hair stays clean, smooth, and, most importantly, free of Dandruff.

Coconut Oil 

Now, this organic coconut oil is mainly used to avert Dandruff. It hydrates your scalp and prevents dryness and flakiness, which can surely boost Dandruff. It is even antimicrobial and antifungal. You need to do massage gently with organic coconut oil on the scalp. And then, you leave it for a few hours and then rinse with a mild shampoo. You will feel that abrupt smoothness in your hair, and Dandruff will wither over time.

Some people even apply this oil before they go to bed. It is also good to apply this oil to your hair and leave it there overnight. Hence, you can wash your hair in the morning, and the oil will have worked on your hair by then. Of course, oil is always good for your hair if you keep it for longer and then bathe it. Let your hair absorb the oil, and then wash your hair with a good shampoo like Ketomac dandruff shampoo.


So, implement the discussed tips for hair care since you have already purchased or plan to buy the best anti-dandruff shampoo for coloured hair. These home remedies are going to transform your hair and life.


People assume that changes in their toenails or fingernails are due to fungal infection. It is medically referred to as tinea unguium or Onychomycosis. Fungal infection occurring in the nails may be due to poor hygiene or sound contagious. 10% of adults across the globe can be noticed to be suffering from nail fungal infection and looking for remedies. Older adults of 60+ years tend to suffer more from this fungal infection. Compared to fingernail fungus, toenail fungus is considered a common occurrence. Abnormal-looking nails, in reality, might arise due to several conditions, including fungal infection. To get the best treatment, it will be necessary to know the reasons.

What conditions may be mistaken to be fungal nails?

You may suffer from other conditions rather than fungal nails. They are as follows:

  • Senile nails: With age, your nails tend to become brittle, developing ridges. The nail layers start to separate at the nail’s end part. This can be prevented by using some solutions. But avoid soaking your nails in water as it may only aggravate your condition and become painful.
  • Ridges & Lines: They occur commonly and are normal. Pregnant women may suffer from worse issues. A large groove on the nail’s centre can result from nail-biting. Such changes may also be experienced following chemotherapy.
  • Black or Red nails: This can result from blood clotting under the nail due to trauma or hematoma. The discoloured region is likely to grow with the nail. While trimming the nails, they can be trimmed off. If black spots are present under the nail not arising due to trauma, then it will be wise to consult a podiatrist or dermatologist. They will check the affected region thoroughly and diagnose if it is melanoma or not. They will also recommend undergoing a simple biopsy to rule out cancer (malignancy).
  • Yellowish or whitish nails: This may be the result of onycholysis. It means nail separation from the nail bed. What colour you get to view beneath the nail is air. Treatment for this issue is to trim your nail short. But avoid cleaning under it. You can polish the unsightly colour and wait for about 2-3 months to hide the unsightly colour. Your nail may be prone to contracting fungal infections due to persistent onycholysis.
  • Pitted nails could be related to skin problems or psoriasis, thus affecting the nail matrix. This is the area beneath the skin present behind the nail and from where the nail grows. Psoriasis affected nails may be of a tan colour.
  • Green nails: Pseudomonas bacteria may cause this issue. This bacterium grows beneath the nails, separated partially from the nail bed. It may result in some foul odour arising from the nails. It would help if you trimmed your nail short every four weeks to get a remedy. Avoid cleaning it. To hide this ugly colour, you can polish it. Wait for about 2-3 months. Do not soak your nail in water or liquid even after wearing gloves. After bathing, dry your nail thoroughly. If the problem persists, you should consult your doctor to get prescription treatments. The doctor is likely to prescribe antifungal cream for nails like Ketomac.
  • Chronic nail trauma may involve repeatedly starting and stopping, athletic endeavours or kicking. This is likely to damage the nails, thus giving the appearance of fungal nails. Such repetitive trauma is experienced by those who wear tight-fitting shoes or are in particular employment. Permanent changes also are experienced by those suffering from traumas, thus mimicking fungal nails.
  • Skin appearing red and swollen around the nail: It is referred to as paronychia. This skin infection takes place at the nail (cuticle) bottom part. Bacteria may cause acute (rapid onset) infections. Warm soaks can be soothing. However, it will require a qualified doctor to drain it out. Chronic paronychia may occur if the cuticle gets irritated or inflamed with time. At times, yeast may develop on damaged skin, infecting the region. In such cases, therapy will be essential. The skin is to be kept dry and away from water. If it is a severe problem, you need to consult a good physician. Antibiotics are generally not recommended except to control severe infections.

Causes of fungal nails along with other risk factors

Fungal infections may arise in the nail region in healthy, ordinary people. This is mainly due to fungus contracted from wet, moist areas. Some familiar sources are communal showers like swimming pools or the gym. They are even visiting nail salons that use improper instrument sanitization like foot tubs, fliers, clippers, etc. It may also spread from family members with fungal nails. Athletes also are susceptible to this problem. It can be due to sweaty, tight-fitting shoes related to repetitive toenail trauma. Athletes’ feet may also cause toenail fungal infections. Repetitive trauma is likely to weaken the nail, thus resulting in fungal infection.

People suffering from underlying diseases and the elderly also may contract such issues. Anything which impairs the immune system is likely to get a fungal infection. It includes health conditions like psoriasis, cancer, diabetes, AIDS or taking steroids.

Is the condition contagious?

According to health experts, fungal infection is not contagious, although obtained in some places. Nail fungus is quite common and may be transmitted among people with continuous intimate contact.

Can nail fungus recurrence be avoided?

Tinea pedis is also referred to as foot fungus or athlete’s foot, and it may cause fungal nails recurrence. Hence, this condition should be treated immediately. There are available OTC antifungal medicines, and you can use creams like Ketomac that offer impressive solutions without any side effects.

Tips to avoid fungal nails

Health experts believe that fifty per cent of abnormal appearing nails result from nail fungus. Identifying the difference between varying reasons for discoloured nails can be challenging, including for doctors. Often, Onychomycosis is not treatable. Some reasons for getting treatment include the following:

  • For cosmetic purposes
  • Discomfort or pain arising in the nails
  • Previous leg infection
  • Diabetes

Some common recurrences and treatment failures

It would help if you always tried to prevent such issues from occurring. A few preventative measures are given below:

  • Avoid soaking your hands using harsh cleaners or water.
  • Alternate exercise shoes.
  • Avoid using no tight shoes and wear only dry socks.
  • Keep your feet dry and clean all the time.
  • Shorten your toenails. Avoid digging into your nail corner while cutting toenails.
  • Get treatment for athlete’s food as and when it occurs.

Home remedies to treat toenail fungus

You can find much anecdotal information on the different home remedies to treat toenail fungus. One commonly recommended remedy is vinegar. To rub your nails, you can also try out different oils like coconut oil, tea tree oil, cedar leaf oil, essential oils, etc. Hydrogen peroxide and household bleach are not recommended for treatment purposes, and such agents might result in unwanted skin irritation on application. Thickened nails affected by fungus might pose to be a problem to trim. You can use the best antifungal nail cream to treat the issue, like Ketomac. You do not have to get a doctor’s prescription to buy one.


Although dry scalp is known to be the reason for the emergence of Dandruff, both conditions are distinct. The presence of Dandruff causes flaking in the scalp, and flakes are visible in the hair or on clothing due to some scalp or fungal infection. By contrast, a dry scalp may occur if a sufficient amount of moisture is not produced by the scalp. Knowing the difference between the two can help select the best remedy.

What causes dry scalp?

If there is insufficient oil present in the scalp, the skin in the region does not feel lubricated, and it may result in irritation, itching, and flaking. Hair also starts to appear dry as oil in the scalp conditions the hair.

Those with dry skin tend to experience dry scalp issues. It means that most things which may result in dry skin are likely to cause dry scalp. It includes the following:

  • Skin conditions like eczema
  • Excessive washing
  • Dry air mainly during the winter months

What causes Dandruff?

The scalp sheds off dead skin cells like the skin present throughout the body. As the process speeds up, Dandruff appears. The flakes that you notice are dead skin cells. Your scalp sheds the faster dead skin, and your dandruff situation worsens. However, certain factors may affect your skin shedding rate.

Researchers are yet to understand the real cause of Dandruff fully. Some potential causes may include:

  • Sensitivity towards certain substances like hair products
  • Scalp secreting excess oil
  • Scalp related fungal infections

All three factors might combine to worsen your dandruff problems. People suffering from fungal scalp infections might develop Dandruff if they possess a very oily scalp or sensitive skin.

Many people tend to have a fungus termed ‘Malassezia’ that resides on their scalp. However, it is harmless. But in people experiencing dandruff problems, the fungus may cause flakes and irritation. It could be because of the interaction of the fungus with other factors. A recent study has discovered the relationship between Dandruff and the presence of specific scalp bacteria.

Know the symptoms

Those with dry scalps are likely to notice their scalp shedding flakes. These flakes are whiter and smaller when compared to actual dandruff flakes, and the latter is much larger and can appear oily or yellow-tinged. This is because of fungal infection, for which effective medical treatment will be necessary. Less frequent shampooing can help improve dry scalp. In India, you can use Ketomac shampoo for dry scalp. Made from natural ingredients and is entirely safe for your scalp and hair.

Both conditions might make the scalp irritated and itchy. In case of severe symptoms, people suffering from either condition are likely to result in frequent scalp scratching. There may develop small sores, or they may turn red.

Differences between dry scalp and Dandruff

It can be challenging for the majority to differentiate between dry scalp and Dandruff. There are very high chances of people experiencing dry scalp and dandruff problems. Flakes most likely are Dandruff in the following situation:

  • Oily scalp
  • Greasy hair
  • Intense scalp itching although scalp is not dry

When to consult a doctor?

It is possible to use home remedies to treat dry scalp and Dandruff. But some scalp conditions are likely to appear like Dandruff. For instance, scalp psoriasis may cause itching, flakes, and redness, and the autoimmune disorder causes such problems. Seborrheic dermatitis is a severe dandruff problem that causes painful, intense inflammation.

If you experience flaky scalp, it becomes crucial to visit the doctor for the following reasons:

  • If you have open wounds on your face or head.
  • If the availed home treatments fail to produce effective results.
  • If other symptoms exist like sores or redness

Some other conditions could probably cause some symptoms that might resemble Dandruff. Scalp condition might get worse quickly due to a weakened immune system. Those suffering from chronic diseases and autoimmune disorders should consult their doctor before getting dandruff treatment.

Treatment options

There are several home remedies with which it is possible to treat most dandruff cases. There are plenty of anti-dandruff shampoos available on the market. You need to invest in the best dandruff shampoo for colour-treated hair and apply it regularly. Being prepared with organic ingredients can help treat several underlying dandruff causes, including minor fungal-related infections. First, you need to check the ingredients present in the dandruff shampoo and make a well-researched decision accordingly.

Dandruff shampoo might have a strong smell. You may prefer to alternate between traditional shampoo and dandruff shampoo or use different shampoo after treating it with dandruff shampoo.

If you dislike dandruff shampoo’s smell or prefer natural remedies, you can try out Ketomac products. It has antimicrobial properties and is entirely safe and not smelly. It does not cause any side effects, and the increasing number of users is sufficient proof of its growing popularity.

In the case of a home, treatment does not help cure your dandruff problems. Then it would help if you visited a doctor immediately. Know the cause of Dandruff, which can be a fungal or bacterial infection, and doctors will diagnose the issue and prescribe a solid treatment to clear Dandruff accordingly.

How do prevent dandruff and dry scalp problems?

It is a common myth that Dandruff is caused due to poor hygiene, and Dandruff can become visible if shampooing is not done for a long time. Dandruff in some people is considered to be a chronic condition that may go away only to come back later. Others believe that making some lifestyle changes can improve the situation.

Dry scalp can be prevented in the following ways:

  • Consuming more water
  • Not allowing the skin to get dry by using a humidifier
  • Shampooing less frequently the hair
  • Using moisturizing shampoo
  • Use shampoos that are less irritating and made from organic ingredients like Ketomac

Dandruff facts to know

  • As the skin in the scalp region starts to exfoliate excessively, Dandruff is produced.
  • White dusty flakes are materials on the shoulders and are considered superficial stratum corneum fragments in the hair.
  • Several scalp diseases might develop into Dandruff.
  • Dandruff may only worsen if you do not shampoo frequently, allowing flakes on the hair.


For many doctors, Dandruff is still considered to be a mystery. They are still to understand how a harmless fungus present on the person’s head is the reason for the emergence of Dandruff on another human being. Although no dandruff treatment guarantees, Ketomac shampoos are worth the try. It is impossible to predict who might develop Dandruff and how difficult the situation may be. Dry scalp and Dandruff can both be annoying, and however, they are not harmful or life-taking. With some immediate home treatment and using the right dandruff shampoo, it is possible to keep them at bay.

If you do not see any improvements in your scalp or dandruff issue using a home treatment, this problem can be caused due to some other reasons. A flaky scalp can be diagnosed only by a doctor.


Talking about Ketoconazole is an antifungal medicine, and it has been shown to boost overall hair growth studies. It has also been claimed that it has some impacts on DHT, the hormone that is responsible for baldness in men.

Though Ketoconazole is a safe and valuable addition to a hair loss deterrence stack, it is not a magical hair loss cure. Like different non-prescription hair loss treatments, there are a lot of rumours and myths out there about what Ketoconazole can and cannot simply do for your hair health.

Rather than promoting healthy and smooth hair from within, Ketoconazole is more about controlling microflora on the scalp. This is necessarily an antifungal treatment, which some researchers claim slows down hair loss. But again, you can always go for the items that get you perks. You can check out the benefits of the Ketomac tablet and ensure that you have hair that you can flaunt with your chin up.

The Form 

Although administered orally for fungal infections, most of the ketoconazole hair growth items are topical, generally shampoo. It is possible to compare different products and make the most of the right ones, and you can check out the options in Ketomac.

Anyhow, ketoconazole shampoo is available over the counter in restricted concentration. In some countries, products with a higher concentration of Ketoconazole are there only when prescribed by a health specialist as an antifungal treatment. This is because of the possible link with liver damage, making the treatment the last option for some infections. If you are not sure about such treatment, speak to your doctor or dermatologist to tell you about the possible risk. For now, here are some myths that you should know about.

Ketoconazole Shampoo may Regrow Lost Hair.

Another tenacious myth about Ketoconazole is that it may trigger you to regrow the hair you have already lost due to male pattern baldness. Well, just like most of the myths, this one has a grain of truth to it. Though Ketoconazole can’t regrow the hair that has fallen out as an outcome of male pattern baldness, it may help you regrow hair that has thinned out as an outcome of seborrheic dermatitis.

Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the diverse scalp conditions that can trigger temporary hair loss. In this instance, hair falls out not because of the issue of DHT but because of scaly, oily, and even inflamed skin and an extensive amount of sebum that makes your hair growth difficult.

As Ketoconazole is a good treatment for seborrheic dermatitis, it’s easy to mistake the hair you regrow from treating seborrheic dermatitis as “permanent” hair loss that is reversed as a result of Ketoconazole.

The truth is simple. Any hair you lose because of male pattern baldness is gone for most areas. While many hair follicles can grow back using finasteride, a hair transplant is the only established way to “regrow” covers of permanently lost hair.

Ketoconazole is More useful than Minoxidil.

One of the more general myths about Ketoconazole is that it is somewhat equally or more effective than proven hair loss treatments like Minoxidil. Here, the reality is that while Ketoconazole is associated with an improvement in hair growth in some studies and even accomplishes similar results with Minoxidil in one study, there is not the same volume of data depicting that Ketoconazole is as effective as that of Minoxidil.

Having mentioned so, most of the studies that have tested Ketoconazole as a hair growth agent discovered that it does have a quantifiable effect on the growth of anagen hair follicles, which are the hair follicles in the active, developing phase.

The point is simple: if you want to boost your hair growth, a ketoconazole shampoo like that Ketomac might be an excellent addition to your hair health routine. You do not assume that it’s more effective on its own than that of Minoxidil, as there isn’t sufficient data to support such a conclusion.

Ketoconazole Blocks DHT

Another simple ketoconazole myth is that it clogs the conversion of testosterone to DHT, or even that of dihydrotestosterone — the male hormone that harms the hair follicles and triggers male pattern baldness to grow. There is no conclusive scientific evidence showing that Ketoconazole has any real impact on DHT levels in the body.

It simply means that you should avoid relying on ketoconazole shampoo as a DHT blocker. If your hair is beginning to thin or recede and you wish to lower your DHT levels, you may require using an established, FDA-approved 5α-Reductase inhibitor such as finasteride.

But remember that although there is no scientific evidence showing that Ketoconazole clogs DHT, scientists feel there could be a link between Ketoconazole and the DHT pathway. A 2004 paper mentioned that Ketoconazole could cause local disruption of the DHT trail.

You Need Only Ketoconazole as the Hair Loss Treatment  

Finally, an annoyingly common myth about Ketoconazole is that it is the only product you require to take to stop hair loss. Well, it is easy to understand. After all, who would not instead make use of a daily shampoo than take a pill and apply a hair growth serum or foam?

Unfortunately, though Ketoconazole can effectively treat hair loss and improve the rate at which you grow new anagen hairs, there is no proof that it’s an effective hair loss treatment on par with finasteride.

Now, if you are suffering from extreme hair loss caused by male pattern baldness, Ketoconazole generally would not be sufficient to stop it. This is particularly true for folks with hair sensitivity to DHT and obvious, deteriorating hair loss.

Remember that to cease the issue of male pattern baldness. You need to stop DHT. This means you cannot simply use Ketoconazole on its own with any probability of success. Most research and studies show that the most potent treatment for hair loss is a blend of finasteride and Minoxidil. These treatments both have a myriad of scientific data to back them up and thousands of successful users worldwide. And the good part is that they are both FDA-approved for treating the issue of androgenetic alopecia.

Though there’s no harm in using ketoconazole shampoo, mainly the one you can buy over the counter, you should not ever rely on it to replace finasteride and Minoxidil. In its place, the best option is to speak with your hair loss doctor about using ketoconazole shampoo like Ketomac and your existing hair loss products to block DHT and rouse new hair growth as strong as possible.


To sum up, once you understand the usage of different products like the Ketomac tablet, you can make the most of them. It is general ignorance that leads to myths.


You use so many things to ensure that your skin stays in the best shape. If you do not check the products you use, you may ruin your skin. You need to work on your skin and keep the skin in the best shape.

You should opt for quality creams like ketoconazole cream two and ensure that your skin stays in the best shape. Of course, you may be doubtful about the cream. If you do not know much about this cream, you should read more below.

Before You Use It, You Should:

To make sure that this is the proper skin treatment for you before you start using ketoconazole cream, you must speak with a doctor or dermatologist for advice if:

  • You are taking any medicine or using other medicated skin creams. It includes any which are available to purchase without a prescription, as well as herbal and balancing medicines.
  • You may be pregnant or breastfeeding. When you are expecting or feeding a baby, you must only use medicines on the recommendation of a health specialist or doctor.
  • You have ever experienced an allergic reaction to an antifungal medicine or any other skin product.

What is ketoconazole cream?

Ketoconazole cream is an effective antifungal cream. Its graduals the growth of the fungus triggering your infection by stopping it from reproducing. The cream can help you with so many skin conditions, and a few are like:

  • Athlete’s foot
  • Ringworm
  • Jock itch
  • Skin yeast infection caused by Candida
  • Tinea versicolor
  • Seborrheic dermatitis

Hence, you can ensure that your skin conditions get healed without bothering you.

How can you use Ketoconazole cream?

Apply sufficient medication to cover the affected skin and some of the surrounding areas of your skin. After applying this medication, properly wash your hands. Do not cover, wrap, or bandage the area unless directed by your doctor or the professional.

Also, do not apply this medication to the nose, eyes, mouth, or vagina. If this medication gets in the eyes (for example, when used to treat dandruff), rinse thoroughly with water. You must continue to use this medication until the total prescribed amount is finished, even if signs disappear after starting Ketoconazole. Stopping the medication too early can permit the fungus to continue to grow, resulting in a relapse of the infection.

Relying on what you are treating, the application may be slightly different. But ensure that you use the cream as directed by your dermatologist. So, here are some points to keep in mind:

  • Before using the cream, read the manufacturer’s printed information booklet from inside the pack. It will give you more information about the cream and a complete list of the side effects you may experience from using it.
  • Apply the cream once or twice every day to the affected area. Please note that you should use it regularly twice a day to treat an athlete’s foot.
  • Wash and dry your affected area, rub a thin layer of cream on, and then make sure the area is arid before applying the cream. Remember to wash your hands after applying the cream to prevent the infection from spreading to other parts of your skin or other individuals.
  • It would help if you used the cream until all signs of the infection disappeared. And then, for an additional 2-3 days afterwards, ensure that the infection does not return.

Getting the most from your treatment

  • Infections affecting other body areas can take up to 3-4 weeks of treatment for the infection to disappear.
  • To lessen the chance of passing on the fungus to others, always make sure that you use a separate towel for other people until your infection has cleaned up. Wash your towels as often as you can.
  • Athletes’ foot or other similar skin conditions usually clears up within a week of regular (twice daily) treatment. If there are no signs of improvement after this time, you must make an appointment to witness your doctor for further advice.
  • Infections affecting the groin and genital area can take up to six weeks of treatment for the infection to entirely go. If, after four weeks of regular treatment, the symptoms you have shown no sign of getting better, please make an appointment to talk to your doctor for further advice.

Can there be any problems with this cream?

Coupled with their beneficial effects, most medicines or creams can cause unwanted side effects, although not everybody will experience them. If you have any allergies to anything or have any irritation with the cream right initially, you need to stop it. Sometimes, even the best things do not work for everyone. And there is no fault of anyone. So, the key is to observe the reaction of the cream the first time you use it. Hence, you will know what exactly it is doing to your skin.

How long this cream takes to work on your skin?

Ketoconazole cream treatment is generally indicated for two to six weeks. Patients using topically applied Ketoconazole should start seeing results soon after beginning therapy, and improvements should be enhanced regularly throughout the therapy case. If you start using this Ketomac ketoconazole cream, make sure you use it regularly and continuously. You cannot simply use it off and on and expect excellent results.

Where to get this cream from?

You can talk to a dermatologist or check out online platforms to pick the right and the best cream for your condition. Hence, you can ensure that you have the quality cream in hand. You can compare the products of the platforms before you choose any. After all, the quality of the cream plays a crucial role, and you cannot take a chance with the cream.

There is no doubt that Ketomac ketoconazole cream for the face is something that can do wonders for your skin. But if you are not using it rightly and at the right time with the proper continuous procedure, you may not get the desired results. Also, remember that you take it in a small quantity in the beginning to ensure that it suits you. There is no point in spending too much on the bigger packs. Once you have used it for a few days and have not experienced any side effects, you can ensure that your cream is working correctly. Hence, you can be sure to go ahead with the same cream for your fungal and skin issues.


So, since you know much about Ketoconazole Cream, make sure that you get the best out of it for your conditions. After all, you can always get rid of your skin issues if you use suitable creams at the right time.


If you wish to boost your colour and add a glow without setting foot in a salon, the perfect answer is: Yes, you will surely want a hair gloss, and you can be sure that your hair stays stunning, shining, and smooth.

The way you use products like dandruff shampoo coloured hair to ensure that your coloured hair stays free of dandruff, similarly, you can go through some other procedures that make your hair in the best looks.

What is hair loss treatment?

A coloured hair gloss treatment may assist you in correcting the tone and refreshing the hue of your beautiful hair between dye appointments (in the absence of any regrowth or damage involved in more permanent colour). It is why stylists often use them in blend with root touch-ups in salons.

You can easily pick a colour that would correct the brassiness or make your shade a little richer, but you wish to stick close to the colour you already ow. Remember that more permanent dye is essential if you hope to change your colour or get lighter drastically. Glosses can add shine and colour to your previously coloured hair and your virgin hair.

In simple words, hair gloss is a semi-permanent shade that adds shine to dull tresses. Continuous hair styling, overexposure to the sun, hair colours, hard water, and pollution can harm the hair strands and rip your hair from its natural shine. A hair gloss treatment helps you to fight such damage. It simply smoothens and conditions your hair’s cuticle, reinstating health, and shine.

What type of hair glosses are there?

You can find hair glosses in different tints to ensure that you match your pre-existing hair colour. It is often the last stage in your hair dyeing procedure to add additional shine or tone the dye to your desired shade.

If you have never really coloured your hair before and desire a gloss treatment, then clear or colourless glosses are ideal options. These tint-free demi-permanent shades treat and condition natural hair to give it a frizz-free, lively look, and it acts amazingly on greys.

Is there any harm to hair gloss?

Hair gloss closures hair cuticles and conditions your hair, and it is far less damaging than any regular hair colour. Regular hair colours include ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, opening the cuticle layer and permitting the dye to enter the hair shaft. Hair strands lose their natural oils and turn out to be rough and dry, and this is why a hair dyeing procedure mostly ends with a gloss treatment.

However, if you undergo hair gloss treatments often, especially with high chemical content products, it can harm your hair locks. You must understand that dimethicone, a kind of Silicon, is a chief ingredient in hair gloss and creates a glossy layer over your hair. Extensive use can lead to silicon build-up on your hair and prevent nutrients and moisture from penetrating the overall shaft.

Then you should also know that certain hair glosses even possess Parabens, a carcinogenic chemical preservative. Then there can be an excellent alternative for you, like a herbal gloss that not just enhance the shine of your strands but even nurture your tresses, with no sort of side effects.

Whether you wish to condition and smoothen hair that is harmed or has lost its shine, hair gloss treatments even help tone your current colour. You need to go for a safe product, and you are good to go.

Why should you consider hair loss treatment?

There are many reasons, and a few of these are like:

A gloss will repair any summer damage you get-

Did you recently spend too much time in the sun and chlorine in summer? Then it would help if you got a gloss treatment. This would repair your hair and undoes all that harm. The gloss will return texture and deep condition your strands for extreme silkiness and shine. So, you will feel a lot better.

A gloss offers you translucent colour and intense conditioning-

A gloss will work with the variation of tone that your hair naturally has, permitting a more subdued shade. It will have a tonal effect if you have Gray hair and a gloss on it, contrary to one solid opaque colour. It even automatically makes your hair super shiny and smooth. It is even going to lessen a little bit of frizz, and overall, your hair feels like you had a perfect conditioning treatment and colour done right away.

It will not be too harsh or permanent as regular hair colour-

Yes, you read it right. A gloss is very acidic and shuts the hair and the cuticle real tight. The outcome is a highly smooth surface texture that will reproduce a lighter and softer tone. On the other side, if you go for a regular colour, it will contain ammonia that opens up the hair cuticle and deposits colour, damaging your hair.

This tones down highlights

If your highlights look a little too brassy, you must attain a gloss treatment right after to tone down the colour. Once you do it, you feel the difference in a short time and can experience the best outcomes.

How often can You go for Hair gloss?

Hair professionals advise a gloss treatment every four weeks or only when your hair colour is nearly to fade. Vis your salon or do a gloss at home whenever you experience any problems such as dryness, frizz, and split ends. Hair gloss will extend the life of your hair colour, and once you apply it at regular intervals, you will keep hair damage away. For your home gloss treatments, you can use:

  • Aloe Vera
  • Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry) along with Methi (Fenugreek)
  • Japa (Hibiscus)

Once you do the procedure of gloss correctly, you will see no side effects and gleaming and smooth hair.

The duration of hair gloss

A hair gloss is a demi-permanent colour, and it will last nearly six to eight weeks if performed in a salon. Hair glosses are meant for home, and you can use them. And they will have a shorter effect and can even need to be used every two weeks. Moreover, you can even use a Ketomac colour protectant shampoo and conditioner to wash your hair. But make sure that you keep the water temperature to a minimum to extend the life of your hair gloss.


So, you must get the best anti-dandruff shampoo for colour-treated hair and ensure that your hair is safe, smooth, and clean. In this way, you can ensure that your hair will not lose its lustre and style. And since you know about the types of things you can use to perform the hair loss treatment, you should not hesitate.


There are so many types of skins that you cannot simply apply anything to your skin. Maybe what works wonderfully for others may not work for you. Similarly, what may work for you maybe not be a good option for someone else.

You can always get the best products for everything, like the best cream for fungal infection in India, the best cream for your dry skin, and many other products. So, in this post, you will get to know how you can keep your dry skin in control by following an excellent nighttime skin routine.

Before you even sleep soundly at night, it is crucial to complete your nighttime skincare routine. It is correct, do not allow your head to hit your pillow without cleansing and to moisturize first. As everyone probably already knows, deciding to skip a couple of steps—or even your whole skincare routine—and sleeping in your makeup may lead to clogged pores resulting in blackheads and breakouts. For dry skin especially, it should be clear why it’s well worth it to work your way via every step in your skincare routine before you slip between the sheets.

Forgoing moisturizer at night may head to skin that feels drier in the morning. But preparing your dry skin for bedtime does not need to take up too much of your time. Just follow the below-given nighttime skincare routine for dry skin below.

Use a Facial Cleanser Before You Get to Bed 

If you have dry skin, you are probably too familiar with using a facial cleanser that is too harsh for your skin. Reach for the wrong formula, and there is a possibility you will be left with skin that feels tight and uncomfortable—not really what you want to be dealing with right before bed. That’s why it’s best to use a facial cleanser formulated for dry skin.

You need to saturate a cotton pad with the liquid and sweep it over your skin to use it properly. You can even keep the bottle and a couple of cotton pads on your nightstand for easy access, as there is no need to rinse off afterwards. When all is prepared and done, your skin will be left perfectly clean, hydrated, and smooth.

Apply a Pure Facial Oil 

If you have not used the facial oil bandwagon yet, you should do it now. You may have been too anxious to use a facial oil in your teenage years, packed with worry overturning your skin into an oil slick, but now that you are older and wiser, you know it will not happen.

Here, remember that a good facial oil doesn’t need to make your skin look greasy. Instead, facial oil may play a crucial part in moisturizing your dry skin. But make sure that you are not putting a lot of oil on your skin. Smooth one on your neck and face, giving your skin a soft, gentle massage as you go.

Use a Scrub 

If your skin looks dry and dull, there is mostly one thing to blame: dead skin cells. These cells may construct on the skin’s surface, completely changing the appearance of your complexion. Thankfully, there is a proper and straightforward solution. Once you make up the exfoliating a regular aspect of your skincare routine, it can help slough away dead skin cells from the surface of your skin.

Try a sugar scrub formulated with a naturally derived mix of pure sugars and cocoa, coconut oil, and cocoa-rich butter for your dry skin. Once the scrub ingredient is pure and rich, you will experience only the best experience. For a few nights a week, use your wet fingers to massage the face scrub into your skin, and then you should rinse. Afterwards, dull skin will be polished away, whereas the skin looks more refined and feels softer and smoother.


For hydrating your skin, a good and quality toner works like the best product. It is even rich in essential elements like Alpha-hydroxy acids or Niacinamide. Toners are even used in cleaning makeup. It helps you in clearing the pores, hence, diminishing acne. It also helps in eradicating dead skin cells. Hence, once you use the right toner, you can ensure that you are on the right track for your dry skin.

Wash Your Face with Water 

Before you do anything else or apply anything to your face, clean your face with water. Many women mistake putting the cream, lotion, mask, or even oil on their face without cleaning the face. Of course, what is the point if your face is dotted with dust, Filth, and germs? You may mix the cream or lotion you put on your face with the dust already residing on your face.

Here, if you clean up your face with fresh water before putting anything on your face, you ensure that your face surface is clean and free of germs. But make sure that some products demand that your face be wet while others demand that your face be dry before you put the product. Here, dry up your face properly before putting any product on your skin that demands a dry surface.

Quick tips for your dry skin

  • Make sure that you use face oil that will help in hydrating the skin and make your skin brighter.
  • Practice exfoliation two times a week to remove dead skin cells. After all, your dead skin does play a role in keeping your skin rough and dull.
  • Use overnight masks to ensure that you make your skin more toned. Since you do hardly any movement when you sleep, your skin gets the best treatment through the mask.
  • There is stress, but you can always try to feel less stressed. And stress is bad for your skin. So, even if you have ever visited a dermatologist, they might have also told you that stress is no good for your skin.

Once you follow these tips religiously, you will experience the best outcomes. Your skin will stay safe and guarded. Only a few efforts every day, and you can be sure that nothing is troubling your skin. Many people never really go to any salon or do anything extra to keep their skin in the best shape. They follow a strict yet mild skincare regime for their dry skin and ensure that their skin is the best.


Since you get antifungal and antibacterial cream for your fungal issues, you also get the exact skincare products for your dry skin. Ensure that you keep the best regime for your skin and ensure soft and smooth skin.


Perhaps you might be suffering from acne and pimple problems. You may not be aware of Ayurveda remedies, a natural way to cure pimples and heal acne problems from the inside out.

Introduction to Acne

Acne or pimples are not dangerous or life-threatening. But they can be distressing and highly stubborn. It also affects all people across the globe, be it a boy or a girl. Some may experience less, while others with severe acne. The sight of acne can be termed a confidence-breaker and occurs primarily among youngsters. The majority of the teenagers can be noticed even to stop mingling with their friends or even going outside out of embarrassment. At times, they are also painful and, as it matures, may release yellow colour pus that is unsightly. Some pimples may also leave behind ugly looking scars.

Why not conventional medicines for treatment?

If you experience acne breakout on any part of your body, it is quite natural for you to buy and use topical ointments readily available on the market. There are easily available various conventional products to treat acne from well-established brands. But the ointments and tablets available are mostly chemical-based. Instead of eliminating pimple problems permanently, it simply suppresses them. This means that after taking medication, your pimples may disappear. But it is likely to return a few days or months later once you stop the medication. You also have to repeatedly use different medicines and ointments to treat your pimple problems. Besides wasting predacious money, you also stand to destroy your skin, including having scars that will never get removed quickly.

Acne & Ayurveda remedies

Ayurveda takes a holistic approach toward providing treatment and permanent cures to different health ailments. Ayurvedic therapy and medicines offered by experienced practitioners treat acne and pimples from the skin surface and its source. This way, the root issue is taken proper care of, ensuring that this particular part does not experience acne breakouts. Your Ayurveda practitioner may prescribe you use the best antifungal cream in India. Implementing the advice correctly on time and thoroughly will ensure having acne-free, smooth skin.

Causes of acne

According to Ayurveda, the impairment of Agni is cited to be the leading cause of acne breakout on the skin. Agni is known to imbalance the three doshas, mostly the Pitta dosha. The latter vitiates Medha (fat tissues) and rakta (blood) Dhatus. Toxins are produced by the vitiated doshas, blocking the Srotas in the affected regions, and causing pimple formation. Moreover, excessive sour, salty, spicy, and oily foods can aggravate this condition. Even irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and scalp having excess oil may lead to acne breakouts.


  • Pimples
  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads

Ayurvedic treatment for pimples & acne

It would help if you visited a good, certified Ayurveda practitioner to avail proper and thorough diagnosis and treatment. There are also several home remedies that you can try out of which most ingredients are easily found in your kitchen. But the results derived might vary because of climate, body constitution, and other factors.

It would help if you also chose to consume a pitta-pacifying diet as it helps to prevent acne formation. If you experience frequent acne and pimple outbreaks, then avoid fermented, sour, spicy, and oily foods. Also, avoid gluey, cheesy, and heavily fried foods.

Lifestyle & Diet to follow

  • Take Virechana (purgation) once every two to three months. It helps cleanse your internal system. You are recommended to avail this under the strict supervision of an experienced Ayurveda practitioner.
  • Consume lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, and unprocessed food.
  • Avoid consuming sour, oily, and spicy foods.
  • Wash face quite frequently using herbal-based soap-free face washes.
  • Manage constipation with Triphala tablets.
  • Consume water of about 8 to 10 glasses daily.
  • Intake more herbs in your Diet with body cooling effects like black grapes, fennel, amla (Indian gooseberry), Aloe Vera, and Tinospora Cordifolia (Guduchi).
  • Avoid squeezing acne lesions.
  • Avoid irritant cosmetics.

Ayurveda home remedies to treat & prevent pimples

  • Herbal mixture: Combine the powdered fennel, coriander seeds, turmeric, amla, and basil. They are all rich in antioxidants good enough to destroy inflammation present within the skin. You need to consume this powder (just half a teaspoon) for around 15 minutes before having lunch and dinner, and it should be taken along with lukewarm water.

You can also apply a herbal mixture externally on acne and pimple formation areas. Mix turmeric powder and sandalwood paste with rosewater and apply it to the affected parts. Leave it for about half an hour before washing it with cold water.

  • Amla Juice: This fruit is a beautiful source of antioxidants and should be taken daily to be in good health. Ayurveda considers amla in very high regard and has kept it in the top position when skin treatment is concerned. Fresh Amla juice contains Vitamin C (a natural antioxidant) about 20 times that in Orange juice. This means you can remain unaffected by free radicals and their harmful effects while preventing acne formation.
  • Amla Fruit: Amla provides skincare and can combat acne-causing bacteria, avoid scars, and eliminate excess sebum. Take some amlas, create a paste and apply it to your face. After 15 to 20 minutes, wash it off with normal water.
  • Tulsi or Basil: Ayurveda considers the Tulsi plant and its leaves sacred as it has miraculous healing properties. When used regularly, it can help treat blemishes, pimples, and acne naturally. Take some fresh tulsi leaves, clean them, and crush them to avail juice. Apply it to the affected region of your face and allow it to absorb this juice for about 15 to 20 minutes. Use clean water to rinse it off.
  • Honey: This miraculous natural ingredient comes with lots of visible benefits. It can also treat pimples and acne quickly. Take some drops of honey and apply them to the scars or pimples. After 5 to 10 minutes, rinse it off with normal water. Repeat the procedure regularly to derive the best results.
  • Neem leaves: You can apply neem paste on your affected skin parts. You can prepare neem paste at your home by mixing and boiling some fresh leaves with rose water. Allow it to dry for some time, and then with normal water, rinse and pat dry.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric is considered one of the most important and commonly used ingredients in Ayurveda. It is well known for its antifungal, anti-allergic, and anti-bacterial properties. You can create a paste using turmeric powder and rosewater. Use this paste to apply to the affected parts. Once it dries, rinse off using cold water and pat dry. If you have dry skin, you can use honey instead of rosewater. Regular application helps cleanse toxins accumulated within the skin pores.


What is Ketoconazole?

You may have come across a medicine named Ketoconazole and would like to know more about it. This antifungal medicine is created to treat, prevent, control as well as improve different types of fungal infections arising in the following:

  • Oesophagus
  • Throat or mouth
  • Fingernails
  • Toenails
  • Genital tract
  • Skin infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot infections include certain types of dandruff.

Ketoconazole tablets: How does it work?

According to medical experts, this particular medicine is part of the Azole antifungal medicines group. Its function is to stop and prevent the growth of fungi of different types on the human body. Moreover, fungi prevent producing some membranes which otherwise are known to enclose the fungal cells.

How should you take Ketoconazole?

You can find Ketoconazole in a topical cream, oral suspensions, and tablets. You should take this medicine only as prescribed by your doctor after proper evaluation and diagnosing your particular problems. Your doctor will also prescribe the number of times to take this medicine and the quantity. If you are told to have tablets, you should swallow them whole. Avoid chewing it. These tablets are to be taken after completing your meal session. Otherwise, you will have a stomach upset and avoid this unwanted problem. If you are taking antacids, you are recommended to take Ketoconazole after 1 hour or 2 hours of having antacids. Otherwise, antacids could hinder Ketoconazole’s proper absorption in your body. If you are currently taking some drugs or medication, like Rabeprazole, omeprazole, pantoprazole, famotidine, or ranitidine, it is likely to reduce stomach acidity. Hence, you are recommended to take Ketoconazole and cranberry juice or a carbonated soda drink. This helps improve absorption.

If you are advised to use Ketoconazole cream, apply it evenly in thin layers. The initial dosage should be daily once or twice. The application area should be cleaned thoroughly and dried before applying the cream. Moreover, before and after using the cream, wash your hands properly. After applying the cream, the area where the cream is applied can be washed after a few hours and not immediately. Only then will it show its effectiveness and carry out its mission to stop fungi development. This medicine, be it tablets or cream, should be used for a particular timeframe as prescribed by your doctor and not for long as you wish.

Ketoconazole and its everyday usage

The physician takes several factors into account while prescribing the drug dosage. Some of them are given below:

  • If you experience severity in your symptoms.
  • Recommended based on the patient’s current medical condition or health status.
  • History of drug or allergy reactions.
  • Reactions on having the first dosage.

For children below 12 years, doctor consultation is always advisable before administering Ketoconazole. Avoid using the medicine for a more extended period or extra dosage than what is prescribed by your doctor. Ketoconazole 200mg tablets are usually taken once daily or as the doctor prescribed. You can also find the oral suspension in a 20 mg/mL formulation.

What precautions to take and things to avoid when taking Ketoconazole medicine?

If you suffer from the following health conditions, then avoid taking this medication:

  • Liver disease
  • Allergic reactions are noticed on taking this medicine or other antifungal medicines.
  • A blood test shows magnesium or potassium in low levels.
  • Lung disease, mainly chronic obstructive pulmonary related disease.
  • Heart disease (heart valve disease, coronary artery disease, and heart failure)
  • Kidney disease
  • No or reduced stomach acid
  • Addison’s disease reduced cortisol levels or testosterone levels.

Whatever be the disease or symptoms you experience, you need to disclose this to your doctor before taking Ketoconazole medicine.

Know the side effects of taking Ketoconazole

The truth is that almost all conventional medicines do come with some side effects, which again vary from one person to the other. According to health experts, administering any form of Ketoconazole medicine might develop side effects in the patient. But this is not always the case. You should consult your doctor immediately if you experience the following health issues after taking this medicine:

  • Severe gas taking place in the stomach
  • Diarrheal
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Changes experienced in your vision
  • Depression, confusion, or nervousness
  • Dizziness
  • Swelling
  • Joint pain, muscle pain, and fatigue
  • Rash
  • Fever
  • The sharp reduction in platelets and white blood cells
  • Hepatitis (in rare cases)
  • Enhanced liver enzymes
  • Men experiencing enlarged breasts
  • Changes in menstrual period
  • Reduction in testosterone levels
  • Problems arising in the Adrenal glands
  • Reduced sexual interest

Moreover, Ketoconazole cream might cause swelling, stinging, redness, or irritation in the application area, which is a commonly noticed side effect.

What are the reported allergic reactions to taking Ketoconazole?

If you are allergic to any active ingredient or perhaps the constituents present, this medicine is not recommended. Some of the possible reported allergic reactions are given below:

  • Swelling takes place in the throat, tongue, lips, or face
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Severe skin rash

What are its effects on your body organs?

Your liver might get affected if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Skin and eyes turning yellow
  • Unusual fatigue
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pale stools
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Fever and dark urine

What kind of drug interaction that you should be careful about?

Whatever your current medication or drugs you intake, whether herbal supplements or vitamins, inform your doctor during the first meeting. This will help you to prevent unwanted drug interactions.

Some common drugs may react negatively with Ketoconazole. It includes the following:

  • Cisapride
  • Acetaminophen
  • Astemizole
  • H2 blockers like cimetidine
  • Antacids
  • Isoniazid
  • Ergot alkaloids like dihydroergotamine
  • Eletriptan
  • Domperidone
  • Dofetilide
  • Dicyclomine
  • Terfenadine
  • Quinidine
  • Rifamycins
  • Pimozide
  • Nisoldipine
  • Nevirapine
  • Oral Midazolam
  • Lovastatin
  • Levomethadyl
  • Drugs generally used for erectile dysfunction treatment
  • Triazolam
  • Statin drugs such as Atorvastatin
  • Simvastatin

How to store Ketoconazole correctly and adequately?

  • Store tablets at room temperature, around 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. Store oral solutions below 25C and not frozen. Could you keep it away from temperature and light?

Some Protips to follow

  • Avoid taking this medication or changing drug dosage without a doctor’s advice.
  • If you notice symptoms and signs associated with liver disease, inform your doctor immediately to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.


  1. Is it possible to have this medication with alcohol?
  2. Taking this drug in tablet form is likely to make you dizzy. Hence, taking it along with alcohol will only make you dizzier. Intake of alcohol might increase the risk associated with your liver.
  3.  Is the drug addictive?

No! But there have been reports of people developing habit-forming tendencies on having this medicine. Follow your doctor prescribed ketoconazole tablets dosage to be safe and derive its benefits.

It is not wrong to admit that everyone has some sum of dandruff at some time. But what if dandruff subdues your looks, days, and entire life? What if your days start with complaints about dandruff issues and end up on the same note? It is going to be so much disturbing and time eating, right? The energies you invest in thinking about your dandruff, you can invest the same energy in better and bigger things, right?

The thing is not to avoid your dandruff; the point is to do something about it to get rid of it quicker. You cannot allow it to eat up your time, irritate you, hamper your energy and efforts, and disappoint you every night. It would help if you took things into control. After all, you are running your life and not your dandruff. But if you are not doing anything about your dandruff thing, it may become a big problem. It will irritate you and become a source of embarrassment for you.

Get a Suitable Shampoo for Dandruff 

If you have been using any random shampoo for keeping your hair clean and fresh, it is okay. But if you are suffering from dandruff, then such a shampoo may not work for you. It would help if you looked for shampoos designed explicitly for dandruff issues. You can look for a good shampoo like Anti-dandruff shampoo medicated in India and ensure that your hair is clean and safe. You can be sure that your hair stays fragranced and clean. After all, once you have clean hair and scalp, you can ensure that your hair and confidence stay in the best shape. Since the shampoo has been made for the dandruff issue only, you can be sure that you will get rid of your problem soon.

Moreover, such a shampoo works on your overall hair cleanliness and freshness too. Hence, you can be sure that your hair is clean and safe. After all, it is about your hair care and the overall health of your scalp.

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV):

Treating dandruff at home demands a way in which the ingredients must be mixed. Once you have blended all ingredients in the right way, you can easily apply them. Apple cider vinegar is believed to be one of the best natural remedies to treat severe dandruff. However, there is a prescribed manner in which you need to prepare the paste. The point is that once you have this apple vinegar as an ingredient used on your hair and scalp, you can experience a significant transformation in your hair. Dandruff is going to say goodbye sooner than you think.

Remember that you need to massage your hair and scalp with apple vinegar. Also, you need to shower your hair correctly and patiently after you have kept your hair dipped in vinegar for fifteen to twenty minutes. Do this each time you have a head shower. Also, keep in mind that you cannot extensively use apple cider vinegar over your hair, so you do not apply it each day. Once every two days is the most acceptable way to use this home remedy for fighting dandruff.

Apply Mehndi:

You can permanently cure dandruff using Mehndi. Mehndi works well on your hair and softens your hair too. You are mistaken if you thought that mehndi was just for colouring your hair. You have no idea how effectively mehndi can work on your hair care and keep dandruff at bay. Moreover, once you have a proper mixture of mehndi or nicely made mehndi, you can ensure that it works wonderfully for your hair care. Since it is natural, it will not trigger any side effects.

Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil is believed to keep your hair nourished, and when this is mixed with a bit of lemon juice, it can cure dandruff. This is also an easy home remedy to eliminate the tiny flakes that pull your confidence down. Of course, almost every house has coconut oil. Once you have coconut oil, you can be sure that you apply it regularly to get rid of your hair dandruff.

Remember, you need to nicely massage your hair whenever you tend to wash your hair. Keep your hair coiled up in coconut oil for some hours. Of course, it is best to apply the oil at night and wash your hair in the morning. When you keep your hair oiled overnight, it works most effectively. You can have a proper bath with an excellent shampoo in the morning like Ketomac shampoo. Hence, you will experience a drastic change in your hair. After all, it is one of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of your dandruff issue.

Fenugreek Seeds:

Fenugreek seeds have always been used as a preventive cure for dandruff. Also known as methi seeds, this process requires to be followed in the right way possible. Moreover, you know fenugreek benefits people suffering from low blood sugar and boosts testosterone and milk production for mothers. Fenugreek has manifold benefits, such as regulating cholesterol levels and controlling your appetite. Once you properly apply these seeds to your hair, they work miraculously.


Following a good home remedy at home to treat dandruff may be a challenging task to do. Mainly curd makes it very messy. But it is also true that if you apply curd to your hair correctly, it will treat dandruff best.

Remember, you need to put curd on your hair and make sure that you massage it properly. Keep your hair soaked in curd for a minimum and maximum of one hour. Then make sure that you rinse your hair correctly and effectively.


Of course, you may have heard about neem many times. It has always been a medicinal thing for so many things. Of course, it will work wonderfully for your hair too. You know what, neem is a very great cure for dandruff, and this has been found in most shampoos and is one of the chief ingredients. Using neem juice on your hair doesn’t make it any messy, like curd being applied to your hair.

Moreover, you can find the shampoos meant for dandruff problems and find that they also have neem in them for effective working on your hair. But again, you need to be sure that you do not leave behind any neem paste in your hair, and you must ensure that you patiently wash your hair after applying the neem and keeping it for some time.


So, make sure you get yourself an excellent anti-dandruff medicated shampoo in India and start using it immediately. Replace your general shampoo and begin to use the shampoo, and follow the remedies that can work wonderfully and safely for your dandruff issues. After all, keeping dandruff at a distance is not too difficult if you know what should be done and you do it regularly.


Your hair always boosts your looks and beautifies your appearance, right? Whether you have curly hair, straight, blond, or any other kind of hair, you can always work on them. But what if you are not taking good care of your hair? Of course, your hair demands your attention more than anything else.

Whether you are a professional or a layman, you need to preserve the habit of nurturing your hair. Once your hair becomes a victim of any ailment or hair issue, you might have so much remorse. The idea is to take precautions. Even if you are a little late and your hair is already suffering from hair problems like dandruff, you need to relax. You can use a suitable Dandruff treatment shampoo that works wonderfully for your hair. After all, dandruff is not easy to deal with if you are not working on it, and it will irritate you and make you look dull and unexciting.

What is dandruff, in the most exact words?

Dandruff usually refers to your skin’s condition wherein shiny, silvery scales separate from your scalp and collect in the hair. The condition can turn out to be troublesome when the skin gets infected. In Ayurveda, Dandruff is known as a drunk. And if you have tried out different shampoos and oils but your dandruff is not getting away, then Ayurveda can heal you.

Ayurveda and Dandruff

As per Ayurveda, drunk or Dandruff is categorized as a Shudra Roga. It is the one that is triggered by an imbalance of all three doshas (Ayurvedic biohumors). The primary doshas that trigger this problem are Kapha and Vata. While Kapha represents softness and stickiness, Vata may be dry and rough. In an aggravated state, Vata-Kapha triggers impurities to accumulate in the deep tissues of the scalp heading to this issue, which is dry and glueing in nature. Contamination of the deep tissues and heightened Vata-Kapha triggers your scalp to shed a higher sum of dead epidermal cells than usual, known as dandruff.

Quick Signs of Dandruff

The scalp continually develops skin cells; therefore, shedding dead cells is even a natural process. In the case of dandruff, the skin cells shed at a quicker rate than usual. When your hair is combed or brushed, or when your scalp is scratched, the scales from the scalp fall like snowflakes and settle on your eyebrows, shoulders, and clothes. These scales sometimes look like lumps or crusts on the scalp. There is often itching, and the scalp can turn red from scratching.

Common Causes of Dandruff

The common causes of dandruff are impairment of general health, scums of blood, development of a toxic condition mainly because of eating the wrong foods, constipation, and low vitality because of infectious diseases. Other factors contributing to this disorder are harsh hair products, emotional stress, and cold and usual exhaustion exposure.

When yeast inclines to grow in excessive amounts, it can cause dandruff to thrive. This enhancement in growth could be triggered by stress, hormonal imbalance, an extremely oily/dirty scalp, or issues with the immune system. Moreover, skin conditions such as psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, or eczema are mainly responsible for dandruff.

Are there any Risk Factors for Dandruff?

Though almost anyone can get impacted by dandruff, certain factors put you at enormous risk.


The hormonal alterations and oiliness of the scalp, which are characteristic of young adulthood, may make you more vulnerable to dandruff at the time. This doesn’t mean that older adults cannot undergo this condition. For some, this can be a lifelong battle.

Being male

Studies show that dandruff issues seem to be exacerbated in males, leading researchers to believe that male hormones have a role to play.

Oily hair and scalp

The yeast-like fungus Malassezia that remains on the scalps of most adults feeds on the scalp oils. This is why people with extremely oily skin and hair have a huger tendency to dandruff as the yeast fids a favourable environment to multiply in.

Certain health issues

Though it is not wholly clear why adults with neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease have more danger of developing seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff, similarly, those with an HIV infection or any compromised immune system from other conditions are also disposed to dandruff.


Then during the autumn-winter, when the scalp is dehydrated, the issue may be worsened and then improve in summer.

Nutritional deficiencies

Dandruff can quickly grow when you lack B-complex vitamins or omega-3 fatty acids and other vital vitamins.

What Can You Do to Deal with Dandruff?

There are many things that you can do, and some of the most valuable and familiar things are like:

Use Effective Hair Products 

If you have always been using a general shampoo for your hair care, you need to switch now. It would help if you started using a safe and effective shampoo for your dandruff problem. Of course, maybe a general shampoo works wonderfully to keep your hair fragranced, unpolluted, and shining; but it may not work primarily on your dandruff.

However, if you start using the best medicated anti-dandruff shampoo in India, like Ketomac shampoo, you can ensure that your hair is appropriately treated. Of course, a shampoo specifically designed for your dandruff issue will do wonders for sure. You can be sure that your hair is clean, safe, strong, and dandruff free. Since dandruff oriented shampoo works on your hair, you can get good relief from dandruff problems. Here, if you are using a proper ayurvedic shampoo for your hair care, you can be sure that the shampoo works for your hair and, at the same time, does not trigger any side effects.

Wash Your Hair Regularly 

Even the Ayurveda puts stress that you should wash your hair regularly. Of course, it is not supposed to be too much or too little. For example, you should not wash your hair every day, and at the same time, it should not be like you are washing your hair once a week or in two weeks. The ideal thing you can do is wash your hair twice a weekly minimum and thrice a week maximum. This way, you can ensure that your hair stays clean and safe throughout. Of course, you will not give any pollution or dust any time to gather on your hair or scalp, and hence, you get healthy hair and a clean scalp.


To sum up, once you start taking good care of your hair and use the right products on your hair in the right time duration, you can be sure that your hair stays clean and dandruff free.

Moreover, since you embrace Ayurveda dandruff products, you can always be sure that you do not experience any side effects. If you want to start your hair care regime right away, grab your Ketomac shampoo bottle for dandruff.


It would help if you were careful about different sorts of health conditions. The tragedy is that these body conditions activate small things and expand into huge ones. You need to make sure that you are careful about everything happening to your body. You will never encounter unwanted situations if you think about your skin and body.

Have you ever heard about different fungal infections? Many people get affected by fungal infections. Of the thousands of these fungi species, just a few can trigger disease or discomfort in individuals. Furthermore, aggressive fungal disease is comparatively rare in healthy persons because of their proper immune systems. However, grave and severe fungal illnesses frequently occur in immunocompromised patients. But if you are scared of these fungal infections, then relax. It would help if you used suitable creams at the right time. You should get yourself the Best antifungal cream in India from Ketomac and ensure that you apply it regularly to the affected area. Anyhow, there are different kinds of fungal infections out there, and a few of them are like:

Athlete’s Foot:

This is a fungal infection of the feet with itching, scaling, and redness. It can be triggered by various fungi like Trichophyton, Microsporum, and Epidermophyton. It is a general condition, but it can expand into hugeness if you don’t take care of it.

Moreover, the athlete’s foot is caused by a microscopic fungus that resides on dead tissue of the hair, toenails, and even that of your outer skin layers. There is a minimum of four types of fungus that might cause an athlete’s foot. The most general of these fungi is trichophyton rubrum. Furthermore, signs and symptoms of an athlete’s foot differ from person to person. However, general signs may include:

– Cracking, Peeling, and even scaling of the feet

– Redness, blisters, or even that breaking down of the skin

– Itching, burning, or both


Moreover, there is also Tinea Capitis which is ringworm that influences your scalp. This is something that can appear in the shape of a red or silver rash on any part of your body. It is generally ring-shaped, and it is most commonly triggered by the fungus Trichophyton rubrum. Of course, you possess different antifungal creams that can rescue you from such skin conditions.


Speaking of this type of fungal infection, it is of the toenails or fingernails that may encompass any component of your nail, like the plate, matrix, or bed. It can trigger pain, discomfort, and of course, disfigurement. Different types of fungal organisms activate onychomycosis, and the most common is the dermatophyte. Yeast and moulds also activate nail infections. Of course, some creams can help you with this condition if you take action.

Tinea Versicolor or pityriasis versicolor 

When you think about this fungal infection, it is a common condition that triggers small skin patches to become scaly and discoloured. These can be darker or lighter than the head-to-head skin, or even red or pink. The condition is triggered by yeast known as Malassezia, which lives on most people’s skin without activating any issues. But again, it is a condition that might make you appear really uncool and somewhat ugly. You must take a step to ensure that you get out of this condition as soon as possible.

The Origin 

All the yeast infections originate from a general class of diseases called cutaneous candidiasis. The yeast-like fungus, called candida, triggers yeast infections and moisture, and it expands in warm areas, encompassing the private area, fingernails, armpits, mouth, and even vagina.

Candidiasis of your mouth, also known as thrush, emerges more frequently in individuals whose immune systems are compromised and can signify a more severe ailment like AIDS.

The symptoms of fungal infection 

The symptoms of this infection include rashes, patches that ooze fluid, itching, burning, swelling, pimples, pus, and pain. Thrush is hinted at by sore white patches on your tongue and the insides of your cheeks. Most of the time, talking about vaginal yeast infections takes place with a white or yellow vaginal discharge, itching, burning, and even redness in the skin around your vagina. You must deal with this issue with a proper antifungal cream. Once you use the right and safe cream, it will heal you.

However, make sure that you don’t use the cream only once and leave it like that. You need to apply it every day. If you use it once a week and think it would work wonders for you, you are mistaken. The cream will work for you only if you are using it often, and it would help ensure that the cream keeps your skin soft, effective, and safe. If you know that you are getting any of the signs of fungal infection in your private part, ensure that you start using the cream well in time. Don’t delay because it may turn out to be a big issue too.

Should you use a cream only when things get out of control?

You can get relief from your fungal issues once you use the antifungal cream when you discover it is growing or developing therein. There is no need to wait until the condition reaches the apex. Come on; you cannot just take any risk. The sooner you apply this potent fungal cream on your skin or the damaged area, the sooner you get the relief. In this way, you will see good effectiveness and health. Many people use these creams only when things get out of condition. Make sure that you are not one of them.

What about the side effects of cream for fungal infections?

If you use a suitable cream, like the best cream for skin fungal infection in India for your condition, you can be sure that you do not experience any side effects. The point is that when you have a Ketomac quality cream working for your fungal infection, you can be sure that your skin is safe and clean. Of course, it will not trigger any issues for your skin in any sense. Moreover, since the cream is specifically developed for your skincare, you can be sure that you get the best experience.

When to apply a cream for your fungal infection?

You must be sure to apply the antifungal cream two-three times a day. The more you are regular about applying a cream, the better it will be for you. Moreover, whenever you apply the antifungal cream to your skin, ensure that you have cleaned up the affected area. In this way, there would not be any chances of infection getting further triggered. The point is to clean your affected area with a dry cloth and then ensure that you spread the cream therein nicely and gently. Once you apply it there, make sure that you do not do it with your dirty hands. You need to ensure that your affected area is as clean as possible.


If you are experiencing any itchiness or irritation in your skin, examine it for once. And if it turns out to be a fungal infection, start using antifungal cream.


Hair fall is a common problem faced by many people. The market abounds in numerous shampoos that proclaim to prevent hair loss. All of them constantly vie to be in your shopping bag! So are all these shampoos worth the promise that they claim to make? How does one choose the best anti-hair fall shampoo? To make it easy for you, we have come up with a few things you must consider before buying an anti-hair fall shampoo.

How Do Shampoos prevent Hair Fall?

A bitter truth that you must know is that not all shampoos available in the market or online stores undergo clinical trials. They are not effective in controlling hair fall. However, products like ketomac shampoos are highly effective in treating the problem of hair fall, and they help control hair fall to a certain extent only by increasing blood flow.

Things to Consider Before Choosing a Shampoo

  1. A word of caution: do not get tempted to buy any shampoo that reads as “anti-hair fall”. Do your research well before you choose one. , You must consider many factors such as your hair type, the severity of hair loss, undergoing medications, hair concerns, ingredients, the ph level of the shampoo, etc. These play a significant role when choosing an effective anti-hair fall shampoo.
  2. Understand Your Hair Type- the first thing you must know and understand is your hair and scalp type. You cannot use a shampoo made for an oil scalp on a dry scalp. The hair type, based on different parameters, is classified. The hair density can be thick, medium, or thin. The amount of sebum secreted on the scalp varies from person to person. The sebum quantity determines if you have dry, oily, normal, or combination hair. The hair diameter can be thick, thin, or medium. The ability of the hair to retain moisture can be high, low, or medium porosity. The hair’s elasticity is its ability to stretch before returning to its normal state. The elasticity of hair can be high, medium, or low. Hair can also be curly, wavy, or straight.
  3. Find out all that concerns your hair- The cause of hair fall can be numerous. Any existing health condition or medication you are taking can also result in hair loss. Pregnancy brings hair fall to some people. The problem of dandruff is another reason that causes hair to fall. Hair treatments such as keratin, hair smoothening, straightening, and hair colouring can also result in hair fall. If you have an itchy scalp or weak hair roots, hair fall does happen. Hair falls can also happen due to hormonal changes, improper diet, pollution, and stress. We advise you to see a dermatologist for sudden, new, or extreme hair loss. So before you venture out to buy any anti-hair fall shampoo, you must understand the underlying reason for the hair loss. There is nothing much to worry about if you lose about 100 strands of hair, but anything more than this is a cause of worry. It is also customary to lose a few hair strands while shampooing. This is the hair that is in the resting phase. However, if you notice clumps of hair falling, seek immediate medical help. There can be a possibility of an underlying medical condition.

We list some of the ingredients that you can look for to focus on particular hair concerns:

  1. Activated charcoal and salicylic acid remove impurities that clog the hair follicles and boost healthy hair growth.
  2. Zinc, biotin, collagen, glucose-omega mix, rice protein, and keratin strengthen hair.
  3. Ketoconazole- Anti-fungal and aids in dandruff removal.
  4. Ginger, mint- improves the circulation of blood on the scalp.
  5. Shea butter- hydrates hair.
  6. Antioxidants, grapeseed oil-Reduces inflammation and scalp irritation.
  7. Keratin- keeps the scalp moisturized and adds volume to hair.
  8. Pumpkin seed oil, an extract of green tea and rosemary oil -Promotes hair growth.

Tips You Cannot Miss.

  1. Shampoos that do not lather much are indeed good and effective ones. These are free of sulfate and safe to use on the scalp.
  2. Try to look for natural ingredients as much as you can. These cause no side effects on your hair or skin.
  3. Look for shampoos that safeguard your hair, especially if you have curly, frizzy, or coarse hair, preventing hair fall. If your hair is skinny, use a clarifying shampoo as they are mild.
  4. Look for moisturizing ingredients and ingredients effective against hair fall for dry hair.

If you have dry hair, look for ingredients in the shampoo that help moisturize your hair and prevent hair fall.

  1. PH Level Shampoo-the scalp produces oil called sebum. When this sebum gets mixed with the sweat of your scalp, it forms a thin layer called the acid mantle.

The pH of this mantle is between 4.5 to 5.5. The acidic property of hair prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria on the scalp and the hair.

Also, this pH keeps the hair cuticle solid and healthy. Generally speaking, search for shampoos whose pH is close to your scalps so that no damage to hair or scalp occurs.

Things to Avoid

To treat the problem of hair fall, look for shampoos that contain natural active ingredients. Try not to buy shampoos containing sulfates such as myreth sulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, ammonium lauryl sulfate, alcohol, propylene glycol, parabens, and phthalates. The shampoo should not contain any harmful chemicals that can damage your hair or scalp.

Ketomac anti-hair fall shampoo is the best-medicated shampoo available on the market. Its main ingredient is ketoconazole, which kills fungi and yeast, helps fight dandruff, and treats other scalp conditions. Dandruff causes hair to fall. The Ketomac shampoo is the best-medicated dandruff shampoo to prevent hair fall.

How to use Ketomac shampoo

Wet scalp and hair thoroughly. Apply a tiny amount of the Ketomac shampoo to your scalp and gently massage to form a lather. Let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes, and then rinse your scalp and hair with water. It would help if you used this shampoo twice a week for a month to see the results. After a month, use the shampoo once a week. Gradually lessen the frequency of using the shampoo. If you stop using it suddenly, the symptoms might appear again. If you show any allergic reaction after using it, stop it immediately.

Store the Ketomac shampoo in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Shampoo. Due to its high success rate and various benefits, Ketomac shampoo is very much in demand. Ketomac shampoo ensures that your hair stays strong, dandruff-free, and healthy. So buy one soon to have thick, long, lustrous, and healthy hair! Say goodbye to dandruff, hair fall, and other scalp and air conditions using the Ketomac shampoo. Once you start using Ketomac, you will not use any other, and you will love the experience of using the Ketomac shampoo.


Do you feel helpless for not being able to find the right anti-dandruff shampoo for your coloured hair? Are you tired of trying several shampoos but found none of them compelling. Then this blog will help solve all your hair miseries. You can’t choose any hair product randomly as not all products are 100% genuine.

Best anti-dandruff shampoo for coloured hair

The market abounds in so many types of anti-dandruff shampoos under different brands that claim to guarantee dandruff treatment. However, choosing the best one for your coloured hair can seem daunting. Coloured hair requires more care than uncoloured natural hair, and colour also causes damage to the hair. Before you get your hair coloured, get the quality of your hair tested. Know if your hair can withstand the hair colour, and then get it done. But if your hair is brittle and dry, get your treated first. Choosing a product that takes care of the colour and your hair gets challenging.

On top of that, if you have dandruff, your problem is aggravated. Dandruff is a common problem that affects more than half of the population. Although it is generally harmless, it lowers one’s self-esteem and reduces confidence.

Before you buy an anti-dandruff shampoo, you must determine the underlying cause of the hair condition. The reasons for dandruff can be many. It could be due to an oily scalp, using the wrong hair care product, stress, age, dietary habits, improper sleep, climate, etc. In more severe cases, one must visit a dermatologist. Some common symptoms of dandruff include constant itching, redness, and flaking of the scalp. Dandruff, if not treated, can spread to your eyebrows and facial hair, which can cause acne.

People colour their hair to hide the grey or white strands of hair that make them look aged. Some people prefer colouring their hair to get that difference and changed look. Sometimes hair colour creates a fashion statement and corrects certain hair conditions caused due to environmental impacts such as sun or chlorine. If you have coloured hair and suffer from dandruff now, you do not need to worry as we have the best solution for you. It is safe to apply reputed anti-dandruff shampoos like Ketomac on coloured hair.

You can get your hair coloured safely by choosing the right colouring products and then using an anti-dandruff shampoo like Ketomac to keep your dandruff at bay. Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo is meant mainly for coloured hair, and this shampoo is readily available and safe to be used.

Benefits of Using Anti-Dandruff Shampoos For Coloured Hair

There are many pros to using an anti-dandruff shampoo on your scalp. The dandruff problem can be embarrassing in front of all those surrounding you. Anti-dandruff shampoos help treat dandruff and add lustre to the hair and make it look beautiful, and it helps treat excessive scalp dryness and cleans the scalp deeply.

The frequency of using the anti-dandruff shampoo

You should avoid using the anti-dandruff shampoo daily on coloured hair, and you can use it twice or thrice a week. Moreover, when you use the dandruff shampoo, massage your scalp gently so that the flakes loosen and fall off or get rinsed off with water. After applying the shampoo, let it sit on the scalp for 10-20 minutes, and you can then wash it off with water. Overusing the shampoo can lead to colour fading of your hair.

Things to consider when using anti-dandruff shampoo on coloured hair

You may encounter a few difficulties while using the anti-dandruff shampoo. But if you follow a few measures, this problem can be managed effectively. A dandruff shampoo sometimes can be harsh, but you can use a conditioner immediately after it to negate the harshness of the shampoo. The conditioner must be good to use on coloured hair, or you will not find the dandruff shampoo effective.

Ensure that the dandruff shampoo contains no tar as it is unsuitable for coloured hair. Tar may cause discolouration of the hair that may look ugly. So check the dandruff ingredients of shampoo before buying one.

A word of caution: if you have been using a good dandruff shampoo and still find the problem untreated, you must talk to a doctor. The doctor may prescribe you a topical steroid for the problem. Do not scratch your scalp, as it could cause even more irritation.

Ketomac- Best Anti-Dandruff Shampoo brand For Coloured Hair

If you are searching for the best anti-dandruff shampoo for your coloured hair, none can be better than the Ketomac shampoo. Colouring your hair can cause hair fall, or the chemicals applied can cause damage. Therefore, it is essential to give your hair proper care and nutrition. Ketomac shampoo is the perfect solution if you suffer from dandruff problems, and hair fall, especially after getting your hair coloured. Some of the qualities of this shampoo are as follows.

  • Boosts hair growth
  • This shampoo is free from Sulphates.
  • Removes dandruff from the roots.
  • It helps in reinforcing the natural hair colour.

Ketomac is undoubtedly the best anti-dandruff shampoo for coloured hair. It is a top-quality medicated shampoo that is colour safe and whose main active ingredient is ketoconazole. This anti-fungal agent effectively removes dandruff. Use the Ketomac shampoo twice a week for one month. Then make it once a week. You will see a significant improvement in the dandruff problem. It helps you get rid of dandruff and helps the hair colour stay for a very long period. The Ketomac shampoo is by far the best product available in the market to treat dandruff.

The Ketomac shampoo, other than treating dandruff, is used for daily hair care, damage repair, deep conditioning, anti-hair fall, nourishment and moisturization of the scalp and hair, and colour protection. It is suitable for all hair types. Some of its components are neem, tea tree, lemon, grape seed, and rosemary. Ketomac shampoo is ideal for men and women. It controls hair frizz, cleanses the scalp, and adds volume to hair. The reason why ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo is better than the other regular shampoos is because they are specially formulated for coloured hair. Hence, they work exceptionally well, though in a different manner. Its overall focus is to improve the health of your hair.

Ketomac best anti-dandruff shampoo for coloured hair, is manufactured by Torque Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. Store it at room temperature, away from direct sunlight. The dose and duration of treatment will depend on the severity of the condition. Do not stop using the shampoo suddenly, and complete the entire course to ensure that the infection is treated from the roots. Check the label for directions before using the shampoo or use it as advised by the doctor. If you forget to take the dose of Ketomac shampoo, you shall take it as soon as possible. However, if it’s already time for the next dose, you must skip taking the missed dose and go for the regular dose.

So, hurry up and buy the Ketomac colour safe dandruff shampoo to relieve your hair and scalp conditions.


People should very well utilize the best antifungal cream for nails to get rid of infections quickly. To choose these creams, one must be very clear about the basics of the antifungal cream and the fungal infections associated with the whole thing. The antifungal cream includes different kinds of chemicals specifically developed to inhibit the growth of fungal cells. The common creams are based upon several medications and are available only per the doctors’ prescription. These creams are very well utilized in treating issues like athlete’s foot or toenail fungus.

If any individuals face any issue, they need to consult the experts to prescribe the best possible cream and get rid of the problem as soon as possible. The fungus is not bacteria, and it will never respond to antibiotics which is the main reason utilizing the best possible medication is the most important thing to be taken into consideration at this particular time.

A cream consisting of antifungal chemicals has to be utilized in these cases. It will generally work by blocking the integral parts of the fungal cell growth or the application. Most creams will also help block the cell membranes’ component, known as ergosterol. It is also very much successful in blocking cell division. When treating these kinds of things, approximately four weeks is the minimum time that the cream will take.

Hence, people need to consult doctors and see which prescription options are available. Throughout the process, people need to be very careful and patient. It is essential for people to be very cooperative with the experts to make the best possible decisions.

When applying the cream for topical skin infection, one must always go with the option of applying the cream to the clean and dry skin approximately two times each day. One must make sure to apply the cream simultaneously each day so that the infection is cleared, and one must always follow the instructions provided by the doctors very well. At the time of application to the nail fungus, one must soak the nails in warm soapy water to open up the nails, apply the cream twice every day, and allow it to dry correctly. Consistency is the key in this particular case. All people need to be assured of washing their hands after applying the medication.

Several kinds of creams are available on the over-the-counter platforms or online and include several kinds of the best ingredients that will further help make sure that the condition of the people in the cases of infections has been significantly improved. If the individual is not sure about the best cream to be used for that particular condition, they must consult the pharmacist at the pharmacy before making the purchase decision. In most complicated infections, including the toenail infection, it is essential to go with the option of a consultation with the doctor and develop that particular purchase decision which is very much directly linked with proper nail penetration, so that effective results can be witnessed very easily. Most creams have several kinds of antifungal agents that make sure that they very well get into the stubborn nails and make sure that people are getting rid of the fungal infection very quickly. Antifungal creams always work well by killing or slowing down the growth of the fungal cells, and these kinds of creams can be utilized for several kinds of infections.

Whenever people are into the utilization of these kinds of treatments and products, they must always maintain a higher level of hygiene and cleanliness throughout their routine so that the risk of developing these kinds of infections again is significantly reduced.

Following are some essential tips for people who are suffering from these kinds of infections:

  • People need to maintain proper cleanliness and keep their skin clean and dry.
  • People suffering from these infections must also shampoo regularly, especially after haircuts.
  • All these people should also avoid personal sharing items, for example,- towels.
  • Such people should also go with the option of wearing shoes at the gyms, public pools, and locker rooms.
  • One must also go with the option of avoiding tight footwear because it can lead to several kinds of issues. Also, one must utilize antifungal powder in the shoes, especially in summer.
  • One must wear clean and woollen socks and should also change them frequently. One must avoid wearing socks of synthetic materials.
  • One must always keep the toenails trimmed and clean all the time.
  • One must also avoid tight-fitting underwear because it can lead to several issues for people.

Another good idea to consider getting rid of these issues is to use the best antifungal cream for toenails. This particular antifungal cream comes from the house of Torque pharmaceuticals under the brand name Ketomac cream. This particular cream is the best possible antifungal medication that will further help prevent the fungus from going into the skin. It is very well utilized in treating fungal, and yeast infections on the skin and is very much successful in treating the issues, for example- athlete’s foot, flicking skin, and anti-inflammatory properties of the skin.

When using it, people must clean the affected area very well, and one should go with the option of applying a skinny layer of the cream to the affected area. Enough medication should be applied to the affected area and some surrounding skin. One must never cover or bandage the area, and after applying this, one must wait for approximately 20-30 minutes to use any sunscreen or cosmetics in this area. Also, it is essential for people not to wash the treated skin for approximately three hours. This remedy should be utilized for 2-4 weeks to see the best possible results. One can apply this particular cream twice every day in the case of ringworm. One should also store this particular cream in a cool and dry place and should never freeze it. Hence, whenever people are interested in getting rid of all these issues, they must utilize these medication options. One can buy Ketomac cream online or from physical stores at reasonable prices.


Your hair is priceless, and you would not want to lose it, right? Since your hair makes you look gorgeous, make sure that you do not ruin your looks by avoiding the care of your hair. Do you have a proper hair care routine? What do you apply to your hair to keep it strong, stunning, and soft?

Whatever be the case, if you are not taking care of your hair, your hair will not stay in the best condition for long. For example, what do you do if you experience any dandruff in your hair? Do you apply anything to kick away dandruff? Here, you must use the right products like Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo to ensure that your hair is excellent and safe. After all, why take a risk with your hair?

Shampoo Your Hair Properly

You know what, one thing that you certainly can do is take good care of your hair. Once you wash your hair regularly, too, with the proper shampoo, you can be sure that your hair stays safe, healthy, and away from dandruff. But again, if you pick any random shampoo for your dandruff, that might not be good. You must ensure that you choose only the right dandruff shampoo for your hair to get the best results. Here are some points that will help you choose the right anti-dandruff shampoo for your hair to simplify things.

What causes dandruff?

Before you even choose a dandruff shampoo, you must know what triggers dandruff in your hair. Different things can become the reason for dandruff in your hair like:

Genetic Predisposition

It is not entirely true, but yes, some factors are hereditary and may lead to dandruff, such as sensitivity to oleic acid.


One of the chief causes behind this upsurge in oil secretion is hormonal (estrogen or progesterone) imbalance. Oil is indeed necessary to keep the scalp moisturized. Still, extensive oil production is also harmful as it can trigger the growth of the fungus Malassezia globosa and may trigger dandruff.

Diet Can Trigger Dandruff

The extremely high sugar content may lead to it because sugary items rouse yeast overgrowth. Also, sugar inclines to diminish vitamin B, an anti-dandruff component. So, sometimes, your food may add to the reasons to bring dandruff to your hair.

Stress Level

Stress emerging from long working hours, personal crisis, or other personal or professional reasons may aggravate hormonal imbalance or stimulate inflammatory chemicals, and it adversely impacts your scalp’s barrier functionality.

Hair colour

Do you apply hair colour? If that is the case, you may experience dandruff in your hair. The point is that some harsh chemicals in the dye itself may lead to an annoying scalp that further triggers dandruff. Also, such chemicals incline you to draw out moisture from your scalp and make skin vulnerable.

Poor Hygiene

In a few days, your hair becomes the home of sweat, dirt, oil, and dead cells, which only can be washed away with a proper and effective hair wash. But, in failure to do so, dandruff could emerge, which may grow into severe problems such as Tinea capitis.

How to Choose the Right Anti-dandruff Shampoo?

Again, there are so many shampoos that you will never find a shortage of options. But it gets intimidating because you cannot simply choose any random shampoo for your hair care. Of course, if you know that Ketomac is the brand and pick their anti-dandruff shampoo, you can get the best results. But if you are going after a random dandruff shampoo that looks attractive, you may be disappointed.

Is your Shampoo Dermatological Checked?

Well, you must check if the shampoo you are considering buying is dermatological tested or not. Such a thing is one of the crucial things that every skincare or haircare product must go through. Moreover, dermatologically tested labels ensure the efficacy and safety of dandruff medicine. Once you are sure that the shampoo you use is tested, you can ensure that the shampoo will not impact your hair badly. The test ensures that the:

  • Product is safe
  • The product is well-tolerated by people who tested it
  • The product has been tested on human skin


Check the ingredients of the shampoo.

Whenever you search for a shampoo or any other hair product, ensure that you go through its rich ingredients. There are so many things used in shampoo, and you need to make sure that the ingredients are safe for you. If you have any allergies, make sure that you check the ingredients before you choose. Furthermore, the shampoo ingredients would tell you a lot about the product.

For example, if you check the ingredients, you instantly will know if there is any chemical in the shampoo or not. Hence, you can accordingly make your choice. It would be beyond the attraction of the shampoo packaging or design, and you will make a sensible choice once you explore the ingredients well.

Pick a dandruff shampoo that thoroughly cleans.

One of the best features of anti-dandruff shampoo is its ability to cleanse your hair thoroughly. Make sure that it lathers well, as this helps strip off your hair’s dirt and particles. It is equally crucial that the shampoo rinses well and does not glue to your hair even after rinsing it.

For example, were you out the whole day playing your favourite sports? Did you get home with your sweaty hair and tiring condition? It is time to wash your hair with CLEAR Deep Cleanse Anti-Dandruff Shampoo to thoroughly cleanse your hair and scalp. It will ensure that you do not gather germs in your hair and hence, healthy hair.

Choose a Shampoo that Suits Your Hair Type

Since there are various shampoos on the market, you will not be disappointed with your purchase if you know what type of hair you have. If your hair is oily, you must go for the dandruff shampoo best for oily scalp. On the other hand, you can also go for the dry hair shampoo if you have dry hair to leave your scalp extensively moisturized.

Choose only Mild Shampoo.

A good dandruff shampoo should have the quality to work for every kind of hair. A product supplemented with the perfect choice of natural oils and scalp-friendly ingredients has been found suitable for both dry and oily scalp. So, you can choose a shampoo that is not just good for dandruff but also ensure that it works for all sorts of hair types and that too in a mild manner.


To sum up, you should choose medicated anti-dandruff shampoo India by Ketomac if you want that your hair stays healthy, strong, and smooth. Once you have the right shampoo for your hair care and dandruff issues, you experience the best outcomes.


Fungal infections are common throughout much of the natural world. In people, fungal infections emerge when an invading fungus takes over an area or zone of their body and is extreme for the immune system to tackle. There are different types of fungal infections that you may experience in your life, and if you do not do anything to get rid of them, these fungal infections can hamper the productivity of your days.
Don’t panic because you can use the right skincare products like broad-spectrum antifungal cream in India that may help you get rid of your fungal infection. No matter what type of fungal infection you have, if you have the right Ketomac antifungal skincare product, you can be sure that you will get relief soon.
Furthermore, fungi can breed in the soil, air, water, and plants. There are even some fungi that stay naturally in your body. Like many microbes, there are assistive fungi and risk fungi. When harmful fungi attack the body, they can be challenging to kill, as these can easily survive in the environment and re-infect you trying to get better.
What are the symptoms of fungal infections?
Once you know the symptoms, it will be convenient to identify fungal skin infections. The signs of fungal infection will rely on the type, but common symptoms might be such as the following:
– Skin changes, surrounding red and possibly cracking or peeling skin
– You experience extreme itching
What are the standard zones affected by fungal infections?
– Skin
– Scalp
– Fingernails and toenails
– Feet
– Mouth and vagina
It is essential to understand that Fungi look for a wet and warm place to develop, and they thrive on hot, sweaty skin, chiefly between your toes, in the area of the groin, and under the armpits. The below given fungal conditions are all available kinds of fungal infections.
Athlete’s foot
Tinea pedis, an athlete’s foot, is a common fungal infection that affects your foot. Athletes’ foot is usually linked to sports and athletes because the fungus enhances perfectly in warm, moist surroundings, such as shoes and socks, sports equipment, and even locker rooms. In reality, any person can get impacted by an athlete’s foot. It is widespread in warmer climates in the months of summer, wherein it can quickly multiply.
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms of an athlete’s foot may vary slightly from person to person. Classic symptoms include:
– Cracking or peeling skin
– The impacted skin may be soft, or layers might begin to break down
– Redness or blisters on the affected area
– The skin could scale and peel away
– Stinging, Itching, or that burning sensation in the infected area
Remember, most athletes’ feet get treated with topical antifungal ointments that are available to purchase over-the-counter, or you can get them online too. Severe infections may demand additional oral medications too. Your feet will also need to be cared for and kept dry to help kill the fungus. Prevention methods will enable the feet plenty of air to breathe and keep them neat and dry. It is a delightful idea to wear sandals in public showers or locker rooms.
The problem of yeast infection
Vaginal yeast infections are a simple candida overgrowth in women, generally triggered by candida Albicans. An overgrowth of candida hampers your average balance of the bacteria and yeast in the vagina. Such unevenness of bacteria maybe because of antibiotics, stress, even hormone imbalances, or poor or dirty eating habits, among other things. Candida infections can even cause fungal toenail infections and red diaper rash.
Lip fungal Infection
You must know that candida is mostly there on the skin and in the digestive system of healthy people, and this does not trigger any problems. However, this harmless fungus can multiply and trigger an infection in some situations. The fungus can impact your lips if you wear poorly fitting dentures, and it might also come up in you if you lick or keep rubbing the corners of your mouth.
Moreover, a couple of the underlying health conditions, such as diabetes and an immune system lacks, can make you more vulnerable. However, if you use the right antifungal product like Ketomac antifungal creams or so on, you can be sure that you get rid of your condition sooner than you expect.
Jock itch
This is a fungal infection of the groin. This red, prickly, raised rash can affect both men and women. You know what? A type of ringworm fungus activates jock itch. You would be more likely to get it once you are sweating and in humid weather. Then you know, exercising in workout clothes activates the hot, humid conditions where jock itch grows like anything. Of course, you can minimize the risk of jock itch by keeping your groin area clean and dry. Furthermore, you must wear clean and fresh clothes and inners regularly. Moreover, it is beneficial to wear loose underwear to keep your growing area dry.
Fungal nail infection
You know, nail fungal infections are the most common condition or illness of the nails, and it makes up nearly fifty per cent of nail abnormalities. The fungus is usually there on the body, but it can become a massive problem if it overgrows. You must also know that these conditions are called onychomycosis and even tinea unguium.
Moreover, you know both the fingernails and toenails are vulnerable to infection that often appears as discolouration nails and decaying edges. The situation most commonly emerges in toenails. Moreover, nail fungal infections are irritating, and you must do something about them to get rid of them. Of course, an antifungal cream can work wonders for you.
Wear Proper clothes to Stay Safe from any fungal infection
You can mitigate the danger of fungal infections by taking good care of your workout wear. Those sweaty gym clothes are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria or fungi to grow and flourish. Wash workout wear right after you do your workout. If you do not get to the laundry immediately, you must hang wet clothes up to the air out.
Similarly, turn clothes inside out before you load them up into the washing machine to ensure that the dirtiest portions of your garments are easier to clean. Please add up baking soda to the washer to help deodorize your clothes. Similarly, you can even add vinegar to the rinse cycle to further expurgate on doors. Ensure that you wear clean, hygienic, and fresh workout clothes before every workout session. After all, once you keep an eye on these things, you stay safe and away from any fungal infections.
To sum up, you must look for a good and effective antifungal, antibacterial cream in India to ensure that your skin stays in the best shape and does not need to experience extensive fungal infections. Proper usage of Ketomac antifungal creams on your affected area will work magically. However, ensure that you always dry up and clean the affected skin area before applying the antifungal cream.


Since your looks and health is your priority, you must not take a chance with them. You can always ensure that your skin stays smooth and flawless if you take good care of it. Whether it is your lips, nose, arms, legs, or any other body area, you are putting it at risk if you neglect it.

Have you ever used the right product for your skincare? What do you think about antifungal cream on lips or cream for your skin blemishes? These days, you have creams that work effectively and safely on your skin, and your skin stays clean, safe, and smooth. For example, no fungal infection is common, and people even experience fungal lip infection, but they hardly do anything about it and are disappointed. Here, if you have an antifungal cream to apply to your lips, you can be sure that your lips stay stunning and safe.

What is Good for Your Skin?

Not every skincare product can be brilliant for you. However, you can always come across safe products that work wonderfully for your skin because of the excellent ingredients. For example, you can choose the skincare products that have Retinol in them so that your skin stays safe, clean, smooth, and without any stains. After all, Retinol is proven to take years off your overall looks.

Professionals Recommend Retinol for your skincare.

Apart from sunscreen, the skincare ingredient dermatologists most often recommend keeping signs of ageing at a distance is Retinol. But what is this must-have cascade of youth? Retinoid is a blanket term encompassing both OTC retinol and prescription-strength forms of retinoic acid.

You know Ketomac skincare products have Retinol, ensuring your skin stays in the best condition. Moreover, Retinol that is available over the counter can effectively reduce wrinkles on your skin if formulated correctly. If you have any skin condition, no matter how many wrinkles, fast ageing, fungal infection on your lips, or anything, you can introduce a skincare product in your life that has Retinol in it.

How to Use Retinol in Your Skin Care?

Whether in a cream, serum or from your doctor, retinoids are best if you apply them at night. Many retinoids are made up of hydrating ingredients to minimize potential dryness and irritation. Still, those side effects can emerge, especially when new to the ingredient. Of course, as different people have different skin types, it is always better to apply moisturizers after wearing the skincare product having Retinol. Hence, you can ensure that your skin gets you the best results.

Retinoic acid (even known as Retin-A or Tretinoin) is the strongest, prescription-level retinoid that people use for acne and ageing. The point is that Retinol is the word most commonly attributed to all retinol items, but the correct umbrella term is retinoid. All the diverse types belong to this family, and all are derived from vitamin A, and the change between them is their concentration. You naturally have retinoic acid in your skin, and this form is ‘bio-available’, meaning it doesn’t need to be rehabilitated to work in your skin cells.

Moreover, you know all the other retinoids need to be converted by your skin cells once they hit your skin. These are retinaldehyde, Retinol, and even retinol esters from strongest to weakest. You must know what form of vitamin A you are using as this may play into the percentages and strengths of products. Having a retinol product is not enough, and you must know what type of Retinol it has.

Retinol and Acne

If you have any skincare conditions and are not happy with the working of your present products, you should use a product that has Retinol. For example, if you have acne issues in your skin, make sure that you choose a skincare product that works wonderfully.

Retinoids can prove to be helpful in moderate to severe acne. Retinol clears your skin and prevents further acne outbreaks by unblocking the pores and decreasing the scars. One of the main points of retinoids is that they enhance the effectiveness of the other medicated creams or gels that you may be using, and you will get the utmost benefits of the treatment. Hence, you can choose Ketomac skincare and antifungal products with Retinol to ensure that you do not experience any skin conditions. Furthermore, remember that retinoids treat oil production, which is the bacteria that trigger acne and inflammation.

 Wrinkles Free Skin

Once you use a skincare product with Retinol, it will reduce wrinkles because of its minimizing effect and smooth out current fine lines and wrinkles. You will experience the absence of your stubborn wrinkles once you wear the right skincare product with Retinol as an ingredient in it.

However, remember that it takes 3 to 6 months of daily use before you see any improvements in wrinkles, with premium results happening after 6 to 12 months. After all, it is about your overall skincare, and it takes some time.

Get Rid of Dull Skin

Again, if you think that nothing suits you and your skin is always dull, relax. You can easily brighten up your dull skin by exfoliating at a cellular level. It will result in a brighter and smoother new skin for you, and you will see the difference within a few days.

Do you have Oily Skin?

Many people feel sad that their skin is too oily, and hence, they always have skin issues because of it. If you want to regulate your oily skin, then retinal can help. If a skincare product has Retinol in it, it will minimize breakouts for you, and hence, you get a brilliant skincare experience.

Clear off Spots or Patches on your skin

Many of you feel heartbroken when you see that nothing is working on your skin marks, patches, etc. Well, don’t you worry; you can use a skincare product of Ketomac that has Retinol to fade your dark age spots and sunspots and even out your complexion with time. Hence, you can get smooth and stunning skin over time. After all, it is the skincare product ingredient that makes it remarkable or a waste.

Retinoids for Psoriasis

Retinoids can slow the growth of skin cells in you if you are a patient with psoriasis. Here, retinoid cream or gel can be often combined with your general steroid treatment. Usually, you need to apply a small dab to each sore once a day before bed.


So, whether a lip fungal infection cream, an acne product, or an ageing cream, it can work wonders for your health if there is Retinol. You can be sure that you get rid of your skin issue soon and get a flawless experience.


Whenever people are interested in getting rid of dandruff, they must go with the best anti-dandruff shampoo in India for men to see the best possible results. Specifically, there is no general way of getting rid of dandruff. People need to follow several things as part of their daily routine to quickly deal with this particular problem. The vital signs of dandruff include the itchy scalp and white flakes, which are very much visible on people’s shoulders. Hence, in case people move with proper planning and the right combination of the medicated shampoo, conditioner, products, and several kinds of home remedies. They can deal with dandruff very quickly.

Following are some right kinds of ingredients that people must utilize to get rid of interest very quickly:

  • Apple cider vinegar: Whenever people use this particular ingredient as a remedy to treat, they can very quickly restore the pH balance of the scalp, and the apple cider vinegar will also help in inhibiting the growth of the fungus. It will work as a natural clarifier of the hair and help clean the clogged pores and hair follicles very easily. The basic technique of utilizing this is to go with the option of mixing 2 cups of Apple cider vinegar with 3 cups of cold water and rinse the hair with this mixture after shampooing. After this, one must wait for approximately 2-3 minutes before washing to see the best possible results. One should use this remedy once every week.
  • Using baking soda: If any individuals are interested in exfoliating their hair very quickly, they must use baking soda because it will always help deal with the dead skin cells and absorb the excess oil for a clean scalp very quickly. Everything will also help prevent the growth of fungi that will lead to dandruff. One should go with the option of rubbing a handful of baking soda onto the wet scalp, and one should wait for a couple of minutes. Then one can go with rinsing the hair with warm water, and there is no need to apply shampoo in this remedy.
  • Using the onion: Onion has several antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, making it the perfect ingredient for dealing with. It is also well known to improve the blood circulation of the scalp and flush out several kinds of toxins very quickly. One should utilise the onion in the form of a smooth paste, and one should begin the whole process by the roots by applying the paste to the hair and working in the downward manner of the tips. One should keep this paste in the head for approximately 60 minutes before washing. This remedy successfully provides the best possible results to be people.
  • Using coconut oil: Coconut oil is the best remedy for dandruff, and it is trendy because of its antifungal properties. The coconut oil also helps moisturize the dry scalp and tackles the itchiness like a professional. Hence, it is also very successful in reaching the hair and boosting hair growth. One should go with combining coconut oil with lemon juice so that one can massage it on the scalp very quickly. One should shampoo after approximately 20 minutes, and one can also go with the option of combining castor oil in this remedy to deal with the problem of dandruff.
  • Using garlic: Garlic is a rich source of salicylic acid and is a prevalent ingredient utilized in treating dandruff. One must mix ginger with honey because of its Antimicrobial properties. One should create a hair mask very well by crushing the garlic into a bowl, and then one should sit for a few minutes. After this, one should add the honey and make a paste, which should be applied to the scalp and left for approximately 10 minutes. After all, this one can wash the hair with a mild shampoo to see the best possible results.
  • Using the tea tree oil: Another excellent remedy that helps deal with issues like dandruff is tea tree oil. It has several kinds of antifungal properties, making it a classic option to be used by people. People must add six drops of tea tree oil to the half cup of the oil, for example, oil, and one should massage appropriately on the scalp before shampooing. To make it the best way to deal with dandruff, one can also add a few drops of regular shampoo to it.

 Also, people can combine the whole process with the usage of several kinds of anti-dandruff shampoos because the anti-dandruff shampoos are based upon natural ingredients that further help in dealing with these kinds of things and make sure that the scalp is very well clean throughout the process. Such shampoos are very much successful in providing the most effective results. These shampoos are well known to eliminate flakes and leave the hair looking cleaner and moisturized. The natural ingredients in such shampoos will also help ensure that brightness is prevented and always gentle at the end. Also, people can utilize every means of other products, for example, anti-dandruff lotion and herbal hair oil, in combination with the remedies mentioned above to deal with dandruff related problems very quickly. But in the most severe cases, one must consult a dermatologist for a comprehensive and proper treatment.

On the other hand, it is also essential for people to use the best shampoo for men’s dandruff in India and one such great shampoo is Ketomac shampoo. It includes Ketoconazole as the main ingredient, which quickly deals with related problems because it works by killing the fungi on the skin cells. Also, this treatment option can be used in the prevention and treatment of dandruff. It will also help in dealing with several kinds of issues, for example, flaking, itching, scaling, and helps in relieving the inflammation because of dandruff. People must consult the dermatologist very well before utilizing this product. At the time of using it, one must massage the scalp very well, and then one should leave it for approximately 10 minutes before rinsing it thoroughly. It can be used twice every week for approximately four weeks to see the best possible results.

 One must also make sure to store it in a cool and dry place, and it should be kept out of the reach of children. Hence, this particular product is no less than a blessing for all people who want to get rid of dandruff quickly.


According to a study, approximately one out of every six people have experienced dandruff once. The situation is considered with itchiness and dryness in the scalp. People have the habit of hiding dandruff as much as possible, but the flakes will always be visible if they are present. So, to deal with all these kinds of issues, people go with the option of the best colour-safe dandruff shampoo to get rid of the flakes very quickly.

Following are some of the most common causes of dandruff:

Stress is the most significant cause of dandruff, and it can lead to several kinds of issues that can ultimately cause itchiness and scratching on the scalp.

Pollution and heat or other factors ultimately affect the scalp’s health, which can also cause excessive sweating and irritation of the skin.

Hygiene is another factor, and if not taken care of properly can lead to a lot of dandruff.

Dry skin is another factor that can lead to dandruff very quickly, especially in winters.

Following are some of the most common home remedies for dandruff that are very much successful in treating it:

People can go with the option of using apple cider vinegar because it is very much successful in maintaining the pH level of the hair. Apple cider vinegar always inhibits the growth of the yeast and will work as a natural hair cleanser and help remove clogging in the pores and hair follicles. For this purpose, the individuals must mix apple cider vinegar with cold water, and this mixture has to be applied after shampooing. One can go with the option of using this treatment option for months to see the best possible results.

People can go with the option of using coconut oil with lemon to treat the problem of dandruff. The lemon is considered to have several kinds of antifungal properties, and the coconut oil will moisturize the dry scalp and tackle dandruff like a pro. If these two products are combined, they will help clean the hair and boost hair growth very quickly. After this application, one should wait for 20 minutes before washing the hair in this particular treatment option.

People can also go with the option of using tea tree oil for treating dandruff because of its cleansing and antifungal properties possessed by it. One should add approximately six drops of tea tree oil into a half cup of regular oil so that massage can be done on the scalp. It will allow people to get rid of dandruff very quickly, and it can also be utilized after the regular shampoo to see the best possible results. This particular mixture successfully controls sebum production, which will ultimately provide several kinds of benefits to the people and restore the damage to the scalp very quickly.

People can go with the option of using olive oil with vinegar to treat the problem of drugs. Olive oil is considered to be a natural conditioner that will help in minimizing oxidative damage to the scalp because of its antioxidant properties possessed by it. This light in weight oil will effectively deal with dental issues and help people with blood circulation. People can use one tablespoon of olive oil with two tablespoons of white vinegar in a bowl. This particular mixture can be applied to separate sections of the hair with proper massaging capabilities so that the best possible results are observed.

People can also go with the option of using yoghurt. The lactic acid in the yoghurt will help reduce the damage considerably. The antibacterial properties of this particular dandruff remedy will also ensure that protein is very well present in the roots of the hair. For this, one should use lukewarm water and a towel. After this, one can apply the layer of fresh yoghurt to the hair and leave it for 10 minutes. Then one should wash it with water to see the magical results of this solution.

People can also use salt for the damage because salt will always help absorb the excess oil, which can ultimately cause the clogging of the pores in the scalp. This remedy successfully deals with fungal infections, and salt can also be added to the usual hair wash. One should take the shampoo on the palm and add a pinch of salt to massage it correctly on the scalp, and this should be left for approximately two minutes before washing.

One should go with the option of using aloe vera because this particular miracle-based ingredient is considered to be one of the best possible ways of dealing with dandruff. It will help cleanse the dead skin and promote the regeneration of the new cells into the scalp, making it free from dandruff-related issues.

Dandruff and other associated problems can be easily controlled if people go with the option of following a diligent hair care routine in proper combination with homemade remedies. One should never stick to a single brand of shampoo and mix it with home remedies so that the best possible results can be availed. Another good remedy for people is to use the anti-dandruff shampoo for colour-treated hair, which comes from the house of Ketomac.

This shampoo includes 2% ketoconazole, which successfully deals with those related issues. People should use this particular shampoo because it is very successful in fighting dandruff and is highly described by doctors across the globe. The ketoconazole present in this will kill the fungi present in the hair and prevent hair fall and general issues.

Usually, doctors prescribe this shampoo twice every week for approximately four weeks to see the best possible results. Also, one must store this shampoo in a cool and dry place, and it should be kept away from the reach of children. Hence, if any individuals want to get rid of dandruff most efficiently and quickly, they must utilize the home-based remedies and usage of this particular shampoo as it will bring the desired results.

Removing dandruff from hair can be quickly done with the help of Ketomac Shampoo. You need to follow the instructions for applying it to your scalp to get excellent results. Beautiful, shiny, and smooth hair will get attention among the crowd and build your impression. Dandruff-free hair will boost confidence so that people can attract anyone they want without worrying that dandruff will fall on their clothes at that time and they will feel embarrassed.


Dandruff can be termed as the most common problem faced by both men and women, and to deal with this particular problem, several kinds of good products have to be used so that the best quality results can be observed. Many people go with the best dandruff shampoo for men to get rid of these kinds of issues, but people can do several other things to prevent, control, and solve this dandruff problem. Going with these minor lifestyle changes will always help ensure that people can prevent dandruff successfully.

Some of these kinds of lifestyle changes have been mentioned as follows:

Going with the exfoliation option: The natural exfoliation process will include a topmost layer of the dead skin cells to be rubbed off. Instead of waiting for the natural process to kick in, people can go with the option of doing exfoliation by gently rubbing twice every day. This will result in removing extra dead skin cells from the scalp and making sure that massage constantly improves the lower layer. One can also go with the option of massaging with the help of oil.

One can avoid several food items: Many people are unaware that some of the food items trigger the problem of dandruff which they aim to treat with medicine consumption. Many people go with the option of piling up the carbohydrates on their plate. No doubt carbohydrates are necessary for providing energy. Still, an excess of carbohydrates can always lead to more liquids in the skin, further leading to dandruff. Hence, if the individuals cut down on sugars and carbohydrates, they can notice a significant difference in their dandruff condition.

People should choose some specific food items: Going with some food items is considered very good for hair. Fish is considered a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, and green and leafy vegetables are considered a rich source of omega-six fatty acids. So, including these kinds of food items in the diet will always make sure that people’s hair is healthy and the chances of dandruff are significantly reduced.

Properly washing the hair: This is considered one of the best possible ways of keeping the hair hydrated by applying water directly to them. The scalp and hair will secrete several kinds of oils regularly, and regular washing of them will always help ensure that excess oil and accumulated dirt have been washed away.

Keeping the hair hydrated: The problem of dandruff can be solved by drinking extra glasses of water. This will only be experienced when the scalp becomes dry and flaky. So, it is essential to drink as much water as people can so that the roots of the hair are hydrated all the time. One can also supplement this by frequent oil rubbing on the scalp with the fingertips.

People should cover their heads: Whenever people are going outside, they must make sure that their head is not exposed much to the sunlight because it can lead to several kinds of issues. So, both men and women should cover their heads whenever they go outside up to the best possible levels. If people tend to sweat, they should give a dry rub with a towel whenever they are back home so that there is no issue with this in the long run.

People should go with the following home remedies: Following the home remedies will always help ensure that people are very concerned about their hair care. Several simple solutions, such as tea tree oil, aspirin, soda, and several other things, will always help people provide the best possible results in curing and controlling dandruff.

People should also get regular checkups: It is recommended to have the annual health checkup done excellently. Apart from making lifestyle changes, one should also visit dermatologists every year because it will quickly help deal with all associated issues. Going with the checkup option will help find any of the issues here so that the best possible remedy can be found in all such cases.

People should use shampoo and conditioner: Using the shampoo and conditioner once a week will always help ensure that hair is very well cleansed. This is why one should always use the best quality shampoo available in the market and follow the instructions mentioned so that the best possible results can be observed.

Maintaining hygiene: It is also essential for people to maintain proper hygiene levels. For this, people can go with the option of changing the pillow covers at least once every week. One should also shift to the satin pillow covers rather than normal ones. It will allow people to avoid frizzy and dry hair very quickly. One can also utilise the shampoos made explicitly for such issues so that all these kinds of issues can be dealt with very quickly.

Many people prefer using anti-dandruff shampoo for men to get rid of hair related problems quickly. One such best quality shampoo comes from the house of Ketomac because it is very successful in dealing with hair related issues and provides the best possible results. If used twice for four weeks, this particular shampoo can always help keep the scalp clear. This shampoo includes the best quality ingredients and 2% ketoconazole, which is very successful in this particular market. The consistency of the shampoo is flowing and runny, and it comes in a hundred and ten ML bottles. One should avoid keeping it in a place with direct sunlight, and it should also be kept out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of this particular shampoo is three years, and the smell is of lemon. This same is only meant for external usage, and it is very much advisable for people to apply it on the scalp and leave it for 10-15 minutes to observe the best possible results. Hence, in case any of the individuals want to get rid of dandruff permanently. They must adopt the tips mentioned above and the usage of this particular shampoo so that both things can collaboratively provide the best possible results to the people in the long run. One can obtain the desired results thereon. So, interact with anyone without worry because your hair will be free from dandruff.


Dandruff is so frustrating that no matter how hard one tries to hide it, those flakes are easily visible to people around us. It causes us to lose our confidence and makes us more conscious of our looks. It is therefore essential to deal with these white flakes on our scalp. But first of all, let us understand what dandruff is, the various causes, and what can be done to reduce dandruff. It would help if you used shampoo for India’s oily scalp to get rid of dandruff.

Dandruff is dead skin bunched together due to excessive oil and of which white flakes appear on the scalp. Though dandruff is not permanent, it comes and goes still. It is very unpleasant as it causes our scalp to be itchy, causes Redness, and embarrasses us. There are various causes of dandruff. These include:

  • Seborrheic Dermatitis is caused by yeast known as Malassezia due to oil secreted by the scalp. Due to seborrheic dermatitis, one may experience an itchy scalp and Redness and causing severe problems with dandruff. This problem can be solved with proper and regular cleaning and care.
  • Dry skin: People with dry skin are more prone to a high risk of dandruff. Dry skin flaking as dandruff is more likely when you have dry skin, and winter also worsens the condition.
  • Skin Conditions: One suffers from psoriasis or eczema, and the risk of dandruff is high. Dandruff is a persistent problem with such skin conditions; however, proper care can minimise its effects.
  • Hygiene: Not shampooing your hair from time to time may cause dandruff. Lack of proper cleaning can make oil from the scalp and skin clomps together, causing dandruff.
  • Pollution and Heat: Pollution and heat are some of the major causes of dandruff. It leads to excessive sweating, a fungal infection causing leading to the issue of dandruff.
  • Stress: Stress can cause your dandruff to magnify. It makes your skin itchy, leading to dead skin cells flaking, thus causing more dandruff.

Dandruff is a recurring problem in many people, so it is essential to take care of it proper care. Home remedies have proven to be very effective in dealing with dandruff. These are explained below:

  • Heena: Applying Heena can effectively manage your dandruff issues and softens your hair. Apply it properly to your hair for two hours and see the difference it can make as it has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that protect your hair.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar: When applied to your scalp, Apple cider vinegar inhibits yeast growth. For applying, mix it with cold water and use it post shampooing. After about two minutes, rinse it off with water.
  • Coconut oil and lemon: Coconut oil is known to fight against dandruff. Its antifungal properties help smoothen your hair. It provides the required moisture to your scalp and even helps in the growth of your hair. Apply it with a combination of lemon and let it sit on your hair for 20 minutes, and then rinse it off with shampoo. Make it to your routine and see the wonders it can do to your hair.
  • Increase the intake of Omega-3s: Omega 3 fatty acid is beneficial for your body. A deficiency of Omega -3 can lead to dry hair, dry skin, and even dandruff. You can increase the intake of Omega-3s by consuming food enriched with this nutrient. It also helps overcome the problem of inflammation that relieves you from irritation and dandruff-related symptoms.
  • Yoghurt: The lactic acid in yoghurt can help reduce dandruff on your scalp. It provides your hair with the required protein that helps it fight against dandruff. Apply it to your hair, let it dry, and then rinse it off with shampoo. It will help in getting the desired result for your dandruff issues.
  • Neem: Dandruff is the result of fungal infections. A neem’s antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties go a long way in reducing dandruff on your scalp. Crush the neem to form a thick paste, apply this paste on your scalp for 10 minutes, and then rinse it off with the shampoo. It will undoubtedly help you with dandruff problems.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a miracle ingredient as it provides so many benefits, including reducing dandruff. It helps remove and cleanse dead skin and promotes the growth of new cells. The cooling effect of aloe vera provides relief to your itchy scalp.
  • Egg Yolk: Enriched with biotin, Egg yolk is the primary source of treating dandruff. It also plays the role of a natural conditioner for your hair. Apply the egg yolk to your scalp and let it remain for some time. Follow these steps to get the best results.
  • Salt: Salt absorbs the excessive oil that is otherwise is the breeding ground for dandruff. Add a pinch of salt to your shampoo, and then apply it to your scalp. Let it sit for 2 minutes, and then rinse it off. Make it your daily routine and experience the difference in your hair.

Dandruff can be taken care of if you follow a proper hair care routine coupled with medicated shampoo. One should shampoo which have certain ingredients:

  • Selenium Sulphide: This element reduces fungus and lessens dead skin cells.
  • Salicylic Acid: This helps reduce dandruff flakes from your scalp, but it can make your scalp dry. Hence use it with a conditioner to maintain the moisture of your hair.
  • Pyrithione Zinc: Pyrithione zinc helps to reduce fungus due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties.
  • Ketoconazole: Ketoconazole treats infection and skin conditions with antifungal properties.
  • Tar: Tar helps to slow down the growth of dandruff on your scalp, and it keeps dandruff in control.
  • Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is the main ingredient found in several shampoos, and its antifungal and healing properties can do wonders to your scalp.

One must look for the ingredients mentioned above while buying shampoo to fight against the issue of dandruff.

Ketomac Dandruff Treatment Shampoo provides you with the best dandruff shampoo for the oily scalp, which contains all the required ingredients to fight against your dandruff issues. It is an antifungal medicine that helps in treating fungal infections. It kills and stops the growth of the fungi by destroying its cell membrane, thus treating the infection. It provides the required nutrients to your scalp and thus helps in reducing the growth of dandruff. It helps treat flaking, itching, and inflammation caused by dandruff. It contains ketoconazole which helps in the prevention of dandruff. Ketoconazole works by killing fungi on the skin known as Malassezia. Ketomac is a trusted product by many when reducing and preventing dandruff. This should be regularly used to get the best results.

However, it is essential to consult doctors before using Ketomac to get the best result. Use as per the direction of your director. The dose and duration of treatment will depend on what is being treated for. Ensure that you always complete the course to provide you with the best outcomes. There are specific side effects associated with it, such as dryness, hair discolouration, and abnormal hair texture. Most of them do not require treatment, but if they persist, consult your doctor.


A lot of people go with the option of using the

so that they can get rid of the dandruff related issues very quickly. Hair is considered one of the most precious and glorious items in the whole human body, and it is also considered a matter of glory and pride. But several kinds of everyday issues like dandruff can lead to many kinds of hair issues because of people’s mistakes, for example, choosing the wrong shampoo and not using it properly.

It is a prevalent issue associated with these people, and ultimately it affects more than 50% of the adult population across the globe. It can start in puberty and become very severe at the age of 20 or near that, and this issue is very much prevalent among people until 50 years of age.

The most common issue associated with this particular problem is the sensitivity to the yeast related microorganisms present on the dry scalp, the habit of taking a lot of stress, or poor hygiene. Using several hair styling products or tools can also lead to issues. Directly linked with lowering the self-esteem and confidence of the people, which is the main reason for getting proper prevention from these kinds of issues is very important.

When thinking about dealing with all these kinds of issues, the first thing that comes to people’s minds is shampoo. One cannot choose any randomized shampoos to treat the shampoo, and the choice has to be very effectively made. Hence, people need to go with that particular shampoo that includes the best quality ingredients that will ultimately work in the best possible way to get rid of dandruff. Sometimes finding the shampoo can be a huge task, and one has to always coordinate with several kinds of criteria in mind to choose the perfect shampoo for their hair.

At the time of finalizing the shampoo, the fundamental thing to be taken care of is the active ingredient present in it because it is the only thing that will help in eradicating the flakes from the scalp, and this should be the deciding factor of the people at the time of purchasing it. In some cases, there is also a clear-cut possibility that the harsh ingredients of the shampoos can further cause damage to the hair. So, one must always move with that particular shampoo option which includes active ingredients that are hair friendly.

Following are some of the ingredients that one must look for at the time of purchasing the shampoos:

Ichthyol pale: This ingredient is considered fundamental in formulating medicated anti-dandruff shampoos. This particular ingredient’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties will always give people good tolerance for dealing with dandruff-related issues.

Piroctone olamine: This particular active ingredient’s antifungal and antibacterial properties are also fundamental to consider when choosing shampoos. Hence, ultimately it will help to provide non-greasy and new hair and scalp to the people.

Tea tree oil: This particular ingredient is a complex mixture of approximately a hundred active ingredients and has several antimicrobial properties. This is considered the first choice of several organic and natural ingredient-based skin-friendly product manufacturers.

Lemon oil: This oil is rich in citric acid content and vitamin C and exhibits significant antimicrobial properties. Hence, it is very much successful in maintaining the optimum pH level of the scalp.

All the above-mentioned active ingredients must be found in scalp-friendly shampoos to purchase them well without any issues in the long run. When the decisions associated with the ingredients have been made, the next thing to be considered in the shampoo is the cleansing action provided by it, and in case the cleansing action is not up to the mark, then people will never get a clean scalp. This particular shampoo will lead to an unhygienic environment, worsening the whole condition. So, people must choose that particular shampoo that is not too mild or not too harsh.

Proper usage of the whole concept is also very significant, and people must go with the option of starting the head wash twice a week, and it is advisable for people never to wash their hair daily. The best way to utilize the shampoo is to wash the hair first, take the proper shampoo, and apply it over the scalp. Then people should massage the shampoo for approximately three minutes with the help of their fingertips, and one should leave it for approximately 5-10 minutes. Another thing to be taken care of is that after 10 minutes, one should arrange the hair thoroughly, and the procedure can be repeated if desired or required.

Ultimately, shampoo usage will always depend upon the extent of dandruff from which the person is suffering. These kinds of shampoos will not always accomplish the complete responsibility, and for this purpose, one must also make sure that some of the home remedies can also be tried by the people to get rid of these issues. Also, one should avoid the usage of styling tools, for example, curlers and dryers.

Another good option for people is to use the best dandruff shampoo for coloured hair from the house of Ketomac. The advantages provided by this particular brand of shampoo will always help ensure that people have the best quality and healthy hair all the time. Doctors also prescribe this particular shampoo for all people suffering from dandruff and other related issues. Hence, this particular shampoo is essential to deal with hair ailments because it helps kill the fungi quickly. This particular shampoo always helps weaken the cell membrane so that the fungal cell leaks out and is dead. After proper consultation with the physician, people should use this particular shampoo to avoid issues in the long run. People can go with the option of using this shampoo twice every week for approximately 3-4 weeks.

The active ingredients present in this particular shampoo always deal with dandruff very quickly. Hence, all the people who are fed up with the issue of dandruff in their hair should go with the option of using these kinds of shampoo to get rid of such issues. It is also advisable for people to keep this shampoo away from the reach of children.


There are always times that you experience hair and scalp issues. Sometimes a prickly, flaky scalp designates merely dry skin. Other times, it could signal an underlying skin matter like psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, or even a fungus known as Malassezia.

If you think that you use the best shampoos, but they are not simply working for you, you need to think beyond general shampoos. It would help if you opted for medicated shampoo in India, working for your specific issues. Indeed, these medicated shampoos ensure that your specific problem gets resolved without any side effects. You use your available shampoo for washing your hair to replace the general shampoo and take a bath.

How does a medicated shampoo work?

Various folks wonder if medicated shampoos actually work or in case such claims are just marketing hype. In most cases, dandruff shampoo, antifungal shampoo, and even prescription shampoos for diverse scalp issues or ailments usually work, so professionals suggest these medicated options. You can check out the medicated products of Ketomac.

Now, different from ordinary shampoos that possess just the cleansing agents, medicated shampoos own drugs that work on your scalp and treat skin conditions. Just as you could apply the cream to a skin rash on your arm, you might apply medicated shampoo to your scalp to reduce inflammation and calm itchiness. Different medicated shampoos are meant for severe dandruff and can be purchased over the counter, and there can also be some shampoos that demand a doctor’s prescription.

Usually, in the beginning, you can start by treating your itchy, flaky scalp with a hugely available medicated shampoo and then follow up with a dermatologist if that treatment does not solve the issue. And remember, different kinds of scalp problems demand different medicated shampoos, and once you use them for some weeks, you will see the results.

Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis

The pittosporum oval yeast usually triggers dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. These are treated with shampoos that possess antifungal agents, such as zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, selenium, and even sulfur. These would work for these conditions, and you would get the relief you seek. You can get different options in medicated shampoos once you look for them.

How do you choose suitable medicated shampoos?

Since people are getting aware, they are replacing their general shampoos with medicated ones to fight off their specific hair conditions. It is a good move because when you know that the shampoo you are currently using will not heal your specific issue, you must replace it. The role of a general shampoo is to ensure that your hair is clean and your scalp is fresh, and it would only ensure the cleanliness of your hair and nothing more or less.

But when you have a medicated shampoo, that will be an issue specific, and it means it would target a specific hair or scalp condition. If you feel that these medicated shampoos would work for the conditions, you are wrong. These medicated shampoos do generally work for the overall welfare of your hair and scalp. You can be sure that you get hair and scalp that is fresh and clean and free of any specific conditions. Since the medicated shampoo would work on your condition, you can ensure that you work towards better results. But then, since the world of shampoos is overcrowded, it gets vital that you know which shampoo to pick and which not. Have a look below to find out how to pick the right medicated shampoo.

Always check the brand.

The foremost thing you should keep in mind is the shampoo’s brand or make. It does play a crucial role. Many people think that any random medicated shampoo is a good option. But that is not the case. Since your hair and scalp are precious, you cannot take a risk with them. What is the point if your hair or scalp gets damaged because of the wrong usage of shampoo? It gets crucial that you pick the shampoos that belong to a brand that has earned a name in the industry. For example, you can check out the variety in the realm of Ketomac medicated shampoos. You can be sure that whichever shampoo you pick this way; works for your condition.

Check the reputation

Then reputation of the make is one thing that does play a role. You cannot simply avoid the reputation because that would open up a lot of information for you. Once you know that the brand you are considering for yourself is good, you can be sure that you will get positive results. The point is simple, a good name or brand would never want that its hard-earned name and good reputation goes for a toss. They would do everything to ensure that their products are good, effective, and safe. They would never want to disappoint their users in any sense. In this way, once you pick a make with a good reputation, you can be sure that you get content results.

But on the other side, if you pick a random brand that does not have a good name or has a random reputation, you might get bad results. Yes, the point is, since the name of the brand is already shallow, it might not put effort to content for its users. So, it depends on you to make a move thoughtfully here. After all, it is about your hair and scalp’s overall health and good condition. Once you take precautions before purchasing the products, you get your desired results.

Check the specification

Just because shampoo is a medicated one, it does not mean it will suit you. Make sure that you check the specifics of the product. Once you check the specifics of the shampoo, you can be sure that you know what exactly it is going to do to your hair and scalp. For example, if you have dehydrated scalp and hair, you can look for a medicated shampoo meant for dry scalp and hair. Then if you have dandruff, you can ensure that you pick a medicated dandruff shampoo that works on your dandruff. In this way, you would get the shampoos for the specific needs and hence, the best outcomes. You can even check the ingredients of the product to be double sure. For example, if you know that you have an allergy to a specific thing often found in shampoos, make sure that you check the ingredients list of the shampoo pack before making a purchase and ensure that the allergic ingredient is not used in the shampoo.


So, you can check out the options, and you will get the right and most effective medicated shampoo in India. These shampoos are more effective and powerful if you use them properly and choose them thoughtfully.


There are many people in the world suffering from dandruff problems. You can only feel dandruff’s thickness if you know how real it feels to be one of the prey. Dandruff not simply gives you an unpleasant look but also makes you feel grimy. No matter how cool you feel about your style and looks, it can become a problem if you have dandruff.

Look for the Right Shampoos for Dandruff

There is no need to lose heart; it is not the world’s end. You can use the correct shampoos. Why don’t you check dandruff medical shampoo in India? These medicated shampoos are explicitly meant for your dandruff issue. You can be sure that you get some relief within a few weeks. Such shampoos would work like your weapons against dandruff. Maybe you don’t get the outcome in a single day or a week, but the results will be there for you to see in two weeks or so. You would find a significant amount of loss in your dandruff.

What is Getting You Dandruff?

So, what triggers dandruff? You can contentedly blame genetics for a receding hairline, a bent nose, crippling anxiety, etc. But dandruff is not at all one of these. The reality is that you do. All the peeling, embarrassing white flecks because of your lousy grooming habits, not any ready genetic order. So, if you thought that you would blame your parents for this dandruff, you are undoubtedly wrong.

It is essential to know that everyone has some amount of dandruff. But the point is that if you have an extensive amount of dandruff, you must address it. Otherwise, dandruff can become a problem for your routine. You might find the white looking powder on your shoulders now and then. And whenever you visit a party or hang around with your friends, you could become embarrassed about the dandruff sprinkling from your hair.

Estimates might differ, but between ten and fifty per cent of the population undergo and develop dandruff at some point in their lifetime. But what is it really, what activates it, and what can you do to grip it? You can do various things to ensure that your hair is free from dandruff. The particular yeast that is a type of fungus linked with dandruff is known as Malassezia.

You know your skin is covered with thousands of bacteria, and for the top portion, these are inoffensive. In some people, though, the Malassezia yeast might produce enzymes that annoy the skin by either tearing it off its natural fats or activating the immune system that then grows a proactive response. These two in a blend are likely part and parcel of what you know as dandruff.

Stress and Tension

It has also been experienced that many people who are constantly stressed and tensed get dandruff. And even dandruff gets fascinated with stressed and tense people. You cannot simply take stress or tension that leads to extensive dandruff. Dandruff is something that comes in profusion if you tense a lot. Perhaps that is why doctors and even dermatologists often feel that you should not tense yourself much. Tension not simply hampers your health but even triggers dandruff.

Moreover, if you are not washing your hair at least two times a week, you might have dandruff. Dandruff arises in your hair or scalp when you don’t wash it. You must make sure that your hair and scalp stay clean and hygienic. Once you work on your stress level, you will find a significant drop in your dandruff.

A Few Habits You Must Avoid

  • It is crucial to know that shampoo should not be used regularly. Accept this fact, and you will surely solve many hair care and scalp issues. The function of your shampoo is to clear excess oil, smut, and product build-up. A general rinse will clear most of these things, and the additional build-up should be rubbed out with shampoo every second or third day of the week. Otherwise, if you are washing your hair regularly, dry out the hair and scalp by doffing away essential oils that keep your hair nurtured and robust. At such an instance, your hair falls. It is no good.
  • If you feel that your dandruff is persistent, it may be a sign of a big problem, such as a fungal infection or even seborrheic dermatitis, which is a scaly, itchy skin condition. There is no need to allow these things to persist. If the medicated shampoo treatments are not resolving the issue, you can even discuss your gross issues with dermatologists.
  • If you dodge washing hair two or three times a week, you need to be alert. Every day, you sweat, you get so many germs in your hair, and pollution also rests on your hair in some other forms. Here, if you are not washing your hair after certain intervals, the dirt would house in your hair, and the oily formation would be there on your scalp. Such things do head to dandruff. You must make sure that you wash your hair.

Why Medical Shampoo?

Sometimes, when the branded or general shampoos do not work on your hair, it gets crucial that you pick a medicated shampoo. You can be sure that you use the shampoos that work wonderfully for your hair care. The point is that these medical shampoos are specifically designed for a specific issue. If you buy a medicated shampoo for dandruff, it would ultimately work for your dandruff issue.

Suitable Shampoos for Your Hair

There are so many shampoos that can be good for your hair. But you know, when you pick a shampoo that is specifically going with your hair type like oily hair, dry hair, etc. There are specific shampoos for specific reasons. You can always be sure that your hair is strong, safe, and healthy with proper shampoo. It is not sure that if a specific shampoo works wonderfully for someone else, it will work wonderfully for you too. You must be sure that you pick a shampoo as per your hair’s specific needs. Everyone has different hair types and needs, and you must understand them. Maybe a shampoo works wonderfully for you but fails to work for others?

Compare the Shampoos

Since there are so many shampoos for you, it might get intimidating to find the right one. Would you please compare the shampoos properly? You can find the best medical shampoo for dandruff in India that only suits your hair type when comparing the shampoos. You can check out the ingredients, effectiveness, and safety. This way, you can ensure that your hair stays in the best condition.


So, since you know that dandruff is a part of life, you must work on it. Do not allow dandruff to overtake your life and leave you dull and unattractive.


Fungal infections on one part of the body might trigger rashes on other parts of the body that are not infected. For example, a fungal infection on your foot could trigger an itchy, bumpy rash on your fingers. Such eruptions (dermatophytids, identity or id reactions) are allergic reactions to the fungus, and these do not emerge from touching the infected area.

Fungal skin infections are gross and itchy, but these are not usually serious. Fungal infections such as athlete’s foot, ringworm, and even jock itch are easy to pick up and communicate with others. Healthy people do not generally experience fungus spread beyond the skin’s surface, so they are convenient to treat. Even if you get a skin fungus infection, you can use the Best cream for fungal skin infections in India and ensure that your fungus infection goes away soon. Most of the time, people who spend time in gyms and swimming pools catch these infections repeatedly. But it does not mean a general person cannot get these infections.

You know the zones commonly affected by fungal infections include:

  • Skin
  • Scalp
  • Feet
  • Fingernails and toenails
  • Mouth and vagina

Fungi look for a warm, wet place to develop, and they thrive on hot, sweaty skin, mainly between your toes, in the area of the groin, and under your armpits.


Tinea, or ringworm, is an organism that could trigger fungal infections on the scalp, fungal infections on your face, or infections in other body areas. Ringworm forms a characteristic fungal infection skin rash that is raised, circular, red, and itchy. People generally pick up ringworm from other people, pets, or even contaminated items that hold or carry the organism. You must keep your skin clean and dry to aid prevent ringworm. It would also be helpful to avoid sharing personal items, including towels, hairbrushes, and even combs, to evade spreading the infection. Always remember that ringworm is easily transmissible.

Athlete’s foot

It is a kind of fungal infection on the feet. It ends up cracked, itching, burning, and even peeling between the toes. The infection is activated by ringworm, often discovered in locker rooms, pool areas, gyms, towels, and shoes. Always wear shower shoes in the communal showers or pool areas. It is equally significant that you wash and dry your feet thoroughly every day. It would be good to air out your shoes and let them dry before wearing them again. Also, develop a habit to wear clean socks every day. Do you wear used socks for long? Many people tend to wear the same socks for weeks, which is gross.

Jock itch

You know what? A type of ringworm fungus triggers jock itch. It is a fungal infection of the groin. This red, prickly, raised rash can affect both men and women. You would be more likely to get it once you are sweating and in humid weather. Then you know, exercising in workout clothes triggers the hot, humid conditions where jock itch flourishes. You can minimize the risk of jock itch by keeping your groin area dry and clean. You must wear clean and fresh clothes and inners daily. And make sure that you wear loose underwear to keep the area dry.

Nail Fungus

Might you have heard of this, right? Well, toenail fungal infection is common. It appears thick, brittle, yellowish toenails, although fingernails might also be affected. Take the same precautions to evade toenail fungus as you do to evade other kinds of fungal infections. It would help if you kept your hands and feet neat and dry. Wear clean socks and change them daily. Wear flip flops once in locker rooms, pool, and even communal shower areas. Would you please pick wide-toed shoes? Do not share personal things like towels, razors, grooming tools, and nail clippers.

Wear Proper to Stay Safe

You can minimize the danger of fungal infections by taking good care of your workout wear. Those sweaty gym clothes are the ideal breeding ground for fungi and bacteria to grow. Wash workout wear right after you do the workout. If you do not get to the laundry immediately, hang wet clothes up to the air out. Also, turn clothes inside out before loading them into the washing machine to ensure that the dirtiest portions of garments are easier to clean. Please add up baking soda to the washer to help deodorize clothes. You can even add vinegar to the rinse cycle to further expurgate on doors. Ensure that you wear clean and fresh workout clothes before every workout session.

Mixed Quick Tips

  • Wash your socks and towels in hot water
  • Wear only thongs in changing communal areas to avert spreading the infection
  • Use an antiperspirant or foot powders and sprays if you have sweaty feet. You can check out the products of Ketomac.
  • Keep the affected zone of skin dry.
  • Ensure that you never share towels, bedding, and clothing and wash them frequently.
  • If you experience ringworm, have any pets look for signs of infection.

You can Consult a Doctor.

Some skin conditions appear like fungal infections, but these have different underlying reasons and demand different treatments. Mild fungal infections could be treated easily with topical medication. If you have a severe or tenacious infection, you could need prescription antifungals. If you need fungal infection treatment, you can even speak with your doctor.

Of course, you can get rid of your fungus infections with the standard home remedies, but that would work only for you if it is a fungus infection. Sometimes, the condition can be more than that. If nothing is working for you, visit your doctor or talk to a dermatologist. It is always the best thing to be sure about the condition than to make guesses.

Are These Fungus Infections Serious?

Many of you might be wondering if the condition of fungus infection is severe. Fungal skin infections are irritating, but these are rarely serious, and they generally cause itching and irritation. If fungal skin infections are severe or troublesome to you, make sure you talk to a doctor for a quick evaluation.

How Much Time does a Fungus Infection Take to End??

Even if the solutions work for you, it will take some time. Healing is a procedure, and it would demand time. But in some cases, you would feel the best results within two weeks or so. But in some severe cases, the healing procedure might extend for several months and even six or seven months at a stretch.


So, you can get the best antifungal cream in India and apply it to your affected area to ensure that your condition heals and fungus infection does not get adverse.


Many people wash their hair every day, but as soon as the evening time comes, the scalp tends to be very greasy because oily hair is a widespread problem nowadays. This particular problem also comes with several kinds of issues, such as dandruff and other, which ultimately irritate. So, people need to go with the option of shampoo for oily hair with other remedies to get rid of these kinds of issues permanently.

The oily scalp is because of the overactive glands in the heads which produce the oil called sebum. Sebum is essential to maintain a healthy scalp and hair, and some of the factors lead to overproduction.

Following are some of the internal factors as well as external factors that contribute to an oily scalp:

Genes: Genes play a vital role in contributing to the oily scalp. If the family members have an oily scalp, then there is a high possibility that the person will also have an oily scalp.

Washing too often: Sometimes, people go with the option of washing hair too often, which can ultimately lead to oily scalp and several other associated issues.

Taking a lot of stress: Sometimes, people take a lot of stress which ultimately increases the activity of the glands in the hair and can cause the scalp to get very oily.

Using harsh hair products: People often use harsh hair care products, which ultimately damage the scalp and make it oily.

Following are some of the treatment options to treat the oily scalp:

One should keep track of the frequency of washing the hair: Keeping track of washing the hair will help ensure that people are not exposed to oily scalp. If the scalp is clean, healthy hair will be promoted, and it is essential to wash the hair at least three times a week to clean and free from oil. One must never go with overwashing the hair because it will lead to several issues and cause the glands to produce more oil than normal levels.

One should shampoo properly: Individuals should also follow the correct way of shampooing their hair. It is essential to remove the unwanted dirt and debris from the hair to never oily the scalp. For this purpose, one should take a small amount of shampoo and massage it properly. After that, one should also stick to applying shampoo to the scalp to benefit from such products.

One should condition the hair properly: Also, it is essential to go with the option of using the right conditioner on the hair so that one never faces the issue of oily scalp. Conditioner must always be used as per the recommended levels and instructions mentioned on the bottle of the conditioner.

One should always invest money in the products meant for the oil-free scalp: There are several kinds of products in the market that target people who have an oily scalp. Hence, it is essential to go with the option of investing funds into these kinds of products only to avail of several kinds of associated benefits very quickly.

One must clean the brush regularly: It is essential to go with the option of cleaning the brush regularly so that hair is ultimately cleaned. The brush sometimes has several kinds of residue, which should be adequately cleaned to remove excess dirt and grease. Hence, people need to clean their brushes regularly.

It is advisable never to brush too hard: Another thing to be taken care of is that one must never scrub or brush too hard on the scalp that it causes damage to the protective layer. So, it is essential to take proper care of the glands that produce the oil to never contribute to greasy scalp and hair.

One should go with rinsing thoroughly: People need to rinse the hair thoroughly so that there is no issue in the long run. One should also wash hair thoroughly after shampoo because if it is not done correctly, it will cause the hair to feel extra heavy all the time.

One should avoid heavy products: People should avoid heavy and greasy products because people never need extra moisture on their hair. One should always avoid everything which will weigh the hair down.

One should also watch the hair after a workout: Sometimes, after the workout, the scalp also becomes very sweaty, which is a good exercise, but when the sweat gets accumulated in the scalp, it will cause extra grease and several other kinds of issues in it which will make it very much oily. So, people need to use shampoo to wash their hair after workouts.

One should avoid the usage of styling products, especially products that include heating: One should avoid the usage of styling products, especially products that include heat-based systems, because it will cause a lot of damage to the hair.

People can also go with the option of utilizing several kinds of home remedies to get rid of the greasy scalp. For this purpose, one can use apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil so that several benefits can be availed. Another good remedy for people is to go with the option of oily hair dandruff shampoo from the house of Ketomac because this particular shampoo contains the best quality ingredients, which will help to provide several kinds of benefits to the people. The shampoo contains ketoconazole, which effectively deals with several issues associated with hair, and it successfully treats itching, scaling, dandruff, and several other associated problems. But with this shampoo, every issue can be resolved.

People should use this particular shampoo twice every week for approximately four weeks to see the best possible results. One must also store this shampoo in a cool, dry, and dark place and protect it from direct sunlight. The shelf life of this particular product is for three years, and it is made for only external usage. The contact of the shampoo with sensitive areas like the eyes and ears should be avoided because it can lead to several kinds of issues and irritation. If it accidentally enters the eyes, rinse them gently with clean water. Hence, all the points mentioned above must be considered with this particular shampoo so that people can get rid of the oily scalp very quickly.

Applying the Toenail Fungus Cream in India

Fungal infections can indeed impact any part of the body. Fungi are primarily present in and on the body alongside diverse types of bacteria. But when a fungus begins to overgrow, you can experience an infection.

Onychomycosis, even called tinea unguium, is a fungal infection that influences either the fingernails or the toenails. Fungal infections mostly grow over time, so any immediate difference in the way your nail looks or feels could be too mild to notice at first. Of course, you can get a good Nail fungus medicine in India that works for your condition.

Why Does Nail Fungus Infection develop?

A fungal nail infection stems from the overgrowth of fungi in, under, or even on your nail. Fungi flourish in a warm, moist setting, so this environment can trigger them to overpopulate naturally. The same fungi that activate ringworm, jock itch and athlete’s foot can trigger nail infections.

Fungi that are already staying therein or on your body could trigger nail infections. If you have contacted someone else who has a fungal infection, you might have contracted it. These infections affect toenails more commonly than your fingernails, likely because your toes are generally limited to your footwear, where they stay in a warm, moist setting.

Also, if you get a manicure or pedicure at a nail salon, you need to ask how the employees or staff therein sterilize their tools and how often they do it. Tools or instruments, like emery boards and nail clippers, might spread fungal infections from person to person if they are not sterile.

Are There Any Home Remedies for Nail Fungus?

Like any other fungus infection, you can come across numerous home remedies for your toenail infection. Keep on reading to get an idea.

Black Tea

If you soak your feet in plain tea, it can be beneficial in treating toenail or foot fungus. Of course, black tea possesses tannic acid that dries out the feet, eradicates bacteria, and helps to close the pores of your foot to reduce sweating.

  • Just boil two quarts of water and add 5 to 6 tea bags. Permit the tea to cool and soak feet for around 30 minutes. You can use this foot soak regularly if desired.

Baking Soda

To heal your affected nail, you need to add baking soda to a foot soak. You can even make a baking soda paste with a negligible amount of water and apply it directly to your affected foot. Ensure that you permit the paste to sit on the affected area for 10 to 20 minutes. Once you are done, rinse with warm water and dry your foot thoroughly.

You can even sprinkle baking soda onto the foot or footwear like foot powder. Once you apply baking soda to your dry and affected foot, make sure you put on clean socks. Remember that baking soda might wick away moisture while healing properties act to reduce toenail fungus.

Hydrogen peroxide

It is something that can kill the fungus that breeds on toenails. You can directly wipe hydrogen peroxide on the infected toes or toenails with a dry and clean cloth or cotton swab. This hydrogen peroxide might also get used in a foot soak. All you need to do is:

  • Blend ⅛ cup of hydrogen peroxide (or various capfuls) to four cups of cold water and soak feet for around 10 to 20 minutes. Once you are done, rinse your feet with warm water and dry them up.

Always Wear Clean Socks and Shoes

If you are regularly changing your socks and shoes, it can also cut down on the development of unwanted foot fungus. Yes, your socks and athletic shoes might even be washed in hot water to rid the development of yeasts and fungi that could grow on the fabric. Some shoes can even be machine dried, and drying shoes in the sun is another excellent option when cleaning footwear.

Adding half of a cup of baking soda or even one cup of vinegar to the washing machine might aid eliminate bacteria or fungus on socks or even shoes. Then, boots and other footwear that are not machine washable might get wiped out with a vinegar and water mixture or sprayed with an over-the-counter or (OTC) antifungal spray. Remember that medicated powders can also get help in treating shoes for foot fungus.

You permit the feet to breathe by taking off shoes and socks once possible to prevent fungal growth. You must guard your feet by wearing breathable footwear and clean socks. Antimicrobial socks and shoes are made up of bamboo, copper, or even speciality fabrics, and these can help lessen unwanted bacteria and yeast from developing in your footwear.

Apple cider vinegar

Another excellent home remedy to treat your issue of toenail fungus encompasses the use of apple cider vinegar. Yes, vinegar is an antifungal that might be mixed with water to form a foot soak. Just try two portions of vinegar to one part of warm water and soak feet for around 20 minutes daily. You would get to feel the change in a few days or a week.

Use Salt

Soaking feet in an Epsom sort of salt (magnesium sulfate) bath might be beneficial to relieve your foot fungus. You can blend one cup of Epsom salt with two warm to hot water quarts and soak your feet for ten to twenty minutes.

You can even use some essential oils to blend the salt with. These essential oils are effective because they have herbs and ingredients good for overall health. Once you soak your toes in the mixture of salt and essential oils for twenty to thirty minutes, you will feel some relief. Make sure that you dry off your feet properly with a clean cloth once you are done.

Powerful Essential Oils

Essential oils are gaining popularity in homoeopathic treatment to heal and fix a variety of common ailments. Different essential oils have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Some essential oils that you can opt for to help reduce toenail fungus encompass:

  • Clove oil
  • Wild oregano oil
  • Tea tree oil
  • Clary sage oil
  • Jasmine oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Ylang-ylang oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Lemon oil
  • Wild oregano oil
  • Lemongrass oil
  • Thieves oil

Before applying them to the skin, you need to dilute essential oils with a suitable carrier oil, such as coconut oil or olive oil. Blend the desired oil or blend of oils with a carrier oil of your preference and apply a couple of drops to the affected nail.


So, since you know about so many remedies, you can make the most of them. And you can even use the products like antifungal nail polish India to ensure that your feet still look lovely and stunning while undergoing a fungus attack!

Antifungal Cream For Skin Infection | Yeast Infection

Fungal infections are, and most people might have experienced them. Fungal infections emerge when an invading fungus takes over an area or zone of the body and is so much for the immune system to tackle.

You can experience different types of fungal infections, and you should know about them all. You should know that fungi might breed in the air, soil, water, and plants. There are even some fungi that stay naturally in the body of human beings. Just like various microbes, there are assistive fungi and harmful fungi. When dangerous fungi attack the body, they might be challenging to kill, as they can survive in the environment and even re-infect the victim, trying to get better. But the good news is that even if you have a fungal infection that is uncommon, like a fungal infection on your lips, you can apply antifungal cream on lips made explicitly for it. This way, you can ensure that your lips are safe and healthy.

What are the Symptoms of Fungal Infection?

Once you know the symptoms of these fungal infections, you can deal with them in a better way. The symptoms of a fungal infection mainly depend on the type, but common symptoms can be like the following:

  • Skin alters, encompassing red and possibly cracking or peeling sort of skin
  • Extreme itching

What are the Kinds?

The following given conditions are all general types of fungal infections.

Angular Cheilitis:

Angular cheilitis is also known as angular stomatitis and perlèche. It triggers swollen, red patches in the corners on the outside surface of your lips. This condition can emerge on one or both sides of your lips. It is an inflammatory situation that can either last a couple of days or be a chronic issue. It can quickly impact people of all ages, including babies.

Symptoms of Angular Cheilitis

It exclusively appears at the corners of your mouth. The symptoms can be sore. These can vary from superficial redness to open, bleeding blisters. In case you are experiencing angular cheilitis, the bends of your mouth could be:

  • Swollen
  • Bleeding
  • Red
  • Cracked
  • Itchy
  • Blistered
  • Crusty
  • Scaly
  • Painful

You may also experience:

  • Difficulty eating as a result of the irritation
  • Burning feeling on your lips or mouth
  • Bad taste in your mouth
  • Lips feeling dry or chapped

Athlete’s foot

Tinea pedis, better known as athlete’s foot, is a common fungal infection that influences the foot. Athletes’ foot is usually associated with sports and athletes because the fungus enhances perfectly in warm, moist environments, such as socks and shoes, sports equipment, and locker rooms. In general, anybody may get affected by an athlete’s foot, and it is most general in warmer climates and even summer months, wherein it can multiply.


The symptoms of an athlete’s foot could vary slightly from person to person. Classic symptoms encompass:

  • The impacted skin may be soft, or layers might start to break down
  • The skin might scale and peel away
  • Redness or blisters on the impacted area
  • Cracking or peeling skin
  • Stinging, itching, or even burning sensations in the infected area

You should know that this condition is mainly treated with topical antifungal ointments available to purchase over-the-counter or even on the web. Severe infections can demand extra oral medications as well. The feet will also need to be cared for and kept dry to help eradicate the fungus.

Yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infections are a usual form of Candida overgrowth in women, and Candida albicans generally cause it. An overgrowth of Candida disturbs the average balance of the bacteria and yeast in the vagina. Such an imbalance of bacteria might be due to antibiotics, stress, that hormone imbalance, or poor eating habits, among other things. Candida infections can even generally cause fungal toenail infections and diaper rash.


Symptoms of a yeast infection can be:

  • Burning sensations or extreme pain during the time of urination or intercourse
  • Itching and swelling near the vagina
  • Redness and soreness on and surrounding your vagina
  • Unusual vaginal discharge, such as grey clumps that appear like cottage cheese or an extremely watery discharge

A rash can emerge over time in some cases. Yeast infections must get treated quickly, as the signs could become severe if left untreated. Avoiding yeast infections begins with a balanced diet and proper hygiene. Similarly, if you avoid wearing loose-fitting clothing formed of natural fibres, it can also help avert infection. Washing your underwear in boiling water and changing feminine products most of the time can also help avert fungal growth.

 Jock itch

Tinea cruris, also commonly known as jock itch, is another usual fungal skin infection. These fungi love warm and moist environments and flourish in moist areas of the body, such as your groin, the area of buttocks, and the inner thighs.

Jock itch might be more common in summer or the warm, humid areas of the world. Jock itch is contagious and is mainly spread through direct contact with an infected person or an item with the fungus.


It emerges on the body as an itchy, red rash that most of the time has a circular shape. Symptoms can be like:

  • Redness in your groin, buttocks, or your thighs
  • A red rash owning a circular shape and raised edges
  • Chafing, irritation, itching or burning in the infected area
  • Flaking, cracking, or even dry peeling of skin in the infected area

Treating jock itch most of the time involves topical antifungal ointments and even proper hygiene. Over-the-counter medications like products of Ketomac augment many cases of jock itch. Cleaning your impacted area and keeping it dry can also help kill the fungus.

Similarly, jock itch can be kept at a distance by wearing loose-fitting natural fibres, such as cotton underwear. Evading contact with other people who have the infection is equally significant. Not using shared items, such as towels and sporting equipment, might also help.


Tinea corpora, better known as ringworm, is a skin infection activated by a fungus that breeds on dead tissues, like skin, hair, and nails. Ringworm is a fungus that triggers both jock itch and athlete’s foot.


It is generally easy to notice because of its shape. Over time, a red patch that might itch or be scaly will mostly turn into a raised, ring-formed skin patch. It might even spread out into various rings. The outside of the ring is red and might look raised or bumpy, though the inside of the ring stays clear or scaly. Ringworm is contagious, and it can get spread by skin-to-skin contact or from association with pets, like dogs. The fungus might even survive on objects, such as clothes, towels, and brushes.


So, you can quickly get the best products like lips fungal infection cream for your fungus healing. It is about taking quick and constant action, and your fungal infection will disappear sooner than you feel.

If you feel that your hair is not good and aesthetic, you might not be treating them well. You must ensure that your hair gets the attention and care they deserve. Even the best straight hair can get ugly, brittle, and dull without any pampering or care. You take care of your hair, and they will care for you. It is all about what you do for them and what they do in return.

You can always give some more care and attention to your hair. You can use oils and shampoos that pamper your hair and ensure that your hair does not get damaged. You can easily use Oily scalp dandruff shampoo or similar products of Ketomac like Ketomac shampoos or oils to ensure that your hair gets the care and attention they need.

Don’t Miss Out on Oils. 

Oils are packed with fatty acids that form a protective layer over the hair’s surface and work as the best conditioner for damaged hair. Such a protective layer serves to lubricate your strands and assist in making detangling a smoother process while also protecting from heat when simply styling or in the scorching sun. The fatty acids in oils also help refill essential lipids in your hair that lessen as your hair starts to split. Thus, applying oils to the ends of your beautiful hair helps to avert a sort of breakage by strengthening the strand, holding it together, and mending damaged hair. Whether you believe it or not, these oils are considered the best healing powers for dry hair.

Even oils can penetrate the hair strand and moisturize it from within by sealing in hydration, easing dryness and frizz. Going back to the myth that applying oils to your hair might make it greasy or oily, your scalp tends to overproduce oil once it’s dehydrated, so using oils in your usual hair care routine might help balance out oil levels on your scalp and even lessen them! With high levels of vitamins, antioxidants, and unquestionably fatty acids, oils provide a much-needed increase of nourishment to your strands, and even your scalp, in case you desire.

Conditioners can be Fruitful. 

There are plenty of excellent natural conditioners available that everybody can benefit from, but certain conditioners will suit diverse hair types and need better. There can be premium oils for all-around moisture, and they can be rich in antioxidants, vitamin E, A, and C, making them suitable for your hair. The point is that whether you have dehydrated hair, split ends, or any other type of hair issue, the right conditioners can do magic for your hair.

One of the most common errors that lead to hair fall is dodging the conditioner, making it a reason for harmed hair and hair loss. So, one rule you should abide by is conditioning your hair whenever you can. As you might be aware, hair is at its weakest when wet, requiring more care and nourishment. While shampooing cleans away all the filth and grime, it also washes away the moisture and essential oils nourishing the hair. Hence, it becomes significant to follow up with the conditioner and bring back all the moisture to avoid turning into a vast hair fall reason.

Why Natural Oils and Conditioners?

There are shelves online, and offline that can be found flooded with options in products. You can find endless hair care products when you look around. But you need to understand that only the right oil or condition would work wonderfully for you. Here, if you look for organic options, that might be an excellent option. There are so many benefits of organic oils and conditioners. Have a look below:

No Chemicals at All 

If you have always kept yourself guarded against any conditioners or even oils because you are scared of chemicals, you need to relax. You can easily find out the options in organic products. You would never find any chemicals in these organic products, and you can check them out and read their ingredients to ensure their natural existence. There are so many synthetic products that are not good for you. If you replace them with quality Ketomac conditioners or oils, you will surely experience only the best and safest experience.

Butters, oils, and herbs 

Indeed, these organic oils, conditioners, and shampoos are made of safe ingredients. You can find oils, butter, creams, herbs, and more in these products. In this way, you can ensure that these organic products get you the most magnificent experience, and you would never experience any shallowness in the realm of organic products.

In the past, people used to use only natural herbs, oils, and even milk and butter to ensure that their hair remained clean, safe, strong, silky, and smooth. When you can get these natural items goodness in your organic products, what can be even better than this? You will never be disappointed with these products once you try them out. Whether you are a man, woman, or a kid, you can find that your hair stays more robust and smooth with organic products. The goodness of herbs, oils, milk, and butter found in these organic products would never let your hair to get damaged.

Impressive Variety in oils and conditioners 

If you feel that you do not have the Variety in the realm of organic products, then you are mistaken. These days you can find naturally rich nourishing products to keep your hair shining, strong, and smooth. You can pick the types of conditioners or oils specifically as per your preference, and you would not need to compromise on the fragrance, ingredients, etc. In this way, you can ensure that your hair gets the best care and smoothing.

Make a Proper Regime 

Even if you get the best oily scalp and dandruff shampoo for your hair care, it might be ineffective for your hair if you are not using it. These organic products are effective, safe, and suitable only if used. You need to switch to these products and ensure that you use them whenever you take a shower. If you plan to oil your hair, it would be good to keep your hair and scalp oiled for some hours and then wash them. Also, if you condition your hair, make sure that you condition hair only once or twice a week. If you are doing it properly, it will keep your hair clean and safe. Make sure that you apply the conditioner on the ends of your hair strands and not to the roots.


So, once you start using good quality organic oils and conditioners, you surely will not experience any uneasiness or ineffectiveness. Organic products are becoming the favourite of people.


Your hair is a beautiful possession that cannot be replaced. Once you have lost your hair or the charm of your hair, you will end up in long-lasting remorse. You must work on your hair to keep you in the most satisfactory condition. Do you think that you are suffering from any hair issues? Are you doing anything about such a thing? Come on; you cannot permit your hair to fade away.

There are so many things that you lose when you have Dandruff. Most people experience Dandruff sometimes or the other, and that is normal. But if you are experiencing continuous and dense Dandruff, you need to do something about it. If you are experiencing Dandruff, you can immediately start using the products like the most OK medicated shampoo for Dandruff in India and ensure that the right products get you relief and keep your hair safe.

Things you should know about Dandruff. 

Dandruff emerges when any fungal infection such as yeast emerges or takes place on the scalp. When it grows on your scalp, it will be addressed as Malassezia. This is a thing that causes itching and hair fall other than the shedding of the scalp. There are chiefly two kinds of Dandruff, the foremost one is for scalp dryness, and the other is the one that comes through the ailments. The former one takes place due to the extreme dryness of the skin. Speaking of the latter one, it is the actual ailment of the scalp. The 2nd one occurs mainly because of improper care of the scalp, uneven hair brushing, rare shampoo, and insufficient diet.

Dandruff is a Confidence Murderer 

Dandruff is a general complaint wherein your scalp gets too dry and peeling. It is better that you wash away your dandruff issues now. You cannot just permit Dandruff to hit your confidence hard. You have no clue how this problem might be hampering your confidence. You might naively check your head again and again during a meeting. Maybe you are giving a presentation, and then you recall Dandruff that sheds on your shoulder; such a thing leaves you wobbly. All your confidence goes out for a toss when you feel or think about Dandruff that you might be carrying on your head. This is a grave issue that must be tackled soon. In case you have never been so particular about the dandruff thing, it is time that you thoughtfully think about it.

What is the Ground of Dandruff?

The skin cells on your scalp, just like the ones on the rest of your body, get continuously replaced and shunned. If your skin cells start to rift too swiftly, that is quicker than they are shed. It is a thing that causes flakes. The overgrowth of these cells might be the reason for the build-up on the scalp that invites: Dandruff. Many people are sensitive to yeast known as Malassezia furfur that naturally stays on the scalp. This type of sensitivity could lead to the growth of other skin cells that accumulate and flake off. At times there is a genetic reason as well.

Speaking of Dandruff, it is triggered by the natural presence of a microbe on your scalp known as Malassezia globose. The microbe fetches the scalp oils into substances that could irritate the scalp. Though everyone has Malassezia globosa on their scalp, nearly fifty per cent of scalps get bothered by its presence.

If you feel that flakes are the main and only signs of Dandruff, you require rethinking. Some things come even before flakes and a hint of Dandruff. Itchiness is the most general symptom that heads flakes. The sensation of itchiness emerges when receptors on the skin’s surface get activated by some irritant. In such an instance, nerves send a sign to your brain via the spinal cord, which triggers you to act (scratch). Irritation from Malassezia can cause a scalp to become so itchy that you are forced to scratch. The thing is that the itchiness you are experiencing is the only sign that you will encounter Dandruff. Similarly, with itching, there are other sorts of signs, too, like signs of skin harm on the scalp: tightness, redness, and dryness, even irritation.

Things to Note 

You need to note that if you find any of these hints, you must begin the treatment at the earliest possible. There is no requirement to procrastinate. Once Dandruff gets out of hand, it becomes pretty tricky to handle this. Dandruff might be embarrassing many times and tough to treat, but the nice thing is that help is available. Some exclusive shampoos and medicines can be picked for your hair cleanliness and washes. Once you check out the options in the realm of Ketomac, you can get the products that help you heal your head and keep your hair Dandruff free. The suitable dandruff shampoos and products are the finest treatments for your hair.

Similarly, it would help if you kept in mind that sometimes Dandruff does emerge because of incorrect or wrong products. If you are using a few products that are not friendly to your skin or hair, it is right time you throw them out of your house. You must never use the products that hamper your hair’s hygiene, cleanliness, and wellness. If you get too confused, you can always speak with professionals too, and they will hand you the products that suit your hair and scalp and, at the same time, wipe away Dandruff.

Dandruff is Dangerous. 

Dandruff is always dangerous for your reputation and looks. Indeed, it would help if you were thinking about everything in this fast speeding life. You never know who could be observed that Dandruff on your shoulder. Of course, such things matter a lot once you are at a party, business meeting, or even a similar event. It would help if you were attentive about the hair condition because sometimes you don’t have any clue, and things get worse and tarnish your reputation adversely. It would be embarrassing if you were constantly dusting off Dandruff from your shoulders. What is the point if your colleagues, friends, or even acquaintances begin to maintain a distance from you because of your stupid Dandruff? Is it going to be callous, right?

Itchy Scalp

This is one of the chief reasons you require knowing how to get rid of this Dandruff. Itchy scalp is a condition that ends up in irritated and oily skin. Such an exact condition is pathologically recognized as seborrheic dermatitis. It is somewhat equal to an extreme dandruff form. It emerges because of improper shampooing or not doing shampooing sufficiently. It ends up in skin cell build-up, further leading to the formation of flakes and terrible itching. Even some of the personal care items or chemicals used on your scalp can lead to dermatitis, and it might also make your head sore and red.


So, you can check out the right dandruff medical shampoo in India and ensure that you are giving your hair and scalp the care it deserves and needs. Since you know much about Dandruff and its treatments, make a move now!


There are so many skin conditions that you know about. But have you ever thought about the cracks you might get around your lips? Have you ever experienced some pain around your lips and wondered why? Well, it could be the condition of cracked mouth corners. If you are not vigilant about your lips, you might have mouth conditions that make your routine sore and painful. Of course, you are talking, eating, and drinking through your mouth, right? If something is wrong with your mouth or lips, you might experience uneasiness and pain while eating or speaking.

The good news is that if you experience any problems, you can embrace the creams that work for you, like the best and most effective fungal cream for lips. You can check out the options in the realm of Ketomac and find the suitable cream as per your specific needs. The condition of Angular cheilitis is even known as angular stomatitis and that of perlèche. It triggers swollen, red patches in the corners or endings on the outside of your lips. These cracks can occur on one or both sides of your mouth. It’s an inflammatory situation that might either last a couple of days or be a chronic issue. It might impact people of all age groups.

Since you know it knows that it is Medically called angular cheilitis (literally “it is an inflammation of the angles of your lip”), it is even known as perleche, derived from the French lecher that of “to lick.” The point is that sometimes when you experience pain on the corners of your mouth because of cracks, you lick it continuously or repeatedly to feel comfort. But it is something that aggravates your situation.

Possible Reasons for the condition of Perleche

This Perleche owns several possible reasons, mostly from in or around your mouth (although systemic diseases or medications might cause it in rare events). It is mainly found among younger people who drool during sleep or older people with deep wrinkles along the sides of the mouth that augment dryness and cracking. Then you know the long-term wind or cold exposure, ill-fitting dentures, or a lack of back teeth (that help support facial structure) could even contribute to the condition. Patients having perleche might also develop yeast infections from a strain known as candida Albicans, and the infection might spread through the whole mouth, increasing the chances of physical discomfort.

Remember that treating the condition of perleche most of the time involves topical ointments having inflammation-reducing steroids and even zinc oxide, which owns antifungal properties, to cater for an environmental barrier during the healing procedure. If a yeast infection emerges, professionals may treat it with oral or topical antifungal medication, which has antibacterial properties. The point is you can find out the creams and other options once you know that you have a condition around your mouth, and timely actions can ensure that you have healthy and happy lips and mouth.

It even helps to adopt a couple of preventive measures that can minimalize the emergence of perleche. If you wear dentures, for example, cleaning these often (encompassing, if necessary, with chlorhexidine) and leaving them out during the night diminishes bacterial and fungal growth. Professionals can also see if your dentures are fitting correctly. Replacing your missing teeth provides better facial support and might minimize wrinkling around your mouth. And indeed, keeping up regular brushing and flossing assists in ensuring a healthy and ailment-free mouth.

Apparent Signs 

Signs of angular cheilitis will almost appear exclusively at the corners of the mouth. The signs can be piercing. These might differ from mild redness to open, bleeding blisters. In case you are experiencing the condition of angular cheilitis, the corners of your mouth could be:

– Bleeding

– Cracked

– Red

– Swollen

– Blistered

– Scaly

– Crusty

– Itchy

– Painful

Other signs can include:

– You might get a bad taste in your mouth

– Challenges eating as a result of the irritation

– You experience a burning feeling on your lips or mouth

– Lips feeling extremely dry or chapped

What Triggers angular cheilitis?

There are various types different causes of angular cheilitis. The most common is yeast infection as an outcome of saliva. You know what? Saliva might build up and get trapped in the corners of the lips, which causes the lips to crack. A person might lick their lips more to soothe the pain or dryness of their lips. This excessive saliva could sit in the corners, which is the ideal warm environment for fungi such as yeast to grow. Of course, you know very well that these yeast infections occur mainly in the areas that stay wet. Also, viruses and bacteria might trigger it to develop. There are specific types of people who are more at risk for experiencing or developing angular cheilitis, encompassing the ones who:

– Take regular oral thrush

– Often use corticosteroids or antibiotics

– Have an overhang of your upper lip, forming up deeper angles at the corners of the lips

– Wear the braces

– Have a susceptible type of skin

– Have other sorts of inflammatory illnesses, such as Crohn’s ailment

– Making use of oral retinoid medication

– Possess Sjogren’s syndrome

– The habit of smoking

– Possess diabetes, anaemia, or cancer

– Experience deficiencies of vitamins B-9, B-2, B-6, or B-3, or even that the mineral zinc

How Does angular cheilitis Get diagnosed?

Since this angular cheilitis condition could signify a fungal or bacterial infection, you must consult your doctor to find out how to treat it. Your primary care doctor might diagnose angular cheilitis, but dermatologists could be able to cater to the best treatment. Yes, you should consult a good dermatologist, and they will let you know what exactly you are there and how you can get rid of it. After all, these dermatologists are skin specialists. Your doctor will examine your skin and ask about any other skin irritations elsewhere on your body.

Remember, the doctor might ask you about your personal and family history of this oral thrush and even that of yeast infections. These doctors could even ask what other conditions you have and what medications you are already taking. Also, your doctor could probably take culture swabs from the corners of the mouth to send to a lab to get them tested, and such a thing would help them diagnose a reason.


So, you should be careful about your antifungal lips and ensure that you use suitable creams to heal your lips. Your irritating and pesky cracks on the corners of your mouth will take a back seat if you use the suitable creams and talk to the doctor right away. The sooner you take action, the better and speedier outcomes you experience.


Your lips do have a dominating place on your face, and hence, you must ensure that you keep your lips in the best shape. You cannot take a risk with how your lips look and all. Come on. If you are not taking good care of your lips, your lips might encounter problems that become harmful or dangerous for you. And don’t you forget that your looks would go for a toss.

The way you have the best antifungal nail cream, you can find the creams meant for your lips. You can experience different conditions on your lips if you do not take proper action in time. Of course, your lips can get healed and stay in the best shape with suitable creams. After all, it is about keeping your lips healthy.

The Condition of lip dermatitis or eczematous cheilitis

You know what, eczema on the lips is also known as lips dermatitis or eczematous cheilitis. It causes a characteristic redness, drying, and even scaling of the lips. Eczema refers to a group of skin situations that might trigger itchy rashes, cracked skin, and even painful sores and blisters. People who have eczema generally experience periods of flare-ups and even reduction throughout their life.

Now you must be thinking, how can people get this Condition on their lips, right? Folks may get eczema on the lips because of genetics or environmental factors, like that irritating substance in lip products or even that habitual licking of the lips. Yes, if you are licking your lips now and then, you need to stop it immediately. Such are the habits that may lead to this lip condition.

What are the Types and signs of lips eczema?

Eczema on your lips may emerge because of an allergic reaction. Remember that there are various kinds of eczema on the lips, encompassing the following:

Irritant contact cheilitis emerges from external irritation, like lip licking, cosmetics, and even different environmental aspects.

– Allergic contact cheilitis is an allergic reaction to lip products, toothpaste, dental materials, or medication.

Angular cheilitis could be found standard in folks having diabetes.- Angular cheilitis develops because of a fungal infection, generally Candida, or a bacterial infection. An individual could get the infection because of dentures, lip licking or braces, or other factors that cause saliva to construct saliva in the corners of the mouth.

Remember that the signs of lip eczema might emerge or occur on one or both lips and might even impact the skin inside and surrounding your mouth. The signs of eczema on the lips could include:

– A red rash on or around the lips

– Extreme itching

– Dryness or flakiness

– Scaly or split skin

– Burning

– Pain

– Inflammation

– Triggers

Diverse types of factors can trigger lip eczema in varied people. It could help to note when the sign emerges to determine what is causing lip eczema. Aspects that could trigger lip eczema include:

– Specific kinds of lip products, such as specific chemicals in lipsticks and even chopsticks

– Fragrances, household cleaners, soaps, and fabrics

– Dry skin that cold, dry climates might make worse particular foods

– Cigarette smoke

– Pollens

– Different respiratory infections

– Sweating

– Alterations in hormone levels

– Stress

If you experience these things and doubt that something is up with your lips, it would be good to consult a dermatologist right away. And you can even start using the lip creams of Ketomac to ensure that your Condition weakens and ends sooner than you feel. Remember that if you are a person who has sensitive skin, you can be prone to eczema on your lips.

The Condition of angular Cheilitis 

Angular cheilitis is a type of skin condition that triggers one or both corners of your mouth to turn out to be painful and inflamed. Remember that the technical term for the areas impacted is the labial commissures. The commissures refer to the two corners of your mouth, where the upper and lower lips link. Angular cheilitis is the inflammation, encompassing redness, swelling, and even pain at one or both the commissures. It would help if you kept in mind that the inflammation linked to angular cheilitis could extend onto the lips or even that of the skin of the face slightly, but it is mainly confined to the corners of your mouth.

Quick facts to Know about angular cheilitis:

– It is not a disease but a sign of something else.

– Extreme moisture on the lips or mouth might lead to the Condition.

– Anybody of any age might develop angular cheilitis.

– The treatment includes addressing the underlying cause swiftly.

Angular cheilitis is sometimes known as angular stomatitis, cheilosis, or perleche. In simple words, angular cheilitis is a kind of pain in the corners of your mouth. This Condition itself does not spread beyond the corners of your mouth. However, if it is infected and left untreated, the infection might spread. Because of the risk of infection, a doctor must determine the reason for the inflammation so it gets treated correctly.

How to Stay Away from these Conditions? Are There Treatments?

You can do various things to ensure that your lips stay safe and away from these conditions. Also, you can use the creams and speak with the doctor to find the best healing procedures for your lips.

For now, keep the following things in mind:

– Never pick, lick, or peel your lips. Once you apply the product, do so with your clean fingers – presenting extra bacteria to your lips could trigger a secondary infection.

– Sometimes less is more. Yes, you need to pick lip products with lesser ingredients. Pure white petroleum jelly could be your most acceptable option until things improve in extreme distress. You can check out the creams and products of Ketomac for the best options.

– It is essential that you evade acidic, salty, or even hot foods (either spice or that of temperature). Orange juice, salad dressing, red wine, salsa, and chips could irritate the lips further in the compromised state.

If you feel you have an allergy, you must see an allergist for patch testing of your skin. If you’re failing to do this, you can check out the ingredients in all products you use on your lips area, and hence, you would know what might be the reason for your issue.


So, just like the reasonable ketoconazole shampoo price, you can get the best quality lip creams and products to heal and guard your lips. Go for it since you know about the lip problems and the treatments you might embrace.


Out of the many hair concerns women have, having oily hair frustrates them the most. Although the markets are flooded with hair products that promise to give you shiny, lustrous, anti-dandruff hair, very few products help us fight greasy hair. However, this in no way should lower the self-esteem of the girls who have oily hair. We mention below eight hair care habits that every oily-haired girl must follow to have healthy hair.

What causes oily hair? – Before we start finding solutions for oily hair, we must understand what causes oily air. Sebum is the oil produced by the oil glands in the body. When sebum is produced in excess, and when it is accumulated, it results in oily hair. Body oil, to some extent, is necessary to keep our skin hydrated and healthy, but overproduction of it becomes a cause to worry. Excessive oil production can happen due to hormonal imbalance or your daily beauty regime. The frequency of hair wash, the products you use, and the hairstyles you use contribute to oily hair.

Apply conditioner the right way-it is necessary to use a conditioner for oily hair. A conditioner not only hydrates the hair but also provides protection, which shampoos cannot do alone. The vital thing to consider is to find a hair conditioner that suits your hairstyle and needs. It is suggested to apply conditioner only at the ends of the hair strands instead of applying it all over the hair. Avoid the scalp from getting in contact with the conditioner. You must rinse your hair thoroughly afterwards. Sometimes the leftover shampoo or conditioner on the hair is mistaken to be oil.

Do not wash hair too frequently– do not wash your hair daily as it may result in greasy hair roots. Washing it every day means that the hair is deprived of the natural oil necessary to provide the hair with shine. When the sebum is washed away, the body produces more of it to combat the dryness, leading to the overproduction of sebum. This goes on like a never-ending process, which leaves you with nothing but greasy hair. Therefore, you must shampoo your hair every alternate day or once in 3 days.

Switch up your brush-it is a myth that brushing oily hair can only worsen it. If you choose the right brush, you can clear the hair of the oil. The oil may also get distributed, making the hair appear less oily. Bristle brushes work well for greasy roots as the fibres gather oil and distribute it throughout the hair. However, don’t brush it too vigorously as that can only boost oil production.

Choose your products wisely– not all products are suitable for all hair types. Some products can worsen your oily hair problem when you choose hairstyle products to refrain from buying products labelled as shine-enhancing or anti-frizz as these products contain oil, which can make your hair look oilier. Search for products with volumizing properties which will uplift your hair and prevent it from coming in contact with greasy roots.

It can affect the appearance and feel of the hair. This is because, just like your air, oil is also produced in your fingertips and face. This oil can be transferred to your hair, making the problem of oily hair all the worse. So keep your hands away from your hair! Do not touch your hair- do not fiddle with your hair all the time, as twirling and raking can only worsen your oily hair.

Avoid straightening your hair– to all those who love using flat irons to give a straightened look to their hair; this may come as bad news. However, straightened hair can only worsen the oiliness problem in your hair. Straight hair makes it easy for the oil to travel down to the hair shaft, making it more prominent. Straight hair makes the hair attach too closely to the scalp, thereby contacting the oil of the scalp and face. Instead, go for a curly hairstyle, which will give your hair volume so that it does not become greasy too soon.

Go easy on the dry shampoo- do not use dry shampoo in excess as it can result in product build-up, making your scalp go dry and produce more oil in return.

Use a scalp scrub– you can include a hair exfoliator or scalp scrub into your hair care routine once a week to reduce the build-up of oil. Apply the scrub on a wet scalp, as the water will help carry the product well. Gently massage the scalp with the exfoliator in small circular motions with the help of your fingertips, just the way you exfoliate your face. To prepare a homemade scrub, you need to mix two tablespoons of sea salt, two tablespoons of lemon juice, and two tablespoons of olive oil. The salt helps remove the dead skin, dirt and grime, and excess oil accumulation. The olive oil keeps your hair hydrated. With this homemade scrub, you can also say goodbye to oily air.

Are you all prepared to bid farewell to your oily air finally? You must find the perfect shampoo and conditioner for your oily hair. Ketomac shampoo is the best that one can use. Ketomac shampoo contains ketoconazole that interferes with fungi and yeast cell membranes to kill them. Ketomac shampoo is best for the prevention and treatment of dandruff.

Dandruff is a common problem faced by a majority of the population. Although generally harmless, dandruff can be very annoying. Ketoconazole is most effective in treating dandruff. Ketomac shampoo treats itching, flaking, scaling, and dandruff. Ketomac provides the most effective and best dandruff treatment for oily scalp. Avoid contact with Ketomac shampoo with your eyes and mouth. If it has been contacted by chance, rinse it off thoroughly with water. Store it in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight. Keep it out of reach of small children.

How to use Ketomac shampoo-Wet your scalp and hair with water. Take a small quantity of Ketomac shampoo, apply it to your scalp, and massage it well to form a lather. Let the shampoo remain for five to 10 minutes, and then wash it with water thoroughly. Initially, it would help if you used Ketomac shampoo twice a week for a month. After that, once the dandruff has cleared, use it once a week to prevent dandruff from recurring and to keep the scalp clean.

If you have not already brought a Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo, you must buy one without further delay. Ketomac is the best anti-dandruff shampoo for the oily scalp available on the market today. You will no longer have to feel embarrassed to comb your hair in front of others or fear white flakes falling from your hair into your shoulder. All you will have is healthy and shiny hair!


The rains sure bring us a welcome relief from the hot and sultry weather. However, one thing that turns into a nightmare in the rainy season is taking care of the hair. Due to their high humidity levels, the monsoons make the hair frizzy, lustreless, and limp. Also, the high level of pollution adds carbon to the rainwater. Carbons can significantly affect our hair by making them frizzy and dry and may even cause hair loss. In addition, hair colour may run out. You may notice dandruff forming or hair fall may make it difficult to manage your tresses. However, you must not let the rain damage your hair. You must follow a simple hair care routine to easily sail through all the hair problems. We often neglect our hair, but you must follow a healthy hair care routine in monsoon. Below are a few tips to keep your hair healthy and shining in the rainy season.

Shampoo your hair regularly: Our busy life does not let us stay indoors, and we have to go out in the rain. You must shampoo your hair regularly to keep your scalp clean from any dirt or grime left behind by rainwater. You must know your hair type and buy a shampoo according to it. Cleansing and purifying hair ensure that it remains free from particles and residues. Try your best not to get your hair wet in the rain as the pollutant in the rainwater weakens the hair shafts causing hair to become lustreless and limp. If you have to go out, make sure that your head is covered by either a plastic hood or a poncho to prevent the hair from getting wet. Use shampoo to strengthen your hair from the root to the tip. Shampoos like Ketomac strengthen and protects the weak layers of hair and make the hair smooth and silky.

Conditioning: You must use a good quality conditioner to reduce frizziness and avoid dryness. Apply a masque to untangle the hair knots and make the hair smooth. Leave the conditioner on the hair for some time as it forms a protective layer on the hair strands. However, please do not use too much and apply it only in the middle of the hair and soft, smooth, and silky hair at the ends.

Apply hair potion: Hair potion is the best formula to prevent hair frizziness. Apply a few drops of it to the length and ends of the hair. It makes the rough and damaged hair turn into a smooth and silky one.

Keep your hair dry- if your hair gets wet in rainwater, immediately dry it well, as rainwater contains dirt and acids that may damage your hair. It is also a reason for fungal and bacterial infection on the scalp. So, one effective way to keep your hair safe is by keeping it dry. Use a soft towel that soaks in all the water from the hair rapidly and reduces friction between hair strands. This reduces hair fall.

Keep your air tied – Do not let your hair loose open. Tie your hair to retain the moisture, and prevent dryness and frizz. However, do not tie your hair too tight. You can wear a loose ponytail or a bun. In addition, short hair helps avoid hair breakage. Longer hair means pulling down more hair, which increases hair fall. So, try keeping your hair short in the monsoon season.

Go for a hair spa: Pamper your hair by going for a spa session. The trained professionals will cleanse your hair from the inside and the outside. Spas treatment is essential to provide nourishment to your hair and roots. Coloured hair needs extra care as it is treated with chemicals. If you have coloured hair and go out in the rain, wet your hair and apply a conditioner. This prevents the colour from running out. However, once you are back home, ensure that you rinse the hair with cold water. It is a myth that you cannot colour your hair in the monsoon. You can get your hair colour done, albeit with dark shades to compensate for the dull and gloomy weather outside. However, much care is needed after hair colouring as rain can wash out the colour. It is recommended to reapply a hair colour coat after a few weeks.

Use a wide-toothed comb: The kind of comb one should use during monsoon plays a vital role in taking care of your hair. A comb has a wide tooth end and a narrow tooth end. The wide comb is mainly used to untangle the knots and to spread the conditioner evenly onto the hair. In monsoon, the hair tends to get entangled very fast, and therefore you must always keep a wide comb handy to prevent breakage of hair. Another type of comb used for increasing hair volume is the pick comb. If your hair is curly or permed, this comb is the best. In addition, you must keep in mind not to comb your wet hair immediately as it tends to make the hair weak. There should be enough space between the teeth of the comb to prevent hair breakage. Also, please do not share your combs as it may lead to fungal infection of the scalp.

The hair washes routine one should follow – There are a few hair care tips to follow while washing your hair. Before applying shampoo, make sure your hair is thoroughly soaked and not wash your hair with too hot or too cold water. Water, which is at room temperature, is ideal. Massage your scalp well with the shampoo gently using your fingertips. Do not massage it roughly. Rinse off the shampoo thoroughly. Add a shine to your hair by applying a little conditioner with the help of a comb, and then rinse it off with cold water.

A healthy diet: Diet plays a pivotal role in taking care of your hair. A diet rich in protein, iron, and omega-three fatty acids will protect and strengthen the hair, prevent it from getting dehydrated, and promote healthy hair growth. What you eat will directly affect your hair and its quality. To give your hair the much-needed lustre, you must include protein-rich foods like eggs, fish, green leafy vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, and walnuts. Foods rich in iron such as berries, nuts, sweet potatoes, and spinach are best for boosting hair growth.

Dandruff increases in the monsoon season. You must use an effective anti-dandruff shampoo like Ketomac to combat the problem. Ketomac is the best anti-dandruff shampoo in India by Torque that you can have. It contains ketoconazole which is an antifungal agent. It provides your hair with shine and controls flaking, itching, and scaling of the scalp. Its anti-inflammatory properties are best in treating dandruff. This anti-dandruff shampoo medicated helps you say goodbye to dandruff. A vast range of Ketomac products helps treat several skin diseases, such as ringworm, jock itch, athlete’s foot, etc. These come either in tablet form or as ointments and creams. So, hurry up and buy Ketomac products for having the most lustrous and dandruff free hair and good glowy skin.


You can always get the experience that you crave. You can always ensure that you have the best arrangements for your health. It is all about your choices and precautions. Once you look around, you can ensure that you have the right things for your hair care. Since your hair is essential to you and you adore them, make sure you take care of them properly. You cannot simply take your hair for granted. After all, when you have the solutions and provisions for the best hair, make sure that you use them.

You can find the best products for your hair care once you look around. You can pick the best summer shampoo for dry hair or any other hair type. You can explore the options and ensure that you have the shampoos or the items that are good for your hair care. Many of you might want to lighten up your hair. What do you think you need to do? Do you don’t want to do bleach? Well, then what you can do is go for the other ways. Instead of getting back to bleach, you can always find other ways to lighten your hair. Of course, many of you do not want harsh chemicals on your hair and wish to lighten your hair without bleach. So, it is so good that you can find natural shampoos for lightening your hair and home remedies to ensure that your hair is lightened.

Get some sunshine for your hair.

You know what, your hair will lighten on its own once exposed to us and ova rays. To quicken this process, you need to sprit equal parts lemon juice and water onto all over your hair and soak up the sun. The most convenient way to lighten up your hair is by sitting out in the sunshine as it helps the process.” But you know what? It is a method that would be effective even more for individuals who possess naturally blonde hair. Using brunette hair might trigger a reddish or an orange hue to emit out of your hair.

Magic of cinnamon and honey

It has been said that cinnamon and honey are unique combinations when doing it yourself methods. Once blended with cinnamon, the tiny amounts of hydrogen peroxide in honey become activated and act as a brightening agent like lemons by lifting the highest layer of shade from hair. If you want to utilize them properly, you might require creating a hair mask. Then the recipes characteristically need coconut or olive oil as a blending agent for convenient application. Of course, some people have experienced excellent results from this method.

If you want to combine the honey, conditioner, hot water, and olive or coconut oil in equivalent parts of half a cup, you need to add a tablespoon of cinnamon. Leave it on for half an hour. Then it would help if you washed it out. Remember that the more frequently you use the mixture on your hair, the better results you will gain and experience.

Use lemon for your hair.

If you have always praised lemon for your beverage cravings, now is the time to use lemon for other things. Yes, this juice of the lemon is one of the most convenient and most common manners to lighten your hair, but there are some qualifications to the process. You know this juice works just for pale brunettes and that blonde. If you are a dark brown or a redhead, you will achieve either no lightness at all or your hair will turn out to be brassy. For this reason, lemon juice possesses citric acid, which opens the cuticle of the hair when it’s exposed to heat (like sunlight) and eradicates the first layer of colour. This forms a lighter effect for blondes, but brunettes will more likely experience an orange tone.

If you are a light brunette or blonde and want to test out this simple method, you need to mix two parts, leave in that of the spray conditioner with just one portion of lemon juice, and then use a spray bottle to apply to damp hair. It would help if you got enough sun exposure for your hair to heat up when you are done. Then wash out the lemon a couple of hours later. But remember that you would get some results though not entirely like bleach. But again, it will be a natural way of lightening your hair. Also, remember that you wash your hair correctly and politely. Once you are done, you surely will experience good results.

Apple cider vinegar

Now, this is something that works similarly to that of lemon juice. Yes, once you do repeated use, apple cider vinegar starts to lower the hair’s ph. It is going to open the cuticle slightly. Then, the top layer of the underlying shade is stripped away once exposed to sun or heat. You indeed would find some change once you use it on your hair. If you want to apply it, you need to use a spray bottle with equivalent parts of apple cider vinegar and water and spritz it across the length and ends. But make sure that you are using it in a standard quantity and without harshness. Many products in the industry tend to be for lightening your hair, but they hardly show any such ingredients like lemon, apple cider vinegar, or similar ones. For this reason, these ingredients do not appear gorgeous on the top. But believe it or not, once you use these things for your hair, you surely will be full of praise for them.

Always keep your hair clean.

Moreover, once you are using all these ways to keep your hair light, make sure that you are ensuring that your hair is clean too. You can use the best shampoo for summer in India and ensure that your hair is fresh and clean. You can always ensure that you have proper and safe colour if it is clean and hygienic. You need to ensure that your hair stays in the best shape. After all, it is about your hair care, and you cannot take a risk.

Ensure that you are washing your hair twice a week or extensively if you are into sports or extreme physical activity. After all, it is about your hair, and you cannot take a risk. Once you keep your hair clean and safe, you can ensure that your hair is clean and adequate. These remedies work even more fabulous once you have clean hair.


So, it is time that you lighten up your hair without even using bleach. You do have the ease to get the lighter shade for your hair without dipping into the chemical oriented bleaches.


Many conditions can be pesky for you. Fungal nail infection is one such thing. Once you have experienced it, you can relate to it every inch. But if you have never experienced it, you should know about it. If you ever find any emerging signs of fungal infection, make sure that you address it immediately or end up with adverse experiences.

Of course, you can get a good antifungal cream for your skin and ensure that your skin is healed and is in the best shape. It is all about how informed you are. And if you think that it just happens to some people, you are wrong. If you are not taking care of your skin well, you can be the next victim of this nail fungal infection.

What are the causes and symptoms of fungal nail infection?

Before you go any further, it is essential to understand that these nail fungal infections are the most common conditions or ailments of the nails. It makes up around fifty per cent of nail abnormalities. The fungus is present in the body most of the time, but it can become a big problem if it overgrows. You should also know that these conditions are onychomycosis and even tinea unguium.

You know both the fingernails and toenails are susceptible to infection that often appears as discolouration and thickening of the nail and decaying edges. The situation most commonly arises in toenails. A vast number of people suffer from foot fungal infections.

Swift facts

  • Microscopic fungi that are present in the nail trigger the condition.
  • It could impact your fingernails and toenails, but it is more common in the feet.
  • Diagnosis is carried out by examination of the debris under the whole nail.

What are the causes of fungal nail infection?

In general, in healthy and fit people, fungal infections of the nails are usually caused by a fungus that is grabbed from damp, moist, wet zones. There are apparent reasons for communal showers, such as those installed at a gym or swimming pools. Nail salons that use inadequate sanitization of tools or instruments (such as clippers, filers, and foot tubs) and living with family or friends who experience fungal nails are even dangerous factors.

You know the athletes have been turned out to be more liable to nail fungus. This is because the wearing of tight-fitting, really sweaty shoes linked up with monotonous trauma to the toenails. Repetitive trauma damages and weakens the nail, making the nail a lot more susceptible to fungal infection. Once you have athletes’ feet, it could be more probable that the fungus will infect your toenails.

Then the microscopic organisms that are even known as fungi trigger the condition of nail fungal infections; these do not ask for sunlight to survive, so they can easily thrive in such areas. Many fungi known as dermatophytes (such as candida) are primarily accountable for nail fungal infections. However, some types of yeasts and molds even trigger such infections; these might encompass:

  • Trichophyton rubrum – is the most common dermatophyte that activates nail fungal infections.
  • The condition of trichophyton violaceum.
  • Trichophyton interdigitale.
  • Trichophyton soudanense.
  • Epidermophyton floccosum.
  • Microsporum gypseum.
  • Trichophyton tonsurans.

General mould causes can include:

  • Aspergillus
  • Scopulariopsis
  • Neoscytalidium

Pathogens that activate nail fungus infection usually enter the skin through tiny cuts or slight separations between the nail and nail bed. The fungi grow once the nail offers a suitably warm and damp environment.

What are the dangerous factors?

Anybody can get a fungal nail infection, but they are more common in men than women and the elderly than the young. Some additional traits or factors raise the risk of nail fungal infection. These include:

  • A family history of fungal infection
  • Reduced blood circulation
  • Slow growing nails
  • Wearing artificial nails
  • Extensive perspiration
  • Humidor moist work environment
  • Prior injury or infection to the skin or nail
  • Wearing socks and shoes that avert ventilation
  • Walking barefoot in damp public places, like gyms, swimming pools, and shower rooms
  • An exercise that triggers repeated minor trauma to the hyponychium, where the fingertip attaches to the nail
  • Aids, diabetes, circulation problems, a weakened immune system
  • Tight footwear with thronging of toes

Elderly adults are the most at risk of nail fungus infections as lesser blood circulation, and slower-growing nails are part of the entire natural ageing process.

What are the symptoms?

Talking about symptoms of fungal nail infection, these can fluctuate from different levels to different levels. Nails that are impacted by fungus typically are:

  • Thickened
  • Ragged
  • Distorted
  • Dull
  • Brittle
  • Crumbly
  • Darker or yellowish

There may also be:

  • Scaling beneath your nail known as hyperkeratosis
  • Yellow or white streaking could be known as lateral onychomycosis
  • Yellow spots at the bottommost of the nail known as proximal onychomycosis
  • Ill nails could separate from the nail bed, and a condition is known as onycholysis

Such nail fungal infections might result in pain in the toes or even that of your fingertips, and these can even produce a foul and bad odour. Then there could be more symptoms linked to nail fungus infections like fungus-free skin lesions called dermatophytids. These might emerge or appear like rashes or itchiness in an area of the body that is not impacted by the fungus – somewhat like an affected or allergic reaction. So, get an excellent fungal nail infection cream and ensure that your issue gets cleared sooner than you expect. You can count on Ketomac fungal creams and products.

A quick peep into diagnosis

To diagnose this issue of nail fungus infections, a doctor will generally examine threadbare debris from beneath the nail. The nail scrapings will be used in tests like potassium hydroxide (kohl) smear or even fungal culture. The kohl test could be swiftly performed, while the fungal culture could take nearly weeks. It would help if you also kept in mind that the physicians need to be careful when diagnosing the fungal infection of the nail as various other conditions could end up in similar symptoms. These encompass psoriasis, trauma, lichen planus, contact dermatitis, nail bed tumour, eczema, and yellow nail syndrome. Once you know that you are experiencing this condition, you can ensure that your nails are safe and healthy. The suitable creams and treatments would get you comfortable in no time.


So, since you know a lot about fungal infections of the nail, make sure that you are taking all the precautions to ensure that your nails are healthy and safe. You can always use antifungal, antifungal creams like Ketomac and ensure that your condition improves. But make sure that you apply the cream when your nails are dry and clean.


Many annoying conditions can get on your nerves if you do not address them adequately. One of the tedious and irritating conditions is foot infection. You know, foot infections emerge when bacteria step on foot in one way or another. It can be either via a wound or through the skin. An infected and harmed foot can be painful and delay mobility, but it might be challenging to treat because its fundamental cause might be challenging to identify.


You know you can get the best treatment for fungal foot infection once you look around. There are creams like Ketomac that can be ideal for healing your feet. If you get this infection, you must not panic because it is something familiar. Foot infections are prevalent because foot wounds are common. The ground is packed with dangerous and sharp objects, and it can pierce the skin and form an opportunity for bacteria to step into the body. Moreover, even microorganisms, like the bacteria that trigger an athlete’s foot and toenail fungus, grow and flourish in this environment. Some situations even may enhance the danger of foot infection.

It is essential to understand that wearing socks and shoes might always create a moist setup. Here, bacteria and fungi might flourish, and walking around barefoot might trigger injuries that lead to eventual infections. The only way to prevent a foot infection is through proper foot maintenance and proper medical attention immediately after a wound or injury. The sooner you act on the condition, the sooner you get a positive reaction.

What are the kinds of foot infections?

These foot infections are prevalent, which means there are various kinds of infections. Common fungi and bacteria trigger some, and many of these are part of the skin’s natural microbiome, while open wounds trigger others. Following, you shall find categories for the most common foot infections.


Well, you might have heard this name or term, right? For your information, these are the most common sorts of foot infections. Fungal infections emerge when the feet stay damp for lengthy periods, such as working in wet conditions or sweating. This triggers an athlete’s foot, a prevalent but contagious fungus that might spread through clothing, towels, and floors. Also, remember that nail fungal is also extremely common.

Bacterial or wound-based

Then cracks or cuts in the skin cater to an opportunity for bacteria to step into the body. These bacteria could be on the floor, but they could also be part of your skin’s natural microbiome. Though some wounds could get caused by dangers on the ground, these might also be triggered by ingrown toenails and harmed plantar warts. You would never want your cracks or wounds in the body to lead to any health issues, right?

Diabetic factor

Folks having diabetes have an enhanced risk of foot infection because high blood sugar might harm the skin, blood vessels, and even the nerves in the feet. Additionally, diabetes could reduce blood flow, slowing the healing process and enhancing the risk of developing grave foot infections. Diabetic foot infections always ask for a visit to the doctor.

Post-surgical infection

Now it could be rare. Complications emerging from foot surgery might end up in foot infections. The risk for developing an infection is less than one per cent in fit and healthy individuals, as antibiotics are characteristically provided before surgery to diminish the risk. However, having diabetes or other immune system situations might enhance the risk for a person, as can smoking.

Athlete’s foot 

Once a rash, itchiness, and flaking develop between the toes, it is most frequently related to an all-too-uncommon situation known as athlete’s foot (tinea pedis). In this situation, fungus flourishes in moist environments such as gyms and saunas and might flourish in sweaty socks and shoes. It is highly transmissible and can be willingly spread through contaminated floors, towels, or clothing.[you need to remember that athlete’s foot might be caused by any number of fungi, encompassing those associated with ringworm. The good news is that most of the instances might be identified by symptoms alone. More severe or recurring cases could benefit from a microscopic examination of a skin scraping, known as a Koh test.

When should you go to any doctor for a sick foot?

Though these fungal infections are easily treated with over-the-counter medications like creams, some would require medical or surgical treatment. If your infection triggers swelling, heat, a bad smell, and even that makes walking difficult, you will require to see a doctor for an antibiotic medication. However, if you are experiencing more severe signs, you should look for emergency medical treatment. Such a thing can include any of the following experiences.

Red streaks

The red streaks, or that of any slow-moving red line, might indicate infectious lymphangitis. This condition occurs when the infection invades the lymphatic system or bloodstream. This can swiftly trigger infection throughout the body and immediately demands a doctor’s help. There is no harm in visiting a doctor to ensure that your health is best.

Do you experience fever and chills?

Then it is something that could indicate that the infection has spread. It would be crucial that you seek medical assistance right away. You need to visit the doctor and examine yourself to ensure that you are not experiencing any harmful conditions. Or even if your foot infection is getting adverse, the right and timely creams and medicines can do wonders.

Crackling noise

Well, it is also a clear sign. This is a symptom that is particular to gangrene or even localized body tissue decomposition. This sign is typically accompanied by extreme discolouration, swelling, and even foul odour. In many instances, gangrenous appendages need to be amputated. Yes, if you get it on your feet, you might lose them. So, it is critical to meet the doctor right away and find out the solution in time.

It is quickly spreading swelling or redness.

Then there are always times when you experience swelling, and these signs may indicate cellulitis, an extreme form of infection. This emerges when a bacterial infection reaches more deep layers of the skin. This infection might conveniently spread to the lymph nodes and even the bloodstream. If the case is not treated quickly, the condition could be life-threatening.

Remember that in case you have diabetes, you must visit the doctor as soon as you suspect a foot infection. For this reason, you could be predisposed to developing a more severe condition. It is worth remembering that seeing a doctor at the first symptom of a severe infection can radically reduce the danger of complications.


So, you can find out the best cream for foot infections like that Ketomac and ensure that your feet are safe and hygienic. Once you take good care of your feet, you experience the utmost effectiveness.


It is true that you are proud of your looks, but do you are happy with your hair? Do you think that your hair is getting your nerves always? Do you feel that your hair is too oily or greasy? Well, then you need to watch out for your hair correctly. You cannot simply neglect it. If you think you are using a general shampoo and working on your oily aspect, you are mistaken. A general oil only works as a general thing and only cleans up your hair, and it does not clear your hair of oiliness.


The point is that once your hair accumulates dust, so much sweat, and other components, your hair and scalp become oily. You need to use a specific type of oil like that of oily scalp dry hair shampoo in India and ensure that you keep your hair in the best shape. You can ensure that your hair shines and stay smooth and firm with the correct oil. If you think that oily hair is just a tiny thing, you need to think again. Oily hair is one thing that people feel annoyed about. Oily hair is not just about too much oil in the hair, but it also brings too much itching, irritation, dandruff, and inconvenience. By default, some people have too much oily hair, and the dust and sweat add up.

It isn’t enjoyable!

Oily hair and greasy scalp are irritating. An oily scalp, in turn, might lead to persistent itching, dandruff, and even that thousand other issues. Not simply this, it could also make your scalp prone to infections, and even hair fall as well. If you want that your hair stays safe and smooth and free of extensive oil and grease, make sure that you keep your hair assisted with the right products like Ketomac shampoo.

Change your hair washing ways & frequency.

Yes, properly washing your hair is the primary step to getting rid of an oily scalp. Your pores secrete extensive oil from your glands and make your scalp greasy and greasy. Regularly washing your hair with the right and suitable product will avert your scalp from excessive oil build-up and keep your hair effective and healthy. Would you please rinse your hair 2-3 times a week? Yes, you cannot simply leave your hair abandoned and wash them only once a week or month. If you are a person who works out a lot, you can wash your hair each alternate day. Please use only safe shampoos, using a natural shampoo that does not have any chemicals. You ensure the health of your hair. You can pick Ketomac shampoo.

Then it is also important to realize that just shampooing your hair is not enough. It would help if you were sure about how you do it. Once you properly apply shampoo, you get the outcomes that you deserve. You need to ensure you dilute the product with water, lather it up and then massage it gently onto your scalp. It would be necessary to rinse your hair well, so no product is left in your hair or on the scalp. Also, remember that you are not using hot or extremely warm water on your scalp as it would not do any good.

Don’t apply conditioner deeply on your hair, please!

It does not matter whether you have an oily or a type of dry scalp. Applying conditioner on your scalp is a strict no. It makes your hair and scalp greasy and promotes hair fall and even bacterial growth. But it does not mean that you shouldn’t apply conditioner at all. Apply the conditioner simply to the tips of your tresses and work your path upwards. It would be fine if you stopped nearly two inches away from the scalp.

Usage of heat tools is a big no.

You know what, it is time that you shun your love for heat tools. Yes, whether hair straightener or a curling wand, no matter how much you feel for them, you need to avoid them for the health of your hair. You need to think about the damage these heat products can do to your hair. If you have an oily scalp, heat tools are your worst enemies. They can make your scalp completely greasy, hair weak, and hamper your tresses in the longer run. If you still wish to style your hair, it would be good to try out the no-heat styling ways and save it from unnecessary damage. 

If you think that you do nothing to your hair, but even then, your hair and scalp are oily, you must consider your genes. Yes, genes play a significant role in determining if or not you will have an oily scalp. In case your immediate family members experience oily scalps/skin, there is every possibility that you could have it as well. So, it might be a significant factor for you to have an oily scalp and hair.

Keep your stress in check.

Indeed, if your stress levels are high, there are all chances that your sebaceous-gland activity could enhance. It can cause your hair to get oily. What is the point if your hair and scalp are getting too oily? Remember that once you keep your stress in control, you will find great products in your hair.

Change your diet

It is good that you are using suitable shampoos for your oily hair. But you know what, diet also plays a role in your oily hair and scalp. If you eat up high-carb diets, it has been linked to oily skin and scalps. Of course, you need to be more thoughtful about what you eat and how often.

What is your way of shampooing your hair?

It is also essential that you pay attention to how you wash your hair. What type of pattern have you developed to wash and apply the shampoo to your hair and scalp? It could be possible that you take your hair washing move for granted. Shampooing does not mean that you rub it on your hair and scalp; you need to ensure that the shampoo reaches your roots and every area of the scalp. Even the best shampoo would not work well if it is not reaching out to your hair and scalp corners. Also, remember that once you wash and rinse your hair, the shampoo should not remain in your hair or scalp.


So, once you can get an oily scalp and dry hair dandruff shampoo like Ketomac shampoo, you will experience good results. After all, it is all about what you use and how you are applying it. Once you switch to a good shampoo that fights your oily issue and keeps your health in control, you experience the best hair.

It is always great to take proper precautions with your skin. Your skin is such a sensitive area of your body, and if you are avoiding it, you might be harming your health. Have you ever experienced a fungal infection or similar things? Many creams can ensure that your skin stays clean, fresh, and hygienic. Moreover, special fungal creams ensure that your fungal issue resolves quicker than you expect.

You can purchase a good antifungal cream for a face like Ketomac cream and apply it regularly for a few days, and your problem will be solved. Of course, your face should not get the victim to a fungal infection. After all, what is the point if you lose the charm of your face because of an infection or similar issues? The following are a few essential things that you should be careful about while purchasing a fungal cream.

Rely on the name 

When you choose to apply anything on your face, make sure that it is branded or belongs to a reputable company. What is the point if your cream harms or hurts your skin even more? If you randomly pick any cream, it might do more harm than good. Once you choose the creams from the right brand, you have a good experience. The cream will ensure that your face stays good, smooth, and clean.

Another important thing is that these reputed creams are always practical, safe, and of good quality. They have a reputation for carrying on, and these brands or names would never take a chance with their reputation. Their products are always excellent and effective.

Make a comparison 

If you find it hard to pick a specific cream for your fungal issue, you can make a good comparison. When you make a comparison, you end up with the best outcomes. You can compare it with ease, affectivity, and smoothness. The comparison will make sure that you have the right product in hand. You can check out the reviews of the product, their ingredients, and other views related to the cream. In this way, you can ensure that your cream is safe and sound. Cream comparisons are always helpful for anyone buying the cream for the first time.

Natural creams 

There are natural products too that you can use for your skin and overall health. You can always make sure that your skin stays clean, smooth, and healthy. Once you have natural creams, you will not be fearful of the chemicals or other things. Natural creams are always safe to use for any skin type. If you doubt the cream’s chemicals, you should opt for natural products only. Whether your skin is soft, coarse, or otherwise, you can use a practical and uplifting cream.

Do you understand what fungal infection is?

What if you have no clue that you have a fungal infection? Many people get affected by fungal infections. Of the thousands of species of these fungi, simply a few of them can activate disease or discomfort. Moreover, the aggressive fungal ailment is somewhat rare in fit and healthy persons because of their proper immune systems. However, severe fungal illnesses frequently occur in immunocompromised patients. There is a myriad of fungal infections therein, and a couple of these are given below:


If you speak of this kind of fungal infection, it is related to your toenails or fingernails that could encompass any component of your nails, such as the matrix, plate, or bed. It might cause pain, discomfort, and even disfigurement. Different types of fungal organisms trigger onychomycosis, and the commonest is the dermatophyte. Yeast and moulds even turn out to be a reason for nail infections. Some creams can help anyone get rid of these fungal infections if a person starts using them timely. These creams are a hundred per cent safe and productive.

Athlete’s foot:

The condition of an athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the feet and possesses itching, scaling, and extreme redness. It might be caused by several diverse fungi such as Microsporum or even Epidermophyton. It is a common condition, but it could take an adverse shape if you evade it or ignore it.


A ringworm is a thing that can emerge in the shape of a red or silver rash at any place on the body. It is usually ring-shaped and is mainly caused by the fungus trichophyton rubrum. There is even tinea capitis which is ringworm and affects your scalp. No matter where you get the ringworm, you can get it healed via suitable creams. Once it begins to heal, the corners stay the same, which means the circle shape edge remains the same, but the centre clears off and becomes normal. It can take weeks to heal.

How to apply antifungal cream?

Many people do not realize that a good and effective antifungal cream is not enough unless you apply it in the right way. What is the point of putting your antifungal cream on your wound and that too without even cleaning it? You must wash the affected area and dry it off with a clean cloth before applying the cream. It will make no sense if you pick the cream and put it on the affected area because it might mingle with the germs that were already residing on your skin. Make it a point that you need to clean up your skin area and apply the cream if you apply the antifungal cream once a day or twice. The cream will lose its effectiveness if you don’t put it properly.

So, start using good antifungal cream for your skin, and you will experience clean, beautiful, and smooth skin. The sooner you realize it, the better outcomes you experience.


Dandruff is one such issue that can be really humiliating, irritating, and sometimes painful. If you think that dandruff is not doing anything to your personality and only you can make out that you have dandruff, you’re mistaken. Dandruff is something that can take no time to separate you from your friends and loved ones. Of course, nobody would like to sit next to a person who has a lot of dandruff on their hair. To avoid these, you can try anti-dandruff shampoo.

Looks get tarnished 

If you have an intelligent face and a fantastic personality, but your hair is always cloaked with dandruff, don’t be surprised to witness your charm fading out. Of course, your face and hair would look dull and unattractive in the presence of dandruff. You might even start hating yourself because of dandruff. You might be thinking that it is too hype. Well, the point is that dandruff can hamper the goodness of your hair in no time. No one anti-dandruff shampoo can help you fight dandruff in no time. You will know what you have gained once you start using a good shampoo to kick away your dandruff issue.

Whether you are a man or a woman, dandruff can mar your looks. You would experience utmost dullness, and your loved ones might begin to avoid you because of your shabby looks. Come on. It would help if you eradicated dandruff with the right shampoo before eradicating your personality and charm. The way you wash your hair regularly, replace your general shampoo with anti-dandruff shampoo.

High self-esteem 

If you want to have high self-esteem in your life, make sure that you are working for it. You have to make sure that you use the shampoos that help your dandruff issue evaporate. Dandruff is a problem that can snatch your social circle from you. The problem is that people think that they would look gorgeous, stylish, and hypnotic after wearing those branded clothes and carrying exotic gadgets. But they fail to realize that their hair makes a significant impact. If they wear exotic stuff with them, but their hair looks dirty, that would not be good.

The point is that once you have good self-esteem because of your trendy looks and shiny, strong hair, you will feel good about everything. Your self-esteem is one thing that can take you ahead in life. What is the point of wearing your heart on your sleeves and everyone is making fun of you? All such things do take a toll on you. You might find your self-esteem negative, and such a thing would make you shallow in both your personal and professional life.

Are you fearful about shampoos?

Okay, if you are one of those who fears shampoos and their usage, then you need to think again. There are good options too in shampoos. It is not that all the shampoos have something terrible in them. If you choose correctly, you can come across safe, sound, and effective shampoos. You can use Ketomac shampoo, and these are safe, effective, and good. These shampoos have no side effects. Many people complain that they don’t want to risk their skin or overall health by using shampoos. They fear that shampoos will trigger some other problems in their health. Well, that is not the case. If you choose the right option for shampoos, that would be okay. You can start using shampoo for a week and find good results. If you start using a specific shampoo and face some roughness in your skin within a few days or any other health problem, you can easily switch to another shampoo. You have to try shampoos to find out if they work for your dandruff or not.

Here, it would help if you also remembered that even the best shampoo would take up at least the time of one or two weeks to show you the results. You will find a significant difference in your hair and dandruff issue once you embrace shampoo and be patient with it for two weeks. It would help if you did not judge a shampoo overnight or in a single day. After all, it is about what you are looking for. The right shampoo will always get you the proper lifestyle and spirit. Within two weeks, you will find out if the shampoo you are using is good and effective or not.

Compare the shampoos

If you are too careful about everything in your life, that is great. Before purchasing shampoo, it would be good to make a proper comparison. It would help if you gave some time to your venture of hunting shampoo. Once you explore the options in the dandruff world, you will come across shampoos that are effective, safe, and healthy for you. You can compare the shampoos in terms of their:

  • Make or brand
  • Ingredients that the shampoo has
  • The reputation of the shampoo
  • Reviews of the people in general
  • The specifications of the shampoo

Once you keep these things in mind, you can make a better decision. You would get the shampoo that is good and effective for you. Comparison gets you the best pick, for sure. Try a comparison of shampoos, and you might be convinced for sure. You might have heard that one should not make a comparison, right? Well, this thing complies with people. You must not compare people, but you must do the comparison in terms of products, forgetting what you are looking for.

So, keep your hair in the most pleasing shape with the best shampoo. You won’t be disappointed once you have the right shampoo working for you. A single change in your shampoo would get your dandruff a backseat for sure.


Many skin conditions can become a big problem if they go unnoticed. Fungal are one such thing. Fungal is a skin condition that anyone, male or female, can experience. But talking about women, they often stay negligent about their skincare and hygiene, and they don’t think much about fungal issues and never try women’s antifungal cream.

Don’t be shy!

If you suffer from fungal issues, ensure that you don’t keep yourself smothered because of your shyness. There is nothing to be shy about. It is time that you use women’s antifungal cream to keep your skin healthy and effective. Regular feminine hygiene and care are vital for good gynaecological health. Which endorses an overall sense of well-being and confidence in a female

The fungal issue can be found around your feet, on your scalp, or in private parts. The most common fungal or yeast infections are bacterial vaginosis (BV), trichomonas, and vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). Moreover, other issues, such as vaginal irritation or pruritus due to allergic or hypersensitivity reactions, are also characteristic. And situations usually mistaken for a urinary tract infection are urethral irritation and dysuria because of vulvovaginitis.

If you have any fungal infection around your private part or other body areas, you can use antifungal creams. Ladies’ antifungal cream is safe, effective, and made specifically to address the infection issues of women. It is always better to be careful than to be sorry later on. The point is that only you can address your issues and do something about them. You will get the best outcomes if you move in the initial stage. The more you procrastinate the treatment, the worst the condition gets. It would help if you did not take a chance because the adverse fungal infection can be pesky and annoying. And if you think that you are a teenager or a kid and won’t get a fungal infection, you are mistaken. Fungal infection does not see age or race.


All the yeast infections stem from a general class of diseases called cutaneous candidiasis. The yeast-like fungus, known as Candida, triggers yeast infections, moist and it expands in warm areas, including the private area, armpits, fingernails, mouth, and even vagina. Candidiasis of your mouth, also known as thrush, occurs more frequently in individuals whose immune systems are compromised and can hint at a more severe ailment like AIDS.

Are there any symptoms of fungal infection?

The symptoms of this infection include rashes, itching, patches that ooze fluid, burning, swelling, pimples, pus, and pain. Thrush is hinted at by painful white patches on your tongue and the insides of your cheeks. Talking vaginal yeast infections often take place with a white or yellow vaginal discharge, itching, burning, and redness in the skin around your vagina. You must deal with this issue with a proper antifungal cream. Once you use a safe cream, it will help you with both itching and the overall experience.

However, make sure that you don’t use it only once and leave it like that. You have to apply it every day. If you use it once a week and think it would work wonders for you, you are wrong. The cream will work for you only if you are using it frequently. You have to make sure that cream keeps your skin soft, effective, and safe. If you know that you are getting any of the signs of fungal infection in your private part, make sure that you start using the cream well in time. Don’t delay because it can become a big issue too.

Make a comparison 

If you are confused about which cream to use for your fungal issue, compare. When you compare different fungal creams, you have the best options. You can get the benefits of Ketomac cream and ensure that your fungal infection is eradicated quickly. This cream is good because it has no chemicals that might irritate your skin or hamper your health. The creams are proven and work wonders if you put them frequently. You will find the difference once you compare the excellent creams with the random ones.

What are the symptoms of any Fungal Infection?

The symptoms of a fungal infection are going to rely entirely on the type, but common symptoms can include the following:

  • Skin changes, including red and possibly cracking or even peeling skin
  • extensive and constant itching.

You should keep in mind that you can always prevent fungal infection if you act in time. Once you have found out the condition in time, make sure you do something about it. You can begin to take medicines or apply the creams. If things get even worse, you can talk to the dermatologist. There are various fungal infections, and it is always great to know about them. The following conditions are all common types of fungal infections:

Yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infections are a usual form of Candida overgrowth in females, and Candida albicans mainly trigger it. An overgrowth of Candida harms the average balance of the bacteria and yeast in the vagina. Such an imbalance of bacteria might be because of antibiotics, stress, even hormone imbalances, or poor eating habits, among other things. Candida infections could also commonly trigger fungal toenail infections and even diaper rash.

Signs of a Yeast Infection are Like:

  • Severe itching and swelling around your vagina
  • redness and soreness on and circling your vagina
  • burning sensations or extreme pain during the time of urination or intercourse
  • occasional vaginal discharge, such as gravy clumps that appears like cottage cheese or watery discharge

A rash might develop over time in some cases. Yeast infections need to be treated quickly, as the symptoms might be severe if left untreated. The chief symptoms of a yeast infection make them convenient to identify. Doctors may ask about the person’s medical history, like any previous yeast infections or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They might also ask if the person was recently taking any antibiotics! Doctors can then examine the vaginal walls and cervix for signs of infection, taking cells from the vagina if essential for apt diagnosis.

Once you realize that you are a victim of this infection, make a move. Also, remember that the treatment of this condition of yeast infections depends on their severity. Standard treatments include tablets, creams, or even suppositories, available via prescription, over-the-counter, or online, and complex infections might ask for complicated treatments.

Thus, start using antifungal creams for your fungal issues or infections.


Many skin conditions can get out of your control if you are not doing anything about them. You have to use potent antifungal cream to ensure that your skin is safe, clean, and hygienic. Some conditions can be taken care of by the proper cream usage, and these creams will ensure that your skin stays effective and safe.

If you have no clue about the usage of antifungal cream and the precise conditions, you need to acquaint yourself with them. The following are a few of the many conditions that can be tackled with the usage of these creams. Have a look below:

– if you have a fungal infection of skin having yellow patches, you can use the cream, which does wonders.

– the cream can also work with skin infections because of candida yeast.

– Athletes’ feet can also be dealt with this cream.

– get rid of the ringworm in the groin area with this cream.

Of course, you can also use the cream to clear the ringworm on the scalp.

– the cream will work for the ringworm body too.

– if your baby is suffering from a diaper rash, you need to apply this cream, and it is clear.

– don’t worry about the ringworm of the beard as long as you have this cream in hand.

– The ringworm of the hand is also treatable by this fungal cream.

– this cream can also resolve any inflammation and infection of the nail cuticle.

Should you use it only when things get out of control?

You can get relief from your fungal issues once you use the cream when you discover it grows or develops therein. There is no need to wait until it reaches the apex.

You cannot just take any risk. The sooner you apply this potent antifungal cream to your skin or the affected area, the sooner you get the relief. Many people use these creams only when things get out of condition, making sure that you are not one of them.

Does it have any side effects?

No, these fungal creams do not have any side effects. You can use a good quality cream, not face any side effects. But yes, if you are using any random cream, then your condition might get out of proportion. You can start using the top antifungal cream. Ketomac cream is the best antifungal cream in India, and you will experience satisfaction and no type of side effects. No matter if you have sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin, or any scalp, a good quality antifungal cream will work wonders, too, without any side effects.

Say bye to ringworm condition.

Of course, if you use an excellent antifungal cream, you can get rid of your ringworm condition. It will be resolved in no time. Speaking of ringworm (tinea or dermatophytosis), it is a fungal infection of your skin that has nothing to do with worms. This infection might take place just about anywhere on the body and has a variety of names relying on which part of the body it influences. Ringworm is a seeming fungal infection that does not activate disease below the surface of your skin. Ringworm of your body, particularly the trunk and limbs, is known as tinea corpora. Infections on other areas of your body are known as:

  • Tinea pedis or even an athlete’s foot emerges on the soles of the feet.
  • Tinea cruris, better known as jock itch, emerges on the groin, inner thighs, and even on the buttocks area.
  • Tinea barbae emerges on the beard area.
  • Tinea manuum is the one that comes on the palms of your hands
  • Tinea capitis emerges on the scalp
  • Tinea unguium or onychomycosis emerges on the fingernails and toenails

Indeed, these might sound complicated to you, but these are the conditions that often take place, and people suffer from them. You must be attentive to these things, and even if you encounter them, make sure that you use cream.

Are there any symptoms

Speaking of the most typical symptoms of ringworm, these depend on the place of the infection. These typically include:

  • Hair loss in the impacted area, in the case of hair, was present
  • Red, cracked, or scaly skin
  • Extremely itchy skin
  • A ring-shaped rash. It is the thing that ringworm gets its name.

Remember that the signs incline to look between four and fourteen days after the skin comes into the link up with fungi that activate ringworm. Ringworm characteristically starts as red or pink skin patches or parts or even spots that might be either flat or slightly raised. The sores could be a little moist in that initial stage, but they are often scaly, dry, and even itchy. Over time, the rash is going to enhance in size. Next, the middle of the rash will start to clear up, leaving behind a ring-shaped type of infection having a red, high border and a healthy-looking middle that remains red. The point is that once you start using the antifungal cream in time, you will find the best results soon. Of course, these conditions might take up weeks or even months to vanish. But don’t worry, the cream will get relief, and if you find the conditions adverse, you can always speak with a dermatologist. Proper actions and decisions at the right time can keep your skin and health in the best spirit.

Thus, it is an excellent time to consider this thing. You can start using an effective, safe, and powerful cream for your health condition. Never take a chance with a fungal problem because it can expand like fire if you are not taking care of it.


There are many skin conditions that you should not take a chance with. You can always take care of your skin in the most effective manner. Have you ever heard about ringworms? Of course, it is a condition that is irritating.

But if you use an excellent antifungal cream for ringworm, your problem will be resolved in no time. Speaking of ringworm (tinea or dermatophytosis), it is a fungal infection of your skin that has nothing to do with worms. This infection can occur just about anywhere on the body and has various names depending on which part impacts it. Ringworm is a seeming fungal infection that does not trigger disease below the surface of your skin. Ringworm of your body, particularly the trunk and limbs, is known as tinea corporis. Infections on other parts of your body are known as:

– tinea pedis or even athlete’s foot, it is on the soles of the feet.

– sinecures or better known as jock itch, is on the groin, inner thighs, and even on the area of the buttocks

– tinea barbae takes place on the beard area

– tinea manuum is the one that takes place on the palms of your hands

– tinea capitis occurs on the scalp

– tinea unguium or onychomycosis takes place on the fingernails and toenails

These might sound complicated to you, but these are the conditions often occur, and people suffer from them. You should be attentive to these things, and even if you face them, make sure that you use cream.

What are the symptoms?

Talking about the particular symptoms of ringworm depends on the infection’s place. These characteristically include:

– extremely itchy skin

– hair loss in the impacted area, in the case of hair, was present

– red, cracked, or scaly skin

– a ring-shaped rash. It is the thing that ringworm gets its name.

Remember that the signs tend to look between four and fourteen days after the skin is linked up with the fungi that trigger ringworm. Ringworm characteristically starts as red or pink skin areas or patches or even spots that might be either flat or somewhat raised. The sores might be a little moist but scaly, dry, and itchy more often in that initial stage. Over time, the rash is going to increase in size. Next, the centre of the rash will start to clear up, leaving behind a ring-shaped infection having a red, high border and a healthy-looking centre that stays red.

Who is the most vulnerable to ringworm?

Ringworm emerges in people of all ages, but it is specifically common in children. It emerges most often in moist, warm climates. Ringworm is a contagious condition or disease and can be passed through skin-to-skin contact or simply by sharing combs and brushes, other personal care items, or even clothing. There is also a possibility of becoming infected with ringworm after coming in contact with the locker room or wet pool surfaces. The skin infection might even affect dogs and cats, and pets could also transmit the infection to humans. It is also important to note that it is common to have various areas of ringworm at once in diverse body areas. So, if you thought that only one sex or age group is affected by ringworm, then that was a myth. Ringworm can happen to anyone and primarily to kids.

What causes ringworm?

Maybe, the world is packed with yeasts, moulds, and even fungi, only a couple of them cause skin disease. These agents are known as dermatophytes (“skin fungi”), and an infection having these fungi is medically known as dermatophytosis. Skin fungi might live on the dead layer of keratin protein on top of the skin, and they hardly occupy deeper into the body and cannot simply live on mucous membranes like those in the mouth or vagina.

Are there risk factors for ringworm?

Well, as mentioned earlier, it is possible to get the condition of ringworm from a diversity of places and circumstances. The most significant risk factor is coming in contact with an affected person. Warm, moist areas are favourable areas or conditions for the growth of fungi, so areas such as communal showers and even locker rooms are areas in which transmission is possible primarily. However, contact with an infected person or any contaminated surface can trigger ringworm infection.

Types of ringworm out there

Below are given the different types of ringworm or tinea:

Tinea barbae

The ringworm of the bearded area of the face and neck has swelling and marked crusting, mainly accompanied by itching, causing the hair to break off. When males used to go to the barber daily for a shave, tinea barbae was known as the barber’s itch.

Tinea capitis

Then this scalp ringworm most of the time or commonly affects children, mostly in late childhood or even early adolescence. This condition could spread in schools. Tinea capitis appears as scalp scaling linked to the condition of bald spots (in contrast to seborrhea or dandruff, for example, which do not trigger any hair loss). Occasionally, a kerion (a plus-packed, raised swelling) could emerge or develop in severe cases of ringworm of the scalp. It is painful for sure and might get irritation too. The sooner you address it, the quicker you fix the issue.

Thus, the point is that you should go ahead and look for the best antifungal cream for ringworm in India and start applying it. You will get relief pretty soon, and you can go to Ketomac cream. After all, the cream is specifically made to ensure that you get rid of your infection or skin condition.


Your life is not how it is; it is how you make it. No matter how good you are at some specific skills or education, you might be inviting unnecessary burdens if you are not taking care of your health and overall body. And one essential aspect of your health that many people tend to ignore is – your hair health. Hair is one of the most fragile body parts which requires great care and devoted attention from an individual. Hair problems are too many to pen down, from damaged hair to breakage to oily scalps leading to Dandruff. Despite the type of hair problem, every condition results in hair damage. These problems can affect the overall health of hair and can even lead to loss of confidence which is hard to come by in the modern world. So, how do you take care of your hair? Do you use anti-dandruff shampoo for oily scalp if you have oily scalp?

How many of you face different types of hair or scalp issues? Dandruff and dry scalp are common problems that can be cured easily? Do you know that these can be avoided or significantly diminished? There are plenty of things that you can do with your head, hair, and scalp for a better experience and to promote better hair health and growth. What is the point if your scalp becomes the most significant interruption in your day to day life? It would be unfair, right? You have to make sure that your head stays clean, Dandruff free, and fresh. This will reduce the various hair related issues you might be dealing with, but it will also help you gain new confidence! There are various solutions that one can find in your kitchen or local pharmacy stores for getting a permanent cure for such hair and scalp related problems.

Anti Dandruff Shampoo for Oily Scalp

If you are suffering from oily scalp issues, you already know its various effects – it causes hair fall, weakens your hair and makes it prone to breakage, and the most problematic and embarrassing of all – Dandruff! Dandruff is the dry and dead skin formed due to harsh weather conditions, lack of proper personal hygiene, and other problems that one can quickly cure. These pesky things show up at the most inconvenient times and are a massive blow to anyone’s confidence. So, how can you deal with this problem of oily scalps leading to Dandruff effectively?

What you can do is you can look out for some excellent shampoo for oily scalp and dandruff-like Ketomac. Indeed, your scalp is oily, and you are not doing anything about it; what can be worse than this that you can do to your head? Adopting new methods for curing dry scalp and Dandruff may seem risky and even lead to side effects. However, leading a life with such problems can be cured with proper care and unique products. Make sure that your scalp compliments your life and makes you feel fresh and hygienic. Following simple hair care routine and regimen can work wonders to cure such hair related problems. You must understand that these human hairs turn slippery when you don’t wash them sufficiently.

Similarly, it is also true that many human beings naturally possess oily scalps, and they do have these conditions even if they do apply shampoo on their heads often. This is an area that concludes in a condition called seborrheic dermatitis. If you don’t know, this condition is commonly known as Dandruff. Of course, different factors lead to Dandruff, but an oily scalp attracts maximum Dandruff.

Signs of Dandruff

Dandruff is a common problem that every human faces in their day to day life. It is one of the most common problems which one can face. However, Dandruff does not appear out of thin air. They keep on showing signs. Sometimes they might be directly visible on your hair if they have big flakes, and sometimes, they might be hiding in your hair parting. Either way, they are a source of immense discomfort. Dandruff is a sign of a lack of proper hair care or any other type of intricate problem which requires attention and care.

If you have anything like redness, itching, scales, oily skin patches, skin lesions, and even hair loss, you will become a victim of Dandruff. The most evident signs of having Dandruff are white flakes and itchiness that lead to extensive Dandruff. You might want to get them checked if you have itchy eyebrows because that might be a sign of excessive Dandruff! And you would be shocked to know that some people even experience Dandruff in a way that they gather white powder on different skin areas like around lips and so on.

It has been seen that various dandruff sufferers generate an abundance of skin oil. They can quickly discover the yeast on their scalp, and it is something that irritates their skin. If you are a person who does not take hair seriously and wash your hair rarely, then you need to be alert. You have to be careful about your overall hair growth. Contrary to popular belief, men need to be more on their toes and alert for signs of Dandruff. What is the point of being busy with deadlines and work, but your hair tells an ugly story about you? There have been researches that say that men are more prone to Dandruff. And when you develop them, it shows, which again does not create a very favourable impression of yourself.

To effectively address all your Dandruff related issues, you can always use Ketomac, the best scalp shampoo in India, for dandruff issues.

How can Ketomac Shampoo help your scalp?

If you wonder what will help your hair, you can always opt for Ketomac shampoo. Why? Because as pointed out, an oily scalp is the main reason behind the growth of Dandruff, which is the problem that Ketomac, which is rich in Ketoconazole, addresses. Termed the best shampoo for oily scalp and Dandruff, Ketomac helps relieve dry scalp and Dandruff. Apart from reducing the effect of dry scalp and Dandruff, Ketomac shampoo helps in providing the necessary nourishment to one’s scalp. The shampoo is best known for its anti-dandruff capabilities, which ultimately can be used daily after consulting a certified physician. Dandruff causing germs and bacteria can be reduced and even significantly eliminated upon regular applicators of Ketomac shampoo. But what makes Ketomac One of the best shampoos for getting relief from Dandruff? Its antifungal properties help in breaking down the cell membranes of dandruff-causing fungi.

Ketoconazole, an active ingredient/component in Ketomac shampoo that few know about, can significantly help recondition the overall quality of hair. The growth of Dandruff and other hair problems causing fungi can be inhibited. Hair receives strength from the roots, which helps recondition the overall quality of hair. Adopting a new shampoo may seem risky for many, and it can aggravate the problem despite healing the same. But living with hair problems and facing them daily is difficult too. Therefore, what is there to lose?

At least the adoption of a new shampoo like Ketomaccan helps reduce, if not eliminate, hair problems. However, one must not look for immediate and fast results upon a single application. Regular application of Ketomac Shampoo by rinsing the hair thoroughly and properly helps in reducing the effect of hair problems like Dandruff. Using a sufficient amount of Ketomac shampoo and creating enough lather for rinsing hair properly helps reduce the chances of hair problems returning.

Regular use of this shampoo ensures that your scalp contains just the right amount of oil needed for effective hair growth. An excess amount of oil is washed off, providing ample chances of growing fresh, new, and strong hair. This shampoo will also ensure that your hair regains strength and is less prone to damage and breakage. This is something that every individual long for, whether facing hair problems or not. The chances of hair problems like Dandruff and dry scalp returning are reduced upon regular use. Available in aqueous content makes it even easier to apply the same. All in all, Ketomac helps in promoting your hair health.

What can you do to combat oily scalp and Dandruff? 

Yes, in India, Ketomac scalp shampoo can work wonders and make hair stronger from roots. But the adoption of better methods is also essential. Apart from using the best shampoo for oily scalp with dandruff-like Ketomac, there are a few things that you can do from your end to ensure dandruff-free hair:

Avoid oily food as much as possible since it increases the oil secretion in your scalp. Eating oily foods leads to the greater secretion of oil, damaging hair scalp in the long run. Therefore, Regular rinsing of hair is essential. You might consider getting hair spa treatments that help balance the sebum production in your hair, which helps your scalp not become too oily. But you will have to make sure that you use the right hair care products for your hair spa. Directing the staff to use natural products free from harsh chemicals can work wonders for you and your hair.

Though this seems far-fetched to many people, if you maintain a healthy diet, your hair will receive just the right amount of nutrients it needs, which will help promote better hair growth and health. Healthy eating is directly related to healthy hair growth. Apart from healthy growth, the intake of a proper diet consisting of all the natural nutrients and minerals helps improve the condition of existing hair. Moreover, people prone to hair problems due to extensive oil secretion are greatly benefited from intake of a proper diet and shunning oily eating food.

Keep your hair clean as much as possible. Rinsing of hair and regular cleaning helps in reducing the chances of hair problems like Dandruff from coming back. Steam is suitable for your hair as well. It helps replenish natural hair moisture and even helps in locking the same for a more extended period. Try out hair massages, which promote blood circulation in your hair follicles. This keeps the wheels turning and makes the hair strong from the roots. One must even stop using reckless activities of blow-drying hair and extensive chemical treatments for hair. These can seriously damage the hair and reduce the overall nourishment of the hair scalp. Hair roots require proper care and utmost attention, which is possible upon adopting the best hair care practices. Applying Ketomac shampoo regularly and providing proper nourishment to hair through hair oil proves to be the best medium for getting relief from hair problems.

Ketomac is considered the best shampoo for oily scalp with Dandruff. Following one of the ways mentioned above of taking care of hair and using Ketomac shampoo upon doctor’s prescription proves to be a method for getting permanent relief from hair problems. So, all that you need to do is make sure you use just the right shampoo and maintain a proper hair care routine so that oily scalp and Dandruff seem a problem of the distant past! Hair is one of the essential body parts of a human being. Hairstyles may seem necessary for an individual but living a life with hair problems is wrong too. Therefore, it becomes essential to adopt a proper hair care regime and use Ketomac to get relief from hair problems. Dandruff can affect an individual’s confidence and overall persona. Being a common but curable problem, one must take every possible step to get relief. Hair is something that requires proper care from time to time. Ketomac and other care regimes can help in ensuring the same.


Oily hair is indeed just like oily skin. Sometimes it is just how it is. And other times, it is that way because of the manners and habits. Of course, hair type also plays a crucial role in how oily strands appear. It is okay if you have constantly been trying to find ways to make your hair appear less greasy. It is all about planning precisely what time hair requires to get washed to look good during your evening event.

You can always find natural ways to make hair less greasy and ensure that your hair gets you the experience you crave. You cannot simply give up on your hair because your hair doesn’t give up on you. It is all about avoiding touching it and flinching away when other people do. Again, it is extended time in front of your mirror wondering if an up-do is excellent enough or, in this case, today is simply a cap-day. However, greasy hair inclines to be like most other insecurities: It always looks worse on yourself than how other people see it. You got to do something about your greasy hair.

If you feel like your hair is just too oily, there are certain things you might try out and do to keep the oil production under control. Though these methods will help make your locks less oily and greasy in both the short and long term, it is crucial to fully evaluate and understand your current habits, so you know how to fix them correctly. A few ways to get rid of your greasy hair are like:

Decide Your Hair Wash Routine or Cycle 

Contrary to well-known belief, it is best not to wash your hair as frequently as you may think for somebody with naturally oily hair. Shocker, right? Most people are inclined to leap straight for the shampoo and feel that they are due for another shower when their hair is greasy. Well, you know, washing your hair every day or even every other day, however, could result in your hair generating more oil because it is trying to compensate for the oil lost. Your sebaceous glands get confused. The point is that you need to have a proper routine to wash your hair. You cannot do washing as per your impulses. You need to ensure that you wash your hair as per your cycle. If you are washing your hair twice a week, stick to it. It should not be like someday you are washing it three times a week and sometimes even four. Come on. It would help if you were glued to your hair washing regimen.

Remember that it would take time to train your hair to become used to your new wash cycle, but you will start to see results with time. It is recommended to wash your hair a maximum of three or a minimum of two times a week. Once you stick to such a hair washing regimen, you keep your hair informed about your washing cycle, and hence, your hair stays clean and safe. Moreover, when you wash your hair, begin with warm water to open up the pores and cleanse, and once it comes time to rinse, turn the knob down and go for cooler water to close the pores.

Don’t Be Carelessly Dependent on Conditioners.

Another great thing that you can do is: minimize the usage of conditioners. If you are one to slather on the conditioner, try to cut it back to simply a tiny dollop or even skip it a couple of times each shower session to minimize oil build-up, as it can activate oil production faster. The sound and proper way to use conditioner are not at your roots but throughout the length of your hair because that is where your hair needs to be conditioned the most. The natural oils are going to take care of moisturizing the roots.

Use the Right Shampoos

Then you can count on the correct type of shampoo to make hair less greasy. You can always go for the shampoos specifically meant for extraordinarily oily or greasy hair. This way, you can ensure that your hair is cleaned up, safe, and effective. The point is clear. Shampoos do play a crucial role in the overall health of your hair. If you keep your hair cleaned up with suitable shampoos perfect for your hair and scalp, you ensure that your shampoo works the best for you.

You can Try Apple Cider Vinegar.

Indeed, this cooking staple can now get used to de-slick your greasy hair. This has an astringent property that assists in eradicating excess oil from the skin. But remember that this apple cider vinegar has other perks for your scalp. Once it is properly diluted, an apple cider vinegar hair rinse could help balance your ph. Of the scalp, avert hair product build-up, and upkeep proper oil balance.

You need to blend three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a single cup of warm water. After washing and rinsing your hair with a mild cleanser, just put the vinegar solution on the hair and scalp. Then, allow it to sit for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse with cold water. You can repeat this rinse two to three times a week for the best outcomes.

Never Overbrush 

Maybe it can be tempting to brush your hair when you feel that thick grease in your hair, evade doing so too often. Yes, a dirty brush is a common reason for an oily scalp. Yes, it could produce more oil by spreading the scalp oils via the hair. Moreover, you need always to use a clean brush only. You need to understand that build-up of dust, old product, and even bacteria will transfer to clean hair and trigger it to appear greasy.


So, start using the best dandruff shampoo for oily scalp and also follow all the discussed points to get the best results for your greasy hair.


The athlete’s foot is a condition that is even known as tinea pedis. It is a fungal skin infection that characteristically begins between the toes, and it triggers a scaly, itchy rash that could have painful or burning sensations. In some instances, people could also experience ulcers or blisters that can be painful.

The fungus that triggers an athlete’s foot might be found on floors and clothing, and even the organisms need a warm, dark, and even humid environment to grow. The infection scatters by direct contact with dirty surfaces or objects. As the infection spreads, it could affect the soles of the feet or even the toenails. Even if you are experiencing this condition, you can go for prescription medication for an athlete’s foot and ensure that you get rid of it soon. Moreover, there are home remedies too that can come to your rescue. The following are a few essential things you can consider doing for the best results.

Neem Oil

Everyone knows that neem is a powerful thing regarding remedies and solutions. Both neem oil and neem leaf extracts possess incredible antifungal powers and capabilities that can help fight your athlete’s foot condition. You can apply the neem oil (or even extract) directly to your affected area two to three times daily. You need to be patient and apply the oil all over the affected area. Try to massage it into your skin properly. This might even help treat infections that grow under the toenails.

Over-the-counter Remedies

It is essential to know that various over the counter (OTC) treatments are available for athletes’ feet. Such treatments can come as sprays, powders, ointments, and lotions. Many cases of athlete’s foot respond well to OTC treatments and could never require other options. You can quickly go for these treatments, apply them directly to the affected area, and use them for at least a week after symptoms resolve to prevent the infection from immediately returning.

Usage of Tea tree

Then you know this oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can be effective. These ingredients are part of why it is commonly used to treat various kinds of fungal infections like ringworm and candidiasis. A study found that applying tea tree oil regularly might treat both the signs of an athlete’s foot and the fungus that triggers it within a few weeks. To treat your issue of athlete’s foot, you need to blend a carrier oil like warm coconut oil with that tea tree oil for a concentration of twenty to fifty percent tea tree oil. Apply the oil to your affected areas twice a day.

Hydrogen peroxide

Then you know Hydrogen peroxide can productively kill the fungus on the surface level of your foot. It would also work on any other surface bacteria that could cause an infection. Please pour hydrogen peroxide directly onto your affected area. However, it is essential to note that it could sting and bubble, mainly if you have open wounds. You should develop a habit of doing it twice every day until the infection weakens and disappears.

Power of Garlic

Agreed that garlic has a strong scent, but it might be an effective topical treatment for the condition of an athlete’s foot. One ancient study even found that a derivative of garlic alone ended up in a complete cure in nearly eighty percent of patients just after seven days. If you wish to use garlic to treat an athlete’s foot, crush four to five garlic cloves. Once you have smashed them, rub them over your affected area. It would help if you did it two times every day until the issue was resolved. It can be an effective treatment for athlete’s foot for you.

Role of Alcohol

Like hydrogen peroxide, various families will have to rub alcohol on their hands to clean their cuts. Like hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol might help kill off the fungus on the surface level of the skin. Remember that you might apply it directly to the affected area or soak your feet in a footbath of seventy percent rubbing alcohol and thirty percent water for 30 minutes.

Use Vicks

You know what, not just Vicks VapoRubdiminishes symptoms from a bad cough. It has the power to help treat the issue of athlete’s foot. This could be because of its eucalyptus oil and menthol, both of which possess antifungal properties. It would help if you rubbed Vicks on the affected area every night. You need to do this every night for a minimum of a month or up until a week after your infection has vanished. You need to apply Vicks on the affected area gently and appropriately. It would help if you massaged it into the foot. Just massage it there, and it would reach the issue’s roots.

Usage of Sea Salt

Then you might have no idea, but sea salt has robust antibacterial and antifungal properties. It makes it an excellent natural treatment for athletes’ feet and any complications it might cause. It could inhibit the development and spread of an athlete’s foot. To make a paste type, some treatments involve blending sea salt with other natural treatments, such as vinegar. The most effective manner to use this treatment could be to dissolve a cup of sea salt into one warm foot bath. You need to soak your feet for a minimum of twenty minutes. Dry your feet completely when you are done soaking.

Clean Feet

It is crucial to prevent an athlete’s foot. The fungus can develop in dark, moist areas, making your feet a perfect place for an athlete’s feet to develop. If you have an athlete’s foot (or even want to prevent it), try to keep your feet dry and clean, and clean feet stay away from infections.


So, go ahead and get yourself the best cream for feet fungus and ensure that you follow all other remedies discussed in this post.


Do you love your beautiful and strong hair? Do you think that they would stay the same? Or are you upset that your excellent and firm hair is now getting weak and dirty? Come on, and you cannot take your hair for granted. It would help if you were more considerate about your hair than ever now.

Moreover, the most important thing is to stay away from the hair and shampooing myths. You cannot simply try everything and anything that comes your way. Come on, and once you go the wrong way to fix your hair issue, your hair might lose its natural charm and effectiveness.

You know most folks wash their hair regularly or every other day. Because individuals do this so often, you may be astonished to learn how much misinformation is related to hair care. Some aspects that you believe about shampooing your hair could be incorrect. Whatever you listen about your hair might not be true, and you must know what should be followed and what not. It would help if you stayed away from hair washing myths.

Using Cold Water to Make the Hair Shine

Well, maybe a cold rinse could be refreshing. It would not make your hair any shinier; that’s your conditioner’s job. A cold rinse might be ineffective and harmful to your hair, and it might trigger the blood capillaries in the scalp to constrict, making it more challenging for them to bring the essential nutrients to every hair follicle. So, if you thought that you would get your hair shined with cold water showers and baths, you were wrong. It would help if you were thinking about this aspect a little more.

Shampooing Too Often Dries Out the Hair

This is one of the most predominant myths about hair washing out there. A considerable number of individuals that wash their hair too frequently dry the scalp and strip the hairs of their natural oils. However, this might not be further from the truth. Shampooing can moisturise your hair once you use the right products and hair washing methods. The natural oils formed up by your scalp remain on the top of the hair shaft and don’t reach the entire length of the strand. You can easily make your hair appear healthy and moisturized by using an excellent hair thickening shampoo.

Conditioner is not Essential.

You realize that shampoo and conditioner have an essential role in daily hair care. The shampoo cleans up the scalp and hair while the conditioner does moisturize it. For optimum results, apply conditioner to the length and ends of your hair and allow it to sit for nearly three to five minutes. The point is clear, once you do it properly, you get the best results. Many people apply shampoo to their hair and wash it thoroughly. And then, they apply the conditioner, keep it there for a couple of minutes, and rinse. Hence, the hair gets the care and pampering that it demands.

Switching Your Shampoos Regularly

Some people believe that changing shampoos is essential to keep their hair healthy. You can certainly, change to a different shampoo if you wish to experience a different effect, but doing so is not essential. For example, if your hair is thin, you could want to switch to a volumizing shampoo. However, it is just suitable and okay to continue using the same product; it is entirely up to you. Of course, if you think that the shampoo you are using currently is not too good for your hair, there is no harm in changing it to a new option. But again, if you know that using shampoo is good and even then, you are switching shampoos, it might not be in your favour. The point is clear, change your shampoos only when needed and not for fashion’s sake. Of course, if you know that the hair thickening shampoo you are using is good for you, don’t change.

Frequent Hair Washes Lead to Hair Fall

You know what? It is entirely natural for hairs to fall out every day, and many of these may do so when you are shampooing. However, this is something that does not indicate a cause-and-effect relationship. The task of washing dislodges hairs that might have already detached from the follicle’s base and are ready to fall out. Shampooing your hair does not cause it to fall out, and it is something that helps it along in the natural process. The point is clear if your hair is falling after a hair bath, it is natural. Everyone would experience some hair fall after every hair bath.

Wash Your Hair Every Day: Really?

There is no hard-and-fast rule about how often you require to wash your hair. Some folks say you should wash it every day, while others wash it every other day. However, there is not at all one schedule that works for everybody. Everybody’s hair is dissimilar, so pay attention to the appearance and feel of your hair to figure out when you require to wash it. Wash your hair when it begins to feel oily again. You must always wash your hair when your hair needs it and not when you feel like washing it. Too much or too little would not work for your hair. But again, if you are not good at making out when you should wash your hair, you can go for either of the options like washing your hair two times a week or a maximum of three times a week.

Usually, everyone has different hair needs and cycles. If you do so much physical activity, you can wash your hair three times a week. Otherwise, two times would work wonderfully. But again, you would fall in either of the categories mentioned above.


So, whether you are looking for the best anti-dandruff medicated shampoo or you want to use any other shampoo, you need to be careful about all the aspects related to its usage. Half of your hair issues will disappear if you stay away from myths.


For an anti-dandruff shampoo to be effective, it must contain certain essential ingredients. It is the ingredients that work together to offer results. That means no ingredient is effective; it is the culmination of different ingredients that make an anti-dandruff shampoo effective. Thankfully, the ingredients are not randomly added to the shampoo composition, and every ingredient in the shampoo is tested before finding its place in the composition. Know all about anti-dandruff shampoo ingredients here.

Wondering what these ingredients are? Have a look here-

Ingredients that work towards treating dandruff-

  1. Zinc pyrithione (ZPT) – Zinc pyrithione is a unique and effective ingredient found in many dandruff shampoos. Because of ZPTingredient, growth, and breeding of the microbe, Malassezia Globosa gets depressed, which also prevents scalp irritants.
  2. Selenium sulfide – This is an ingredient that helps treat flakiness. This ingredient may not be present in all anti-dandruff shampoos.
  3. Zinc carbonate – Certain shampoos also use zinc carbonate-based formula to bid away dandruff by keeping the scalp moisturized. Zinc carbonate moisturises your scalp and protects ZPT on the scalp.

The use of lathering agents-

Lathering agents are added to anti-dandruff shampoos because they need to be rich and creamy for ease of use. Your shampoo won’t cover all your scalp and hair without proper lathering.

Cleansing agents-

Many people suffer from dandruff because of the dirt that sebum attracts and traps. Hence, it needs to be removed effectively. That is why anti-dandruff shampoos remain infused with cleansing agents. These cleansing agents keep the scalp dirt-free without being too harsh on the skin, and a clean scalp stays free from redness or irritation.

Moisturizing agent content-

The presence of moisturizers in hair keeps them smooth and silky. Moisturizing agents keep your hair strands protected from environmental contaminants. As a result, your hair stays tangle-free. Moreover, they keep your hair clean, smooth, and safe too.


The use of stabilizers in anti-dandruff shampoos keeps all the ingredients blended and appropriately suspended. This ensures that every time you take the product in your hand, it contains the same ingredients.


Preservatives help protect shampoo from getting spoilt or contaminated.


To ensure the product has the right consistency, unique ingredients are added. This makes the shampoo convenient for use. It would always be good if you checked the ingredients of the shampoo.

Plant essences, fragrances, and smell-

To make washing hair a pleasurable experience, shampoos are added with fragrances and colours. Many shampoos also contain nutrients like plant extracts, and extracts of mint or almond make the hair feel and look beautiful.

Yes, the market is flooded with different anti-dandruff shampoos. But the kind of effectiveness Ketomac shampoo composition has is simply unmatched. Ketomac is the best medicated anti-dandruff shampoo that treats dandruff most effectively. The most important among all Ketomac shampoo ingredients is ketoconazole, a broad-spectrum antifungal agent that never allows the development of microbes on the scalp and hair. It is an effective ingredient because Ketomac is considered the best anti-dandruff shampoo on the market. The point is that anti-dandruff shampoo composition is exclusive and as per the user’s needs.

Why should you be careful about the shampoos you use?

While many of you are careful about your looks and overall personality, you might end up with filthy and weak hair if you are not cleaning them up properly. The point is clear, and you need to ensure that your hair stays clean, safe, and hygienic. When you use the right products, you ensure that your hair stays in the best spirit.

The general shampoos you use may clean up your hair, but they would not fight your hair’s specific needs. If your hair has dandruff or oiliness, you must keep your hair in the best health with specific shampoos. Whether you have dandruff, oily hair, dry scalp, or any other similar hair condition, you can ensure that you keep your hair and scalp safe with proper shampoo. General shampoos would work well for cleaning up your hair and scalp, but they won’t combat specific hair conditions. If you have a specific hair or scalp condition, it will get resolved correctly only if you use the specific type of shampoo.

Right shampoo is not enough.

The right shampoo is not enough, and you must ensure that you use it in the right way. What is the point of using a shampoo that is effective and useful but works ineffectively for you because you are hardly using it? It would help if you used shampoo whenever you washed your hair. You must wash your hair regularly with the specific shampoo only. Even the best shampoo will show results in your favour if you use it constantly for two weeks.

Moreover, it would help if you were careful about the usage and timing. You should wash your hair from time to time and with proper frequency. Make sure that you clean up your hair two times a minimum and three times a maximum in a week. If you do not wash your hair for a long time and there is a considerable distance between two washes, you could have an extensive build-up of your hair and scalp. Also, your scalp might get smelly and filthy. But again, if you have proper timing, your hair will stay clean and safe. Also, it does not mean that you wash your hair every day. Come on, and the everyday wash will rip off the natural oils from your hair. Your hair would feel and look dry and get damaged. So, there must be a balance in washing your hair.

Do you have dandruff in the first place?

Many people never get to know if they have dandruff or not. The point is that dandruff is an issue that can prevail in a maximum of people. But again, the intensity might vary. Some people get it mild, while others get it extensively. If you think it is too late and you already own extensive dandruff, relax. It is okay; there is nothing to worry about. You can ensure that your hair remains clean, hygienic, and proper. Once you use the shampoos that beat your dandruff issue, you have the most satisfactory outcomes. Dandruff is a common condition, and half of the population or even more encounter the issue. But if you are strong-minded to clean your hair and make your head dandruff free, you can do that right away. The point is that dandruff is an issue that can be dealt with if you take precautions. Even if you have extensive dandruff, the anti-dandruff shampoos fight the issue for you. But you must clean up your hair with proper precautions, regularly and with specific shampoo only.

Why is it essential to get rid of dandruff?

There are many reasons like:

You cannot wear various hairstyles

You have no idea how your hairstyles get impacted because of hair issues. Whether dandruff, hair fall, or any other thing, you must beat your hair problems. If you have widespread hair fall or dandruff, you might fail to wear a suitable hairstyle that you love. Only healthy and clean hair gets beautifully tied up in any hairstyle. When you ensure that your hair is clean, dandruff-free, and firm, you can take the risk to apply a gel or try out a cut that could get you a peppy look. But in case you know that your hair tackles any issues, you could hesitate to try hairstyles. The point is that once you have dandruff, you might need to give up on your favourite hairstyles.

Under confidence

Maybe you don’t experience it, but you would experience underconfidence if you have dandruff. Many times, people get to be recognized by their dandruff names. What is the point if you are popular in your friend or social circle as a person with dandruff hair? Such a thing would be insulting, right? Also, what if you are out on a date with your partner and she spots dandruff on your shoulder and points it out? That would be not very comfortable. Indeed, maybe you think that dandruff will not harm you, but it does. And it might harm your dandruff issue extensively.


You cannot take a chance with your hair and scalp. So, when you can fight the issues of dandruff and other hair problems with your precautions and care, you should go for it. Ensure that you keep your hair and scalp cleanest form with your shampoo usage and cleaning routine.


Dandruff is a common condition of the scalp where there is shedding of tiny pieces of dry skin flakes. Dandruff may also cause itching of the scalp. If proper care is not taken, it may lead to a severe problem. To avoid this, you do not need to worry about the anti-dandruff shampoo price in India.

Dandruff becomes socially embarrassing when it becomes prominent when you have dark hair or wear dark clothes. One mistaken assumption is that dandruff is caused by poor hygiene, which is much farther from the truth. Even if infrequent shampooing results in dandruff, the natural causes of the condition remain a mystery.

The most helpful way to control and treat dandruff is to use anti-dandruff shampoo and scalp treatments. Ketomac shampoo is rated as the best type of anti-dandruff shampoo in India. The ketonic anti-dandruff shampoo price in India is quite reasonable; the online Ketomac shampoo cost is Rs.198 for a 110 ml bottle.

Here are some tips to get the best out of anti-dandruff shampoo:

  • Adhere to the instructions indicated on the shampoo bottle. There are many types of anti-dandruff shampoos, and each consists of various active ingredients to control symptoms. To get the best results, one must always follow the instructions on the shampoo bottle. For instance, some anti-dandruff shampoos specify that you must lather the shampoo into your hair and scalp and leave it aside for 5 minutes, after which you can rinse it. Residue must not be left on the scalp.
  • If you are Asian or caucasian, you must shampoo your hair daily and use an anti-dandruff shampoo twice a week; if one anti-dandruff shampoo does not provide relief, attempt to alternate between the different shampoos with various active ingredients.
  • If you are African American, use anti-dandruff shampoo for shampooing only once a week. Consult a certified dermatologist to find the best shampoo for your hair type.
  • Beware of a shampoo containing coal tar. Tar shampoo can cause discolouration of white, grey, or blonde hair. So, if you have light-coloured hair, you may wish to avoid such shampoos. Also, tar shampoo can make your scalp more sensitive to sunlight. If you are using such dandruff shampoo, it is vital to protect your hair from the sun by donning a hat outdoors and being in the shade.

Anti Dandruff shampoos

Two of the best and fastest ways to tackle dandruff are brushing hair and using dandruff shampoos. Brush your hair with a firm, steady stroke from the scalp and downwards. This will stir the oil from the scalp, where oil and skin cells combine to form dandruff and hair strands that will become healthy and shiny.

About dandruff shampoos, no two shampoos are alike. They have active ingredients like:

  • coal tar preparations (Neutrogena t/ gel)
  • Pyrithione zinc (Selsun, head & shoulders)
  • sulfur & salicylic acid (Sebulex, Sebex)
  • salicylic acid (Neutrogena t/ sale)
  • selenium sulfide (head and shoulders, Dandrex)
  • ketoconazole (Nizoral a-d, Ketomac)

Of these, Ketomac has been proven as one of the most effective. Also, the Ketomac Dandruff shampoo price is economical. As mentioned above, the Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo price is just rs.198. Ketomac shampoo hair fall is much lesser than that of other dandruff shampoos. Once your dandruff is under control, you can use the dandruff shampoo less frequently. If you’re still scratching and shedding hair after such treatment, consult your doctor.

Choose the right shampoo.

It gets crucial that you use the right shampoo only. It would help if you took proper precautions to keep the hair and scalp in the cleanest format. You can check out the Ketomac shampoo review in Hindi and find out if it works properly for you or not. Once you take proper precautions to keep your hair clean, hygienic, safe, and healthy, they stay in the best health. The point is that if you use regular or general shampoo, that is good. But general shampoo would work only on cleaning your hair and scalp. You can ensure that the scalp or hair stays clean only if you use suitable shampoos. You need to pick a specific shampoo for your specific needs. If you choose an anti-dandruff shampoo, it will give your hair and scalp the best experience. It would hit the dandruff issues and ensure that your hair would not get dandruff issues. The way you take specific medicines for your specific medical condition, make sure that you use the specific shampoos for your hair needs.

What triggers dandruff?

Though the root or primary cause of dandruff will always be the same, other aspects can worsen the condition making it appear worse. Aspects that can worsen dandruff encompass:

Annoyed and oily skin

It can be triggered by conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis, marked or underlined by red and greasy skin cloaked in flaky white or yellow scales. This condition might impact your scalps and other areas of the body rich in oil glands, like the creases around your nostrils, the backs of your ears, armpits, and groin.

Extensive dry skin

In case you suffer from dry skin or experience a medical condition such as eczema, it is probable that your scalp will also turn out to be dry, flaky, and even probably highly itchy. Flakes due to dry skin generally appear smaller and less oily. It is important to note that dry skin might be exacerbated in colder climates and during the time of winter because of dry weather conditions.; of course, if you go through Ketomac shampoo benefits Hindi, you would know that the shampoo has all the ingredients to fight off your dandruff issue and give you a cleaner, smoother and silky scalp. The dryness would be eradicated, and you experience comfort.

Do you shampoo your hair enough?

If you don’t wash your hair daily, then oils and skin cells might build up on the scalp, and it would head to dandruff. Male hormones, also known as androgens, might also trigger greasy or oily skin, leading to dandruff. However, shampooing too often might dry out the scalp and trigger dandruff. It is suggested that you shampoo every other day to upkeep a healthy balance.

Here, one thing you can ensure is to wash your hair often. You can wash your hair a minimum of two times and three times a week. In this way, there would be proper cleanliness in your hair and scalp. You can ensure that your hair stays clean, safe, and hygienic. Also, dandruff would get eradicated if, by chance, it originated. When you do not wash your hair for long, dust, sweat and lewdness accumulate in your hair and scalp and end up in dandruff. Also, when you wash up your hair too much, you end up with extensively dry hair leading to dandruff. So, the bottom line is to strike a balance.

Do you comb or brush your hair regularly?

If you are one of those who make a bun or set the hair without using a brush, you need to drop that habit. You must use a brush to smoothly and patiently keep your hair. You cannot simply leave it entangled or crisscross. Such a thing would increase your chances of experiencing dandruff, as a build-up of dead skin emerges on the scalp. But make sure that you brush your hair correctly and without any hassle.

Dry air and extensive heat

You know heat can dry the scalp and make dandruff get worse. You must ensure that you keep your hair from extensive heat. Also, if you use heat hair rollers or straighteners, you must avoid them. These are the hairdo equipment and tools that can adversely hit your hair. It is better to stay natural than to suffer. When you use styling products and equipment on your hair that produce heat, you cannot harm your hair. If you stay in the field for long, ensure that you wear a cotton cap or cover your hair from extreme sun rays.

Stay away from air pollution.

It is something that might also contribute to dandruff. The chemicals circulating in the air might affect the skin and trigger irritation or allergic reactions on the skin and your scalp, which can cause dandruff. You must avoid going into polluted air as much as you can.

Stress is an activator too.

Indeed, stress can worsen any skin condition and damage your immune system. Although the microbe Malassezia is previously present on everyone’s scalp, it might thrive once the immune system becomes compromised or impaired, leading to dandruff formation.


Your hair and scalp would not trigger any dandruff or other issues with proper hair care. So, once you take good care of your hair, you will stay healthy. Since you know about the causes of dandruff, the right shampoo, how to use it, and when to use it, make sure you include all these things in your day to day hair care regime.


Dandruff is a common condition of the scalp where there is shedding of tiny pieces of dry skin flakes. Dandruff may also cause itching of the scalp. If proper care is not taken, it may lead to a severe problem. To avoid this, you do not need to worry about the anti-dandruff shampoo price in India.

Dandruff becomes socially embarrassing when it becomes prominent when you have dark hair or wear dark clothes. One mistaken assumption is that dandruff is caused by poor hygiene, which is much farther from the truth. Even if infrequent shampooing results in dandruff, the natural causes of the condition remain a mystery.

The most helpful way to control and treat dandruff is to use anti-dandruff shampoo and scalp treatments. Ketomac shampoo is rated as the best type of anti-dandruff shampoo in India. The ketonic anti-dandruff shampoo price in India is quite reasonable; the online Ketomac shampoo cost is Rs.198 for a 110 ml bottle.


What is dandruff, and how to get rid of it?

Dandruff (also referred to as seborrheic dermatitis) is the excess shedding on the scalp, eyebrows, or along the sides of the nose of the top layer of skin. This top skin layer comprises dead cells that protect the more fragile cells below. It is natural for these to be shed or rubbed off as the body continually produces new cells that move up to replace older ones.

Dandruff is mainly an aesthetic problem that is unattractive or humiliating to others. There’s nothing dangerous about it, scientifically. This is not going to escalate to baldness and is not infectious. Dandruff can be followed by itching. Generally, hair follicles (hair shaft roots) don’t become infected.

Dandruff happens as much in men as in women, and this continues to increase and eventually decrease in puberty and young adulthood. Many with acne or dry skin often tend to experience more dandruff problems.

In the summer months, dandruff typically improves unless the weather is particularly hot and humid. Natural sunlight exposure and stress reduction will help control it. Some of the causes of dandruff are,

  • Individuals with seborrheic dermatitis have dry, oily skin and are more likely to get dandruff. Seborrheic dermatitis affects many skin parts, including ear backs, breastbones, lips, and nose sides. The skin is dark, greasy, and coated with white or yellow flaky scales.
  • Not enough hair washing Combing or washing the hair daily reduces the risk of dandruff, as it aids in natural skin shedding.
  • People prone to yeast have a slightly higher risk of dandruff, so the yeast can play a role. Especially during the winter months, dandruff becomes bad and better when the weather is warmer.
  • People with dry skin would have a higher risk of getting dandruff. A common cause of itchy, flaking skin is the cold winter air combined with overheated spaces.
  • Dandruff that originates from dry skin appears to contain smaller, non-oily flakes. A red, itchy, scaling scalp can cause certain hair care products. Frequent shampoos may cause dandruff, as they can irritate the scalp. Many people claim that not shampooing enough can cause oil accumulation and dead skin cells, which contribute to dandruff, but there is no valid proof.
  • Those with psoriasis, eczema and certain other skin conditions tend more likely to get dandruff than others. Dandruff may be caused by tinea capitis, a fungal infection known as scalp ringworm.
  • The risk may be increased by not eating enough foods containing zinc, B vitamins, and certain forms of fats.
  • A link can be formed between stress and several skin problems.
  • While it may be permanent, age dandruff is more likely from puberty through middle age, which may affect men more than women for hormone-related reasons.

The best treatment to eradicate dandruff is using an anti-dandruff shampoo. Though there are many home remedies, shampoo has proved to be more effective in removing dandruff from hair.

The most acute treatment for dandruff is daily washing with standard anti-dandruff shampoo. Use a regular shampoo to take off the scales as quickly as possible. Alternatively, shampoo detergents can induce the shedding of tiny, less visible flakes. Some people wrongly assume that dandruff is caused by a dry scalp that improves by infrequently shampooing or applying oily substances to the scalp.

The hair washing method is essential in dandruff treatment. Lather the hair twice and leave the shampoo on the hair on the second lather for five minutes (or as instructed on the shampoo label) before rinsing out to allow the medication time to function correctly.

The amount of shampoos needed to handle dandruff varies from person to person. Others need shampoo twice a week; others require shampooing more frequently, even hourly. Most people neglect the need to wash the scalp and the hair. It may be helpful to massage the scalp to facilitate circulation, but scrubbing the scalp may be harmful.

Hair loss affects not only your appearance but also your self-esteem. Many people feel inferior and lose their confidence because of hair fall. So, it is necessary to protect and take good care of your hair.

How to choose the best dandruff shampoo?

  • Seek out the best ingredients. The main components comprising anti-dandruff shampoos are either fungal or Keratolytic agents. Aside from these antifungal agents, a keratolytic agent such as salicylic acid also helps break down dry skin clumps.
  • Choose a dandruff shampoo that cleans thoroughly. The ability to clean thoroughly is one of the most vital characteristics of shampoo. Ensure it is lathered adequately, as this helps strip dirt and dust from your hair. Equally important is that the shampoo rinses well and does not stick to the hair even after it has been rinsed.
  • Get a shampoo that fits your type of hair. In the market today, there are a lot of options for that. If your hair is oily, go for the shampoo of dandruff, which is perfect for oily scalp. On the other side, opt for the dry hair shampoo to leave your scalp moisturized if you have dry hair.


One of the best anti-dandruff shampoos is Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo which has the antifungal agent ketoconazole. The Ketomac shampoo eradicates dandruff within a few days of use and helps in hair fall. Curing dandruff, Ketomac shampoo also promotes the growth of the hair.

One of the significant advantages of this Ketomac shampoo is that both men and women can use it. Though the hair, texture, and scalp are different for both men and women, the Ketomac shampoo is unisex and does an excellent job. Also, the Ketomac shampoo Mrp price is affordable for everyone and is the most effective.


Here are some tips to get the best out of anti-dandruff shampoo:

  • Adhere to the instructions indicated on the shampoo bottle. There are many types of anti-dandruff shampoos, and each consists of various active ingredients to control symptoms. To get the best results, one must always follow the instructions on the shampoo bottle. For instance, some anti-dandruff shampoos specify that you must lather the shampoo into your hair and scalp and leave it aside for 5 minutes, after which you can rinse it. Residue must not be left on the scalp.
  • If you are Asian or Caucasian, you must shampoo your hair daily and use an anti-dandruff shampoo twice a week if one anti-dandruff shampoo does not provide relief, attempt to alternate between the different shampoos with various active ingredients.
  • If you are African American, use anti-dandruff shampoo for shampooing only once a week. Consult a certified dermatologist to find the best shampoo for your hair type.
  • Beware of a shampoo containing coal tar. Tar shampoo can cause discolouration of white, grey, or blonde hair. So, if you have light-coloured hair, you may wish to avoid such shampoos. Also, tar shampoo can make your scalp more sensitive to sunlight. If you are using such dandruff shampoo, it is vital to protect your hair from the sun by donning a hat outdoors and being in the shade.


Anti-dandruff Shampoos

Two of the best and fastest ways to tackle dandruff are brushing hair and using dandruff shampoos. Brush your hair with a firm, steady stroke from the scalp and downwards. This will stir the oil from the scalp, where oil and skin cells combine to form dandruff and hair strands that will become healthy and shiny.

As regards dandruff shampoos, no two shampoos are alike. They have active ingredients like:

  • Coal tar preparations (Neutrogena T/ Gel)
  • Pyrithione Zinc (Selsun, Head & Shoulders)
  • Sulphur & Salicylic acid (Sebulex, Sebex)
  • Salicylic acid (Neutrogena T/ Sal)
  • Selenium Sulphide (Head and Shoulders, Dandrex)
  • Ketoconazole (Nizoral A-D, Ketomac)

Of these, Ketomac has been proven as one of the most effective. Also, the Ketomac dandruff shampoo price is economical. As mentioned above, the Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo price is just Rs.198. Ketomac shampoo hair fall is much lesser than that of other dandruff shampoos. Once your dandruff is under control, you can use the dandruff shampoo less frequently. If you’re still scratching and shedding hair after such treatment, consult your doctor.

The Ketomac shampoo is readily available. Delivery of Ketomac shampoo online is also easily accessible. You have to go to the website, choose the product, and pay for it, and it will be quickly delivered to the desired location.


Many people are so much into taking care of their health and skin, but they forget about another essential part of the body: hair. They think that taking a bath twice a week is good enough to protect the hair and take care of it. They fail to understand that hair also needs protection and care, just like the skin. Hair has a vital role in appearance, and when not protected, many issues arise.

One of the significant problems is dandruff, and it is a nightmare for most people. Dandruff is regular, but it can be unpleasant and hard to handle. It is not linked to hygiene, but it may help remove old skin flakes by washing and brushing the hair. Some risk factors are involved with dandruff, including specific skin or medical disorders and improper hair products are used.

Though a lack of hygiene does not cause it, it can be embarrassing and socially awkward. As such, people have developed home remedies as well as modern medication to deal with this problem. Dandruff treatment shampoo is too available to overcome these problems.

Dandruff is caused by the excess presence of the fungi Malassezia on the scalp. This fungus occurs naturally on the human skin, but in those suffering from dandruff, it is found in excess, causing scaling, flaking, and itching.

Ketomac is a brand of anti-dandruff shampoo made and retailed by India based Torque Pharmaceuticals. The latter beliefs in devotion to excellence, impeccable quality, and constant innovation. It is passionate about delivering high quality medicated products to the masses at affordable rates.

Ketomac is a beautiful product from the Torque stable. It has proved to be the most effective medication against dandruff. Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo reviews are proof of its popularity.

Ketomac contains the compound ketoconazole. This compound is found in a 2% aqueous solution in the shampoo. Ketoconazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent that is in the same category as another azole fungal. It is also effortless to use.

The Ketomac shampoo can be combined with water and applied to areas of skin that have been damaged. You can wipe it back after some moment and see the redness and inflammation have fallen. As for the skin, you should mix the shampoo with water before applying it to the surface and massage it gently on the skin and scalp. Enable the skin to stay on for some longer and dry it off. You will see the benefits if you keep on using them. Also, the price for Keto clear shampoo is affordable.

Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo reviews are excellent about how it fights dandruff. Ketoconazole interferes in the production of ergosterol- a vital component of the cell membranes of the fungi. This causes holes to appear in the cell walls resulting in leaking out of cell contents and ultimately in the death of the cells.

When a person is affected by dandruff, it doesn’t stop with it. Having dandruff also causes hair fall and hair thinning. Hair fall is not only a dandruff symptom but also a severe problem that affects men and women. Though obviously, we are susceptible to hair loss in some seasons, it can lead to baldness if it doesn’t grow back. It is known that dandruff can be eradicated continuously when used with ketonic shampoos. Ketoconazole is an antifungal agent, and it prevents hair from falling when applied to the head and encourages hair growth. There are also several reviews of ketonic shampoos on a website where people have written a positive review of the drug.

And one of the best things about Ketomac shampoo is that both men and women can use it. Many customers have reviewed and said it effectively affects both men’s and women’s hair in eradicating dandruff and promoting hair growth. It has also been reported that the chances of getting dandruff after using the Ketomac shampoo are also significantly less in both men and women.

Usually, people are a little bit nervous about using a new product on their hair and skin. Typically, customers get goods that are given total ratings and feedback. There are plenty of supportive reviews when it comes to Ketomac products too. The consumer reviews of Ketomac shampoos are all genuine.

Ketomac shampoo reviews also praise the nature of the shampoo. Coming in a 110 ml bottle, it is running and flowy with rust orange colour and the smell of lemon and has a shelf life of 3 years. All you have to do is store it in a dark, dry, and cool place. It must be protected from sunlight.

There are many shampoos in the market to cure dandruff, but Ketomac shampoo is the most effective. It has positive and satisfying comments from the customers.

Ketomac is also recommended for treating several skin conditions. The Ketomac shampoo has had the key ingredient as ketoconazole which ceases the fungal attack on both skin and scalp. This shampoo can also cure other conditions like,

Ringworm –They are rusty, scaly patches shaped on body parts, including the scalp. They are fungal infections that we get from encounters with animals and from the environment. It may be cured with Ketoconazole-containing medications and shampoos.

Pityriasis Versicolor is caused by a yeast infection, in which areas of the body, including the scalp, become flaky discoloured patches. The secretion of excess oil causes it. This is often person-to-person infectious and distinct from dandruff.

Scalp Psoriasis – Red patches on the scalp are caused by the weak immune system, which fails to protect the body against fungal infections. Cancer is often caused by different causes and can be fatal if untreated. It’s best to handle it because smoking, hair loss, depression, and baldness can be caused if un left.

Lichen Planus– Are red-violet plaques on the skin. It is rare to grow on the scalp, but it causes itching and hair loss.

Many of the symptoms can be eradicated, while others can be handled using ketoconazole shampoos. Generally, it reduces the skin’s redness, scratching, and scaling. Please ensure you are not allergic to ketoconazole until using them. Consider adding a little bit of the Ketoconazole shampoo to the skin and wash it away after a couple of minutes. Be sure the shampoo does not cause burning sensation, redness, or blisters on the surface. Sometimes, it is best to consult a doctor about the use and dosage before using the shampoo.

It also helps in reducing inflammation and stops the progress of dandruff from worsening to seborrhoeic dermatitis. It can also be used to treat skin conditions like TineaVersicolor, Ringworm, Jock itch, and Athlete’s foot.

Although ketoconazole is most widely used in treating infections or conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis for its antifungal properties, it can also help promote hair growth or reduce hair loss.

Dandruff is caused by a combination of 3 factors: a naturally occurring microbe on the scalp, sensitive scalps, and natural oils. The microbe is Malassezia, which is found in excess and feeds on the scalp’s natural oils called sebum. When sebum breaks down, it generates a side product called oleic acid. 50% of all people are sensitive to oleic acid, so the scalp becomes inflamed and irritated. This inflammation makes the skin itchy and red and signals the brain to shed cells quicker. These cells emerge in the form of white flakes of dandruff.

Using the Ketomac shampoo alone is not enough; using it in the right way on the scalp is also essential. It is suggested to use the Ketomac shampoo in warm water. Warm water loosens the extra oil and helps open your pores, allowing your shampoo to penetrate deeper. And you do not get all that clean without a wet foundation.

Also, use the nails to clean your scalp and give a good massage for at least five minutes. By doing so, all dandruff in the scalp goes away while washing with water. Applying shampoo on the hair directly is strictly prohibited. Shampoo shouldn’t rest on one part of your hair. If you don’t spread it uniformly over your hair, you are using more shampoo than required. First, drop a tiny amount into your hand, then lather.

If you are not rinsing your hair well, there will be a small shampoo on the hair every wash. This residue builds up over time and might cause dandruff and itchiness. Shampooing regularly like 3 to 4 times a week can help remove oiliness, flakes, and the build-up of dead skin cells. Many people have found that such regular shampooing with everyday products has not brought the result. As such, medicated shampoos like Ketomac have come to the rescue. Customer reviews recommend that shampoo Ketomac be used regularly, at least for one month, to have visible results.

As per the Ketomac shampoo user review, it is thus the number one remedy for dandruff. The Ketomac shampoo hair loss price is affordable for everyone in the market. It can be easily bought online. All you have got to do is go to the website and order them. They can be delivered to the desired location.


There are always times when you need medical assistance. Yes, you might not give much attention to many things, but they can get adverse because of your negligence. Even with the finest home care, there could be times when the signs of your athlete’s foot would not allow you to discover them. You might have used an over-the-counter ointment for weeks in the absence of any failure, only to find that the skin between the toes is still extensively withering, peeling, itching, and even starting to swell and blister. Before it becomes worse, you need to see a doctor get prescription medication for the athlete’s foot.

For your information, the athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) is a widespread fungal infection, and it usually starts in the quiet spaces between your toes. It is a type of hearty fungus that you can conveniently pick up from swimming pools, showers, bathrooms, and locker room floors. Once you avail of prescription medication for athlete’s foot, you can ensure that you are handling your food in the best manner. Though many cases will respond to store-bought creams, powders, ointments, and sprays, others could be tougher to treat and demand a prescription-strength antifungal, either topical or that of oral.

Signs You Might Need a Prescription Medication for Athlete’s Foot

In a general sense, prescription medications are required to treat an athlete’s foot in case:

  • The infection has not cleared adequately after four weeks of self-treatment.
  • It gets away but returns or comes back (persists).
  • Also, this is getting spread to different parts of the body (like that of the nails, groin, or even that of hands).

Remember that if you have an athlete’s foot and diabetes, you must see your doctor right away. There is no point in bothering with home treatment. Athletes’ feet might trigger dry, cracked skin, and it can leave people with diabetes susceptible to severe complications like cellulitis, bacterial infections, or even skin ulcers.

When is The Time to Talk to a Doctor?

It would help if you talked to your doctor immediately or sought immediate care in case:

  • You grew a high fever and other symptoms of infection.
  • Your foot is distended and developing red streaks. There is an extensive discharge of pus or other liquids.

Remember that in case your athlete’s foot fails to do any respond to over-the-counter medications, your physician might usually prescribe you prescription-strength forms of the same topical medications.

In a general sense, topical medicines are going to be prescribed first. It usually starts from one to nine weeks, depending on the harshness of the infection. Treatment is generally continued for four weeks or at least one week after all skin signs have cleared. In case the fungus is resilient to topical treatment, oral antifungals may be prescribed. Oral antifungals could be prescribed for anyone.

How Long Athlete Foot Stays?

It would help if you did not miss out on the thing that the longer that athlete’s foot persists, the excellent and huger the chance it will spread to the toenails or fingernails. This might result in a challenging-to-treat infection that can leave your nails thick, discoloured, and crumbly. In case such a thing emerges, a six- to twelve-week course of oral antifungals, coupled with medicated creams, might be there for you. Before you get into any extensive treatment for an athlete’s foot, you should always try out the creams and other ointments that get prescribed.

Are There Any Pregnancy Precautions?

If you are pregnant or nursing, you need to discuss your treatment options with your doctor to make a fully informed choice. Remember that it is mainly true in the first trimester during the initial stages of fetal development.

You have to be careful about it because research has shown that extensive or higher doses of oral antifungal drugs could trigger harm to the fetus and must be avoided. This is something that can apply to different commonly prescribed oral antifungals. You have to be thoughtful about it. Professional guidance would be appreciated here. In most instances, a combination of topical antifungals and home care will provide sufficient relief. Topical drugs might be used throughout the pregnancy because of their restricted absorption.

What you have to remember is that though mild cases of athlete’s foot might usually be treated with over-the-counter ointments, extreme or persistent cases could demand prescription treatment. In case prescription drugs are required. Advise your doctor about any medical conditions you might be experiencing. Or any drugs you could be taking (including herbal remedies, vitamins, and nutritional supplements)

Choose a Good Quality Cream

You cannot simply pick any cream that comes your way. It would help if you had to be careful about the quality and effectiveness of the cream. Similarly, You must check out the antifungal cream for feet properly. Also, you can go through its reviews, feedback, and what people have to say about it. You should also check out the reputation of the brand it belongs to. For example, you can check out Ketomac creams for the best experience, and you would heal too. Once you compare the right products, you get the best options for sure. You are surely going to experience healing and effectiveness.

But yes, once you have a good cream for your issue, make sure that you use it properly. You have to apply it a couple of times a day. Also, you have to ensure that you follow the routine regularly. Also, you must apply the cream only after washing the area. It would help if you never put the cream on the dirty or unwashed area. Wash your skin and then apply the cream, or the cream might not work for you. The point is you should wash your affected hair. Also, make sure that it has dried up and then apply the cream.


Thus, once you keep all these things in mind, you can take the best care of your skin. Your issue of an athlete’s food would get eradicated immediately and without any delays. After all, it would help if you thought about the things that make a difference for you.


Do you think that your hair is too oily and greasy? What do you do to lessen that extensive oil? Come on, and you cannot leave it unattended. You have to take a step that ensures that your hair stays clean, balanced, and less oily. Oily hair is just like oily skin. At times, it is just how it is. And other times, it’s that way simply because of the habits people develop and keep.

But yes, it is not just about the habits; hair-type even plays a crucial role in how oily strands will look. The good news is that you can do something about oily hair and ensure that your hair is clean, safe, and hygienic. You can always tend towards natural ways to make hair less greasy and ensure that your hair is the way you want them to be. The point is that in case you feel like your hair is too oily irrespective, there are certain things you can do to keep oil production within control. While these methods will help make your locks less oily in both the short and long term, it is crucial to evaluate and understand your present-day habits thoroughly so you know how to deal with them and get them on track strictly.

Be Careful with Your Conditioner

Do you apply conditioner to soften your hair? Well, you might be doing it all wrong. Applying conditioner all over might altogether weigh hair down, triggering oily roots. Instead, apply a conditioner from mid-shaft to that of ends. This would also pay to find a conditioner that is specifically designed for oily hair types. Some conditioners are specifically developed for fine hair to add up the body and fullness without leaving residue behind. Just make sure you make use of a small drop, so you don’t overload your hair. You would surely get the best experience. Ketomac conditioners can be your perfect companion here.

Apply Dry Shampoo on Your Hair

It is an obvious thing to do. A good dry shampoo is not just suck up oil from your roots and make your hair appear less greasy at the moment, but it will also allow you to spend more time between washes that will make your hair less oily in the long run too. The point is you should try out dry shampoos, and you might find a difference.

The way you use your available shampoos regularly, it is time that you try out your dry shampoo instead of general shampoo. In this way, your hair would get cleaned up, but at the same time, you would also ensure that the hair is not too oily or greasy. After all, it is about your hair care and the effectiveness of your hair. Don’t take a chance with your beloved hair. You will feel the results once you have good quality and proven shampoo to make hair less greasy. Usage of the right shampoo in the proper manner can make all the difference.

Try Out a Powder

You have always put powder on your skin and body. But have you ever thought about powder on your hair? If you prefer to go the ancient-fashioned route, you must go for baby powder instead of dry shampoo. It will work the same way if you sprinkle some on your roots and gently rub it in. If you have dark hair and the baby powder causes too much of a white cast, you need to brush some bronzer onto your roots instead or blend the baby powder with cocoa. You can look for a suitable baby powder and then ensure that you have a good one. You can try it out, and it might work wonderfully for you.

Are You Washing Your Hair Too Much?

It might sound too contrary to what you always heard about. But if the scalp is continuously getting stripped of oils, the more forcefully it would try to replace those oils. Such a thing would make hair greasier in the shorter term than essential. So, if you are washing your hair every day, you must try to take it down to every other day.

You know what, in general, the ideal thing is to wash hair a minimum of two times a week and a maximum of three as per the hair type and physical activity and sweat. In case you are already doing that, try washing every three-four days. Also, remember that whenever you wash your hair, you use good, safe, and effective shampoo only. There is no point in changing shampoos every week. You have to stick to a single shampoo for a minimum of a month to see its effectiveness. Don’t be hasty in your ways.

Do You Brush Your Hair?

Not brushing sufficiently keeps natural oils from getting distributed, and they build upon the scalp. Over-brushing, on the other side, can stimulate oil production. So, it would help if you made sure to find a healthy balance for your hair. You have to ensure that you brush your hair slowly and effectively. When you properly do brush, your hair does get smooth and effective. They get you the less oil feel because the brush regulates and circulates the oil in the hair, which does not get built up at one spot. However, you have to be careful not to brush your hair immediately after taking a bath. When your hair is wet, they are most vulnerable and can break and fall. You need to be prudent about the hair brushing and try to do that once your hair has dried up.


So, even if you are using an excellent shampoo for oily hair with dandruff, you will receive the results you seek. You can check out the variety Ketomac has stored for you. Your manners of treating your hair coupled with the products you use to make all the difference.


Everyone has a different style of taking care of their hair. Some do not hear anything, and some do more than needed things. The point is you have to be thoughtful about what you are doing for your hair. Most people wash their hair regularly, which means every day or every other day. Because people do this so often, you might be surprised to learn just how much half-truth there is out there about hair care.

Moreover, there are even some things that you believe about shampooing your hair that could even actually be incorrect. What you can do is you can try not to fall victim to hair washing myths. Indeed, stay away from myths if you want a healthy and lasting life for your hair.

Do You Shampoo Your Hair Too Often?

This is one of the most current and prevalent myths about hair washing out there. Many people believe that washing your hair extremely frequently dries your scalp and strips the hairs of their natural oils. However, it might not be further from the truth. The natural oils could keep your scalp stay on the top of the hair shaft and don’t even reach the entire length of the strand. Once you use the right products and hair washing methods, shampooing can moisturize the hair. Once you make use of a great hair thickening shampoo, you might even make your hair look healthy and creamed.

Using Cold Water Can Make Your Hair Shine

Though a cold rinse might be refreshing, it would not make your hair any shinier. That is your conditioner’s job. In truth, a cold rinse could be bad for your hair. It might cause the blood capillaries in the scalp to tighten, making it more challenging for them to bring the essential nutrients to each hair follicle. The point is you should wash your hair with the normal water you have. If it is winter, there is no point in putting cold water on your hair. It won’t get you any shinier hair. Make sure that you wash your hair with proper water, and you will indeed find the best experience.

You Require to Switch Shampoos Regularly

Some people believe that changing shampoos is essential to keep their hair healthy. You can certainly change to a diverse shampoo if you want to experience a diverse effect, but doing such a thing is not necessary. If, for example, your hair is thin, you could want to switch to a volumizing type of shampoo. However, it is always okay to stick to the same shampoo if it works wonderfully for you. If you have a good shampoo in hand and it gets you the required results, don’t switch your shampoos. For example, if you are using hair thickening shampoo, keeping your hair thick, and maintaining its density, what else do you want?

It is Not Necessary to Go for Conditioners

Both shampoo and conditioner do indeed play an essential role in daily hair care. The shampoo cleans up the scalp and hair, whereas the conditioner moisturizes it. For most acceptable and premium results, it would be great to apply conditioner to the length and ends of the hair and allow it to sit for nearly three to five minutes. But make sure that you are keeping the correct quantity and the products you are using are good and effective. You can check out Ketomac shampoos and conditioners for the best results. Once you know how long to keep the conditioners, you can experience the best experience.

Do You Also Think That Way?

It is entirely natural for hairs to fall out every day, and many of these may do so when you are shampooing. However, it has nothing to do with or indicate a cause-and-effect bond. The move of washing dislodges hairs that have already detached from the follicle’s base and are all set to fall out. Shampooing your hair nowhere causes it to fall out. It just helps it along in the natural procedure.

Washing too Often or Too Rarely

Many of you have heard the myth that washing hair every day gets you the best hair. Then some people have heard about the myth that washing hair rarely would keep your hair intact. Well, unfortunately, both the scenarios are vague. If you want to keep your hair in the best shape, you have to ensure that you clean them up properly. You need to wash your hair as per your need.

For example, if you are a general individual and do not do much physical activity in your routine, you must stick to washing your hair a minimum of two times a week. Of course, if your hair responds well to this hair washing schedule, that is perfect for you. Similarly, if you are an individual who does a lot of physical activity and gets into exercise, then you have to wash your hair a minimum and maximum of three times a week. The sweat because of your physical activity gathers in your hair and scalp and makes it all dirty and smelly. It would help if you were thinking about it. Once you develop a good pattern for your hair wash, you will experience the best experience. But make sure whatever pattern you embrace; has to be steady.

General Shampoos are Enough

Some people use random and general shampoos on their hair. Do you count yourself among them? Come on, if your hair and scalp have specific needs, you have to fulfil them in a specific manner. For example, if you have extensive dandruff, then a general shampoo might stand null and useless. It would help if you started using the best anti-dandruff shampoos in India, and only then you would experience your clean and dandruff free hair and scalp.


Thus, once you have all these things in mind, you surely can keep your hair and scalp in the best shape.


Days are gone when you used to crib about dandruff in your hair or the loss of hair. It is time to rise above your hair issues and embrace the hair quality with both hands. There should be no reason that you crib about your hair issues shortly. You can count on ketoconazole shampoo for dandruff. It is a shampoo that is going to give you an escape from all your problems.

Don’t Dodge your Youth.

Nobody wants to dodge their youth, but if you aren’t taking care of your hair, you might be dodging your youth. Are you going to relish the fact that you have dandruff filled hair? Come on, and you need to pick the best shampoos for your hair care and kick away the issues troubling you. Most people today are losing their youth because of their hair problems. Come on, and you cannot let it happen to you. Nobody looks forward to losing the quality of their hair. If you want to preserve the charm and glamour of your hair throughout your life, then you need to stick to a qualitative shampoo.

What do you mean by Ketoconazole, and how it helps in treating hair loss?

Ketoconazole in shampoos is mainly used to eliminate scalp conditions like dandruff and hair fall. It eradicates fungi and yeasts that accumulate on the scalp by interfering with their cell membranes. Talking about Ketomac, it is the best ketoconazole shampoo in India. It is a formulation of Ketoconazole used for hair care, and it eradicates fungi and yeasts by snooping with their cell crusts. If you need to grab such a shampoo as soon as possible, go for Ketoconazole shampoo for dandruff. It is a shampoo with all the ingredients and Ketoconazole that keep your hair in good shape.

What is Seborrheic Dermatitis?

Another major hair problem many have to deal with is seborrheic dermatitis. It is a condition where the scalp develops itchy, red rashes along with flaky scales. This skin condition shares a resemblance with eczema, psoriasis, or an allergic reaction. It could also affect your scalp. There could be a range of causes leading to this condition, including genetics, stress, dry weather, or yeast infection. The condition is also referred to as the cradle cap or dandruff.

In many cases, it clears up itself. But, some have to deal with it for years. You can choose the best Ketoconazole shampoo for treating dandruff to deal with this condition effectively. You can expect the results to be excellent.

Are you suffering from Androgenetic alopecia?

Androgenetic alopecia causes extensive hair loss at the crown of the head in both men and thinning hair over the entire scalp in females. Hair loss takes place because of an imbalance of dihydrotestosterone, an imitative of the male hormone testosterone. Dihydrotestosterone binds to receptors in shrinking follicles and scalp follicles, making it impossible for healthy hair to survive. Maybe testosterone is a hormone linked with men, and women also have low degrees of testosterone in their bodies.

Ketoconazole is considered the best antifungal medicine in India that can be efficacious in stimulating new hair growth if you suffer from Androgenetic alopecia. You know, Androgenetic alopecia is also known as male and female pattern baldness, and it is the leading cause of hair loss in both men and women. It should be noted that it is much more common in men. And yes, remember that presently, there is some data to say that Ketoconazole averts baldness or certainly regrows hair conclusively. However, the scientific indication that is currently available does show quantifiable improvements in hair growth when people use ketoconazole shampoo. But the good news is it is providing help to people, and the users are happy with it.

Ketoconazole shampoo

Professionals have discovered and thoroughly experienced that shampoos for hair loss products that possess Ketoconazole are the finest. You can use the Ketoconazole shampoo for hair loss for your hair issues. If you have been frustrated because they crack and fall whenever you comb your hair, no more tears then. These shampoos have an innate talent of giving you instant relief from those unwanted bulk of hair locks that wither untimely. Many people feel that they would go bald anytime soon. Of course, if they aren’t doing anything, then they certainly would. But the good news is that in the presence of Ketomac shampoos, they can escape any such issue that too without a single crease on their forehead.

If you are looking for Ketoconazole products, then you must not skip Ketomac. It is the best anti-dandruff shampoo ketoconazole India that can also satiate all your hair care needs without any hitch. There are a variety of products that you can check out under its realm. The best part is that these are reasonable, and you can find the results appearing within two weeks. After all, it is the choice of India when it comes to hair fall and fighting with dandruff.

Powerful Effects of Ketoconazole

Apart from killing fungi, Ketoconazole is also helpful in countering the effects of dihydrotestosterone in folks who have Androgenetic alopecia. It proves helpful for your hair care and gives you a comfortable experience. You can use ketoconazole shampoo at a dosage prescribed by the doctor or hair specialist. Of course, if you choose Ketomac shampoos, you can use them without any special permission. The brand gives satisfaction. Anyhow, when you use shampoos like Ketoconazole shampoo hair loss, make sure that it remains on your head for five to six minutes before you rinse it. If you want the best results, then you should use shampoo regularly. But yes, remember it does not mean that you begin to give yourself a head wash every single day. The point is to wash your hair with these shampoos at least twice or thrice a week.

Goodbye Dandruff

Since Ketoconazole treats seborrheic dermatitis, it has widely been used as an anti-dandruff shampoo ingredient. It simply means that you would probably want to consider adding a ketoconazole shampoo to your hair care stock if you’ve noticed even a smidgen of dandruff forming on your neck and shoulders. After all, it is always better to be safe than to be sorry. You can find the most satisfactory results when you have the finest solutions. Also, remember that Ketoconazole is effective only if you are using it regularly. It is not that you use it once in a while and look for outcomes. You have to use it at least twice a week for a fulfilling result. There is a tendency in people that they wear shampoos only once a month and expect things to go wonderful.

The point is that you have to understand that you intake so many things in your day to day life and there is so much pollution in the surroundings that your hair would get affected heavily. If you are not washing your hair frequently, you might be hitting your head with an axe. It would help if you did not show any negligence when you have the best ketoconazole shampoo for dandruff like Ketomac. So, if you are going, beginning with your search of ketoconazole shampoo for dandruff in India, your search should end right at Ketomac shampoo. These shampoos are effective and can turn out to be rosy for you. Whether you’re parents, your spouse, kids, or you, these products are safe and secure.

Good Topical Ointment

Growing ignorance about health leads to health issues. People don’t take responsibility for themselves and thus suffer from various diseases. In the 21st century, hair problems are becoming very prevalent. Hair lice, dandruff, hair loss, alopecia, ringworm, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin problems are common to people. The number of deaths caused by these issues rises day after day. This has led to a need for an excellent topical ointment that can combat all of these issues. The Ketoconazole shampoo for dandruff is India’s greatest-medicated shampoo. Persons of all genders are commonly used to cope with their skin problems which affect their hair condition. Problems such as dry skin make hair rough and can trigger hair loss.

Problems such as dandruff make the hair rough and can cause hair down. Dandruff can be treated successfully with this shampoo since it is famous for its efficacy. There are many ways to treat dandruff from home remedies and medicated therapies such as shampoos and sprays. Each therapy has different effects on the symptoms and addresses different causes, but the outcome is the same. Dandruff is an expression used in the scalp for intense dryness and flakiness. It can come with some frustration. Many extreme cases of dandruff include severe itchiness in the scalp and inflammation. Those are the dandruff signs that suggest its existence. Dandruff can be very annoying because it wants to appear.

Nizoral Shampoo

The Nizoral shampoo price in India is pretty reasonable considering its affordability. It is reasonably priced because of the high-quality ingredients used in the product. Dandruff therapies can be varied from home remedies to shampoos. The marketplace remedies include shampoos, creams, fats, sprays, etc. At the same time, these can be expensive and reliable, but people like to try their luck with home remedies. Knowing the cause is essential for treating any disease or illness. This guarantees the illness is eliminated from its root and is gone forever. There are many sources of dry skin like dandruff, oily skin, skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

If you are looking for a decent shampoo or other therapy, then these are the foodstuffs that best work against dandruff:

  • Ketoconazole: This ingredient has antifungal compounds that help to treat eczema by classifying any fungus. It also wipes off the dry skin. Ketomac shampoo has Ketoconazole as one of its most essential ingredients.
  • Selenium sulfide: increases the production of oils and thereby decreases dandruff caused by excess oil production.
  • Zinc pyrithione: it hinders yeast production. Yeast can be one of the causes too. Yeast treatment will eliminate dandruff.
  • Tea tree oil is recognized for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, which are very useful for dandruff.

Such assets aren’t found easily. All these ingredients are excellent for your medicated shampoo because they treat the cause and then the symptoms. Ketoconazole anti-dandruff shampoo is India’s best-medicated Dandruff Shampoo. It is pretty famous for its different properties, which can be very good for treating dandruff. This shampoo works by targeting the cause of dandruff, so it also eliminates the symptoms. It is popular with people of all ages because it is safe to use.


Most of us wonder whether we can increase our hair volume naturally or very often. They look for tips to increase hair volume. Our crowning glory might be losing its shine and reducing in size and number.

Factors like hormonal issues or genetic problems can result in our hair losing its volume. Many of us have been caught in the trap of spending extravagantly on hair care products like shampoos, gels, oils, and creams that do not deliver the promised results.

The good news is that by following a proper diet and some simple tips, you can gain thicker, fuller, and more voluminous hair. Try out the following remedies to increase your hair volume naturally. Please don’t ignore these tips as they will surely add natural volume to your hair with less cost and effort. These tell you how to get healthy hair.

Tips to Increase Hair Volume: A Great Diet

Intense stress, genetics, and hormones are all factors that make you lose the thickness of hair with time. Indeed, your hair would have been much thicker when you were younger. With ageing, our hair also ages. Also, the use of straighteners, dyes, and hair dryers can exacerbate hair damage over time.

Hence, the poser- how to increase hair volume, naturally? The first task is to address the problem at the root. You must make sure that your diet gives your hair nutrients and vitamins for its strength. The following are some elements you should include in your diet for sure:

  • Proteins and fats

Hair is composed of protein, so we should have enough protein in our system. Ensure that you include turkey or chicken, eggs, fish, beans, nuts, and Soya products in your diet. These items increase the production of keratin and, thus, hair.

  • Iron

You can get enough iron from lean meats, but the diet must contain lentils, beans, and soy products for vegetarians.

  • Zinc

One popular way to get this nutrient is via dark chocolate. Other foods include oysters, roasted pumpkin, cocoa powder, watermelon, low-fat roast beef, wheat germ, and sesame flour.

  • Vitamin B

This vitamin is found in Kale, turkey, tuna, peanuts, potato, tofu, yoghurt, and brewer’s yeast.

  • Moisture

Every person must drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. One should cut down on caffeine, alcohol, and smoking.

Gelatine Remedy

As per this remedy, a gelatine based hair mask must be used, which is amazingly effective for enhancing hair volume. Another less known fact is that gelatine helps increase hair thickness. After undergoing some processes, it produces collagen powder vital for good hair health, making it thick, voluminous, and strong.

For making the gelatine hair mask:

  • Flavourless powdered gelatine -1 tsp. (20gms.)
  • Hot water -1 cup (200ml).
  • Rosemary oil – 4 drops (10ml)
  • Aloe Vera gel- 1 tbsp. (20gms).

Boil the water. To the hot water, add Aloe Vera and rosemary oil. Once these have dissolved, add the gelatine to make the mix thick.

Wet your hair with lukewarm water (always avoid hot water). Apply the gelatine mixture. Set aside for half an hour, wearing a shower cap. Wash hair normally. Do this treatment twice a week.

Mayo, Tomato and Aloe Vera Remedy

You must apply this treatment twice a week. This mask is made of:

  • Aloe Vera pulp- 1 tbsp. (20gms)
  • Mayonnaise – 40gms
  • Ripe tomato pulp-1

Combine Aloe Vera with mayo and add the tomato pulp. Use a spoon to get a thick mix. Apply this cream to wet hair and set aside for 20 minutes. Rinse usually and use a conditioner to get magical results.

Honey and Onion Remedy

Onions are rich in essential minerals that can prevent hair loss. They stimulate hair growth by nourishing follicles. When you combine this with honey, you have a fantastic product.

For making this, use:

  • Onion- ½
  • Honey – 50gms

This mix can be made and used a week thrice. Peel and chop the onion. Add the honey and make a paste of this mix. Apply to wet hair and massage well. Rinse with lukewarm water. You will see your hair growing thicker with every passing day.

Gooseberry (Amla)

Amla has been a remedy for hair problems since ancient times. From promoting hair growth to preventing greying of hair, Amla has versatile qualities. Consume Amla on an empty stomach for beautiful results from this fruit rich in Vitamin C.

Be Cautious Of Shampoos

Many of us wonder how often we should shampoo our hair. It is good to be cautious in this respect. If you have a very oily scalp, you should wash your hair daily. Otherwise, shampooing a week thrice will do. In this case, you suffer from dandruff; the best remedy is to shampoo your hair thrice a week with Ketomac shampoo for four weeks. This shampoo contains the antifungal agent Ketoconazole which kills dandruff-causing microbe, Malassezia, found on the scalp.

At the same time, it must be noted that it is good to use a conditioner on hair after every shampooing. Conditioner makes hair more manageable and easy to untangle. You must apply a conditioner at least 1 to 2 inches away from the scalp.

Oil Massage

Massage your scalp and hair with warm oil. It is perfect for massaging your scalp since it enhances blood circulation and makes hair roots healthy. Always do the massaging with your fingers in a circular motion. The best oils to use are jojoba oil and coconut oil. To combat dandruff, use rosemary oil. Castor oil helps to reduce hair fall. After the massage, wrap your hair in a warm towel for a few minutes to offer additional conditioning for your hair. This routine is one of the sure-fire ways to increase hair volume.

Avoid Chemicals

Try and avoid hair treatment methods like colouring, straightening, and perming as much as you can. Such processes render your hair dry and dull. Also, they make your hair fragile and weaken its roots, thus leaving you more prone to hair loss.


Stress is a primary culprit behind hair loss. Excess stress can result in greying of hair as well as thinning of hair. The best way to de-stress is by following yoga or exercise in your daily routine. This not only reduces stress but promotes the flow of blood and oxygen to your scalp.

These are Some of The Useful Tips to Increase Hair Volume

All these home remedies are worth giving a shot, but if you still find yourself suffering from the same conditions, it is better to get a route towards the ultimate remedy for hair thickening, the Ketomac shampoo. It is the eventual answer to your question ‘How to increase hair?’ Ketomac oil, shampoo, and all other products provide hair benefits like reduced hair fall, increased hair volume, and increased hair shine and silkiness. It has been certified to provide these benefits by testing to provide the desired results. These products made by the Ketomac brands are getting extremely popular due to the better advantages to the consumers.

Ketomac oil has a different mechanism of action than Ketomac shampoo. It acts by improving the circulation of blood into the scalp, which in turn increases hair growth. The increased blood circulation also leads to more living cells and decreases dead cells’ presence. These dead cells are not of any use but keep accumulating, which acts as an abruption for hair growth. It nourishes the glands by penetrating through the cuticles of the scalp hence making them available for new hair growth. The Ketomac shampoo works similarly by providing nourishment to the scalp.

The shampoo provides nourishment to both the roots and the length of the hair. This nourishment prevents further hair loss, which can be the main reason for your hair thinning. It strengthens the hair from within hence preventing the breakage of hair. All these features of the shampoo are claimed to be the best out of all others. If you are still stuck with increasing hair volume and thickness, you should give this shampoo and oil a try at least once because many people swear by it.

If you have the following problems, then think of the Ketomac oil as made for you:

  • Excessive dandruff: it provides nourishment to the scalp and eliminates the dry and dead cells. This dry and dead skin is often called dandruff. Since it eliminates any dry skin, it removes all dandruff.
  • Strengthens hair roots: it penetrates through the cuticles of your scalp, thus providing proper care and strength to the hair roots, making them stronger.
  • Provides shine and lustre: if you find your hair dull and dry, Ketomac is the cure for all your problems. Apply it directly to the scalp and the length of the hair and say goodbye to the dull hair by giving a warm welcome to the lustrous hair.

If you are wondering about the application of the Ketomac shampoo, then here is the right way of application.

For the proper application, wet your hair and liberally apply the shampoo. It is preferred to do a patch test just in case of an allergy. Make sure to lather your hair correctly to get better results.

It is the perfect treatment to increase hair volume if you are looking for faster and easier results. For more information, you can check their website.


Have you been scratching your head a bit quite often? Are you observing kind of tiny flakes? Well, before things get worse, you should do something about it. There are always solutions and remedies if you care. You can always come across fantastic products and ways to deal with your hair and scalp conditions. There is plenty of shampoo for dandruff and itchy scalp too.

If an itchy scalp is getting on your nerves, you should pick the best shampoo for dandruff and itchy scalp like Ketomac. These shampoos are effective and game-changing. These have the ingredients to kick away all the itchiness and dandruff.

Change Your Shampoo

Shampoos having harmful chemicals may be gratifyingly sudsy, but these can also turn out to be dehydrating on your scalp. These shampoos can even become a reason for irritation and redness. But if you have switched to shampoo like Ketomac, i.e. best anti-dandruff shampoo for women/ladies, these would give you rewarding results, and that too, without any side effects. You won’t encounter any hitch or challenge in their presence. Use them whenever you wash your hair, and you will get the results pretty soon.

Look for Home Remedies

Many home remedies could help get rid of itchy scalp. Many go for baking soda as it contains antibacterial and antifungal properties. It could be very advantageous in preventing itchiness, hair fall, and infection. Olive oil is another agent with anti-inflammatory properties that could be useful in healing infection and itchiness. Tea tree oil is a great essential oil with antibacterial and antifungal properties to moisturize and nourish the scalp. It can be applied directly to the scalp to soothe an itchy scalp. Combine it with the best shampoo for dandruff and itchy scalp in India, and the results will be outstanding. Coconut oil has always been an excellent remedy for treating fungal infections and itchiness. It also helps in balancing moisture. Using natural remedies along with the right shampoo could lead to profound benefits.

Give It A Proper Rinse 

It is essential to permanently end your conditioning and shampoo session with a proper water rinse. The water should be cold! It would equally be good if you wash it until the entire product disappears. There is no need to rush because that would do no good and end up in disappointments only. Sometimes people wash their hair with shampoos, but in their hurriedness, they half-wash it, and the shampoo or soap stays therein. Such a thing also contributes to itchy skin. So, make sure that you wash your hair thoroughly and patiently.


It would help if you oiled up.

The way you find those rough patches or dry skin on your body because of lack of oil or moisture, your scalp demands to pamper. So, if you are not taking proper precautions for your skin, you might be harming your scalp and hair.

Eat an adequate amount of healthy fats like avocados, oily fish, and nuts, and so on. Similarly, it would be better to invest in day-to-day conditioning masks or oil treatments for your precious scalp and hair. Oil is essential for dryness to go.


Use Brush for your hair.

If you have tried many different things, but your hair stripes still flake, then it is time you think about a change. You are a victim of dandruff, which means that the scalp is over-fabricating new skin cells and shedding old ones. If you are not finding any solutions, then you need to switch to brushing. When you brush up your hair instead of combing it extensively, you might find a change for the better. And yes, don’t forget Ketomac is the best shampoo for dandruff in India is always there for you. It will work for you. You must try it out if you haven’t tried it yet.

Thus, the above said are a few ways that can help you to keep itchy skin and dandruff at bay. Don’t compromise with your precious hair and pick the shampoos like Ketomac that give you results to see!

Misinformation Contributes to Health Problems

Growing misinformation regarding safety is contributing to health problems. People don’t take responsibility for themselves and therefore suffer from different diseases. Hair issues are becoming very common in the 21st century. It is common for people to have head lice, dandruff, hair loss, alopecia, ringworm, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin problems. Even children today experience severe hair loss, which reflects the quality of our lives. The biggest reason for and solution for these issues can be our lifestyle. When our lifestyle is healthy, we can handle it, and if it’s terrible, we will develop such diseases. Dandruff like hair illnesses can be the result of some root cause or dryness. In India, there are many shampoos to control dandruff. Out of which, the best shampoo for itchy scalp India is the Ketomac shampoo.

Dandruff is a term used in the scalp with extreme dryness and dryness. Dandruff mainly affects the scalp by rendering it rough and flaccid. Flakiness is followed by mild itchiness, but the itchiness can sometimes be severe, and inflammation can also occur. It can come with some frustration. Many extreme cases of dandruff include severe itchiness in the scalp and irritation. Those are the dandruff signs that suggest its existence. Dandruff can be very disheartening because it continues to return. Dandruff can result from the angry and oily epidermis, dry skin, impoverished shampoo, infestation with the fungus, responsiveness to specific products, skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. The side effects can be easily treated with a few lotions or home remedies. Instead of drugs, often people rely on home remedies as they trust in the stuff they make themselves.

Home remedies are homemade, typically natural, cures for a disease with a combination of scientifically established ingredients. Turmeric milk, for example, has properties that heal wounds and is also a home remedy for minor injuries.

Some Home Dandruff Remedies are Mentioned Below:

  • Apply tea tree oil: You can do magic by massaging the skin with tea tree oil. Miraculously it was known to cure skin disorders such as acne and psoriasis. The anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties are beneficial in eradicating dandruff from its heart.
  • Coconut oil is used: coconut oil is known for its hydration properties. It does take away the flabby skin and eliminates all the symptoms of psoriasis and eczema. Along with all these, it also reduces dandruff and other sorts of dry skin.
  • Consider aloe vera: Aloe is a perfect ingredient for your recipe for the home remedy. It is antibacterial and antifungal, which reduces inflammation and, ultimately, dandruff.
  • Calm down: tension will raise your immune system’s strength, which allows the pathogens to cause dandruff. Reducing stress may render the immune system to work again and can relieve the effects of dandruff.

With dandruff, there are several herbal treatments, but ultimately everybody comes back to using shampoos. Because the signs are handled over more extended periods and can be used as preventive measures. Any store offers the best anti-dandruff shampoo in India. The treatment aims to combat dandruff and to win the battle against it.

Additives Functions Better Against Dandruff:

If you are looking for the best shampoo for dandruff and itchy scalp in India or another drug, then these are the additives that better function against dandruff:

  • Ketoconazole: This product has antifungal effects that help to cure dandruff without removing some infection. It also cleans off the dry skin. Ketomac shampoo has ketoconazole as one of its most essential ingredients.
  • Selenium sulfide: reduces the production of oils and thereby decreases dandruff caused by excess oil production.
  • Zinc pyrithione: it hinders yeast production. Yeast can be one of the causes of dandruff. Yeast treatment will avoid dandruff.
  • Tea tree oil is renowned for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, which have proved very effective for dandruff. It’s not easy to find certain assets.

Ketomac Shampoo

All these additives are suitable for your medicated shampoo as they address the source and then the effect. Ketomac is India’s best-medicated Dandruff Shampoo. It is pretty famous for its different properties, which can be very good for treating dandruff. The treatment operates by treating the source of dandruff, so it also removes the effects. It is popular with people of all ages because it is easy to use. Ketomac shampoo has ketoconazole as its principal ingredient. Ketoconazole is used to combat Malassezia, a naturally growing fungus. It is a fungus that occurs naturally on human skin. Dandruff people have high amounts of this fungus, which contributes to dandruff. Ketoconazole interferes with the development of ergosterol which is a vital component of the fungal cell wall.

It breaks down the cell wall, which causes the fungus to die. Similarly, It handles flakiness, itchiness, and other dandruff symptoms, including inflammatory response. It is an excellent dandruff medication and must be used and directed by your doctor for other issues. Because of its unique and effective formula, it has proven to be very helpful in combating dandruff. This shampoo has some side effects, such as a burning sensation, seborrheic dermatitis, and dry hair. If this shampoo has any sensitive reaction, then you should stop using it. Prevent any contact with mucous membranes such as skin, ears, and nose.


If you wonder which shampoo is best for dandruff in India, try the Ketomac shampoo as its specific ingredients are very powerful. Thanks to its quality and reasonable price, its success is growing every day. The bulk of the approaches you see around it are immediate. Most of them work for whatever time but the dreaded dandruff peaks back as soon as you stop using them. Such remedies make you feel happy for a while, but you should realize that your worst fear about losing dandruff will come true one day. Such problems may cause anything that ranges from dandruff to baldness. Dandruff may not sound like a big deal, but it can sometimes be very distracting. This is because it comes back again and again. One can conclude that Ketomac is the best scalp shampoo in India.


Many health conditions come to light only when they get on the advanced stage. Your nails make an essential part of your body. If you are not taking care of your nails, you might be harmed. Often you overlook your nails because you are focused on your overall health, body, head, and organs, and so on. But do you know that nails can leave you in pain and trauma if overlooked? You might have to look for antifungal nail cream to overcome this issue as soon as possible.

There are various changes in fingernails or toenails that might cause people to think they are experiencing a fungal infection of the nails. It is medically called onychomycosis or tinea unguium. Fungal infection of the nails at times makes the situation sound contagious or linked with lousy hygiene. Up to ten percent of all adults in Western countries experience a fungal infection of the nails. This number increases to twenty percent of adults who are age sixty or older. It might be helpful for you to know that toenail fungus is more common than fingernail fungus. Indeed, there are treatments and even Antifungal cream for nails to get rid of this condition. In the true sense, abnormal-looking nails might be triggered by several situations, including, but not restricted to, a fungal infection. However, there are different other reasons too that your nails look different.

What is The Treatment of Nail Fungal?

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection generally triggered by a special kind of fungus known as a dermatophyte. Since most of such infections are comparatively superficial, it might seem that topical treatments should work well. It is not the case because the nail unit is comparatively impenetrable.

Fungal nail infections could be challenging to treat. Talk with your medical professional or doctor if self-care plans and over-the-counter products haven’t helped. You know the treatment does depend on the harshness of your condition and the kind of fungus causing it. It could take a few months to see results. And even if your nail condition enhances, repeated infections are common.

Are There Any Diagnoses?

Yes, your doctor or medical expert will examine your nails. They might also take some nail clippings or even scrape debris from under the nail. After taking it, they send the sample to a laboratory to identify the fungus triggering the infection. Different other conditions, like that of psoriasis, can imitate a fungal infection of the nail. Microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast also can contaminate nails. Having an idea about the cause of your infection helps determine the best course of treatment.


Your doctor or medical expert may prescribe antifungal drugs that you consume orally or apply to your nail. In some instances, it helps to link up oral and topical antifungal therapies.

Oral Antifungal Drugs

These drugs are mostly the first choice because they clean up the infection more swiftly than topical drugs. These drugs help a fresh nail grow free of any infection, gradually replacing the infected part. You typically consume this kind of drug for six to twelve weeks. But you are not going to see the result of treatment until your nail grows back ultimately. It could take four months or even longer eradicate infection. Treatment success rates with these drugs look to be lower in adults over the age of sixty-five.

Similarly, some oral antifungal drugs could cause side effects ranging from a skin rash to liver damage. You could need occasional blood tests to check on how you are doing with these kinds of drugs. Doctors might not recommend them for people with liver disease, congestive heart failure, or taking certain medications.

Medicated Nail Polish

Your doctor may also prescribe an antifungal nail polish. You paint it on the infected nails and also on the surrounding skin once a day. After seven or eight days, you wipe the heaped-on layers clean with alcohol and start new applications. You might need to use this kind of nail polish regularly for nearly a year.

Medicated Nail Cream

Your doctor might prescribe an antifungal cream and that you can rub into your infected nails after drenched. These creams could work better if you first thin your nails. It is beneficial for the medication to get through the hard nail surface to the primary fungus. If you have thin nails, then you should apply a non-prescription lotion containing urea. Or your doctor can thin the surface of your nail with the help of a file or other tool.

Surgery is Also Possible

Your doctor could suggest the temporary removal of the nail. It is to ensure that they can apply the antifungal drug directly to your infection under the nail. However, you have to understand that some fungal nail infections do not respond to medicines. Your doctor could suggest permanent nail removal in case the infection is extreme or painful.

You Can Also Take Care of Your Nail Fungal at Home:

  • You can try over-the-counter antifungal nail products and ointments. Various products are available. If you notice white markings on the surfaces of your nails, file these off, soak your nails in water, dry them properly, and apply the medicated lotion or cream.
  • You can also trim and thin the nails. It is something that helps reduce pain by diminishing the pressure on the nails. Similarly, if you do this before applying an antifungal, the drug can easily reach deeper layers of your nail.

Antifungal Nail Cream from Ketomac

Before you trim or use a nail file to thin, thick your nails, you must soften them with urea-containing creams. If you have a condition that triggers poor blood flow to your feet and you cannot simply trim your nails, it is essential to see a health care provider routine to get your nails trimmed.

So, if you have a nail fungal, it is okay. You can look for good antifungal cream for nail infections like Ketomac for effective results.

As we have already discussed, the problem of nail fungal infection in many persons. You have seen people with deformed or discoloured nails. Those symptoms are the symptoms of the nail fungal infection. The fungus can be present anywhere and sometimes cause many infections on the skin. A fungus is more likely to affect the areas with more moisture and warmness. People who are facing fungal skin infections are suggested to stay dry as much as possible. Sweating, dampness, or moisture is what a fungus loves. The fungus will accumulate near that area and cause many infections relating to the fungus. There are so many fungal infections you may have heard about: ringworm, athlete foot, nail fungus, or jock itch. The nail fungus is likely to affect the nails, which contain lots of moisture. The best antifungal for nails is available to treat fungal infections on the nail.

Diagnose Nail Fungus Infection

The nail fungus begins with the yellow spots on your nails, either it’s your toe or fingers. The nail fungus causes nail discolouration and thickens your nails. You can diagnose this infection with the thickness and from the colour of your nails. Your nails can even appear as flaky from the skin and may cause the breaking of nails. If this nail infection causes you more pain, then you must seek a doctor’s advice for its proper treatment. You may even have to remove the nail when the situation becomes worse. So try to avoid that situation and treat your nail fungus with antifungal ointments, medications, or lotions. Antifungal nails can be used in such a way to get relief from infection quickly. There are many symptoms of nail fungal infection which are discussed as follows:

Symptoms of Nail Fungal Infection

  • Thickness of nails
  • Brittle nails
  • Discolouration of nails like the yellow or blue colour of nails
  • Foul odour arising from the nails
  • Deformed nails
  • Brittle of nails

You may face nail fungus due to fungi on the nails, and especially toenails are more likely to be affected by this infection. This nail infection is not age or gender-specific and can hit anyone anytime. There come many cracks in your nail, allowing the fungi to re-enter your nails and make them severe. If you are sweating more, walking or running barefoot, involved in water sports, etc., then the risk of developing a nail fungal is more.

People who get infected with the athlete’s foot will also develop nail fungus over time. It would help if you focused on preventing these nail fungus from increasing by keeping your feet or nails dry etc. you can even avoid wearing tight socks or shoes for more extended periods. Try to trim or cut your nails timely and try not to increase the length of your nails much. Try to wear something on your foot when going in water like in pools.


Best antifungal treatment is also available in many hospitals or by ointments to treat this infection permanently. Ketomac cream is specially designed to treat fungal infections like ringworm, nail fungus, athlete’s foot, and jock itch. Try to use this cream regularly for the best and effective results.


A fungal infection of the lips is quite disturbing. Lip fungus mainly occurs in persons with low levels of immunity. You might need antifungal cream for the lip to overcome infection.

The lips consist of two fleshy folds of tissue that surround our mouth. Their tactile nature makes them very sensitive. Lips are a conspicuous facial feature, so a fungal infection can impact your appearance and make you self-conscious and feel unpleasant.

Candida Yeast

The infection is typically in the form of abnormalities and sores which arise from inside the mouth. Lip fungal infection is caused generally by Candida yeast. Usually, Candida Albicans is linked to genital fungal infection, but it can also impact the lips and the oral cavity.

Another lip fungus is Monilia Albicans that causes the condition of Moniliasis. Usually, this impacts the inner lip and the mouth. It commonly impacts babies and is called Thrush.

Candida yeast is a fungus that thrives briskly in warm and moist conditions. To a large extent, the growth of yeast is controlled by some good bacteria and microorganisms in our bodies. But when there is an imbalance, the growth of such yeast is increased.

How Does It Affect?

This imbalance may be caused by illness or stress. Smokers are very vulnerable to this condition. If lesions are not treated properly, they can spread to the oesophagus. Persons who have dental fixtures or have diabetes are prone to yeast infection. The infection causes cracking and inflammation and enhances pain in the lip corners. This disease can be treated by Ketomac, which is antifungal cream for lips.

Another fungal infection of the lips is caused by a deficiency of Riboflavin called Angular Cheilitis and Angular Stomatitis. It causes scaling and fissures in the mouth corners. People staying in cold regions are more prone to this fungal infection. But it can be treated by antifungal cream for lip infection called Ketomac.

Symptoms of Fungal Infection of Lips

  • Sores and white plaques in mouth corners
  • Itching and burning sensation
  • Lack of moisture in lips
  • Collection of fluids causing bumps and blisters in the lips
  • Swelling and redness of lips.
  • General weakness
  • Intense craving for sweets and sugar


Following are the leading causes of fungal infection of the lips:

  • Wearing of dentures
  • Consumption of alcohol and snuff.
  • Exposure to inclement climatic conditions
  • A condition is worsened by licking of lips.
  • Deficiency of vitamins (E, B12) and Iron.
  • Ischemia: poor blood flow to lips
  • Poor nutrition
  • Application of toxic chemicals in the form of lip balms or lipstick.


  • Topical application of Ketomac cream
  • Drinking plenty of water stimulates the secretion of saliva.
  • We are maintaining oral hygiene and avoiding biting lips to prevent the spread of infection.
  • I am avoiding the consumption of spicy food.
  • Reducing the intake of sugar is a suitable medium for the growth of Candida yeast infection. Wash mouth properly after sugar intake.
  • Apply Tea tree oil or Goldenseal. Both have antifungal properties. This application can control infection in a few days.
  • Castor oil may be applied for its therapeutic properties.
  • Yoghurt may be applied to the affected area for combating infection.

These are all essential facts about the fungal infection of the lips and the importance of antifungal cream to control it. Ketomac cream is the leading product in this genre.

Fungal Skin Infections Caused by The Fungus in The Body

Nowadays, everyone is so occupied with ourselves; we are all very concerned with our looks and appearance. Our look is directly related to our health. The idiom health is wealth is true and correct in all senses. If you are not feeling healthy, then you can enjoy any phase of life. There are so many skin infections occurring to us due to many factors. Our environment, our eating habits, our lifestyle, etc., everything impacts our health.

Everyone wants to look good, but no one is making an effort to look good or healthy. There are so many skin problems that one can suffer from due to many organisms etc. there are so many fungal skin infections caused by the fungus in the body. The fungus can affect any part or area of your body, either your nails, armpits, inner thighs, or lips. Antifungals for angular cheilitis can be used to treat fungal infections on lips.

Our human body can face so many infections, diseases, or problems relating to our bodies. But it does not mean that your life becomes complicated from that point. Everyone in life faces their kinds of problems. Some are related to their body, face, etc. every problem has a solution. These fungal infections are not life-threatening and can be treated with proper medication if we talk about them. There are so many treatments available for these skin infections. Using anti-allergic medications, if you are suffering from bacterial infection, then antibacterial medication is used, the same as viral and fungal infections. Ketomac offers you the cream which is best suited and known for solving these skin infections.

Angular Cheilitis

It would help if you used it correctly to get rid of these infections. Lip fungal infection or angular cheilitis is an infection caused on the corners of your lips. Lips are a sensitive part of our body, and they are more prone to such infections. It is known as angular infection, as when our lips meet, there makes an angle on the side of our lips.

When you develop a kind of patch or cracks or redness in that angle, then it means you are suffering from a fungal infection. The fungus is also part of those microorganisms which are present everywhere in our environment. When we breathe or speak, these microorganisms enter our bodies. There is both excellent and lousy fungus that can be present in our body. As we have already discussed, the various symptoms of this lip infection should not be ignored whenever diagnosed. If it becomes severe, then it will create a problem in eating anything.

As we know, these infections do not harm us in any way, but they may make you feel uncomfortable and irritated most of the time. This fungal lip infection can become worse if not treated. You can apply cream, ointment, or lotion to treat this infection as soon as possible. Fungal infection on the lips can be treated by opting for its medical treatment or can do some simple home remedies to treat this infection. These home remedies ingredients are readily available at your home and can be used anytime to treat this infection. It would help if you avoided your careless attitude towards treating these fungal infections as they can become severe. Some of the main home remedies which can be used for treatment are discussed as follows:

Remedies for Treatment

  • Applying or using castor oil: this ingredient can be easily found in our homes. Castor oil is known for its moistening element and which will help your wound to be moist. It also helps in reducing pain and dryness from the affected area. You can apply castor oil directly or use castor oil with tea tree oil to treat your infection. You must leave the oil on the affected area for about thirty minutes, and then you can ash out the oil.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is known to be the most effective home remedy with lots of benefits. It is also used in many ointments, cosmetics, soaps, etc., as Aloe Vera is very beneficial for our skin. It also contains many antifungal and antiseptic properties, which makes it an essential ingredient. You can use fresh juice or gel of Aloe Vera, cool it for some time, and then apply it to the infected area for about twenty-five minutes. To treat your infection as early as possible, you must use it twice or thrice a day.


As we all know about the bacteria which is present in the curd all the time. The bacteria present in the yoghurt is good for our health, and it also helps us treat many skin infections. It is effectively used to treat the fungal lip infection of the skin. You can use the fresh curd available at your homes in the affected area overnight. You can leave the curd on the affected area overnight to see improvement the following day. Not only can you apply the yoghurt, but you can eat the yoghurt as much as you can to treat this problem speedily.

Using Coconut oil:

Coconut oil is filled with so many benefits, not only for our hair but also for the skin. It is also used in many ointments, and its moistening element helps remove dryness from the skin or the lips. You can apply coconut oil anytime to the affected area to treat this infection.


Mouth wash: there are many types of mouthwash available in the market, which can be every day for a healthy mouth and gums. These mouthwashes contain many anti-allergic properties that help in treating many infections and gum problems. You can adapt the habit of washing your mouth every day and avoid mouth and gums related problems. Antifungal cream for lips over the counter is used to treat the fungal infection on the corners of the mouth. The antifungal cream contains all the essential ingredients which will help the wound to heal at the earliest.


Are you particular about your foot care? Do you think you take precautions to ensure that your health is good and effective? You know there are different types of health problems that should be taken into consideration. For example, you must take antifungal cream for foot fungus.

If you have fungus in your foot, make sure to start using the best antifungal foot cream. There is no point in avoiding it. What is the point if fungal is getting all over the place? Well, it is widespread to get a fungal infection on your toes or feet. Most fungal infections are triggered by dermatophytes, an ailment-causing fungus that rises on body surfaces like hair, skin, and nails.

Talking about athlete’s foot, the most prevalent foot fungus flourishes in sweaty, warm places like the insides of the athletic shoes that are how it got its name. However, foot fungus can grow in various environments, natural and artificial, as long as there is so much moisture where fungi can increase. These include shared areas at the pools or gyms, soil, grass, or even shared items like socks, shoes, or towels from household members undergoing infection.

Is It Contagious?

Unfortunately, the athlete’s foot is contagious, and the fungus can effortlessly spread to the toenails and toes, triggering infections. There are more than three million instances of toenail fungus every year. Not all toenail infections are from an athlete’s feet or even from a fungus; a few are triggered by mould or yeast. These are much tougher to cure than fungal infections. But you don’t have to worry if you are using the best antifungal cream for foot fungus. You would get rid of this infection in no time.

How Does an Athlete’s Foot Look Like?

The athlete’s foot looks like a flaking red rash on the sides or bottoms of the feet, often escorted by dry, itching, cracked skin, stinging, and even odour. You can also experience moist, raw skin between the toes. Though an athlete’s foot is somewhat easy to treat with antifungal creams or sprays, this foot fungus is quite transmissible and might quickly spread to the toenails. The point is you have to start using the correct cream or spray the moment you feel that your foot will have a fungal infection.

Toenail Fungal

You might find a small white or yellow spot on the tip of the toenail, and that too, especially the big toe. As the infection grows, the toenail can turn yellow, brittle, and even crumbly, dense, and uneven-looking. In the worst fungal infections, the toenail even separates from the nail bed. It is something called onycholysis. As fungal infections advance, the nail beds can be tender to the touch and somewhat painful. If you have it, don’t avoid it and do something about that. You can start applying Ketomac cream in India, and it would work wonders for you.

So, when are you going to have that cream for your fungal issue? It is time that you treat it effectively and safely.

We all are so occupied in our professional lives that we do not pay attention to our health, body, or the signs our body is giving us. Involving in business or jobs is a good thing, but it does not mean that you will become careless of yourself. Health is the most important thing, and the idiom health is wealth is accurate and precise. Without being healthy, we cannot enjoy any bit of our lives. So our topmost priority should be our health, and then other things come in a queue.

You may have heard people complaining about the skin infection they are suffering from. There are so many skin infections prevailing in the environment and which are hitting almost everyone. There are huge microorganisms present in our environment and even in our bodies. But some develop inside us over time. Antifungal cream for feet is used to treat such infections.

Fungal Infections

The fungus can affect any part of your body where there is moisture, warmness, etc. some of the common fungal infections that we hear from people nowadays are ringworm, athlete’s foot, jock itch, and nail fungus, etc. fungus will be there where it is moist or warm. The feet are primarily known for their warmth. People who wear shoes or socks more often and for more extended periods are more likely to be affected by fungal infections. The sportsperson who wears tight shoes and socks whenever on the ground also often faces this fungal infection. The fungal infection which affects your feet is known as an athlete’s foot. People who are suffering from athlete’s foot also have the chance to suffer from nail fungus. Nail fungus is a situation that causes discoloured or deformed nails, especially feet.


Athlete foot mainly affects the upper layer of your foot skin and makes it more cracks and flaky. The fungus named trichophyton is the leading cause of the athlete’s foot. This fungus is found on floors or in clothes. It mainly affects the people who wear shoes or socks or walk barefoot are less affected. This infection affects the centre of the toes. From the burning or itching, you can diagnose this fungal infection. You can use over the counter medication to treat these fungal infections on foot. The best antifungal cream for foot fungus is readily available in the market at a very reasonable price.

If your skin is already dry and hygienic, then the chances of developing this fungal infection are significantly less. This fungal infection is harmless for the body, and it only causes some discomfort in walking or running. Wearing tight shoes will make our feet squeeze in that little place, causing many skin infections due to sweating. People who have a weak immune system are more likely to develop this fungal infection.

The Following are The Symptoms of The Athlete Foot Infection:

  • Dryness on foot or the skin will become flaky
  • Redness on foot
  • Cracks on the upper layer of the skin due to infection etc.
  • Some people also suffer from swelling due to this infection around their infected area.

Athlete foot also germinated nail fungus on toenails. When your feet get infected with the regular wearing of shoes or socks, it will also infect your nails. The fungus is already present in your feet. There are many medications available that are antifungal and used to treat these fungal infections. You can use them before the infection becomes more severe. If the situation becomes worse, then you must see a doctor for further treatments. There are many home remedies available that will help you to treat athlete’s foot or foot fungus are as follows:

Remedies to Treat Athlete’s Foot or Foot Fungus:

  • Using Tea tree oil: tea tree oil can be obtained from the tea tree. This oil contains many antifungal and antibacterial properties that will help you heal many fungal infections on the skin. This oil is the natural way to kill the various fungi present in the body. You can apply tea tree oil directly to the affected area, or you can either mix it with some other oils. Tea tree oil is also used in many skin ointments.
  • Use of garlic: garlic is not less than a drug for many infections. Garlic is used for many medical uses and helps in healing many skin infections on the body. The common fungus which affects the skin can be killed by garlic. You can use garlic by crushing it and putting it into warm water. You can soak your feet in that water for about thirty minutes to get the best results.
  • Use of Baking soda: baking soda is an ingredient that is always available in your kitchen. Using baking soda is an effective way to treat the athlete’s feet. You can use baking soda in a large cup and can put that baking soda in warm water. Now you can soak your feet in that water mixture for about twenty to thirty minutes. You can even use that remedy twice a day to get the earliest results.

Other Home Remedies:

  • After washing your feet, make sure your feet are dry and clean.
  • Try not to use the same towel on infected people who use it to clean feet.
  • You must wear lightweight shoes and try not to wear shoes for a longer duration.
  • Try to wear breathable socks that can absorb the sweat or moisture in your feet.
  • Try to wear dry shoes; if you wear shoes daily, make sure that your shoes are dry before wearing them.
  • Best antifungal cream for feet must be used on the affected areas as prescribed on the cream. There are many creams available in the market, but Ketomac is proved to be more effective than any other Best antifungal cream for foot fungus. It contains all the natural ingredients which are used to treat this infection.


Nail fungus and athlete foot remedies are almost the same as both infections occur due to the fungus present in the field. The symptoms of both of these infections are different, but treatments are very much similar.


Fungal infections are pretty bothersome, but overall they are not life-threatening for people who have a healthy immune system. And for those who don’t have a healthy immune system can try antifungal antibacterial cream. These fungal skin infections are rarely serious, but they can look hideous and irritate. These skin infections account for about 25% of the total fungal infections. These infections occur in humans, and the most common of them are scalp infection, ringworm, jock itch, and athlete’s foot.

To treat these infections, you can use the same family of antifungals. You can often treat them by using over the counter antifungal creams, gels, and powders. The FDA has deemed them relatively safe as they have a low risk of side effects, so you won’t need any doctor’s prescription to buy and use them. An excellent antifungal antibacterial cream like Ketomac Cream will treat your condition quickly and stop it from spreading.

According to various advertisements, nail fungus is a widespread infection, but actually, it is not that common. As the fungus affects from inside the nail, applying any cream on the nail won’t help treat it. Oral medication can help you with it.


One of the most common antifungals used to treat these kinds of infections is called azole. Sometimes, azoles can irritate and burn over the counter when you use them, but these side effects are infrequent. Prescription azoles might have more severe side effects. FDA is constantly re-evaluating the safety of over the counter as well as prescription azoles. They evaluated a type of azole mainly used to treat toe fungus because of concerns regarding its use for vaginal yeast infections, especially in pregnant women. If you exceed the dosage of a particular azole, then it might cause serious side effects. It can also harm the unborn child in pregnant women.

Excessive use of azole antifungals can also raise liver enzymes, a potential warning sign for liver damage. In the worst-case scenario, there can even be a risk of liver failure. But this is extremely rare as medical professionals monitor their patients closely, exceedingly if they prescribe them oral antifungals.


Any antifungal and antibacterial cream in India is relatively safe to use for superficial skin infections. But you should try and take your doctor’s advice on severe conditions. This helps to treat the condition in an easier and faster way. It also helps you from becoming resistant to that antifungal. If you become resistant to an antifungal, it will become difficult for you to treat your condition. The fungus will stop responding to the medication. If you overuse an antifungal cream, the fungi will modify and adapt themselves so that the even most powerful antifungal cream will stop working on you.

But mostly, these fungal skin infections are pretty simple, and they get cured quickly. You can prevent them by staying hygienic all the time and maintaining a distance from infected people.

We have heard so many people discussing the problems or infections that they are facing very commonly. There are so many skin problems and infections that people are facing. Everyone may be allergic to some of the other things that we may sometimes not diagnose. Fungal infections are also one of the skin infections which people complain about the most. You may get infected by many microorganisms like fungus, viral or bacterial, etc.; every infection has its different symptoms from which we can diagnose the type of infection. But the symptoms of these infections vary from person to person. Some may get infected and develop a rash on the skin. The others may face swelling etc. There are so many antibacterial creams in India is available to treat various bacterial infections. You can use them as per the prescription given on the cream etc.

Skin Infections Threatens Our Lives

As we have already discussed, these skin infections are threatening our lives. You can opt for an anti-allergic cream to treat these infections before making them severe. If your infection has become severe, then the doctor’s advice can be sought. It would help if you tried to diagnose these infections in their earlier stages to avoid any difficulty later. It would help if you did not ignore the symptoms that you get from your skin infections. Instead, they cause so much discomfort to the infected person. The more you will ignore them, the more they will become severe. There are so many anti-allergic creams available that are life saviours for the infected person. These skin infections can affect anyone. There is no such one particular cause to those infections. The consequences faced by people are different from one another.

Awareness Regarding Infections

Antifungal antibiotic cream is widely used to treat various fungal and viral infections. Awareness of these infections is critical; you cannot diagnose those infections if you are not aware. There are many microparticles or organisms which are present in our environment whenever we breathe. We unintentionally inhale so many particles from the environment in which we stay. Growing more and more trees is one of the main objectives of almost all the NGOs or clubs.

Growing trees is not their responsibility only. There are so many types of fungal infections that w hard for many people: ringworm, athlete’s foot, etc. these are common fungal problems. This is the fact that fungus likes warmer or moist areas. So body areas where there are more moisture and warmness are likely to be affected by these infections. Ketomac supplies you with the best anti-allergic cream, which will help you cure and prevent many fungal and bacterial infections. You cannot avoid or eliminate these kinds of infections; you can treat them wisely.

Using these creams and ointments will be the first step towards the treatment of these skin infections. These ointments include all those ingredients which are anti-allergic and will help your body to fight the infection. Along with using anti-allergic creams, you can try some tips which will help you cure or avoid skin infections. As the skin is an essential part of our body, it also helps in protecting our body parts and acting as a windshield. All of us can adopt some tips for the treatment of these infections. These tips are discussed as follows:

Tips to Cure Skin Infections

  • You must avoid steroids: whenever you face these skin infections, you must avoid taking a steroid. Taking steroids is not a permanent solution for your skin infection. It may treat your skin temporarily and instantly, but it may have many side effects for your body. Not only the natural steroids, but you must also avoid the creams which contain steroids. These steroids can worsen the situation in which you are dropped. Your infection will not be treated permanently. So you must avoid using it for temporary benefits.

Complete All Steps of Your Treatment:

  • If you face this infection frequently, you can see the doctor on time to avoid any mishappening. Your doctor will suggest the whole treatment for your skin infection, which will help it to be avoided. But the infected person needs to complete the whole process. It would help if you did not leave the treatment in between or whenever you see some improvements. These skin infections are contagious and will come again and again if not treated permanently.

Avoid wearing too many Tight Clothes:

  • Wearing highly tight clothes or shoes is also not good for our bodies. Too much tightness may lead to many infections arising from sweating etc. Wearing tight shoes or wearing socks for a longer duration also causes nail fungus infection.

Keep Your Body Dry

  • The fungus is more attracted to wet areas, moist or warm areas. So try to maintain your bodies dry most of the time. Vaginal, nail fungus, inner thighs, armpits, etc., are more likely to be affected by these fungal infections. So make sure that your body is dehydrated.
  • Try to use an antifungal cream, soaps, or powders when infected. When you are diagnosed with fungal infections, make sure you are using only antifungal products. You can even continue using these antifungal or antibacterial ointment products even after your recovery from infection.

Try to Wear Washed Inner As Well As Outer Clothes:

  • Sometimes the fungus is present in your clothes; yes, you heard it right. Fungus or bacteria can even be present in articles like towels, clothes, etc. You can suffer these infections even from the use of clothes or towels, etc.


So to stay healthy and happy all the time, make sure you are clean, dry, and hydrated. Even if you face any skin infection, never ignore its signs and try to diagnose the problem. These anti-allergic ointments are specially designed to cure these infections as early as possible. These infections are not gender or age-specific; anyone can face these infections anytime, anywhere.


Dandruff is a common hair problem that almost every person has perhaps experienced in his lifetime. It doesn’t depend on ethnicity, age, or gender. This problem isn’t just confined to the scalp; however, it might also affect areas such as the chest, beard, sides of the nose, eyebrows, ears, etc. So, any area with hair on it can be affected by dandruff. It is also referred to as seborrheic dermatitis and seborrhea. Have you ever looked for medicated shampoo for dandruff? Well, many people experience flare-ups only occasionally, and many others are more prone to this problem.

Effects of Dandruff

Dandruff appears like dry, flaky skin on the scalp, sometimes accompanied by inflamed skin that appears red or pink. When dandruff is more intense, it causes itching or burning, compels the sufferer to keep scratching the scalp. Curing dandruff entirely is not easy, but its management is very much possible. So, with fair hair and skincare and hygiene, you will be able to keep this problem pretty much under control.

When babies develop dandruff, the problem is known as cradle cap, which gets cleared after a few months. Although people don’t seem to be bothered when the problem is mild, it does create frustration when it is severe. Now, wouldn’t you want to know the most common causes of dandruff? Well, if yes, then check them out here-

Causes of Dandruff

  • Although many people believe that dry skin is the main reason people develop dandruff, this isn’t so. In reality, dandruff is often gets caused by a variety of yeast, known as Pittosporum orbicular. This yeast feeds on the oil secreted by the human scalp, and when it overgrows, it causes dandruff. And that is probably the reason why people with oily scalps are more prone to developing this condition. So, if you are someone with a lot of scalp oil, then it’s likely that you are harbouring this organism. If the condition is mild, then it will clear away with a bit of care and attention. You can also use home remedies to treat dandruff. And for fast results, you can wash your hair with some medicated shampoo for dandruff.
  • The second most important reason for dandruff is stress. Dandruff is a sign that you are highly stressed out and need to sit back and relax. Any skin condition can get aggravated because of stress. This happens because stress makes your immune system go out of whack. And that is the reason why experts link dandruff directly with stressful life.

Even if you have mild dandruff, then a phase of stress in your life can cause it to get flared up. The problem gets worse when itching is one of the symptoms. Itching causes an itch-scratch cycle that is hard to address. So, dandruff causes you to itch your scalp, and when you do so, new flakes from the skin of the scalp come off, resulting in more dandruff. So, the best way out would be to take measures to feel relaxed. There are many ways to relax your body and mind, one of which is a regular practice of yoga.

Good Habits for Dandruff Free Hair

  • Many people say it is essential to keep your scalp moisturized with the natural oil it secretes to keep the hair thriving. The people who say so definitely don’t consider those who are having the problem of dandruff. People having dandruff cannot stay for long without washing their hair. When they do so, their condition gets aggravated. Hence, if you have dandruff in your hair, you must shampoo your hair regularly with a good medicated shampoo as frequently as possible. Don’t worry; there is available medicated anti-dandruff shampoo in India. Keep in mind that dandruff develops when there is a build-up of sweat and oil on the scalp. So, washing off the excess oil is of high importance. You must never forget that not rinsing the shampoo off properly often causes more complex problems. Any shampoo residue on your scalp can act as a breeding ground for the microorganism that causes dandruff.
  • Whether it is your hair or your skin, if you want to keep it healthy, you must take care of your body from within. You might not develop dandruff by eating food, but certain food items can cause flare-ups if you have got dandruff. Any food item rich in trans fats and saturated fats could make your sebaceous glands secrete more oil, which might cause your problem to reach a more severe level. Try to have a diet that includes food items having healthy mono-saturated fatty acids. Some of the best sources of these fatty acids include safflower oil, olives, nuts, avocados, etc. If your body is deficient in Vitamin B complex, then you could be prone to this problem. Vitamin B complex, after all, forms the basis of hair cells. So, try to eat as much food rich in vitamin B complex as possible. Familiar sources include bananas, eggs, rice, and oatmeal.

Effects of Styling Your Hair

Another common cause of dandruff is over-styling your hair. There are many hair products available in the market, which do not create a conducive environment for your hair to stay and thrive. Since the residues of these products on the scalp create problems like dandruff, try to stay away from mousses, styling gels, hair sprays, etc. Do so, especially if you think hair styling products are the prime reason behind your growing dandruff.

Now, let’s have a look at some solutions for treating dandruff. Check them out-

Give Your Scalp a Good Massage with Lemon and Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is highly nourishing for your hair and scalp, and when you mix it with lemon juice, it becomes an excellent medication. Lemon juice can treat dandruff effectively, so mixing it with coconut oil will help you ward off this problem. To go about this solution, you will first have to heat coconut oil in a pan. Make sure you take only two tablespoons of it. Then add an equal amount of lemon juice to the pan. When the mixture cools down, use it to massage your scalp gently. After you are done, leave the oil for 20 minutes, and then rinse your hair off with some good shampoo.

Try Out a Fenugreek Pack

Fenugreek is not just good for your hair but also your scalp. To prepare a fenugreek pack, you will have to soak a couple of tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Grind the seeds into a fine paste. Apply the paste to your scalp and leave it on for an hour. Rinse it off with a mild shampoo. Doing this regularly will yield great results.

Apply Curd

Applying curd on your scalp sounds a little messy, but it is a highly effective remedy. Take some cards in a bowl; apply them evenly on your scalp and hair. Let the curd sit on your scalp for an hour, and then wash it off with a good mild shampoo.

Have You Tried Out Baking Soda Yet?

You can quickly treat the problem of dandruff with baking soda. To apply baking soda to your scalp, you will first have to make your hair and scalp a little wet. While it’s wet, rub a little baking soda onto the scalp, preferably a spoonful. Wash it off after you have left it on for about 60 to 90 seconds.

Tea Tree Oil is Also Extremely Effective-

Tea tree oil is a fantastic way to bid adieu to dandruff. Now, the question that arises here is- how to apply it? Well, applying it is extremely easy- all you have to do is pour a little tea tree oil onto your scalp and massage gently. Make sure you don’t take more than a few drops of this oil. Let the oil sit on your scalp for 5 minutes so that it gets soaked. Follow it up with a good wash with some mild shampoo.

Use a Good Anti Dandruff Shampoo-

Although many anti-dandruff shampoo brands are available in the market, you should only trust a medicated brand that vouches for its quality. And when it comes to quality, Ketomac shampoo stands uncontested. Ketomac, the best-medicated dandruff shampoo in India, is available and has ketoconazole in it. Ketoconazole is a synthetic broad-spectrum antifungal agent that helps remove dandruff from your scalp. This element is present in a concentration of 2% in an aqueous suspension of the shampoo.

For proper application of the shampoo, you will first have to make your hair and scalp wet. Add a tiny amount of the shampoo onto your scalp and massage thoroughly to form good leather. Before rinsing the shampoo off, you will have to let it sit on the scalp for around 5 to 10 minutes.

By using this shampoo twice a week for around a month, you will get good results. After seeing improvement in your condition, you can use the shampoo once a week so that your dandruff doesn’t come back. Don’t stop using the shampoo entirely, as that could cause your symptoms to reappear.

Now that you know the causes of dandruff and various solutions to treat it, there is no reason why you should continue to suffer from this problem.

A Few Important Things to Know

Some clinical researches have been there that have shown that making use of a good and effective anti-dandruff shampoo in India exclusively three times a week is powerful to battle mild to extreme dandruff. Most of the dandruff-battle actions do take place after you exit from the shower. Once you have washed away the loose hair flecks from your head in the shower, the scalp even demands attention to stay healthy. You cannot have to do with anything once you are out of your shower. The shampoo you have used is going to do the proper consequent things for you. It is going to make sure that your head is guarded and the dandruff is vanishing.

However, you have to ensure that the shampoo you have applied to your hair is adequately rinsed. If the shampoo stays in the scalp and hair, it can trigger severe issues. It might instead make your dandruff issue aggressive. You have to be careful about this. Run your fingers through your hair and ensure that you are properly cleaning up your scalp. If there remain any fragments of the shampoo in the scalp, it might turn out to be harmful to you.

Never Mix Up Anything

If you take a proper shower thrice a week and that too with three or two various shampoos, you keep the feet on two different boats. It would not be effective for you. You have to glue to a single shampoo and make use of it for a minimum of two weeks. If you want your shampoo to show results, you should use it for weeks and only then you will get a proper outcome. If you are switching shampoos in between then, you must expect any result too. It is ideal to use the anti-dandruff shampoo for two weeks, three times a week, and you would experience effective results. After all, dandruff is a deep-rooted issue, and it cannot be eradicated overnight.

Wash It Frequently

Don’t even be highly active if you use the shampoo every single day. If you are using dandruff shampoo in India every day and washing the hair, it would rather rip off the glow of your hair. You cannot simply take a head bath every single day. It is going to be ineffective for your hair. It might damage your hair. The perfect thing is to wash your hair with shampoo two or three times a week and no less or more. If you belong to an athletic field, you must wash it four or even five times to clean up the oiliness that emerges because of heavy sweat after your workouts. Otherwise, if you are washing your hair and head two times a week, it will be perfect.


So, you can look for the best mild shampoo in India and start using it. It would get you relief in two weeks for sure. Make sure that you stay consistent.


Well, fungal nail infections are the most common ailments or conditions of the nails. It makes up nearly fifty percent of nail abnormalities. The fungus is generally present on the body, but in case it overgrows, it might turn out to be a problem.

You must be thinking about what’s the cause of fungal nail infection. Before you go any further, remember that these are also known as onychomycosis and tinea unguium. Both fingernails and toenails are vulnerable to infection that usually appears as discolouration and thickening of the nail, and disintegrating edges. The condition most commonly emerges in toenails. Nearly ten percent of the adult population do suffer from nail fungus infection. Keep on reading to know more about its causes and symptoms.

Quick Facts

  • Microscopic fungi present in the nail cause the condition.
  • It can impact both fingernails and toenails but is more common in the feet.
  • Diagnosis is performed by examination of the debris under the entire nail.

The Causes of Fungal Nail Infection

In general, fungal infections of the nails are caused mainly by a fungus caught from damp, moist, wet areas in healthy people. Communal showers, such as the ones at a gym or swimming pools, are common reasons. Going to nail salons that make use of inadequate sanitization of instruments (such as filers, clippers, and foot tubs) in addition to living with family members who experience fungal nails are also risk factors. Athletes have turned out to be more susceptible to nail fungus. This is presumed to be because of the wearing of tight-fitting, sweaty shoes linked up with repetitive trauma to the toenails. Having an athlete’s foot could make it more likely that the fungus will infect your toenails. Repetitive trauma also damages and weakens the nail, making the nail more susceptible to fungal ®infection.

Microscopic organisms known as fungi cause nail fungal infections; these do not demand sunlight to survive to thrive in such areas. Many fungi known as dermatophytes (such as Candida) are primarily responsible for nail fungal infections. However, there are some yeasts and molds that also cause such infections; these can include:

Yeasts and Moulds Responsible for Nail Fungal Infections

  • Trichophyton rubrum – the most common dermatophyte that triggers nail fungal infections.
  • And Trichophyton violaceum.
  • Trichophyton interdigitale.
  • Epidermophyton floccosum.
  • Trichophyton soudanense.
  • Microsporum gypseum.
  • Trichophyton tonsurans.

Common Mould Causes Can Include:

  • Scopulariopsis
  • Neoscytalidium
  • Aspergillus

Pathogens that trigger nail fungus infection generally enter the skin through minor cuts or slight separations between the nail and nail bed. The fungi grow when the nail caters to a suitably warm and soggy environment.

What Are The Risk Factors?

Anyone can get a fungal nail infection, but they are more common in men than women and the elderly than the young. Some additional traits or factors raise the risk of nail fungal infection; these include:

  • A family history of fungal infection
  • Reduced blood circulation
  • Slow growing nails
  • Wearing artificial nails
  • Extensive perspiration
  • Humidor moist work environment
  • Prior injury or infection to the skin or nail
  • Wearing socks and shoes that avert ventilation
  • Walking barefoot in damp public places, like gyms, swimming pools, and shower rooms
  • An exercise that triggers repeated minor trauma to the hyponychium, where fingertip attaches to the nail
  • AIDS, diabetes, circulation problems, a weakened immune system
  • Tight footwear with thronging of toes

Elderly adults are the most at risk of nail fungus infections as lesser blood circulation and slower-growing nails are part of the entire natural ageing process.

What Are The Symptoms?

Talking about Symptoms of Fungal Nail Infection, they can range from different levels to different levels. Nails that are impacted with fungus typically are:

  • Ragged
  • Thickened
  • Brittle
  • Distorted
  • Dull
  • Crumbly
  • Darker or yellowish

There can also be:

  • Scaling under your nail known as hyperkeratosis
  • Yellow or white streaking is known as lateral onychomycosis
  • Yellow spots at the bottom of the nail called proximal onychomycosis
  • Infected nails could separate from the nail bed, and a condition is known as onycholysis

These nail fungal infections can end up in pain in the toes or fingers, and these can even emit a foul and bad odour.

Then there are more symptoms associated with nail fungus infections like fungus-free skin lesions known as dermatophytes. These could appear like rashes or itchiness in a body zone that is not infected with the fungus – much like an affected or allergic reaction.

An Idea About Diagnosis

To diagnose this issue of nail fungus infections, a doctor usually examines debris scraped from beneath the nail. The nail scrapings will get used in tests, such as potassium hydroxide (KOH) smear or fungal culture. The KOH test might be quickly performed, while the fungal culture might take up weeks.

Also, remember that the physicians must be careful when diagnosing this fungal infection of the nail because several other conditions might result in similar symptoms. These encompass psoriasis, lichen planus, trauma, contact dermatitis, nail bed tumours, eczema, and yellow nail syndrome.

Also Note:

Patients with diabetes are susceptible to complications and must consult their doctor; however, fungal nail infections generally have a good prognosis if treated promptly. Although they are unpleasant or annoying, most nail fungal infections can get treated successfully without complications after the treatment.

The treatment might take a long time to cure the infection and require additional rounds of treatment fully. Complications in some extreme or severe cases may include nail damage, permanent loss, or even spread of the infection. There is also a tiny chance of developing cellulitis.


So, if you find any symptoms of nail infection, make sure that you start using a good and effective nail fungal infection cream in India right away. Could you not take a chance with it? You can try out Ketomac cream as it is a quality product and effective. The ingredients used in Ketomac antifungal cream are safe and mild and work safely. Once you use the cream, make sure that you have cleaned up the skin before applying it. Also, dry up the skin properly and only then put the cream.


Fungal infections are pretty standard, and examples of common fungal infections are athlete’s foot, ringworms, and yeast infections. While you can take over-the-counter pills to treat the infection, you can also resort to some age-old home remedies with or without the medication. You should never ignore fungal infection, and if any of the remedies don’t work, it is time to see the doctor or try some antifungal skin cream available in India.

If you are looking for a topical antifungal cream in India for treating fungal infection, you can use Ketomac cream as it is one of the best creams for combating infection. It kills fungi and yeasts by interfering with the cell membrane. It impairs the synthesis of ergosterol, an essential part of the fungal cell membrane and fungi’s cell membrane, which is crucial for survival. As ketoconazole makes holes in the cell membranes, the fungus gets killed, and the infection gets cleared.

Home Remedies for Combating Fungal Infection:

Coconut Oil

Some studies suggest that coconut oil can help in killing the species of yeast. The coconut oil is extracted from the dibble part of the coconut, and it is pretty effective in fighting fungal infection because of the presence of fatty acids. It destroys the infection when you put coconut oil on the affected area.

Apple Cider Vinegar

The apple cider vinegar is packed with antimicrobials and is effective in treating any fungal infection. It is recommended that one drink diluted apple cider vinegar as it helps kill the infections and prevent them from spreading any further. It is also known for reducing the recovery time.


Garlic is known for its excellent antibacterial properties and is considered great for fighting skin infections. It is hard to reach and treat the place if you have a fungal infection under the nail bed. You can consider applying crushed garlic on the site as it is the best treatment for combating fungal infection.

Cranberry Juice

You may have heard that cranberry juice is effective in treating urinary tract infections, but did you know that it is also effective in treating fungal growth? It can help combat yeast infections and rectify the pH levels of your urine, which helps prevent fungal growth.

Plain Yogurt

If you are suffering from a yeast infection, plain yoghurt can be an effective treatment. Plain yoghurt comes with active cultures that reduce the growth of fungi. Yoghurt is also full of probiotics suitable for your digestive health and boosts your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and fight infections. Make sure you buy yoghurt, which consists of lactobacillus strains.

These are some of the effective yet simple home remedies for fungal infections. In addition to the remedies mentioned above, you can buy antifungal skin cream available in India online. Ketomac cream can be ordered online at an affordable price, and it will be delivered within a few days.

Facing a Fungal Rash on Your Face?

You can start using creams or lotions like antifungal lotion or antifungal skin cream available in India. It would make sure that your face is clear of any fungal signs or rashes. Of course, any person can treat and avert face allergies or rashes once they know what is triggering them, even though they are annoying when they happen. Rashes or allergies might be mainly common on the face as the skin is a lot more sensitive than in another place, and because of various face creams and other products, folks use them on their faces.

What Might be The Signs of Allergic Face?

Yes, an allergic reaction or rash symbols differ depending on the activated substance, otherwise known as an allergen. Red spots on your skin, itchy eyes, inflamed lips, and puffy skin might be signs of an allergic reaction. An individual could develop a red rash in one area after using face cream, while someone who gasps pollen might have a widespread rash.

What are The Signs of an Allergic Reaction on The Face?

  • Swollen, raised areas of skin
  • A prickly, stinging, or burning sensation
  • A hive or rash
  • Tiny, red spots on the skin
  • A swollen tongue
  • Itchy or that of red eyes
  • Extremely watering eyes
  • Cracked or that of dry skin

Signs or symptoms of an allergic reaction could grow within seconds or minutes or gradually over various hours. Signs are generally mild, but these can trigger anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition in rare instances. But anyhow, the moment you know you have a specific rash, and it is getting expanding, then start using a good quality antifungal skin cream. Indeed, when you have the right products to fight off your condition, you must not hesitate to use them.

Do You Think It Can Happen to Anyone?

It is not that face rashes or allergies are restricted to women or men; people of all age groups might develop a rash on their face. Just because you are in your teens or your early twenties does not mean you cannot have that rash or infection on your face.

Indeed, skin can be sensitive, and it activates and triggers allergies and rashes. If you are using a specific product and feel that you get that rash or uneasiness on your cheeks or face, you need to shun it. If the rash or skin condition has gone out of control now, make sure you start applying an anti-allergy cream right away. Once you use the right products, half of your issue gets resolved. Constant usage and proper care can ensure that you get rid of your skin condition sooner than you think.

A Few Types of Fungal Infections You Can Encounter

It is always better to know about the types of infections, allergies, or skin conditions you can have. If you have a fungal skin infection that has yellow patches, you can use the cream or lotion, and it does wonders. Anyhow, there are many types, and a few of these can be like:

Athlete’s Foot:

It is a fungal infection related to feet having itching, scaling, and also redness. This might be triggered by several diverse fungi such as Trichophyton, Microsporum, and also Epidermophyton. It is a simple condition, but it might expand into hugeness if you don’t take care of it.


Moreover, there is also Tinea Capitis that is a ringworm that influences your scalp. It is a thing that can appear in the shape of a red or silver rash anywhere on the body. It is usually ring-shaped and is most commonly triggered by the fungus Trichophyton rubrum. Of course, you have various antifungal creams out there that can release you from these skin conditions.


Talking about this type of fungal infection, it is related to the toenails or fingernails that can include any component of your nails, such as the matrix, plate, or bed. It can trigger pain, discomfort, and also disfigurement. Onychomycosis is activated or triggered by different fungal organisms, and the dermatophyte is most common. Yeast and molds even trigger nail infections. Indeed, some creams might quickly rescue you from this condition in case you take action.

Tinea Versicolor or Pityriasis Versicolor

Speaking of this type of fungal infection, it is a common condition that activates small patches of skin to get scaly and discoloured. These might be darker or lighter than the adjacent skin, or even red or pink. The condition is activated by yeast known as Malassezia that resides on most people’s skin without triggering any issues. But again, it is a condition that could make you look really uncool and somewhat ugly too. You need to take a step to ensure that you get out of this skin condition as soon as possible. You can find out good quality and effective antifungal ointment in India and ensure that it works wonderfully for you. It would ensure that your issue gets resolved in time and adequately.

You can get rid of your fungal issues once you use the cream when you find it growing or developing therein. There is no requirement to wait until it reaches the apex. Come on, and you cannot just take any danger. Sometimes when people avoid the beginning of these issues, they end up with repeated visits to dermatologists and skin specialists. The sooner you apply the suitable fungal cream on your skin or the affected area, the sooner you will experience relief.


So, when are you going to get these creams, lotions, and ointments? Do not take a chance with your skin and treat your fungal infections with antifungal skin cream available in India.


Your hair can be a victim of hair fall. If you think that your hair is falling because of seasonal change, that would be merely a consolation. You are simply comforting yourself and nothing else. There are different reasons behind hair fall, and not all of them are related to seasonal changes. It might be due to poor scalp health or improper blood circulation, and, more importantly, dandruff. It is high time that you find out why your hair falls. It has been seen that most people face the condition of hair fall because of dandruff. You know dandruff does not cause hair loss, but if your dandruff is supplemented with itching and you constantly find yourself scratching, the hair fall is mainly because of the scratching part. Every time you scratch your head, your hair falls. Though many tend to ignore the warning signs that this indicates, it is essential to act on it and act on it now! And so, you urgently need to put a stop to hair fall and dandruff, but how?

The link between hair fall and dandruff

As mentioned earlier, dandruff does not directly cause hair to fall. Everybody sheds some hair strands regularly. It has been seen that ordinary people tend to shed more than 50-100 strands of hair per day! No need to get alarmed because it is pretty standard. However, dandruff poses a more significant threat. How? When a person has dandruff, their hair falls at a faster rate. The problem with dandruff is that it weakens the hair strands from their roots, making them brittle, and they keep on falling off so quickly. One essential thing to note here is that the white flakes are not the only symptom of dandruff. People also have to deal with several other things, like redness, itching, irritation, and dryness. Dandruff comes with many problems and can be pretty irritating as well if not treated properly. When one has dandruff, people tend to scratch a lot. Scratching is the most harmful part since it is the primary reason behind hair fall. They end up making the roots of the hair weak. Therefore, they become more prone to falling off. This is precisely why dandruff could eventually lead to hair fall; hence, many people look for a solution to overcome this. And if you are experiencing the same problems, you will need a solution to stop hair fall and dandruff!

Indeed, you can find some excellent natural shampoos for fighting hair fall, and these would give you relief within a week. However, some helpful and effective hair fall prevention home remedies might be effective for you, too, to stop hair fall and dandruff. These are listed below:

Change your lifestyle habits.

Stress worsens hair loss, and it leads to scalp issues. Please take at least eight hours of sleep every night and avoid extreme temperatures. Similarly, it would help if you allowed your hair to air-dry. The less you stretch and pull it, the firmer the roots stay. You should use a blow dryer only when necessary to remove heat-related scalp stress. Equally, it would be good to avoid hairspray and gel that can cause scalp dryness, irritation, and much more, leading to extensive hair fall. Remember, the lesser the stress, the lesser the hair fall. You can also add yoga and meditation as a part of your daily routine if you want to stay stress-free. This will help your hair, physical, and mental health, so it is one of the most effective and beneficial practices to incorporate into your daily routine.

Clean up Your Hair 

It is important to rinse your hair a minimum of twice a week. If you regularly expose your hair to sunlight and dust particles, three times will be required. Remember that a clean and fresh scalp is the enemy of any amount of dandruff. You can use medicated shampoos that work well with your scalp. But if you are allergic to shampoos, you can opt for natural ones. These would keep your hair smooth, scalp clean, and hygienic. The trick is to keep your hair as clean as possible. If you feel that you cannot effectively cleanse your hair, you can always head out to a parlour with shampoo or natural ingredients and ask them to rinse your hair for you. Clean your scalp and hair to stop hair fall due to dandruff.

Coriander juice

Some natural ingredients work wonders when it comes to treating your hair. Coriander possesses essential vitamins and protein for the hair that assist your hair in ceasing hair fall and starting the growth of new hair once again. Its leaves are extremely well used in Indian kitchens to make curries, cereals, and even a specific garnish over salads. You only have to get some elements of coriander branches with leaves lenient in nature. It would help if you made a paste from it by using some water. Extract the juice and apply the stuff over your scalp, wherein dandruff is observed. You have to keep this coriander juice over the scalp for an hour and then wash it with shampoo.

One of the most challenging things when treating your hair right and cleaning it is choosing the right shampoo. When it comes to something as serious as dandruff, a persistent problem, you need to target the problem and get a shampoo accordingly, much like the Ketomac shampoo!

Ketomac shampoo and its benefits

What makes Ketomac one of the best shampoos that you can use for fighting dandruff? Well, to begin with, it contains Ketoconazole, which is its primary ingredient, and do you know what it is good at – fighting dandruff and protecting and reinvigorating your scalp health. Once your scalp health is protected, it prevents the formation of dandruff, which gives your scalp just the right amount of protection against it. Its many qualities also help protect the roots of your hair, which makes the strands more robust and less prone to damage and breakage in the long run. If you have been facing dandruff problems for quite some time now, you should start using this shampoo, and you will be able to see the change in just about a few weeks!

The natural shampoo nourishes your hair and freshens up your scalp effectively. Always remember, healthy, happy hair is always dandruff free hair! Thus, you can choose the best hair fall and dandruff shampoo like Ketomac for your hair care.


Haircare problems and men? Not two terms that you are most likely to hear together, or at least would not have a decade or two ago. However, times have changed now, and more and more men are being prompted to take care of their skin and hair as well, and they should. Like maintaining any other body part, every man needs to make sure that they take care of their hair and skin health! Go through this article to learn more about Anti Dandruff Shampoo for Men.

And to begin with, a fun fact is that men are more likely to develop dandruff because they have 50% more active sebum-producing glands than women. That means they tend to have loose dead skin cells on their heads, which often come together to form dandruff. The oiliness present also causes dandruff on the scalp, and this oiliness is the breeding ground for bacteria, fungi, and other microbes. To avoid this, you will have to maintain a well-formulated hair care routine, and you will also need to be very particular about the products you use on your hair. To be more precise, the best dandruff shampoo for men in India.

While it’s true that excess oil on the scalp can cause dandruff, it is also a fact that the lack of oil on the scalp can also cause dry dandruff flakes to develop. This is especially true in the case of men as they are heavy users of hair sprays and gels that often contribute to the scalp’s drynessDryness of the scalp is something that you will detect quite quickly because of the constant irritation that results from it. If you ignore it, it can quickly grow with time and result in pesky dandruff, which is far more challenging to get rid of.

Yes, dandruff is not an extremely serious health problem, but the flakes that fall on your shoulders and back look ugly, and that is why it is a serious cosmetic concern for not just men but also women. Although many men’s dandruff shampoo is available on the market, not all of them effectively treat dandruff, mainly when it is caused due to fungal infection. And that is why an excellent anti-dandruff shampoo must have antifungal properties. Such a shampoo can always offer the much-needed shielding against the development of dandruff.

When it comes to men, special care must be taken when coming to shampoo because they have a different scalp texture than women, and hence their products might vary or, if not the product, at least the usage. You must understand that men have a complex skin construct, which requires better care to ward off dandruff, and such might not be the case for female dandruff victims. Since men’s scalp needs are pretty different, they must use specialized anti-dandruff shampoos.

Who can use an anti-dandruff shampoo?

The best way to treat dandruff effectively is with shampoos that target removing dandruff and focusing on improving your hair quality. Anti-dandruff shampoos are an excellent dandruff solution for men who suffer from this problem. The dandruff issue is so common that almost everyone must have experienced it at least once. Although this problem clears eventually, for many people, it stays. Even though they seem to go away sometimes, you will see that after a couple of days, you are again experiencing itching, and the flakes start appearing all over again. And these are generally those people who suffer from seborrheic dermatitis or complain about an oily and irritated scalp. This is a more severe condition than the others and needs to be treated with patience and caution. The best way is to measure the use of the anti-dandruff shampoo, and one can even think of consulting a dermatologist for practical solutions. With the consistent use of an anti-dandruff shampoo for men, you can bid farewell to the problem of dandruff once and for all.

Even those who have generally dry skin might suffer from dandruff. This can be treated with the help of an oil massage, taken once every two weeks. However, if you see that this is not proving too effective and dandruff keeps on coming back, the best option would be to ensure that you shift to the weekly thrice use of anti-dandruff shampoo. So, anti-dandruff shampoos are excellent for such people too. The dryness of the scalp could be the result of dry or cold weather. But many people suffer from dryness because their skin excretes less oil. In either of the cases, dandruff could set in. Many people suffer from dryness simply because they use a lot of synthetic hair care products. The overuse of such products makes the skin dull, dry, and flaky. You will be surprised to know that many anti-dandruff shampoos have inbuilt moisture in them so that they can restore the moisture of any dry scalp skin.

The most significant advantage of using any anti-dandruff shampoo for men is that you can use it all year round, and that means there is no specific season that dictates its usage. Interestingly, even those who do not suffer from dandruff can use an anti-dandruff shampoo to stay protected from developing it in the future. Anti-dandruff shampoos, in general, have the quality of protecting your hair health by improving the quality of your scalp, strengthening your roots, and preventing breakage and damage to your hair.

What is an anti-dandruff shampoo?

An anti-dandruff shampoo is a shampoo with unique properties that help ward off dandruff. It has cleansing and abrasive agents that effectively remove any build-up of dirt on the scalp and hair. There is only one difference between regular and anti-dandruff shampoo: their ingredients. Yes, while a regular shampoo focuses more on cleansing and offering the hair some sheen and lustre, an anti-dandruff shampoo relies heavily on active ingredients having antifungal and antimicrobial properties. That is to say, the main aim of anti-dandruff shampoo is to kill the microbes on your scalp that often cause problems such as dandruff. There might be essential oils and other plant-based extracts in your shampoo, which impart the power to treat dandruff in people with sensitive skin. These ingredients prove helpful for people who can’t tolerate antimicrobial active ingredients. If you are not sure whether you can tolerate them, you should get in touch with a skin doctor before you start using any products you haven’t used before if you want to be 100 per cent sure about which shampoo is best for dandruff in India.

In addition to this, anti-dandruff shampoos have exfoliating traits that help remove dandruff piled up on the scalp. Any anti-dandruff shampoo containing salicylic acid can do this for you. Some anti-dandruff shampoos do not just remove dead skin flakes from your hair, but they also slow down the rate of skin shedding.

How Can Medicated Dandruff Shampoo Help?

Many people have a sensitive scalp, and they can’t expose it to any random anti-dandruff shampoo. They need specialized medicated anti-dandruff shampoos. Medicated shampoos are great for people having dandruff from medical conditions like Psoriasis or seborrheic dermatitis. The shampoos are not just available in clinical strength formula but also in non-prescription type OTC formula. Using such shampoos every week is the best bet.

Since some of the most severe scalp scaling and flaking cases can be seen in men, they need to opt for some good anti-dandruff shampoo meant especially for men. Such shampoos are customized for men. Hence, they have a scent that highlights masculinity. And they have a strength perfect for cleaning the male scalp. Men’s anti-dandruff shampoos are prepared to keep in mind the skin complexity. It would be valuable for you to know that the amount of ceramides available on a man’s scalp is lower than that of a female. As a result, they are more prone to losing protein from their skin. That is probably why men have a weaker scalp composition compared to women. For this reason, men’s anti-dandruff shampoos are created using ingredients that offer better nourishment to the scalp.

The scalp of a man has larger pores and more active glands. As a result, it often remains clad with oil, making it a breeding ground for problems such as dandruff. If you are a man who wants to keep his scalp shielded from dandruff, then it would be wise of you to use an anti-dandruff shampoo tailored to the chemistry of your skin.

Advantages of using anti-dandruff shampoos-

An anti-dandruff shampoo has long been an excellent remedy for fighting dandruff. And since it has many other benefits like offering hair the kind of shine men desire, they are a part of almost every man’s hygiene and grooming.

Such a shampoo can also offer you relief from the irritation that dandruff causes. Dandruff doesn’t just come in the form of flaky skin, but many other symptoms accompany it. Some of these symptoms include itchiness, inflammation, redness, etc. Since an anti-dandruff shampoo has anti-inflammatory properties, such symptoms can easily be treated. There are special anti-dandruff shampoos with menthol to offer a soothing sensation to the irritated scalp.

Another fantastic benefit of using anti-dandruff shampoo regularly is that it improves the condition of the scalp. Both dry and oily scalp can lead to dandruff. Surprisingly, many anti-dandruff shampoos on the market address both of these problems. As a result, your scalp gets back its healthy pH balance.

The use of anti-dandruff shampoo can also prevent hair loss. Having scales and flakes on your scalp could hinder the growth of your hair. You also lose a lot of hair due to itchiness and other problems on the scalp, often resulting from dandruff. So, if you don’t want to lose your hair because of dandruff, then using an anti-dandruff shampoo would be the best bet.

Which is the best anti-dandruff shampoo for men?-

Just do leg work around the market, and you will see several brands selling anti-dandruff shampoos, but if you want your dandruff removed most effectively, then choosing to use a medicated shampoo would be ideal. Make sure the shampoo vouches for its quality. Talking about the best quality hair anti-dandruff shampoo products, you can certainly not leave out Ketomac shampoo. It would be valuable to know that Ketomac is the best-medicated shampoo available today. After all, it has ketoconazole in it. Wondering what ketoconazole is? It is an antifungal agent, having synthetic broad-spectrum effectiveness that helps clear dandruff almost effortlessly. In an aqueous suspension of the shampoo, this particular substance is present at a concentration of 2%.

You should apply the ketoconazole anti-dandruff shampoo on wet hair and scalp for the best results. Make sure you use a little product and massage it on the scalp thoroughly; massage should form good leather. After letting this shampoo remain on the scalp for around 5 to 10 minutes, you will have to rinse it off. Continue applying this shampoo twice a week for about a month, and then reduce the frequency to once a week to prevent the development of dandruff.

Now that you know all about the best anti-dandruff shampoo for men, there is no reason why you should make a mistake while picking one from the market.


Like we take care of the different parts of our body and mind, it is also essential for us to focus on our hair’s health and give it the proper treatment from time to time. While regular hair care is essential, it is also essential to give it the nourishment and hydration that it needs from time to time, and this is where the importance and effects of hair spas come in. Go through this blog section to learn about the benefits and drawbacks of a hair spa.

A hair spa is a type of therapy for the scalp and hair. Different nutritious oils are used to massage the scalp and enrich the scalp with nutrients to make hair healthy, strong, and soft during a hair spa. Since a part of a hair spa involves massaging, it is a method used to improve blood circulation in your scalp to nourish the roots of your hair. Experts say that getting regular hair spas can help your hair get back its elasticity and become more robust and silky. In fact, after one or two sessions of effective hair spa treatment, you will see that your hair has become silkier and shinier than before. If you have dry, damaged and unmanageable hair, then I am sure you would have heard people talk to you about getting a hair spa. Keep reading this post to learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of a hair spa. However, like every other thing, a hair spa comes with its benefits and drawbacks! Keep reading this post to learn more about the benefits of hair spas and the drawbacks of hair spas.

Benefits of hair spa

So, how does a session hair spa benefit your hair health? Let us find out:

1. Moisturizing the hair

A hair spa can help moisturize your hair and nourish every strand with the required nutrients. Hair will get back its elasticity and shine. You can say goodbye to frizzy and unmanageable hair with regular hair spas. Still, it is essential to remember that you will have to get regular hair spa sessions in an interval of about a maximum of 6 months and a minimum of 3 months, depending on the condition of your hair. The hair spa makes your hair soft to the touch and silky. It is the method of the rebirth of the hair cells.

  1. Strengthens the hair roots

Hair spas help in revitalizing the scalp and strengthening the roots. Hair spa strengthens the hair follicles and thereby improves hair growth and the volume of your hair. If you take regular hair spas, you will notice that your hair has gotten thicker and more robust. Strong roots mean lesser hair fall. The best way to notice that would be to comb your hair and find that you lose less hair.

  1. Increases Blood Circulation

Hairstyles increase blood circulation to the scalp; hair spas include head massages that improve the blood circulation to the scalp. Blood circulation brings nutrients to the hair follicles, thereby making them stronger. This improves the hair’s quality and helps the hair grow faster and longer. The volume of your hair improves with significant head massages. If you want, you can opt for occasional head massages as well. It improves the strength of the roots and thereby makes the foundation of your hair strong.

  1. Hair spas normalize the secretion of oil on your scalp.

Oil is an essential component of your hair. While some people who excrete a lot of oil on their scalp are advised not to go for separate oil massages, oil massages are almost necessary for dry hair. Hair naturally produces sebum that moisturizes the hair naturally. Sebum protects the scalp and nourishes the hair around the scalp. Though sebum secretion is good for you, excess sebum production can make your hair oily and greasy. This excess production clogs the pores of your scalp it causes hair loss. If you have excessive hair loss, you can try using Ketomac shampoo for hair fall. The benefit of using Ketomac shampoo is that it contains Ketoconazole which is highly effective when rejuvenating your scalp health and reduces the amount of hair fall. Spas target at normalizing the production of sebum on your scalp. When this rate becomes routine, the scalp functions healthily.

  1. It helps remove the effects of pollution.

Due to the pollution, we are exposed to. If you are wondering about the benefits of a hair spa when it comes to pollution, you need to know that a hair spa unclogs the pores and help remove pollutants and the effects of the pollutant from these blocked pores. This brings our scalp and hair back to normal and regenerates hair growth. The environment around us also causes dandruff, which causes hair to fall. In this case, you can try one of the best shampoos in India for dandruff and hair fall available in the market today for effective treatment.

  1. Reduces stress and improves health

A hair spa is one of the best ways of reducing stress and improving mental health. Health problems, mental problems, etc., are all associated with stress. We must ensure that we dedicate a small portion of our day to de-stress. That being said, a hair spa is one of the best and most relaxing ways to de-stress. The massage combined with the gentle heat and moisturizing you get for a couple of hours during the hair spa will help you feel rejuvenated. If you get one late in the afternoon, try out a cup of hot chocolate after that, and you will have a sound sleep.

  1. Get rid of dry, damaged and curly hair.

Most Indian women have dry, damaged, or frizzy hair. Regular oiling and moisturizing of hair can help cope with the damage. But we are all hard-pressed for time and hence hardly get the time to do it regularly. Frizzy, dry, and dull-looking hair is a sign of unhealthy and damaged hair. To get back healthy, nourished, and strong hair, we must ensure regular care of our hair and incorporate routine hair spas. Thanks to the healthy and nourishing oils that we use for hair spas, hair can regain its natural elasticity and look beautiful. It’s your shortcut to healthy hair!

  1. It gets rid of dandruff and promotes a healthy scalp.

Hair spas help regain the scalp’s natural pH balance and condition. The oils used in hair spas combat dandruff in various ways. It ensures that your hair is neither too oily nor too dry. Dandruff free hair is challenging to attain for some of us. Hence, regular hair spas can be an excellent solution for dandruff-prone hair. It ensures that the hair gets back its shine and promotes a healthy scalp. Along with a hair spa, you can also try using anti-dandruff shampoo for the oily scalp in India.

Drawbacks of hair spa

  1. It has to be done regularly.

You have to make sure that you make a hair spa appointment regularly. This could be once every three months or six, as mentioned before. For the effects of the hair spa to last, you have to take regular hair spas. It is like providing nutrition to your hair once every month to maintain its shine and strength. Most people ignore hair spas due to this fact. Some people think that hair spas are expensive. Visit your local hair salon to find out the prices. Prices usually range from 800 to 2000 per session. But in the long run, it is essential for your healthy hair growth and maintenance.

  1. It fades hair colour.

If you are a fan of dying your hair or you like to get streaks, a hair spa can cause a bit of a problem. Hair spas tend to fade away the hair colouring faster than usual. Most parlours have alternate hair products and oils that protect coloured hair. Request your hairstylist to use products that do not fade your coloured hair. By doing so, you can enjoy both hair colour and a moisturizing hair spa. However, these will be more expensive, but they will be worth it!

  1. It takes time

When it comes to experiencing the benefit of a hair spa, you cannot be impatient. While some people get results after two or three sessions, others will get the effects after 5-6 sessions, which depends on your hair damage.


  1. A hair spa alone is not enough.

To maintain a healthy mane, you have to make sure that you eat a balanced diet and work out regularly to promote hair growth and proper nourishment. What you eat directly gets reflected on your hair health too!

From the above post, we can conclude the benefits and drawbacks of hair spas and that hair spas are very nutritious for healthy hair and scalp. A hair spa can moisturize our hair, making it strong and improving its elasticity. We can also have a healthy dandruff-free scalp thanks to a hair spa. If you have excessive dandruff problems, you can try using Ketoconazole anti-dandruff shampoo, which helps fight off dandruff. Regular use of this shampoo coupled with practical sessions at a hair spa can work wonders for your hair! A happy hair spa to you! We can finally have the healthy, solid, silky hair we always dreamt of.


Once you have suitable shampoos for your hair care, your hair will always stay the way you want. All types of shampoos and hair products can ensure that your hair stays effective, safe, and clean. By the way, do you do anything extra to ensure that your hair stays good and healthy? No matter what type of treatment you take or get your hair coloured, it will get filthy and dull if you are not taking care of the hair. Go through this article to know does dandruff shampoo fades colour.

Well, even if you have coloured hair and think that you are suffering from dandruff and it would not be eradicated, you are wrong. If you have a question like dandruff shampoo fade colour, the answer is, it depends. Yes, different shampoos work differently on your hair. Once you pick the right dandruff shampoo for your coloured hair, you will not experience any weakening of your hair colour. If you want to get rid of your hair dandruff issue, but at the same time, you are afraid that the colour of your hair will get faded, then you need to read this post till the end. You have no idea how some powerful and safe shampoos are doing phenomenal for eradicating shampoos in coloured hair without triggering any danger to the colour.

The idea that a dandruff shampoo fades colour more emerges from a misunderstanding about how the shampoos work. People believe that dandruff shampoos should be harsh on hair because they require including dandruff-fighting ingredients that ‘strip away’ the issue of dandruff. However, the reality of the matter is that a good product is made up to protect your hair and keep it in excellent condition that will help preserve your colour and, at the same time, get you rid of the dandruff issue.

You might be surprised to know that a good dandruff shampoo is not harsh. These shampoos use the same cleansing and moisturizing ingredients that are generally discovered in typical non-anti-dandruff or beauty shampoos. The next time you get the question, like dandruff shampoo fade colour in your mind, make sure that you don’t get scared of it. There are amazing shampoos that are dedicated to keeping your hair free of dandruff and ensuring your hair colour is intact. You would never find a complaint with such dandruff shampoos. After all, the makers understand that the people who have dandruff might have coloured hair, and hence the makers ensure shampoos do not harm. Of course, if you are picking up a dandruff shampoo from anywhere or everywhere, you might ruin your hair. You have to be prudent about what type of product you choose and apply it to your health and dandruff hair.

Then what exactly is making your hair colour dim?

The crispy and straightforward answer is water! It is the biggest enemy of hair colour. It is because washing your hair will inevitably cause your colour to fade over time, and it is because it dissolves and washes away the dye or colour molecules from inside your hair strands. Of course, if you are one of those who wash hair every single day, then you need to shun it right away. Moreover, you have to be thoughtful about how you wash your hair.

You should never exceed the hair washing limit of thrice a week. If you are washing your hair more than that, you might be harming your hair colour yourself. No matter how good or excellent the shampoo may be for your dandruff issues, it would not work and instead harm your hair and dandruff situation if you wash regularly and extensively. The ideal thing to do here is to wash your hair twice a week minimum and ensure that you are washing it thrice only if you are into rigorous physical activities like sports. Moreover, if you think you would wash your hair once a week or fortnightly, you are also making a sin for your hair. Rare washing of your hair might result in dirt, filth, and grime in your hair, and your scalp would get muddy and smelly. Such things can trigger hair issues, extensive dandruff, infections, etc. You have to wash up your hair twice a week for healthy and clean hair.

Keep it mild and straightforward. 

Once you use the qualitative and right colour safe dandruff shampoo for your hair, you will never find a complaint with it. But yes, you have to be sure that you are cleaning up your hair correctly and attentively. You have to apply shampoo only as much as you need and no more or less. You have to gently put your shampoo in your hair and run your fingers to ensure that the shampoo reaches every corner of the hair and roots. The scalp should get touched by your shampoo.

Next, you need not be in a hurry at all. You have to clean the shampoo from your hair strands patiently. You have to wash away the shampoo from your hair without any hurriedness. Ensure that you clean up all the shampoo from your hair and scalp. Many people pour a few mugs of water on their hair and think it is free of shampoo now, but that might not be the case. If the shampoo fragments remain in your hair after the wash, your hair might get impacted incorrectly. So, make sure that you do not take that chance. Such a thing would eat up the health of your hair from within.


Thus, the point is that your hair can preserve its colour and get rid of dandruff if you use suitable dandruff shampoos correctly and without any extremeness. Good shampoos are always there to help you.


Your child is the most delicate creature on the earth. You cannot take a chance with her. You have to be careful about what you apply to her skin and whether it suits the skin. After all, you would never want to spoil your baby’s gentle skin. Go through this blog to learn more about face care for babies and kids.

You have to understand that your baby’s skin is nearly three times thinner than your own. Remember that perfumes, parabens, petroleum by-products, and so in are the last things you would intentionally rub into the delicate skin of your beloved baby. Yet, unfortunately, ingredients like this are ubiquitous in many conventional toiletries for babies. You can opt for natural face care for babies and ensure that the skin of your baby is safe, smooth, shiny, and stunning.

Face Care for Babies and Kids

Ketomac creams and baby items have been selected mainly to care for the delicate skin of little ones like yours. It is essential to know that the long-term impacts of chemical additives in baby skincare products are not always known. But researchers think that little ones are at higher risk of ailments later in life if exposed to harmful things now. In the short term, these can lead to mild allergic reactions triggering extreme rashes and minor skin irritation, or even more critical problems like lesions on the skin. Would you never want to see your beloved baby suffer, right? Perhaps, that is why the makers of specific creams and skincare items for babies like Ketomac passionately believe it is essential to choose high-quality organic products like ketoconazole baby face cream to care for your baby’s skin. After all, these are the creams that ensure safety, effectiveness, and smoothness.

Natural products are the best products.

You know what skin and face care is crucial for your beloved baby. You should never take a chance with your beloved baby. Once you know what you are doing and what you are using to do it, you can be double sure about it. Your baby’s skin is vulnerable, and you have to be extra conscious therein. You have to be careful about what is happening and where you must be careful. Natural products are always the best because of many reasons. And a few of the many reasons are like:


These natural products are always vibrant, and you can find great richness in them. The idea is that these products are made up of natural ingredients, and their natural ingredients make the product threefold more qualitative than the standard product. These natural products have rich ingredients covered with the goodness of nature. You can find rich butter, creams, herbs, and used to form the products. Since the ingredients are natural and there is nothing synthetic in these products, you can ensure that the skin is in safe hands. In this way, there are so many excellent outcomes of using them.

Peace of mind

You often go through different types of skincare and face products for kids. You think about various things but end up with something that has popularly been advertised. Here, what if you take proper measures? Of course, rather than going by the advertisement, what if you compare the products with their ingredients. Even if you are picking up natural products, you can ensure that you check out the ingredients of that product. In this way, you would have a prosperous time for sure. And of course, peace of mind will be followed for sure because of the pure ingredients used in the products.

What can you do?

Once you have the natural or organic products in hand that are safe for your child, you won’t have to look for anything else. It can easily be applied to your baby’s skin, and you can regularly give your beloved little one some massage. Once you massage their skin with absolutely safe and natural products, they will stay healthy, safe, and smooth. You would have a rich experience for sure.

When you apply the cream on her face or the body, ensure that you do it with soft hands. Do not pressure your hands because the skin is delicate, and you have to do everything with light hands. What is the point if you end up causing pain to your beloved child?

Don’t over-apply

Many parents always apply so many different products to the baby’s skin. First of all, you have to ensure that you are using one specific skincare product at a time. If you are using Ketomac creams, make sure that you stick to them for some time. You should not apply a different cream in the morning, another one in the evening, and one more at night. There has to be only one cream at all times. The more careful and attentive you would be about everything, the better to ensure safety and effectiveness. You know what? If you are applying various creams at a time, you might get nothing out of the regime. Would you please stick to one cream and acquire its best right away?

Similarly, natural baby skincare does not mean that you would keep on splashing and applying creams on the face and body of your child. You have to create a routine, and you cannot simply apply the creams anytime or every time. Too much of anything would also be harmful. Even if you are using the best creams like Ketomac, you might be disappointed if you overapply the cream.


Thus, once you have all these things in mind, you can ensure that your baby is in the best skincare health. Always ensure the utmost effectiveness and productivity with suitable creams. After all, once your baby’s skin is smooth and safe, you can be at the utmost satisfaction! So, these were the tips for face care for babies and kids.


You know every one of you experiences hair fall, right? Well, no matter what is the cause of your hair fall, the reality is you are experiencing your hair locks getting withered. It would help if you took proper precautions to ensure that your hair is safe, healthy, effective, and unique. What is the point if you comb your hair or touch your hair and are handed a bunch of hair? That would be heart-piercing and heart-aching. Go through this blog to stop hair loss due to medication.

If you have a question like stopping hair loss due to medication, the answer is standard; look for the apt things for your hair. Also, rather than concentrating too much on the causes, make sure that you are inclined towards the solutions. But again, it is always good to know the causes, too, to ensure that you know what might be triggering the hair loss in your case.

A few of the many causes of hair loss

Hormonal Imbalance

After the age of thirty, women can experience hormonal imbalance, and that can cause hair loss. This is generally caused by excessive dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion. Even though estrogen is the hormone that women produce, testosterone and other androgens like DHEA also emerge in the female body. As women reach a specific age, they might even begin to convert these androgens to DHT.

Nutritional shortages

The deficiency of vitamin D is another reason for hair loss. It might be possible that essential nutrients may be missing from your diets, such as iron, zinc, copper, and proteins. To evade this, make sure to get out and absorb some sun.

Birth Control Pills and medications

Indeed, different medications, including birth control pills, can trigger hair loss. The hormones in the pill that overpower ovulation can trigger hair to thin, mainly in women having a family history of hair loss. Sometimes hair loss might also occur when you stop taking the pill. Other drugs linked with hair loss are blood thinners and medicines that treat high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, and depression. You have to be careful about what you are consuming and if it is the reason for your hair fall. Once you know the reason, you can start up with your solution.

Thyroid matters

If the thyroid gland at the front of the neck generates excessive or insufficient thyroid hormone, the hair growth cycle could change. However, if you have a thyroid issue, you will notice other symptoms and hair loss, such as weight gain or loss, sensitivity to cold or heat, and alterations in heart rate.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Females having polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) have a hormonal imbalance that creates higher levels of androgens than expected. It even causes hair to grow on the face and the body, while the hair on the head gets thinner. PCOS can also lead to ovulation problems, acne, and extensive weight gain.

Extensive Stress

Extreme stress can trigger sudden hair loss, which could last for several months. Minimizing stress through exercise, meditation, yoga, and different massages will diminish your chances of experiencing hair loss.

Different Hairstyling products

Over-treated hair can lead to hair loss due to the toxic chemicals discovered in dyes and styling products. Similarly, nearly all shampoos possess Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), which has a toxic effect on your immune system and has been believed to corrode hair follicles and hamper hair growth. It is sensible to stick to natural shampoos and dyes.

Medical conditions

Whether you want to prevent hair loss due to medication or any other reason, make sure you start using the hair products specifically to solve hair fall. Once you use products like Ketomac shampoos, creams, and stuff, you will find relief in your hair fall regime. For now, look at a few of the medical conditions that might also have a role in shedding your hair.

  • Telogen effluvium: Usual shedding from all over the head:

You typically lose 100 hairs a day but sometimes shed hurries due to stress, illness, medication, or hormones. Hair generally grows back within six months.

  • Androgenetic alopecia

In females, hair usually things in the top, frontal area, just behind the hairline, but stays dense at the back. An enzyme triggers the conversion of the male sex hormone testosterone to another hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), triggering the hair follicles to generate thinner hair until they cease.

  • Alopecia areata

An autoimmune ailment that affects up to two per cent of the population. It triggers round patches of hair loss and can lead to total baldness. In various cases, the hair regrows.

  • Ageing

As you age, the rate at which your hair grows inclines to slow down. Hair strands get smaller and have less pigment, and hair becomes thinner, more delicate, and even grey. To keep your hair healthy, you must eat whole foods that help keep your body youthful and the hair. If you have prematurely grey hair, you can go for supplements that might help.

  • The issue of Genetics

Genetic hair loss is called androgenetic alopecia and is the most direct cause of hair loss. The gene could be inherited from either your father’s or mother’s side of the family, though you are more likely to have it if your parents had hair loss.


Well, can dandruff cause hair loss? Yes, it can if it gets extensive, and it differs from person to person. There are cases when people lose their hair because of extensive dandruff and end up bald or with thinned hair.


Thus, since you know the causes now, make sure that you avoid the things that might trigger hair fall issues. Moreover, ensure that you use the right products like Ketomac products for hair fall prevention.


Do you know that there are different types of yeast infections? Do you feel that they would come and disappear themselves? You have to be careful about what you are saying and thinking. Come on, you have to do something about your skin, or it might get harmed extensively. If you think that yeast infection goes away without medication, then the answer is no.

There can be some natural ointments, creams, or stuff that can give you relaxation and healing. You know, talking about vaginal infections, these are itchy and uncomfortable, and no one likes to talk about them. But vaginal yeast infections are prevalent in women, and it’s estimated that 75% of women will have at least one yeast infection. Maybe yeast infections can happen to anyone, and various things make getting them more probable. Most infections can get cleared up quickly and easily.


Candida is the scientific name that has been given to yeast. It is a fungus that lives nearly everywhere, including in your body. Generally, your immune system keeps yeast under control. If you are sick or taking antibiotics, it might multiply and trigger an infection. Yeast infections impact the different parts of the body in various ways:

  • Thrush is a yeast infection that triggers white patches in your mouth.
  • Candida esophagitis is a thrush that scatters your oesophagus, the tube that carries food from mouth to stomach. It can make it challenging or painful to swallow.
  • Females can get vaginal yeast infections, triggering vaginitis.
  • Yeast infections of the skin trigger itching and rashes
  • Yeast infections in the bloodstream can be life-threatening.

Well, talking about the vagina, the vagina possesses a healthy balance of bacteria and yeast. The hormone estrogen helps bacteria known as lactobacilli to grow, and these bacteria kill damaging organisms in the vagina and keep you healthy. But when something happens to tip that balance, a fungus known as candida can grow out of control and trigger a yeast infection. But don’t worry because you can use Ketomac products to kick away your yeast infection. If you are still thinking about curing yeast infection without medication, then yes, it can with the help of some care products.

Do you think you have a yeast infection? What are the signs?

Itchiness and discomfort are the two chief symptoms of a yeast infection, but others are also. You might even experience any or all of the following:

  • A dense, white, odourless discharge, similar to cottage cheese
  • Burning, redness, and even swelling of the vagina and the vulva (outer part of the women’s genitals)
  • Extreme pain, discomfort, or burning when you pee
  • Absolute pain during sex

If you think you have a yeast infection, see your doctor before you start treating yourself. The signs of yeast infections are somewhat similar to other, more severe conditions, encompassing sexually transmitted infections and bacterial vaginosis (bacterial overgrowth in your vagina). An accurate diagnosis is essential so you can get the most acceptable treatment. You can check out topical Ketoconazole because it is extensively used to treat Ringworm, Athlete’s foot, Jock itch, Dandruff, and even TineaVersicolor. No matter what type of yeast infection you are suffering from, it might help you get relief.

What are the causes of a yeast infection?

There are many causes of Vaginal Yeast infections, and a few are like:

  • Hormones: Changes during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or even menopause (or if you are taking birth control pills) can change the balance in your vagina.
  • Antibiotics: These drugs might kill off many of the good bacteria that live in the vagina.
  • Diabetes: If your diabetes is not well-controlled, the enhancement in sugar in the mucus membranes (moist linings) of the vagina can form a place for yeast to grow.
  • Douches and different types of vaginal sprays: The use of these products might change the balance in your vagina.
  • Finally, the issue of Sex: Though a yeast infection is not believed to be a sexually transmitted infection, it might be passed from person to person via sexual contact.

Common treatments for Vaginal Yeast Infections

The simplest ways to treat yeast infections are over-the-counter antifungal creams, ointments, or even suppositories (miconazole or clotrimazole). These can take from 1 day to a week. Your doctor may also prescribe a single-dose pill with fluconazole (an antifungal medicine) for you to consume. In case you are, it is safe to use creams or suppositories, but evade the fluconazole you take by mouth.

You must know that some yeast infection medications weaken condoms or diaphragms. These things make it easier for you to get pregnant or contract a sexually transmitted disease. Make sure that you read the instructions or warnings before you use anything. Of course, if you are using Ketomac products, then you might be in safe hands. Remember, the answer to the question: can a yeast infection heal without medication is yes’s? You know what? If you have a general yeast infection, you can get relief in a few days without using anything. But those are rare instances. These days yeast infections are so stubborn that you have to be particular and careful about them.

You should look for a suitable antifungal cream for skin yeast infection and make sure that you are not a victim of this infection. No matter in which area of your skin this infection has attacked, you can get rid of them in no time once you are taking good care.


Thus, once you have all these things in mind, you can ensure that your skin is safe, healthy, and healthy. Make sure that you are using the right Ketomac products at the right time for your yeast issues.


We all know that skin forms the largest organ in the body and an essential function that the body needs to do is protect the skin from any infection. In some cases, the skin gets infected on its own. These infections could be caused by a variety of germs that surround us, and the symptoms of each can vary from being mild to even severe in some cases. An important point to mention here is that mild infections can be treated with the help of over-the-counter treatments and medications. In some instances, home remedies for skin infections can also be very effective when talking about mild infections. In case of any other infection, one may need to visit a doctor to understand the situation and treat it well fully.

Different types of skin infections

  • Bacterial infections usually start from tiny red bumps on the skin and gradually become big and painful. In some instances, these are mild and can easily be treated by antibacterial creams or with tropical antibiotics. If they are severe and these tropical antibiotics are not working, one should consider taking oral antibiotics to treat them. These are further divided into four types.
    • Boils
    • Leprosy
    • cellulitis
    • impetigo
  • Viral infections: When a virus attacks the skin, it could lead to viral infections. Once again, these could either be mild, or they could be severe. The different types of viral are:
    • warts
    • measles
    • mouth, hand, and foot disease
    • chickenpox
    • herpes
  • Fungal infections: Most commonly developed in the dampest areas of the body, just like your armpit or feet, this type of infection is caused due to the presence of fungus. Fungal infections, in most cases, are not contagious and life-threatening and can be treated well by some of the best antifungal creams for the skin. Types of fungal infections include:
    • diaper rash in kids and adults
    • yeast infection
    • nail fungus
    • ringworm
    • athletes foot
    • oral thrush
  • Parasitic skin infection: Infections that are caused due to the presence of parasites. They are considered pretty seriously as they can quickly spread to the bloodstream and further to the organs. Even though they may not be life-threatening, they indeed are very uncomfortable. Different types of these are:
    • lice
    • scabies
    • bedbugs

Symptoms you should not ignore.

Depending upon the type of infection one has, the symptoms would vary. It would start with redness on a particular skin area and even a rash in most cases. Other symptoms could be itching, tenderness, and even pain. One should take care in case the severity of the infection does not reduce with time, or you see that pus-filled blisters have been formed; you should visit a doctor immediately. An important thing with skin infections left unattended is that they could get worse and spread via your bloodstream to other body organs. In case a situation like this occurs, it becomes life-threatening. Therefore, sure signs that you need to watch out for are:

  • pus
  • blisters
  • skin breakdown
  • dark appearing skin or discoloured skin that is extremely painful

Causes of these skin infections

Just like skin infection symptoms are different for all types, so are the causes. Let’s go through each of them in brief:

  • Bacterial skin infection: This type of infection occurs when the bacteria enter the body and get inside the skin, this is most likely due to a cut or a scratch. Now, every time you get a cut or scratch, it would not mean that you would have an infection, but yes, it increases the chances of the immune system to test by weakening it.
  • Viral skin infection: These usually belong to 3 broad groups of viruses: human papillomavirus, poxvirus, and herpes virus.
  • Fungal infection: your lifestyle and body chemistry increase the risk of fungal infections. They often develop in warm and moist places, and wearing sweaty clothes for a long time could put you to risk.
  • Parasitic infection: Organisms and tiny insects, when laying eggs under an individual’s skin, lead to an infection of this type.


Now the treatment of the infection is based on the severity. Different options can be chosen, and you could buy some over the counter creams and sprays, pop up an antibiotic or treat it via skin fungal infection treatment home remedies. A topical antibiotic works just fine in getting rid of these in most cases. Still, you need to visit a doctor and even take oral antibiotic courses. Ketomac cream is another option that works great in getting rid of most infections. Made with primary ketoconazole that kills the bacteria by getting in its membranes and forming holes in them, and further leaking out all the fungi, this is an excellent cream that one should try out. This tropical antifungal cream can treat both yeast and fungal infections without any side effects.

Home Remedies for Skin Infection

Some home remedies that have been used for a while now and worked well are:

  1. Turmeric: Known as an antibacterial herb, this is great for treatment. One could consume it or even apply a paste made with turmeric to the affected area.
  2. Apple cider vinegar: the itchiness and dryness caused by most infections can be significantly taken care of by apple cider vinegar.
  3. Neem Leaf Extract: Considered a natural detoxifier and antifungal for several years now, this tiny little plant extract could get you rid of some of the most severe cases of infections also.
  4. Coconut Oil: Loaded with fatty acids, which break the cell membranes of the fungus, coconut oil is excellent for mild to moderate cases of infection. Some of the others are tea tree oil, oregano oil, and garlic.


There is no particular routine that you could follow to protect your baby’s face from any skin trouble, but yes, one should be aware of the different skin conditions that could protect your baby’s face. Let us begin by discussing these skin conditions. Rashes on your newborn are among the most common reasons one runs to a doctor, and even more disheartening is when these rashes are on your child’s face. Learn how to deal with issues related to skincare for babies and kids’ faces.


Eczema: even though one may think that rosy cheeks are cute in kids and are desired mainly by parents, that is not always the case. These red cheeks could be signs of atopic dermatitis, which is among the most common skin conditions that a baby can have. In situations where the kid has eczema, the skin is unable to lock in moisture, and therefore it leaves the skin looking cracked and extremely dry. The next stage is itching, followed by scratching the face and then forming a perfect base for outside infections to grow. A Child’s face is something that usually gets attacked first by eczema. And in this case, you need skincare for babies’ and kids’ faces.

Triggers like wool, chemicals in soaps and lotions, heat, and even detergents could worsen the case. In most cases, doctors prescribe an intense moisturizing of the skin, and in case the situation gets worse, even steroids need to be given.


Acne: Sometimes, when you see acne on your child’s face, you wonder how great your genes are, and they travel right through your placenta into your child. You are not the only one who suffers from acne; acne is prevalent in kids. The use of detergents, crying, and even heat make these worse. But like all things in life, even acne is not permanent, and they usually get okay with time. Doctors usually prescribe soft and gentle products, natural baby skincare, and proper hygiene for bigger kids to soothe the condition. Studies have also shown that neonatal acne treats itself in 3 months.


White pearl-like cysts are often seen on babies’ forehead, cheeks, nose, and sometimes even chin. This condition is not common in older children and is mainly seen in newborns. With no particular treatment and no cause for occurrence, these could still irritate the child. One thing to avoid in a condition like this is picking it.

Irritant Contact Dermatitis

This rash is seen when there is inflammation on your child’s face. In older kids, this may occur due to excessive sweat staying wet for a more extended period. As for newborns or babies, red patches or pink bumps are usually found near the mouth area, and the reason for this is drools and even those self-fed messy meals. Once the newborn stage is passed and the child is a little older, these are found on cheeks, chin, and neck since they start taking solids and could occasionally drop them around these areas.


We spoke about infections that were not as severe, but this one indeed is. It is contagious and is bound to happen when bacteria enter the child’s skin via eczema patches or even something as basic as cuts.

Skin Care for Babies and Kids Face from Any Skin Infection 

Children have skin thinner than adults, precisely why even a minor infection could irritate the child’s skin. Some tips that could help you as parents are:

  1. Protection from Sun: even though the Sun is an excellent source of vitamin d, excessive sun exposure could burn your child’s delicate skin. As parents, one should encourage their child to be indoors while the Sun is most vital. If the child has to be for something or the other, they should be covered well to avoid exposure. An important thing you could add as a Natural Face Care for Babies is an all-natural Sunscreen. Several companies have come up with organic and all-natural products.
  2. Choosing perfume and dye-free products: Several products may seem fancy by their looks but are harmful due to perfumes and dyes, which could irritate the child’s skin. Something as basic as detergents and fabric softeners could be the reason for your child’s irritated skin. Choosing skin-friendly products for your child is essential, and reading labels is also an important thing to do before buying stuff.
  3. Brushing hair, regular bathing, cleaning the diaper areas properly
  4. Moisturizing your child’s skin: Using moisturizers that doctors advise dermatologists to test. Selecting products that are all-natural and soft on the skin is essential.
  5. Getting help for irritated skin: In case the skin of your child is severely irritated, one must visit a doctor, and in most cases, the doctor would prescribe a safe ointment or cream that can be applied topically. Ketomac is one such trusted brand that has ketoconazole as the main ingredient. The ketoconazole baby face cream is excellent for kids that suffer from itchy or irritated skin. The cream is all-natural and can be used to treat bacterial and fungal infections.


Having a child is the most precious gift that God can give any human; even the most minor tear in your child’s eyes would hurt a parent deeply. Certain things are not in our control, but many of them are in our control. We could avoid many types of fungus and bacteria by taking minor measures like washing and cleaning the child well, switching to organic products, maintaining basic hygiene, etc. Also, in cases where there is an infection, use only natural products trusted by doctors, and most importantly, effective in treating the skin infection. For this reason, creams like Ketomac have found a place in all families since they could work wonders for the child and the parent.


Fungal infection is widespread in the world. Several individuals go through these infections at some point or the other. These usually occur when a form of fungus takes over a particular part of the body or an area, and its existence is beyond the control of our immune system. Fungi live in the air, water, soil, and even plants. Several types of bacteria live inside our bodies. Some of these are helpful, and some of them are harmful. When these harmful bacteria take over the body and become difficult to kill, they start to survive and affect an individual. It becomes difficult for the person to get better. The market is filled with several products as individuals are constantly looking for antifungal cream for yeast infections and other fungal infections. Go through the post to get rid of yeast infections.

Types of Fungal Infection

To treat a particular type of fungal infection, it is first essential to identify it. The different types of these infections are:

  • Athlete’s foot
  • Yeast infection
  • Jock itch
  • Ringworm

Causes of Yeast infection

The most common type of Yeast infection known to humans is a vaginal yeast infection. When these good bacteria in the vagina are disturbed, and the chemistry is unbalanced, it leads to itching and other symptoms. The most common reasons are:

  1. Changes in hormonal levels
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Antibiotics and sometimes even other drugs
  4. Diabetes
  5. An immune system that has become weak
  6. Transfer from someone else that has had this infection

Even though we say that this is very common in women, it does not mean that men cannot have it, but it is very rare for them to have it.

Effects of Yeast Infection:

When we speak about yeast infections, in particular, we need to understand here that yeast infection could affect different parts of the body in two different ways:

  1. White patches in the mouth are caused by a yeast infection called Thrush.
  2. Women usually get infections with a vaginal infection.
  3. Yeast infection on your skin can cause rashes and itching.
  4. It is when these yeast infections affect your blood that it becomes life-threatening.
  5. Yeast infection could also affect the oesophagus, the main pipe transporting food from the mouth to your stomach.

In most cases, the best way to treat a yeast infection fast is by using Antifungal medicines. One of the most reviewed and successful antifungal medicines available in the market areKetomac. This cream is an antifungal cream that can prevent the growth of fungus on the skin, and it treats both fungal and yeast infections. To make this cream, we use a synthetic antifungal agent, Ketoconazole. The membranes are an essential part of the survival of these bacteria, and Ketoconazole makes holes in them and leads to leakage of the fungal cells. Ketoconazole kills these bacteria and infections using interfering with the cell membrane of these fungi and yeast infections. This finally clears out the fungus and finally the infection.

When applied to the affected area for a prescribed period of 2 to 4 weeks, this Ketomac cream can protect an individual from any fungal disease.

Home Remedies:

Apart from all the antifungal creams available on the market, there are also some home remedies that one can consider to get rid of yeast infections. These are:

  1. Boric Acid: Uses of Boric Acid include treating vaginal infections in women and are given to those who tend to have a recurring yeast infection. These come in the form of capsules of 600mg and are easy to insert directly into the vagina to treat the infection. Boric acid works successfully in 70% of the cases.
  2. Tea Tree Oil: This oil has excellent antifungal properties, and research proves that this oil kills a wide range of fungi and yeast. This is safe to apply on the skin, but it is also safe for women to use in their vaginas for the treatment of vaginal infection. One thing to remember here is that concentrated tea tree oil can cause severe irritation, mainly when used in the vagina, so a good way to use it is by mixing it in a carrier oil.
  3. Garlic and oil of oregano. Go through a few more lists of home remedies below:

Probiotics: Method to treat yeast infections naturally

Probiotics: Probiotics are a great way to treat yeast infections naturally. Probiotic drinks are now commonly available in pharmacies, stores, and even health stores. Yeast infection is widespread in females, so many companies have come up with probiotic drinks specifically for women and help them balance out the bacteria and yeast present in the vagina. These come in the form of drinks and also can be inserted.

Yoghurt: We commonly search online to treat a yeast infection fast, whereas all we need to do is look inside our kitchen cabinets. It is well-known that yoghurt has some beneficial bacteria naturally occurring in unsweetened and non-flavoured yoghurt. Yoghurt is not only good for eating, but you can also apply this directly to the infection.

Coconut Oil: This oil has excellent antifungal properties and has been used widely to treat several skin-related diseases. One can use raw coconut oil by either applying it to affected areas or even consuming it. One more important use of this oil is using it as a carrier oil; therefore, it can be mixed with any other oil.


Finally, one should remember that yeast infection is not a form of STD, and they are neither contagious nor spread to another person. But yes, sexual contact can sometimes cause yeast infections. Nevertheless, with all the natural remedies and, of course, antifungal creams and medicines available, one can get rid of them in no time unless they have not been treated well in time.


There are so many conditions that you undergo suitably? Have you ever experienced an infection or allergy? There are skin infections that can turn out to be pesky and irritating. It would help if you always took measures to ensure that your skin is safe and guarded. If you have some uneasiness in your toe, you might be having a toenail fungus infection. Go through this blog to learn more about toenail fungus treatment.

A dermatologist or skin specialist examines your nails and nearby skin to determine if a patient has nail fungus. It is essential to check the skin because the fungus might spread. You may already have a skin infection triggered by a fungus such as an athlete’s foot. To get rid of the infection, you might need to treat all infected areas. Before you get the diagnosis, your dermatologist might even take some samples. Gathering a bit of debris from underneath a nail, trimming off a part nail, or even scraping off a bit of skin might be helpful. Such samples can be examined under a microscope to determine what’s triggering the problem in a lab. You know you do not have to worry because you can get the best toenail fungus treatment once you take action timely.

You know, nail fungus is a common condition that starts as a white or yellow spot under the tip of your fingernail or toenail. As the fungal infection gets deeper, nail fungus might trigger your nail to discolour, condense, and crumble at the edge. It might affect various nails. If your condition is mild and not worrying you, you might not need treatment. If your nail fungus is painful and has triggered thickened nails, self-care steps and medications could help. But even if the treatment gets successful, nail fungus mostly comes back. For your information, nail fungus is also known as onychomycosis. When fungus impacts the areas between your toes and the skin of your feet, it is known as the athlete’s foot (tinea pedis).

How do dermatologists or skin specialists treat fungal nail infections?

Treatment generally starts with your dermatologist trimming the infected nail(s), cutting back every infected nail to where it links up to your finger or toe. Your dermatologist might even scrape away wreckage under the nail, and this assists in getting rid of some fungus. To fully get rid of the infection, most people even require one or more of the following types of treatments:

Medicine to apply on nails.

If you have a mild infection, a medicine that you might apply to your nails could get rid of the infection. This treatment helps keep new fungus out while the nails grow. Fingernails characteristically grow out in four to six months, and Toenails do take longer, generally taking twelve to eighteen months. Of course, good medicine can be an effective toenail fungus treatment.

The most challenging part of this treatment is remembering to use it as frequently as prescribed. Some treatments should be applied every day, and others you can apply once a week. To get the most satisfactory results, you must apply for these medicines precisely as directed.

Of course, some medicines can trigger some side effects. But you know side effects from most of the medicines are generally mild. Possible side effects can be redness and swelling, even ingrown toenails, and hurt or burning when applying for medicine. In clinical trials, none of these side effects triggers patients to stop using the treatment.

You can take medicines. 

If you need more aggressive treatment, your dermatologist or skin specialist might prescribe antifungal pills. These own a higher cure rate than the medicine you apply to the nails. Similarly, antifungal pills also work more quickly than medicine applied to your nails. Taking antifungal pills for around two months might help you cure an infection under the fingernails. Generally, three months of treatment treat a toenail fungal infection.

There is Combination therapy too!

Sometimes, nail fungus might be hard to clear. Studies show that taking antifungal pills and applying medicine to your nails might be more effective than using either treatment alone.

Nail removal

If you have a severe or extreme infection or other treatments don’t work, your dermatologist or skin specialist may recommend removing the nail(s) to get free of the infection. Your dermatologist might use one of the following methods to remove your nail:

  • Non Surgical nail removal (a chemical gets applied to the nail)
  • Then surgical nail removal

Your dermatologist can perform nail removal in a medical office or even a clinic. With either procedure, the nail might grow back. However, if the infection fails to clear, your skin specialist can treat the nail so that it does not grow back.

What is the result of someone who has nail fungus?

With treatment, various people can get rid of nail fungus. Even when the fungus is cleared up, your nail(s) may look unhealthy until the infected nail grows out. A fingernail grows out in four to six months and a toenail in nearly twelve to eighteen months.

To clear the fungus, it’s significant to:

  • Use the treatment precisely as prescribed
  • Apply (or consume) the medicine for as long as prescribed.
  • Keep all the follow-up appointments with the dermatologist.

Nail fungus might be stubborn. If you have a severe infection, it is possible to clear the infection. However, a healthy-looking nail might be unrealistic, but you can quickly expect the nail to appear better and feel a lot more contented.

Signs of Nail fungus?

You could have nail fungus in case one or more of your nails are:

  • Thickened
  • Whitish to yellow-brown staining
  • Crumbly, Brittle, or ragged
  • Distorted in shape
  • A dark shade, triggered by debris building up under your nail
  • Smelling somewhat foul


Thus, whether you decide to take a Ketomac tablet to get rid of your infection or go for any other treatment, you must ensure that you are not leaving your infected toe unattended.


Do you take good care of your hair in your routine? You cannot give attention to your hair only before a party or an outing; you have to give your hair proper attention in your daily routine. Of course, hair care can be challenging, mainly if you are restricted on time, but keeping your hair healthy and stylish might help you feel happier, more confident, and more attractive. Creating a hair care routine is easy and involves maintaining the health of the hair and applying profitable products to your hair. Luckily your hair does not always demand attention every day, and many things in a hair care routine can be done just once or twice a week.

You need to develop a routine. 

Once you work on your daily hair care routine, you will find your hair smooth, sexy, stylish, and, most importantly, strong. Before you develop your routine for hair care, you know about your hair type. Every person has different hair, and it mainly needs to be treated and taken care of in diverse ways. Learn what kind of hair you have to take care of in the most acceptable way possible. Please go a few days with natural hair, which means not using any products, and witness your hair tendencies. You could find out that your hair is:

  • Normal
  • Oily
  • Dry
  • Straight
  • Curly
  • Fine
  • Wavy
  • Thick

Once you have found out your hair type, always treat your hair. Your hair is likely to react differently from a friend’s hair to specific products and care.

How often do you wash your hair?

Wash your hair with keto scalp shampoo when it is essential. Many people think that they are required to wash their hair daily, but most hair types need to wash their hair every other day or a couple of times a week. Depending on your hair type, it is better to wash your hair when it is dirty, not just out of habit.

  • In case you have dry hair, then you should only wash it every third day
  • If your hair is more oil-prone, try washing it every other day. However, if it looks oily after just one day, you can wash it every day. But it is a rare instant.
  • If you have normal hair (not extremely dry and not extreme oily), you should wash your hair every other day or every three days.
  • There is no ideal formula for how much you should wash your hair. Monitor your hair and wash it whenever you feel it’s getting muddy. Washing it significantly will avert the natural oils from restoring your hair, which can harm your hair.

Do not wash your hair with warm water. 

Yes, you heard it right. You need to avoid washing your hair with hot water, and hot water might strip your hair of defensive oils that serve as a natural conditioner. Once you wash your hair with lukewarm water, you will stop losing any natural shine from your beautiful hair and avoid dull hair.

The right time to use a comb 

It would help if you used a comb only when your hair is wet. After getting out of the shower, running a brush through the hair can be alluring because it’s a quick way to get rid of tangles. However, a wide-tooth comb is the most acceptable way to eradicate any knots post showering. Most of the time, a brush snags and pulls your hair, causing it to crack and turn out to be damaged. So, it is when you use a comb and start at the bottom of your hair, working your way up. But make sure that you are not too harsh on your hair. If you are harshly running the comb through your wet hair, you might break a good amount of hair.

Trim your hair frequently.

Hair is prone to split ends, and in case you go long periods in the absence of cutting your hair, it might look damaged and unhealthy. Try to cater your hair a trim every three months or so, and in case you are prone to split ends, make it a point to trim your hair every six weeks.

If you think that visiting a salon frequently is too much trouble or too luxurious, trim your hair yourself. Invest in scissors for your hair and use a mirror that permits you to see the back of your head. It is easy to trim your hair when your hair is wet or straight so that you can experience even ends.

Allow your hair to air dry.

You know blow dryers are a quick way to dry your hair, but the heat from the dryer might harm your hair follicles, leading to dry, damaged hair. You must permit your hair to air dry whenever it is possible. Similarly, if you have to use a blow dryer, you must stick to one that permits a more relaxed setting.

Avoid messing with hair constantly.

Since your hair already possesses natural oils, and so do your hands, constantly touching the hair or moving it out of the face might enhance those oils in your hair, making it look greasy. To evade this, the most acceptable option is to get a haircut that is wieldy and won’t bother you across the day. Of course, it is one of the essential points if you want the best daily hair care routine.


Thus, once you follow all these essential points, you will have a great experience. Your hair would stay healthy, strong, shiny, and, most importantly, silky. After all, your hair makes you look smart, sexy, and stylish.


Your hair is like an asset to you, and you cannot take them lightly. Even if you are trying different techniques, treatments, or smoothening on your hair, you must ensure that your hair is in good condition. You can always ensure that your hair is effective, safe, and, most notably, robust. Indeed, silky smooth, gorgeous hair is a dream of any person. However, maintaining it in that way is not at all a cakewalk. The typical hair issues you face are split ends, extensive breakage, dandruff, dry and even damaged hair, etc. Go through this blog section to learn more about hair care after smoothing.

Similarly, the hair products you use, such as conditioner, shampoo, hair mousse, etc., can harm your hair a lot, making your hair extensively frizzy. If you find reasons behind your hair damage, you might want to know how dust and pollution in the environment are harming your hair. The point is that once you find your hair getting harmed and rough, make an appointment with your hairstylist or go to a salon for hair smoothening. Through hair smoothening, you can even manage your hair more quickly. And of course, if you have got your hair smoothened, you must be thinking about how to take care of your hair after smoothening. Remember, there are some unique and exclusive tips that you need to take care of to extend the impact of hair smoothening. Keep on reading the article until the end for more information:

Immediate Hair Care Guidelines 

These points would turn out to be effective after smoothing hair care tips. After your smoothing treatment, there are some essential things that you require to do immediately.

  • Don’t put your hair at the backside of the ears.
  • Ensure that you do not make your hair wet for at least three days.
  • Ensure that you do not try to tie your hair immediately after smoothening.
  • It would help if you were careful while sleeping. Your hair has to remain straight while sleeping.

Once you keep these things in mind, you will ensure proper affectivity.

After three Days – Hair Care guidelines 

The next three days have passed once you have followed the immediate care, and you need to do something different. Here the things you should follow are like:

  • You didn’t wet your hair for three days. Now, make sure that you shampoo your hair with a mild shampoo and apply a conditioner. Keep your conditioner for a longer time than general, and then wash thoroughly.
  • Make sure that you do not use hot water to wash the hair, as it might wash away the moisture from the hair.
  • A leave-in conditioner always works wonderfully. It keeps your hair soft and smooth, and it will guard your hair against turning out to be dull and frizzy.
  • Make sure that you take a wide-toothed comb and gently brush your hair. Remember, it has to be followed every time you comb your hair. There is no need to go harsh. Slowly comb the hair to separate the hair strands from each other. It would be better if you never used a hairbrush.
  • It would also be good if you use hair serum regularly, and it might create a shield on the hair to protect it from pollution and dirt.
  • You can also apply any homemade hair pack to cater to the essential nutrients to your hair. It can be otherwise lost because of the usage of chemical products. If you don’t have time for home remedies, you can go to salons for a hair spa.

After fifteen Days of hair care guidelines 

You have already done everything discussed above throughout these fifteen days after hair smoothening. This is the time to take proper care of the health of your hair from inside and outside. You can ensure that you do hair care after smoothing properly once you follow all these things:

  • Make sure you have a nutritional diet with lots of fruits, dairy products, nuts, and vegetables.
  • You must trim your hair at regular intervals. Hair trimming keeps your hair in excellent condition, and you can conveniently get rid of split ends.
  • Make sure that you do not use heat on your hair, as the high temperature might destroy the hair’s natural oil. If you need to blow dry, you can go for a relaxed blast mode.
  • Do you know how much chemicals and heating get used to straight and smoothen your hair? Yes, it might be challenging to digest for you now, but you have to do it. So, make sure that you do not highlight or colour your hair for the next six months.
  • Then make sure that you always wear a hat to keep your hair safe from heated sun or rough wind.
  • Try to apply an anti-freeze spray to keep the moisture off your hair intact, and it even averts your hair from getting tangled.
  • Ensure that you do not pin up or tie up the hair, as those can leave crenellated marks on your hair to make it appear odd.
  • Ensure that you do not shampoo your hair regularly if it is not very greasy. You must follow this as part of hair care after smoothing.

Remember, once you follow all these things, you can ensure that your hair is safe, healthy, and, most importantly, clean. You cannot take any chance with your hair and the overall upkeep of your scalp and hair. Your smoothening will go for a toss if you ignore your hair.


Thus, you can also use Ketomac shampoo to ensure that your hair is clean and safe. There are special shampoos that would make sure that they work on your hair and, at the same time, are not too extreme for your smoothened hair.


Do you give much attention to your hair and scalp? What do you do to ensure that your scalp is clean and hygienic? Well, do you feel that your scalp gets dry? Various factors, like dandruff, can trigger a dry scalp. Since dandruff harms the scalp’s outer surface of skin cells, it even damages the skin’s natural moisture defence that keeps your scalp nourished. As an outcome, many people suffering from dandruff complain of a tight, dry feeling scalp. Here the main sign is of its missing essential moisture.

You must be thinking about how to deal with a dry scalp. The foremost step in treating a dry scalp is to deal with one of the root causes – dandruff. Would you please use an anti-dandruff shampoo to eradicate dandruff flakes and assist in restoring the natural moisture balance of your scalp? Once you start keeping your dandruff in proper check, you can ensure that your hair and scalp are clean and hygienic and that your scalp stays safe and clean.

A dry scalp is often a sign that triggers the skin’s natural moisture defences that have been harmed. In healthy skin, the outer cell layers get arranged, such as a brick wall, and they work to keep moisture clogged in your body, staying adequately hydrated. Once the scalp turns out to be irritated, that structure turns out to be weakened, permitting essential moisture to escape, and the skin on the scalp can dry off.

Your scalp can also dry out for several reasons like:

  • Eczema
  • Cold and dry weather
  • Dietary deficiencies
  • Too-frequent shampooing
  • Too-frequent shampooing
  • Dietary deficiencies
  • Cold and dry weather
  • Extreme -frequent shampooing
  • Hair products that often contain alcohol, which can dry out hair

Do you style your hair?

When you style your hair, make sure that you do not use too many hot styling instruments like curlers, straighteners, and hair dryers. The heat from such tools can quickly dry out your scalp and worsen the problem.

Thinking about the best way to deal with dry scalp? Well, if you want to treat dry scalp when your scalp is dehydrated, practical things that you can do are:

  • You can moisturize your dry scalp.
  • You can deal with the root cause of the damage to assist the body repair its natural moisture defence. Remember that a tremendous dry scalp shampoo does precisely that. By catering a boost of moisture to the scalp, it treats the signs, and by helping to treat dandruff, it helps to avert further damage to the skin. In this way, your body can repair the harm more effectively.

When you purchase a moisturizer, you probably have a preferred one, and you know what works, and you use it back to back again. It is no different from a dry scalp. Once you know what is working for your dry scalp, you can stick to it. As mentioned earlier, dandruff is the main reason for your damaged scalp. It is time that you choose an anti-dandruff shampoo. In this way, you can tackle the cause of the problem. It would allow your scalp to get recovered and that too without any further dryness or harm. Once the dandruff is uprooted from your scalp, your scalp will be safe and healthy.

Always give your scalp some moisturizing. 

You have to start using a shampoo or hair product that gives your scalp the needed moisturizing. It would help if you always chose a shampoo that gives moisturizing to your scalp where it needs it the most. This way, you can ensure that your scalp is moisturized and safe. How to moisturize dry hair? You can think of different things like oiling your scalp or start using the shampoos that give your scalp more moisturizing.

Repeat it regularly 

Unfortunately, you cannot simply cure dandruff. It is known as a recurring condition – and it means it will come back without regular treatment. You have to make sure that you regularly use the products that are working for you. of course, once you do it right and after proper time duration, you will find the issue of dandruff and dryness ending from your scalp. Similarly, remember that you do not wash your hair every day, and it would be good to keep the routine like a head bath twice or thrice a week. Also, remember not to keep any extreme gaps between your two washes. Overwash or significantly less wash would only harm your scalp.

Conditioning Treatments

A dry scalp that is not generating enough natural oil (sebum) can make the hair dull and your scalp itchy and flaky. It would help if you tried to give your dry scalp back some of the nourishment it demands. Look for at-home deep conditioning or hot oil treatment at your local drug or beauty store. If you use a hot oil treatment, make sure it is not extremely hot; warm oil or a deep conditioner applied to the scalp twice a week can assist you in moisturizing and soothing an itchy, dry scalp.

Deep conditioning and hot oil treatments can make dry, brittle hair healthy and supple. You must follow the directions on the package to know how long to leave it on your scalp and how to rinse it off. If you do not remove it properly, treatments will leave hair greasy rather than shiny.


Thus, once you use the Ketomac dandruff shampoo, you will get rid of your dandruff and hence freedom from your dry scalp. When you follow all the things that have been discussed in this article, you will not face dry scalp for sure.


Have you ever suffered from a skin infection? It feels awkward, pesky, and uncomfortable. It would help if you never let your infection go unnoticed, or it might be a big issue for you. If you do not know what skin infection is, your skin is the biggest organ of your body, and the function of your skin is to protect your body from infection. At times, the skin itself turns out to be infected. A wide variety of germs triggers skin infections, and also symptoms can vary from mild to severe. Of course, mild infections could be treatable with over-the-counter medications and even home remedies, whereas other infections might need medical attention. Go through this blog to learn how to treat chronic fungal skin infection in easy steps.

Of course, you can always get skin fungal infection treatment cream to ensure that your skin stays clean and safe. Your skin must be guarded and get attention on time, or it might cause you discomfort and uneasiness. You know, fungal infections are expected across much of the natural world. In humans, fungal infections emerge when an invading fungus takes over a zone or area of the body and is so much for the immune system to tackle. Fungi might live in the air, water, soil, and plants, for your information. There are even some fungi that live automatically in the human body. Like various types of microbes, there are accommodating fungi and harmful fungi. Once harmful fungi invade your body, they might be challenging to kill, as they might survive in the environment and re-infect the person trying to become better.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of a fungal infection are going to depend on the type, but common symptoms encompass the following:

  • skin changes, encompassing red and possibly cracking or peeling skin
  • extensive itching.

You can always think about preventing fungal infection if you find it in out timely. You can start taking medicines or applying creams. If things get even worse, you can speak with the dermatologist. There are different fungal infections, and it is always good to know about them. The following conditions are all common kinds of fungal infections.

Yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infections are a general or standard form of Candida overgrowth in females, generally caused by Candida albicans. An overgrowth of Candida disturbs the average balance of the bacteria and yeast in the vagina. Such an imbalance of bacteria could be because of antibiotics, stress, even hormone imbalances, or poor eating habits, among other things. Candida infections might also commonly cause fungal toenail infections and even diaper rash.

Symptoms of a yeast infection are like:

  • itching and swelling around your vagina
  • redness and soreness on and surrounding your vagina
  • burning sensations or pain during the time of urination or intercourse
  • rare vaginal discharge, such as gravy clumps that look like cottage cheese or watery discharge

A rash could develop over time in some cases. Yeast infection has to be treated quickly, as the symptoms could be severe if left untreated. The main symptoms of a yeast infection make it convenient to diagnose. Doctors may ask about the person’s medical history, like previous yeast infections or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They could also ask if the person was recently taking antibiotics! Doctors can then examine the vaginal walls and cervix for symptoms of infection, taking cells from the vagina in case necessary for an apt diagnosis. Once you identify fungal skin infections, make sure that you take action when you are sure that you are a victim of this infection. Also, remember that the treatment of yeast infections relies on their severity. Standard treatments encompass tablets, creams, or suppositories available through prescription, over-the-counter, or online. Complicated infections might ask to require complex treatments.

Also, remember, evading yeast infections start with a balanced diet and apt hygiene. Wearing loose-fitting clothing formed up of natural fibres may also help avert infection. Washing underwear in boiling water and changing feminine products could also help avert fungal growth.

Athlete’s foot

Tinea Pedis, or an athlete’s foot, is a widespread fungal infection that impacts the foot. The Athlete’s foot is associated with sports and athletes because the fungus increases ideally in warm, humid environments, such as your socks or shoes, sports equipment, and even locker rooms. In reality, anybody can get affected by an athlete’s foot. It is most common in humid and warmer climates and summer months, wherein it can speedily multiply.

The signs of an athlete’s foot could vary slightly from individual to individual. Main symptoms include:

  • redness or blisters on the impacted area
  • the infected skin could be soft, or layers might start to break down
  • the skin could scale and peel away
  • peeling or cracking skin
  • stinging, itching, or burning sensations in the infected area

Note: Not every itchy foot results from an athlete’s foot. Doctors diagnose the infection by scraping scaling skin off and inspecting it under a microscope to indicate any fungus. Remember, different fungi might cause an athlete’s foot, and the infection could behave differently, relying on the particular fungus infecting the skin. To treat Athlete’s foot, topical antifungal ointments are very common and are readily available. Similarly, prevention techniques include permitting the feet with plenty of air to breathe and keeping your feet clean and dry. It is practical to wear sandals in public showers or locker rooms.

Also, Note:

There are many other chronics and other skin infections that you should be careful about, like Jock itch, Ringworm, etc. Once you know that you are getting impacted by an infection, talk to the skin specialist and start taking or applying for the needed medicines. You can quickly get the best antifungal cream that works wonders to treat chronic fungal skin infections.


Thus, treatment and prevention of chronic Fungal Skin infection are easy if you are thoughtful and active about your condition. You must not take any chance!


Nail fungus starts as a yellow or white spot beneath the tip of your toenail or fingernail. As the fungal contagion goes profound, nail fungus might result in your nail thickening, discolour, and deterioration at the periphery. It can have an impact on several nails. If your condition is mild and not troubling, you may not need treatment. If your nail fungus is aching and has caused hard nails, medications and self-care steps might assist. But even if treatment is successful, nail fungus frequently comes back.

What causes nail fungus?

Nail fungus, whose formal name is onychomycosis, is like an athlete’s foot. But rather than affecting the skin between your toes or on the bottom of your feet, it attacks your nails. As fungus blooms in warm, dark places, your toenails are more prone to have an impact than your fingernails. The toes also have little blood flow, making it difficult to stop an infection compared to the fingers. Compared to women, men are at higher risk of developing these fungal infections. Older people, those with a weak immune system, or ongoing health problems such as diabetes are also at higher risk.

Experts say that there are many causes of nail fungus infection, such as:

  • Wearing shoes that make the feet hot and sweaty
  • Unable to keep the feet clean and dry
  • Walking in bare feet through locker rooms, gym showers, and swimming pools can also increase the odds of infection.
  • If an individual already has an athlete’s foot, then there is a chance that the fungus can spread to your nails.

Who is at risk for fungal infections?

There are several diverse reasons for nail fungus infections, and every cause has a cure. Even though most of the reasons for a fungal nail infection are avoidable, some risk factors increase the probability of developing it. You are more prone to build up nail fungus if you:

  • have a disease that causes poor circulation
  • have diabetes
  • are over age 65
  • swim in a public swimming pool
  • wear artificial nails
  • have a nail injury
  • have damp fingers or toes for an extended time
  • have a skin injury around the nail
  • wear shoes with closed-toe options
  • have a weakened immune system

Nail infections occur more frequently in men than in women and in adults more frequently than in children. Elderly adults are at the maximum risk for getting fungal diseases of the nails as they have bad circulation, and their nails develop more gradually and densely as they age. If you have family members who frequently get these types of fungal infections, you are more likely to get them.


A severe nail fungus can be aching and might cause lasting damage to your nails. And it may result in other severe infections that extend beyond your feet if you have a suppressed immune system because of diabetes, medication, or other conditions. If you have diabetes, you may have reduced nerve supply and blood circulation in your feet. You are also at greater risk of a bacterial skin infection. So, any comparatively minor injury to your feet, including a nail fungal infection, can cause a more severe complication.


Nails that are infected with fungus usually are:

  • brittle
  • thickened
  • crumbly
  • darker or yellowish
  • distorted
  • ragged
  • dull

There may also be:

  • yellow or white streaking – lateral onychomycosis
  • scaling under the nail – hyperkeratosis
  • contaminated nails might disconnect from the nail bed – onycholysis
  • yellow marks at the base of the nail – proximal onychomycosis

Nail fungal infections can lead to pain in the fingertips or toes, and they may even release a foul odour.

Another symptom of nail fungus infections is fungus-free skin lesions known as dermatophytes. These may look like itching or rashes in an area of the body that is not contaminated with the fungus – much like an allergic reaction.

How is a fungal nail infection treated?

Over-the-counter products are not usually suggested to treat nail infections as they do not offer reliable results. Instead, your doctor may recommend an oral antifungal medication, such as:

  • itraconazole
  • terbinafine
  • fluconazole
  • griseofulvin

Other antifungal treatments may be prescribed, such as topical solutions or antifungal nail lacquer. Based on the kind of fungus causing the infection and the degree of the infection, you may have to use these medications for several months. In extreme cases, your nail may need to be separated to develop a strong new one in its area. Physicians can also make use of lasers for nail fungus.

One of the most influential and robust antifungal creams is Ketomac Cream, known for curing fungal infections such as nail fungus. This antifungal medication prevents the fungus from growing on the skin. Apart from fungal infections, yeast infections of the skin can also be treated using this cream.


The below-mentioned habits can assist prevent nail fungus:

  • Wash your hands and feet thoroughly and regularly. Clean your hands after touching an infected nail. Dampen your nails after washing.
  • Always trim nails straight across, even the edges, with a file and file down dense areas. After each use, sterilize your nail clippers.
  • Change your socks or use sweat-absorbing socks several times throughout the day.
  • Select shoes that are breathable.
  • Throw away old shoes or care for them with antifungal powders or disinfectants
  • Do not use the same towel if anyone in your family has nail fungus, which will quickly spread the infection.
  • Select a nail salon that uses clean manicure tools for every customer.
  • Wear footwear in locker rooms and pool areas.
  • Give up nail polish and artificial nails.
  • Keep your fingernails and toenails short and trimmed.

Fungal nail infection, thus, is a curable disease provided the proper treatment is given and that too at the right time. You must keep a regular check on the toes, and in case you find something different like yellow spots or hardened nails, you must consult with the doctor.


Do you think your beloved baby gets a fungal infection? Of course, it is painful to see your child weeping because of a fungal infection. You can always ensure that your child is safe and their skin is clean and clear. If you have no idea what these infections are, you know blemishes or rashes on the face can be uncomfortable, concerning, and fungus. So, If you feel that a rash on the face could be due to a yeast infection, then the good news is that this condition is treatable. Go through this blog to learn how to cure baby face fungal.

If you are thinking about treating fungus on baby skin, read this write up until the end. You know both home remedies and prescriptions can treat a yeast infection on the face. And yes, you can even find Ketomac creams that are specifically made for kid’s fungus infections.

What is a yeast or fungus infection?

This infection is triggered by an imbalance of Candida albicans, a fungus that characteristically lives in moist body areas such as the genitals, mouth, and even skin. It is called a yeast infection because Candida is a kind of yeast. Yeast infections on the face skin are known as cutaneous candidiasis.

What triggers a yeast infection on the face?

Fungus or yeast infections on the face are triggered by an overgrowth of Candida in the body. In most instances, a yeast infection on the face comes with yeast infections throughout the body. However, local yeast infections can emerge when an imbalance affects only one body area, including the face. Of course, since the immune system is not too strong, they can become a victim of this fungus infection in no time. Common causes of a yeast or fungus imbalance on the face are like:

  • Licking around the mouth
  • lack of hygiene
  • excessive sweating
  • rough scrubbing
  • harsh facial products
  • facial tissue irritation

What are the symptoms of Facial yeast or fungus infection? 

These infections generally present as a red skin rash. This rash can sometimes be there with bumps or pimples. If the rash is located in the middle around the mouth area, it might be a condition known as oral thrush which is a yeast infection of the mouth. Similarly, this rash can also be accompanied by things like:

  • itching
  • ulcers
  • pimples
  • burning
  • dry skin patches

Of course, it gets irritating for a child, and you have to be careful with it. It gets essential for you to know how to cure baby face fungus because it might not go away on its own.

How to diagnose a babyface fungal infection?

The doctor can effectively diagnose fungus infection by a yeast test. Of course, the doctor, notable medical experts for kids, would evaluate the skin and take the needed measures. The doctor can hand you the ointment or cream that might help your child to get relief. However, you can also try out Ketomac cream which is especially for kids. You must read on the package and then select one. These are safe for children because they are meant for them.

What is the treatment for this infection?

You have to be careful always when treating facial rashes or skin conditions of your child. It is because the skin on the face is sensitive. You might experience reactions to medications or different treatments that you apply to your child’s face even if they do not react to other parts of the body. The point is that you need to be prudent about everything because the face area is susceptible. And not to forget, the body of a kid is equally sensitive and soft. Any harsh substance can ruin the skin extensively. There are medical treatments for fungus and yeast infections, and these can be like:

  • Antifungal cream often has clotrimazole as the prime ingredient. You can choose keto mac creams as they are safe for the baby’s skin.
  • Antifungal lotion, mostly having tolnaftate as the proper ingredient
  • There are also oral antifungal

How can you prevent fungus infection in babies?

You know your baby is a new being, and you have to be more careful about them. Of course, since their skin is too sensitive and soft, anything with sharpness or dirt can negatively impact them. Moreover, the skin can go for a toss if you are not guarding it with proper creams and lotions. The world is too polluted, and even a single dust particle can harm the skin, especially exposing the skin of your baby-like face extensively. Would you please make a cleaning regime for your child? In this way, you would ensure that your child’s skin is safe, guarded, and clean.

Is there anything in home cures apart from creams to treat fungus infection?

Yes, there are a few things that you can try for the fungus infection, and these are like:

Coconut oil

This oil has various healing attributes and has been known to give proper relief to different skin conditions. It will also hydrate the skin of your baby.

Olive oil

Olive oil owns antifungal capabilities that can soothe yeast infection as well as smooth the skin of your child.

Tea tree oil

It can be applied directly to the face or added to a cream or lotion to cater relief against facial yeast infection. Of course, these home remedies do work for the skin of your baby. But if you find these not too practical, you can try out Ketomac cream specifically for baby fungus infection. Similarly, if the condition does not heal even after all this, you can speak with the child specialist’s doctor and find out what is wrong to cure baby face fungal!


Thus, since you know now how to treat a babyface fungal infection, make sure that you stay vigilant about the health of your child.


When you look at people with those perfect hair locks and blow-dried hair, you feel that is a cakewalk to do, right? You might have gorgeous hair, but they can go for a toss if you are not treating them well. You always have to take precautions to ensure that your hair gets treated most productively and effectively. Go through this blog to learn how to blow dry hair?

If you don’t know how to blow dry, you should learn now. You might be doing it all wrong all these years. Some people, later on, blame the products and shampoos that they use but do not realize that their ways of tackling the hair also matter. It could seem like an easy task: fetch a blow-dryer, point, and go ahead and blast with heat. But there is the expertise behind it. And you could be making simple mistakes that are harming your hair even more than the look you carry. The best way to know how to blow dry your hair is by maintaining a distance from the mistakes you might make. Once you eliminate the mistakes, you will automatically know how to blow dry hair.

You Do Not Have to Own a Great Blow-Dryer!

It is always essential to have a suitable quality hair blower, but it has nothing to do with great products. You can go for a qualitative, simple product that might not be too pricey or great. If you have dense hair, you might be harming your hair more with an inexpensive or cheap blow-dryer instead of investing in a wonderful one that will guard your hair and blow-dry it quickly.

It is essential to know that expensive dryers have intelligent hair-saving features such as high power, various heat settings, an excellent shot, and apt air technology. The last one assists with frizz, create shine, and limits blow-dry time. The technology of ionic hair dryers used in good quality products helps break down water molecules quicker, making the hair dry faster. Remember that the less time your beloved hair is under heat and the more power over control you have over the temperature, the better and healthier it will be.

Are you spending too long with your hair wrapped in your towel?

Once you get out of the shower, women are inclined to leave their hair in the towel for somewhat thirty minutes. You know a cotton-based towel does trigger friction on the hair, and it is a lot more prone to damaging the strands to the extent where the hair breaks off. If you wish to get rid of excess water, it is better to use a microfiber towel like an old, clean t-shirt. And still, have to spend nearly ten minutes with your head wrapped up post-shampoo. There is no need to keep it wrapped for thirty-forty minutes. The longer, the bitter it would be for your hair. It is the right way to blow dry hair. The most pleasing thing for the health of your hair is allowing it to air-dry before you do blow-dry. It is important to underline in your mind that your hair is in its most susceptible state when wet, so permitting it to air-dry is always the healthiest and most effective option.

Here make sure that you blow-dry your hair as per your texture. Fine-to-medium hair might air-dry a bit longer, to nearly eighty per cent dryness, whereas talking about thicker hair, they should only be nearly fifty per cent dry before blow-drying. It is simply because you have a better chance of getting full straight or curly hair while still a little moist.

If you have curly or wavy hair and wish to improve your natural texture, you need to add up the product when it is wet, squeeze out the surplus with your hands, and wrap it up gently in a soft microfiber towel t-shirt. Once the curls cease to drip, you can begin to blow-drying.

Are you starting in with the brush too soon? 

It is a bad habit to immediately walk out of the bath or shower and pick up the blow-dryer and round brush for your blowout. It is suggested that you use a dryer to rough, dry hair first. You can set it to medium heat and minimum speed. If your hair is extremely wet and placed at high speed, it might get whipped around, and it can trigger split ends, tangles, and even frizz. Once the hair gets nearly eighty per cent dry from the rough-dry, you can immediately start sectioning it, forming it, and styling it with your round brush.

What type of brush do you use?

If you think any brush would do, then you are mistaken. When talking about picking a brush, the kind you use must depend on the results you are looking for and your hair kind. In a typical sense, a round brush is most stylists’ favourite for a comprehensive, bouncy look. But you always have choices when it comes to the material of brush bristles. If you are a woman with straight hair and want movement, you can go for ceramics as they are great. Then if you are a person who looks for smoothness but has coarse, tightly curled hair, boar bristle is the main ingredient to provide the right amount of tension required to achieve that softness. Of course, once you bring a different brush that you use, you will get the best results. Your hair can get damaged because of your wrong choice of brush.


Thus, if you use Ketomac dandruff shampoo to ensure dandruff-free hair or have plenty of hairbrushes at home, you have to be careful about how you blow-dry your hair. A wrong way is always the wrong way and harms your hair!


It is pretty standard for hair colour to change as folk age. But grey or white hair might appear at almost any time during life. Even teenagers and people in their twenties might notice strands of white hair. The human body owns millions of hair follicles or tiny sacs lining the skin, and the follicles generate hair and colour or pigment cells with melanin. Over time, hair follicles lose the pigment cells, resulting in grey or white hair colour.

Instant facts about white hair:

  • Averting white hair relies on its cause.
  • Smoking has long been linked with premature greying, and vitamin deficiencies can activate hair to turn white prematurely.

If you are thinking about stopping grey hair, you do not have to worry. The good news is that there are provisions and methods to prevent premature greying. You can always get the best out of your treatments and things you use once you know about the causes of your issue…

What are the causes of grey hair?

There can be many causes besides age that end up in the hair turning white. White and grey hairs can begin to grow at any age and might even be caused by various factors. Any kinds of deficiencies of vitamin B-6, B-12, biotin, vitamin D, or vitamin E can have a role in pre-maturing greying.

Your genetics 

Premature greying of an individual’s hair is hugely connected to genetics. Similarly, race and ethnicity even play roles. Premature greying in white people might start as early as 20. At the same time, an individual can be as young as twenty-five years old amidst Asians. Talking about African-Americans populations, it can be thirty or so as per a study.

Oxidative stress

Though greying is genetic, oxidative stress in the body might play a part when the process happens prematurely. Oxidative stress activates imbalances once antioxidants are not adequate to counteract the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage the cells, contributing to ageing and even illness. Moreover, too much oxidative stress will surely endorse the development of ailments, including the skin-pigment issue of vitiligo. Vitiligo could also turn the hair white due to melanin cell death or even the loss of cell working. Of course, once you know how to prevent grey hair, you can do that significantly. By the end of this post, you will get to know about the remedies.

Specific types of medical conditions

Medical conditions like autoimmune diseases might enhance a person’s risk for greying early. Researchers have found a link between hair abnormalities and thyroid dysfunction. Similarly, white hair is typical in alopecia areata, an autoimmune skin condition that activates hair loss on the scalp, face, and other body areas. When the hair grows back, it tends to be white because of melanin deficiency.

Stress of Real-life 

It is commonly observed that stress could lead to hair getting white prematurely. However, studies have not determinedly proved this. There are opposing research studies on real-life stress, such as that activated by injury, leading to premature greying. Another study discovered that the cells responsible for hair colour might be depleted once the body gets under stress. Other studies displayed that while stress might play a part, it is only a tiny part of a huger picture of illness and other factors.

Extensive Smoking 

A well-known study showed that smokers are 2 1/2 times more likely to begin greying before age thirty than non-smokers. Another study showed that smoking is linked with prematurely white hair in young men.

Chemical hair dyes 

Different chemical hair dyes and products, even shampoos and conditioners, might contribute to premature hair greying. Several of these items possess harmful ingredients that diminish melanin. Hydrogen peroxide that is in various hair dyes is one such risky chemical. Excessive use of bleach hair items is also going to trigger it to turn white eventually.

Prevention and remedies 

If you are thinking about avoiding premature grey hair, then read on. If genetics or ageing is the reason for your greying hair, then, unfortunately, you can avert or reverse the procedure. However, treating greying hair could allow colour pigmentation to return if the loss is because of any medical condition. Similarly, once diet and vitamin deficiencies cause prematurely white hair, rectifying these could reverse the issue or cease it from worsening.

Taking more antioxidants

Eating a diet with a wealth of antioxidant-rich foods, like different vegetables and fruits, might be helpful in avert hair from greying. The diet plays a critical part in avoiding white hair. A diet rich in antioxidants will eradicate oxidative stress. Some of the antioxidant-rich foods can be listed as:

  • fresh fruits and vegetables
  • olive oil
  • green tea
  • fish

Working on the deficiencies

If you have white hair due to a vitamin deficiency, you should take more foods loaded with such vitamins. For example, seafood, eggs, and meats are excellent sources of vitamin B-12, and salmon, milk, and cheese are excellent sources of vitamin D.


This is available as a fruit in Indian grocery stores, and it might also be discovered as a powder or a supplement, readily available in a store. The powder might be blended with coconut oil and applied right away to the scalp.

Black tea

You know black tea can make hair darker, shinier, and softer. It might be used by steeping 3 to 5 tea bags in two cups of boiling water, cooling, and adding to your clean, wet hair. You can leave it in your hair for an hour and then rinse. Tea can also be mixed with conditioner.


Thus, whether you use Ketomac, the best dandruff shampoo for colour-treated hair, or any other product, once you also be prudent about everything told in this post, you can get rid of your greying hair or avoid white hair.


Your hair always tells you a story, right? Do you ever wonder what type of story your hair is denoting? Come on; you cannot take a risk with the charm and health of your hair. You can always use the products that keep your hair in the best shape and strengthen it. Of course, how many of you have ever tried to use coconut milk on your hair? Do you even know coconut milk benefits for hair?

Once you know how coconut milk is good for your hair, you will fall in love with them. The rich ingredients found in coconut milk are beneficial for your hair and can be miraculous for you. For your information, coconut milk is formed from the white flesh of ripe coconut shells blended with water. This is something different from coconut water which is the liquid that is already within coconuts. Coconut milk has been traditionally used as a drink or beverage and added to soups, coffees, and other dishes. Yet its nutritional nature is gathering attention for topical usage.

When you talk about hair health, coconut milk could restore moisture and strength, amidst other possible benefits. These benefits are mainly associated with coconut flesh (a comprehensive source of coconut oil) and not the water used to create coconut milk.

Excellent Coconut milk benefits for hair 

Coconut oil has been hugely flaunted as a nutritional fat source that might supposedly help keep the hair, skin, and even nails in the perfect shape. The oil is only one of the ingredients of coconut milk. Once you talk about your hair health, coconut milk is considered to have the following advantages possibly:

It is high in Lauric acid.

You know Lauric acid is one of the chief ingredients found in coconut. This long-chain or medium-chain fatty acid is famous for its capability to penetrate hair easily and help strengthen the cuticle.

It is high in protein.

You know that your hair is formed up of keratin, and it is a type of protein sustained by the types of proteins you consume. Coconut milk has a rich protein profile that can keep your hair strong. Of course, if you feel that your hair is too light and feeble, you need to start using this oil. Here you can gain such benefits from drinking coconut milk, and you can also reap the advantages by applying it topically.

It is rich in vitamins C, E, B-1, B-5, B-3, & B-6

Though proteins, fats, and even carbohydrates are the macronutrients that your body requires to function correctly, you also need the assistance of micronutrients. In the theoretical sense, certain micronutrients found in coconut milk might keep your hair healthy, firm, and even moisturized. Such include antioxidant vitamins C and E and B vitamins B-1, B-3, B-5, and B-6. You use it, and you get it all! Of course, you took it right; all these vitamins are in this coconut milk.

Coconut milk slows down hair loss.

The story is not yet over if you are still thinking about how good coconut milk is. Coconut oil has also been noted for forming the hair cuticle stronger. It is so that the dangerous and harmful substances and water would not lead to breakage as quickly. In turn, you could find a diminished rate of hair loss linked with damage.

It restores dry scalp and hair. 

The natural fatty acid nature of coconut milk has extensive moisturizing effects. These can restore dry hair and scalp, working as a rich conditioner for harmed hair. Once you apply this coconut milk to your scalp and hair, it will drench the entire area richly. Every hair strand would feel wet and pampered. Remember, you need to pamper your scalp and hair to not get dry and damaged. You get the best outcomes once you keep the hair and surface clean and safe.

Time to say goodbye to your dandruff with coconut milk 

You know coconut milk is notable and famous for its moisturizing effects to condition your hair and scalp richly and adequately. It works wonders for sure. Furthermore, coconut oil and milk have been found to have anti-inflammatory effects that could help scalp conditions such as dandruff. Of course, everyone goes through dandruff, but if you are highly impacted by it, you need to start using coconut oil and milk. Your dandruff will begin to disappear soon, and you will get a dandruff-free scalp in some weeks or months. Here, consistency is the key! To this end, you know certain drugstore dandruff shampoos possess coconut oil added to them, coupled with the more traditional types of ingredients, such as Pyrithione zinc.

How to use coconut milk for hair?

You can make use of coconut milk and related products for your hair health in the following manners:

  • Can apply a homemade hair mask.
  • Can give a try over-the-counter shampoos and conditioners that are formed with coconut oil or milk for regular use. For example, you can try out Ketomac shampoos!
  • Make use of pure coconut milk as a scalp treatment.
  • You can also drink coconut milk for its nutrients to support your hair from the inside out.

Keep in mind that maybe many drugstore products possess coconut oil; these are not believed to be as strong as pure coconut milk. It would help if you considered using pure coconut milk on the hair and scalp for the utmost benefits instead. But of course, if you are using Ketomac shampoo for hair loss, you might get the best outcomes. It has the ingredients that give your hair the shine and support it craves for.


So, when you can make sure that your hair stays shiny, intelligent, strong, and sexy, give a try at coconut milk.


It is hard to avoid dryness and damage even if you take proper care of your hair. Three layers are there in each hair strand. The medulla is the inner layer bounded by the middle layer, the cortex. The outer layer is known as the cuticle. The cuticle is the layer that safeguards your hair, and when it is spoiled, your hair becomes dried out and fragile. Together with factors like heat, pollution, and the sun, all of the chemical inputs are bound to have repercussions in the form of damaged hair. To repair damaged hair, you must follow some rigorous healthy tips for hair.

Before we go ahead and know how to repair damaged hair, you must know the causes of hair damage:

Causes of Hair Damage

  • Bleaching

Once you bleach your hair, you are compelling your cuticles open to remove the stain from your hair. The harm caused to your cuticle formulates it feeble and prone to breaking and split ends. There is nothing to lock in the moisture in your hair anymore; it also becomes lifeless and dry. What is even worse is that if you give heat to your hair when bleaching it, it speeds up the process of bleaching and thus causes more harm to your hair.

  • Chemical Treatments (Relaxers And Perms)

Perming is the modification of your hair structure to make it wavy. Relaxing makes tightly coiled hair straight. Both use chemicals to rupture the disulfide ties between the keratins that make up the hair shaft to either twist the hair or straighten it. Both damage the cuticles significantly, thus resulting in dry, brittle hair.

  • Hair Colouring

While dying your hair may seem like a harmless thing to do, the chemicals present in the dyes you use can damage the hair. They make your hair shaft permeable to the point of exposing the cortex of the hair. This harm can last for up to two months, even with appropriate care for your hair. Lasting dyes do the majority of harm to your hair.

The less lasting the dye, the less harm to the cuticle. Temporary dyes that last through one to two shampoo cycles are giant molecules and only coat the cuticle, not disrupting it considerably.

  • Over Brushing

Brushing your hair excessively will cause more abrasion than it can take. The brush will hitch at knots and result in split ends and breakage. Cheap brushes cause much harm as they get trapped in your hair more quickly.

  • Heat Styling

Heat, usually, is terrible for your hair as it opens up your cuticles and dries up any dampness. When concentrated heat is applied to your hair, it becomes brittle, damaged, and dry. Using a flat iron or a curling iron frequently will leave your hair thirsty and lifeless for moisture. If you do not use your hairdryer, it can also cause damage to your hair shaft.

Tips to repair damaged hair

  • Your hair takes a daily beating from the elements. Too much exposure to rain, wind, and sunlight can cause dryness that, if not checked, may result in a crack. Thus give your hair additional protection by conditioning it once a week with an exhaustive mask or oil treatment. This will assist nurture your strands from within for healthy-looking, stronger-feeling hair.
  • Experts say it is always better to avoid combing when the hair is wet. Repeated, vigorous combing can cause harm to the cuticle of the hair, which can cause breakage and split ends. To safeguard against this, comb hair in the shower after applying a conditioner, as this will help coat your hair strands and act like a barricade, making it simpler to work through tangles and knots. Choose brushes with wide tooth combs or broadly-spaced plastic bristles as they give strands more space to move through, meaning it does not take so much force to untangle them and work softly through the hair in sections.
  • There is nothing like the sensation of newly rinsed hair, but regular rinsing can slip your strands of wetness resulting in it becoming brittle and dry. Rinse your hair less frequently by utilizing a mild anti-dandruff shampoo amid washes, as this will assist soak oils and getting rid of the odour for hair that appears and feels recently washed.
  • Dry skin looks dull and cracked, so you should never skip your moisturizer. Dry hair is the number one cause of hair breakage and damage. If your hair does not have the optimal moisture level, it will become fragile and brittle, just like your skin. If you are prone to dry hair, embrace a moisturizing regimen that comprises a conditioner, hydrating shampoo, mask, and leave-in product. It is the best way to stop your strands from becoming dry.
  • At times a DIY schedule is not adequate for highly damaged hair, and that is when you may need to bring in the professionals. Professional, in-salon hair treatments comprise the highest possible concentration of active ingredients. They aim at any hair damage from weak or over-processed strands to hair that requires a mega-infusion of moisture. Your stylist will generally apply a hair damage treatment, and as these formulas are so concentrated, you will see and feel a transformation right away.
  • Your hair can extend to a certain point before it breaks and snaps. The flexibility of a damaged hair strand is a lot less than a healthy one. If your hair breaks effortlessly, it is likely damaged.
  • Damaged hair lacks shine and lustre, and the hair shafts prevent shining when the cuticles get damaged. With damaged hair, you will see that there is no shine even after deep conditioning treatment. It is better to get hot hair treatment in such cases as this helps get the hair shiny and beautiful.
  • Follow a balanced diet and take a multivitamin suggested by your doctor. If you are dieting, you could have dry hair or experience hair loss. Talk with a physician about the proper measures you need to take.

These are some tips that you can refer to when it comes to repairing damaged hair.


There are several benefits of garlic for hair. Garlic is a conventionally used ingredient in the kitchen as it adds a robust flavour distinctly to the dish. Not only this but it is also known to have medicinal properties that assist heal several diseases. This ingredient is more than just a flavour adding agent and medicine; it is an outstanding hair care element. For all individuals, garlic is the answer when dealing with hair loss. Hair loss is a symbol of an imbalance or deficiency in the body.

According to a study, the selenium and sulfur found in garlic can aid reinforce the formation of the hair shaft? It not only helps regrow hair but also toughens the existing hair.

Benefits of Garlic for Hair Growth

  • Garlic is antimicrobial and assists kill bacteria and germs that can cause harm to the scalp and prevent hair growth.
  • It has a high content of minerals such as zinc, calcium, and sulfur, which are essential for hair growth.
  • The selenium content in garlic assists stimulates blood circulation for maximum nourishment.
  • It assists in purifying the hair follicles, fortifies them, and stops clogging, curbing hair loss.
  • It assists calm aggravated scalp and treats problems such as dandruff.
  • Raw garlic is highly enriched with Vitamin C, which is perfect for the health of your hair, and it boosts collagen production, which assists with hair growth.
  • Another benefit of garlic is that it helps in fighting dandruff. Allicin, produced from chopped garlic, is the magical compound here. Due to its antifungal properties, allicin can destroy fungi known to cause white flakes. But it is essential to consult with a doctor before applying garlic to get rid of dandruff.
  • As per a study, garlic safeguarded keratinocytes from ultraviolet damage and showed a guarantee as an anti-ageing material. Keratinocytes generate keratin, which is skin cells, and these cells are on the external layer of your skin, including the skin on your scalp and in your hair follicles.

Thus, there are several garlic benefits for hair.

Tips to Use Garlic for Hair Growth

  • Heat coconut oil with garlic paste till the oil turns a bit brown. Now, allow the oil to cool off. Strain it, and remove the pulp. Store the oil in a jar and use it as garlic-infused hair oil. This is one way of using garlic for hair.
  • Garlic can also be mixed with jojoba oil, coconut oil, and olive oil and applied to the scalp. This helps eliminate the scalp’s dead skin and even unclogs the hair follicles.
  • Take garlic and a small amount of ginger and place them in a blender to get a smooth paste. Heat coconut oil and add the ginger-garlic paste. When the oil turns brown, turn off the heat and let the oil cool down. Massage your scalp and hair with the oil. After a couple of hours, rinse off, and this treatment will keep your hair extra soft.
  • Take garlic and HoneyHoney and blend them. Apply to the roots. Massage the scalp, and wait for around 45 minutes before washing off with a mild shampoo. When used with garlic, HoneyHoney helps moisturise the hair and keep the moisture locked in your hair.
  • Extract garlic juice and mix it with one tbsp. Of HoneyHoney, two tbsps. Of olive oil and one egg yolk. Apply this mix to your scalp and hair and wait for an hour. Rinse off with a mild shampoo. In addition to garlic, the egg yolk will ensure that your hair stays extra soft and nourished.
  • Make a smooth paste of garlic. Add a few drops of peppermint oil to it and use this with your shampoo to wash your hair. This will give you super smooth, shiny hair.
  • Would you please take a few garlic cloves and extract juice from them? Add curd, HoneyHoney, and castor oil to the juice. Blend well. Use this mixture on your hair and scalp. Leave it for about half an hour. Wash off with a gentle shampoo. Here curd will fight dryness; the castor oil and honey combination can restrain dandruff.
  • Take a few garlic cloves and extract the juice. Add HoneyHoney and lemon to the juice. Apply the mask to your scalp and wait for 45 minutes. Wash off with a mild shampoo. The antifungal and antibacterial properties of HoneyHoney will keep the dandruff-causing microbes away; the citric acid in lemon assists restore the average pH balance of the scalp, which in turn assists in restraining an overgrowth of those annoying white flakes. In addition, the caustic consequence of lemon juice poises out the scalp’s sebum level, stopping it from becoming prickly, extremely greasy, or dry and thus reducing dandruff.
  • Boil 3 cloves of garlic, one small onion, 2 cups of water, and one cinnamon stick for fifteen minutes. Cool the solution and then strain the liquid. Apply this liquid to your hair and allow it to be there for around fifteen minutes. Now, rinse the hair with incredible, lukewarm water thoroughly.

These are some of the simple ways of using garlic on your hair. You can choose any of these tips to prevent hair loss and get that beautiful, shiny, long, and black hair.

You might feel some gentle irritation when you first use garlic on your scalp, but if you experience any critical problem or irritation, you should stop its use. Also, keep in mind that you should not use essential garlic oil straight on your scalp.

Thus, it can be concluded that garlic is one of the most popularly found ingredients in an Indian kitchen. It is also a part of approximately every Indian dish, which improves the taste of the food and adds a lot of dietary value to the food. Garlic can be used to control hair fall efficiently, and it has specific properties that can assist you in fighting hair fall.


Many women are found to have long, flowing, silky hair. This could be genetic or their hard work and best efforts to keep them in this fantastic condition. You may perhaps long to have a hair-like Cinderella or Rapunzel. But given today’s increasing pollution and dust outside, it becomes a challenge to maintain good hair. Thick, bouncy, shiny hair is a dream many tend to see, and no one desires Fritzy, weak, and dull hair. If you want that lovely looking hair and appear like a glamorous doll, you need to know the top hair care secrets to help you achieve your set objectives naturally.

Some healthy and safe secrets to having lush, bouncy, shiny hair

Wet hair

The hair strands may break easily as it is very fragile. The hair roots and shaft, during the wet conditions, are found to be prone to sustaining unwanted damage. Avoid being harsh when using shampoo. Also, do not use chemical-based shampoo or brush immediately after having a shower, and use a shower cap if you intend to brush.

Protect the hair

Exposure to excessive rain, wind, and sun pollution will only cause damage to your hair and make it lustrous and dull. Not taking care of the hair will only lead to a build-up of dirt, increased susceptibility to developing infections on the scalp, and drying out of the scalp and hair. Use a hat or umbrella when going outside.

Condition correctly and adequately.

Condition properly and correctly: It is necessary to condition the hair the correct way to get flowing, shiny hair. Conditions are formulated to retain the moisture content present within the hair shaft, and it is not exactly meant for the scalp. Conditioning should be started at least 2” away from the scalp. Excessive application on the scalp will lead to making the scalp too oily.

Regular conditioning

After every wash, use a good moisturizing conditioner. You are avoiding going out without conditioning your hair. Otherwise, your hair can become frizzy.

Avoid excessive heat over hair:

Heat should be applied in a limited amount to the hair. Otherwise, the moisture content in the hair will only get stripped off, thereby making it frizzy and dry. If overused, there are chances of the hair getting burnt. If necessary, use straighteners, iron, or curl. But do remember to make use of hair protectants before their application.

Use the same brand of conditioner and shampoo.

  • Use the same brand of conditioner and shampoo: This is essential as it will have a similar formulation. They are created for specific hair types and serve specific purposes, and it also offers the very best results compared to using products from different brands.
  • During bedtime, avoid tight braids: At night-time, before hitting the bed, braid your hair loosely to avoid a frizzy mess. A better option is to have a side braid. Knots will be created if you leave your hair open for too long. It will only mean having to pull and brush it during the morning hours, which will cause pain. Also, over-brushing causes frizziness.

Hair ties are not to be tight.

Hair ties not to be tight: Super-tight hair ties are better avoided. Instead, choose scrunchies using cloth around them. Otherwise, your hair will only be pulled back real tight, thus increasing friction and causing breakage.

Dry hair cautiously:

Dry hair cautiously: Hair drying should be practised cautiously and not rubbed harshly with a towel, and this will only cause your hair strands to get loose and break up easily and quickly. It would help if you patted dry your hair.

Satin pillow covers:

Satin pillow covers: You should always opt for satin pillow covers as it discourages hair breakage caused by friction. Cotton and other materials are rough in texture and cause more friction, causing the hair to break.

Use suitable hair masks:

Use suitable hair masks: You need to use those hair masks which suit your hair perfectly. The reason is that different types of hair and related troubles may require different types of hair care treatment. Hence, the most appropriate masks are to be used to avoid experiencing further aggravation of the issue.

Frequently oil the scalp:

Apply hair regularly on your hair and use the best shampoo for oily scalp and dandruff in India to eliminate this excess oil preset. Oiling the scalp is equally suitable for better hair nourishment. However, overdoing it will only cause damage. Also, using more shampoo will only strip off natural oils from the scalp region.

Use cold water for washing hair:

  • Use cold water for washing hair: The truth is that hot water negatively affects hair, similar to those hair styling methods. Here, cold does not mean cold. And instead, it should be at room temperature.
  • Avoid teasing hair: It simply ruins your hair texture.
  • Brush effectively: To increase hair lustre, you need to brush regularly. It helps to spread natural oils throughout the hair. However, it is better to avoid excessive brushing. Plastic brushes are a strict no since they will only result in increased breakage.
  • Apply to clarifying shampoo once a month: This is a beautiful idea. It helps to deal with the issues caused by product build-up resulting in conditioners and shampoo losing their effectiveness.
  • Avoid using excessive products on the hair: You need to use several hair care products from time to time, like conditioner, shampoo, and serum. However, limit the use those bottled hair products.

Healthy eating

Hair health is reflected in the type of health that you experience. A good healthy body, both inside out, will mean healthier hair. You need to add healthy ingredients to your diet if you desire to have healthy and good, lush, shiny hair. Certain nutrients such as proteins, iron, and vitamins are necessary for better hair health and growth. If your food does not provide sufficient amounts of the desired substances to derive healthy hair, consider taking supplements. But this should be taken only after consulting the hair experts or the physician.

When carefully and cautiously followed, the above-given secrets for hair care will boost your overall confidence and stay bright and healthy and sport beautiful looking hair.


It is wrong that only women are hair conscious and love visiting the parlour or using beauty products. Men for ages sported long hair and did appear excellent and healthy when well maintained. But pollution, extreme weather, and stress have resulted in baldness in men. Previously, baldness was limited to those getting aged. But now, even people in their middle ages are experiencing this issue. Go through this blog to learn hair growth tips for men.

These days, several hair care products have emerged exclusively for men of all ages and are promoted by top celebrities across the globe. At the same time, there have opened up many beauty parlours and salons for men that offer hair care and styling. If you are having frizzy hair and experiencing a sharp fall in hair strands, then it is high time that you take proper care of your hair to prevent further loosening and breakage. You can find experts providing tips on hair growth for men through their websites or blogs that can be helpful to enjoy having healthy, full hair on your head.

If you do not take proper care of your hair, even that snazzy haircut from a reputed salon will be useless. Like women, men’s hair requires regular maintenance, and this particular aspect should not be avoided at any point in time. To avoid falling hair and complete baldness, you should go through the tips offered by the experts.

Helpful hair growth tips for men

  • Avoid rubbing your hair excessively, but dry it gently: Wet hair is vulnerable to damage as it is weaker. Hence, after washing, hair should not be rubbed hair since it will cause excessive breakage. Pat dry the hair to prevent causing stress on the scalp.
  • Avoid over-washing the hair: This is a common mistake that almost every man commits. Instead, washing the hair should be limited to just twice or thrice a week. Also, it should be conditioned regularly, and it will ensure good hair health and prevent the loss of essential natural oils from the scalp.
  • Use egg conditioner: There are essential minerals in egg-like sulfur and proteins required in reasonable amounts in the hair. Egg yolk is a beautiful ingredient to condition the hair, and it should be allowed to penetrate in-depth within the scalp to strengthen from within the hair follicles.
  • Avoid excess combing: Probably, your hair is thinning. If so, then avail a haircut to suit this thinning look. Over-combing should be avoided under all circumstances.
  • Fewer products to be used for the hair: Excessive spray, hair wax, hair gel, or other hair products will only make your hair look heavy and unnatural. Otherwise, it will result in bleaching or breakage of your hair strands. These products are to be used in minimal avoidance when trying to style your hair.
  • Safeguard hair from chlorine: Swimming pools have excess chlorine, which can be disastrous for the scalp since the hair becomes brittle and dry. To safeguard your hair from chlorine’s harmful effects, you should first apply clean, normal water to your hair and apply some mild conditioner before entering the pool. Otherwise, swimming can be your saviour.
  • Wash, but do not repeat: There is a myth among men to use shampoo twice. Television ads mostly misguide people to rinse, wash, and repeat the process. According to hair experts, the hair should be washed just once. Ensure using the best conditioner and shampoo like Ketomac shampoo.
  • Use clarifying shampoo: With time, the product applied to the hair is likely to build up only to make your hair appear lifeless and dull. Clarifying shampoo should be used to eliminate unwanted build-up and to retain shiny hair. White vinegar can also be used to rinse hair since it helps to balance the pH levels.
  • Trim it: You need to get a haircut every four to 6 weeks to maintain well-kept and neat hair. Go during the early hours to get the service of a fresh and energetic hairdresser who can provide you with better results.
  • Stay natural: Straightening, perming, and colouring should be kept to the minimum, similar to availing chemical treatments, as they will only damage the hair beyond repair.
  • Take a cold shower: Actually, blood capillaries in the scalp get blocked with cold showers. They carry with them essential nutrients which are essential to enjoy optimum effects. Hence, constricting them suddenly will only prove troublesome for hair health. Piping hot water should not be used for a shower as it will only mess with your hair and eliminate all-natural oils present on the scalp. Rinse hair using only lukewarm water.
  • Avoid tight hats: Tight ponytails or tight hats are better avoided and may only cause ‘traction alopecia’, considered a hair condition causing hair loss, which can be permanent at times.
  • Use appropriate tools: You need to use the most appropriate tools available in the market, but not the cheap ones. Your hair is very delicate, so it should be taken proper care of. Avoid brushing your hair immediately after your bath. Instead, use a wide-toothed comb or fingers.
  • Stay healthy: This is an absolute must. Your focus to be healthy should not be limited to your hair but also your overall body, inside out. It is only a healthy lifestyle combined with well-balanced and nutritious food, full of proteins, vitamins, and minerals of different types that will protect your body from diseases and keep your hair lush, smooth, shiny, and beautiful. Also, do get lots of exercise and sufficient sleep. Be positive always.

Growing hair faster for guys is no more a dream. The formulated branded shampoos and conditioners with natural ingredients can make your hair complete on your head and ensure that it does not loosen or break anymore.


People of all ages experience different types of ailments, both small and big, at some point. Fungal infections in the skin are quite common and occur if fungus occurs on a particular part of the body. The body’s immune system also is not able to resist its occurrence. The fungus is known to live in plants, water, soil, and the air around us. Also, are few fungi that exist naturally within the human body.

Similar to many microbes, you can come across harmful and helpful fungi. When invades the body. The latter can make it difficult to destroy and eliminate them since they adapt to their surrounding environment and then re-infect the person managing to get better.


Fungal infection symptoms depend upon the type. A few common symptoms are given below:

  • Itching
  • Skin changes, becoming red and peeling or cracking.

Types of fungi

Fungal infections that commonly affect are:

  • Athlete’s Foot: It is also referred to as Tinea pedis and is regarded as one that commonly affects the food region. It is mainly associated with athletes and sports since the fungus grows in moist, warm environments, like shoes and socks, locker rooms, and sports equipment. But any person can be affected by these fungi, and it is expected during the summer and winter months. It can multiply quickly.

Symptoms: It may vary from one person to the other. Few symptoms include:

  • Infected skin gets soft, or the layers begin to break down.
  • Blisters or redness on the affected region.
  • Skin scales and then peel away.
  • Cracking or peeling skin.
  • Burning, stinging, or itching sensation within the affected region.

Prevention, diagnosis & treatment: Not every itchy foot can be an occurrence of an athlete’s foot. Usually, infection is diagnosed with a scraping of scaling skin and thorough inspection under a microscope to find evidence of fungus. Topical antifungal ointments are often prescribed to treat this fungal issue, purchased online or over the counter. Also, you need to take proper care of your feet and keep it dry as it will quickly destroy the fungus. Prevention techniques include providing the feet with plenty of breathing air and keeping it dry and clean. Sandals should be worn in locker rooms and public showers.

  • Yeast infection might occur in the vaginal area and is considered a common type of Candida overgrowth occurring in women due to Candida albicans. Yeast and bacteria in the vagina in average balance get disturbed by Candida overgrowth. This bacteria imbalance could be because of hormone imbalances, poor eating habits, stress, and antibiotics. Also, diaper rash and fungal toenail infections may be caused.

Symptoms: It includes:

  • Soreness and redness around the vagina.
  • Pain or burning sensation during intercourse or urination.
  • Swelling and itching around the vagina.
  • Development of rash over time, as noticed in a few cases.
  • Unusual vaginal discharge like watery discharge or grey clumps resembling cottage cheese.

Prevention, diagnosis & treatment: If left untreated on time, its symptoms only become more severe and painful. The symptoms of this fungal infection are easy to diagnose. Past medical history like STIs (sexually transmitted infections) or yeast infections is considered. It also is known if antibiotics are being taken. To check infection signs, the cervix and vaginal walls are examined thoroughly. To avail of proper diagnosis, cells are taken from the vagina. It is based upon the severity of the infection that treatment is provided. Some common treatments include suppositories, tablets or creams, available over the counter or online. But complex treatments will be necessary to treat complicated infections. Prevention of skin fungal infection causes is better done by maintaining proper hygiene and having a well-balanced diet. Loose-fitting clothes to be worn are created from natural fibres to prevent infection. Hot water needs to be used to wash underwear, and feminine products must be changed frequently to avoid fungal growth or further spread to the other body parts.

  • Ringworm: Also referred to as Tinea corporis, is caused by fungus surviving on dead tissues like the nails, hair, and skin. It causes both athletes’ feet and jock itch. When it occurs on any part of the body, it is referred to as ringworm.

Symptoms: It is easy to notice due to its unique shape. There occurs a red patch which can be scaly or itchy and often, with time, turns into a ring-shaped, raised patch on the skin. If not treated on time, it can spread into numerous rings. The ring’s outer part is red and can appear bumpy or raised. The ring interior portion becomes scaly or remains clear. However, this fungal infection is highly contagious, as it may affect another person through skin to skin contact, including contact with pets like dogs. The fungus can survive on objects like brushes, clothes, and towels. It also affects the mud and soil. Hence, children and adults working or playing in the infected place are likely to contract this fungal infection.

Prevention, diagnosis & treatment: Many skin conditions are often mistaken for ringworm. Usually, for diagnosing purposes, the skin sample is taken. Once confirmed, treatment is prescribed depending upon the severity of the symptoms. Medicated ointments and creams will often suffice to remedy such fungal infection and are available online or over the counter. But severe ringworm occurring in the scalp region will need a proper prescription from a well-established physician. Prevention includes maintaining basic hygiene and keeping the skin dry and clean. Sandals are recommended when using locker rooms or public showers to avoid sharing towels and items.

It is necessary to understand that fungal infections affect humans and are typical. Therefore, not being serious, it can be treated quickly. The best way to treat it is to use Ketomac antifungal cream.


Have you ever thought that you are one of those individuals who have extensive hair fall? Do you give any attention to your hair type or issues? Being a male does not mean you don’t have to take care of your hair fall male. Of course, hair has always been too much of a womanly thing because of its glamour to beauty, but it cannot be denied that hair stands bland for men. If you are suffering from hair fall, you cannot simply let it continue. Figure out what is happening with your hair and from where the issue is triggering.

It would help to find out the reasons for hair fall in males and then pick the solutions that suit you the best. What is the point if you are already getting bald in your twenties or thirties? Such a thing would not just hit your confidence and morale but also distinctly tarnish your looks. Don’t panic if you are experiencing hair fall in your life; it can be dealt with successfully if you know the reasons and ways outs.

There can be many reasons behind your falling hair, but some of the most obvious ones can be like:

 Illness or surgery 

If you have undergone major surgery recently or are recovering from a grave ailment, hair loss could be seen as typical. Some people experience a surprising degree of hair loss after weeks of major surgery or after a severe illness. Maybe the level of hair loss could seem excessive, it is nothing more than a reaction to a particular event, and hair will get back to normal after a time. Indeed, you would not have to panic in this instance because you know your operation or injury has landed you in such a situation, and it is not permanent. Sooner or later, you would get your gush of spectacular hair back.


There are different anticoagulants and many chemotherapy medicines that get used to treating ailments like cancer. These are well known for triggering the issue of hair loss. You know what? The good news here is that your hair generally gets back once the medication ceases. Similarly, there can be antidepressants, too, resulting in hair loss, and extensive vitamin A can have the same impact. Indeed, this is one prominent reason why men’s hair falls should not be overlooked.

Hormonal Imbalances 

Hormones have always been a player in many issues that you face in your life. They impact you in ways that you don’t even expect. You know, testosterone is a hormone that every male has heard of. It is the reason for muscular growth, deeper voices, and sex drive, among other things. Once your body converts testosterone to the less effective dihydrotestosterone (DHT), you might experience hair loss. DHT outbreaks and shrinks hair follicles and end up resulting from hair thinning or hair loss.

The increasing Stress

Stress has become the central issue in our lives today. If you have been under extensive pressure at your work or home, then you might be in a position to blame your hair loss issue on Stress. Indeed, you might not take it seriously, but massive physical or emotional stress can trigger far-reaching hair to stop growing in a usual manner. But you are lucky enough if you are a victim of hair fall because of Stress, and this is why Stress does not cause hair to fall permanently. It is just a provisional phase, and you can get over it.

Issues related to Thyroid 

Patients having hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism mainly experience hair loss, and it is because of a speeding up of the adaptation of testosterone to DHT. Even the fellows going through the thyroid treatment are not resistant to the hair loss linked to their situation. Indeed, if you are experiencing extensive hair loss, you would not have to be nervous about it. You can count on the Best shampoo for hair fall and dandruff, and they might rescue you from this awful condition.


Have you ever heard of Alopecia? You know Alopecia areata is a state that can also be triggered by Stress. It triggers hair to fall out in the round bulks on the scalp and elsewhere on your body. It is because your immune system is getting violent with your hair follicles. You know what? Around five per cent of people having Alopecia will lose hair on their whole scalp. In a typical sense, the hair grows back, but it would be evident for the hair loss to repeat.

Random reasons 

Again if you have been a victim of fungal infections, you might also be experiencing hair fall. It might take your interest that fungal infection conditions can result in hair loss. Similarly, if you are losing hair, it might also signal some primary problems such as that diabetes or lupus. Similarly, genetics can also be a prominent reason for hair fall. If your father, grandfather, or uncles in your family have been a victim of hair loss, it can come down to you.

Since it is not always possible to find out the cause of your hair loss, it would always be helpful to take medical advice to find out the cause of hair fall in males.


Thus, it would help if you took a sigh of relief because you can always find the solutions and tips to stop hair fall and dandruff. The right solution at the right time will heal you. Indeed, it is always good to treat your hair timely to cherish its existence for the rest of your life.


Like many fellows, do you constantly find yourself in trouble finding out what to use and what not for your beloved Hair? Do you think you lack somewhere? Before you land on any specific product, you have to be sure about what type of Hair you own. If you don’t know what you have, how can you determine what you want for what you have?

It is time that you figure out and know your hair type. Once you know which type of locks you have, you can resort to the best solutions. Indeed, it would not be a trouble for you to find out the best products for you once you have determined the Hair you have. There are so many kinds of hair products; there are endless solutions; myriad Hair types too. The type of Hair determines the solution that goes well with it.

What exactly determines the hair type?

There are diverse factors that determine the hair type you have, and these encompass hair density, Porosity, diameter, greasiness, curl pattern, and elasticity. Before you get anxious about knowing what type of hair you have, the following are a few interesting methods that you can employ to determine your specific hair type. Don’t waste your seconds and dive into the knowledge right away.

The density of Hair

Have you ever considered the density of Hair you have? Your Hair’s density relates to how much Hair you have on the scalp. The thickness does differ from its diameter. A person can own a thin hair diameter but have a thick hair density. It can be wise versa too. Based on several individual hair strands on your scalp, the concept can be divided into three density levels. To discover which category the Hair falls under, you can practice the mirror test. Knowing hair type would help you identify what would suit you the best for you. Indeed, once you know the hair type, it will become easier for you to tackle your hair issues to get the exact and accurate solutions. Here, you can embrace a big chunk of your hair and pull it to one side. The extent to which you can witness your scalp would tell volumes about the density of your Hair.

  • What is Thin Density?

If your scalp is easily visible, you own a thin density of Hair, and it would simply mean your Hair is placed in a scant manner.

  • What do you mean by Medium Density?

If you can witness the scalp partially from beneath your Hair, you fall in the category of medium hair density.

  • Thick density 

If you can barely see your scalp, your thick hair density.

Hair Diameter

The diameter of the Hair talks about the width of the hair strand of an individual. It is the most fitting way to find out your hair type. You can execute the strand test to determine if your hair is fine, thick, or medium.

Just grip a single strand of the Hair between the index finger and middle finger.

  • Thin Hair

If you hardly feel the existence of a strand between the fingers, then you own thin Hair. In some instances, the hair strand could be so thin that it would not be visible only.

  • Medium Hair

Talking about medium Hair, if you can slightly feel the existence of hair strands between the fingers, you own medium Hair.

  • Thick Hair

Speaking about thick Hair, you fall in this category if you can feel the hair strand between the fingers.

Again if you are not sure about these ways, then there is another way to test the hair type, and it is by comparing it to a sewing thread. It would help if you kept a hair strand side to side the length of a thread. If it is only as thick or thicker than that of thread, you encompass coarse or thick hair. If the Hair is more or less the same depth as the thread, you own medium Hair. And finally, in case the hair strand is considerably thinner than thread, then thin or limp Hair is what you possess.


Have you ever considered the Porosity of your Hair? It is somewhat referred to as the Hair’s capability to absorb and preserve moisture. It also spreads to its ability to absorb the products. If you have higher Porosity, you will absorb more moisture and product. Once you figure out the Hair’s Porosity, it could help you pick the right products. If you want to know about the degree of Porosity of your Hair, plunge a single hair strand into the glass of water.

High Porosity

If your hair strand sinks to the bottom fully, you own high hair porosity. You know, Hair having high Porosity is more disposed to damage as it might readily absorb chemicals from different products. The Hair also gets rough and frizzy quickly. Another hint of this condition is that the Hair dries up right after washing it. Remember, even if you are using the best products like Ketomac products to help fight dandruff, you can kill your dandruff issue for sure, but once knowing the type of strands you have, you can work on your Hair more confidently.

Low porosity 

In this case, hair strands float on the surface. The Hair takes a long time to dry. The individual has fewer pores in the hair cuticle, diminishing the capacity to absorb water.

Normal or medium Porosity

The Hair takes in the correct sum of moisture in this case. After washing it, the Hair experiences wet, but it would not be gluey. The strand would float in between and be properly balanced if a person has average Porosity. Such Hair wears any hairstyle naturally and is always a breeze. And yes, this type of Hair is less predisposed to damage.


Thus, maybe you use your hair products after reading great reviews like the Ketomac shampoo review, but that would not serve the purpose for you unless you know what your hair kind is.


You know it is not uncommon for your hair to change as you get older. As a younger person, you might have a full head of black, brown, red, or blonde hair. Now that you are pretty older, you can notice thinning in certain areas of your scalp or head, or your hair can change from its original colour to that grey or white.

Indeed, you might be wondering what white hair causes, right? It is better to know that your body has hair follicles which are tiny sacs that line skin cells. Hair follicles have pigment cells called melanin, and these cells cater to your hair colour. But over time, hair follicles can quickly lose pigment, resulting in white hair.

What causes white hair at a young age?

White hair is much more noticeable in people having darker hair colours. Although white hair is typical of ageing, colourless hair strands can emerge at any age — even when you are still in high school or college. If you are a teenager or in your 20s, you could find one or more strands of white hair. There could be ways to restore pigmentation, but it relies on the reason. The following are a few of the common causes of prematurely white hair.


Yes, it plays a role for sure. Your makeup plays a huge role in when (or in case) you develop white hair. If you notice white hair at an early age, it is off chance that your parents or grandparents even had greying or white hair at an early age. Unfortunately, you cannot simply change genetics. But in case you don’t like the way your grey hair appears, you can always choose to colour your hair.

Extreme Stress

Everyone deals with stress from time to time. The results and outcomes of chronic stress can include

– high blood pressure

– anxiety

– sleep problems

– change in appetite

Stress can even affect your hair. A study has found a connection between stress and depletion of stem cells in the hair follicles of mice. So in case you’ve noticed a rise in your number of white strands, your stress might be the reason. This theory could also explain why some world leaders appear to age or grey quicker while in office.

 Autoimmune disease

An autoimmune disease or ailment can also cause premature white hair. This is a condition when the body’s immune system attacks its cells. In alopecia and vitiligo, the immune system might attack hair and trigger loss of pigment. Indeed, there is a white hair treatment if you look around and pick a suitable one.

Thyroid disorder

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland situated at the base of your neck. It assists control various bodily functions such as metabolism. The health of your thyroid might also influence the colour of your hair. Hormonal changes triggered by a thyroid problem — such as hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism — may also be the reason for premature white hair. An overactive or underactive thyroid can trigger your body to generate less melanin.

Vitamin B-12 deficiency

Yes, if you have a vitamin B-12 deficiency, you need to work on yourself. It might be the reason for greying hair. You know, white hair at an early age could also indicate a vitamin B-12 deficiency. Vitamin plays a vital role in your body, and it caters to your energy. Moreover, it contributes to healthy hair growth and hair shade.

A vitamin B-12 deficiency is linked with a situation known as pernicious anaemia. It is when your body cannot absorb sufficient of this vitamin. Your body requires vitamin B-12 for healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen to cells in your body, encompassing hair cells. A deficiency can deteriorate hair cells and even affect the production of melanin.


You know there is also a link between premature white hair and smoking. One study found a connection between the “onset of grey hair before your age of 30 and cigarette smoking.” It is well-known and apparent that smoking cigarettes enhance lung cancer and heart disease risk. However, the long-term impacts can go beyond this heart and lungs and affect even your hair. Smoking tightens blood vessels, diminishing blood flow to hair follicles and triggers hair loss. Apart from this, toxins in cigarettes can harm the parts of your body, encompassing your hair follicles and triggering early white hair. The point is that if you smoke, you must stop it right away for your gorgeous hair.

Can white hair get prevented?

Once you read the Ketomac shampoo review, you might have faith in this prevention. The shampoo can help you get rid of your grey hair and give you dark smooth hair. The ability to reverse or prevent white hair relies on the reason. In case the cause is genetics, there is not anything that you can do to avert or permanently reverse the colour change.

If you suspect a health problem, you must consult a doctor to determine if an underlying condition is accountable for white hair. If you treat the underlying health problem, pigmentation can return, but there are no assurances.

As per a study, if a thyroid problem causes white hair, re-pigmentation can occur after hormone therapy treatment. Taking vitamin B-12 shots or going for pills to correct a deficiency may also enhance the health of hair follicles and return your natural colour. In case white hair emerges as an outcome of stress or smoking, there is not enough evidence to support the return of pigmentation after giving up smoking or diminishing stress.

You can also start using shampoos like Keto scalp shampoo and get the experience you seek. The shampoo might help you with greying hair, and your hair might stay black and shiny.


Thus, it is okay to have grey hair because you are not alone. And since you know the reasons and remedies to some extent, make sure you try your best to get rid of them.


Well, is brushing and combing your natural hair a great idea? Yes, it is a good idea when done correctly and with the right Comb. Often, you put a lot of pressure on the hair care products you use, but you hardly pay attention to the Comb you use and how. You have no idea how the right Comb or hairbrush can make your hair healthier, smooth, strong, and shiny.

What is the most delicate Detangling Comb or Brush for Natural Hair?

There are different types of combs that work well with hair. But if you are using any and every Comb that comes your way, you need to drop that habit.

Wide-Toothed Comb

The finest combs for natural hair are the ones that are known as wide-toothed. There is sufficient space between the rows to permit movement through the hair without tearing up your ends. Once you have the right Comb for hair, you will experience a change in your hair growth and smoothness.

In simple words, a ‘wide-tooth comb’ characteristically refers to the large spacing between the teeth of a comb. Some folks mistake the term for the teeth of the Comb is specifically wide, but that’s not the case though many wide tooth combs do have huger teeth. Even though wide tooth combs are mainly great for people having long hair, they also have advantages for short hair.

Benefits of wide tooth comb

It- Easier to detangle

This is mainly for people having long hair – always try to use a wide-tooth comb to detangle. Don’t use a regular comb as you might cry tears of obstruction and wish you could cut off the hair.

– Less hair fall

Many folks gathered a bunch of hair in the Comb after detangling because of more friction and effort to separate the tangles when using a regular comb. A wide-tooth comb is helpful to detangle the hair more effectively without triggering a lot of hair fall. Indeed, a wide-tooth comb is considered a good comb for hair.

While detangling your hair, first, you have to ensure it is dry. Another rule of thumb is never to detangle or comb the hair when it is wet because it leads to breakage, damage, and hair fall. If you suffer from so much hair fall during detangling, you should use a wide-tooth comb only.

– Avert hair breakages

Since there are wide spaces between the teeth, it’s convenient to detangle; hence there is no hair breakage. When you use a wide-tooth comb, there is less resistance than a medium/fine-tooth comb making it gentle on the hair strands, averting breakage & split ends.

– Diminishes Frayed & Split Ends

Mainly if you have curly/wavy hair, combing with a wide-tooth comb would be helpful to prevent or reduce frayed ends. If you suffer from many split ends, perhaps it is time you started using a wide-tooth comb instead, at least when talking about detangling.

– Gentle on the head

If you’ve ever used a wide-tooth comb before, you should have noticed how wonderful it feels on your scalp. When combing your hair using the wide-tooth Comb, your scalp always will feel soothed and massaged rather than getting scratched painfully; that is the case when using a regular comb.

A wide-toothed comb can be helpful to massage your scalp, enhance circulation, and relax an exhausted scalp. For those of you who frequently suffer from scalp inflammation & pimples, a wide-tooth comb is a path to go! Never make use of regular combs, mainly plastic ones, when you have scalp pimples, injuries, or inflammation, as these are tough on the scalp and shall exacerbate the issue and even head to infection. Of course, if you are using Ketomac shampoo, you might not face any scalp issues or hair problems, but again, it is a good practice to use a wide-tooth comb.

Bone Combs

Another good comb for natural hair is a bone comb. Bone combs are somewhat unique, and they are formed up of organic resins instead of cheap plastic. Bone combs are unified, anti-static, and heat resistant. They get better over time with proper usage and last for quite some time. The edges of such combs, surprisingly, get better with time. You can also get a medium bone comb with wide teeth, which you can take to the salon whenever you want to braid your hair.

Quick tips for combing your hair

Below are a few quick and practical tips for combing your hair. Have a look:

– Run your Comb through damp hair. Yes, your natural hair is easier to comb when they are damp.

– You should do a finger detangle first before you comb.

– It would be good if you did it in sections. Relying on the length of your hair, four to eight parts is a great idea. You can make use of butterfly clamps like these to save each section.

– Comb it through whenever you have the time and patience.

After combing each section, twist and pin before you get ahead to the next section, do not try to comb a bulk amount of hair at once. You shall lose a lot of hair this way, and trigger split ends.

And of course, even if you have hair issues like dandruff, then too right kind of combs will help you. You can also use medicated shampoo for dandruff in India and get rid of your problem. But till the issue persists, make sure you use only the suitable combs and run them properly through your hair.


Thus, having all these things in mind, you should not take a risk with your hair care. Change your Comb, and you will change your hair.


Fungal infections are common throughout much of the natural world. Fungal infections emerge when an invading fungus takes over an area or zone of the body and is too much for the immune system to deal with. Go through this blog section to identify fungal infections.

Indeed, you can quickly identify fungal infection if it happens to you. You need to know that fungi can breed in the air, water, soil, and plants. There are even some fungi that live naturally in the body of human beings. Like many microbes, there are assistive fungi and harmful fungi. When harmful fungi attack the body, they can be challenging to kill, as they can survive in the environment and re-infect the victim, trying to get better.


Once you know the symptoms, it will be easy to identify fungal skin infections.

The symptoms of a fungal infection are going to depend on the type, but common symptoms can be like the following:

– skin changes, encompassing red and possibly cracking or peeling the skin

– severe itching

What are the types of fungal infections?

The below-mentioned conditions are all general types of fungal infections, which could help you identify fungal infections and their types.

Athlete’s foot

Tinea pedis, or that of an athlete’s foot, is a common fungal infection that impacts the foot. The athlete’s foot is generally associated with sports and athletes because the fungus increases ideally in warm, moist environments, like socks and shoes, sports equipment, and even locker rooms. In reality, anybody may be affected by an athlete’s foot, and it is most general in warmer climates and summer months, wherein it can swiftly multiply.


The symptoms of an athlete’s foot may vary slightly from person to person. Classic symptoms include:

– redness or blisters on the impacted area

– the impacted skin may be soft, or layers might start to break down

– cracking or peeling the skin

– the skin might scale and peel away

– itching, stinging, or even burning sensations in the infected area

Remember, athlete’s foot is mainly treated with topical antifungal ointments available to purchase over-the-counter or even online. Severe infections can demand additional oral medications as well. The feet will also need to be cared for and kept dry to kill the fungus. Prevention methods would be allowing the feet plenty of air to breathe and keeping them clean and dry. It is a great idea to wear sandals in public showers or locker rooms.

Yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infections are a form of Candida overgrowth in women, generally caused by Candida albicans. An overgrowth of Candida disturbs the average balance of the bacteria and yeast in the vagina. Such an imbalance of bacteria can be due to antibiotics, stress, even hormone imbalances, or poor eating habits, among other things. Candida infections can even commonly cause fungal toenail infections and diaper rash.


Symptoms of a yeast infection are like:

– itching and swelling near the vagina

– burning sensations or extreme pain during urination or intercourse

– redness and soreness on and surrounding your vagina

– strange vaginal discharge, such as grey clumps that look like cottage cheese or an extremely watery discharge

Yeast infections must be treated quickly, as the signs may become severe if left untreated. A rash can develop over time in some cases. Avoiding yeast infections start with a balanced diet and proper hygiene. Wear loose-fitting clothing made from natural fibres can also help avert infection. Washing underwear in boiling water and changing feminine products can also help avert fungal growth.

 Jock itch

Tinea cruris, commonly known as jock itch, is another widespread fungal skin infection. These fungi love warm and moist environments and thrive in moist areas of the body, such as your groin, buttocks, and inner thighs. Jock itch could be more common in summer or warm, humid areas. Jock itch is somewhat contagious and is mainly spread through direct contact with an infected person or an object with the fungus.


Jock itch emerges on the body as an itchy, red rash that mostly has a circular shape. Symptoms can be like:

– redness in the groin, buttocks, or thighs

– a red rash having a circular shape and raised edges

– chafing, itching, irritation, or burning in the infected area

– cracking, flaking, or even dry peeling of skin in the infected area

Treating jock itch mainly involves topical antifungal ointments and also proper hygiene. Many cases of jock itch are enhanced by over-the-counter medications, though some demand prescription medications. Cleaning the impacted area and keeping it dry can even help kill the fungus. You can even ask for keto skin cream prices and start using it, and it might give you relief.

Similarly, jock itch can be averted by wearing loose-fitting natural fibres, like cotton underwear available to buy online. Avoiding contact with other people who have the infection is also significant. Evading shared items, such as towels and sporting equipment, could also help.


Tinea corporis or ringworm is a skin infection triggered by a fungus that breeds on dead tissues, like the skin, hair, and nails. Ringworm is a fungus that triggers both jock itch and athlete’s foot. Once it appears anywhere else on the body, the infection is known as ringworm.


Ringworm is generally easy to notice because of its shape. Over time, a red patch that could itch or be scaly will mostly turn into a raised, ring-shaped skin patch. It could even spread out into various rings. The outside of the ring is red and can appear raised or bumpy, while the inside of the ring remains clear or scaly. Ringworm is highly contagious, and it can be spread by skin-to-skin contact or from links with pets like dogs. The fungus can also survive on clothes, towels, and brushes.


Thus, check out Keto skin cream if you identify fungal infection issues on your skin. It is better to be careful than to be sorry later on.


Are your looks your preference and priority, right? The health of your skin, hair and overall appearance; everything is crucial for you. You must not take it lightly or make arbitrary decisions that might hamper your charm. Some folks might forever be dedicated to their hairstylists and hair salons. Other people may still search for the ideal match because they are not happy with their present salon selection, are new to the city, or are simply looking for some change. Whatever be the reason, here are some excellent tips to help you get started in your mission to find the right salon. Once you go through the following points, you will choose the right hair salon. Without wasting any time, have a look:

The Location 

In an ideal sense, look for a centrally situated salon and easily accessible. It might not be worth your time and money to have to drive to a specific salon that is an hour away unless; you have found your perfect salon hairstylist. The point is that a salon is one thing that should be available conveniently. It might not be a good thing if you have to go across the city to the other end to get your hair styled up and wear makeup, and it can be exhaustive and make you feel drained.

Physical appearance 

While style, chic, and elegance are essential, it is also vital to find a clean and orderly salon, busy but not hectic to a point where you can get forgotten and have customers that correspond with your requirements. If all these criteria fit your needs, you may be on the right path to finding your ideal salon. Cleanliness and customer service are of the most significant importance to good salons. If you are thinking about choosing the right hair salon, then this is the point that has to be there on your list.

You know what it would not be worth if you go to a salon because of its luxurious interiors and impressive entrance but end up lacking assistance and guidance. Remember, when you are in a salon, you should be the centre of attention for the salon people. If you feel that you are not getting attended to properly or you are made to wait for long, it is a red flag. Come on, always remember that you would find a streak of salons out there that are wonderful, stylish, and luxurious, but they would be useless if they have a shallow customer experience. Once you are in a salon, you should feel good and pampered. After all, you go to salons to get pampered and lightened up with new styles and not to get into waiting for long hours. If the salon attendants are not focusing on you, they don’t deserve your presence.


What are you looking to have done? Is it a colour, trim, radical haircut, Manicure and pedicure, Extensions, A massage, or what? Some salons offer just a few specialized services, while others offer a vast range of treatments like providing varieties of dandruff treatment shampoo to overcome dandruff issues. The point is that you need to do proper research about the salon before you choose it. Please find out what are the services that the salon is providing. In this way, you can decide whether to go to this salon or not. What is the point of going to different salons for different things? It will not make sense if you are going to one salon for a hair trim, another salon for a massage, etc. It sounds unreasonable and funny. You don’t have any extra time or budget to go for such things.

Staff– Friendly

Courteous staff members and a trained and certified team make a difference when visiting a salon. Make sure that the staff is professional, informed, and discreet. In a good and ideal salon, all the clients receive warm, caring customer service from all team members and staff. Remember, friendly salon staff members always make it comfortable and easy for you to be in a salon. What is the point if the salon team members are rude, indifferent, and careless? Would it be really cold, right? You would not feel at ease at all. Even if they are good at their tasks, they will fail because of their cold behaviour. The salon members need to ensure that they are warm, cordial, and professional at the same time.


A recommendation is one of the most acceptable ways to find the right hair salon. Look for a type of salon that is well established, and caters to fantastic quality services and excellent customer service. Word of mouth from friends and relatives and social media reviews are brilliant ways to come across the ideal salon. Once you know that people are saying well about a specific salon, you would not mind giving it a chance. After recommendations, it is better to visit a salon than shoot in the dark.

Moreover, when you look for references, you also come across the salon’s reputation. Of course, it is essential to know about the salon’s reputation. You cannot simply visit any salon, and when you go to a good reputation salon, you will not get an unsatisfactory experience. Moreover, there are fewer chances of getting disappointed when you are in a reputed salon. After all, these salons have an image to guard and hence won’t provide you with anything shallow.


Thus, since you know about the tips for choosing the right hair salon, make sure that you keep them in mind before you finalize any salon. After all, it is always worth it to visit a good and productive salon.


Are you one of those who have hair split ends and want to get rid of those but don’t want a haircut or trimming? Come on, that is okay; you can find other remedies too. Yes, hair with split ends is a feared sight. And so here you can get to know about some of the finest home remedies to reduce split ends, and that too without even cutting or trimming your hair.

You know the term ‘split ends’ refers to the splitting of hair shafts, mainly at the end parts. The medical term that gets used to describe split ends is trichoptilosis. Once you notice split ends, you usually think about heading to the hair shop or salon because that is the most well-known solution for split ends. It has always been said that trimming is the most acceptable way to get rid of split ends. In case not trimmed, it can continue splitting up the length of your hair. Indeed, if you were looking for ways to reduce split ends, you are right. But trimming is not always the most desirable solution, especially when trying to grow hair. But today, the points given below will change your mind!

Egg Mask Remedies for Split Ends

Eggs are a rich source of fatty acids and proteins, and the hair is primarily made up of protein. So egg masks are effective Home Remedies for Split Ends as these strengthen the hair follicles, make hair smooth and have fewer tangles. Even they improve hair’s resistance to breakage.

What is the method?

Of olive oil and one tbsp.- Whisk egg yolk in the bowl and add two to three tbsps of honey. Blend all these ingredients, apply them to damp hair, and make sure that no jumbles are present in the hair. Permit the egg mask to stay there for thirty minutes and then rinse off by using a shampoo.

It is one of the best ways to reduce split ends!- Another way is to take a bowl, whisk a whole egg and blend in 1 tsp of almond oil. Apply on to your damp hair, allow it to sit for twenty to thirty minutes, and shampoo your hair as usual.

Treat your Split Ends Using Avocado

It is not only for your health, but it is beautiful for your hair. Avocado is an excellent source of vitamins, like Vitamin A, D, and even E, iron, potassium, amino acids, magnesium, etc.; it helps restore life to brittle and dull hair. Moreover, avocado possesses a considerable amount of Vitamin H that aids to strengthen your hair, which is why it is believed to be one of the finest Home Remedies for Split Ends. Avocado mask is a beautiful natural conditioner for the hair that creates a barrier and guards your hair against split ends and other harms.

Method of doing this procedure:

– Take a ripe avocado and then mash it and add one egg white to this. Blend well and apply this hair mask directly to your split ends and allow it to stay there for twenty minutes. Rinse off with water or shampoo in case needed. Repeat this Home Remedies for Split Ends once a week.

– Mash one ripe avocado, and then add 2 tbsps. Of coconut oil and olive oil. Could you give it a great mix? Apply the hair mask to the damaged area of your hair. Wait for thirty minutes, rinse off the avocado hair mask, and shampoo your hair as usual. Through these procedures, you can Get Rid of Split Ends Naturally! These are a couple of absolutely effective Home Remedies for Split Ends using avocado.

Role of Aloe Vera in getting rid of split hair 

This is one of the most well-known Home Remedies for Split Ends. Aloe vera is an excellent conditioner for hair, and it guards the hair against getting dry and brittle and hence helps to evade split ends. Not just for split ends, Aloe vera is an excellent natural remedy for most hair concerns like dandruff and hair loss.

How to use Aloe vera for split hair?

– All you need to do is extract the gel from one or two Aloe vera leaves and then apply it to the hair, especially the split ends. Permit it to stay there for thirty minutes and shampoo your hair.

– You can even mix Aloe vera gel with a tbsp. Of lemon juice and 2 tbsps. Of olive oil. You can even use castor oil or jojoba oil instead of olive oil. Apply this blend onto the hair. Wait for some time, and then you should wash off. Re-apply these Home Remedies for Split Ends two to three times every week for the most satisfactory result. It would start showing the results sooner than you expect.

How can Mayonnaise eradicate split ends?

Homemade Mayonnaise is one of the finest Home Remedies for Split Ends. Mayonnaise is a thick, creamy sauce prepared from egg yolks, vinegar, and oil. The egg, vinegar, and even the natural oils in Mayonnaise moisturize and nourish the hair. Vinegar assists to maintain a healthy pH balance for the hair and restoring damaged hair. The protein available in Mayonnaise averts hair breakage and assists to save the hair from split ends. It is one of the effective natural ways to reduce split ends.

– Coat your hair from root to tip with a few tbsps of Mayonnaise, and allow it to stay for at least twenty minutes. Then shampoo the hair and use Luke’s warm water to rinse off.

– Make a smooth paste by blending 1/4th cup of Mayonnaise, three tbsps: almond oil, and one to two eggs. Apply the paste to coat every strand of hair strands and wear a shower cap. Please wait for an hour and then wash it with water, and it will give a great experience to your hair.


Thus, since you have just gone through tips for reducing split ends, it is time that you apply them in your life!


What do you do to keep your hair fit and fabulous? Do you take any precautions? What exactly do you do to ensure that your dry hair is moisturized? Come on; you cannot take a chance with your hair. If they are dry, you must know how to moisturize dry hair.

You must be thinking about how to moisturize dry hair. Whether your hair is long or short, straight or curly, every woman dreams of having a moist and healthy mane. But unfortunately, some of you might have dry hair, or even if you have moisturized hair, the regular dust, pollution, and filth make your hair dry and grimy. Well, there is a myriad of things that you can do to ensure that your hair is moisturized.

Let your kitchen step in for a rescue. 

When you are tackling dryness, a great place, to begin with is to raid your kitchen for some cost-effective and even natural hair care ingredients. Using ingredients from your kitchen is convenient, but it also gives you solutions and treatments that are good yet without any chemicals. Your hair might take up some extra time to get moisturized, but your hair will thank you for sure later on. Have a look at some of the treatments below:

Egg Yolk and Water blend

Egg yolk is a beautiful dry hair remedy. It conditions your hair shafts and keeps them moisturized. For this procedure, You Will require:

– 2 egg yolks

Quick method 

– Take two eggs and separate the yolk from the whites.

– Use three tablespoons of water and beat until the blend is somewhat fluffy.

– Apply it all over your hair and wait for thirty minutes before washing.

– Make use of cool water to wash your hair. It keeps the egg from “cooking” and keeps the smell.

You’ll be astonished at the instant shine and charm in your hair.

Homemade heated Oil Treatment

Heated oil treatments are the most straightforward and most productive remedies for dry hair. The most delicate part about an oil treatment is that you can make custom mixtures to suit your hair type. For this treatment, all you need is:

  • 2 tbsp. Coconut Oil
  •  2 tbsp. Olive Oil
  •  2 tbsp. Almond Oil
  •  2 tbsp. Jojoba Oil

Quick method 

Blend all the oils in a medium-sized pot and heat it.

Don’t overheat, as it can end up damaging the scalp. Make sure it’s lukewarm, not too hot.

Massage hair with the oil mixture and wrap it up in a towel.

Unwrap your hair after thirty minutes and wash with a mild shampoo.

Once you use this treatment once a week will give you shinier, moisturized, softer, and healthier tresses. It would play a role in dry hair moisturizing.

Honey and Vegetable Oil Hair Mask

It is a pack that nourishes your hair while conditioning it.

You Will Need

– Two tbsp. Honey

– Two tbsp. Vegetable Oil


– Blend two tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of vegetable oil to make a gluey paste.

– Apply this blend to your hair as you would a mask and wrap it with a plastic shower cap.

– In 15 minutes, take off the cap and shampoo.

The moisturizing content of honey will give you soft and amazingly smooth tresses.

Egg, Honey, and Yogurt Hair Mask

Egg yolk is rich in proteins and fats, and it is also naturally moisturizing, while the white possesses the bacteria-eating enzymes that eradicate unwanted oils. It moisturizes your dry and brittle hair. The protein content found in yoghurt will strengthen your hair strands from roots and add additional shine, too, without eradicating its natural moisture. You will moisturize dry hair once you do this.

You Will Need

– 1 tbsp. Honey

– 2 tbsp. Yoghurt

– 2 Eggs

Quick Method

– Beat two raw eggs in a medium-sized container.

– Add one tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of yoghurt. Blend until you get a creamy and smooth paste.

– Apply the mixture to your hair and leave it on for a minimum of twenty minutes.

– Wash your hair with cool water.

This hair mask will leave your hair feeling conditioned without making it sticky. It is an ideal treatment for combination hair (oily at roots, dry at tips.)

Rice Milk and Honey Hair Wash

Indeed, everyone has these ingredients at home, right? You check your kitchen and will find them therein. In case your hair is dull and dry, this is the mask that will restore shine and nourish your hair. Don’t forget that honey is an excellent natural emollient that lids moisture in your hair shafts.

You Will Need

– A cup of Rice Milk

– Two tsp. Honey


– Take a cup of rice milk and then add two teaspoons of honey.

– In a bowl, blend the ingredients until it is consistent.

– Spread the mixture over the hair and permit it to sit for ten to fifteen minutes.

– Finally, rinse off.

This is a brilliant way to get lustrous hair in minutes. You will also admire the smell of your hair once it’s dry.

Avocado And Banana Hair pack 

When you talk about sealing moisture in your hair, the efficiency of avocado could never be ignored. Bananas can enhance the elasticity of your hair shafts and make them stronger and softer.

You Will Need

– A ripe Banana

– A ripe Avocado


– Mash banana and avocado together until the mixture is free of any lumps.

– Apply this blend to your hair and allow it to sit for at least thirty minutes.

– Wash off with cool or lukewarm water.

These ingredients possess natural oils that condition the hair while nourishing the scalp and hair.


Thus, once you have tried these home kitchen procedures for your hair, you will get your dry hair to moisturize!


There is hardly any person in the world that hasn’t undergone any hair issue. There are so many common hair problems that people go through. There are highly oily hair, dry scalps, hair fall issues, dandruff problems, baldness, etc. Hair issues have also increased because of everyday stress and pollution, the two major enemies of solid and healthy hair.

Generally, hair issues are more prevalent in women, or rightly put, and women are more concerned about their hair conditions. It is, hence, vital that you take good care of your hair so that the issue that primarily affects women and men all over the world stays away from you. After all, it is essential to know about the common hair problems that women face. Below are a few of the many hair problems most common in females worldwide.

Frizzy Hair

The issue of Frizzy hair is suffered by most of the women who go out to work. The air pollution, dust, filth, and dirt make your hair frizzy even if you have washed your hair the same day. Frizzy hair results from a lack of sufficient moisture in your hair. If you are thinking about what to do for your frizzy hair, then keep on reading:

– Always make use of a conditioner.

– Twice a week, use a conditioner on your hair.

– Make use of a hydrating mask once a week.

– Try to make use of a Sulphate-free, glycerine-packed shampoo.

– Make use of a diffuser when blow-drying.

– Allow your hair to air dry ninety percent of the way before blow-drying.

– Incorporate coconut oil into the hair routine.

Once you consider these things, you can get rid of your frizzy hair.


Dandruff indeed ails men and women alike across the world. While pollution is one huge factor contributing to dandruff, there are other different reasons. The reasons can differ from fungal infection to poor lifestyle to messy hair. There is no need to say that dandruff becomes embarrassing if you don’t keep a check on it. What is the point if your hair is always filled with dandruff? Your hair would look dirty and grimy. Moreover, dandruff would also make your scalp itchy and annoying.

What to do to get rid of dandruff?

There are so many things that you can do like:

First, you have to make sure that you are using the shampoo targeting your dandruff issue. A general shampoo would only clean up your hair but won’t kick away dandruff. You can look for dandruff oriented shampoos and compare the brands or names at your convenience. Once you have the right dandruff shampoo, it will work wonders.

– Wash your hair regularly. Yes, it does not mean that you wash your hair every day, but you must hit a balance. Make sure that you wash your hair a maximum of three and a minimum of two times a week. Once you do that, your hair will stay clean and fresh. Clean and fresh hair helps you get rid of dandruff.

– Always try to apply shampoo carefully and correctly to your hair. Make sure that it reaches out to the roots and scalp. Moreover, when you rinse, make sure that you do it the right way. There should not remain any shampoo on the scalp or hair. People wash their hair most of the time, but they fail to clean the shampoo from their hair. When shampoo remains in the hair, it creates issues.

Split ends 

This hair problem is mainly suffered by women who have thick and coarse hair strands. Split Ends are also triggered by a lack of moisture in the hair. If you use chemicals like hair colour or blow-drying your hair, or you use straighteners and curlers, these frequently make your hair drier.

– The most typical way to get rid of your split hair is by going for trimming. When you get your hair a trim, you instantly feel relief from your split ends.

– Then you can use some natural and homemade remedies too. You can make packs of eggs, heated oils, Avocado, milk and rice, and ensure that your hair is free from split ends. These natural remedies will ensure that you get rid of your hair splits and don’t have to go for a haircut or trim.

Hair fall 

Hair fall is possibly the main problem faced by both men and women worldwide. Hair fall could be a sign of some major problem or even the problem itself. Many youngsters these days are losing their hair right in their teens and twenties. Of course, it is a thing of concern. Where there are permanent treatments, other remedies can help keep the hair strengthened and intact. You can try the following things to get rid of hair fall.

– Vitamin for hair loss

– Regularly wash your hair with a mild and good quality shampoo

– Enrich your diet with protein

– Make it a point that you give yourself a scalp massage with essential oils. Once you massage your hair and scalp properly, you strengthen your hair roots.

– It is essential that you avoid brushing or combing your wet hair, leading to extensive hair fall.

– Always try to keep yourself hydrated

– It would be good too if you rub green tea into your hair

Thus, there are many ways to get rid of your hair fall issues. Indeed, it is one of the most common hair problems, and you are not alone.

Thus, since you know about the common problems of hair, you have to be careful about your hair care!


You are gorgeous, and you have to accept it. If your hair doesn’t look great, it is your mistake and not that of your hair. Yes, your hair is beautiful, and you have to try to preserve its beauty. If you are not taking care of your hair strands, even the most gorgeous and smooth hair will look ugly and filthy. Unfortunately, hair care is an ongoing fight and struggle for most people. It is a continuous battle waged from taming your frizz to treating dry hair. But these problems can quickly be resolved if you put only a little effort. Go through this blog to learn more about smooth hair tips.

It is time that you gather some smooth hair tips and make efforts to bring smoothness to your hair. Remember that haircare doesn’t essentially have to burn a hole in your pockets. You can easily attain smooth and frizz-free hair with little care and patience. You will no longer have to go to those expensive salons once you have some quick, effective, and safe home remedies at your fingertips. Yes, you heard it right. You can treat your hair amazingly and affordably with the proper treatment in hand. Don’t forget that the outer layer of the hair keeps it smooth and lustrous. Any harm done to the outer layer will make the hair look dry and dull. The point is that instead of purchasing an endless amount of luxurious products for your hair, you would instead follow these steps to get smooth, beautiful, and soft hair right from the comfort of home. Have a look at some tips to have smooth hair below:

Hot Oil Treatment 

Right from the very beginning, you have been reminded time, and again that hot oil therapy is excellent for your hair. Natural oils, like coconut, almond, castor, and olive oil, add shine to the hair and reinstate moisture to dry and brittle hair. The point is that this hot oil treatment is an age-old method that will help you nurture your hair, endorse its healthy growth, repair split ends, evade hair breakage, and avert any further damage to the hair. The most common and fantastic fix used by people is coconut oil. It possesses vitamins and essential fatty acids that help nourish the scalp and remove sebum gathered from the hair follicles. This leave-in treatment will undoubtedly work wonders for your hair since coconut oil works through deep conditioning. Although, you can also try switching things up with various types of oils, whichever suits you the most. Once you massage your hair with hot oil properly, you get the best experience. You can gently massage the head from the roots up in circular motions and work via the entire length of hair. Make sure that you leave the hair like this for a few hours, and it would be even better if you left them overnight. Wash them afterwards and experience the smoothness!

Use Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera contains enzymes that help repair the damaged skin cells on your scalp. It works as an excellent conditioner, making your hair much smoother than before. Aloe Vera is made up of keratin, which is the kind of protein your hair is made up of. It helps stimulate hair growth, immensely reduces dandruff, and gives you smooth hair.

You need to start by slicing aloe Vera leaf and extracting nearly two to three tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel. Then, keep the contents in a bowl and add some water. Next, stir the blend well. Apply this blend evenly onto your hair. You can always leave it on overnight and rinse your hair with cold water in the morning. It would be good to repeat this procedure three to four times a week for more productive results.

Use Eggs 

Eggs are an excellent cure for dry and lifeless hair. These provide your hair with all the nourishment it demands since they have an abundance of proteins. They are also packed with vitamins A, D, and E; these are the vitamins responsible for maintaining and refining your hair’s shine and texture. Moreover, the egg yolk is high in fat, resulting in softer hair. It even contains certain fatty acids that help repair damaged hair by catering to essential moisture. If you follow this treatment regularly, the hair mask must help strengthen your hair significantly.

You can prepare the hair mask using eggs:

  1. Begin with an egg and about 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil and honey.
  2. Whisk the ingredients together in a container till you get a smooth blend.
  3. Cover the scalp with it and work through the entire length of the hair.
  4. Allow this paste to sit on for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. You can always put on a showerhead cap when you wait so that the blend doesn’t stain anything.

It is one of the best ways to have smooth hair. Later on, rinse your hair with cold water by using a sulfate-free shampoo or a great shampoo like Ketomac Shampoo. You can follow it up with a good conditioner as well. It can do wonders if you repeat this procedure as frequently as possible in the week.


This delicious fruit makes for a mean salad ingredient and is also effective in helping get smoother hair. Avocado deeply feeds your hair and helps restore life to the harmed regions. The mono-saturated fat in this fruit is why avocado makes for a brilliant hair mask ingredient. Begin with mashing one ripe avocado and add a banana (rather sliced) to it. Then, add a tablespoon of almond oil and stir this blend well. Once the mixture is there for you to use, apply it to your hair correctly and keep it for a couple of hours or even overnight. In the morning, give yourself a good head bath, and it will work miracles for you.

Thus, since you have all the tips to get smooth hair, you must start immediately. After all, you are just a few steps away from your smooth hair!


Your hair enhances your looks, and your hair makes you look brilliant and gorgeous. If you think that your hair grows slowly or wish to grow it quickly, you must do something about it. You can make sure that your hair stays healthy, shiny, and grows faster once you do the right things.

It would help if you did not skip the natural hair growth tips discussed in this post. After all, everyone craves long hair, braids, locks, etc. Anyhow, without wasting any time, have a look at some of the tips below:

Go for frequent trims. 

Yes, it is not fun, but true. It might seem counterintuitive, but you require getting regular trims if you want long healthy hair. Maybe haircuts do not make your hair grow any quicker; these get rid of split ends that break your hair. It is time that you eliminate the breakage, and it would give the appearance that your hair is growing faster. After all, a split end that damages and breaks can lead to your hair losing length — not to forget shine, volume, and smoothness. It would help if you gave this thing a try, and you might be surprised over time.

Distribute hair’s natural oil.

Going to bed with unbrushed hair might seem tempting when you are tired, but giving your hair a couple of quick strokes can be excellent for its health. Beginning at the scalp, make use of a boar bristle brush to dispense the oils of your scalp evenly onto your hair. It is to make sure that it stays naturally moisturized. Moreover, there is an added perk to this too. This type of simple move each night can help increase circulation, and that helps make your scalp improve and healthier.

Stay away from going blonde.

As stylish as platinum hair appears, going from a darker shade to that of light blonde might stand between you and that of the longest-possible hair you can own. Once the hair’s cuticle gets damaged from bleach, you can have extensive breakage or split ends. The fewer colour treatments, the better your hair is going to grow. It is a proven fact, and you must try it out someday for sure. This way, you can ensure that you do grow natural hair fast.

What do you eat in food?

Having robust and long hair depends not only on which products you apply to your hair but also on what you put into your body. If you want to endorse hair growth, you must ‘feed’ the hair from within. You should increase your protein intake with foods such as beans, fish, nuts, and whole grains.” If you are not a meat-lover, you should still aim to uphold a diet high in protein. Professionals warn that females who don’t get sufficient of it often experience more shedding. Moreover, foods high in protein and vitamins C, A, and E, minerals such as zinc and iron, and omega-3 fatty acids could contribute to healthier hair. Indeed, when you can bring a change in your hair with your food habits and modifications, you should not resist.

Do you use heat styling tools?

You need to stop over-styling your hair if you want healthy and long hair. Paves recommends lessening the temperature and always using a heat protestant if you must use heat — otherwise, you might risk damaging your hair. Such a thing would lead to breakage and frizz. It is always better to take care of your hair than feel bad down the lane. If possible, keep your hair away from heating products, and you might experience longer and stronger hair.

Cut on everyday shampoo. 

You have most probably heard all the testimonials attributing excellent and robust hair to going. You know what? Shampooing your hair two to three times a week permits your natural oils to pierce your hair, enabling it to hydrate and repair itself. But again, make sure that you are not washing your hair with shampoo every day. If that is the case, then shampoos might rip off the natural oils of your hair and scalp, leading to damage.

Cool rinse should be at the end of your every bath. 

A super steamy shower is not just bad for your skin — it is also dry on your hair. Please turn the water temperature down when you do the cleansing. And then, it would be good if you rinse with cool water to help cover the cuticle and strengthen your hair before you do the styling of it. Indeed, this is a small precaution but can get you notable changes in your hair strength and growth. Whenever you wash your hair, make sure that you rinse them with cold water, and you might experience minor hair fall.

A big ‘No’ to brushing wet hair 

Hair is especially susceptible to breakage when they are wet. However, if you absolutely must get some knots out immediately post-shower, you have to use a brush that will go easy on your strands. If you use a tangled or Wet Brush, it would be most crucial. Remember, the technique you comb your hair is as essential as your tool. Please start gently brushing from the ends of your hair and gradually work your way up. And make sure that you don’t just brush the top layer but also brush the hair beneath.


Thus, apart from keeping all these things in mind, make sure that you check out Ketomac shampoo ingredients and stick on to this shampoo for your hair care. Once you are practising all that is said here, you will shortly experience a good rise in your hair.


If you haven’t ever dyed your hair, no matter in a salon or at home, to colour it for the first time could be pretty intimidating. It would be better to know tips before colouring hair. Once you know what you should do before hair colouring, you will be more confident about your colouring drill.

How often do you want to colour your hair?

It would help if you decided how often you wish to colour your hair before going in for your appointment or start colouring it at home. If you don’t want to be doing the hair roots every three weeks, talk about it. If you get it coloured by a professional colourist, you have to open up to them. Once you properly talk to them and tell them what you want, it will let them understand how dark or light to take your strands and how many colours to apply to your hair the first time. If your colourist knows how often you wish to come in for touch-ups, they can swiftly narrow down the amount of colour you will be able to maintain.

And if you are doing it yourself at home, you have to be careful about it. It is one of the most essential hairs colour tips you would get ever. Many people don’t even realize the amount of hair colour they apply. You have to be prudent about the colour amount you put in every time. In this way, you can be sure about the amount you need, and the rhythm will develop itself.

Tips Before Coloring Hair

Ignore the picture on the colour box 

When you go shopping for at-home hair colour, many females will only look at the image on the box; you know what the model on the colour box could have the perfect shade of brown, but you don’t know what her hair colour was like before they got coloured. It is better to consider the numbers and letters on the package to decide the degree of colour and desired tone. Remember, on a shade scale of 1 to 10, one is the darkest, and ten is the lightest. The letters reveal the dye’s undertones: ash, c copper, g gold and n neutral. You have to keep these things in mind before purchasing a colour pack for your hair.

Keep your looks in mind before you choose the shade. 

You know what light-eyed females look more natural with that lighter shades. Similarly, females having darker hair and skin appear better in darker shades. If you have a lot of pink in your skin, you must avoid warmth in a hair colour because it shall make you appear flushed. Women with olive skin should go for gold tones that bring warmth to the face and make the skin appear less green. If your skin tone is neutral, like White, with no pink or green, you can go for either warm or cool blond shades. You have to figure out all these things before you start colouring your hair. What is the point if, later on, you regret applying the wrong shade on your hair? Remember, it is the main tip out of tips before colouring hair to be followed.

Remain Within Two Shades of Your Natural Colour

You know what professional colourists agree to when you are dying your hair at home; there is no need to go more than two shades lighter or darker. It is mainly essential for brunettes who might wish to go blond. If your hair is dark and you wish to lighten it, you can, to start with, make an appointment at a salon.

The home colour kits do not contain the strong chemicals required to change your colour radically. There is a reason that the hair colonists have to go to school, pass an exam, and get a degree and license from the authorities before they jump into this profession. The reason is that the chemicals required to perform complicated hair colour modifications can severely harm hair and scalp alike.

Take a test drive before you stick to something.

For safe colouring, please go for semi-permanent hair colour. You know what? It will fade somewhat each time you shampoo. If you think about this demi-permanent colour, it is a blend of permanent and semi-permanent dyes. It does not have the power to lighten the dark hair, but it can easily match or deepen your shade. Demi-permanent colour even minimizes the harm and improves the natural colour.”

And yes, you can also give it a try with semi-permanent dye. As with demi-permanent colour, it would not lighten your hair, and Semi-permanent formulas do not penetrate the hair deeply and wash out in nearly eight to twelve shampoos. Of course, you would have to decide what you want. Please give these options a thought and then take the next step.

Take up a patch test. 

It is significant to test a fresh colour on a small area of your hair before you apply that colour to your entire head. Otherwise, you might end up with a mishap. If the colour you use is so ashy, say, your skin will look drab and old. You also put your scalp for the reaction if your skin does not tolerate the dye chemicals. Of course, it is better to test the colour before applying it all over the place.

If you don’t know what you have to do in the patch test, then read on. To do a patch test, you have to apply the dye to a tiny section of your hair and determine if the colour is too light, dark, or even ashy.


Thus, all the best for your first colouring experience, and if you take all these things seriously, you will not face any inconvenience. And yes, even if you are using a good anti-dandruff shampoo for coloured hair, that would be workable if you followed the tips before colouring hair.


Your hair plays a crucial role in your life. Whether you have long, heavy hair, light straight hair, brown curly hair, blonde hair, or any hair, you are absolutely in love with your locks. Of course, many of you might be wondering what would be the best daily hair care routine to keep your hair in the best shape and health?

Some things can help you in taking the best care of your hair. If you develop a daily hair care routine, make sure that you add up the following points. These points will make your hair care effective, robust, and worth doing. Keep on reading to get the best experience!

Make coconut hair oil your best buddy. 

No matter how much you dislike oiling, it would help if you did it. Coconut oil possesses all the minerals that are essential for healthy hair. It nourishes and gives your hair a fantastic lustre. Moreover, it helps maintain the moisture in the strands and keeps the scalp dandruff-free. It is non-sticky, conflicting with what the oil haters or people who dislike oil think. You must make sure that you must massage the roots properly for at least 10 minutes when you apply the oil. It helps in circulating the blood, which eventually leads to better hair growth.

For the days when you feel lazy, you can oil the roots of the hair and miss out on the length. In this way, your scalp will stay clean, and the root will get their daily nourishment. But don’t evade the strands for too long. After all, these are what you see. Of course, you can use any oil you like, but it would be good to stick to coconut oil because of its nutritional elements.

During summer, you can use the oil directly from the bottle as the coconut oil remains liquid throughout the season. As soon as winter emerges, the oil begins to freeze, which is good. Do you know why? Because it would be the time, you can heat the oil and give yourself a relaxing oil massage which is advantageous in winters as the hair gets dry and curled quickly. The hot oil locks in the moisture softening the hair and making them manageable. You can either apply the oil overnight or wash it in a single hour. But keep your hair for at least an hour so that the oil can work through the scalp and engross in the skin. A critical step in daily hair care tips is effectively doing oiling.

Go for Steaming 

You know what? Steaming helps the oil to get engrossed deep into the scalp and lock in the dampness. It strengthens the roots, and there are reduced chances of getting dandruff. Steaming would help you clear the scalp, so any dead skin or debris will be cleared away. It even opens the pores. This, in turn, assists in unblocking them and getting rid of any dandruff or dirt caused by bacteria. Steaming is necessary for hair growth. Do this at a minimum twice a month to ensure you have healthy hair. Of course, it might not be a thing to do every day, but twice a month would do for you. After you have done the hair oiling, it is time to indulge in a steam session for nearly ten minutes.

There are two manners in which you can do this. You can boil some water in a container, dip a tiny towel in it, crush the excess water and wrap that towel over the head. Keep it that way till you feel its heat has diminished. Again, soak the towel in hot water, force out the water, and wrap it around your head. Repeat the same step for ten minutes. Allow the heat from the towel to absorb on the scalp. If you feel the heat on your head, it simply means it is working.

The other technique is to get yourself a small steamer mainly made for this purpose. It would be fewer efforts with a machine. But the outcome coming from both the methods will be the same. And you know what? Those giant bubbles laid over your head in the salon do the same task. But is not this little work more accessible when conducted at home rather than spending so much money in a salon? Indeed, the choice is yours. You have to decide whether a salon, a boiling water technique at home, or the machine method.

Good shampoos and conditioners 

The hair texture of every person varies. Whether you use brilliant shampoos like shampoo Ketomac would depend heavily on your hair texture. If you are hunting for a shampoo that goes well with your hair, then you should keep in mind the following things:

Pick a shampoo that doesn’t possess much fragrance in it. All the shampoos have some fragrance but maintain a distance from those that smell like a whole bottle of lavender essence has been spilt into it.

And another important thing is to know your hair type. It is helpful in hair strengthening if you know what type of hair you have. If you feel that a specific shampoo adds more oil to your oily hair, you can switch to another shampoo. Similarly, if you feel that your hair is dry and the shampoo you are using makes them drier, you also need to switch. It is all about trying to observe and switch if not suitable. Once you know that a specific shampoo is good for your hair, stick to it for as long as it works for you.

So, it would help if you kept in mind these points to take proper care of your hair regularly.


Your hair also needs the attention that your health receives. In summers, what do you do for your hair? Do you take extra precautions to ensure that your hair is clean, healthy, and smooth? You have to make sure that the heat of summer and the blistering Sun do not hamper your hair’s charm. It is the season to let go of ideal, sleek hairstyles and embrace that loose, naturally beautiful look.

You need to learn how to guard your hair against the heat, Sun, and even humidity without turning it into an endless battle. Indeed, you can start using effective hair products like Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo, but these products alone would not make your hair safe. You have to take precautions too.

Put your hair up in loose, cosy styles.

A messy ponytail is ideal for keeping your hair under control and reducing exposure to the Sun. Tight hairstyles could be damaging because they incline to pull and tear hair, mainly if your hair is dehydrated from the summer heat. So, if you know loose hairstyles, don’t hesitate to go for them. At least everybody can have that loose braid, right? You have no idea how much protection your hair gets once you keep them loose.

Make sure to keep your hair covered. 

Summers are when you use a scarf or hat to cover your head once you are out in the Sun. This caters to extra UV protection, but it also helps your scalp to hold moisture. A hat diminishes the damage caused by wind, mainly if your hair is prone to twisting, and protects colour-treated hair. You must have a scarf or a hat to cover up your head, right?

Wash less often

Use a homemade or natural dry shampoo or summer haircare than those regular shampoos. You know, frequent washing strips the scalp of its natural oils; it, in turn, stimulates extra oil production and makes you feel the requirement to wash it even more. Try only rinsing in the shower after a day at the pool or beach, and see if that gets rid of some additional oil. It would also be helpful for you if you took a cotton ball drenched in water and rolled it around your head, and it would soak all the excessive oil from your hair.

Condition always

Please rinse with apple cider vinegar thinned in water for a swift natural conditioner. Please make use of some coconut oil or butter but at the same time stay careful because it could be heavy) to smooth, de-frizz, and moisturize the locks after washing. The oil will cater some shine, and if you have curly hair, form natural, air-dried curls. You can also try a natural deep conditioning treatment once a week to get that extra moisture into the hair. These things would bring some effect on your hair.

Diminish the heat 

Please try to blow-dry the hair as little as possible. It is previously exposed to an extraordinary amount of heat daily in the summer. It will most likely air-dry quickly anyway, so give the blow dryer a break and go natural if possible. Avoid flat-irons, too, as these will do further harm to already-dry hair. Plus, a smooth hairstyle makes that curl stand out more.

Damage Caused by Swimming 

Swimming spoils up your hair, too. Dive into a pool, and while you crawl, chlorine is stripping your hair of its natural guarding oils. You might find your locks taking on an unattractive greenish cast if you are a blonde. It is triggered by the copper molecules and other pool chemicals that bind to the protein in your hair shaft. Moreover, a dip in the seawater or ocean stresses hair in another way. The heavy salt content in seawater takes up the water from your hair and skin. Would you not want to have dry hair, right? Please take care of your hair while you get inside the pool or water area.

Get a trim 

You would get rid of split ends and revive your style. You might require a mid-season cut, too. Hair does progress faster in the summer, and there is more hair in the Anagen, or growing, during late spring and summer than in the dead of season winter. It would not bother you to take a small haircut or get your hair trimmed.

Shield the strands from the Sun

Make a regular habit of applying a hair care product. The product should have UV filters (these could be in gel, spray, or cream formulas). These products guard the hair against sun damage and help keep the colour-processed hair from getting faded. If you are going to be spending a lot of time outdoors, it is time that you wear a wide-brimmed hat. It will keep the strands from getting burned, but it shall also defend your scalp and ears, areas that are susceptible to skin cancer.

Change to a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner

You might be washing your hair more frequently to tackle summer’s sweat and grime. Please use a clarifying or anti-residue shampoo to clean up upbuilds and chemicals once a week. Just be sure that you follow with a deep-conditioning treatment. A moisturizing product would keep your hair in better shape. It is time that you care for hair in summer, and if that demands you to switch to a moisturizing shampoo, that should not be a problem for you.

Thus, since you know what you should do and what not during the summer, you can keep your hair feisty, healthy, smooth, and good in the summers.


Everyone wishes to make hair thicker, healthier, and more robust. From slapping on every hair mask familiar to you to popping hair supplements, most of you are willing to do or purchase anything that might help you achieve these agendas. The first thing is to decide what you would do with your hair, and you have to decide to take care of your hair.

If you are longing for thick hair tips, you are in the right place. Once you go through the following points, you will know what you lack and want for your hair care. The decision is always to decide what you would use and whatnot. Anyhow, munch on the following points for now.

Eating Habits 

There is terrific news for the avocado enthusiasts among you. As per some professionals, a diet filled with healthy fats is the most vital thing to consider if you want thick and healthy hair. Maybe genetics determine the hair texture and curl; your diet plays a significant role in articulating genes. Please ensure that you get plenty of excellent quality protein and good fats such as olive oil and Omega 3.” you should add up foods like salmon, nuts, avocados, vegetables, and fruit to get all the primary nutrients required to make hair thicker. Once you have added these things to your eating habits, you will experience a change.

Go for the right shampoo and conditioner.

It’s obvious, but a different hair type needs specific products that offer their exacting requirements. Professionals feel that people with fine hair should search for volume-building shampoo and conditioners to create fake thickness and increase shine, and people with coarse hair should go for products that tame frizz and moisturize. Indeed, once you look around, you can come across a wide variety of these products.

 Wash smarter to make hair thicker

When talking about hair washing, sulfates are not your companion at all. These are foamy detergents that cut through the grease in no time. These would likely leave your scalp and hair immensely dry so that they can harm your fat barrier and irritate you. It would help if you went for the shampoos that do not have sulfate, and this switch would get you positive results. Often people stick to the shampoos that create a lot of foam, and they think that foam is working for them. The reality is that foam is just a part of shampoo. You have to focus on the affectivity and not on the foam.

Invest in thickening styling items 

It may sound specific, but opting for styling products to increase volume, can make a massive difference to fine hair. You can search a little, and you will come across the thickening and styling options. And you can make a comparison among different products, and the one that sounds better to you can give it a try. Remember, different products work differently on different hairstyles. You have to make sure that your hair is strong, stylish, and thick, and for that, you have to try new products to check out for your hair health.

 Deep cleanse scalp once a week.

Thickening hair products are unique – there is no doubt about it. But the one downside is that they tend to form up on the scalp and strands. A weekly deep cleanses and a clarifying shampoo will help eliminate any stubborn product residue. You smoothen and strengthen your hair when you do a deep clean scalp once a week, and such things do make hair stronger.

Make changes in your lifestyle. 

Eat a healthy and well-balanced diet, having plenty of vitamin B and iron. Many individuals experience thinning hair because they lack nutrients.

  • Vitamin B has a significant role in the hair’s health, and getting sufficient of it is vital to keeping thick hair and diminishing how much you shed. Good sources of vitamin B encompass vegetables, fruits, nuts, and brown rice, among others.
  • Diets lacking in iron head to poor hair growth. Great sources of iron encompass beef, lamb, pork, poultry, green leafy vegetables, fish, and iron-enriched grain items.
  • Go for prenatal vitamin supplements. Prenatal vitamins encompass the right blend of vitamins for healthy hair and healthy skin and nails as a bonus. You would experience the changes shortly after having it all.

Guard your hair against chemicals and pollutants

It is challenging to avoid exposure to everyday environmental toxins, but there are a couple of preventive methods you can give a try:

  • Please wrap your hair in a scarf or cap when walking or biking through thick traffic. Pollution triggered by cars can dull and crush your hair, making it look floppy and unhealthy.
  • Wear a swim cap when you get into chlorinated pools. Have you ever had a professional stylist ask you if you are a swimmer? Chlorine does stay in hair and makes it perceptibly dry and damaged. Guard your hair in the pool, or make sure that you wash it with a great shampoo before the chlorine dries… once you ensure that your hair is not having any chlorine, you can experience much more robust and thicker hair.

Develop a habit of massaging your head 

Massage your scalp frequently using your fingertips—massage by running your fingers in little circles. Massaging enhances circulation to your scalp, helping it turn healthy hair. What you can do is when you apply oil to your hair before going to bed or otherwise, make sure that you have a good time on it. Do massage it, and feel better about things happening to you. You can massage your hair every week, and the more, the better it will be. Even if you have dandruff, you can use keto dandruff shampoo, which is not a problem. Apply oil when you massage your hair, and then wash it off with this shampoo.


A fungal infection is a frustrating condition. Fungal infections can cause much discomfort and even embarrassment(stinky feet). But they do not seriously threaten your health. There are numerous fungal infections, but the most common types are fungal infections of fingernail or toenail, athlete’s foot, jock itch, oral thrush, meningitis, ringworm, and Candida or yeast infection. Learn about how fungal infection cure cream can help treat them.

Antifungal medication such as antifungal cream is typically used to treat and cure fungal infections called mycosis. It is common to gain drugs through a doctor’s prescription or over the counter for antifungal infection cureBut there are some natural remedies for curing fungal infections.

Antifungal Attacks

Through medical studies, it has been found that fungi of the genus Aspergillus are commonly found on the earth. There are 185 species of these fungi, but only 20 have been reported to cause harmful infections in humans and other animals.

  1. Flavus and A.Fumigatus are the leading causes of human fungal infections. They become severe conditions in those persons who have immunity issues. But despite introducing new drugs, antifungal agents are subject to drug resistance.

The most common content of antifungal cream is a chemical compound referred to as Azole. But some studies have found allergic reactions to Azoles. Azoles can also harm pregnant women by inhibiting the enzyme Aromatase which synthesizes estrogen. Azoles have also failed to treat Candida fungal infections.

As such natural remedies are preferred in comparison to synthetic drugs. The antimicrobial properties of some plant-based products have been recognized. Among such plant products, essential oils are particularly recommended.

Top Natural Antifungal Remedies

  • Yoghurt and Probiotics

 Many beneficial microbes are present in the vagina, which keeps in check disease-causing microbes like Candida. Such yeasts grow out of control when impacted by hormone imbalance or antibiotics. Probiotics and yoghurt are natural remedies for vaginal yeast infections by restoring beneficial bacteria.

  • Garlic

Garlic has strong antifungal properties. Vaginal suppositories of garlic have been used, but their benefits have yet to be proven. But garlic has proven impact in treating athlete’s foot conditions, much better than the medication Lamisil.

  • Oregano essential oil

This is a powerful plant-based antibiotic. The oil contains 71% antiseptic compounds called phenols. But it must be used diluted as it is solid.

  • Tea tree oils

They have proved to be effective against various Candida in several studies.

  • Coconut oil

It is reputed for its immunity enhancing and health-supporting properties. This oil has many benefits as an antifungal agent. Stress, excessive intake of sugar, and generally weak immune system can cause fungal growth and infection. Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids, which can kill fungi. The affected person can benefit from topical applications as well as oral consumption.

  • Dill oil

It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times. It is proven to have antibacterial properties making it a potential source of an eco-friendly antifungal drug.

  • Avoid sugar and mouldy foods.

By reducing sugar and refined carbohydrates, one can curtail fungal infections. The reason is that yeasts feed on sugar, fermenting it to produce toxins like Acetaldehyde. It is good to avoid processed foods and sugars and focus on raw or steamed vegetables and lean meats.

  • Caprylic acid

It contains antifungal, ant-viral, and antibacterial properties. It can boost the immune system and is commonly used in topical fungicides. This acid reduces the growth of yeast.

  • Boric acid

It has antimicrobial properties making it an effective and affordable home remedy for fungal infection. As per research, suppository capsules of Boric acid are very effective against yeast infections, especially those caused by Candida.

How Do Antifungals Work

Fungal infections are pretty straightforward to treat. Length and type of treatment depend on the kind of fungal infection, its severity, and other health problems (like weak immunity). Some courses of treatment can be as short as a few days (vaginal or oral thrush) and as long as eight weeks (ringworm of the scalp).

Several antifungal medications like solutions, creams, sprays, tablets, and shampoos. They all work by damaging the cell walls of fungi and causing their death.

Topical antifungals include sprays, liquids, and creams. This helps treat fungal infections of the scalp, nails, and skin. These include econazole, clotrimazole, miconazole, terbinafine, amorolfine, tioconazole, and ketoconazole. These are found under different brand names.

Sometimes an antifungal cream is combined with other creams when two actions are needed. For instance, an antifungal cream is combined with a mild steroid cream like hydrocortisone to treat rashes. The antifungal cream clears the infection, and the mild steroid cream reduces inflammation caused by the infection.

Fungal infection cure cream is easy to use and has minimal side effects. There might be a bit of itching, redness, and burning in some cases. Stop using the product when symptoms are severe. For fungal infections like ringworm or athlete’s foot, the cream is used for a minimum of 2 weeks. Sometimes, it takes six weeks of treatment.

About Ketomac

Ketoconazole is considered one of the most effective treatments for fungal infection. It comes popularly under the brand name Ketomac in India.

Ketomac is available in the form of shampoo, cream, and tablets. This cream helps treat fungal infections like scalp dandruff, athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch, and Seborrheic Dermatitis.

It contains Ketoconazole which is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. It works by interfering in the production of Ergosterol, a key component of fungal cell walls. This makes holes appear in the cell walls, leading to leaking out of cell content and ultimately the death of fungal cells.

Ketomac must be stored in a cool, dark, and dry place, away from direct sunlight. The cream is supplied in a 30gm tube and is only for external use. Avoid covering treated areas with synthetic, tight-fitting clothing, which prevents the free flow of air. Do not use other medicated products without consulting a doctor.


Infants and toddlers have sensitive skin and require extra care regarding what is being applied to them and what they are being exposed to. Babies’ skin should not contact with chemicals, dyes, and fragrances, and their delicate skin demands utmost care and protection from external agencies. During parenthood, parents discover a lot about babies’ habits and the changes that they go through. Certain precautions are always preferred beforehand for the little ones, such as washing clothes regularly with disinfectant before holding them, sanitizing hands well, washing the utensils after every use, cleaning the room at regular intervals, diaper rashes, avoiding continuous exposure to the sun, etc., the list goes on. Go through this blog to learn about the benefit of applying ketoconazole cream to babyfaces.

It is mandatory to keep their skin moisturized and well-nourished by using sunscreens and baby lotions. Also, parents must be aware of things the kids are allergic to. Rashes and skin allergies are common in toddlers, and this can be due to pollutants in surroundings, changes in weather and other can be allergies due to food. Eczema is one such allergy in kids with reddish spots on the face and causing itching. Hives are pink or reddish patches on the skin that are also itchy and can vary in shape and develop anywhere on the body. In severe cases, a wake-up call for an emergency occurs when a baby suffers from vomiting, nausea, itching, coughing, etc. One common problem prominent in babies is Seborrheic dermatitis which causes itchy scalp, dandruff, and redness in the skin. This condition occurs on the scalp, behind the ears, forehead, armpits, and diaper areas. Generally, it goes away on its own, but treatment needs to be taken if the condition worsens.

Some of the symptoms of cradle cap (seborrheic dermatitis) include:

  • The yellow or brownish scale on the scalp.
  • Flakiness with time
  • Scaly scalp
  • Greasy scale
  • Thick oily scales

The extent may vary from kid to kid and may or may not be accompanied by itchiness on the skin.

Understanding the cause behind this disease is a complex criterion. Researchers have found out that it is due to several things inside our body and exposure to surroundings. It may be due to genetic influence as certain things are carried on due to heredity. Other than this, oil-producing glands and follicles in babies and yeast pave the way for seborrheic dermatitis. Changes in weather are another reason. Last but not least, the personal hygiene of a person plays a vital role and cannot be neglected.

Although in infants, it can be cleared within weeks yet, in some cases, the condition worsens and can’t be cured, but the removal of scales can make it easy for the kids. With the advancement in the medical industry, it is feasible to treat this, and the treatments opted for are:

  • Bathing regularly and washing hair with a mild and gentle shampoo.
  • Use lotions and ointments on the skin which are sensitive to the baby’s skin and are chemical-free.
  • Cleaning the diaper area with soap and baby wipes to restrict further infection.
  • Brushing the hair with a soft hairbrush.
  • Gently massaging the scalp with mild baby oil peels off the scales from the scalp.
  • Natural home remedies involving the application of jojoba, olive, and coconut oil can help reduce it.

Taking precautions beforehand could help to reduce it, although it cannot be prevented. Refer to the dermatologist if symptoms are visible. Washing and wiping the diaper area and other sensitive areas regularly with water and using mild lotions for moisturizing the skin. Avoid soaps and shampoos having alcohol, chemicals, and artificial fragrance. If the scales are not removed with shampoo, one can opt for petroleum jelly.

Other than all these remedies and precautions, one trusted product that is reliable is Ketomac, the best ketoconazole cream for a babyface. This is the best option to treat infections as it has antifungal and antibacterial properties. Parents are always possessive and concerned for their kids, and seborrheic dermatitis makes infant skin scruffy, and the face is filled with marks and spots. Kids are prone to infections from playing areas, parks, and schools. Ketoconazole is safe, and studies have shown that it is effective on an infant’s skin.

Keeping the sensitivity in mind, harsh creams and lotions should be used carefully and opt for something hygienic and clean. Always use the cream timely as prescribed by dermatologists, and extra doses should be avoided. Avoid contact with eyes, ears, and mouth (not to swallow). Wash or sanitize hands well before applying it, and after application, do not cover the affected part with tight fitted cap or bandages. Leave it free.

To combat such infections, a playful area for kids should be germ-free and cleaned at regular intervals. After bathing, the baby’s body should be pat dried with a towel, and all the personal belonging of kids should not be shared, such as clothes, socks, combs, water bottles, etc. Kids should wear footwear while playing outdoors and avoid being barefoot.

Ketoconazole Cream For Baby Face

This cream has done wonders for anxious parents to give respite to their kids suffering from itching and flaky scalps. It may take time to heal as the process is slow, but improvements do occur, and it is a ray of hope for the sufferers. Dermatologists suggest it for cradle crap, itchy and flaky scalps, yeast, and fungal infections.

Babies are God’s messengers sent to earth to make one’s life filled with positivity and begin the journey of parenthood. These little ones need thorough care; any negligence in food intake, hygiene, and medications would produce threatening results. Constant contact with the paediatrician and follow up with doctors should be maintained along with regular health check-ups. In case of any strange signs, one should immediately see a doctor. For healthy living, the surroundings should be neat to avoid infections. Taking care of a baby is the best and most precious experience of one’s life, and one should do it wholeheartedly.


You can get a new haircut or change your hairstyle forever to make your hair look instantly spruced up. If you want to try out something different with your hair, hair colour is the best option for you. Nothing can make you look as unique and different as colouring your hair. It helps bring out a new side to your look and let us admit that pulling off a hair colour is no joke! Yes, choosing the right colour for your hair can transform your entire personality. And that is probably the reason why a lot of women across the world are treating their hair with hair colour. For those who want to experiment with their looks and make sure that they bring about a difference to their entire attire, a hair colour is a perfect option that you can try out too! However, maintaining it can get a little tough until and unless you are very particular about it. You have to make sure that you use the best quality hair colour, but you also need to use a shampoo that is friendly for hair colour and helps to retain it over a more extended period. So, are you taking proper colour safe dandruff shampoo for colour-treated hair?

You might probably understand that colouring the hair is not all rainbows and butterflies. When you colour your hair, it’s not just the colour of the hair strands that changes; even your hair care routine sees a sea change. This changed routine needs to be followed for as long as the colour is in your hair. You will have to switch to a different hair care routine, even if that means bidding farewell to your favourite shampoo or embracing a colour-protecting one. All such people who use hair colour must go with colour safe dandruff shampoo.

Colour Causes a Great Deal of Damage to the Hair

Extra care is required for colour-treated hair because colour causes a great deal of damage to the hair and the scalp. Yes, many people might not experience any such side effects, but more often, these hair colours prove harmful to the health of the hair and the scalp. And that is why you should think before you take the plunge. Get a proper assessment of your hair health done. If it is in a condition to withstand hair colour, then great, go ahead and get it done. But if your hair is dry, brittle, and frizzy, then hold off a little, get your hair appropriately treated, switch to a shampoo that will be good for your hair, and then colour your hair. The shampoo from Ketomac is the best dandruff shampoo for coloured hair.

Once you have taken the leap and have changed your hair colour or opted for something as simple as streaks, then it would be wise of you to embark on a strict hair care routine. This routine is not just to keep your hair smooth and silky but also to protect your scalp from developing issues like dandruff. Hair colour can affect you in more ways than one, and hence you need to make sure that you take every measure from your end to protect your hair from damage while retaining your hair colour for a more extended period. Now, you must be wondering if treating your hair with colour causes dandruff. Well, this is not something one can say with a guarantee. But because hair colour is harsh on the scalp and hair, which can lead the scalp to become dry, resulting in pesky dandruff! And it is because of this you will need dandruff shampoo for coloured hair.

Colouring is Also a Reason for Dandruff

The dandruff problem can be very embarrassing, especially if one is wearing dark clothes. The formation of dandruff will also depend upon various factors like the person’s age, climate, and various individual related habits. This problem is more common in the winter when people are exposed to light. Dandruff is a problem that arises for many different reasons, and hair colour can be one of them. It is characterized by the shedding of an excessive amount of scalp skin cells. Some of the most common symptoms include redness, flaking, and chronic itching. Having dandruff on your clothes might feel embarrassing, but to be honest, it is not an extremely dangerous dermatological condition as well. One needs to visit a dermatologist for skin diseases and other issues caused by the itchy scalp. This is very much important to seek professional advice in all such cases. Dandruff, when unchecked, can quickly spread to your eyebrows and even your facial hair, which in turn can lead to the development of pimples. Yes, all your skin related is interconnected!

So, what are you supposed to do – not colour your hair, even if you want to? Not at all – you can safely get your hair coloured with the right colouring products and then use a shampoo that will help you to be dandruff at bay. Now, that doesn’t mean you should reach for any dandruff shampoo you catch sight of. If you have dandruff and your hair is colour-treated, you must be extremely careful while choosing your shampoo. Go for Ketoconazole Anti Dandruff Shampoo in India, primarily for colour-treated hair. Ketomac is the shampoo that you need to opt for in this regard. Safe and readily available, this shampoo has proven to be extremely useful for treating dandruff-related issues. They are a better choice than regular shampoos because they are specially formulated for coloured hair; as a result, they do their work pretty well in a different manner, though, focusing mainly on improving the overall health of your hair.

When Should You Use A Dandruff Shampoo (The Frequency)?

If your hair is colour-treated, you should avoid using your dandruff shampoo daily. Using it two to three times a week is more than sufficient. When you are not using your dandruff shampoo and feel like washing your hair, you can use Ketomac shampoo, the best antidandruff shampoo for Women/Ladies. Moreover, when you use your dandruff shampoo, make sure you massage it gently so that the scales on the scalp loosen and get rinsed off with water. Then after applying this on the scalp, it should be left for at least 10-20 minutes before washing. Balance out your use because over-using it might lead to your hair colour fading earlier than you want!

What Considerations to Take Into Account?

There are quite a few difficulties when using an antidandruff shampoo, which can be managed effectively if you follow a few measures from your end. A dandruff shampoo can be harsh at times, and to counterbalance its harshness, you can use a conditioner immediately after rinsing off the shampoo from your hair. Make sure the conditioner you use is also suitable for colour-treated hair. Otherwise, you won’t be able to reap significant benefits from cleansing your hair with a colour-safe dandruff shampoo.

It would help if you also made sure that there is no tar in the dandruff shampoo that you are using. Tar based dandruff shampoos are not suitable for colour-treated hair, and such shampoos are not advisable for coloured hair because tar might cause an ugly discolouration of the hair. So check the ingredients of the shampoo before purchasing it. One must also follow common hair care tips in all such cases. Some of them are as follows:

One must also avoid blow-drying based on the high heat settings to avoid dandruff. Proper hair care products must be used in all such cases so that there is no issue with the scalp. This will also help in preventing the problem of split ends.

The styling procedures must be carefully chosen so that split ends are concealed and there is no issue with the people’s hair. Proper and timely care will also help add a glow to the hair, and one must avoid using metal combs in all such cases.

There is a proper way to shampoo the hair, which must be strictly followed to maintain its shine and cause no damage to it.

Various home remedies can also be followed. One can treat the scalp with green tea by using neem leaves and many more readily available things at home. The mild dandruff related issues can be dealt with at home very quickly. Apple cider-based vinegar can also be used in all such cases, and it is very successful in reducing the itchiness on the scalp.

The hair washing must be based upon consultations with the experts so that there is no loss to the hair colour and is retained for a more extended period.

To give a fresh look, people with coloured hair can go with dry spray-based shampoo so that the hair is shiny and the roots are refreshed.

After getting the colouring done, one must wait for two days for the shampoo to be done. This will help to give plenty of time for the colour to set in the hair.

A Word of Caution-

If you have already used a good dandruff shampoo for several weeks without any improvement in your condition, you should talk to your doctor. You might need a topical steroid for the treatment of the problem. The best you can do to prevent this problem from getting worse is avoid scratching the scalp. Scratching could irritate the skin even more, which in turn will expose it to harmful microbes. People can also use the best dandruff shampoo for coloured hair in all such cases. Visiting a doctor is also a good option as the experts will suggest the best possible way to get rid of this issue.

The Best Antidandruff Shampoo for Color Treated Hair

The best dandruff shampoo for coloured hair on the market is Ketomac. Ketomac is a high-quality medicated colour safe dandruff shampoo with a powerful compound, ketoconazole. Ketoconazole is a synthetic broad-spectrum antifungal agent that helps remove dandruff effectively.

Use this dandruff shampoo for colour-treated hair two times a week for a month, and then you can use it once a week. This is an effective shampoo and will help you get rid of dandruff while helping you retain your hair colour over an extended period. This is the best product from the house of Ketomac.

Colouring your hair requires extra care, so make sure you are ready to put your best foot forward in taking care of your hair health before you opt for colouring it.


Our hair can lead to different kinds of problems, which need to be treated with immediate effect because when untreated, they can lead to further problems. One such colossal problem is a dry scalp. When you have a dry scalp, it feels itchy and irritated. But have you ever wondered why the dry scalp issue arises in the first place? Like the rest of our body parts, our scalp has a balance of moisture in it. When you have an itchy or dry scalp, that moisture level has been disturbed. Well, it’s primarily because the scalp’s natural moisture defences get damaged. The external layer of the skin in a healthy person is arranged like that of a brick wall.

Furthermore, this brick wall structure keeps your skin’s moisture locked. As a result of which, your body stays hydrated. To eliminate this issue, one can also go with the best shampoo for dry scalp in India.

But sometimes, when there is severe irritation on the scalp, this brick wall structure gets destroyed or weakened, making it possible for the moisture inside to escape. As a result, the scalp dries out. So, can this be fixed? Yes, this is a problem that can be fixed without any issues – all you have to do is make sure that you follow a good hair care routine and, on top of that, use just the right shampoo, which will, in turn, maintain the moisture balance in your scalp. The trick is to find the right shampoo, though. Are you facing dry scalp issues? Have you ever wondered what kind of shampoo for dry scalp would come in handy? However, before we find out the best shampoo for dry scalp in India, there are additional ways to try it out on your own for effective results. Let us take a look at some of them:

Now let’s see how to treat the problem of dry scalp.

There are many natural ways to get rid of dry scalp, one of the major causes of Dandruff. First, you need to know what is causing the dryness of the scalp. It varies from individual to individual. Several factors could cause a dry scalp, including daily hair wash, medical conditions, and drinking less water. To nourish your hair, using coconut oil can be very helpful. It helps in moisturizing the scalp. With its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it can also reduce the risk of having infections. Applying coconut oil and washing it off with the best anti-dandruff shampoo for dry scalp offers tremendous results. Tea tree oil is also an excellent natural remedy for Dandruff with its antibiotic, antifungal, and antiseptic properties. It is one of the reasons why many anti-dandruff shampoos contain tea tree oil. However, this is only applicable in the case of a dry scalp. If you have skin-related issues, consult with your dermatologist before using them. Some of the other home remedies are explained as follows:

Aloe vera can be used to get rid of the problem of dry scalp. This herb also has various anti-inflammatory properties, which help resolve this issue. It is very successful in moisturizing the scalp and helps to reduce irritation significantly. When buying the products, one must ensure that the products have aloe vera as an ingredient.

Another option is to use apple cider-based vinegar. It helps eliminate the bacteria and helps people get rid of this issue. This is very successful and well known for reducing itchiness. One can buy this from various online platforms. When applying it, one must mix it with water and then directly apply it to the scalp. Then it must be left for approximately 5 minutes, and then it must be washed properly.

Baking soda can also be used to treat all such issues, and it has various antifungal based properties that are highly successful in reducing issues like Dandruff. One can mix the olive oil and baking soda in equal parts to be thoroughly applied to the scalp.

Bananas are also a very nourishing and very helpful treatment for the case of dry scalp. The mashed bananas can be used by combining them with olive oil to be applied to the scalp. After applying this, one must leave it for approximately 15 minutes and then wash it to see the best results.

Yoghurt and eggs are also effective remedies to treat this problem. It has a very soothing effect on the skin and helps to nourish the scalp. The yoghurt has to be combined with egg and then applied to the scalp. Then it should be left for 10 minutes, and then wash it thoroughly. It must be washed with lukewarm or cold water; otherwise, it will be tough to wash it away.

Jojoba oil is also an excellent moisturizer—its anti-inflammatory properties help deal with issues like dry scalp. One can combine a few drops of this oil with the shampoo and then apply it to the hair to have great results. This will help to add the element of hydration to the hair.

Avocados also have various kinds of fatty acids, which will help to moisturize the skin and hair. One can buy this from various groceries or even from online platforms. This has to be mixed with a carrier oil like almond oil or castor oil at the time of application. Then the procedure is the same: leave it for 20-25 minutes and then properly wash it. To see the best results, one can combine these two treatments of avocados and bananas.

When it comes to using oil to improve the condition of your scalp, there is also another essential thing to remember – applying the oil is not enough; you will have to make sure that you massage it properly. If you have mild to light dry scalp issues, it is best to keep the oil on for line and wash it off soon, but if dry scalp is a big issue, consider keeping the oil in your hair for longer. One can also use shampoo for dry scalp in India.

Apart from this, you need to figure out your diet. What you eat does show through hair health, and hence more the nutrients for your body, the better will be the health of your hair and your scalp.

Stress-relieving exercises and meditations are effective measures to maintain overall good hair health.

All things said and considered, you need to have a good shampoo that will help you with all your dry scalp issues and prevent the growth of Dandruff as a result of it.

Although there are many treatments available on the market, there is nothing like a good shampoo that does away with the problem of Dandruff as a bonus. You can also go for a medicated shampoo for dry scalp in India that treats Dandruff by curing the dry scalp problem. A good dandruff shampoo won’t just make your scalp feel moisturized but will also address the problem of dry scalp. What more? Such a shampoo will help you find relief from an itchy scalp that dryness often causes.

Have you ever noticed how your skin gets damaged after getting a cut or a bruise? After a cut gets healed, the upper layer of the skin becomes extremely dry, which often makes you reach for the lotion. The condition of your scalp is not any different. And as mentioned before, this comes with a series of consequences. Let’sLet’s probe into it further.

Dryness leads to Dandruff.

When the upper layer of the scalp gets dry and damaged, it becomes leaky. The reason why it becomes leaky is that the arrangement of cells in it gets disrupted. As a result, the brick-like structure gets disturbed and broken down and fails to perform its role as a barrier. What happens next is an easy escape from the moisture locked in the skin. Resultantly, your scalp becomes dry. And what does this dryness bring along? This dryness often leads to Dandruff.

Now imagine yourself having Dandruff with all those skin flakes on your head. Will you be able to resist scratching? Probably not! Every scratch you put on your scalp damages its natural moisture defences further. Thus, a dry scalp leads to Dandruff, which results in scratching, which further deteriorates the scalp’s health!

So, it is a vicious cycle where Dandruff results from dry scalp and dry scalp is caused by the problem of Dandruff on your scalp.

So, what is the best way out? The best way out is to keep your scalp moisturized. As you reach for the hand lotion, you should go for some moisturizing agent to keep your scalp moisturized when your hand feels dry. Since oiling your scalp can aggravate the problem of Dandruff, it’s not the best remedy to do away with the problem of dry scalp. Instead, you can use a dry dandruff shampoo that has moisturizing properties. A good anti-dandruff shampoo will not just cure the problem of Dandruff but will also treat the dryness resulting from Dandruff. So, two problems get addressed with one solution.

Which to trust, dry scalp dandruff shampoo?

Ketomac is the best shampoo for dry scalp in IndiaWhat makes this shampoo effective for both dry scalp and Dandruff is an ingredient called ketoconazole. Ketoconazole is an antifungal agent of the broad-spectrum variety, making the shampoo even more effective. It nourishes your scalp and helps in retaining the moisture balance. However, it needs to be used in measured quantities to get the best results. For the first month, you can use this best shampoo for dry scalp India twice a week, and then for the following months, a frequency of once a week will do fine.

There is no need to fret because the dry scalp is a widespread problem, and the trick is not to ignore it and start treating it immediately to prevent further damage to your scalp or hair. Now that you know how to treat the problem of dry scalp and Dandruff both at the same time with Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo, there is no reason why you should look for any other solution. Go ahead and say hello to excellent hair health with Ketomac!


Dandruff is a scalp condition that is often regarded as a chronic problem and is marked by the peeling of the skin on your scalp. Dandruff is not infectious or severe, but it can be awkward and, at times, hard to treat. The best thing about dandruff is that it can be controlled easily. Mild cases of dandruff may need nothing more than shampooing daily with a gentle cleanser. More-obstinate cases of dandruff often react to medicated shampoos. Go through this blog to learn about natural anti-dandruff shampoo.

Common causes of dandruff

Dandruff can be caused due to several reasons, some of which are mentioned below:

  • Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the most frequent causes of dandruff, marked by greasy, red skin covered with flaky yellow or white scales. Seborrheic dermatitis may affect your scalp and other areas rich in oil glands, such as the sides of your nose, eyebrows, the backs of your ears, groin area, breastbone (sternum) and, at times, your armpits.
  • Malassezia: This is a yeast-like fungus that lives on the scalps of most adults. But, in a few, it infuriates the scalp and can cause more skin cells to grow. The other skin cells expire and fall off, making them look flaky and white in your hair or on your clothes.
  • Not shampooing frequently: If you do not wash your hair regularly, skin cells and oils from your scalp can build up, causing dandruff.
  • Sensitivity to hair care products: At times, sensitivities to definite ingredients in hair care products or hair dyes can cause a scaly, itchy, red scalp.
  • Dry skin: Flakes from dry skin are usually smaller and less oily than those from other causes of dandruff. And inflammation or redness is unlikely. You will most likely have dry skin on other parts of the body, such as your arms and legs.
  • Inadequate hair brushing: Brushing or combing the hair regularly reduces the risk of dandruff, as it aids in the normal shedding of skin.
  • Several skin conditions: People with eczema, psoriasis, and some other skin disorders tend to get dandruff more often than others. Tinea capitis, which is a fungal infection, can cause dandruff.


Dandruff symptoms are easy to find as they are white, oily-looking flakes of dead skin that dot your shoulders and hair and a probably itchy, scaly scalp. The condition may get worse during the fall and winter, as indoor heating can contribute to dry skin, and the condition can get better during the summer.

A kind of dandruff known as cradle cap can affect babies. This disorder can cause a crusty, scaly scalp and is most widespread in newborns. However, it can take place anytime during childhood. Even though it can be upsetting for parents, the cradle cap is not risky and typically clears up on its own.

Usually, dandruff does not necessitate a doctor’s intervention. However, if over-the-counter dandruff shampoos are not helping, or if your scalp becomes swollen or red, see your doctor or a doctor specialising in skin conditions.

Standard preventive measures for dandruff

  • Take care of your hair: Comb your hair regularly, apply oil, and then shampoo it at least thrice a week. This will help in preventing dandruff.
  • Get rid of stress: High-stress levels can cause certain health complications. Even though there is no direct connection between stress and dandruff, medical conditioners suggest that reducing stress can help in decreasing dandruff to a great extent.
  • Include foods high in zinc and vitamin B in your diet: Foods such as oysters, red meat, and poultry are high in zinc, which assists regulate the amount of sebum your body makes. Moreover, eating vitamin-B-rich foods such as cereals, beans, and fish help the body break down fatty acids and carbohydrates, resulting in dandruff symptoms if not metabolized appropriately.

Home remedies to treat dandruff

  • Coconut oil: This is often used as a natural remedy for dandruff. Warm coconut oil may enhance skin hydration and stop dryness, thus treating dandruff. Coconut oil can also be mixed with fenugreek seeds powder or lemon to cure dandruff.
  • Curd: This is another popular home remedy that can treat dandruff. Curd should be applied to the scalp and hair, left for an hour, and then shampooed the hair.
  • Green tea contains antimicrobial and antioxidant properties that can help endorse scalp health while conditioning your hair.
  • Neem leaves: It helps relieve itching and hinder the overgrowth of dandruff-causing fungus.
  • Apple cider vinegar: This is one of the best home remedies for treating dandruff and hair fall. You can mix water with apple cider vinegar and leave it on your hair for a few minutes before washing it.
  • Orange Peels: They contain acidic elements that can assist decrease excess oil. This will deal with your dandruff issue ultimately.
  • Baking soda: Baking soda is ideal for combating the overactive fungi that cause dandruff. It makes for a great exfoliate that is gentle on your skin and assists to get rid of dead skin. It also absorbs any excess oil from your scalp, thus fighting against dandruff.

These are some of the common home remedies you can use to prevent dandruff.

If you are looking for a good anti-dandruff shampoo, you should try using Ketomac, as this is one of the best natural anti-dandruff shampoos available on the market. This all-natural dandruff shampoo contains Ketoconazole as its main ingredient, and this ingredient helps in fighting dandruff and other scalp conditions.

To get the best result, use Ketomac shampoo on the wet hair, massage it into a lather, leave the shampoo for 5 to 10 minutes, and then wash your scalp and hair thoroughly. This shampoo can be used twice a week and continues for a month.


Fungal infections are pretty common in humans. These infections occur when an attacking fungus takes over an area of the body and is too much for the immune system to deal with. Fungi can live in the soil, air, plants, and water, and some fungi naturally stay in the human body. Fungi can be of two types- helpful and harmful. When harmful fungi attack the body, they can be hard to kill, as they can stay alive in the environment and re-contaminate the person trying to get better. This blog discusses the benefits of using ketoconazole antifungal cream.

Causes of Fungal infection

  • Conventional medication, such as antibiotics, can make you more vulnerable to a fungal skin infection. This is because some antibiotics attack the friendly bacteria in your gut, which is accountable for regulating the population of candida yeast. Oral Contraceptive Pill can also contribute to the growth of the candida yeast.
  • Obesity can make us susceptible to infections in a range of different ways. If you are obese, you are likely to sweat more, particularly in the creases of your skin, offering a rich feeding ground for bacterial and fungal spores. Obesity can also be associated with poor nutrition, another cause of fungal infections.
  • Nutrition can impact your susceptibility to fungal infections and the severity of your symptoms after contracting the skin illness. Suppose you want to take preventative steps or decrease your symptoms towards avoiding fungal infections overall. In that case, it will be vital that you cut down your ingestion of trigger foods and focus on food products that encourage the growth of friendly bacteria.
  • Pre-existing health conditions, such as diabetes, stress, hyperthyroidism, or even a vulnerability to other skin conditions, such as eczema, can make you more prone to contracting fungal infections.

These are some of the common causes of fungal infection.

Common symptoms of fungal infection

The common symptoms of fungal infection will be based on the type, but usually, the following symptoms can be observed such as:

  • Itching
  • Skin changes to red, and at times, it may appear peeling or cracking

Preventive measures

  • If you have the habit of using the swimming pool at the gym, or if you like to shower after splashing in the ocean, you are more susceptible to athlete’s foot, a fungal infection that causes itchiness and redness, and cracked skin between the toes. The best way to avoid this is by wearing flip-flops when using public-shower facilities and ensuring dry areas between your toes.
  • If you wear shoes that are closed to work or work out a lot, you may be prone to sweaty socks, which create the perfect environment for an athlete’s foot. This can be avoided by letting your feet breathe, and you can wear open-toed shoes or stay barefoot. Also, you can put on dry, clean socks or remove sweaty gym socks as soon as possible.
  • Wear loose-fitting underwear and, at all times, change your underwear after every exercise class or gym session. Ideally, you should stick to cotton underwear as synthetic materials can cause more sweating and increase the chance of jock itch.
  • Always take a chance of dry clothes to the pool or beach and change right away after bathing. This is because sitting around in wet swimwear can encourage the growth of fungal infections.

Home Remedies for fungal infection

Any person can get a fungal infection, and in today’s active lifestyle, they are pretty standard. Some easy home remedies can wipe out the fungi causing the infection and decrease the intensity of the symptoms.

  • Plain, unsweetened yoghurt can help to treat fungal infections. The probiotics present in plain yoghurt can keep the growth of fungi in check. Besides applying yoghurt to the affected areas externally, you can also include yoghurt in your daily diet, which will help keep the infection at bay.
  • Apple cider vinegar is also ideal for treating fungal infections. Because of its antimicrobial properties, apple cider vinegar assists destroy the fungus causing the contamination. Moreover, its gentle acidic nature assists stop the infection from spreading and endorses speedy recovery.
  • Tea tree oil has natural antifungal elements that help kill the fungi that cause fungal infections. Also, its antiseptic qualities prevent the spread of the infection to other parts of the body.
  • Garlic has helpful antibiotics, antifungal, and antibacterial agents and is very effective for fungal infections.
  • Oregano oil includes antifungal properties that fight the fungi liable for fungal infections. Also, its antimicrobial property can be effective in preventing fungal infections.
  • Coconut oil works as an efficient cure for any fungal infection because of medium-chain fatty acids. Coconut oil works as a natural fungicide to destroy the fungi accountable for the infection.
  • Turmeric is a renowned natural antibiotic, antiseptic, and antifungal agent. Its healing properties assist in quick recovery and stop the infection from recurring.
  • The tannins in tea can help kill the fungi liable for fungal infections. Additionally, tea has astringent and antibiotic properties that help eliminate the symptoms of a fungal infection, such as skin irritation, swelling, and burning sensation.

These home remedies can help cure fungal infections and prevent them from coming back.

Apart from this, Ketomac Cream can be used to prevent fungal infection. This is well-known antifungal cream ketoconazole that kills fungi and yeasts by interfering with their cell membranes. This ketoconazole cream antifungal prevents the fungus from growing on the skin. This cream can treat jock itch, ringworm, athlete’s foot, dry flaking skin, etc.

To apply Ketomac Cream, clean and thoroughly dry the area to be treated. Use the cream once or twice a day continuously for a month to get the best results.


A common infection observed in the toe and fingernails is nail fungus, spreading from one nail to another. Also known as onychomycosis, it occurs due to hygiene negligence and can affect health. It causes nails to crumble from the edges and leads to their discolouration. If the problem is mild, there is no need for any medication, but, in severe cases, it causes thickening of nails, and about 10% of adults undergo this condition. An excessive amount of fungus growth is hazardous for the body, and it should be taken care of with time. Dermatophytes are microscopic fungal organisms responsible for nail fungus and other agents. Learn how ketoconazole cream for nail fungus can help treat nail fungus in this blog.

Sometimes other nail abnormalities can be confused with nail fungus, and the causes that lead to it are:

  • I go to the gym or walk barefoot in wet/damp and communal areas, and
  • I am using common public swimming pools.
  • We were visiting nail salons and used unsterilized instruments on nails.
  • It is presumed that sweating on toes due to wearing tight-fitting footwear increases the risk of nail fungus. It also leads to foul-smelling feet.
  • If a family member has the same condition, others going through the same condition also increase. It is not necessary that contact with the infected person may lead to it.
  • A condition of the athlete’s foot in the past increases the possibility of fungi.
  • The weakened immune system lessens blood circulation.

The visible signs of nail fungus include:

  • The odd shape of the nails may appear more significant than the standard size.
  • White or yellowish colour of nails.
  • Some people do experience pain and discomfort in the foot.
  • It is tough to see debris in foot nails, leading to infection.
  • Crumbly or ragged nails are another symptom causing this infection.

It’s better to control this fungus at the initial stage as, with time; it gets more complicated, so the following are the measures that can be adapted to prevent the growth of fungal infection:

  • Use nail lacquers, and nail paint removers very little. If one has to use it, ensure not to compromise with quality.
  • Wash your feet properly with soap, dry them using a towel and moisturize in the end.
  • Getting manicure and pedicure done with sanitized tools.
  • Avoid walking barefoot in communal areas such as the gym and swimming pools.
  • Regular footwear use should also be hygienic and must be adequately washed with disinfectant.
  • Wear socks that absorb sweat and shoes that breathe.
  • Wash hands after touching infected nails.
  • Trimming nails short and keeping them clean.
  • Treat the athlete’s foot before it spreads to nails.

It is still believed that home remedies are more potent than costly medications to cure a disease, and in the case of this infection, these home remedies prove to be a blessing for those suffering from it. Some of them may include:

When applied to affected areas, Oregano Oil helps eradicate the infection, as it has carvacrol oil as a constituent. It has powerful antifungal properties. Sometimes oregano oil is combined with tea tree oil, but it also increases the risk factor.

Apple Cider Vinegar- This ingredient is found in every household and used in cooking. It proves to be an economical remedy to cure fungus. Soak your feet in water mixed with 1 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar. You can also apply it to the affected area.

Ozonized Oils- Oils such as olive oil and sunflower oil prepared by mixing with gases in the ozone layer are more effective than other artificial medications. Apply it to the affected area daily and see the results.

Tea Tree Oil- Known for several benefits such as inflammation, acne, and dandruff, has also helped treat nail infections. Due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, it is applied twice daily on the toenail, and the results are visible in a few days.

Diet– A healthy and nutritious diet plays a vital role in everybody’s life. Not just for nail infection, but vitamins and minerals are necessary for the body’s functioning, and one must never compromise with them.

Despite several home remedies to treat it, other beneficial treatments have proven to do wonders to destroy the infection. One such reliable way out is ketoconazole cream to treat nail fungusThis antifungal medication restricts the growth of fungi and yeast on the skin. One can find it in the form of gel and cream. Despite being a boon for the fungal treatment, it has other disadvantages. It causes a burning or irritating sensation on the skin, and one may experience mild hair loss. This topical medication should only be preferred if the doctor has prescribed so. For people who are allergic to their constituents, switch to other alternatives. The overdosage of this cream is harmful as well, so it should be used in the proportions as directed by the doctor. If there is any burning sensation, irritation, or pain after its application, one must see the doctor immediately. Also, applying it at intervals or skipping will not lessen the problem; it further increases the risk of infection. Another precaution is to prevent entering into the eyes, mouth, nose, and lips. One should not cover the area where it is applied with tight socks or footwear.

Not just nail fungus, ketoconazole cream can treat ringworm, dry and flaky skin, and athlete’s feet. This cream prevents debris or particles in the nails from working as a protective shield and destroys the fungi to finish the infection. Hence, ketoconazole cream to treat nail fungus is a one-stop solution for the infection. It is readily available in medical stores, and one must use it with caution and care.


Dandruff is a scalp condition typically caused by a fungal infection. Cells on the scalp multiply fast and manifest as flaky scales, hair loss, and itchy skin. One potent way to deal with dandruff is to use the best hair dandruff shampoo.

There are several medicated anti-dandruff shampoos on the market, and it is good to go for the ones recommended by your doctor. At the same time, you can treat dandruff on your own by experimenting with 2 or 3 kinds of anti-dandruff shampoos until you find the suitable formulation for your hair.

However, you need to know the correct method to use anti-dandruff shampoo while considering shampoo for dandruff hair:

Use the Right Shampoo

Before choosing the anti-dandruff shampoo, ensure you know your dandruff’s exact cause. Many conditions can cause dandruff. So, it would help if you got a shampoo which suits your condition.

Try to avoid generic shampoos, as they make your scalp irritated and dry by washing away all the sebum. Most shampoos contain harsh chemicals that cause a sensitive reaction on your scalp, leaving it inflamed and red.

Ketomac is an excellent anti-dandruff shampoo that has an active ingredient called Ketoconazole. Its antifungal properties suppress fungal growth and get rid of dandruff. It is reputed to be the most effective anti-dandruff shampoo.

Rinse Hair with Water

After selecting your shampoo, rinse your scalp and hair thoroughly with water. First, you must moisturize your hair. Please do this by allowing water to run through it. Warm water will help open hair cuticles. When cuticles are open, shampoo can wash away all dirt and oil. Water is essential also for working up the lather. Without water, the shampoo cannot reach all parts of the scalp and hair. But do not allow hair to be soaking wet and dripping all over.

Use Right Amount

Follow the instructions of the manufacturer about how much shampoo to use. A good tip is to start with a moderate amount and reapply later. Pour out enough to cover your whole scalp and hair. Persons with long hair need to use more than short-haired persons.

Apply Shampoo Evenly

While applying shampoo, ensure you distribute it evenly. The entire scalp must be covered with shampoo to get rid of unwanted dirt, sebum, and pollutants.

Lather Twice

Do two rounds of lathering. For the first, use a non-medicated shampoo to clean dirt and oil. Let medicated shampoo stay on your scalp for 5 minutes before rinsing in the second lather.

Massage Your Scalp

You must massage your scalp to ensure shampoo is distributed evenly and promotes blood circulation. Massage using the tips of fingers and avoid scratching, which can irritate the scalp.

Rest for A While

Allow shampoo to soak in for 3 to 5 minutes or as recommended by the manufacturer. This gives it time to penetrate the scalp and kill the fungus. But do not leave for any longer as it can dry and irritate the scalp.

Rinse Thoroughly

It would help if you did a thorough rinsing of the scalp and hair, and you can use your hands to do this. Give a few good rinses, so shampoo has been removed.

Dry and Brush Hair

Towel dry hair gently till it stops dripping. For long hair, pat your hair till it is relatively dry. Next, untangle hair using a wide-tooth comb.

These are all tips for using the best dandruff shampoo for your hair.


Fungal infection is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. There are several kinds of fungal infections impacting different parts of the body. So, You might want to know the fungal infection treatment method.

The fungus is a single cell kind of organism which survives by living on other living beings. For survival, fungi invade the living cells and draw their nourishment from such cells. Fungi typically live in shady, dark, and moist places. Therefore, you will find most fungal infections in the groin, armpit, genital areas, ears, and mouth.


Moulds, yeasts, and dermatophytes are fundamental causes of Fungal infections. There are around 40 different species of dermatophytes, and they gain their nutrition from keratinized material, just as other organisms cause a fungal infection of the scalp, nails, and skin.

Yeasts occur naturally on the skin but sometimes multiply unabated resulting in symptomatic infections. Moulds are a not so common cause of fungal infections, but they can cause TineaNigra (painless black or brown patches on the skin) and some hard-to-treat nail infections.

Antifungal Cream

Fungal infections affect some body parts like the back, neck, and scalp. Common fungal infections are ringworm, candidiasis, jock itch, athlete’s foot, and dandruff. The good news is that topical antifungal cream can cure the infection and destroy fungi in the affected area.

Diagnosis of all fungal infections is necessary by a dermatologist or physician, who Prescribes the antifungal cream required for treatment. Fungal infections are of various kinds, impacting different parts of the body, so a correct diagnosis must be made by the doctor, who only can decide which antifungal cream to apply.

Mostly, fungal infections are accompanied by other agents that cause itching or rashes. Hence the antifungal cream must treat the additional infections. For the right treatment, you will have to follow the proper instructions on how to use the cream, how many times a day it must be applied, and how long it will take to cure the infection.

Infections Treated by Antifungals

Topical antifungals may treat fungal infections of the nails, skin, vagina, and mucous membranes. Examples of infections treated by antifungals include:

  • Nail infections
  • Candida infections
  • PityriasisVersicolor ( flaky, discoloured skin patches)
  • TineaCapitis ( fungal infection of the scalp)
  • TineaBarbae (beard and moustache fungal infection)
  • TineaCruris ( Jock itch)
  • TineaCorporis ( Ringworm)
  • Tinea Faciei (facial fungal infection)
  • TineaNigra
  • TineaManuum (hands)
  • TineaPedis (feet)

Different infections need different kinds and times of application. You must also factor in your skin type as different skin types react differently. Hence, consultation with a doctor is vital. You can try more than one cream type or even take a more robust version of the cream you are using currently.

Apply With Care

You must apply fungal infection treatment cream with great care, and caution as infection can spread from one part of the body to another and from one person to another. The doctor recommends that you wear gloves while applying the antifungal cream and wash your hands properly. Spread out the dollop of antifungal cream you wish to apply on tissue paper, and immediately close the tube to save the medication from contamination.

Sometimes antifungal cream can be a combination of other creams when you need two actions. For instance, an antifungal cream is often combined with a mild steroid cream like hydrocortisone to treat certain rashes. The antifungal cream kills the infection, and the mild steroid cream reduces inflammation caused by infection.


You can treat fungal infections in a pretty straightforward manner. The length of treatment depends on what kind of fungal infection you have, the degree of its severity, and any other health problems you have (like problems with the immune system). Some treatments can be as short as a few days (e.g. vaginal thrush), and others can take as long as eight weeks (e.g. ringworm infection of the scalp).

The fundamental use of the cream is to treat fungal infections of the nails, skin, and scalp. They include medical formulations like econazole, clotrimazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, tioconazole, amorolfine, and terbinafine. These come in various brand names.


There are several types of fungal infection treatment creams on the market. But Clotrimazole cream is most commonly used for treating a fungal infection in humans and animals. This antifungal cream is used to cure ringworm, vaginal yeast infection, athlete’s foot, oral thrush, jock itch, and athlete’s foot. One can develop blistering and burning sensations, skin rashes, swelling and redness of the skin, etc., as side effects of applying clotrimazole cream.

Types of Treatment

You can use antifungal creams to treat many kinds of fungal infections. You know which cream to apply for what kind of infection is crucial.

  • Ringworm

It is a fungal skin infection that features a red circle with healthy skin in the middle. Ringworm on the scalp is called TineaCapitis, and elsewhere on the body is called TineaCorporis. Ringworm is caused by fungi called dermatophytes, and it spreads by contact. Infection typically clears within two weeks, and topical antifungal creams can help.

  • Athlete’s foot

Called as TineaPedis, it affects the moist area between toes and typically causes burning, stinging, and itching. This infection is common in men, especially those who wear tight-fitting shoes and damp socks. This infection spreads fast in public places like locker rooms where people walk barefoot. Creams containing miconazole, clotrimazole, or terbinafine can help.

  • Jock itch

Infection resembles ringworm and occurs in the buttocks, genitals, and inner thighs. It causes a ring-shaped, itchy, and red rash, and the cause is dermatophytes. The latter thrive in warm and moist areas of the body, and they usually affect sweaty athletes, hence the name.

  • Yeast infections

Called jointly cutaneous candidiasis, The causes of which are yeast-like fungi called candida and grow in warm, moist areas like the mouth, fingernails, groin, and armpits. Candidiasis of the mouth (thrush) is expected in a person with weakened immune systems and can indicate another severe disease like AIDS.

Yeast infections include burning, itching, patches with oozing fluid, pus, pain, and rashes. It would help if you treated such infection with topical creams containing clotrimazole, butoconazole, terconazole, or miconazole.

These are all essential aspects of fungal infection treatment cream in India. The takeaway is that topical creams effectively treat certain fungal infections, but treatment must be done with a doctor’s advice.


There are various types of issues that people of all ages tend to contract at some point in their lives. One such issue is getting ringworms considered a severe infectious fungal problem during summertime. Symptoms may vary depending upon the location of the infection—a circular rash with red raised edges and healthy skin in its middle. The infection might even occur in the form of a jock itch (groin region) on the scalp and as an athlete’s foot on the feet. It is tough to treat some infections. But taking care of hygiene and using ringworm creams or topical antifungal creams will help cure them.

Use the Topical Antifungal Cream To Treat Ringworm Issues

One can get topical antifungal creams at the local medicine store. If the problem is severe, visiting the doctor is an absolute must to get proper treatment. The doctor is likely to prescribe the more potent variants of the cream to ensure an adequate remedy. Oral medication can be prescribed for severe nail and scalp region infections.

Instructions To Follow When Buying And Using Topical Fungal Cream

  • Choose the most appropriate antifungal cream. Few are formulated to assist treat all types of fungus, and others to take care of specific strains. The one to be purchased needs to be effective against ringworm. Often ingredients like Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Terbinafine, Ketoconazole, Betamethasone, and Clotrimazole are used.
  • Identify how often the ringworm cream is to be used. Generally, OTC creams require the application twice a day. Several times to be applied depends upon the formation strength of the cream. Following the instructions present on the label can help to know better.
  • The infected area needs to be appropriately cleaned and thoroughly before applying the best topical fungal cream. If a bandage is used to cover the infected area, remove it and wash the rash using water and soap. Then pat it dry before applying the cream to ensure it gets absorbed quickly. It ensures that the creams contact with the fungus and not get contaminated with sweat and dirt.
  • Wash hands thoroughly before & after application of the cream to avoid contamination.
  • On an infected area and its surrounding areas, apply a thin layer of ringworm cream to prevent the further growth of rash. This may infect asymptomatic healthy skin.
  • Allow drying of the cream and its complete absorption. Avoid covering the area if the cream is moist. Using a bandage, ensure it is dry and clean since fungi favour wet, warm places.
  • This treatment should be repeated as prescribed to get the best results.
  • You need to use this product for a week or so, even if you find symptoms are disappearing.

If visible changes are not found, consult the doctor without any delay. The professional should be let know of allergic reactions, like itchiness, excessive redness, or burning.


There may develop yeast problems in any part of the human body that may cause mental strain and pain in the region. Taking good yeast infection cream can help the person be cured and enjoy life. Several creams are available easily in the market that claims to care for such problems. Yeast infection is caused due to the overgrowth of yeast in the body. It is a function that could be viewed only using a microscope and can cause havoc if people get infected. There will be tremendous itching as well as discomfort. Hence, the person needs to be extra careful when deciding on the cream. The infection needs to be confirmed to avail of the right and most appropriate cream to apply and cure. Learn about antibiotics and antifungal cream in this blog.

Symptoms Noticed

Many merely observe some symptoms that might conclude they are being infected without further research. Few signs that are likely to be faced with infection are severe itching on affected regions that create white patches.

Yeast Infection in Women

Women tend to discharge something that resembles cottage cheese. They are likely to be sore constantly and experience immense pain during sexual intercourse and while urinating. Such symptoms might suggest vaginal candidiasis, and it is regarded as an infection taking place in the vagina region of women. Even bacterial infections come with symptoms and signs which need to be adequately understood. Only then can the best and most available antifungal infection cream be purchased and applied.

Yeast Infection in Men

When faced with a yeast infection, men can use antifungal cream to do away with this problem. The infection generally occurs in the penis region, where men face extreme itching and experience pain, especially when urinating and during sex. Consulting the doctor can help confirm the issue and get hold of an excellent antifungal yeast cream that will work miracles and cure the problem.

Buy and Use Doctor-Prescribed Antibiotic and Antifungal Cream

There are several creams on the market. But to do away with this issue, those infected are suggested to use only doctor prescribed ones. Going through the instructions on the label can help know how to use the cream, how it is applied, and the number of times it is used. Following them can help derive the best results and eliminate the yeast problem. Numerous vaginal creams are available with clearly specified instructions and specifications to follow.

If the cream fails to live up to the expectations, the doctor needs to be informed immediately. The cream needs to be tested for three days, and if no changes are found in its sign, then the care provider is to be informed so that there can be a change made in the topical cream to be applied. Infection can be persistent. Hence, some vigilance will be necessary to ensure medication is taken on time and the issue eliminates.


The biggest organ in your body is your skin. If you are not taking care of your dress, you will experience an ugly appearance and pain and uneasiness. The point is that fungal infections are common these days, and if you are not keeping a check on them, you might experience one soon. Go through this blog to learn about OTC antifungal cream.

Treatment For Fungal Infection:

The good news is that there are good options like over the counter antifungal cream for you to choose from for your relief and treatment. The bad news is that there is every chance that you are not paying any attention to your skin condition. If you are facing any uneasiness, infection, itchiness, redness, or pain on your skin, you must consult a dermatologist or skin specialist. It is better to take things in control over time than to feel sorry later on. Of course, if you know that it is a fungal infection, you must start taking precautions right after. You can look for creams that do wonders for your condition.

You know the fungal problem can be experienced around your feet, in the scalp area, or private parts. It might add to your knowledge that the three most common fungal or yeast infections are bacterial vaginosis (BV), trichomonas, and vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). Similarly, other problems, such as vaginal irritation or pruritus triggered due to allergic or hypersensitivity reactions, are also characteristic. The bad thing is that these situations are generally mistaken for urinary tract infections like urethral irritation and dysuria because of vulvovaginitis.

The thing is that there is no need to feel shy. Even if you are experiencing any fungal infection around your private part or other body zones, you can use antifungal creams. These creams are safe, effective, and made particularly to address the infection problems of women. Of course, you can find practical and safe creams for men and women.

For your information:

All the yeast infections emerge from a general class of ailments known as cutaneous candidiasis. The yeast-like fungus, known as candida, activates moist yeast infections, and it even expands in warm areas, including private fingernails, armpits, mouth, and vagina. Candidiasis of your mouth, known as thrush, emerges more frequently in individuals whose immune systems are weak and can hint at a more grave ailment like AIDS.

Signs of fungal infections

The signs of a fungal infection include itching, rashes, patches that ooze fluid, swelling, burning, pimples, pus, and pain. Thrush can be discovered by painful white patches on the tongue and the insides of your cheeks. Speaking of vaginal yeast infections, it often takes place with a yellow or white vaginal discharge, burning, itching, and redness in the skin around the vagina. You must tackle this issue with a safe and effective antifungal cream.

So, start using OTC antifungal cream in India, and you will experience results within a few days.

There are many health conditions that you have to be specific about. You cannot take your skin for granted. If you feel that your skin is good and not painting, you need not pay attention. You have no clue how important it is to treat a rash in time than to face it once it is in its adverse condition. To learn about effective antifungal creams, go through this blog.

You can start using the most effective antifungal cream, and you will experience relief. Many people wait for a health condition to get out of control, then rush to hospitals. However, the thing is to take care of your health in time. Later on, you do not just have to go through so much inconvenience and pain but also experience many finances going into doom.

Do you know what fungal infection is?

What if you have no idea that you have a fungal infection? Many individuals get affected by fungal infections. Of the thousands of species of these fungi, just a few of them can trigger disease or discomfort. Moreover, the aggressive fungal ailment is somewhat rare in healthy persons because of their proper immune systems. However, grave fungal illnesses frequently occur in immunocompromised patients. There are plenty of fungal infections therein, and a few of these are listed below:


This kind of fungal infection is related to the toenails or fingernails that could encompass any component of your nails, such as the plate, matrix, or bed. It could cause pain, discomfort, and disfigurement. Different types of fungal organisms cause onychomycosis, and the commonest is the dermatophyte. Yeast and molds also become a reason for nail infections. Some creams can help you eliminate these fungal infections if you start using them timely. These creams are a hundred percent safe and effective.

Athlete’s Foot:

Athlete’s Foot: This is a fungal infection of the feet and has itching, scaling, and extreme redness. It can be caused by several different fungi such as Microsporum or Epidermophyton. It is a common condition, but it might take an adverse shape if you avoid it or ignore it.


Ringworm is something that can emerge in the shape of a red or silver rash at any place on your body. It is usually ring-shaped and is commonly caused by the fungus Trichophytonrubrum. There is even TineaCapitis which is ringworm that impacts your scalp.No matter where you get the ringworm, you can get it healed through suitable creams.

So, you have to look for the finest and most effective cream for fungal infections. Once you start applying it regularly, you will experience the utmost relief. And yes, remember that these creams have no side effects or anything that might make you feel uneasy or pained.


It is not rare for older adults, both women, and men, to witness hair loss and greying. But it might also surprise you that hair texture can change with changing hormones in the middle to an older age. Once bone-straight hair can turn wavy or coarse, dense hair can begin to develop thinner and more delicate.

In some instances, alteration in hair texture, such as fragility, can result from years of colouring, bleaching, or even straightening hair. Here it might help you know that treating hair gently and using a deep conditioner once a week might help avert damage, or you can consider taking vitamins like silica or biotin to help strengthen hair. If hair gets damaged, it could be time to cut off some locks or hug the grey. A healthy scalp of hair of any shade is a definite improvement over damaged, dry, and brittle hair. You cannot shun the reality that hair texture changes with age.

Hormonal changes impact the hair texture.

Hormonal changes during the time of menopause can trigger hair texture to alter over time gradually. But in case the change is sudden, it might be a sign of a primary health problem such as hypothyroidism, malnutrition, or even infection and has to be discussed with a medical expert. A quick change in hair texture can be a health warning signal, coupled with other signs. Some medications can even trigger a change in hair texture, so you should talk with your doctor about troublesome side effects.

Your diet is also a contributor.

Diet can also be a contributor to maintaining healthy hair. Hair and skin require biotin, zinc, iron, vitamin E, and even omega fatty acids to remain thick and shiny. With your age, the oil glands in your scalp generate less sebum, and hair starts to thin. You can start trying foods like dark leafy greens, salmon, eggs, oysters, and avocados as a portion of a healthy diet.

Time to change the products

If hair texture has changed, it could also be time to manage and adjust the kind of hair products you use. Once coarse hair is getting thin and straight, conditioners, lighter weight shampoos, and styling products could be helpful. Allowing hair air to dry is quickly becoming trendy after years of hair straightening, which might also help prevent damage. A fresh hairstyle could also help make the maximum of the change in texture. If you always wanted curly hair but have straight hair, don’t worry; who knows, you will encounter curly hair later in your life! Indeed, change can be expected in your hair texture down the lane.

So, to rebuff the thing that changes in hair texture with age is not possible is uncool. Remember, a change in the texture of your hair can come into your life, and you already know why. Next time someone tries to tell you it is impossible, hand them these reasons and second you.


Many types of antifungal creams are used to treat a variety of infections. Good antifungal hand cream will quickly treat the fungal infection within a few days without causing any significant side effects. There are even different types of antifungal creams made specifically for certain parts of the body.

The antifungal cream for hands is explicitly made for hands and should be applied there. You can use Ketomac cream for your hands, and the chemical composition is made especially so that the skin is most sensitive to the cream. These creams effectively treat any fungal infection and prevent any other infections from happening.

You know you might experience ringworm on the hand, and it may include the hands, specifically the palms, and the spaces between your fingers. It characteristically triggers thickening (hyperkeratosis) of such areas, often on just one hand. Tinea manus is an everyday companion of tinea pedis (ringworm on the feet), and it is even known as the tinea manuum.

This tinea manuum might emerge as an acute inflammatory rash like tinea corporis. There is generally a raised border and clearing in the centre (ringworm). This is most probable when a zoophilic (animal) or geophilic (soil) fungus is accountable. The likely fungi could be: trichophyton echinacea — from a hedgehog

  • Verrucosum is from cattle
  • Microsporum canis and is from a cat or dog
  • Nannizzia gypsea and comes from the soil

More often, the tinea manuum triggers a slowly extending area of peeling, dryness, and even mild itching on the palm of one hand (hyperkeratotic tinea). Skin markings could also be increased. Generally, both feet appear similar. The general reason is an anthropophilic (human) fungus:

How is tinea manuum diagnosed?

The diagnosis of the condition of the tinea manuum gets confirmed by microscopy and culture of skin scrapings. You can speak with the dermatologists, who will instantly let you know. It is crucial to know that a mild tinea manuum is treated with topical antifungal agents. Still, if the treatment is ineffective, oral antifungal medicines could be considered.

What are the risk factors for tinea manuum?

Tinea manuum ends up from:

  • Association with another site of infection, specifically the feet (tinea pedis) or that of the groin (tinea cruris)
  • Association with another person with tinea
  • The direct link with an infected animal or soil
  • Association with a contaminated object such as a towel or gardening tool

It is more probable in those doing manual work, who sweat abundantly (hyperhidrosis), or even those who already have hand dermatitis.

Are there distinguishing features of the tinea manuum?

Tinea manuum might be clinically distinguished from hand dermatitis.

  • In most cases of the tinea manuum, just a single hand is involved.
  • Enhanced skin markings might be seen in dermatitis, but in chronic tinea manuum, they are white because of the type of surface scale.
  • Nearby nails could also be infected (tinea unguium). However, other skin conditions might also affect nails.
  • In case both hands are affected, involvement is irregular.
  • Participation of both palm and back of the hand in contiguity.
  • The rash could have an elevated border.

The point is that you have creams for your hand that might fight the fungus infection for you. Some creams would comfort your hands, and your issue would be resolved within weeks.


Antifungal creams are mainly used to treat skin infections like ringworm, jock itch, athlete’s foot, and other fungal types. Some antifungal creams are also used to treat a skin condition called pityriasis. It is a specific skin disease that causes the darkening or lightening of the skin of the arms, legs, chest, and neck. Most antifungal creams contain an agent called azole, which prevents fungus growth.

How to use it?

Antifungal hand cream or any other type of skin fungus antifungal cream should strictly be used on the skin only. Before applying the cream to the affected area, you should clean it and thoroughly dry it. Then you should apply the cream evenly on the affected part and do this twice a day usually or as your doctor advises. Spray foams are also available, which you can opt for. But it would help if you remembered to shake the bottle well before using it. The length of the treatment and the dosage will depend on the type of infection you have. You should never apply these creams more times than what is prescribed as this will surely not clear your condition faster, but it will increase your chances of getting side effects.

You should apply enough medicine to evenly cover the whole area- the affected part and some of the surroundings. Wash your hands immediately after applying the cream. It would help if you did not wrap the bandage to cover this part unless your doctor has directly told you so. These creams are not meant to be applied to the eyes, mouth, nose, or vagina. If you use it regularly, then you will get maximum benefits.

Side effects

Though side effects of these antifungal creams are rare, it is better to know about them from before. Stinging, burning, irritation, swelling, pimple-like bumps, redness, tenderness, and flaking of the treated part might occur. If you experience any of these side effects and they keep getting worse, you must immediately inform your doctor. A severe allergic reaction is infrequent, but it might happen. If there are any severe side effects like oozing, blistering, or open sores, you should immediately inform your doctor. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction might include swelling of the face, tongue, or throat, trouble breathing, and severe dizziness.

If you inform your doctor about your allergies beforehand, they will prescribe you the best antifungal cream for your condition. The majority of people have only benefited from these creams, so most chances are that you will.

So, once you know that you have this condition, make sure that you get it healed by timely precautions. The suitable creams at the right time can heal your fungus infection instantly.


Antifungal creams are extremely useful in treating several fungal skin infections. Common skin infections like ringworm, jock itch, yeast infection, and athlete’s foot are just some of the skin conditions that can be easily be treated by using these antifungal creams for itching. Antifungal creams contain active ingredients that help treat these infections by attacking the organisms causing them. Some creams have specific active ingredients that respond best to different fungal infections. However, the best antifungal creams are pretty versatile and can treat various skin infections. If you know which cream is best for which infection, you will treat it much faster. Your doctor will know better and prescribe you the best cream for your condition.

It is essential to realize that fungi stay everywhere. These might be discovered in plants, soil, and also that of your skin. These microscopic organisms on your skin characteristically do not cause any problem unless they manifold faster than usual or penetrate your skin via a cut or lesion. Since fungi grow and thrive in warm, moist environments, fungal skin infections might most of the time develop in sweaty or damp areas that do not receive much airflow. A few examples include the feet, groin, and even folds of skin. Most of the time, these infections come up as a scaly rash or discolouration of the skin that is itchy primarily. Some fungal skin infections are somewhat common. Although the infection might be annoying and uncomfortable, it is not severe.


Everyone is familiar with ringworm, and it is one of the most common types of fungal skin infections. It is characterized by a red circle with healthy-looking skin in the centre. When someone has ringworm on their scalp, it is known as tinea capitis, while ringworm on any other part of the body is tinea corporis. Dermatophytes are mild-like fungi that cause this infection. If you encounter an infected human, objects, animals, or even soil, you might get dermatophytes that cause ringworm. Usually, your body will clear the ringworm, but using a topical antifungal cream for itching can help.

The chief symptom of ringworm is a ring-shaped rash with slightly elevated edges. The skin within these circular rashes mostly looks healthy, and the rash might even spread and is often itchy. Ringworm is a common type of fungal skin infection and is highly contagious. However, it is not severe and can generally be treated with an antifungal cream. But again, it nowhere means that you avoid it because it can be a big issue if it goes untreated, and it might get annoying.

Athlete’s foot

Tinea pedis or athlete’s foot occurs in the moist areas between your toes, and it usually causes a lot of burning, stinging, and itching. This occurs very commonly in men, especially those who frequently wear tight-fitting shoes or damp socks. This infection can quickly spread in public places like gym locker rooms or pools, where people commonly walk barefoot. If you seem to have an infection, treat it soon by using a good antifungal cream or spray. In a usual sense, the symptoms of an athlete’s foot can be like:

  • Itching, or that of burning, stinging sensation between your toes or that on the soles of your feet
  • Skin that looks red, scaly, dry, or even that flaky
  • Cracked or blistered skin

In some instances, the infection might even spread to other zones of your body. Examples include your groin, nails, or hands (tinea manuum).

Jock itch

Ringworm and jock itch are pretty similar, but jock itch usually occurs in and around the skin of the buttocks, genitals, and inner thighs. Jock itch is also known as tinea cruris. It causes a red and extremely itchy rash that is most often ring-shaped. Dermatophytes are the cause of jock itch, too, just like ringworms. Typically these dermatophytes live on your skin, and you can control them by keeping your skin clean and dry. You are most likely to develop a jock itch if the skin around your buttocks, thighs, and genitals becomes moist and warm for an extended period. The condition derived its name from the fact that it usually occurs in athletes who spend most of their time sweating. Good antifungal cream for itchy skin like Ketomac cream can help treat jock itch easily and quickly.

  • Jock itch is a term for any rash in the male groin zone.
  • Jock itch is nearly exclusively confined to males, though it might also be seen in females.
  • This jock itch could result from a local fungus infection (dermatophytes). It is otherwise usually triggered by moisture, irritation, and even bacterial overgrowth.

Signs of jock itch include

  • Pain
  • Pink or red rash in the area of groin folds,
  • Itching,
  • Remember that this condition of jock itch is most common in older, overweight adults and athletes.
  • Jock itch is primarily witnessed in otherwise healthy people.
  • Jock itch is easily treatable in most cases and frequently resolves independently without any treatment.
  • Jock itch is linked with certain anatomical structures specific to the male groin.
  • Jock itch is averted by optimal skin hygiene.

While the cure for these skin infections is relatively simple and easy, prevention is always better than cure. It would help if you always tried to stay clean, dry, and hygienic to prevent these infections. They can also be extremely itchy and irritating, so try preventing them in the best way possible.

So, the point is that various types of fungal skin infections eventually get better in response to over-the-counter (orc) fungal solutions and treatments. However, you can talk to a dermatologist if you are confused about anything.


The fungus is considered to be a primitive vegetable like mild and mushroom. It refers to various forms of fungus that may infect different body parts. Through the spreading of tiny spores in the air, fungus reproduces. If these fungal spores are inhaled or land on the person, they are likely afflicted with unwanted fungal infections on the skin or lungs. Those with a weak immune system will not eliminate the foreign invaders and are more likely to experience a fungal infection.

What is the point if you have no idea that you have a fungal infection? Many people get affected by fungal infections. ~ of the thousands of such fungi species, just a couple of them can trigger ailment or discomfort. Moreover, the aggressive fungal ailment is quite rare in healthy persons because of their excellent immune systems. However, severe fungal ailments frequently occur in immunocompromised patients. There are myriad fungal infections therein, and a couple of these are like:

Athlete’s foot:

It is a fungal infection of the feet and possesses itching, scaling, and extreme redness. It might be caused by several diverse fungi such as Microsporum or Epidermophyton. It is a common condition, but it could take an adverse and pathetic shape if you avoid it or ignore it.


Ringworm is something that can emerge in the shape of a red or silver rash at any place on your body. It is usually ring-shaped and is commonly caused by the fungus trichophyton rubrum. There is even tinea capitis which is ringworm and impacts your scalp. No matter where you get the ringworm, you can get it healed through suitable creams.

When does it occur, and what are its symptoms?

Usually, fungal infections take place in society among all ages. However, with advancing age, its frequency increases since the circulatory system tend to become less efficient and reduces skin protection. Few symptoms may include fissures between toes or itchy, scaly, and dry rash on feet sores. Fungal infection is caused generally during warm weather when bumps or tiny blisters emerge on the body, feet, and hands.


It is possible to treat fungal infections with medicated skin fungus cream and doctor prescribed. Few fungal infections might require the person to use an antibiotic in liquid form. It is necessary to maintain good hygiene, take a bath regularly and clean and dry the skin. After that, apply Ketomac cream. This will help in quick recovery from fungal infections. If the person wears socks, they should be changed and washed every day. This will avoid damp conditions, as fungus thrives in such circumstances. Fungal infections can be a server and, however, not contagious. This means, in ordinary circumstances, it cannot spread.

Fungus infection in nails

It is tough to treat patients suffering from fungal infections on toenails since no effective medications apply to the nail surface. Oral medication can be availed to clear fingernail fungal infection in 3 months to 2 years. But it might re-emerge after some time. Unless a fungal infection on the toenail is found to be excruciating, advanced treatment is not necessary. Using doctor prescribed fungus cream will be more than sufficient.

If you speak of this sort of fungal infection, it is linked with the toenails or fingernails that might include any component of your nails, such as the plate, matrix, or even bed. It can even trigger pain, discomfort, and disfigurement. Onychomycosis is one thing that triggers different types of fungal organisms, and the most general is the dermatophyte. Yeast and molds even turn out to be a reason for nail infections. Good creams can help you eliminate these fungal infections if you start using them timely. These creams are a hundred percent effective and safe.

The skin may be infected with fungus and have thickening, yellow or white discolouration, or crumbling of the nail. Without appropriate and timely medication for chronically infected toenails, there are very high chances of the fungus spreading to the nearby skin region.

Fungus tends to grow on moist and warm skin. Therefore, the skin should always be dry after touching the water to prevent growth and spread.

It will be wise to wear slippers or avoid them until the floor gets completely dry. Also, it is not advisable to borrow towels, napkins, hairbrushes, and combs from others. They might suffer from fungal skin infections that will only spread to the other person unknowingly. It is essential to sterilize any item with boiling water if found close to the areas infected with fungus. Before using the item and staying safe, cotton socks absorb sweat is a must-follow rule. But nylon socks only make the feet sweat. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, exercising regularly, and having a nutritious diet to develop body resistance would be equally crucial. Also, one should use only the best cream to treat fungal skin infections recommended by the doctor.

How to choose a suitable cream?

The foremost thing that you must do is check out the usage of the cream. There are different types of fungus creams out there that can be useful. You will not find any problem if you pick a cream that has been made for treating a specific area of your body part. But when you pick the creams as per their specific usage, you find them compelling, safe, and valuable. For example, if you have an infection in your toenails, you can get a fungus infection cream meant for your toenails. In this way, you can ensure that the cream works wonderfully for you. Moreover, pick the right brand when choosing the product, and don’t forget to check the quality of the cream.

So, the point is clear; you can get rid of fungus infections in any part of your body once you make a move in time. The correct cream is going to heal your fungus infection for sure. Ensure that you put the cream when the skin surface is cleaned up and dry.


People nowadays have become health and beauty conscious. They have been trying to spend a good amount of money on different products and antifungal creams. These products care about their body and get rid of the health issues that they are suffering from. One such issue that both men and women of every age, including children, face are contracting yeast infection in the different parts of their body. It’s pretty commonly experienced, and there is an available ready remedy to cure it.

Using antifungal cream for yeast infection

They are made using various yeast infection creams and products that claim to offer a remedy. Using the right product does help the person to get cured and enjoy everyday life. Yeast infection occurs due to yeast overgrowth in different or any particular body part.

Yeast is regarded as a fungus that can be noticed only under a microscope, and those infected with it experience plenty of discomfort and itching. Hence, the person needs to be careful and ensure that only good quality, branded products serve the desired purpose. But first, the person needs to check up with a qualified doctor to ascertain that they have developed a yeast infection and purchase the medicine to treat it accordingly.

In the usual sense, the more focused the drug or medicine, the shorter the time you need to consume it. Talking about prescription cream or vaginal cream, they would generally get used for seven days. But if the cream is even more robust, you might need to use it for just three days. The point is it depends on the type of cream and your situation. You can make sure that your zone is getting better, and accordingly, you will use the cream.

It is good to know that yeast is a fungus that usually lives in the vagina in tiny numbers. Vaginal yeast infection means that you have got plenty of yeast cells growing in your vagina. Such infections are prevalent. Although these infections might bother you greatly, they are not usually serious. And of course, you can find the treatment too if you look for it. Creams would work wonderfully for you, or you may speak with the dermatologists too.

Signs and symptoms

Many observe the symptoms that develop in the body and conclude that they have developed this infection. A few signs that might come with this infection are severe itching in affected regions. Also, might emerge white patches in the affected parts. Some women are found to discharge, resembling that of cottage cheese.

During sexual intercourse or while urinating, they will feel sore and experience tremendous pain. The symptoms developed may suggest vaginal candidiasis, regarded as an infection in the vagina region. Also, such signs and symptoms are noticed due to bacterial infections. It is essential to rule out the possibilities of other types of illnesses.

How can you diagnose a vaginal yeast infection?

It is straightforward and efficient to guess wrong about a vaginal infection. You should see your doctor if you are unsure what you have or if this is the only time you have had such symptoms. It would help if you also visited your doctor in case you are pregnant. Your doctor could wish to do a vaginal examination. Since they have the equipment and knowledge, they would know about the existence of infection in no time.

How can you treat the issue?

In case you have had a yeast infection in the past or before, and you can recognize the signs, and you are not pregnant, you might do treatment of the issue at home with medicines that you could buy without a prescription, or you can take up strong creams too for fungus infection. You might use an antifungal cream or a suppository that you place into the vagina. These things work for you when you use them correctly and in the right quantities. Ensure that you read the instructions on the creams or the medicines before you start using them.

What activates vaginal infection?

Most yeast infections get activated by a type of yeast known as candida Albicans. You know a healthy vagina has various bacteria and a tiny number of yeast cells. The most general bacteria, lactobacillus acidophilus, are assistive to keep other organisms-like the yeast-under proper control. Once anything happens to change the balance of these organisms, the yeast might grow or increase too much and trigger the signs. Taking various antibiotics sometimes causes such an imbalance. The high estrogenic levels activated by pregnancy or hormone therapy can trigger it. So can particular health issues such as diabetes or HIV infection. You must be careful about all sorts of things.

When to use antifungal yeast cream?

The typical infection men face affects the penis, and this region experiences tremendous pain combined with severe itching. Also is joint pain during urinating and having sexual intercourse. Men can use yeast infection cream as they develop this infection. In such a case, they need to consult a qualified and experienced doctor to confirm the illness and recommend a well-branded medication cream.

Several cream types are available in the market; Ketomac cream is one. The doctor will prescribe a suitable cream for the person and ensure it works well and provides good results. It is necessary to go through the instructions on the label and use them effectively and correctly. Numerous vaginal creams are also available with precise specifications of the ingredients used in their manufacturing and easy to understand and follow instructions.

Yeast infection cream not working?

 ofIf yeast infection cream does not work as desired; the doctor needs to be informed without any delay. Then the health professional will recommend another product that will work out and provide quick relief. The prescribed cream needs to be tested for three days if no improvement is found. Then the care provider needs to be informed. Infection is likely to be quite persistent. Care should be taken to ensure that the medication is used regularly and not avoided.

So, you can always take proper steps once you know that you are suffering from a yeast infection. Timely actions can get you much relief.


There are yeast infections, which can get irritating, annoying, and even painful if you are not attentive. You have to ensure that the area is treated soon using yeast antifungal cream. You cannot leave it unattended, or your skin condition will worsen.

In a general sense, the more focused the drug, the shorter you have to consume it. Talking prescription antifungal cream or vaginal cream would usually get used for seven days. But if the cream is even more robust, you might have to use it for three days only. It depends on the type of cream and your condition. You can make sure that your area is getting better, and accordingly, you will use the cream.

For your information, yeast is a fungus that generally lives in the vagina in tiny numbers. A vaginal yeast infection means that you have too many yeast cells growing in your vagina. These infections are prevalent. Although these infections can bother you greatly, they are not generally severe. And, of course, the treatment is too.

Candida is the scientific name that has been assigned to yeast. It is a fungus that stays nearly everywhere, including in your body. In a general sense, your immune system keeps yeast under control. If you are sick or taking antibiotics, it could multiply and trigger an infection. Yeast infections influence the diverse parts of the body in various ways:

  • Thrush is a yeast infection that activates white patches in your mouth.
  • Candida esophagitis is a thrush that scatters your oesophagus, the tube that takes food from mouth to stomach. It might make it hard or painful to swallow.
  • Women can get vaginal yeast infections, activating vaginitis.
  • Yeast infections of the skin trigger extensive itching and rashes
  • Yeast infections in your bloodstream might turn out to be life-threatening.

Well, speaking of the vagina, the vagina possesses a healthy balance of bacteria and yeast. The hormone estrogen aids bacteria known as lactobacilli to increase, and these bacteria end the damaging organisms in the vagina and keep you fit and healthy. But once something happens to tip that balance, a fungus called candida might increase or grow out of control and activate a yeast infection. But you don’t need to panic because you can use Ketomac products to kick away your yeast infection. You can always speak with a good dermatologist to find out what you are suffering from.

What triggers vaginal infection?

Most yeast infections are triggered by a kind of yeast known as candida Albicans. A healthy vagina has so many bacteria and a tiny number of yeast cells. Most everyday bacteria, lactobacillus acidophilus, are helpful to keep other organisms-like the yeast-under proper control. When anything changes the balance of these organisms, yeast can increase or grow too much and trigger the symptoms. Taking different antibiotics sometimes causes such an imbalance. The high estrogenic levels triggered by pregnancy or hormone therapy can even trigger it. So, can specific health issues such as diabetes or HIV infection. You have to be careful about all these things.

What are the symptoms?

A yeast infection triggers itching or soreness in your vagina and sometimes even causes pain or burning when you urinate or have sex. Even women experience a thick, awkward, white discharge that has no smell and appears a little like cottage cheese. These signs are more likely to occur during the week before you get a menstrual period.

Do you feel you have a yeast infection? What could be the signs?

Itchiness and discomfort are the two prominent yeast infection symptoms, but there are even others. You could even experience any or all of the following:

  • A thick, white, odourless discharge, somewhat similar to cottage cheese
  • Burning, redness, and also that of swelling of the vagina and the vulva (outer area of the women’s genitals)
  • Massive pain, discomfort, or burning when you pee
  • Extreme pain during sex

If you think you have a yeast infection, see your doctor before you start treating yourself. The symptoms of yeast infections are somewhat similar to other, more severe situations, encompassing sexually transmitted infections and bacterial vaginosis (overgrowth of bacteria in your vagina). An accurate diagnosis is essential so you can get the most acceptable treatment. You can quickly check out topical ketoconazole because it is massively used to treat ringworm, jock itch, athlete’s foot, dandruff, and tinea versicolor. No matter what kind of yeast infection you are suffering from, it could help you get relief. There could be many causes of vaginal yeast infections, and a couple is:

  • Hormones
  • Antibiotics
  • Diabetes
  • Different types of vaginal sprays
  • Sex

How to diagnose a vaginal yeast infection?

It is straightforward to guess wrong about a vaginal infection. You should see your doctor if you are unsure what you have or if this is the first time you have had such symptoms. You should also visit your doctor if you are pregnant, and your doctor might wish to do a vaginal examination.

How can you treat it?

If you have had a yeast infection before, you can recognize the signs. You are not pregnant; you can treat the issue at home with medicines that you may buy without a prescription or take up the most potent antifungal cream prescription. You can use ketoconazole cream an antifungal cream, or a suppository that you place into the vagina.

So, you should look for cream if you are suffering from a fungal issue, and you can quickly get rid of it once you take precautions. Whatever your condition, you can be sure that your fungal infection problem gets adequately resolved.


Many skin conditions can get out of your control if you are not doing anything about them. You have to use potent antifungal cream to ensure that your skin is safe, clean, and hygienic. Some conditions can be taken care of by the proper cream usage, and these creams will ensure that your skin stays effective and safe.

If you have no clue about the usage of antifungal cream and the precise conditions, you need to acquaint yourself with them. The following are a few of the many conditions that can be tackled with the usage of these creams. Have a look below:

– If you have a fungal infection of skin having yellow patches, you can use the cream, and it does wonders.

– The cream can also work with skin infections because of Candida yeast.

– The athlete’s feet can also be dealt with with this cream.

– Get rid of the ringworm in the groin area with this cream.

Of course, you can also use the cream to clear the ringworm on the scalp.

– The cream will work for the ringworm body too.

– If your baby is suffering from a Diaper Rash, you need to apply this cream, and it’s clear.

– Don’t worry about the ringworm of the beard as long as you have this cream in hand.

– Ringworm of the hand is also treatable by this fungal cream.

– This cream can also resolve any Inflammation and infection of the nail cuticle.

Should you use it only when things get out of control?

You can get relief from your fungal issues once you use the cream when you discover it grows or develops therein. There is no need to wait until it reaches the apex.

You cannot just take any risk. The sooner you apply this potent antifungal cream to your skin or the affected area, the sooner you get the relief. Many people use these creams only when things get out of condition, making sure that you are not one of them.

Does it have any side effects?

No, these fungal creams do not have any side effects. You can use a good quality cream, not face any side effects. But yes, if you are using any random cream, then your condition might get out of proportion. You can start using the top antifungal cream. Ketomac Cream is the best antifungal cream in India, and you will experience satisfaction and no type of side effects. No matter if you have sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin, or any scalp, a good quality antifungal cream will work wonders, too, without any side effects.

Thus, it is an excellent time to consider this thing. You can start using an effective, safe, and powerful cream for your health condition. Never take a chance with a fungal problem because it can expand like fire if you are not taking care of it.


It is always great to take proper precautions with your skin. Your skin is such a sensitive area of your body, and if you are avoiding it, you might be harming your health. Have you ever experienced a fungal infection or similar things? Many creams can ensure that your skin stays clean, fresh, and hygienic. Moreover, special fungal creams ensure that your fungal issue resolves quicker than you expect.

You can purchase a good antifungal cream for a face like Ketomac Cream and apply it regularly for a few days, and your problem will be solved. Of course, your face should not get the victim to a fungal infection. After all, what is the point if you lose the charm of your face because of an infection or similar issues? The following are a few essential things that you should be careful about while purchasing a fungal cream.

Rely on the name 

When you choose to apply anything on your face, make sure that it is branded or belongs to a reputable company. What is the point if your cream harms or hurts your skin even more? If you randomly pick any cream, it might do more harm than any good. Once you choose the creams from the right brand, you have the proper experience. The cream will ensure that your face stays good, smooth, and clean.

Another important thing is that these reputed creams are always practical, safe, and of good quality. They have a reputation for carrying on, and these brands or names would never take a chance with their reputation. Their products are always excellent and effective.

Make a comparison 

If you find it hard to pick a specific cream for your fungal issue, you can make a good comparison. When you make a comparison, you end up with the best outcomes. You can compare it with ease, affectivity, and smoothness. The comparison will make sure that you have the right product in hand. You can check out the reviews of the product, their ingredients, and other views related to the cream. In this way, you can ensure that your cream is safe and sound. Cream comparisons are always helpful for anyone buying the cream for the first time.

Natural creams 

There are natural products too that you can use for your skin and overall health. You can always make sure that your skin stays clean, smooth, and healthy. Once you have natural creams, you will not be fearful of the chemicals or other things. Natural creams are always safe to use for any skin type. If you doubt the cream’s chemicals, you should opt for natural products only. Whether your skin is soft, coarse, or otherwise, you can use a practical and uplifting cream.

So, start using good antifungal cream for your skin, and you will experience clean, beautiful, and smooth skin.


There are many skin conditions that you should not take a chance with. You can always take care of your skin in the most effective manner. Have you ever heard about ringworms? Of course, it is a condition that is irritating.

But if you use an excellent antifungal cream for ringworm, your problem will be resolved in no time. Speaking of ringworm (tinea or dermatophytosis), it is a fungal infection of your skin that has nothing to do with worms. This infection can occur just about anywhere on the body and has various names depending on which part impacts it. Ringworm is a seeming fungal infection that does not trigger disease below the surface of your skin. Ringworm of your body, particularly the trunk and limbs, is known as tinea corporis. Infections on other parts of your body are known as:

– Tinea pedis, or even an athlete’s foot, is on the soles of the feet.

– Tinea Cruris or better known as jock itch, is on the groin, inner thighs, and even on the area of buttocks

– Tinea barbae takes place on the beard area

– Tinea manuum is the one that takes place on the palms of your hands

– Tinea capitis occurs on the scalp

– Tinea unguium or onychomycosis is one that takes place on the fingernails and toenails

These might sound complicated to you, but these are the conditions that often occur, and people suffer from them. You should be attentive to these things, and even if you face them, make sure that you use cream.

What are the symptoms?

Talking about the particular symptoms of ringworm depends on the infection’s place. These characteristically include:

– Extremely itchy skin

– Hair loss in the impacted area, in the case of hair, was present

– Red, cracked, or scaly skin

– A ring-shaped rash. It is the thing that ringworm gets its name.

Remember that the signs tend to look between four and fourteen days after the skin is linked up with the fungi that trigger ringworm. Ringworm characteristically starts as red or pink skin areas or patches or even spots that might be either flat or somewhat raised. The sores might be a little moist but scaly, dry, and itchy more often in that initial stage. Over time, the rash is going to increase in size. Next, the centre of the rash will start to clear up, leaving behind a ring-shaped infection having a red, high border and a healthy-looking centre that stays red.

Thus, the point is that you should go ahead and look for the best antifungal cream for ringworm in India and start applying it. You will get relief pretty soon, and you can go to Ketomac Cream. After all, the cream is specifically made to ensure that you get rid of your infection or skin condition.


Dandruff is one such issue that can be really humiliating, irritating, and sometimes painful. If you think that dandruff is not doing anything to your personality and only you can make out that you have dandruff, you’re mistaken. Dandruff is something that can take no time to separate you from your friends and loved ones. Of course, nobody would like to sit next to a person who has a lot of dandruff on their hair. To avoid these, you can try anti-dandruff shampoo.

Looks get tarnished 

If you have an intelligent face and a unique personality, but your hair is always cloaked with dandruff, don’t be surprised to witness your charm fading out. Of course, your face and hair would look dull and unattractive in the presence of dandruff. You might even start hating yourself because of dandruff. You might be thinking that it is too exciting, right? Well, the point is that dandruff can hamper the goodness of your hair in no time. No one anti-dandruff shampoo can help you fight dandruff in no time. You know what you have gained once you start using a good shampoo to kick away your dandruff issue.

High self-esteem 

If you want to have high self-esteem, make sure that you are working for it. You have to make sure that you use the shampoos that help your dandruff issue evaporate. Dandruff is a problem that can snatch your social circle from you. The problem is that people think that they would look gorgeous, stylish, and hypnotic after wearing those branded clothes and carrying exotic gadgets. But they fail to realize that their hair makes a significant impact. If they wear exotic stuff with them, but their hair looks dirty, that would not be good.

Are you Fearful about shampoos?

Okay, if you are one of those who fears shampoos and their usage, then you need to think again. There are good options too in shampoos. It is not that all the shampoos have something terrible in them. If you choose correctly, you can come across safe, sound, and effective shampoos. You can use Ketomac shampoo, and these are safe, effective, and good. These shampoos have no side effects. Many people complain that they don’t want to risk their skin or overall health by using shampoos. They fear that shampoos will trigger some other problems in their health. Well, that is not the case. If you choose the right option for shampoos, that would be okay. You can start using shampoo for a week or so, finding good results. If you start using a specific shampoo and face some roughness in your skin within a few days or any other health problem, you can easily switch to another shampoo. You have to try shampoos to find out if they work for your dandruff or not.

So, keep your hair in the best shampoo with suitable shampoos!


Many skin conditions can become a big problem if they go unnoticed. Fungal are one such thing. Fungal is a skin condition that anyone, male or female, can experience. But talking about women, they often stay negligent about their skincare and hygiene, and they don’t think much about fungal issues and never try women’s antifungal cream.

Don’t be shy!

If you are suffering from fungal issues, ensure that you don’t keep yourself smothered because of your shyness. There is nothing to be shy about. It is time that you use women’s antifungal cream and keeps your skin healthy and effective. Regular feminine hygiene and care are vital for good gynaecological health. Which endorses an overall sense of well-being and confidence in a female

The fungal issue can be found around your feet, on your scalp, or in private parts. The three most common fungal or yeast infections are bacterial vaginosis (BV), trichomonas, and vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). Moreover, other issues, such as vaginal irritation or pruritus due to allergic or hypersensitivity reactions, are also characteristic. And situations usually mistaken for a urinary tract infection are urethral irritation and dysuria because of vulvovaginitis.

If you have any fungal infection around your private part or other body areas, you can use antifungal creams. Ladies’ antifungal cream is safe, effective, and made specifically to address the infection issues of women. It is always better to be careful than to be sorry later on.


All the yeast infections stem from a general class of diseases called cutaneous candidiasis. The yeast-like fungus, known as candida, triggers yeast infections, moist and it expands in warm areas, including the private area, armpits, fingernails, mouth, and even vagina. Candidiasis of your mouth, also known as thrush, occurs more frequently in individuals whose immune systems are compromised and can hint at a more severe ailment like AIDS.

Are there any symptoms of fungal infection?

The symptoms of this infection include rashes, itching, patches that ooze fluid, burning, swelling, pimples, pus, and pain. Thrush is hinted at by painful white patches on your tongue and the insides of your cheeks. Talking vaginal yeast infections often take place with a white or yellow vaginal discharge, itching, burning, and redness in the skin around your vagina. You must deal with this issue with a proper antifungal cream. Once you use a safe cream, it will help you with both itching and the overall experience.

However, make sure that you don’t use it only once and leave it like that. You have to apply it every day. If you use it once a week and think it would work wonders for you, you are wrong. The cream will work for you only if you are using it frequently. You have to make sure that cream keeps your skin soft, effective, and safe. If you know that you are getting any of the signs of fungal infection in your private part, make sure that you start using the cream well in time. Don’t delay because it can become a big issue too.

Make a comparison 

If you are confused about which cream to use for your fungal issue, make sure you make a comparison. When you compare different fungal creams, you end up with the best options. You can get the benefits of Ketomac cream and ensure that your fungal infection is eradicated quickly. This cream is good because it has no chemicals that might irritate your skin or hamper your health. The creams are proven and work wonders if you put them frequently. You will find the difference once you compare the excellent creams with the random ones.

Thus, start using antifungal creams for your fungal issues or infections.


Many people face challenges in different things. If you are new to purchasing shampoos, you should know before you make a purchase. Talking about the best anti-dandruff shampoo, they are essential for your hair care. You cannot go for any random shampoo for your hair wash, and you have to pick the shampoos that are effective, safe, and proper for your hair care.

You can use good shampoo for dandruff, and they will make sure that your hair stays effective, proper, and professional. You can always pick the shampoos that complement your hair. But do you think that an excellent shampoo for someone will be the same for you? Well, that is not the case. The shampoos you are using have to be proper and safe. You have to make sure that the shampoo is apt for you. You cannot simply pick any ineffective shampoo for your hair care.

Don’t go as per the advertisements. 

If you blindly follow the advertisements for your purchases, you are on the wrong path. You have to make sure that you pick suitable shampoos to ensure that your hair care is done safely and correctly. The advertisement makers always try to make the shampoo look advanced, effective, and flawless. Even the celebs doing the advertisements are paid highly for their role. But the unfortunate part is that these shampoos are not the choice of the celebs. They advertise them because they want to sell them. It is not that they are using the same shampoos. So, you have to be prudent about your choice. Make sure that you are not going as per the choice made by the professionals.

Compare for the best option. 

If you compare different shampoos, you can reach out to a better choice. You can pick the shampoo Ketomac, and it will be safe and effective. This is a shampoo that is safe, hygienic, and effective. The brand gives you the options that work wonders for you. It would not be wrong to say that shampoos are good if you choose them correctly. There can be shampoos that work great for you but are ineffective for someone else? So, compare the shampoos and pick one that sounds effective to you. Once you have picked one shampoo, make sure that you use it for a minimum of two weeks, and only then can you see its outcomes. Of course, if the shampoo shows any wrong effects before two weeks, you can stop using it right there. And if you have no idea about the ingredients of the shampoos, you should talk to a professional. Take their help and make your choice.

Thus, you can come across the top best dandruff shampoo and then pick one that is pat for you. If you start using a single good shampoo for your dandruff problem, you will get rid of it sooner than you think.


Do you think that your hair is too oily? Do you feel irritated when your oily hair looks too sticky and odd? There are many types of people in the world having different hair types, and the hair can be dry, oily, or otherwise. Of course, you can pick the perfect shampoos for your hair.

If you face dandruff but feel that your hair is oily and no shampoo would work for you, you are not exploring enough. In the presence of oily dandruff shampoo, you can make sure that your hair stays clean, hygienic, and shiny. You can pick safe, effective, and professional shampoos for your hair care.

Oily hair is not a problem. 

Many people experience a lot of oil in their hair. Come on; this is not in your hand to choose a specific type of scalp. What type of hair or scalp do you have; you have to be content with it. You have to take precautions to do the best for your hair care. You can keep your hair in the best shape and clean up your scalp. There are options like shampoo Ketomac that can help you fight your dandruff even when your hair is too oily. Oil-filled hair can be a problem if you are not taking proper care of your hair.

Is it about shampoos only?

Of course, to some extent, it is about suitable shampoos. But again, the way you use the shampoos also matters. If you face dandruff, make sure that you shampoo your hair a minimum of twice or a maximum of three times a week. You have to keep your hair fresh and clean. Then when you wash your hair, make sure that you run your fingers properly while applying the shampoo. The shampoo should reach out to your hair roots. The shampoo has to touch the scalp, and only then it can make your roots stronger and clean.

Moreover, if you are washing your hair with shampoos, make sure that you clean your hair properly. It is not just about applying shampoos but also about washing the hair properly. You have to wash your hair correctly too. Once you clean your hair with water, your hair gets cleaned up properly. But sometimes, in a hurry, you pour a couple of water mugs on your head, and you feel that your hair is clean. Once you pour water on your hair correctly and patiently, only then will you get out of your hair. What is the point if you leave some patches or bits of shampoo in your hair? It would be not excellent for you. The shampoo that stays in your hair after the wash does more harm to your hair than does any good.

So, start using the dandruff shampoo for oily hair and make sure that you wash them properly. It would help if you did not leave any shampoos in the hair.


Hair is what makes you different, stylish, and happening. You can make sure that you look stunning, gorgeous, and intelligent once you have healthy and smooth hair. Do you feel that your hair is effective and safe? How healthy is your hair? Do you take proper care? Do you use proper dandruff shampoo?

Well, dandruff is one thing that you have to be careful about. You cannot take any risk with your hair care. Even if you have to use special shampoo for dandruff, make sure you have one in your wardrobe. After all, dandruff is one thing that can affect your hair and scalp adversely and trigger health problems. You might end up losing hair because of dandruff. Moreover, at times dandruff gets itchy and irritating too.

And if you think that irritation and itchiness are something you would take care of, don’t forget about staking your reputation. Since you have dandruff in your hair, you might get insulted because of dandruff all over your shoulders and head. You might look filthy and untidy. You would never want to be in that awkward situation when you are sitting with your friends, and your hair is filled with dandruff and the moment your friend hugged, you could see that dandruff on their shoulder too? Well, it is disheartening and disappointing.

Start paying attention to shampoos. 

If you use good shampoos like Ketomac shampoo for your hair care, you can deal with these issues quickly. There are exclusive shampoos that will wipe away dandruff from your hair, and you can stay happy, healthy, and wonderful. Suitable shampoos would preserve the charm of your hair and, at the same time, ensure that your hair is clean, safe, and dandruff free.

General shampoos

Then there is a category of people who feel that their general shampoos will be effective. Of course, these general shampoos will keep your hair clean and fresh. But since they are not specifically made to deal with a hair issue, they might not justify it. Shampoos are exciting and effective if you have one. It would help if you looked into the available options in dandruff shampoos. Once you look around, you will find them in variety.

How many times do you apply shampoos?

Well, yes, how many times do you apply shampoos? Do you do that quite often? Do you wash your hair every day, every alternate day, once a week, or once a month? You have to be a little more careful about the times you wash your hair. Dandruff shampoo will not work if you wash your hair only once a month. Even if you are using the most vital dandruff shampoo, you have to make sure that you use it at least twice a week or thrice. Moreover, even the best shampoo would take at least two weeks to show its outcomes to be a bit patient.

Thus, go ahead and pick the shampoos to fight your dandruff issue, and it is not at all good for your health.


There are many products in the market that you can choose for your health care. You can ensure that you have the right things to keep your life on track. Even if that minor yet irritating or annoying acne is getting on your nerves, you can make sure that you get rid of them using proper ketoconazole cream for acne.

Once you avail products like Ketoconazole cream for the face, you will certainly say goodbye to those face acne. After all, it is all about how you preserve your health and overall safety. Many people feel that creams can instead make their faces rough, dull, and spoilt. Well, do you think that? Come on; such things have to be kept into consideration. Look at some critical points before you pick a cream for your face issues.

What is it made of?

If you are using a good cream like ketoconazole cream in India, you might already know what it is made of, right is? But if you are randomly picking any cream to kick away your acne, you have to be careful about its ingredients. Make sure that you have walked through its ingredients. Once you know what ingredients have made the cream you plan to use, you can make a better decision. What is the point if you use a random cream on your face and it rather spoils your face, and later on, you discover the ingredients in the cream were not trustworthy? You cannot be negligent towards your natural looks, style, and skin. Once you have lost the charm of your face, you might not be able to retrieve it.

Brand name

You have to be careful about the name of the makers too. You have to pick the products that belong to a reputed brand or name. You cannot simply stick to any random cream for your looks. You have to be careful about the manufacturers of the creams. If you know that a notorious or unreliable manufacturer makes the attractive cream, you might want to dodge it. But if you know that good makers manufacture the cream you choose, that would be a great delight.

Cream regime

Then the way you have a routine for everything, you have to have a regime for your cream. You should apply the cream as often as you can. But it does not mean you will apply it ten times a day. The best thing would be to apply it in the morning or before hitting the sack. Of course, some creams have an excellent instruction chat, and you can follow them too. They would tell you how you should apply it to your face. What is the point if you have the best cream in hand but apply it once a week or even more remotely? Well, that won’t work.

Thus, check out Ketomac cream in India and apply it at your convenience, and you will see the results in no time. And for the best ketoconazole cream for acne, you can safely opt forKetomacfor the desired results.


Sometimes people face different types of rashes on their faces. It triggers because of many things. But do you feel that you should do something about that? Do you use proper antifungal cream for a rash? Indeed, you have to treat your face rash before it expands or becomes an ache for you.

You can start using creams like antifungal cream for rash, and it would make sure that your face is clear of any rashes. Of course, any person can treat and avert their face allergies or rashes once they know what is triggering them, even though they are irritating when they happen. Rashes or allergies might be widespread on the face as the skin is more sensitive than in another place, and other products on their faces because of various face creams and other products.

What can be the signs of an allergic face?

Red spots on your skin, itchy eyes, swollen lips, and puffy skin might be signs of an allergic reaction. Yes, the signs of an allergic reaction or rash differ, depending on the active substance, otherwise called an allergen. An individual might develop a red rash in one area after using face cream, while someone else who gasps pollen might have an extensive rash.

Signs of an allergic reaction on the face can be like 

  • a hive or rash
  • swollen, raised areas of skin
  • tiny, red spots on the skin
  • a prickly, stinging, or burning sensation
  • swollen tongue
  • itchy or red eyes
  • watering eyes
  • cracked or dry skin

Signs of an allergic reaction might grow within seconds or minutes or slowly over various hours. Signs are generally mild but can trigger anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening situation in rare cases. But anyhow, the moment you know you have a rash and it is expanding, start using antifungal cream for face rash. Indeed, once you have the cream in the market, start using it, and you will be able to clean up your face right away. These rashes will evaporate in no time.

Can it happen to anyone?

It is not that face rashes or allergies are limited to women or men; people of all age groups can develop a rash on their face. Just because you are in your teens or your early twenties does not mean you cannot have that rash on your face. Indeed, skin can be sensitive, and it triggers allergies and rashes. If you are using a specific product and feel that you get that rash on your cheeks or face whenever you use it, you need to shun it. If the rash has gone out of control now, start applying an anti-allergy cream.

So, the point is you should start using Ketomac cream, and it is going to help you get rid of your face rashes. Indeed, the sooner you start doing something about your hair rash, allergy, or itching kind of condition, the quicker you can destroy the issue.


You may be worried about the tiny white flakes that emerge from the scalp and are accompanied by an itchy sensation. This may be a dandruff condition, but there is no need to fret. Half the human population suffers from this, so you are not alone. It would help if you had proper dandruff treatment shampoo to overcome this.

What Is Dandruff?

It is an annoying but harmless skin condition that impacts your scalp, and it causes flaking and mild itching. It is an embarrassing condition; no one wants to be seen scratching their heads and displaying white flakes on their clothing.

Dandruff can be dealt with in two ways: short term and long term. The best way is the long term.

You may be trying to handle dandruff by brushing your hair or blowing them out with a hairdryer, but this has minimal impact, and dandruff will return very soon. Though they are easy to dislodge, dandruff flakes are persistent if not treated properly. The ways to go are long-term treatments like dandruff treatment shampoo.


No one has been able to pinpoint the exact cause of dandruff, and it is a mix of factors that can turn into complex conditions to diagnose and treat for some. Dandruff is caused by the overproduction of sebum and oils on the scalp that causes the clogging of pores and skin irritation.

The main culprit behind this condition is the fungus Malassezia Globosa, which feeds on the scalp’s natural oils. To get rid of this fungus, the scalp will enhance the rate of renewing skin cells, resulting in more than dead skin cells that will clump together and form dandruff flakes.

Based on the severity of the condition, the scalp may produce little or excessive skin flakes. Both ways, you will desire to get rid of the problem as fast as possible.

Some other factors contributing to dandruff:

  • Excessive conditioning and shampooing
  • Dry skin/ oily skin
  • Overgrowth of yeast on the scalp
  • Hormones
  • Stress
  • Excess fats in a diet
  • Lack of brushing of hair
  • Age ( teenage to middle age)

If you are unsure about the cause of your dandruff, it is good to consult a dermatologist and get her diagnosis.

Treatment Options

Dandruff may not be preventable, but it can be managed. Concerning long treatment, there are two options: Dandruff shampoos and Natural Remedies.

The choice of treatment depends on the suitability of your lifestyle and skin. It is also good to experiment with both types of treatment.


Ketomac shampoo is an excellent remedy for dandruff. It contains Ketoconazole, a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. This agent works by compromising the cell walls of fungi, causing the leaking of cell contents and their death.

Natural Treatments 

Mother Nature offers many natural remedies for treating dandruff. Most of them are gentle on your skin and not practical for severe dandruff. They are:

  • Water: Drink at least 8 cups of water daily to keep your scalp moisturized
  • Apple cider vinegar: It is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial.
  • Tea Tree Oil: has antifungal qualities
  • Coconut oil: rich in minerals and antioxidants
  • Raw honey: is an excellent dandruff deterrent because of its antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

These are all some crucial facts about combating dandruff. For best results, use Ketomac dandruff shampoo to handle severe cases of dandruff.


Skin is the largest organ in the human body. It protects the body’s insides from the outside and, more crucially, keeps the insides from becoming the outsides. It can also reveal several internal problems because it releases toxins in sweat from the body. In this case, you might need antifungal cream for skin infection.

Unexplained rashes and skin lesions can indicate a systemic, internal yeast infection. Fungi cause yeast infections. A fungus is a primitive organism, and examples are mildew, mold, and mushrooms. Fungi live in water, plants, soil, and air, and some live in the human body. Only 50% of fungi are harmful.

Fungi may reproduce in the form of tiny spores in the air, and humans may inhale such spores. Therefore fungal infections often begin in the lungs or the skin. Fungal infections are common when your immune system is weakened. Antifungal cream for skin infection may be used for fungal or yeast skin infections.

Fungi are tough to kill. For nail and skin infections, topical cream like Ketomac cream may be applied. Ketomac cream contains Ketoconazole, a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. This compound works by interfering in the production of ergosterol, an essential ingredient in the cell walls of fungi. Thus holes appear in the fungal cell walls through which cell contents leak out, causing the death of the fungal cells.

Common Fungal Infections

Fungi can produce two kinds of infections: superficial and systemic. Superficial infections affect skin, nails, and hair. Systemic infections impact internal organs (liver, kidneys, brain, heart, blood, lungs).

Fortunately, superficial fungal infections are more common. Very few people would have escaped from any one of the following infections:

  • Athlete’s foot (TineaPedis)

It is a fungal infection of the feet with redness, scaling, and itching. It may be caused by various fungi such as Epidermophyton, Microsporum, and Trichophyton.

  • Ringworm (TineaCorporis)

It is typically circle-shaped and usually caused by the fungus called Trichophyton Rubrum. It can manifest as a silver or a red rash anywhere on the body. You can use an antifungal cream for yeast infection face like Ketomac cream.

  • TineaCapitis

It is ringworm impacting the scalp.

  • Onychomycosis :

It is a fungal infection of the fingernails and toenails, involving any part of the nails, including the plate, bed, or matrix. It can cause disfigurement, discomfort, and pain. Many fungi cause this infection, but the most common one is dermatophyte. Molds and yeast may also cause nail infections.

  • TineaVersicolor:

It is a common condition that results in small patches of skin becoming discoloured and scaly. They can be lighter or darker than the surrounding skin and may even be pink or red. This condition is caused by the fungus Malassezia which usually resides on the skin without causing any problem.

  • Cutaneous Candidiasis

It can affect any part of the body but is more likely in warm, moist, and creased portions like the groin and the armpit. Candida is the main reason for nappy rash in babies, and it is also common among obese and diabetics. This infection is enhanced by chemotherapy, steroid therapy, and antibiotics.

Candida can also cause: infection of nails, vaginal yeast infections, infection of corners of the mouth, and oral thrush (a type of infection of the moist lining of the mouth)

As per studies, toenail infection, jock itch, dandruff, ringworm, and athlete’s foot are caused mainly by one of the fungi and infect 10 to 15 percent of the world’s population.

In sum, Ketomac cream in India is the best for treating common fungal infections.


When you know that you are pregnant, you can expect many changes in your body and hair. You can expect some good hair days during the nine months, and they will be lush and voluminous as they may have never been. Go through these hair care tips during pregnancy for good hair.

What to expect?

Usually, your hair grows in three stages- active, resting, and shredding. You can expect to lose 100 hairs each day during all three phases. However, there is a shift in the hair’s growth cycle during pregnancy because of the hormones. The hair will grow but won’t shed from the head, making your hair long, thick, and lush. It has been observed that the hair strands become thick, and the diameter of your hair also increases.

Here’s a look at the tips for natural hair care during pregnancy:

  • Avoid chemical treatments

It is advised to avoid colouring your hair during pregnancy as the colours can get absorbed by your scalp and even pass on to the baby in the womb. Further, colouring can also lead to allergic reactions. Thus, experts believe that pregnant women must avoid bleaching, colouring, and perming their hair.

  • Go for regular trimmings.

It is advised that you should go to trim your hair every few months, even during pregnancy. You will experience good hair growth during the phase doesn’t mean there will be no rough edges or split ends. To promote healthy hair growth, it is a must to trim your hair at least twice or thrice a year.

  • Choosing a good shampoo

Use a good shampoo such as Ketomac Shampoo to promote your hair and scalp health. Not just that, it also maintains a healthy scalp and helps in keeping dandruff away. Even Doctors recommend Ketomac shampoo for healthy and lustrous hair.

It has all the ingredients that promote hair growth and help fight dandruff. Dandruff can cause hair fall, so make sure you choose a gentle shampoo like Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo for taking good care of your hair.

  • Invest in a conditioner

Apart from shampoo, you also need to invest in a good conditioner as it makes a protective layer over the hair and makes them soft and manageable. You can also buy a hair serum left on damp hair for added shine and protection, apart from the conditioner. You can find a variety of serums in the market; choose the one with natural ingredients and is chemical-free.

  • Oil massage

It is a must to massage your scalp and hair with oil. Use warm oil for massage as it penetrates the roots and offers excellent results. You can either choose coconut oil or olive oil for massaging. Some people also like to mix two to three types of oil and apply them to the scalp to benefit them simultaneously. You can also apply amla oil on hair for shine and growth. On the other hand, castor oil can help fight frizz and dry hair problems. However, castor oil is thick in consistency, so make sure you warm it and apply it in small quantities or mix it with other oils.

  • Avoid combing wet hair.

Many women have a habit of combing wet hair to detangle them. But your hair is weakest when wet. Combining wet hair can make them appear rough and frizzy and lead to hair breakage. When your hair gets dried, you can use a comb with wide teeth for detangling it.

  • Avoid rubbing wet hair with a towel.

Most women habit rubbing their wet hair with a towel, but it can damage your hair. Instead of using rough material such as a towel for drying your hair, use soft cotton clothes or t-shirts for soaking the extra water from your hair.

  • Air dry

If you are not running out of time, attending a party, or hanging out with friends, try to avoid using blow dryers and flat irons. The excessive heat from these styling items will rip off the moisture from your hair and leave them dull and frizzy. Use such styling equipment occasionally.

  • Deep conditioning

It is essential to deep condition your hair every once in a while. You can either go to a salon for the conditioning treatment or hair spas or apply DIY masks at home. It is said that applying honey, raw milk, egg, avocados, apple cider vinegar, curd, etc., can condition your hair and leave them silky smooth. You can apply these masks once a week for great results.

  • Avoid hairstyles that pull your hair.

It is good to experiment with new hairstyles during pregnancy to make yourself feel better. But avoid styles that pull your hair too tight, such as tight braids, ponytails, or buns.

  • Focus on diet

Apart from external hair care, you also need to provide the proper nutrition to your body for healthy hair. You must include nuts, fruits, veggies, omega-3, vitamins, and proteins in your diet for healthy hair. Since you are pregnant, ask your doctor about the type of diet and potions you can have.

  • Get rid of stress

Relieving stress during pregnancy is not just crucial for your hair growth but also for your overall health. You can take a gentle walk in the park or do some yoga if your doctor permits. If not, you can meditate and focus on breathing deep, which will relax your mind and help you get rid of stress.

These are some of the essential tips that are easy to follow and won’t hassle you during pregnancy. Following these tips during pregnancy will help you take proper care of your hair. It is one of the best phases of life, so why not look good with beautiful hair. You can try beautiful hairstyles and make yourself feel better, and it will also boost your confidence.


There are various reasons responsible for fungal infection. Just like adults, even children are prone to fungal infections. These infections can reappear from time to time, especially when kids share toys and play with other kids in school or playground. It has been observed that during summers, it is easy for fungal infections to spread. The hot and humid climate offers them an ideal breeding environment, so it becomes necessary to try some antifungal cream for babies’ faces.

There are several medicines and home remedies for preventing and curing fungal infections, but one of the most effective solutions for combating fungal infection is using a Ketomac antifungal cream. It is considered the best antifungal cream for babies, killing fungi and yeast by attacking their cell membranes.

You can clean the area properly, apply a thin layer of the cream, and leave it for at least 2-3 hours. You can use the cream once or twice a day and ask your doctor for further suggestions.

Here’s a look at some tips to protect the kids from fungal infection:

  • Keep the play areas clean

Kids spend a lot of time playing on the grounds and in play areas. There are sandpits in the play areas which should be kept clean. It has been observed that pets leave their faeces and urine in the sand, which can cause ringworms in kids. If you can’t keep the public sandpit clean, it is a good idea to buy a portable sandpit that can be covered, and the pets can be kept away from it. It will also be relatively easier to clean.

  • I am not sharing personal belongings.

It is essential to teach your kids the value of sharing with others. But should also be taught that personal belongings should not be used. Fungal infections such as ringworms can spread when personal items such as hats and combs are shared while sharing towels and shoes can lead to athlete’s foot.

  • Clean and dry towels after swimming

Kids love to play in the pool, and they love going in and out of the pool. They are tempted to play in their swimming costumes all day which should be avoided because wet clothes create an ideal environment for infection and irritation. Give them dry towels and ask them to change once they are out of the pool.

  • Wear flip-flops

When not required to dress in shoes, inculcate a habit of wearing flip-flops in kids. It is essential when they are at public swimming pools or for sports matches and school trips.

  • Ask them to dry the feet. 

It is essential to dry the feet after taking a bath, especially between the toes, to prevent the athlete’s foot.

  • Check for symptoms

Keep an eye out if your children develop rashes or itchiness. If you figure them out to be a fungal infection, prevent it from spreading further to other siblings and immediately begin the treatment.

When you find a fungal infection in any part of your kid’s body, you can apply Ketomac as it is the best antifungal cream for the child.


The monsoon season brings with it much greenery and freshness. But for many, it is the season for numerous hair problems. Hair loss, itchy scalp, hair dullness, and frizziness are some of the hair woes many faces.

The rainy season brings both relief and risks of hair and skin infection. Because of more humidity, the hair and scalp attract more dirt and pollutants, rendering the hair dirty and leading to much hair loss and other hair-related problems.

While you can’t do much about the weather, you can follow specific tips to promote the health of your hair.

Ensure Hair Is Dry

While you may get tempted to wet your head in a drizzle, note that rainwater is acidic and dirty, terrible for your hair. Try to keep your hair dry unless you are caught in a torrential downpour. For this, keep yourself ready with an umbrella and raincoat, which will keep you dry and clean.

It is tough to air dry your hair in the monsoon weather because of the humidity. You can use a hairdryer or dry gently with a towel.

Regular Shampooing

Though many consider regular shampooing harmful for hair, it is the opposite of the rainy season. Do regular shampooing almost every other day to free your hair from dirt, grime, and microbial infections. Since you are often shampooing, it is good to use a mild shampoo like baby shampoo to keep your scalp and hair clean.

If you wish to remove residue left by rainwater on your hair, use a mild, deep cleansing shampoo. It is easy to get undernourished, frizzy hair during monsoon. Hence, it goes a long way to nourish your tresses and prevent bacterial or fungal infections. The technique is to shampoo always from root to tip.

Oil Massage

A good oil massage is good for your hair in the monsoon season, and it naturally boosts moisture in your hair, revitalises dry strands, and offers deep conditioning. A good oil massage for your scalp is one of the benefits of a hair spa. But take care not to overdo it, or you will find yourself over-shampooing simply to get rid of the oil, which will damage your hair.

Do Not Tie Your Hair

By tying up your hair in the rainy season, you are inviting rainwater to hibernate in the hair, which will make it limp and frizzy. If you wish to tie up the hair, go in for loose ponytails and simple buns.

Routine to Clean Your Hair

Since the rainy season adds more dirt and dust to your scalp, the first thing to do is clean your hair regularly. If you get caught in a rainstorm or heavy downpour, wash your hair as soon as you reach home. The reason is that rainwater has acidic content that causes hair related problems like hair fall, dandruff, brittle hair, itchy scalp, and damage to the scalp and hair.

Wash hair with mild or homemade shampoo to avoid chemicals. Instead of using a chemical-based conditioner, you can do a vinegar rinse. This also helps to keep hair healthy and smooth. Always take care of the condition after shampooing, as humidity can make hair brittle and frizzy. You can even massage your hair before washing with oils like coconut oil, olive oil, or almond oil. Hot oil massage removes flaking and itching of the scalp while nourishing it. It is good to do a hot oil massage and leave the oil overnight.

Cover Up Your Hair

Loose hair can attract dirt and dust easily. Keep hair covered with an umbrella, cap, or scarf. Rainwater can weaken the hair shaft, causing more hair to fall because air pollutants are mixed with the water. These chemicals may cause dandruff and an itchy scalp. You can use the shampoo Ketomac to treat dandruff.

Avoid Hair Styling Products

Avoid hair styling products like creams and serums in the rainy season as they attract dirt and grime from the atmosphere. Instead of complicated hairstyles, go in for simple ones like ponytails and buns. Hairstyles that pull the hair tightly will damage it by weakening the shaft and causing hair to fall.

Hair Mask Treatment

A homemade hair mask will strengthen and nourish hair. It will reduce hair fall, add volume to hair, and make it manageable. It will work from the hair roots. You can try the following natural hair masks:

  • Mayo mask: This protein-rich mask nourishes your complete hair length. It makes hair shiny, soft, and strong.
  • Aloe Vera masks: This mask has a medicinal value that can cure scalp infection and itchiness and leaves your hair healthy and shiny.
  • Mixed oil mask: This mask contains several oils like almond oil, Vitamin E, and Olive oil. It nourishes the scalp, hair roots, and hair shaft, making the hair strong and lustrous.
  • Apple cider vinegar mask: Vinegar has acidic properties that clean away your scalp’s excess oils, pollutants, and chemical residue. You can add water and lemon juice to this mask and rub the mix on your scalp. Keep for 30 minutes and rinse hair with cold water.
  • Beer or cold tea mask: Both are good conditioners, and they give an extra shine and bounce to your hair.
  • Mango-mint mask: Apply a mask made of mint paste and mango pulp on your scalp. Massage gently all through your hair length and leave for 15 to 20 minutes. Hair will become shiny and smooth.
  • Honey-banana mask: Make a mask with three mashed bananas and honey. This mask nourishes and hydrates the hair and leaves hair shiny and lustrous.
  • Mint mask: It is suitable for oily hair. Apply on the scalp for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water. It both nourishes hair and removes excess oil.

Some Other Tips:

  • Eat a nutritious diet that can help prevent any illness.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Avoid sharing combs.
  • Use a wide-toothed comb to comb wet hair.
  • Avoid styling wet hair.
  • Do hot oil massage at least once a week.
  • Go in for short hairstyles.
  • Avoid going out in the rain.
  • Use Ketomac shampoo to cure dandruff permanently.

If any severe hair problems persist even after taking care of your hair, consult a medical professional like a trichologist as soon as possible.


Itchy scalp is a common problem for most people. Certain itchy scalp conditions impact those with oily scalp, while others affect dry scalps.

It is vital to identify the cause of your itchy scalp to go in for the best proven and effective treatment. To understand your problem, know your scalp type, recognize secondary symptoms, and identify wrong points in your routine for scalp care. If you suffer from flaking and itching of the scalp caused by dandruff, it is time to switch to scalp shampoo.

Following are the leading causes of the itchy scalp:

  • Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis

The most common cause of flaky, itchy, and irritated scalp is dandruff, and it is the much-discussed cause of dandruff with the most readily available treatment products.

There are many products for treating dandruff, but the best shampoo has been proven to be Ketomac Shampoo. An overgrowth of the microbe Malassezia causes dandruff which can worsen Seborrheic Dermatitis. This microbe exists naturally on all scalps, but it goes out of control on scalps with dandruff.

Dandruff exists mainly in oily scalps. Oily scalps are prone to dandruff because Malassezia fungi thrive in oil. As such, dandruff can manifest in eyebrows, beards, etc. Your oily scalp will become red and itchy. If you have dandruff, your itchy scalp will host big creamy flakes and clusters of dead skin.

  • Contact dermatitis

Your itching scalp may be caused by contact dermatitis. This is the case if you have sensitive skin, reacted to skincare products in the past, and have food allergies or asthma.

Some scalp types are generally more sensitive compared to others. Haircare products like shampoos contain elements like allergens, sensitizers, and irritants. Several shampoos contain perfumes that may cause allergies.

The skin can easily absorb these elements. The skin usually filters out undesirable elements, but sometimes they may slip through the skin, triggering an immune response of inflammation to isolate and kill them. An itchy, red scalp also accompanies such inflammation.

You may still suffer from contact dermatitis even if you don’t change your scalp care routine. Sensitizers do not cause symptoms the first time but may develop reactions after some time. For instance, your scalp will itch even when you use a shampoo that you have used for many years.

  • Ringworm

Also called as TineaCapitis, these are not worms. Ringworms are so-called because of the patterns they make on the skin. But, likely, you will not be able to spot such red, itchy sores on your scalp by yourself.

Ringworm is similar to dandruff as a fungus also causes it. The bad news is that it is highly contagious. In this case, it is left untreated; it can lead to severe hair loss. The fungus is active on the scalp and deep inside hair follicles. If ringworm has been diagnosed, you will need oral medication apart from a topical cream.

  • Product build-up

The leading causes of product build-up are hair styling products, particularly those containing silicones. At the start, they will leave your hair shiny and smooth. But after some time, if not washed away, your hair will become lifeless, limp, and dull. Product build-up can leave your scalp red and itchy.

These are some of the facts associated with itchy scalps.


Before we look at antidandruff shampoo’s role in scalp care, we need to understand what dandruff can do to our hair. A healthy scalp is imperative for healthy hair. The scalp is the only living part of the hair, so carefully look after it. Dandruff Shampoo uses can make your hair more healthy. An irritated scalp can damage hair more than you can imagine.

Additionally, hair grown from a flaky and dandruff affected scalp is damaged compared to the hair that grows from a healthy scalp. While scratching, you can also damage the hair follicles and prevent them from producing good hair. Plus, when you have a dry scalp, the hair produced will also be dry and frizzy.

Thus, it is imperative to get rid of dandruff as soon as possible. You may be aware of the uses of Ketomac shampoo. It not only promotes healthy and strong hair growth, but its antifungal properties help in combating dandruff and keep your scalp healthy. It is one of the best antidandruff shampoos, which Doctors even recommend.

Here’s a look at how antidandruff shampoo benefits:

  • Using an antidandruff shampoo helps get rid of the scalp and hair’s oil, dirt, and toxins, making your hair and scalp fresh.
  • The shampoo breaks the existing dandruff flakes and tries to prevent new flakes from forming.
  • Anti Dandruff shampoos, unlike other shampoos, keep your hair and scalp moisturized and don’t leave them dry.
  • Antidandruff shampoos also have vitamin B and E, which benefits hair.
  • There are active ingredients that balance the pH levels on the scalp.
  • The ketoconazole in antidandruff shampoos helps in offering long-term results in fighting dandruff.

You can buy shampoo Ketomac from their online store at affordable prices and get them delivered to your doorstep.


Dandruff is a chronic condition occurring when the scalp is excessively dry or oily. It manifests as flakes of dead skin cells appearing on the collar, shoulders, and hair. This condition impacts more men than women and may affect the sides of the nose, eyebrows, and beard.

Dandruff is associated with the excess presence of the fungus Malassezia on the scalp. This means that professional dandruff shampoo must be used to deal with such fungi.

Apart from this, many causes are attributed to exacerbate dandruff. Some of them are:

  • Stress and diet:

High levels of stress and poor diet are identified as causes of dandruff.

  • Habits of hair brushing:

Regular brushing of hair keeps hair healthy, and it helps to enhance blood circulation. Unbrushed hair collects much oil, which can lead to dandruff.

  • Habits of hair washing:

Dandruff is caused mainly by the accumulation of dead cells. If you don’t wash hair regularly, dead skin cells will collect, which will form dandruff and cause itchiness of the scalp.

  • Skin type

People with extremes of either dry or oily skin will face dandruff issues.

  • Excess use of hair care products

If you overuse hair care products, the scalp will be damaged because of the impact of chemicals.

Dandruff Treatment

A mild case of dandruff can be dealt with by regular shampooing with a mild shampoo. But for severe cases use of products with the following medicines may be used:

  • Salicylic acid
  • Zinc Pyrithione
  • Selenium Sulphide
  • Coal tar shampoo
  • Ketoconazole

Of all these, Ketoconazole is the most effective in dealing with dandruff. This compound is found in the shampoo Ketomac, and Ketomac shampoo kills dandruff-causing fungi on the scalp. It has become trendy because of its success rate.

Ketomac shampoo works by damaging fungi’s cell walls, resulting in their death. It helps alleviate dandruff-like flaking, scaling, and itching symptoms, and it has anti-inflammatory qualities.


Dandruff is a skin problem that impacts the human scalp—symptoms of the disease range from flaking to the sensation of itching.

Dandruff is not related to the hygiene of the head, but it can manifest as self-esteem or social problems. An extreme version of the problem causing skin inflammation is called seborrhoeic dermatitis.

Dandruff is diagnosed based on the symptoms. The condition’s cause is attributed to both genetic and environmental problems, and the fundamental issue is the excess production of skin cells.

Dandruff impacts 50% of adults in the world. Its onset is usually from puberty. As such, it is connected to hormonal issues. Men are more affected than women, and the symptoms wear off after 50.

Symptoms of dandruff are itchy scalp and flaking of the scalp. Other symptoms include tingling skin sensation and greasy and red patches on the skin. In the case of those suffering from dandruff, cell turnover in the scalp is in excess, often taking only 2 to 7 days, while in the ordinary course, it takes a month. Because of this, there is shedding of dead skin cells in big, oily clumps, which appear in greyish or white flakes on clothes, skin, and scalp.

There is no cure for this condition, but symptoms may be controlled by using antifungal cream or shampoo. The leading shampoo for treating dandruff is Ketomac, which contains the antifungal compound Ketoconazole in a 2% aqueous solution, and Ketomac is considered the most effective anti-dandruff shampoo.

Ketoconazole helps destroy the fungus Malassezia, which is the leading cause of dandruff. Malassezia is found naturally on the body but might be in excess on the scalp of those with dandruff. Ketomac stops the production of ergosterol, a vital component of the cell walls of fungi. Holes appear in the cell wall, which results in leaking out of cell contents and the death of the cells.

Ketomac shampoo is highly effective at alleviating symptoms of dandruff. Because of its success, this shampoo is one of the skin products in high demand. It may also be used to treat other conditions like ringworm and TineaVersicolor.


Dandruff is a problem that almost every adult has to deal with. Many kids are also known to suffer from dandruff issues. Dandruff is such a common hair problem that almost every person has experienced it once. Dandruff in kids can be especially problematic as it can cause irritation and itching on the scalp. As kids play a lot outdoors, they are more susceptible to dust which causes dandruff in them. So, you need to be aware of the causes of dandruff in children.

Firstly, what exactly is dandruff? It is mainly the dead pieces of skin found in a person’s hair that lead to the formation of white flakes and cause itchiness. This happens when inadequate hair protection from pollution is maintained. Such dandruff is widespread, but it develops into something much more severe like seborrhoeic dermatitis in some rare cases, which causes inflammation of the scalp area.

Causes of Dandruff in Child

The causes of dandruff are many things in adults, but in children, the reasons are given below.

  • The improper shampooing of the kids’ hair can eventually cause dandruff in the child’s head. When we shampoo our hair, the dead cells need to be washed away properly. But this does not happen when a child’s hair is not washed correctly. In this way, the dead cells get accumulated on the kid’s scalp, resulting in dandruff.
  • Malnutrition is one of the primary reasons why children suffer from dandruff. Kids have a lot of drama regarding food. They don’t like eating healthy veggies and will try to avoid eating them in any way possible. At the same time, they will always be ready to munch on unhealthy junk food. This doesn’t allow them to have a nutritious diet, leading to dandruff.
  • Occasionally the hair products you use on your child’s hair might not suit them, and this causes dandruff. You can change these effects by changing the products that you use. Sometimes the products are insufficient to provide hair protection from sun damage and other kinds of elements. But a proper consultation with a doctor is always recommended.
  • Malassezia is a yeast-like fungus that proliferates and causes a disturbance in the growth of the cells. Some illness or changes in the hormones in kids causes this fungus to emerge, and the consequences are most often dandruff.
  • Another disease is seborrhoeic dermatitis which is also commonly known as eczema. It causes inflammation of the skin and doesn’t go away quickly, but fortunately, dandruff is just a milder form of this disease.

Dandruff is well-known, and thus noticing that your child has dandruff is also going to be relatively easy. You should immediately take adequate measures to control the symptoms whenever you notice them. Suppose you see visible white-coloured dry flakes on the scalp or even your child’s outfits, the scalp area filled with oily flakes. If your child is continuously itching their scalp area, red patches on the scalp caused by excessive itching or dandruff call for instant attention.


If your child has mild dandruff, then you don’t have to worry about any severe consequences to their scalp. But if it develops into the condition of seborrhoeic dermatitis, Malassezia, eczema, or psoriasis, then your child’s scalp will get inflamed and turn red. Though it is scarce, you should still immediately consult with a doctor if any such symptoms occur, and the doctor will suggest an effective treatment to provide relief to your child.

Remedies for Children’s Dandruff

The kid’s skin is quite sensitive, so much care must be taken when you try our regular dandruff treatments on your kid. Here are a few treatments that are tried and tested to be safe for children.

  • A good medicated shampoo can help your kid’s dandruff condition a lot. Any regular shampoo will not be helping in removing or controlling the dandruff condition, while some might be causing it to fester. Consulting with a skin specialist is highly recommended as they can tell you precisely the kind of medicated shampoo to get that would help improve your child’s condition. The shampoo Ketomac is also quite well known to be effective in removing dandruff and being safe for children.
  • Dandruff is most often caused due to dry conditions, and your body is dehydrated. So you should make sure that your child is properly hydrated at all times. Ask them to drink more and more water. If they don’t do it, you need to provide them with measured quantities of water at regular intervals. This will surely improve the dandruff condition.
  • Before shampooing your kid’s hair with the medicated shampoo, you should thoroughly brush your child’s hair. Brushing will remove the dead skin cells and the flakes, thus making it easy for the shampoo to do its work. This way, you will get maximum efficiency from the shampoo.
  • You must ensure that all your children have their towels and combs and use their ones at all times. The germs can quickly transfer from one child to the other when they share combs or towels, and those germs also boost other dandruff issues. Thus separate towels and combs will ensure that the condition doesn’t spread.
  • As was mentioned in the causes, malnutrition can cause dandruff. So you have to make sure that your child is receiving proper nutrition daily and that your child eats all the green and leafy vegetables. Carbohydrates and proteins also help maintain healthy and moist skin, so they will also help ultimately remove dandruff.
  • It would help if you oiled your child’s scalp regularly and shampooed regularly. This will help keep your child’s scalp and hair moist and healthy. The oil moisturizes the scalp, and shampoo removes dirt and dust. Together they become the best hair care system.

If you follow these hair care tips and advice correctly, your child will be free of dandruff in a short time.


The winter season is almost here, and your hair must already be experiencing its side effects. The Winter season is when our hair needs maximum attention and care. So are you looking for tips for healthy hair in the winter season? You can’t let your hair look unkempt just because of the change in the weather. The cold weather outside shouldn’t affect the way your hair looks. Messy hair can also make your entire appearance look dull. The cold and dry weather affects the skin and causes a lot of hair problems. It would help if you took extraordinary measures to keep your hair looking healthy on the outside and stay healthy on the inside.

Tips for Keeping Hair Healthy in Winter

In winter, you can quickly moisturize your skin, but what can you do for your hair and scalp? Most people generally look for the best shampoo for dandruff and itchy scalp to help nourish and moisturize their hair and scalp. There are many dos and don’ts that you should follow to keep your hair nourished and healthy in winter. Below are a few tips that can help you keep your hair in good condition throughout the season.

1. If you live in a very cold region, you probably have a radiator or room heater in place to keep the inside of your house or room warm. While staying in a very hot room can be pretty comfortable, you should always maintain a moderate temperature inside your house. Instead of making your room too hot, you should keep it sufficiently warm. Otherwise, you will get a temperature shock when you step outside your house or return from work, which can irritate your skin and cause hair problems.

  1. The same rule applies to hot showers. While it is pretty obvious that a nice hot shower feels fantastic on a cold winter day, hot water is neither good for your hair nor your skin, and it dehydrates your hair and skin, which has terrible consequences. So, it would help if you did not take too hot showers, and instead, it would help keep the water as cold as possible to take a shower.
  2. Shampooing your hair regularly is essential for storekeeping your hair and scalp healthy. But how often should you do it? If you shampoo your hair at least twice or thrice a week, it will keep your hair from becoming dehydrated or drying out too much. While showering, you can use the best scalp shampoos available in India to help nourish your scalp.
  3. It is pretty evident that the winter season is dry, and thus your hair will get quite dry during this season. This will eventually lead to scalp irritation and dandruff. If proper care isn’t taken, it can also cause hair to fall. Your hair and scalp need nourishment to stay healthy, so you should remember to provide the oils that it needs regularly. You might lead a hectic lifestyle, but still, you have to take some time out to keep your scalp moisturized. If you can’t keep your hair oiled overnight, you should at least keep it on for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off with a shampoo and conditioner. You can use olive oil or even coconut oil for this purpose.
  4. The conditioner is a must in the winter season. It is necessary for your regular hair care routine, but it is especially needed in the winter season. The dry weather can leave your hair damaged and rough, and using a deep conditioner can help smoothen them up. Regular use of a deep conditioner and a leave-in treatment is highly recommended for people living in the northern areas where the temperature is freezing. Pair it with the best dandruff shampoo for oily scalpand you have a proper system to keep your hair healthy.
  5. Drying your hair correctly is another thing that you should keep in mind. You need to keep your hair dry before you step outside, as the excess moisture can freeze in the cold weather outside and harm your hair. Blow dryers are an excellent tool to dry and style your hair to perfection. But they are also quite damaging as the heat dries out your scalp and hair. Drying your hair naturally is recommended, but you should never forget to use a heat protection serum or spray before blow-drying your hair if you are in a hurry.
  6. Air drying your hair is the best way to dry it, and it applies to all seasons. The less you use tools like flat irons and dryers, the better condition your hair will be in. Having said so, you should remember that going out with wet hair is highly damaging, and it causes your hair to freeze and break. So in case you don’t have the time to allow your hair to dry out naturally, you should use the blow dryer in the most relaxed setting possible. And always put the heat protection spray beforehand.
  7. No matter how much care you take for your hair, the ends of the hair eventually do become brittle and dry. So, it would help if you had them trimmed quite regularly. It doesn’t matter whether you have long or short hair; regular trims are necessary. They keep the hair in good condition and don’t allow the ends to develop into split ends. Ketomac shampoo is also great for reducing the risk of developing split ends and other hair issues in winters.
  8. Hats are needed in the winter season to keep you warm and protect your hair from the cold winds. You wouldn’t have to spend an enormous amount of time styling your hair, yet the hats can add a different edge to your whole look.
  9. The last tip is to eat a healthy and balanced diet to keep your body healthy. Also, it would help if you drank a lot of water to keep yourself well hydrated.


Dandruff is a common scalp problem, and it is a condition where the scalp tends to dry up fast, and dry skin cells fall off as white flakes on your shoulders. Many of us wonder how to cure dandruff permanently, and sometimes we end up doing something odd, which worsens the situation.

Dandruff is a chronic condition and can be embarrassing. Dandruff is usually associated with flaking, itchiness, redness, and hair fall. Scratching and picking on your scalp and dry flakes can cause more itchiness and further hair fall. Read this post to learn more about dandruff, hair fall, and how to cure them?

Causes of dandruff

Dandruff may be caused by various reasons, such as an individual’s lifestyle, genetics, etc. When you wash your hair excessively, you strip your hair of its natural oils, which can make hair very dry and thus lead to more flaking. Sometimes dandruff may be due to an underlying problem such as contact dermatitis, seborrheic dermatitis, and eczema. The first step to curing your dandruff is to get a diagnosis done. The hair specialist will help you determine the cause of dandruff and how to fight with dandruff.

General methods to cure dandruff

Sometimes, our products contain fragrances, preservatives, parabens, sulfates, etc. This can irritate your scalp and cause dandruff. This is called contact dermatitis, and it would help if you used a mild and natural shampoo.

Always condition your hair from the middle length of your hair. As the hair on the top of your scalp tends to be more nourished, the added product can cause product build-up, leading to dandruff and hair fall.

Oiling your hair two times a week with coconut oil will keep your hair nourished. Dry hair and scalp can also cause dandruff.

Try out different home remedies to help keep your dandruff in control. If none of them works out, opt for a medicated shampoo that suits your condition. Read the following secret strategies for dealing with hair problems.

Home remedies for dry and rough hair to avoid dandruff

1. Mix one tablespoon of honey with one tablespoon of olive oil with one egg. Apply this mixture to your scalp and hair from root to ends. Leave this mask on for two to three hours for the best effect. The egg is rich in protein and helps strengthen your hair. Honey and olive oil are rich in moisture, and this will nourish and moisturize your hair. This mask is also very enriching to hair, making hair grow faster and thicker fast.

  1. Blend a ripe avocado, a tablespoon of honey two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this paste to your scalp and hair. Doing this can make your hair very nourished and healthy. Avocado is loaded with fatty amino acids, which help coat the hair shaft and maintain moisture. Avocado is rich in vitamins like A, B6, D, and E and minerals like iron and copper that help nurture both your hair and scalp. The presence of natural oils provides lasting and deep hydration.
  2. An age-old remedy is to heat two tablespoons of coconut oil and mix it with equal lemon juice. Apply this mixture to your scalp and leave it on for about twenty minutes. Rinse it off and shampoo as usual. Coconut oil has been known through the ages as very moisturizing hair oil. It also has natural antibacterial properties, which help ease dandruff itchiness. The lemon juice in this mixture works well to remove dandruff from your hair. Lemon juice can also make your hair shiny and beautiful.

Remedies for hair fall due to dandruff

  1. Using neem paste

Mix 2 tablespoons of neem juice, two tablespoons of beetroot juice, two tablespoons of coconut milk, and one teaspoon of coconut oil. Make sure you mix these ingredients thoroughly. Apply the paste to your scalp and let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with a mild shampoo. Neem has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Coconut milk nourishes the hair from root to tip. Using this remedy makes your hair strong and helps protect hair from damage.

  1. Using Fenugreek seeds

Let fenugreek or methi seeds be soaked overnight in water. The next day filters the seeds and makes a fine paste. Blend apple cider vinegar into this paste. Apply this mixture to your hair and scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing it off with a mild shampoo. It is advised to repeat this process once every week to eliminate dandruff. Fenugreek seeds are one of the most accessible spices in all our kitchens; using this with apple cider vinegar can help fight off dandruff and promote healthy hair growth.

What next?

When the home remedies do not work well enough, you can try using a medicated antidandruff shampoo. When you choose a medicated shampoo, opt for the shampoos that contain coal tar, zinc pyrithione, Ketoconazole, or selenium sulfide. These ingredients are active in fighting dandruff. Coal tar is a temporary solution as it helps by slowing the pace of cells on the scalp die. This does not help fight the underlying cause of it. Zinc pyrithione has been used in antidandruff shampoos ever since the 1930s. It is used so due to its reliability. Ketoconazole is a slightly stronger option. It gives relief rather quickly. Shampoos containing salicylic acid are also good options to help keep dandruff away. You can purchase medicated shampoos online or at any drugstore or pharmacy.

Ketomac shampoo is a well-known shampoo used to cure dandruff and prevent hair fall. Ketomac shampoo is a natural-based shampoo that contains Ketoconazole. Ketoconazole is an active ingredient that helps fight dandruff and helps keep the scalp healthy and clean. Ketoconazole is pretty strong, and hence, you can see the difference faster than any other shampoo. Shampoos containing Ketoconazole are usually the last option if all other remedies fail.

If you are one of those girls who have rough, dry, damaged, or frizzy hair, you would know how difficult your hair can be. Humidity can also make your hair look more damaged and dry. Everybody wishes to get silky and strong hair. Whether your hair is straight, curly, or even wavy, silky, and strong hair makes your hair looks beautiful. Silky hair is also easy to manage and tangle-free. Silky hair has more muscular elasticity and thus fights breakage. Most women have dry, rough, and dull hair. Most of us only dream of soft and silky hair. What if I told you, you don’t have to dream of it anymore? Most women have hair types that can be treated chemically or naturally to get soft and healthy hair. Girls, it’s easier than you think! Here are a few tips on how to get healthy, soft, and silky hair.

General tips on how to take care of hair for silky soft hair

  • Wash your hair with cold water only. If you prefer to wash your hair with warm water, always rinse your hair off with cold water as the last step of your shower.
  • Use a wide-toothed comb. Combs that are of wider teeth can cause lesser damage. Thus, it prevents your hair from breaking.
  • Ensure that you oil your hair at least twice a week.
  • Use oils such as coconut oil, almond oil, and olive oil, and incorporate essential oils such as lemongrass oil, lavender oil, rosemary oils, etc., for added benefits.
  • Hot oil treatments can also improve blood circulation and thus enhance strong hair growth.
  • Use the correct type of shampoo and conditioner. Use a shampoo for the type of scalp. If you tend to have a dry or itchy scalp, use a natural shampoo to fight itchiness. If you have an oily scalp, use a shampoo that fights against greasy hair.
  • Maintain a healthy and clean diet.
  • Stay away from heating appliances such as straighteners, curling irons, and hair dryers.
  • Avoid hair products that are loaded with chemicals.
  • Use a chemical-free hair conditioner. Apply a coin-sized amount of conditioner to your hair’s middle and lower portion.
  • Choosing a good hairstyle also plays a role in protection against hair fall and damaged hair. Do not use tight elastic rubber bands as they can cause breakage. 

Home remedies for dry and rough hair

  1.  Avocado hair mask
  2. Take one ripe avocado and blend it with two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this mask to clean hair and scalp. Avocado is rich in vitamins C, E, K, and B-6 and riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, and potassium. Avocado nourishes hair and makes it strong and silky.
  3. Olive oil is rich in vitamins A, E, and antioxidants; olive oil helps protect the keratin in hair and seals in moisture.
  4.  Egg hair mask

Mix one egg with two tablespoons of olive oil and two tablespoons of honey. Beat the mixture until it becomes uniform. Apply this mask to clean the scalp and hair. Leave the mask on for 2 hours and then rinse off with a mild shampoo followed by conditioner.

Egg yolk is densely packed with nutrition and proteins, such as biotin, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin D. Honey helps retain moisture, smoothens hair, and keeps it soft and nourished.

  1.  Banana hair mask 

Blend one ripe banana with two tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil, two tablespoons of honey and half a cup of full-fat milk until you get a uniform mixture. Apply this mask to clean the scalp and hair, and leave the mask on for two or more hours. Rinse with lukewarm water followed by a mild shampoo and conditioner. Banana is rich in antioxidants, Vitamin C, vitamin b, and other goodness, nourishing your hair and restoring its elasticity. These famous deep conditions hydrate your hair leaving it soft, silky, and shiny it reduces split ends and helps tame frizzy hair.

Hair fall due to greasy and oily hair

Hair fall could be due to various reasons; one of the most important is greasy, oily hair. So, what are the reasons behind oily and greasy hair? Hair naturally produces sebum which helps protect the hair and retain moisture. When excess sebum is produced, it remains as residue on the scalp and makes it look crazy. This greasiness attracts dirt and causes hair to fall. Greasiness can also be due to lifestyle. It is essential to wash your hair two to three times a week. If you wash your hair very few times a month, your hair can become greasy and oily. Thus adapting regular hair washing and oiling techniques, you can meet him with healthy and strong hair. Greasy and oily hair is usually accompanied by dandruff. Dandruff is a condition where the scalp becomes itchy and dead cells fall off as flakes on the shoulders.

The symptoms of dandruff include dirty white flakes on the shoulders and hair strands, itchiness, redness, and scaly scalp. One of the common mistakes of dandruff that we make is scratching, and scratching only aggregates the condition further, and it causes redness, scaly scalp, and hair fall. We scratched damaged hair follicles, increasing hair fall and causing breakage. This makes hair look dry, damaged, and thinner.

When dealing with dandruff and greasiness, you must remember to follow a regular hair routine. Make sure you wash your hair 2 to 3 times a week with warm or cold water. Moisturize your hair using coconut oil at least once a week. Coconut oil has excellent antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help fight dandruff and moisturize your hair, making it soft and shiny. Try different home remedies targeted at fighting dandruff, such as aspirin, neem, yoghurt, fenugreek seeds, apple cider vinegar, etc. Remedies that include these products help fight dandruff actively. Although if you have attempted trying different home remedies and they do not work, then it comes to getting your scalp diagnosed by a specialist. Hair specialists can help you determine the cause of your greasy, oily hair and help you fight your hair fall problems. Try using a medicated shampoo; search Ketomac shampoo for hair loss. This shampoo contains ketoconazole which actively fights dandruff. You will see results in a few washes.


Dandruff is pretty common these days. Most of us have experienced dandruff at some point in our life, especially those who are into dancing, swimming, gyming, and other physical activities. This is because we tend to get sweaty all the time. This means we should take good care of our hair and body to maintain a healthy scalp, hair, and body. So, what is dandruff? Dandruff is a layer of dry or greasy white flakes of dead skin on the scalp, hair, and Shoulders. Most of us know how embarrassing it is to have dandruff. Dandruff is a chronic problem, but it is controllable. Most people with dandruff avoid wearing dark Shades such as Black and navy. You don’t have to give up on your favourite shades of clothes anymore? What if she got rid of dandruff instead? Read the following post to find out how to get rid of dandruff and maintain a healthy scalp.

Main Causes of Dandruff

Dandruff can be caused by various factors such as lifestyle and also certain skin conditions such as Eczema and dermatitis, etc. Dandruff can also be caused by environmental issues such as pollution and dust. Certain shampoos and hair products can also cause dandruff if you have sensitive skin. If your lifestyle includes physical activities such as going to the gym regularly, you will sweat a lot. Therefore, not washing your hair regularly can also cause dandruff. The overgrowth of yeast-like fungus can also cause dandruff and hair thinning. Stress hormonal changes and immune system problems can also cause dandruff. This type of dandruff is common among teenagers.

Symptoms of dandruff

Early stages of dandruff include flaking of the scalp, itching and redness. The first sign of dandruff includes an itchy scalp; it is essential not to scratch your head as it aggregates dandruff. Scratching can also lead to a red and itchy scalp, cause skin infections, and cause excess hair loss.

Home remedies for dandruff 

Sometimes the type of shampoo you use and your hair care routine can cause dandruff. If your schedule includes many physical activities such as running and dancing, you will sweat a lot. This means that you have to wash your hair more often to keep it clean and, at the same time, not dry it too much, which leads to stripping away the natural moisture. Therefore, in some cases, fixing your hair care routine and using just a natural hair care shampoo can fix your dandruff problem.

Finding a natural shampoo can help you deal with your dandruff. Applying a spoon full of lemon juice to your scalp and massaging it for 10 minutes before you rinse your hair can help you in minor cases of dandruff. Lemon juice can also make your hair shiny and strong. Another good choice for getting rid of dandruff is using aspirin. Crushing aspirins to a fine powder and adding it to your shampoo can also help you with your dandruff. Aspirin contains salicylic acid and therefore helps fight dandruff. Using an aloe vera hair mask is also an excellent anti-dandruff remedy, and it is also great at fighting itching sensation.

Guide to choosing the best shampoo for dandruff 

While choosing an anti-dandruff shampoo to help cure your dandruff condition, make sure you look for the following ingredients mentioned in this section. This section is a guide to choosing the best shampoo for dandruff. Make sure your shampoo includes ketoconazole. Ketoconazole is an antifungal agent. The function of ketoconazole is to fight against a wide variety of fungi. It is often used when other shampoos fail to fight your dandruff problem. You can ketoconazole antidandruff shampoo online.

Coal tar is another excellent ingredient in anti-dandruff shampoos. Some people have a condition where their skin cells die faster than usual and thereby cause dandruff and dry skin. Shampoos containing coal tar can slow down the rate skin cells die and flake away. This makes products containing them very effective against dandruff, seborrheic, dermatitis, and psoriasis. Shampoos containing coal tar are also one of the best options for light-coloured hair.

Salicylic acid is a mild acid, and Salicylic acid can soften the skin and strip away dead skin cells, eradicating dandruff. Shampoo containing salicylic acid is also an excellent option for an anti-dandruff shampoo. Make sure you test your shampoo has. Salicylic acid shampoos can cause more dryness and flake for some people.

Zinc pyrithione is an antibacterial, antifungal agent, and it is found in various anti-dandruff shampoos. It is especially compelling when treating dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis caused by Malassezia fungi.

Ketomac Shampoo – A Great Choice of Anti Dandruff Shampoo

Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo is usually used as a last resort when other shampoos fail to treat dandruff. Ketomac shampoo is excellent at controlling dandruff as it contains ketoconazole, a broad-spectrum synthetic antifungal agent, which helps keep dandruff away and fights hair fall. Ketoconazole works by killing fungi on the skin and keeping your scalp healthy, clean, and free of dandruff. The Ketomac shampoo can also reduce flaking, scaling, and itching and relieve inflammation due to dandruff. Always consult your physician before using any of these dandruff shampoos.

Using the above tips helps you decode and fight dandruff and hair fall. It is necessary to maintain good and healthy hair to get rid of dandruff, and it is also essential to adapt to a healthy lifestyle and hair care routine. Make sure to oil your hair three times a week using coconut oil, olive oil, castor, and almond oil. You can also use essential oils such as lemongrass, lavender, tea tree, and rosemary oils in your hair oil. Use natural hair masks once or twice a month. These tips can help with your dandruff and give you healthy and strong hair.


Hair is possibly one of the first things that you notice about people when you meet them for the first time. Was it dark or light, straight or curly? This is what you will note about people. Hair determines the overall look of a person, which is the main reason for the importance of haircuts and proper hair care. 

Shiny and beautiful hair tends to leave a good impression on others, especially true for women. This is why you need to follow a good hair care regimen, including haircuts. Also, use the right shampoo to keep hair in the best shape.

Reasonable hair care leaves it healthy and helps prevent extensive damage, leading to hair loss. You must take care of it daily for shiny, strong, and healthy hair. It is not enough to use shampoos and oils advertised by celebrities, and it is also advertised that you must regularly visit your hairstylist to get a haircut and treatment of great-looking hair.

Importance of Haircut

Many people over-emphasize this aspect. But experts regard that this may be a myth. Apart from whether you trim it or cut it or do not do anything, your hair will grow 1.3 cm or half an inch every month. Diet, hormones, and genes are the crucial factors determining hair growth.

The real reason for regular haircuts is for keeping hair healthy. Split ends are the number one enemy of healthy hair, and they not only look at neglect of hair but also make it unhealthy. Split ends are caused by overuse of hair styling tools and harsh combing of my hairbrushes. Hence, it is ideal for trimming hair every 4 to 6 weeks, and in case you want to grow your hair, trim it every 6 to 8 weeks.

But haircuts are not necessarily dependent on time but on how much grows back. The secret behind beautiful haircuts is to cut hair as per the shape of your face. Other than haircuts, regular trimming of hair is also good to avoid split ends and restore your hair’s health.

Hair Treatment 

Hair Care includes moisturizing and cleaning your hair. If your hair is healthy, it will be lustrous, shiny, and silky to touch. It will not be affected by dandruff and resists breakage. You can buy Ketomac Shampoo to fix greasy hair and remove dandruff.

Healthy hair is also softer than damaged hair. Occasionally, your hairstylist will provide protein-based or Keratin treatment. So it is good to consult a reliable and expert hairstylist. Here are some more tips for good hair treatment:

  •  Use good shampoo:

It is vital to use a shampoo designed for your hair type. If you suffer from hair loss, it is best to use baby shampoos as they will not have strong chemicals that can damage your hair or scalp. Use daily hair washing tips for proper hair care.

  •  Gentle handling

While regular brushing of hair is essential, the way of brushing is more important. Hair can be damaged by rough and extensive brushing. Instead, comb your hair twice a day and take care to be gentle. Use a suitable brush or comb and avoid brushing wet hair. Wet hair is vulnerable and prone to breakage.

These are some reasons to illustrate the importance of haircuts and hair care for growing healthier hairs.


Before choosing to go for any hair treatments, always remember that hair care should also be provided from within, i.e., in other words, you maintain a proper diet and include a sufficient amount of iron and protein. To maintain healthy hair, a few essential hair care tips are:

Haircare tips that everyone should follow:

  1. For women, it is widespread to lose almost 100 to 150 strands of hair every day. But if you see more hair fall and less hair growth, it might be severe, and you should think about changing your hair care regimen. Use the best anti-dandruff shampoo for women to avoid losing hair due to dandruff.
  2. Avoid combing wet hair as they tend to break easily. If you do comb, use a wide-toothed comb.
  3. Trim your hair regularly to get rid of those damaged split ends. Give yourself trendy looks. Salon experts will unquestionably recommend the best hairstyles, keeping the quality of your hair at its best.
  4. Use the same shampoo and conditioners that suit your hair the most.
  5. 5. If you have dandruff, use a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo. Check the ingredients of the shampoo you use since harsh chemicals can affect you more.
  6. If you have dry hair, then avoid colouring too much. But, be it dry, normal, or oily hair, colouring too much can harm your hair, and it can cause breakage and also damage your hair severely.
  7. Deep conditioning your hair works the best. After washing your hair with shampoo, squeeze out the extra water and then towel dry it. Then take a good amount of the conditioner you prefer or that suits your hair the most and apply it properly to the roots of your hair. Comb your hair using a wide-toothed comb. Wrap your hair or clip them. Let the conditioner stay for about 10-15 minutes to an hour. Then, pull your hair down, rinse it thoroughly, washing it off using cold water. That’s it; enjoy your silky smooth hair.
  8. Nothing is better than a hot oil treatment. Especially during winter, your scalp tends to dry, causing more dandruff. Conditioning your hair is essential, but oil provides all the necessary minerals, vitamins, and essential fatty acids that strengthen your roots, making your hair much healthier. It also boosts the overall look of your hair. Coconut oil works the best and is most recommended by hair experts and mothers. It also protects your hair from sun rays and dandruff and eliminates sebum build-up in hair follicles, promoting hair growth. If you have a hair fall problem, olive oil works the best.

Along with these hair care tips, shop for ketoconazole anti-dandruff shampoo as it is the best ingredient for hair.


If you feel only women love their hair, you are mistaken. Men have a deep-rooted love for their hair. The profound and severe looks they give and the charming personality they carry are possible only because of their hair. If you think men don’t do much about their hair, you are mistaken. You should look for these hair care tips for men to be remarkable.

You should ensure that your hair stays healthy, effective, and smooth. If you have dandruff, go ahead and check out how to fight with dandruff. After all, dandruff cannot steal your delightful looks or good-looking personality. Even men’s hair demands regular and proper maintenance, thick or thin, long or short, curly or straight. Those blue eyes, shiny skin, or gorgeous jawline won’t be enticing if you do not care about your hair. Your hair compliments your looks, and you cannot afford to lose its innate beauty and quality. The following are the things guys should keep in mind to deal with hair.

Don’t over-wash

Since men usually have short hair, they have a misconception about washing their hair regularly. They feel it is not an additional task, so why not wash hair daily, right? But by doing such a thing, men harm their hair. It would help if you did not wash more than three or four times a week. If you do over wash, you end up destroying your hair’s natural oil. When you properly wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner in a limit, you avoid losing the natural oil from your scalp.

How do you dry up your hair?

Yes, there always is a technique to dry your hair correctly. Wet hair inclines to be vulnerable and weaker to damage. So you must avoid rubbing your hair after washing as it shall lead to extreme breakage. Instead, what you can do is just pat dry it to evade any stress on your scalp.

Limit the hair products you use 

If you use too much hair wax, hair gel, hair spray, or any other hair product, it makes your hair appear unnatural and heavy. You should use the least amount of these products when styling your hair correctly. You can use shampoos or conditioners to wash your hair, but it would be good to avoid the other products. For example, you can have glorified moments at a party because of that gel on your hair, but the gel’s consequences won’t be pleasing.

Beware of Extensive heat.

It is essential to evade overexposing your hair to the heat. You must avoid using hair dryers for drying the hair. Allow them to dry up naturally. It may take some time, but it would avert your hair from getting curled. Even if you are using a hairdryer, make sure that you keep it on fewer heat levels.

Similarly, don’t forget to experience the Ketomac shampoo benefits too. The right shampoo is always an added perk! Thus, once you keep all these above things in mind, you can preserve the health and quality of your hair.

Your hair is an asset, and if you don’t take good care of them, you might lose its quality. Don’t avoid the breakages in your hair when you can avert them from happening. There are different causes of hair breakages. Healthy hair relies on an inner cuticle having overlapping scales that keep the hair strands composed. In case these scales fall apart, hair gets dry and, in the end, gets separate, heading to damage. So, You might need to know the proper methods before dealing with hair breakage.

What is hair breakage?

Before you get into what it is, it is time to clear up a common fallacy. Many individuals believe that split ends and hair breakages are the same things. Well, that is not at all the case. Split ends mean the tips of your hair are injured and begin to crack, eventually becoming tattered hair. Hair breakage, on the other side, means more distinct structural harm. It can easily be recognized by tiny white dots that showcase that hair is partially cracked or broken. These breaks can occur at the ends and any place in your hair. It all gives it a complex and straw-like appearance overall. It is something that demands different treatments to avert hair breakage.

Breakage can extensively affect the hair of any type and length in general. However, prolonged or sensitive hair is most frequently affected since it is more vulnerable because of age and has a bigger exposed surface, requiring more frequent hair breaking treatment. One more thing, understanding how your hair breaks down is critical to knowing how to avert hair breakage. Hair breakage generally develops because of external impacts that dry off the hair, diminish its flexibility, and attack the structure of the surface. Apart from these environmental factors, these even encompass styling stress and improper care.

A quick look at causes

  • incorrect or excessive teasing, brushing, rough combing of wet hair
  • firm pressure, for example, from hair elastics or even through hair clips
  • Frequent colouring or dying because, at this time, the hair cuticle gets opened
  • Chemical treatments like a permanent wave
  • Heat like through direct sunlight. It is also via styling tools like a curling iron, hairdryer, or even straightening iron.
  • Friction like knitted scarves and sweaters especially can coarsen the hair fibres.

Once you pay attention to these things, you might avert the root of your hair breakages.

How to stop hair breakage?

Don’t worry; the best hair care tips and tricks will help you deal with this issue if you have hair breakage. There is nothing that cannot be conquered with determination and tactics. Once you know what to avoid, what to use, and what to expect, you can take care of your hair effectively.

Extensive Stress

Many evidence shows relations between hair loss and stress, but it is even found that stress can lead to hair breakage. A type of stress called Telogen Effluvium is most probably associated with hair damage. Such stress makes your follicles inactive, so hair that might be in the middle of a progress cycle can come off. You may also notice old hair fall out. The point is that if you manage your stress, you can maintain healthy hair. For now, you can start using Ketomac shampoo for hair loss to lessen your hair issue and simultaneously work on your stress levels to root off the hair problems.

Diet factor

It would not be wrong to say that there has everything to do with the diet when it comes to your skin and hair. There are specific nutrients that help your hair grow and fend off breakage from damage. You have to make sure that you consume enough iron, zinc, and folic acid in your regular diet. Sufficient protein and antioxidants found in plant food can also keep the hair safe. You can work on your hair with the proper diet regime.

Intense processing 

Relaxers, Perms, professional straightening, and even dying can make your hair look healthier after a session or two. But if you carry out such things quite often, the cuticle can collapse and lead to hair damage. Would you please keep eight to ten weeks between your two service sessions? In this way, you can guard your hair more effectively from hair breakage.

Stay away from dry hair. 

Dehydrated hair is one of the ancestors of damage and breakage. It is also triggered by various factors such as low humidity, dry weather, and heat. Ensure that you use warm and not hot water when you wash your head because the latter heads to further drying. You can go through the ultimate guide to washing your hair for proper head wash. It would show you how often you should wash your hair, what shampoo should be used, and what must be avoided while washing. And yes, a quick tip; In case the ends of your hair are dry, you should consider focusing shampoo just on your scalp. If you skip conditioner, you might not be doing the right thing.

Do you head wash a lot?

If you have oily skin, you are also more likely to have excess natural oil (sebum) production on the scalp. It can lead to the craving to wash your hair much more often than you. You mustn’t wash your hair every day. If you have a lot of natural oil, you can wash your hair three times a week or a maximum of four. But a layperson should do head wash only three times a week. Overwash would lead to extensive dryness, resulting in hair breakages.

Thus, it would help if you took all the precautions to battle hair breakages. Even if you have early dandruff signs and symptoms, make sure you use a good anti-dandruff shampoo to kick away dandruff.


Dandruff is a layer of dry or greasy white flakes of dead skin that appears on the scalp. Dandruff leads to dry hair and also causes hair to fall. Dandruff can be very embarrassing and cause a decline in a person’s confidence. Having dandruff can also lead to embarrassment in the work or college environment. Most people with dandruff avoid wearing black or any other dark shade to avoid any embarrassment. Black is one of the most loved colours; it is almost impossible to imagine not wearing dark shades to a party or class. What if I told you you do not have to get rid of your favourite clothes! Yes, get rid of dandruff instead.

The reasons behind dandruff and ways to get rid of it

The early warning signs of dandruff

While flaking is the most common sign of dandruff, it is not the first. The first symptom of dandruff is the itchy scalp, which acts as the early warning sign before the flakes appear. The early warning signs of dandruff include itching, redness in the scalp, dryness, and flakes. Remember not to scratch your scalp, as doing so can aggregate your dandruff and cause a red and itchy scalp. This can also cause other skin infections.

Major causes of dandruff

Dandruff can be caused by various factors that involve a person’s lifestyle and environmental factors. The leading causes of dandruff hair loss include various factors such as dry skin, sensitivity to particular hair products, and even certain skin conditions such as Eczema and dermatitis, etc. The overgrowth of Yeast fungus can also cause dandruff. This type of dandruff can be caused by stress, hormones, too much oil on the scalp, or other problems related to the immune system. This type of dandruff is common among teenagers and young adults.

Symptoms of dandruff

There are various unpleasant symptoms of having dandruff. Some dandruff symptoms include white flakes of dead skin in the hair, Shoulders and an itchy and scaly scalp. One of the significant side effects of dandruff is hair loss and thinning hair. We all know how Indian women love long and thick hair; dandruff can completely ruin the quality of your hair if you do not attend to it.

Dandruff is a condition that one can self-diagnose, and it can be controlled by appropriate treatments and using the right products. Dandruff is usually chronic, but luckily we can control it.

How to get rid of dandruff in the early stages

The type of shampoo and your hair care routine can cause dandruff and hair fall. If you work out a lot or tend to sweat easily, your sweaty scalp with the dust in your daily routine can cause dandruff. When you use too much oil on your scalp can also cause dandruff. Therefore, it is essential to find the ideal shampoo that helps maintain your hair properly. When dealing with dandruff, try using a natural shampoo to get rid of dandruff. If this does not work, you can look for a medicated shampoo. Some of the ways to get rid of dandruff include home remedies.

Home remedies to cure dandruff

Applying a spoon or two of lemon juice on the scalp can help minor cases of dandruff. Make sure to leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing it. If this is too strong for you, you can dilute the lemon juice with water. The acidity of the lemon helps stabilize the ph of your scalp and therefore gets rid of dandruff. Lemon juice can also make your hair shiny and strong. Another suitable method of getting rid of dandruff is using aspirin. Aspirin contains salicylic acid that helps fight dandruff. Keep flaking in check by crushing two aspirins to a fine powder and adding it to the average amount of shampoo you use each time you wash your hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for 1-2 minutes, rinse well and wash again with plain shampoo. One of the best methods to get rid of dandruff is aloe vera. All of the other dandruff remedies will make dandruff go away, but aloe vera doubles as an itch-fighter. Stop yourself from scratching by massaging aloe vera into your scalp before shampooing.

What to look for in an anti-dandruff shampoo

When you look for a shampoo to help cure the dandruff condition, make sure the anti-dandruff shampoo ingredients include ketoconazole, salicylic acid, sulfur, coal tar or zinc pyrithione. Ketoconazole is an antifungal agent that works against a wide variety of fungi, and it’s often the last resort when other dandruff shampoos fail to treat the problem. Shampoos containing coal tar slow down the rate at which skin cells die and flake away, making them effective against dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, and psoriasis. This is also one of the best options for light-coloured hair. Salicylic acid is a relatively mild acid that can soften the skin and strip away the dead skin cells on your scalp. Results may vary with this type of shampoo; for some individuals, salicylic acid shampoos can cause more dryness and flaking. Zinc pyrithione is an antibacterial and antifungal agent. Dandruff shampoos containing this ingredient are especially effective at treating dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis caused by Malassezia fungi.

Ketomac shampoo for dandruff and hair loss

Ketoconazole Works By killing fungi on the skin and keeping your scalp healthy and free of dandruff. Ketomac shampoo is brilliant dandruff controlling shampoo containing ketoconazole. This broad-spectrum synthetic antifungal agent helps keep dandruff and hair falling away. Ketomac shampoo tricks flaking, scaling, and itching dandruff and help relieve dandruff inflammation. You can also use this shampoo for other conditions determined by your physician.

Using these tips can help you fight your dandruff and hair fall condition. Therefore it is essential to adapt to a healthy hair routine and follow it religiously, and it is also necessary to maintain hair after getting rid of your dandruff.


If you think you are the only one who has thoughts on secrets about hair, think again. Yes, your hair locks and strands have their thoughts. How they look and what they make of you have a significant impact on your life. If your hair is dull, lacklustre, and tasteless, you cannot have that impressive appearance.

Have you ever searched for some exclusive secret strategies for dealing with hair? Ah, there are beautiful ways to keep your hair in the best shape, health, and look. You can give your hair a mood and feel that it is worth having. Your face cuts and looks and hair also say a lot about your personality and lifestyle. So, uplift your life with the hidden secrets of hair. The following are a few things that you might not know about hair.

What does curly hair say?

People with curly hair are extensively generous and inclined to do everything, such as finishing their tasks quicker than their partners. It is not all, these curly people have passionate insights, and they focus too much on everything and, of course, are flooded with emotions like warmth, dynamism, and aggression. So, now you know what that person having curly hair in your circle is! And perhaps, you might be the curly one too!

Are you proud of your wavy hair?

Ah, that is something to be proud of for sure. If you have that gorgeous wavy hair, you are a creative and innovative person. That is not all; people with wavy hair are also packed with energy, firm willpower, intensely emotional, and require a deep intense connection. Their feelings and emotions can be hurt easier as you think. Another side of these fellows is that they often demand ‘me time’. It means they often tend to have some time off for themselves. They love to stay alone, but that does not mean they don’t love their dear ones. The way their hair is wild, you can find that wildness in their spirit too! They love to be free, and freedom is on the top of their list! But yes, if your hair is dotted with dandruff, you need to embrace the best anti-dandruff shampoo available in India to maintain the charm of your hair.

Thin or thick: Which type of hair do you have?

However, it can even mean that you are stubborn on the flip side. Much like possessing thick eyebrows, if your hair is thick, you are likely to have so much energy, and you have solid willpower. Equally, if you possess thin hair, you are highly likely to be a delicate person, which means you are not into intense sports and physical activities and wish to conserve your energy much.

So, whatever type of hair you have, they have something to say about you and your personality. You need to take care of your locks, and you can always employ shampoo like Ketomac dandruff treatment shampoo for the best hair care solutions!


It is challenging to keep ourselves away from harmful pollution. If you think the pollution leads to harmful effects only on your skin, you need to know that your hair is equally vulnerable to the damage. If you think about it, our skin and hair are the first things that get exposed to pollution and UV damage. We try to protect our skin by applying sunscreen, but how to protect our hair from pollution?

When we expose ourselves to pollution, tiny particles of soot and grime and smoke and fumes settle on our heads and cause dryness, breakage, and itchy scalp. Our hair is vulnerable every time we are outside for an outdoor workout or commute. Pollution can cause many hair woes, such as hair fall. You can use Ketomac shampoo hair fall to combat the situation, which results positively within a few days.

Here’s a look at the practical tips to protect your hair from pollution:

Cover your hair

Make efforts to minimize exposure to air pollution when you are out. Tie your hair with a hairband and try to cover your hair with a scarf. This is more important for women with coloured hair. The hair’s cuticles are prone to extensive sun damage, the leading cause of dullness and dryness. This can be helpful if you reside in a windy area. Being aware of the surroundings and climatic conditions can help combat the adverse effects on your hair.

Choose styling products carefully.

Heavy styling products such as mousses, thickening cream, and hair sprays attract more pollutants to your hair. If you want to build upon your hair strands and scalp, consider lightweight products.

Avoid stepping out with oily or wet hair.

When your hair is wet or oily, it will attract dirt particles and dust, sticking to your hair and making it dirty.

Spray a hair sunscreen

You can find quality hair sunscreen from the market, which can help protect your hair from harmful UV rays and heat. It also helps the hair in retaining its texture and shine.

Take steam

You must steam your hair once a week or ten days as it helps open the scalp’s pores, which gets your hair rid of any deep-rooted polluted particles.

Shampoo and condition regularly

It is recommended to use a gentle shampoo that cleanses your hair but doesn’t dry your hair and scalp. It is essential to keep your hair clean, not become oily so that your hair and scalp attract dirt. You can use shampoo Ketomac as it is a clinically approved shampoo that keeps your hair and scalp healthy.


Apart from external care, it would help consume fish, nuts, yoghurt, fresh fruits, and leafy vegetables for a healthy hair care routine.

It is recommended to buy Ketomac anti-hair fall anti-dandruff shampoo as it is one of the best shampoos for all your hair issues. It promotes healthy hair and scalp and helps you achieve intense and shining hair.


Many people believe that hair is a non-living entity that emerges through the scalp, and it doesn’t get damaged the way our skin does. You may not experience sunburn symptoms on your hair the way we experience on our skin; the hair still gets damaged. If we fail to take measures for protecting our hair from the sun, it could result in a dry, brittle, and dull mane. The damage worsens when you dip in the pool because of the drying effects that chlorine and salt have. Do you wonder how to protect your hair from sun damage?

If your hair is coloured, the sun can also change your dye job. Hair experts say that bleached hair is more vulnerable to damage as they have open hair follicles, exposing hair to oxidation damage caused by UV rays.

Tips and Suggestions to Protect Your Hair from Sun Damage:

  • Make hats a part of your look.

Hats, hands down, are a great addition to your wardrobe and change your appearance; they also help protect your hair from sun damage. Hats will keep you more relaxed and keep your skin, hair, and scalp happy.

    • Zinc oxide
  • If you are not wearing a hat, it is good to apply a sunblock with Zinc oxide in areas of the scalp exposed to the sun due to the thinning of hair. Applying sunblock cream on areas where your hair part and your crown will help protect the vulnerable areas.
    • Shampoo
  • It would help if you used a gentle shampoo that cleans your hair without ripping off the moisture from your hair. You can use shampoo Ketomac for long, shiny, and healthy hair.
    • Natural oil
  • Natural oils are the best remedy for dry hair and protect hair from the sun. They not only smooth your cuticles but also add shine and offer sun protection. The recommended types of oil are raspberry, seed, avocado, coconut oil, and olive oil.
  • These were some preventive tips for protecting your hair from damage, but some homemade masks can help rectify the damaged hair if your hair has already been damaged. These masks also help in treating scalp conditions such as dandruff and itching. There are a few symptoms of dandruff you should be aware of to take measures in time.
  • Here’s a look:
    • Aloe Vera juice
  • Take some Aloe Vera Juice and mix lemon juice in it. Apply it to the hair and leave it for 15 minutes, followed by a rinse with normal water.
    • Honey and banana
  • One of the most effective remedies for sun-damaged hair is applying a mask of honey and ripe mashed banana. Keep the mask for 30-40 minutes and wash with normal water.
    • Eggs
  • We all are aware of the beautiful benefits of eggs on our hair, and they also cure damaged hair. Apply a whipped egg to the hair and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Wash with lukewarm water. You can also mix some olive oil and honey into the egg for nourishing the scallop.
  • It is essential to use a quality shampoo that promotes hair growth and improves your scalp condition for daily hair care. The Ketomac shampoo benefits are too many to list down, and the effects are visible within a few days of use.


Most women must have experienced rough and split ends that hamper the appearance of their beautiful locks and make it longer to grow hair after a certain length. Your ends may need help which you might not be ignoring. The ends of our hair are the oldest part of our hair, making it evident that they need extra care and love. Retaining the length of your hair depends on the health of your tips. Thus, if you want to grow your hair long, you need to focus on hair care tips for growing long hair.

To maintain the texture and quality of your hair, from roots to tips, you also need to choose an appropriate shampoo. Ketomac shampoo is considered one of the ideal shampoos for long and healthy hair.

Essential Hair Care Tips for Growing Long Hair:

Moisturizing and sealing

Dry hair can cause breakage, which can further lead to split ends. It would help if you found a water-based moisturizer with natural oil to protect your ends from breaking and splitting, which will allow your ends to remain hydrated and grow fast.


Many hair experts have said that trimming is essential for growing your hair fast and keeping them healthy. Split ends make the hair dull and lead to tangles. Every girl loves long hair, but there is no point in holding onto the length just to have long hair if you have damaged ends. Having healthy hair should be a priority. You must trim your hair every 3 to 4 months for getting rid of the dull and rough ends.


For getting healthy ends, protection is the key! Before using any styling products such as curlers, flat iron, and blow drier, you must apply a quality heat protector to prevent damage to your hair.

Conditioning treatments

It is mandatory to indulge your hair in some deep conditioning treatments. You can make masks at home and apply them at least once a week. The egg is also considered beneficial for your hair. Since the tips are the oldest part of your hair, they have experienced the most wear and tear and need extra care for combating wear and tear. You can also apply a deep conditioner to the ends first and then work your way up to the roots. There are special shampoos and conditioners for colour-treated hair; make sure you invest in one.


For keeping your strands and scalp healthy, you need to cleanse them thoroughly. Ketomac is one of the best scalp shampoos available in India, which takes care of your scalp and keeps your hair healthy.


Apart from what you do externally, it is also essential to consume a wholesome diet to keep your hair healthy. You must make many fruits, vegetables, nuts, eggs, and beans a part of your diet.

Keeping your hair dandruff free is essential as part of your complete hair care routine. Use Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo as it is gentle on hair and effective for getting rid of dandruff and other scalp conditions.


Hair is one of the most critical aspects of the human body that defines our personality. However, many people ignore their hairstyles as they do not understand the role of good hairstyles on their personality and only concentrate on their faces and body to improve their appearance. Though most hairstyles may work for some people, they miss out on the opportunity to choose the best hairstyle for them, which can accentuate their looks.

Before we look at the benefits of the right hairstyle, it is essential to understand that the basis of any hairstyle is healthy hair that is free of dandruff. Only voluminous and healthy hair can enhance the beauty of your hairstyle. It is advisable to use the shampoo Ketomac for getting fantastic texture and volume for your hair, and it not only removes dandruff from your hair but also makes your hair lustrous and beautiful.

Here’s a look at the reasons why you should select a hairstyle that would suit your face:

Enhancing personality

The primary reason for selecting a good hairstyle is to improve your appearance and beauty. Why settle for an ordinary hairstyle if you can work wonders with your hairdo. Many people keep the same hairstyle for several years as it becomes their comfort zone. After giving a new look to their hair, many people have realized that a new hairstyle suits them more than they could have imagined. When your appearance is good, it boosts your confidence.

Match the shape of your face

A lot of people are not aware of the fact that your hairstyle must always be based on your face cut. There are different face types: round, oval, diamond, square, etc.

You might have come across many people whose hairstyle didn’t match their face type. You would certainly not want a weird hairdo on you. Thus, you should consult the hairstylist as they are the right people to guide you on the hairstyle that suits you.

Professional success

Though this might not have been true a few years back, these days, a lot depends on how you carry and present yourself. Even in corporate places, employers prefer confident candidates who have amiable personalities. Though looks don’t matter, how you carry and represent yourself in front of others matters significantly. A good hairstyle will boost your confidence by enhancing your appearance.

Suit your hair type

Different people are blessed with different kinds and textures of hair, and your type of hairstyle depends on the type of hair. For example, fringes suit people with straight hair, and curly hair may be challenging to manage. Thus, the right hairstyle is essential to have a manageable hairdo.

It is always good to experiment and give a new look to yourself, which even amazes you when you look in the mirror. However, don’t forget to use a good quality shampoo such as Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo in India, which promotes hair growth, prevents hair fall due to dandruff, and assists in adding beauty to your new hairstyle.


Hair colouring has become a trend these days. Earlier, only people with grey hair used hair dye, but these days’ people love to flaunt various colours on their hair. Apart from the traditional black and brown colours, people choose from many fancy colours. Most of these colours require you to bleach your hair for them to show on your hair, and this bleaching damages your hair to a great extent. In this case, you would need to know the tips to protect colour-treated hair.

Also, when you get your hair coloured, you need to follow a separate hair care regimen to protect your hair. You can use Ketomac shampoo for your colour-treated hair as it is a mild shampoo that doesn’t damage your hair. Also, if you want your colour to last long, you need to use a quality shampoo and conditioner.

Here’s a look at the practical tips to protect your colour-treated hair:

Ask your hairstylist to use only quality hair colour

When you decide to get your hair coloured, the first thing to ask is the conditioning properties of the colours to keep your hair conditioned as the weeks go by. Try to opt for hair colours with natural oil as they help retain the moisture in your colour-treated hair, leaving them healthy and shiny. Also, ask if the hair colour is ammonia-free.

Avoid shampooing your hair frequently.

It is advisable to shampoo your hair less frequently to retain the colour longer. That does not mean you leave your hair dirty and greasy, but instead of washing your hair every day, you can wash your hair on alternate days, and it will help retain the colour for a long time.


One of the many ways to take care of your colour-treated hair could be to moisturize it with the right ingredients. Using different oils could be very useful. Some of them include macadamia, Moroccan, and argan oils. They extend your hair colour’s life, but they also help keep your gorgeous hair shiny and strong. Make sure you use the best dandruff shampoo for colour-treated hair after moisturizing. It will help avoid having dandruff. You can also consult your hairstylist for different in-salon treatments that can help improve your hair after a colour treatment. It is the best way to keep your hair in good health and fabulous.

Use a colour-safe shampoo or dry shampoo.

On days when you can’t avoid shampooing your hair, it is recommended to wash hair with a colour-safe shampoo. A dry shampoo is also an excellent option for managing your greasy hair without having to wash them. Also, if your colour-treated hair is suffering from dandruff, you should go with Ketomac, as it has been identified as the best dandruff shampoo for coloured hairIt helps in getting rid of dandruff without damaging your coloured hair.

Avoid shampooing your hair after hair colour.

When you get your hair coloured, it is a big NO to shampoo your hair at least for two days. It is even better if you can stretch it to 3 or 4 days, allowing the colour to set in properly.

Don’t wash your hair with hot water.

When you shampoo, use only lukewarm water or cold water as hot water rips off the colour from your hair. It opens the surface of the hair strand, which causes the dye molecules to escape.

Skip the shampoo and use conditioner

Once in a while, it is a good idea to skip the shampoo and directly use the conditioner. The conditioner will help in moisturizing your colour-treated hair.

It is recommended to use a mild shampoo for your colour-treated hair, which can also help in fighting dandruff at the same time. Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo can be your go-to solution for keeping your scalp healthy and hair shiny.


Our hair is prone to damage because of our lifestyle and poor eating habits. Hectic schedules and professional commitments lead to stressful lives that impact your hair. A lack of nutrients, vitamins, and proteins also affects your hair. Also, using harmful chemicals, strong shampoos, lack of conditioning, and hairstyling using flat iron or curls also damage your hair. You might be looking for tips to repair damaged hair to avoid these situations.

The type of shampoo you use also impacts the health of your hair. If you have a scalp infection or dandruff, it will lead to hair fall. One of the best ways to handle that is using the best shampoo to stop dandruff.

Here’s a list of the tips that can help in treating damaged hair:

  • Identifying early and repairing damaged hair

If you have noticed signs of damaged hair, it’s time you should start taking action for treating damaged locks. With the proper hair care regimen, you can nourish your hair and make them healthier. It is essential to address the damage immediately, as once it spreads, you might have to chop off your long tresses.

  • Trim damaged hair

This is one of the suggestions given by most hairstylists when they spot damaged hair. If the ends of your hair become rough, it is mandatory to get a trim to get rid of the damaged hair and revive the condition of your hair. You don’t need to sacrifice the length of your hair; you can get the damaged hair trimmed in layers.

  • Avoid using styling tools.

Styling products such as flat iron, blow dryers, and curlers do more harm than good to your hair.

They offer a good hairstyle for a few hours, but the damage remains for a longer duration. Heat is not suitable for your hair in any way. Always allow your hair to dry naturally and opt for hairstyles that don’t need heating tools.

  • Say no to chemicals.

Chemicals are the worst enemy of your hair in any form. It is a bad idea to bleach, dye, or perms your damaged hair as it will also make them worse and spoil them to a point where repairing them will be almost impossible. Instead of chemical treatments, go for deep conditioning and restorative treatments.

  • Use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner.

It is always recommended to go for natural shampoos or sulfate-free ones. The harsh chemicals damage your hair when used for long. You can use Ketomac shampoo as it is one of the best shampoos formulated for promoting hair growth and shine. Use can use the shampoo every alternate day without the fear of damage.

  • Repair damaged hair with oils

It is highly recommended to oil your hair naturally. It is better to gently apply slightly warm oil to the roots and massage for increasing blood circulation and promoting hair growth. Olive oil and coconut oil are considered the best for repairing your hair.

Apart from these tips, you can also use various hair masks made of natural ingredients to repair your precious locks. If you have been suffering from hair fall for a long time, it is better to switch to Ketomac shampoo for hair loss as it is proven to help reduce hair fall.


While most experts talk about hair care routines and tips, there is hardly any information about scalp care. Even when you visit saloons, anyone rarely talks about the scalp condition and its significance in getting good hair. No one takes the scalp seriously, and it remains ignored more often than not.

Sometimes, the hair follicles get clogged with sebum, and some of them die, so there is no hair growth from them. That pretty much explains the reason for thinning hair. Then there are sensitive, itchy, and dry scalps, which explains why some people often have the urge to itch. It’s ironic that people take so much care of their face and skin but ignore the skin on their scalp. All these issues can be managed with the help of a good scalp care regimen.

Here’s a look:

  1. Select a shampoo based on your hair type

The actual purpose of washing your hair is not cleaning your hair but cleansing your scalp. If you have an oily scalp but dry or damaged hair, buying a shampoo will worsen your scalp condition. Instead, you should choose a shampoo that helps in clarifying the scalp and control sebum production. You can then apply a conditioner that nourishes your dry locks.

    • Get rid of dandruff.
  1. Dandruff is not suitable for the scalp as it leads to hair fall, and it is advisable to get rid of dandruff as soon as possible. You can choose anti-dandruff shampoos such as Ketomac shampoo, as it helps combat the issue by keeping your scalp clean and hair strong.
    • Hydrate your scalp
  1. Hydration is essential for skincare, but we ignore it to hydrate our scalp. You don’t need creams and serums but an oil-free mist for hydrating the scalp.
    • Exfoliate regularly for removing sebum
  1. Your scalp is an extension of your facial skin, so your scalp needs exfoliation, too, just like your facial skin. Oily scalp and humid weather require you to exfoliate once a week, while a dry scalp can be exfoliated every two weeks.
    • Treat the scalp before shampooing.
  1. Oils and serums are good for managing the hair, but they can also flatten and make your roots oily. Thus, applying these treatments at night or before you shower is recommended, and you can leave them for 30 minutes before taking a shower.
    • Massage
  1. Massage is the key to a healthy scalp. Massage helps in improving the blood circulation on your scalp, which helps the nutrients in reaching the follicles and helps healthy hair grow out of them. Before brushing your hair, for 5 minutes, massage your scalp. You can also massage while applying oil or shampooing. But, never use your nails for massaging as you may scratch the scalp and irritate it.
  2. These scalp care tips will help provide you with the answer to how to care for hair and scalp. And, for shampoo, trust Ketomac as it is the best scalp care shampoo in India for treating your scalp and promoting healthy hair growth.


Shiny, strong, and long hair is everyone’s dream, but not everyone is naturally blessed with healthy hair. It is essential to take care of your hair externally, but what you eat is also essential. Just like your diet affects your health, it also impacts the health of your hair, and you need to eat good foods for healthy hair. When you start making small yet significant changes in your diet, your hair quality also improves.

Dry and frizzy or smooth and silky, it reflects your inside health. Our hair stands are made of cells that contain a protein known as keratin. Keratin needs to be constantly nourished, which is only possible when you consume a diet rich in minerals and vitamins. It will undoubtedly help in making your hair longer and more robust. It is crucial to imbibe healthy eating for healthy hair to see results in the long run.

Here’s a list of foods that can help in achieving healthy hair:

  1. Spinach and green vegetables

The cells in your hair require iron, and a deficiency of iron in your body can lead to hair loss. When you have an iron deficiency in your body, the nutrients and oxygen are not transported to the follicles and roots of your hair, which can inhibit the growth of hair and make your hair strands weak. Spinach is one such green veggie that is rich in iron.

  1. Citrus fruits

Your body needs Vitamin C for absorbing iron which means it is essential to imbibe citrus fruits in your diet. One lime per day is sufficient for fulfilling your needs for Vitamin C. You can also consume other citrus fruits like oranges.

  1. Eggs

Protein is an essential element that promotes healthy hair. Thus, it would help if you consumed enough protein in your daily diet. Protein is known as the building block of hair, and eggs are the richest source of proteins.

  1. Seeds and nuts

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for thickening and nourishing the hair. Your body can’t produce these fats, and you need to get them from nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and flax seeds.

  1. Carrots

It is recommended to drink carrot juice daily for growing your hair fast. Vitamin A is required for the growth of hair cells, and it also helps the scalp produce natural sebum, which keeps your roots healthy and boosts hair growth.

  1. Whole grains

Make whole grains a part of the daily diet as they are rich in Zinc, Vitamin B, and Biotin, which are essential for cell proliferation and play a role in producing amino acids that help hair growth.

  1. Avocado

Vitamin E present in avocado helps in improving blood circulation helping the follicles work more efficiently in promoting hair growth.

You can also consume berries, beans, meat, and fish for making your hair healthy.

Once you have made the dietary changes in your lifestyle, it is time to pick the right shampoo for healthy hair. Ketomac Shampoo is the most recommended shampoo for healthy hair by the experts.



Hair plays a vital role in defining beauty. Who does not love a healthy, voluminous, and lustrous mane? However, stress, poor diet, and exposure to heat and chemicals have become a part of our lives because of our lifestyle. All of these affect the quality and texture of hair. Hair fall has also become a common issue in both men and women. You might need to look for the best ways to promote hair growth as this concern has been growing among all in recent times.

To combat these issues, one needs to follow certain habits that will promote hair growth and maintain the health of your hair. Here’s a look:

Eat right and exercise.

Though external remedies are essential, what you eat also contributes to hair health. You need to include many fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, and dairy products in your diet. You must also consume nuts and drink a lot of water for keeping your hair hydrated. Beauty reflects what you eat, so stick to a healthy diet and maintain a fitness regimen to keep diseases at bay, as certain health conditions can cause hair fall.


Biotin and vitamin E are considered the best for healthy hair, and vitamin A and B best promote hair growth. You also need Iron, Zinc, and protein to maintain healthy and lustrous hair. It is also said that lower levels of Vitamin D can lead to thinning hair in women. So don’t forget to take a mild dose of Vitamin D once in a while by soaking in the sunlight. However, remember that excess sunlight and heat can cause damage to the hair in the long run. So, moderation is the key. Also, try to choose fruits and vegetables for vitamin intake instead of medicines and supplements.

Right shampoo and conditioner

Because of the exposure to heat, sweat, and dirt, it is essential to wash our hair every 2-3 days. Washing your hair every day can rip off the scalp oil leaving your hair dry and dull. You can use Ketomac shampoo as it is one of the best shampoos to grow hair and fight dandruff. It is also advised to use a gentle conditioner as it creates a protective layer on your hair and makes them soft and tangle-free.

Use hair masks

Though plush saloons offer spa services, it is always better to go natural and apply various masks to promote hair growth and help keep frizz at bay. You can mix olive oil with an egg white and keep it for 30-45 minutes. A honey, banana, and olive oil mask works wonders for your hair.

Hot oil massage

Now, we all know the benefits of oil massage for our hair. But for better results, it is advised to heat the oil and when it turns lukewarm, apply it gently to the roots and massage for 10-15 minutes. This improves blood circulation and makes your roots stronger. Read hair care tips for oily hair.

Apart from these tips, it would help trim every few months to eliminate the split ends, and it helps in promoting hair growth.


Everyone desires to have hair that makes others feel envious. Long shining hair with volume is a dream of every girl. As they say, Rome was not built in a day; you can’t achieve perfect hair overnight. It would help if you altered your hair care regimen. Go through these best hair care tips, which can significantly improve your hair within a few days.

Here’s a look:

Washing your hair

While you have been washing your hair all your life, a few things you can be doing wrong stop your hair from looking the best.

  • First of all, you must oil your hair before shampooing. Massage some warm coconut, olive, or almond oil into your scalp and hair at least for an hour before washing them.
  • Hot water can damage your hair, similar to how styling tools do. Always wash your hair with lukewarm water followed by cold water to seal the hair cuticles.
  • Shampoo plays an important role. So, before buying shampoo, read the tips about how to select an Anti-Dandruff shampoo.
  • Also, dilute the shampoo by mixing water to make it less harsh on the hair.
  • Gently massage the shampoo and prevent excessive tangling.
  • Don’t apply conditioner on roots. Apply it from mid-length to tips and keep for 2-3 minutes before rinsing.

Drying the hair

Most of us use coarse towels and rub them on our hair to soak the excessive water.

  • Try to avoid blow drying and let your hair dry naturally. Using a microfiber towel and gently rubbing them on the hair is recommended.
  • If blow drying is inevitable, only do it when the hair is partially dry.


Flat ironing, straightening, curling, and blow-drying all damage our hair and leave them dry and dull. Try to avoid these styling products and use them occasionally. Also, use a heat protector before using these products to create a protective layer on your hair.


What shampoo you use for your hair care plays an important role. It is recommended that you use mild and gentle shampoo for making your hair soft and beautiful. Ketomac shampoo is considered one of the best shampoos for beautiful hair, and you can easily buy it online.

Use a round brush for blow-drying.

For a perfect blow-dry, use a round brush and pull your hair straight from roots to tips. Keep the blow-dryer at a distance to avoid excessively heating your hair.

Use styling products on dry hair.

It is a big no to use flat iron, curlers, or blow-dryers on wet hair as it is like burning your hair. It would help if you waited till the time they become damp or scorched.

Set your hair free

It is recommended that you should not always keep your hair tied in a tight ponytail. Pulling the hair up every day can pressure the roots and hair, and it is better to leave them free, at least while sleeping.

These simple tips can help maintain the beauty and texture of your hair in the long run. As far as shampoo is concerned, you can rely on Ketomac for a beautiful hair shampoo for your hair care regimen.


When you travel, you have to be watchful about your hair, and you cannot spend half of your trip fixing your hair. No matter how stylish clothes you are wearing or how fancy your footwear is, you might struggle to rule your trip and travel if your hair is messy and unkempt! So, are you looking for methods to keep your hair in shape while travelling?

You can use the best shampoo for hair fall and dandruff or other shampoos to make sure that your hair gets vulnerable to any such hair condition. Similarly, to make the most of your hair during the travelling time, have a look below at the following points.

Wear a specific hair look 

You can make sure that your hair looks stylish and clean during travelling. You can follow these simple tips:

  • Ponytail: Whether you tie the ponytail low or high, your ponytail can create a clean, chic, and stylish look on a scorching, oily, and sweaty day.
  • Bun –: It is easy to hide dull or messy hair.
  • Dry Shampoos: It would be good to wash your hair with dry shampoos when travelling. It will keep your hair dry and won’t add up unnecessary oils.
  • Hats: It would be another trick to keep your hair kempt and clean. If it is too hot or windy, wear a hat to guard your silky and beautiful hair locks.

Coat your beautiful hair with moisturizer or oil 

Any good moisturizer that will do it for you, like hair conditioner, olive oil, coconut oil, body moisturizer, and so on, would work wonders for your hair. It would be lovely to use natural oils or hair products while travelling. Once you have applied the oil when you are in beach areas or similar areas, it will permit your hair to absorb the conditioner to engross the salt water that will dry it out. Once you are done with your outside activities, rinse it out!

Do proper brushing during travel.

Brushing does not seem vital to hair health, but it can cause so much damage if forgotten about. You know twisted hair is more disposed to breakage, and if it gets terrible, it becomes a reason for more damage when you try to brush it out. Do it whenever you get a chance to brush your hair during the trip. You must brush your hair right deep to the scalp. When you brush your hair even a couple of times during your entire trip, you avoid dust or oil.

So, please carry and use the best dandruff control shampoo for your hair during travelling. You can opt for Ketomac shampoo for the best experience. Once you brush up your hair and cloak it during travelling, you will keep it in the most effective shape.


You cannot afford to mess with your hair, and you have to take the best precautions to ensure that your hair stays clean and hygienic. No matter how professional your lifestyle is or how sophisticated you are in your day-to-day life, what if your hair tells a different story? You need to keep your hair in the best possible shape. Make sure your hair is free from dandruff. You might need to use natural hair shampoo to keep your hair fit for day-to-day life.

Dandruff is an issue that most people encounter at some point. To know how to get rid of dandruff is a challenging thing. You have to opt for the right things and ways, and only then you can get saved from this head condition. You can look for a good shampoo for dandruff that would eradicate dandruff from your life. After all, it is all about what you do for your hair and how you do it. If you are dreadful about synthetic shampoos, you need to opt for natural shampoos. These natural shampoos are equally effective, productive, and, most importantly, much safer. Since natural shampoos don’t contain unnecessary ingredients and chemicals, your hair gets free from dandruff without any itchiness or irritation.

Why should you use natural shampoo?

It is time that you think about using natural shampoo. There are many reasons that people have lost their trust in shampoos. Since most of the shampoos you use are synthetic and made up of different chemicals, it is not safe to use them on your scalp. You might get some results for the dandruff conditions but encounter immense itchiness, irritation, and redness. Indeed, you cannot afford to have these conditions.

The point is that usually, the shampoos do have some or other side effects. But if you use natural shampoos, these would never have any side effects. Your hair and scalp would stay clean, hygienic, and free from dandruff. There are instances wherein people opt for a specific type of fragranced shampoo to beat their dandruff issue, but they fail to realize that their shampoo has some chemicals. The beautiful fragrance often found in synthetic shampoos is made up of chemicals.

Is your scalp dry?

If your scalp is dehydrated, then it would peel off for sure. You have to use a proper shampoo that effectively nourishes your hair and scalp. If you use natural shampoo, you will reap better outcomes. There is a reason for it. The reason is that natural and organic shampoos are always made up of rich creams, butter, milk, herbs, etc. These ingredients ensure that your hair gets a soft and silky experience, and the scalp stays hygienic, safe, and dandruff free.

Thus, you can easily find the best professional dandruff shampoo among natural shampoos. Give a try Ketomac shampoo, and you will feel confident about the productivity and professionalism of natural shampoos for your hair care.


Not every type of Shampoo is ideal and gentle to use on your hair, and you cannot take a risk with the products you use on your hair. If you are a man struggling with extensive dandruff, you need to look for the best antidandruff Shampoo. Maybe women have a monopoly on the concept of shampoos and hair care, but it does not mean men don’t deserve clean, healthy, and stylish hair.

Since the needs of men are no less than women, you can find an extensive range of Best Men’s Anti Dandruff Shampoo in India. These shampoos are specifically manufactured to meet the needs of men. If you think that any shampoo would do for your dandruff, you are mistaken. Antidandruff Shampoo is dissimilar from regular Shampoo because it addresses a particular head condition. If you are a man who suffers from extensive dandruff, you would love to see your dandruff relinquish sooner than you expect with suitable shampoos.

Find the Cause and Buy the Shampoo

Having an idea about the reason for your dandruff is a vital piece of knowledge before you buy antidandruff Shampoo. For example:

  • If the dead skin build-up heads to your dandruff issue, then the ideal Shampoo must contain salicylic acid and even coal tar. However, it would help if you didn’t use these shampoos because they might result in itching and irritation.
  • If your dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis, a fungal condition, make sure that you use a shampoo with ingredients like peppermint oil, tea tree oil, selenium sulfide, and ketoconazole.

Tips to Buy Anti-Dandruff Shampoo 

To choose the right antidandruff Shampoo for men, you need to consider several factors. Initially, you need to understand the type of dandruff you have. It can be because of disorders, oily scalp, or dry scalp. You also need to be aware of the cause of dandruff as well. After figuring it out, you will have to ensure that the shampoo lathers and rinses well. If you have dry hair, get one that keeps your hair moisturized and vice versa. Having the right ingredients like ZPTO or Ketoconazole can also be very useful. The primary purpose of an excellent antidandruff shampoo is to balance the pH levels of your scalp. Make sure that you consider these qualities before purchasing the right antidandruff Shampoo.

Strong Shampoos 

It would help if you looked for strong shampoos that don’t have to be applied regularly. Many shampoos would require you to wash your hair regularly, maybe every alternative day. But an excellent antidandruff shampoo for males requires them to wash their hair only twice a week. If you wash your hair daily, it will do more harm than any good, whether you are doing it with the best shampoos available. The key is to use a solid shampoo to limit your head wash to two or three times a week.

Similarly, your Shampoo should be one that does not trigger any itchiness. You have to use Shampoo and find out if it leads to any itchiness. If yes, then you need to switch the shampoos. But if your Shampoo is showing results without any itchiness, bingo is the right antidandruff Shampoo for your hair type.

Natural shampoos

You can also go for natural antidandruff Shampoo for men. These shampoos are free from any synthetic attributes, and the content in these shampoos is safe and pure. Males possess less hair, and if they don’t take proper care of them, they might lose them. If you feel that a synthetic shampoo can hamper your hair, then don’t hesitate to use a natural shampoo.

Thus, there are different shampoos for men, and you can have the right ones like Ketomac on your shopping list. Use these shampoos and see the results within two weeks, and that too without any side effects.


Every season has its specific needs and issues. Talking about scorching summers, these bring a lot of sweat and itchiness, and your hair stays oily and dipped in dusty sweat. What you can do is you can take some precautions. After all, if you already have oily hair, it will worsen during the summer heat. Your hair would look ugly, unpleasant, and saggy, so you might be looking for tips for oily hair.

Don’t panic; there are tips to care for hair to deal with your oily hair and rescue you from these hair disasters. You have to follow these tips, and your hair will take care of them. The following tips would help you keep your hair in the best mode, attractive mood, and in smooth shape.

Pick the Right Shampoo

Summers can be extremely tough on your hair, and you have no clue. Especially if you are a person with long oily hair, it would be double adversity. The scorching season for women having an oily scalp will bring along lifeless and flat hair. Hence, you must follow a pattern for your hair care. It would be ideal to pick an effective shampoo and provide freedom to your hair by protecting it from sweat and oiliness. Once you have washed your hair, make sure that all the shampoo has been extracted correctly. Not a single inch of shampoo should stay in the hair; otherwise, it would add to oiliness and prickling.

Dry shampoos are essential for people who mainly have oily hair. During the summertime, your hair might look greasy all the time. If you want to abstain from washing now and then, you can go for a dry shampoo. It would help you get rid of the extra oil while promptly making your hair locks look refreshed. Dry shampoo would give the boost to your hair that it demands.

Don’t Wash It Regularly. 

Since there is too much heat and sweat during summer, you may feel like taking a bath from head to toe every day. However, it is highly recommended that you wash your hair every day. If you washed your hair daily, it would strip all-natural oils from your scalp. It is ideal for taking a head bath thrice a week. If you are into athletes, the number can go up to four washes a week.

How do you dry up your hair?

Remember, no matter how fancy or attractive the hairdryers are, you must be watchful here. Blow drying can make the scalp extremely dry and peeling, and the eventual outcome is undoubtedly going to be a greasier scalp. If you use the dryer in scorching weather, it will make your hair steamy and oily, and you will add oil to your scalp. Would you please allow your hair to dry up naturally?

Thus, you will never get trapped in oily hair once you adopt these loving hair care tips. Your hair and scalp will stay fresh, clean, and blooming with these tips and excellent shampoos like Ketomac Shampoo.


So, you have begun to see flaky white skin on your shoulders. Well, it’s the beginning stages of dandruff, a relaxed hair and scalp problem many people worldwide suffer from. But have you ever wondered when it starts? Well, dandruff might start at different phases of life in different people. But often, it begins during the teenage years.

Beginning Stages of Dandruff

The reason why dandruff occurs and the symptoms of dandruff during one’s teens is that the body goes through many hormonal changes. Some of these changes trigger the body to produce more natural oil called sebum. Although this sebum is meant to protect your scalp and hair, its overproduction could sometimes lead to problems like dandruff.

There is a microorganism that feeds on this oil. This microbe called Malassezia Globosa is present on almost all human scalps, and this microbe causes dandruff in only 50% of people. But not everyone suffers from dandruff because of Malassezia.

Don’t scratch your head wondering how Malassezia works. We have broken down the process below-

  • As Malassezia feeds on your scalp’s natural oil- sebum, it gets chemically broken down.
  • During this process of breakdown, a by-product called oleic acid gets produced.
  • A lot of people are sensitive to it. To be precise, 1 out of 2 people show sensitivity towards this acid and get a heavily irritated scalp.
  • This irritation develops into inflammation, and your scalp becomes itchy and red.
  • Since the body doesn’t want or accept this irritation, it signals the brain to shed off skin cells to remove the irritant. This shed skin remains on the scalp or glides down to the shoulders through the hair strands. This is what we know as dandruff.

Apart from flaky skin, dandruff can make you suffer from a tight, itchy, and red scalp that can get bothersome over time. Hence, if you start to see these signs, start using an anti-dandruff shampoo.

When else can dandruff start?

Yes, teenage is when dandruff develops in most people because it is that phase of life when hormones in the body go completely haywire. But there are many other occasions when this problem might surface. Irrespective of when it gets started, you should address it adequately.

Now, let’s have a look at how to get rid of dandruff-

Although there are different ways to keep your dandruff at bay, there is nothing as effective as an anti-dandruff shampoo. Anti-dandruff shampoos have active ingredients that offer a great deal of relief from this problem.

To see desired results, you must use a good anti-dandruff shampoo. Since there are so many products available, choosing one from the crowd could be tricky. Thankfully, we have Ketomac, the best shampoo for hair fall and dandruff. Ketomac Shampoo is a fantastic anti-dandruff shampoo that treats dandruff effectively by ketoconazole, an active antifungal agent present in the composition of shampoos.

By using this shampoo regularly, you will be able to bid farewell to dandruff once and for all.


Your hair is always giving you hints. If you take your hair into proper consideration, you will never encounter any issues with your scalp or hair. You can keep your hair smooth and firm with proper hair care. So, It gets essential to know the symptoms of dandruff?

To escape unnecessary issues, it is essential to keep yourself aware of the symptoms of different problems and conditions. How many people are struggling with dandruff? If you, too, are afraid of dandruff, keep yourself informed about the signs. You may feel flakes are the only signals of dandruff, but a couple of other symptoms also lead to dandruff, such as itchiness and dryness. Wash your hair regularly with Ketomac, as it is the best shampoo for dandruff and itchy scalp.

Signs and Symptoms Of Dandruff

Dandruff is caused by a natural presence of microbes on the scalp known as Malasseziaglobosa. The microbe converts the scalp oils into substances that might irritate the scalp. Though everybody has Malasseziaglobosa on the scalp, only around fifty percent of scalps are bothered by its presence.

If your dandruff, an ink that flakes, are the prime and only sign, you need to rethink. Some things come even before flakes and indicate dandruff. Itchiness is the most typical symptom that leads to flakes. The sensation of itchiness occurs when some irritants activate receptors on the skin’s surface. In such an instance, nerves signal your brain through the spinal cord. It is what causes you to act (scratch). Annoyance from Malassezia can become why a scalp becomes so itchy that you are forced to scratch. The point is that the itchiness you are experiencing is the first sign that you will encounter dandruff. Similarly, with itching, there are other signs of skin damage on the scalp: tightness, dryness, redness, and even irritation.

Things to Note

Please note that if you find any of these hints, you should start the treatment at the earliest possible. There is no need to procrastinate. Once dandruff gets out of hand, it gets tricky to handle this. Dandruff can be embarrassing many times and hard to treat, but the good news is that help is available. There are exclusive shampoos like Ketomac anti-dandruff Shampoo that can be picked for your hair washes. You use different shampoos for your hair care; adding a dandruff shampoo to your list won’t hamper your hair charm or pocket. These anti-dandruff shampoos are exclusively made to clean the hair and keep them away from any dandruff.

Similarly, sometimes dandruff does come because of the usage of the wrong products. If you are using some products that are not friendly to your skin or hair, it is time to throw them out of your house. Don’t use the products that hamper the cleanliness and wellness of your hair. Would you please talk to hair experts before you pick a shampoo? Some people have sensitive hair and scalp; professional guidance would be apt.

Thus, the moment you find any hints of dandruff comes into action.


Your hair enhances your beauty and gives you the glow that keeps you fresh. You can do many things with your hair by styling them once you know how to wash and style your hair. It might interest you that washing has a significant role in helping you make different hairstyles.

 Give your hair a Proper Wash

Before you go any further:

  1. Give your hair a proper wash.
  2. Ensure that the hair is appropriately wet, and then apply the right shampoo like Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo for women/ladies with your fingers.
  3. Make foam and ensure that the shampoo reaches the roots.

You have to clean your hair to get rid of any dust or grease. If you use suitable shampoos, you will get soft and smooth hair after your wash. These shampoos contain conditioning and moisturizing ingredients that battle curl and leave your hair looking silky and soft. The type of shampoo you use makes a significant difference. For example, if you have greasy hair, you require a shampoo having more concentration on the cleansers than moisturizers. It will help in the deep cleaning of hairs.

What is your hair routine?

Washing is not all about soaking in the water and applying the shampoo; there is more to this. You have to make sure that the shampoo enters your hair correctly and touches the scalp. And when you talk about conditioners, it is a whole new story; you have to concentrate on applying them to the tips rather than allowing them to touch the scalp. Apart from this, even leave-in treatments can help keep your hair healthy and firm. You can know about different treatments and go for the one that suits your needs and hair type. Suppose you have an oily scalp, then you can go for Ketomac shampoo for oily scalp.

What should be your hairstyle this summer?

  • Once the humidity arises, every day seems like a bad hair day. On dull and draining days, all you have to do is add one braid on one side of your head and top it off with a cap of your choice. It would keep you cool and intelligent.
  • Next, make sure that you keep your back free from hair locks. Just keep hair off your back and shoulder both. What you can do is you can tie the hair in a high ponytail, ponytail straight back, and secure. You can give your hair a fresh spray to keep them clean and fresh.
  • You can go to a chignon too. It conventionally includes a sleek twist with inserts at the ends. Talking about the summer version, it is way less severe. You have to twist tinier sections of hair at the back of the head and pin them up with the correct pins. This way, you would get rid of all those lurking hair on your neck.

Thus, there is a myriad of things that you can do with your hair and keep them stylish and clear of dust, grease, and oiliness with the help of Ketomac shampoo.


When someone refers to greasy and oily hair, they talk about the human scalp’s soil naturally produced, and this naturally produced oil is called sebum and is easily visible on your hair.

Greasy hair is a problem that is not unknown to anyone, and perhaps no one hasn’t experienced this problem at least once in his life. The only difference is that while some people produce more sebum, others produce less. The presence of excess sebum on the scalp can make hair look highly greasy.

This oil on your scalp and hair comes from the sebaceous glands. These glands release oil because your scalp will become dry and scaly without it, and it might become a seat of germ growth and infection. By producing sebum, sebaceous glands keep your scalp and hair healthy.

Sebaceous glands are located mainly on the face, chest, and scalp areas. You might find around 200 to 500 sebaceous glands per square centimetre on the scalp. Isn’t that a lot? Of course!

According to scientists, this natural oil protects the skin and helps early humans recognize one another by the typical smell it releases.

You need to keep in mind here that your body continuously produces sebum. As a result, many people suffer from the problem of oily scalp and hair. Since oil attracts dust and dirt, your hair and scalp feel sticky over time. While this oil causes no harm to your skin and hair, the microorganisms and dirt it attracts and traps cause a great deal of damage. Sometimes, your hair looks dull because of the stickiness resulting from oil on your scalp. Find the solution by using Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo for oily scalp.

It’s not that sebum is your foe, and it works as a moisturizing agent that keeps your skin and hair hydrated and moisturized.

Summers can make things worse-

When and how much sebum will be produced, a decision is taken by the sebaceous glands. And because these glands become overactive during the summer season, your hair and scalp feel more sticky than usual.

Also, because summer triggers sweating, the situation gets worse. Sweat helps the oil located initially around the hair follicles to glide down the hair strands. As a result, more of your hair gets covered by this natural oil.

How to sort out greasy hair?

Greasy hair has no permanent cure, as your sebaceous glands cannot stop producing oil because of any reason. However, this problem can very well be kept under control with the help of a good anti-dandruff shampoo.

Wash your hair somewhere around three times a week for optimum results. Frequent washing will remove the accumulated sebum. You can always do frequent washes during high humidity days or the summer season as heat causes the oil in the scalp to spread to the hair.

Although there are many anti-dandruff shampoos on the market, there is something special about Ketomac. It is a medicated anti-dandruff shampoo that has a fantastic ingredient called ketoconazole. With the regular use of Ketomac, you will keep the problem of greasy hair at bay.


When it comes to your hair, you always have plenty of queries. You are always up with a doubt in mind. What if you get all the answers to your questions? Keep your hair in the best shape with the correct information in hand. You can keep your hair clean, stylish, and soft with good hair care tips.

The term hair care is broad, and you should not deter its importance. If you provide proper care and attention to your hair, you get not just healthy and clean hair but also solid and shiny looks. Your hair will never become a source of embarrassment for you if you take care of them in the first place by using Ketomac anti-dandruff shampoo.

Could you give them a proper wash?.  

Many people wash their hair daily, and then some people wash it after weeks. What is the ideal time to wash your hair? What should be the interval between the two washes? What washing pattern do you follow in your life? Generally, you can wash it twice a week, and it would be good for your hair. But if you have a specific type of routine, then the pattern of your hair wash would change accordingly. If you are into sports and do it regularly, you need a different routine to keep your scalp and hair fresh and clean from day to day, sweat and dirt.

Similarly, remember that over-washing can be risky for your hair, mainly if it is coloured, bleached, treated chemically, or is naturally dry. Washing your hair every day rips away the natural oils and proteins you require to keep the hair and scalp healthy. So, you should try to limit washing your hair three times a week if possible.

It’s Normal to Have Greasy Hair

Greasy hair is normal, and everybody produces natural hair oils. But when this oil builds up, that can leave your hair looking greasy and possibly lead to scalp itchiness. It would help wash your hair quite often to ensure that the oil washes away. But don’t worry, we have good news too. There are various hair care tips to deal with it, and picking up the right kind of shampoo like Ketomac Shampoo for making a couple of simple changes to your hair care routine.

Don’t Comb it all the time. 

Many women have a habit of running fingers or doing comb throughout the day. It is unhealthy for your hair, leading to hair breakages, and you might find that your hair is getting thinner. Similarly, if your hair is wet, it is unnecessary to struggle to get your comb through them. Let them dry up a little, and then run the comb. It would be good if you prefer a large-tooth comb or brush for combing your hair. You can apply a little oil to give that soft texture to your hair after taking a bath.

Thus, once you apply these tricks in your life, your hair will thank you for that!


If you are a man who has thin hair and the problem of dandruff, then be sure that you are not the only one in the world. Counting suffers from both problems more than you can even imagine. But dandruff and thinning of hair are not caused by the same factors. While thinning hair is a problem linked to your hair, dandruff is an issue that plagues your scalp. But since many people relate these two problems, they treat their hair loss in a way that makes their dandruff even more aggravated.

Dandruff and Thinning of Hair

This is normal for people to shed hair regularly. And most of the time, we think, Can Dandruff Cause Hair Loss? As we notice, this hair falls during the washing of hairs. And that is probably the reason why a lot of men refrain from washing their hair just because they think washing will make their condition worse. In reality, there is no more prominent myth than this. To ward off dandruff, it is essential to wash your hair regularly. This is to say, staying away from your shampoo doesn’t help with hair loss. So, it will be wise of you to wash your hair frequently, at least on alternative days.

When you suffer from hair loss, it is natural for you to take medical care. Sadly, many medicines that stop hair falling make the scalp skin come off in flakes. This is undoubtedly an inevitable side effect, but it’s not tolerable. So, does that mean you should not take medicines to treat thinning hair? Well, nothing like that! You can, of course, opt for medication but try switching between medicines when you feel the need. Don’t stick to any particular medicine. If that is not helping you with your problem, you can go for Ketomac shampoo.

Dandruff is not an extremely harmful disease, and it’s also not contagious, nor does it lead to other health issues. Still, it would help if you never left it untreated, as it could make your scalp extremely inflamed. This inflamed scalp skin will not be able to hold your hair firmly in place, resulting in excessive hair loss. You need to treat the scalp first to get healthy over time, and your hair doesn’t fall off.

When you notice the problem of receding hairline and see skin flakes all over your shoulders, it’s not all alarms. There is a silver lining to this situation. By treating the scalp or dandruff, you will be able to get rid of the problem of hair loss.

Overcome with The Problem of Hair Loss

Although there are many different anti-dandruff shampoos on the market, there is something special about Ketomac. Ketomac is India’s best medicated anti-dandruff shampoo that clears dandruff most effectively.

This shampoo contains a solid and effective ingredient known as ketoconazole. Ketoconazole is an antifungal agent. Because the microbe Malassezia globosa often causes dandruff, ketoconazole can have a significant role to play in pulling you out of the problem of dandruff. So, what makes you wait? Try out this shampoo and say goodbye to dandruff and thinning hair.


Can dandruff cause hair loss? Could there be a way to link these two issues? These are some of the most common questions people suffering from either dandruff or hair loss ask themselves or others.

Does Dandruff Cause Hair Loss

Dandruff is extremely common. And sadly, it is a chronic condition, which means there is no permanent cure for this health issue. The most prominent characteristic of this problem is flaky white skin that covers your shoulders and appears on your hair. This loose skin comes off your scalp, and the uppermost layer of your scalp has dead skin cells on it. When these dead skin cells begin to fall off your head, things turn ugly, and this problem is popularly referred to as dandruff.

These skin flakes are the biggest reason people with dandruff feel intense itching on the scalp. And when they scratch their head with their nails vigorously to ease the itching, dandruff gets aggravated. To eliminate this problem, you should pick the best shampoo for dandruff and itchy scalp.

However, you’ll have to keep in mind that dandruff doesn’t cause hair to fall directly. There is an indirect relationship between these two problems. When you suffer from an itchy scalp caused by dandruff, you generally itch your head with your nails. The stroke of nails causes the scalp’s dead skin cells to fall out. As a result, dandruff gets intense, and hair starts falling.

Many studies dedicated to finding the link between hair loss and dandruff suggest no direct connection between the two. The routine scratching accompanies dandruff that causes hair to fall off.

Now let’s have a look at some of the most important facts surrounding this issue-

  • Around half of the women who suffer from these problems have no idea that these problems don’t have a cause-effect relationship. Even if there is a relationship, you have a significant role to play in it. You fail to control scratching caused by dandruff on your head, leading to hair fall. Dandruff is a condition in which the scalp skin becomes extremely dry, and this dry skin makes you feel like scratching your head all the time.
  • Many people suffer from dandruff and hair loss due to a condition called dermatitis. Dermatitis is a common problem, and more often, men suffering from hair loss also suffer from dermatitis, but they don’t even know about it. The most effective solution you can get is Ketomac shampoo for hair loss.
  • There is no specific answer to what comes first, dandruff or hair fall. In reality, these two problems are parts of the same vicious cycle. While dandruff causes hair fall at times, hair fall can be why you have dandruff on your hair.

Sadly, dandruff is not a curable disease. Yes, you can keep it at bay, but it will return with even a slight laxity in care. And that is why experts say you should use a good quality anti-dandruff shampoo to beat both of these problems. Yes, there are numerous anti-dandruff shampoos on the market, but no product is more effective than Ketomac anti-dandruff shampooKetomac has ketoconazole in it, which is an effective antifungal agent. By being antifungal in nature, ketoconazole, in turn, Ketomac can help you get rid of the problem of dandruff that leads to excessive hair fall.


The problem of dandruff is widespread among people- both men and women. Every person must have experienced this issue at some point in their life. But do you know what results in dandruff, the most prominent symptoms of dandruff, and what’s the best way to get rid of this problem? Is there any dandruff control shampoo? If your answer is ‘no’, then here is a guide that you can follow-

What are the most important causes of dandruff?

Dandruff results from the combination of three factors-

-The first factor is a microorganism that lives on our scalp. This microorganism is known as Malassezia Globosa.

-The second factor is the oil naturally present on our scalp. This oil is referred to as sebum in scientific terms.

-The third factor is the sensitivity of the scalp.

Now, let’s see how these three things come into play. The excessive growth of Malassezia on the scalp breaks down the sebum and produces oleic acid. And if you are sensitive to it, just like many people are, you will have irritation on your scalp. The symptoms are well known to us, that is, dandruff.

The starting point of dandruff-

During puberty, the hormones in the human body begin to change. This makes your scalp produce a lot of oil, and it is this oil where the microbe Malassezia Globosa thrives.

And no, it’s not just during puberty when you are prone to having dandruff; hormonal changes can also occur during times of stress or old age, leading to dandruff. That is why older people and people having a lot of stress often suffer from this problem.

What are the most common symptoms of dandruff?

Dry, flaky skin is the most common symptom of dandruff. And these dry flakes appear on your shoulders and neck, causing you a lot of embarrassment. But flaky skin is not the only symptom of dandruff; other symptoms include dry scalp, redness, and excessive itching.

These symptoms could arise when your scalp is sensitive to the microbe Malassezia Globosa.

Natural Ways to Deal with Dandruff

Many people prefer using natural ways to deal with this condition. Dandruff is annoying, and it can hinder your everyday lifestyle. Therefore, using different ingredients, people attempt to treat dandruff. Tea tree oil is one of the best remedies for dandruff, and its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties are highly beneficial in curbing the growth of dandruff. Coconut oil is also an excellent remedy, especially for people with dry scalp people. Some people also prefer using baking soda to get the desired results. Using these remedies and rinsing them off with the help of a quality dandruff removal shampoo can do wonders.

Natural Remedies for Treating Dandruff

There are many ways you can deal with dandruff using natural products. Some people prefer an orange peel pack to get the desired results. Creating a paste out of the orange peel and applying it for 30 minutes can be a trick. Rinsing it off with dandruff control shampoo can provide added benefits. Many people also use neem juice to treat dandruff at home, and it involves a straightforward and mess-free process. Henna is also an excellent home remedy because it helps soften the hair. Some also add lemon to enhance dandruff treatment. Essential oils are also great options, especially tea tree oil.

What is the best way to get rid of dandruff?

Although there are many things you can do to prevent yourself from developing dandruff or cure this problem, the best solution is to use an anti-dandruff shampoo. But make sure you use the best shampoo to stop dandruffOnly then will you be able to get rid of annoying dandruff symptoms like dryness, itching, and flaky skin?

With so many dandruff shampoos available in the market, claiming to be the best shampoo for the oily scalp in Indiafinding the right one for your scalp could be a little challenging. But if you are pretty clear about what your symptoms are, what kind of hair type you have, and what kind of bonus results you can get by using it, you will be able to zero in on the right shampoo.

Experts advise you to use medicated shampoos instead of mass-produced commercial ones because the former is more effective than the latter. Again, the number of brands selling medicated anti-dandruff shampoos is huge. So, choosing one for your hair might seem like a challenge. But don’t worry! For the best results, you can try Ketomac shampoo. Ketomac is the best dandruff control shampoo available for purchase.

It is effective in clearing dandruff because of a broad spectrum antifungal ingredient called ketoconazole. Ketoconazole prevents fungal growth on your scalp because of which symptoms like itching and redness don’t develop. This shampoo also has moisturizing properties to a great extent so that your scalp doesn’t feel extremely dry.

So, what makes you wait? Try out this shampoo and bid adieu to dandruff once and for all.


Is it possible to have hair loss due to dandruff? Is there a way to find a connection between the two? Or is there any shampoo for hair fall and dandruff? People frequently ask these questions, especially those suffering from dandruff and hair fall problems.

Dandruff is a common chronic scalp problem. This problem is characterized by the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. These white skin flakes are a menace because they make your scalp feel uncomfortable and cause you to feel embarrassed in front of people. Although these dead skin flakes come off the upper layer of the scalp, they can cause extreme itching. And when the sufferer begins to scratch the scalp, issues like hair loss arise.

Many studies have been conducted to establish a connection between hair loss and dandruff. Some offer enough evidence that dandruff doesn’t directly result in hair fall, and aggressive scratching by the sufferer leads to this problem. Since the victim often scratches the scalp for relief, the hair roots become weak, resulting in the hair strands falling out.

Early Symptoms of Dandruff

Specific symptoms may indicate that you have dandruff. Most people consider the white flakes to be the initial symptom. But, it could be accompanied by dryness or itching. Before dandruff breaks as flakes, they bring itchiness. White flakes usually follow it. The skin surfaces that have been triggered are usually itchy. The nerves send the behaviour signal through the spinal cord and brain to scratch. Sometimes, people are so compelled to scratch. It is an excellent early warning sign. Others report experiencing irritation, redness, tightness, or dryness. These are usually the early signs and symptoms. The best way to deal with this condition is to use the best shampoos in India for hair fall dandruff.

Here are some facts that you might like to have a look at-

Around 20 in 50 people, especially women, suffer from the problem of mechanical hair fall. This is often caused by aggressive scratching to get relief from itching. Even if you use the best shampoo for treating dandruff and hair fallyou might experience delayed recovery because of the habit of scratching your head incessantly. Since dandruff is a condition that arises mainly due to excessive drying of the scalp skin, the urge to scratch the head is almost insatiable. Scratching is a primary concern for many people suffering from dandruff, and they end up getting hair loss because of the friction that gets generated due to scratching the scalp.

Other essential reasons might cause your dandruff to result in hair loss. There is a health problem called dermatitis, which is a skin condition that causes not only dandruff but also hair loss. Hence, if you are not too much into scratching your head, dermatitis could be why your hair is falling off.

Another essential aspect to consider is that dandruff doesn’t cause hair to fall directly. It is primarily indirect. Sometimes, scratching undertaken on the head is so aggressive that the skin of the scalp gets removed. These injured areas of the head become the breeding ground of microbes, which often cause hair loss. And that is why you will have to control yourself from scratching too hard on the scalp. Otherwise, even the best shampoo for dry hair and dandruff won’t be able to save you.

Things to Keep in Mind

One thing that needs to be kept in mind here is that dandruff and hair loss is part of a vicious circle. It is not always that dandruff will cause hair loss; sometimes, it could be the other way around.

Now, the question arises, which comes first? Is it hair loss or dandruff? So, it is pretty much like that situation of egg and chicken, which is hard to solve. There is no denying that dandruff can cause hair fall, and we have already analyzed how this happens. But sometimes, using the wrong hair fall treatment shampoo can also cause problems like dandruff to pop up.


One thing that enhances your looks and appearance is your hair. If you have beautiful hair, make sure that you give it much attention. Once you have lost the charm and beauty of your hair, you can never get it back. Always take all the precautions and shampoo for dry hair that you can take to ensure your hair’s proper health and upkeep.

Luckily, you can do plenty of things to guard your hair and maintain its charm in this present era. If your hair is getting rough and dotted with dandruff, you can look for the best shampoo for dry hair and dandruff. These things should never be ignored because they create many inconveniences once they get out of proportionate.

Why Is Dry Hair Prone to Dandruff?

A dry scalp usually occurs when the scalp doesn’t produce enough natural oil needed for lubrication. Similar to cases of dry skin, a dry scalp could also lead to irritation, flaking, and itching. It could also make the hair look dry as the oil production is minimal. A dry scalp could be a result of:

  • Skin conditions, like eczema
  • Excessive washing
  • Dry air, usually during the winter season

The scalp sheds dead skin cells regularly. When you have a dry scalp, it could trigger the shedding process. It may also make dandruff look like flakes. If the scalp is moisturized correctly, it could help prevent or treat dandruff significantly. Getting the best anti-dandruff shampoo for dry hair could do the trick as they have ingredients that can help moisturize the scalp.

Stick to a Good Shampoo 

There are good shampoos like Ketomac shampoo, which is the best anti-dandruff shampoo for men that have the potential to fight all the roughness and dandruff that you might be facing. If you think that general washes will give you an escape from these issues, then you are wrong. Ethical matters play a significant role in rubbing off the problem. When you pick Ketomac Shampoo, it plays a crucial role because it contains Ketoconazole, a broad-spectrum synthetic antifungal agent focusing on 2% in an aqueous suspension.

This Ketoconazole works by eradicating fungi on the skin known as Malassezia. These fungi occur naturally on the skin; however, people suffering from dandruff appear to have much of Malassezia. The shampoo works by interfering with ergosterol, a crucial component of fungal cell membranes, thus weakening it. The enfeebled cell membrane permits the matter of the fungal cell to slip out, resulting in its death. So, in this way, you get rescued from your issue, and there is proper upkeep.

Why should you pick the best shampoo for dandruff right away?

If you know that you are suffering from dandruff, then there is never a wrong time to pick the best anti-dandruff shampoo for Women/Ladies for the solution. Dandruff causes extensive hair fall, and this dandruff can be highly unsightly, making it an embarrassment. What is the point of sitting with your date in the restaurant, and one of your shoulders is spotted with heaps of white powder (dandruff)? Wouldn’t it be so embarrassing? Come on, maybe you don’t care, but people do. Such an instance can ruin your moment and forms a dull impression about you.

You can escape these embarrassments when you have the best anti-dandruff shampoo for dry hair. You would never have to be sorry about your hair. Instead, your hair is going to complement your personality and life. Don’t forget that dandruff can affect your social life because it usually leads to a lack of confidence and lower self-esteem. So, before your dandruff hampers your confidence and self-esteem, it is time to guard your hair!

Thus, in India, you have the best choice of Ketomac shampoos for your hair care, dandruff free, and dry free experience. Once you begin to use these best shampoos, your hair will start showing positive results in two weeks of usage.


A healthy scalp is a vital part of having healthy hair. A portion of hair inside the scalp is the only living part of the hair. So, for hair health, one must also have a healthy scalp. Dandruff is a condition that impacts the scalp, and dandruff affecting the scalp causes damage to hair growing in it. Dandruff doesn’t need to slow down the growth of hair. But, indeed, the hair that grows from dandruff impacted scalp will be less healthy and more prone to breakage and damage. You must know the way to fight dandruff issues to have healthy hair.

Dandruff has other harmful symptoms like an itchy scalp. But experts recommend that one resist scratching the itchy scalp at any cost. If you scratch, you will damage hair follicles and prevent hair production of good quality.

Dandruff also causes damage to the scalp’s natural moisture barrier, which leads to both dry hair and dry scalp. When the scalp fails to retain moisture, the hair it makes is also less moisturized. Dry hair is prone to frizz and breakage. In extreme cases, dandruff also causes hair to fall.

Symptoms of Dandruff

The symptoms of dandruff manifest in irritation, which is the main reason for dandruff – Malassezia Globosa (fungus).

  • Redness
  • Itching
  • Flakes
  • Dryness

Flaking is the most apparent sign of dandruff. They may appear on your scalp and also your shoulders. Flaking is caused by the tendency of the body to speed up the rate at which there is a renewal of skin cells. Thus, excess cells develop on the scalp and will flake off. Though flaking is the most evident sign, it is not necessarily the first.

The first symptom is often itchiness, which indicates a warning sign for the progress to flake generation. Redness and dryness are also early signs resulting in tightness of the scalp. When such symptoms appear, it is a good sign that one must switch to an anti-dandruff shampoo.

Ketomac Products

Ketomac is essentially a formulation of Ketoconazole. It is a topical application of synthetic, broad-spectrum, and antifungal agents in a concentration of 2% in cream/ shampoo base. 

It is an azole antifungal that works by preventing the growth of the fungus. Ketomac is in the same class as drugs like miconazole and fluconazole.

Ketomac cream/ shampoo/ tablets contain Ketoconazole, killing yeasts and fungi by affecting their cell membranes. Ketoconazole prevents fungi from producing a material called ergosterol, which is a crucial part of the cell membranes of fungi. These cell membranes are weakened when there are barriers to the production of ergosterol. As a result, the contents of the fungal cells leak out, causing their death.

Ketomac Shampoo

This shampoo is utilized for the treatment and prevention of dandruff. Ketomac shampoo also treats dandruff, itching, scaling, and flaking. In addition, It helps to ease inflammation resulting from dandruff. The shampoo is a synthetic, broad-spectrum, antifungal agent in a concentration of 2%, available in an aqueous suspension. Best used to fight dandruff issues.

Ketomac Cream

It is an antifungal medication that prevents the fungus from growing on your skin. It treats multiple conditions like candidiasis, jock itch, ringworm, athlete’s foot, etc. It helps treat flaking, dry, and inflamed skin with scaly, red, and greasy areas.

Ketoconazole Tablets

These should be used when another powerful antifungal therapy is not tolerated or available. Tablets are considered to treat systemic fungal infections in patients who do not respond to other therapies.